JN~ ID EPENDENT WAUK GAN 1WEKY SUN . , 'VOL, 2O.-XO. 33. POUff PAGU -LIBRYYLZLAIE (JOUNTY L l ID YMAY 10, 1912. ON" TO NIGET 8 1. 50 PER YEAR IN ÂDVÂNCE CHAULESO CINSET TOPPLEDO V.: EN RIAII.iNG CopNUON 11m IAR OiV MIS SALOON. vAs, iliumEI) NERALLY PICKED Up UNCONSCIOU& ANO*18q RUSIIEO TO THE HOSPITAL BUT DIED. Lter: Charlet Gunset dlsd aI the wlhothavlng regmîned conmciotis- Charlem tinnmet. a veil knoWn local s- liou keeper, la In a ver>' erlous con- dition In the, Jan@ EcAlilaer hompital and probahî>' nul dis as the Ireanît cf a tait vImcli ho ustalned Ibis mom-n- lng vIe h. toppleti aven the reillkg et the porci aItih, nuar of hie saloon on Water street. Iust Veut Of the HO- tel Wmmblurn andl teli tu the battom « the ravina, eighty teet beiav. As a resuit cf th. baIl ha uaan eil a broken 149 au-Ilai5belleu00 tW bave beau Injumat Initernally. Siam Cye saloon. Inatead of goîng honte last niglit, Ounset decided toalme.,> ln the roomn ever Mia salace. This moring sbort. 1>' beore 8 ocock, b, arcs.eand l i. ed to the. rean porcb. Appaently b. la ieI.balance viien bc arrivaitiat thelb railiag andl toppled over. lie bail b M baaroubleti vlhb apallm of dlzzl *M 1.ms mea by bout trouble for one "e. and il la bellev.ii Ihat it vas vuliei.lnuno thaïsmm peils tuaI b, The cmiiisSmo ch oert Orateur aene'tmuiu a abarber $bop a tav douro emt. vas on bis hacit porch t the. limetth. accident happeaimd. Ho di nct aee(lunset tapple over but gaw hls body ituriiug hhrougb te sir. PIchc.d Up. Unconsclou. The eeider Grt ener vas altracteti by bill VRa&cm>' anti Iluet cet. Tii. body of Ounmet ves ling ku a huii- dIild b«au> vere ithl dia .. Tier la -oIlilght of seleo adlng dovn tu tie fontot he ravine at thia pint And (luneea- ev ual Ifbi. vont down ta the. bridg. on Sherdan rSd and clambareti dovo liaI bc diglit ho tan IMe. A talaphm o l10e va ear. by andticiii. iv, un i.Ide&..plue- Ing bus arma aboutt ilb sP0l. b.bat cilsbem béef ailte dth bMemt 0un9st via MlIi necoqeIous vimmn b. srriv.ti at bigide. àparooti>' bc &" bd Iadeti beat Brut as liera vas a deep> lmi a i ma w b.e i&i.bil etruci 4th. giound. Tii. inurad m vas bleedlng fiothle.moti anti nome. Ambulance Sumamonad. Onienerla am u v ment tu, théHo- tel Waahbnrn viae ati mrbulac. va, sumnioneti. Grest wvia immdn the. ambulance et about the.nmre lime ltaI Dr. <lourey arriveti lu blm auto. mobile,.lHe made a ait>' atamiamion am ununeti that Gqumet uw» ln a mrloqa condition muid abolà b. bar- riti ta ltehospital vitit li pomibi. speefi. The. nstritcllone wvan flot neodeti as the ambulaunce madie a rec- cmii bruahing lime 10lie imep"li.- Suicide Theory Donîi. iloota were cula-ent toiis 1ta th effect tbhat Otnzet baild eIbeatly lm1et0apeM bis rear ,oreh ta mn efoit to «M ibis ilf*. Ibis thery la amI crefftiumat mnreason cmn-b. sarbe4 for bis bavlng attemptedtut endi bit 111e. Ginsmt bam a premperous saloua businees aI4 d ied mamde mieaew mmoste 10 muae ta the kloostio m- erl>' conduacW b>' Wl»mant Os. ]. lied neyer apoken of bd= dabpemi- jWt despte thetant that lie b"d uf- ~tord conudemube le jnaof lets, It ocl>' recmtli «Mi holesufanti a élo onea eb the lite l-ma iere.Ut'- 98 bh oeOenMtOlUS Or elot he *" d vlmlb 14 va«cbailveti voul r.- saitIlu bis desth. Tasfmta" Who t t le tuimor nieat 11 b hme enay ain,.4mared the afoubga@t M iioves ccitiuittlly. A t«MeMla vblchob. sv Wsa s 3e*t 112 WaMa- ohrblEaf fu«9«« mà jdàà,Petsmlocal bartuider, Who = " a n o ràMed ot r nimt f« Patesmon wlio la the Beh-wma buUlia& corner of Gezme. m nd W~tm streets, 1t. anebuilding tu wbfie Omiimet occugla iait, tm.tiad ttat unm. Guat weaM ta hie fiat botween 12 end, 1 o'clock Wednesday ulht mand RWab.otng hlm WltS musdli t mime v A« cotatdmstiy woi.4 about ber bus- band. Shi mid b. b.d gotten up out of bed at 9 o'tiock alter b. b.d beea &w&kamef by a vlvid dream n uwiic b. thoughtb l.a vloou/ as beng mon- terofiby robiiern amithat b.d amie to tào place 10t oseure tUMmeitthat *verythinç was a lrlglit. RInce thai tinte b. b.d = ltito ratura. In the, mornlng about 5:30 o'clocké Peterson saldlie wecnt ta Gunmet's )m an ud tound 1dm uv.ir, ale&>- kng on a ilttle cot. He said! he told Ouinset that be bad botter go home and that the latter bail msum'd him b.- would do mo ln a few minuna. Batifled vith this ho sald ho b.ai gone away. Short]y alter Leven o'ciocl< ho mmIi he determrnnd to go back and get Gunset to go home anid eat ls break- fat. On the var h. met Frank Feli- vey, Gunaetm bartender and they went together. Wben they aulved Gunset mig fot ther, and they went outaide and iock il the door. At this moment Lb.e tva little tniener chilMren rmn upi asur! told thesu that a man bail la]- len into the ravinie. A glauice over lte rear ralllng was ail that was nec- esmary to convInce them tlat It was Gunset. They smtmoued the amubi- anc. and a physican as; soan as possi- hie. The atory tld by Falvev vas practl- cali> the sainme as tttaitotld by Peter- son, wth die exception Iliat hebeoit not seen flunset inre Wedneoday at, nn.Bath men a'ere unable toa afi count for the occdent but wore In-; cllned ta think that Gunnet aqlmplyl walkéd on10 the bacli Porch and boid tumbled fluer the ralllng which las unumualiy loi', Coaroner Taylor uueotlaned thte men coite rloae iltii r-gard ta a report that vas clrculated on the. treets te the effet tat Gunmet hart $500 In hlm poclieta on Wednemday wbich lie diii not bave viien lie vas pckad Up. Bath denled any knovledge of sncb a report mRad were lnclined to braztd Il au a canard. Falvey sald Gunmei bad over $125 In hie pockel viten pli-ked up mand titi ot tiMnht that lie b.d more thon tu lte day before. Wben quamttSoet as tao unael condition, botii of the men tqutiied thal apparentlv b. vms In a normal condition Wheu tbey laut av hIm olive. Tbevadumftted lbe b.d mufféred a atroke, of Spopl.zy*mre Utl, tint apo. but diot tbink titis huitaffect- ad hi. mfterva.d. The evbdence whldi couhii be secureii was verY meeger and mlter a careful oonsaieratlon the Jury i'eturned an open verdict deciarlng that trami the evIdence it vas lmpossdble ta stato boy the accIdent b.d happened. WhuIole liasmflot been pr~tcally decIded. la obelleied that Gunmet wll b. glven a milltai-y tunerai at Port Sheridan and viilb. burted bonored In the Fort 8heridan cemetery. Gun- se" aerved many yera In the regular armv. Ha vas a member of lte Span- lob War vetermuia and tibs orgaMtie- tion. togetber vltb th.eaglas, Ben Hure and German Workin'msole- tien ama pianljw ta attend the funermi lu a body. The. Waukegan Post of tih. gpmnis-Aunerlcmn Wmi veoteamui mio viii attend the. funeral In a body. The tuilerai pronalmos to be one of the larfmt lisr bei ld In 1,&»coanty._ RIES, INCIDCAIO IOSITL EIHI1'LES MNTCHO!rDT-0 DEATI4 WHILE UNDERGOING OPERATION IN CHICAGO. OPERATION FOR TONSILITIS WAà ADVISEO DY WAUKEGAN PHY- SICIAN BURIAL IN KAN. Charles MeNell, af Waukegan, choked ta deatit on an operatiQn table in one of Ohcago'a largest hcopitala. Frldmy nlglit wvbll nmdervelag au operstion for tontliltia. tTntli recontly be wam exnploy.ii at the . . 8naval station, North ObCa$- »% viere b. b.d active charge of a largo crew of telmitters. He l.* Waukegan two veek mgotonight for C&Icmgo t talcek troatment for toumt- 1"l. Frlday mninng a Chicago spec- laliet advloed am operation. MoN.1I died on the. table betor e operation bad beon ccmpleted. T'he deceaeed bua mail.Wakegan hlm biie for tw.nty yrm. Wbon the. Werner Sugar Bfflingn oumpsiY firsl iodated lu Wmau=m a ira mthle retarmiscitool, B> meN.ll bal obirge o!f t crev o! lav tie i>'cn b. parled b>' tie state 150 stemàmtters vbich canla-uteti pardon iboardi. th tnimk pipe Uînes lu te lb. iwua-Mines Ia Lib.nitmd heui" otfwvbt le nov lte COaan pro. Mît. Mines, of Lakte Bluff, Ill., vas deuels Ittiimngopaay. liliémrtedti ront the La-keocoucty Wjul B.qmé@saetildi commeai. yWit h b>' Sherif Elmer j. Green aI 6 olcctk Oora "rodtio Êig pt»> monud" -o-I.>' Mines mengpt lb. 3'n.rs qMo tii..g .potem no incae w iater la 1.11 for restigUi amt-caat KMa»City'. Rince that lime b.obIa Litke Bluff. lie 01mo20a a Ite Bluiff COD *Werd un oea-ral of *0i bzmget noali hrough tb. leg vithta -icI £ua. %bore .tcNes. - Seman lEnds Hîs Tecm. The. rIma-n lu ib. forumitie t 10 Ciarles Plunkett, arresteti la Ra- Kanse as «boeiaI. ciue, WIa., on a larcence>' durae, v7s The Ilcmmbet la liehecotid oiùcfdsimhgetifront cuatai>' tii.mc b.aenoêm eu"daenci Mr. ati Mrc. lng. Plunitett vas cona-icîmI mandme- immes mc$a0u. tmet la Januar>'. Ho wua an as: Cbogiap MX~ vs S-I ditocite" rmalie memau At'-thleTUiteIdSales Ç VlbsIU ?.ek«wnàd é ml d 'uita na-el rlua tion.- Natibicago, ouIILJ~r C. &L14. E CHICAGO à MILWAUKEE ELEC. TrRIO lm, opURA4TgTHROUGI4 TRAINS PNiOM HiRE 7O CHI. WAUKECAN Sp«CIALS TO MAKE BUT 919W STOPSI BETWEEN HERE AND LAI FOREST. Wben fimuel IMeIlI, lte £lberty- vilete 'ielc auae, aanunie ovc Irai of thie m»1^a-of Management of t1ie detunct ChitwMa & Milwaukee Electrie Rmlroad .onpany an June 1, specilral zi.m vîI ho eoperated ie- Iveen Wo»koewm ad Chic-ago, s la the C. & M. M. thacha and the North- Western Blevated "Iiroad af Caok county. Ancording ta piesSet plan,'%r. I- isuull l aefsme control af thc road on June 1. Beween tisi date and June It, a big percentage cf.Clie elestrînc crs owned b>' lhe çmpany ail! lie ted wIt abo«o 0tiiey <eoulie ap.rat.-d over the elevalmd road. Pl resjulres but two houri la lt one car wit4h the sboes. . MAN WITH MIND UNBALANCED PATIENtr AT NEW YORK HOSPITAL PICKED UP ON ICEBERG RELATIVES DEEPLY CONCERNEO OVER REPORT AND START INVESTIGATION la James Elabury of Gurmee, suppoaed ta bc th. oni>' Lake c.unty reidant wh. drowned on the lll-fated Titanico, live and in a New York Hospital? l3 it h. who is calliung outI n hlm nhree spaclaltraina, 10 o b linosun deirum:"Lke outylllno as the WVaukeffnLaItke Forct- t liica- Relatives of ElsInury bav-e bearti go sitelala. îli hoe operaMîedover the that tItre s s apassihllly lie man hues, eacb da>.'. iea. tr-tiin. ulil the>- have counted as dead. isv alive make Only etopi at ponts licîveen and liey have taken steps to deter- WaIukegan anti Lakte Forest. SIilar' mine usubetber tItre la a chance the trains la he ttowyaàa lte litle For- est-Iliglmud Park-Chicago speclala, man usho usent to Engisnona a vans- vill be operatmd dm11>'. 1lion andi toali passage home on lte In otiter voa 4s.l Chicago & Mil- big liner, la naw a patient, hilsmind vaukee Electrît i yU enter Int keen unbalanced as a nesuit of belng ex- conipetitlon fihtheit, Chicago ant Northveslern ralboad. An sarlv morn- posedti t orlt re,_etc. lng cwauom umn siit pmt eti belveon WaukEcan and chIcs-1 go.- What Report la. -%ra. Elsbury ta lie STIN tolad.ai m-itte t Iat the familv had heant ia CLAIKIS MISS GENEVIIEVE REED, 0F NEW YORIK, PERSUADED #4UBBAND Te LEAVE HOME ~UI? FILED LAS? SATURDAY ATTACHMENT ON FARM NEAR ANTIOCH WAS TAKEN BY MRS. LORD'$ ATTORNEYS Charglng allenatlon af affections, Emma E.' LaIrd, wldow of the late Williamn F. Lord, general traffin mana- ger of the Wscansin (Central Rail raad, has brought suit for $15,010 dam- ages in the circuit court of Lake countv, agaînst (Genie, eve Reed, of New Roachelle. New York. Mrs. Lard rnargea that Genevieve Reed, intendîne ta Injure and ta de- prirve lier of the corntort, teliowmtlP and support of her liusband, and hlm assistance aud aid in lier domestîn af- faira. dld.an the 28titday of.July, 1905, wrongfully and injurlausly entîce and permuade Willianm F. Lord ta urilav. tul>', and witbout leave af hlm vite, depart'and separate huiself tram hlms home and bis lao-ed ones. Mima Reed and b er attorneys, A. F. iteaubien. Benjamin Parmalee and Chas. Kng, appealed the casa to the aupremne court. The upreme court decislon beld that Mlise Reed bas flot used undue i nfluence, so reversed th. declalon fo the circuit court. Memara. Coolie, Polpe and Pope rep- rement Unr. Lord. The, declaration vas led vlli Clark L. 0. rcIrTay late Satunda>' atternoan. The. attorneys represeuf- Ing Mn.r. Emma E. Lord have taken mn ettaolufflAt onithe. Lake count>' prap.rty. S-heilf Elmer J. Green levled on the p¶operty thla mornlng. The Lord-Reed came la wîthout doubItii.e moat svensational came on tii. local docltet. William P. Lord, as lia been re- iated In the SUN, died In Itisa Reed's home In New York. Lpon Lords deatit It vas found that lie lad made Mimaeiteed a prement of blm Lake count- t>' fan. Mns. Lord, aoo atter ber hubanda hburl, brouglit Suit In Lake county ito retain possession of the Lake count>' tarmn. Tii. takiug of the testîmon>' occu- pied a perfldof about tva yearm. Mas- ter In Chancer>' Elain L Clarke. of Waukegaui, hotore viiornithe case vus heard. decidedt lat Mima Reed bail ex- emctmbd undue Influence upon Lord anti omiereti that the property be turueti batik ta Mrm. Lord. Tii. case vas tien carried ta iti circuit court viiere It met the, mne fate. JUNE RENIESBOY SUR" ARNEWaTIL GORDON FRALEIGH AND LAW- RENCE SCHAEFFER SENTENC- El TO REFORMSOCHOOL, CHARLES PLUNKETT, ALLEGRO BURGLAR, FORMER APPRENC TICE SEAMAN, NOW FREE Han. Charles Whitney, judge of the. cIrcuIt court. tada>' denled the prayer ot Attorney' Elmer V. Orvîs for a nov trial In tie case of the people Of thle filat, vesus Gordon Frleigi mand Lavrence Schaeffer, the tva boy bumg- litre. Judge Whitney sentenceotheii boys ta an indefinite terra In tho atate r.- for. tlool at Pontlac. Ylinole. Their setnedeýpealda soley upon their. PROMPT DELIVERV TO ALL PART 0F THE CITV SEVERAL TIMES A DAY 18 PROPOSED. l'bat Elgin merchanta viii 50cn gel tagelbea- on a co-operative delivier>' yan for tuaI cl>' la lte boilmet everai vite bave beani of lie nego- tiations. Ai lb. plan la worked ln o01er citles a stock compan>' ls formeti ulmici iny ail the autosnohlea, bora- as, Wa-gos, anti equipment, a manag- er la aqwonteti antihln in 11 imes lb. drivers anti looks after the affaira cf the. Smaany - "» .deilaer>' cavera the dl>' thor- ou"iI, ch vagon having a certain rmulee 10cuver Iva or tfire., tint..a dey. Selic<tara for lbe varions stores cover thie cil>' escit mDrn&g tel.- pbounug ln thuir ortiera in lb. fer tie final deliver>'. Hou»wevv mai' siea cadem hy phtone muid bave lie driver collect the bill for lthegonula. Advnlag. for Ail Concermed. As lte systeni vomk8ouittlb hloievîfe bas -eate. aroceries,U,is mil deLivoredtitahem boone a- et .hlm lmmfd of 'boing hchhered b>' severml drivers fron thîe different places. Il aiso voris ont as a beueflî la eacb met-chant, say'propoumns. The>' Iva enabieti ta ruici out fur more business for sînter Ihla plan lie viole cil>' anti even the, ontaitirtla amad. territor>' luvblobeve*Tmlime snsleut merchamutna>' vont outis NOT TO TEACH 8EX HYGIENE Bex lygiene vîll not hb. Imaglun tb. publicigh achol..The <Smposl- tion vas defesteti Wedmn.dar iln pri- va-e canfecence ln lte OMMicet Prost- tient Jumes B. McFtrich of lte Chii- cage board of educatom. AÀcompro- m lise wvaseffeoltid, Ithe pponenla of « te report cf 1he comllatte. 0On Rex yleeconentins te mL aa-ctlula- tion for. gla-Ina tusructlca te the paI, etaeat meetIngs iln te pâlIe ebool iuîry anil la treasurlng thte letter great 1y. The, btter ta Mr .Dady folioa;s "Mmmcii 1, 1912. 'Athelney, Somerset, Engiand. "Ralpb Dady, "Dear Frlentà Rapl:- I see by the papera that Yeu are ln thie harnesa aga.ln. I wiil ie b.ac In lime to vote for Yeu. i1slli se. that we al top tbraaiting thia Urne. i think You have a guoichiace this trne. 1 bave not made, an>' plana about comlng back yet. but 1 suppose -lien fine weatlier cornes 1 vil] ha getting liens'. TtItol a rougli day toda>'. This lphoto is ef th. ohurnli wliere 1 use<j te go. Seem so nie ta be able ta go again. Nothing eema ta brlrg orie bark te boyliood days mo muni as the aid chuirch. 1 go ever>' chance 1 gel. We lise onetulle tram boe. The church lu called St. MIi aei'g and the aid chur<-h on lte hl la caJieil St. Mloaels Mouint. Tliere la flotimu-ch left ot the chuircl but the tovera. WC ussd 10 u1sé it for a Pînyhouse. Tt Io flot a good photo of the bllI. Tt really is sa steel) -ou can liard]>' walk uip it. Show it te Frank Mefad-ask hlm if h li nows it. Y hOPe Yeu are ail riglit. Rememnber me to your ftler -,-il tiserest. Tel] hlm t Ihave flot torgotten hlm. 'Tours truly, "JIM lELSBURY." MAKES SUCCESSFUL FLIGHT IN BIPLANE Airahlp Made by North Chicago Man Declmred by Experts to b. One oflth eaot Accarding ta John Wojton, son af Stanley Woton, North Chicago saloon keePerthie WOjtaa billan. mde ts firat auccesafu flght Weduesday mo1rnlng at 5 O'clock on thte Franzln foai wesvo f North Chilcago. The Young man wlio bas woriced vith hie fatiter lu maklng the alraMtp, toda>' taid the SUN of titeir firaI ftigit and. viien the SUN man sbaveii alepti- cloaOver hila tatoments, be suggaet- mml that ble article li vîthielti untl anch ie as another fligitt la plannati anmd a reporter cai wttnesmTt itbmmelf. Young Wojton furtiier expbgnuedi a. Chticago expett, J. B, Batmo, vas larmm- ont ta vîtuesa the, ntcblnem figlit and, that he vent up oncee vlth the, ftler mand once wltii thle mon. The satatenient of the. youuger Wo'3t- on la that be andl him father have con- alu-ucteil a bîpiane vhich, under test, wsa driven et lhe enornicua rae of 75 miles an hour. Under test the, same machine bas reched an alti- tude af 3,432 teet. vords vas pinketi up on an Iceberg b>' u.telisOr of heFilglil en« Of the eadue hipa anti taken ta Asteti tor detala 0of the fligit. Wojb- Nev York vîti man>' otheri. Me anti on gave lai description as follovs: the athens isti ditteti long on the. Wben lb. englue hbeen "tuneti" bomg andtihte expoanre ta coiti, uun- u'pteJvno sitdhm i o gem, thirat, etc.. vortati lavoc not ualt netrassa l i o ouI>' vltb Ibis imans mîibut otbera 10 a eal In lte nmbine. The. <os- vho ver, picteti up as veil. chne vas turned 1l00s. lraveled about It la racailedti Iat dispatches stateti 110 font on 'the graunri anti thon soar- ltai a number of persona vere pickeil md Into tue almompiere. Tie Inventer off an Iceblerg. The question tu:vaws Eiaiturg ona of lb. number. mareti about the, Franalu field, near May' Go £oant Fourteentit atreel, for a fev minutes The. Elsbur>' famiiy bas vritten ta adt he. daove his machine due veet- -te White Star Une officIaa sta doter- yard. Me tiaveleil aboulten mile. mine 1h. facta lu the report vbici muid thon etumnedto th ie point or b.- las reambed hoeeati tho>'andti tiir gni frieais -viîî anxiousl>' avait Informa- gnlg tien. . Jmat vhemo the report original- "«It'sa avonderful uccea' vsa his oti la not kuiovu. Even the Elabur>' État statonnent sai le Jusupadtithei famil> adit that lb.>' bard Ilt roni grounnivhen ho bad &bit off ltie mc- persana via board Il froni sonibodti>' elae anti , no far' as tan be learnti, lie ont. vho firat madtie letatement A second fight y011 b. matie vith- bald eail a tilpatdl in some Eastern ln a fev tisYs. piper glvlng tacts ansatet aitave. Mr. Wojtan bas tva more machin«. Mmma. Elabur>' toda>' admîttedti itt under construction. On Jli> Fourtit il la possible tuat one of ber tamil>' ho viii eribit a monoplan. vhlch ha wiii go to Nev York tu loveatigate guairanteos viii make 120 molles an tle mnalter in order ta malte sur. hoas 1 aileviicrr v tu tb, posbilit>' that Mn. Elsburn is i acie il ary w peofl. realilu itue band af tbe living. About Augusî 20. Mm. Wcjton vili whil Jams Esbur, te prmi-exIhbîl s freak machine vhlitvili Witle ams Eebr>' lb poni- mi--yelght people ant iU imile tb, nent.urrtee =mmm vIa vas drovn.d trip ram Chicago ta New Tort vitit- whenthe teashipTitnic entouIt aetap. Tfia machine viii ho fit- ticyn. vas- vlaîling relaIves lu Eng. ted l tvo mutoara. landl he hati lis pictume laiton for'Ite fmir lime lunmmu>'y.yara. On. of th». he gave ta biesaister andthle SPEND MUCH COUN+Y MONEY reat b. vas bmnglng home w1th h 4_Zigu Cit>' spenda a lot of Mon.>' of when hie.aster learneti o! the fate the.IAte counl>'peor fundi tbrougb Its tuaI bail hefallen b.r brother, eh, supervisor, H. W. Forry. Wble vo nmiled lte picture ho b.d gla-en her are not able 10 secure front Mr. Ferry ta mrs. Walter Dunlap, of Ourneo auj statemeut, ve are Informeti vic received Il a feu days mga. Tii. tirougi othar parties liaI flfl>-s.a-,n lndependitat erein. reproducea Ua c f tb. people recelvIng benefit t<mm picture. Hie frieutim .i> It la a per- tie poor funti o! the counl>' belcag to tedt lilcenesa c! hàm. the Voliva faction. W. dont kmow Statela Attorney' Egl»h Doil>'bhas e. hov min>' o! thase peope can affond cetyeti a letter front tadon, tingeumai. la aste aeveral bouma lu lb. day pi- allci vos imalied to him a fev da>'m radilng the. tovn to anno>' deeeul dlîl- pricu, ta tih.date h. miiet on lte Ti. -ans, but va haonli k il oulti go ta-ai, lualthe letter Mm. Elsbury de&- &aIM va>' tovard getting thein09 oeh« ismeMm antffi - at gellut biek the taith 1e tinte va-aimia-ot te ltme eo.. fl lalo $ dais.Mr, oMIPU ga-dethlve MD]oye t-Ilo Bah'us.a vaa fimaIciMr. aw 1udeS5io PART! 5UC1158 LIBERTYVILLE DANCING CLUB PROMOTES EVENT 0F UNPRE. CEDENTEo SUCCEbS HALL LOOKED BEAUTIFUL ATTENDANCE WAS LARGE AND ALL FEATURESOF tHE AFFAIR PROVED OELIGIITFUL The A miel Club gava Ibeir annuai Mal, Party etI the bibemtyviile bown hal]lenta week Thurutia>'-aveniug. lInvitation$ ver. lasueti b> meunIers of the. club Io their frientis vhii wero libetilly cm- spoudeteta over tfity couplas belng ln atteudance. The. hall vas ver>' beau t18011, decoralsd with ariicimi apple bleserma, erseand - otiter gruaentiecoralion.. A bouer og giroen decoratlone andi apple hiosmmea ocupleil the etire leugîl ai the bi andi on the Magiciens' platiarm ni luli aest enid tva arbora voie buili, ou. on eltier aide. theoarchestra sent@. usi arranged laluth. senter. Tabla. MW luanging baskes vîtu forum were m1T5g-ý ed arannd tleb. al mnd eai rrspu1 intervala electrc ligîta vith globes pe- shades mode huom q.olor.ii tissu. pawe were ospeaueti ran the houer over- heati vhich addad material>' ta lh. beauti' u t te eora-l @:m The.18 lumuitura vas movedti mthlb.bassse# of the bail mand porch fomniture, taralehs b>' the. Ray Flurnlturs & paint Starku, coumlto iofwillov pomdb chair, mtit and rockers, vas appropriaa.»Wi Put lIbo flnlsng tonna epoalbq, qs tienmsimdd lalaa viblatm., ela i1 . vm alal e i.maI as lb. theputlam6 Mnost ne.essiofila kibd everim se Libertyvil., <or vhich unlîmîtel csmIt in due th.Idien ci teclob.- The.gownm vom u bythb adm"ri momt boanil end mati at>', haing Iugd made up of vhiteand pic* #Wou%& , Muaide 1cr lthe oca-**ioas fobui»4- b>' Batch's six plste creàemiaseo Janvlle, consisling ci h&p, uli1Fil ý tromboue, cornet @nt@ and drùm.. Short>' beiore ltheuanofcitwl lalt relrahuimuin te. vaofaise. rtac Md cakes ver. s.rved, mter vlctoidaeq' eoutiud uthil tvao 'felk. vlim la ochelstra plAymii "Boime, Bw.malonu.e- Tii. mvant asa viiobe wvia aeg beanul ui ad piemaintallfait ad, onît vhch viii b. long remembucud iii' tbo" wi h o aede4. ,, .pr#parl th]@,Ibe hlblalmo « ftheaibymor la UbmftvPla vs noe umaui t te mah e b foW, sn4 pla n arrcanmentci limbal 4W brIma "ntllbhe fl dodad * a s- tammd nl ueach ipiidt ie.~u Lhbertivmle pffla râoguas IisaM as le m@cWaI vent 0 et su»mua ve. evldenced b>'the a-ltenansme wmati ý effort 01 &UteapMscluat hbslhms May paulsm bave bom b sithe, "00%m but nover buassMmay partsbina obaraefr erlamdb>' lbeuauarbed' numm wbbb evvody tebo attended or t bamgI ta do vilathlbaanl liiss~i, ameu te the. rant effort Want suggestioua The diretors oailbthe i".CoumtI> Agrlciduural 80ety woulut grmSIý apprecate -auj suaamionsMu>'M. su bav, ta offer csgiiag lbhc.a-baba et thte prendmlutlimI1or Ibis ymmi'i lais. 1 jon bave a"y uggmtlom Iaokmoieuf dopartmeul ln uhcla lb clans 05 luMer ta a-paumor tloB mealar. Premirum lias mi>' b. bal b>' ppflaaiet - mscretsc>"m offluI te iil Iingvmrilus building. SIND AONYMOUS POSTALS Týe po Orcèdepartmt la «IL, pet-lencing coamierimie troble Ca- tume Circulationi of nunmeuu omue- moue postli rmss rglng the ecmal a-ad spa-ndati aareligions grmpem MA.>'ecf hem b ea unelC la Geoas"lJmes E. altmot 51. omSIc luepec, land mu eot la bat" Matie ta fflueti endea-rsa"utg flooing cflte mils vilte i peia. The pontalon &m b. lie wCof it basu et, - ietrui, b O Md th Aithougit Do offiai reîýor t hae as repart ta lie effect tiat a maxi vas yet heeB givon ont.lit la înderaloood belng caned for lu s New York hos- tie big ovumra cf lte ralirosi are ae iat h keautnngteevra vort au a, riorgauizationpliant that al Rb eputrighs wd: vii aUc Mue bail lecieIlîne thle"Lai-e County, Illinole7.' He aya no amete4- ; iet.e Unitedi Stats. mare andtiei attendants are unable to t If spdew b hugii trains are Qlper- get mare tram hlm. That 11ey put abed bmtven lWusgmi andi Chicago1 some*talth lu the report la sîown b>' lu mea tat fuliy 100 men willîbe tefc htM .Eauybsfr given *11lflnent -b lie alroatiL.td htMs lhr'bstn emaq - . wrded a pleure ta lie White Star lino ln Nov York, of her lumbanti, the mEnunna sio as.that printeti lu this Issue of [LIIIg~~j~jigff~J the SUN . B>' means of thia she oe u nrîîîrnî nurrît o determine for certain if tuera la a 0OS IIITMTINM chance Ilat hem huebanti, long count- ~ 5LL5LSSed as deail, la mliv, but ot of hlm CO-OPERATIVE PLAN CONSIDER. heai. ED FEASIBLE AND MAY START 1 Plcked up on Iceberg. A COMPANY. Accortiing ta the report, 1h, man _____ I ho keepa calling cult te about p tl