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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 May 1912, p. 37

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Page Thirty i ~~~LAKE COUNTY .INI)EPEN1jENT FmV?-V111B,-..--- The Whoe World Is to Participatelai the <ireat j San Francisco Panamna a Paciflc li#poition la 1915 fly HAMILTON M. WRIGHT. 1,i-v areMessrs, Mctvim.Mead hg Grecian cninmna adorncd vt H1E %hoi orid Is intereslcd ii V. Iltc of New York, design.es of ad- lIte Saga et ailt te nations of Ile uorIid the openitig of the Panama ca- ison Sqîtare Garden. tie BsonPbile atnd eurfloitnteÔ Et convenieul Inter- na] and lu thc greal Interna- hbiryr, te Agricullural bulding t ais by cl.ssle arcades. At te uec tiouai tete at wiich te Unitedtitie %VorldIs Columtbia exposition; Ilion ot these two streets will be erecl- Ztqtps wili ceiclite te comupîleion ofr hmsIaîni presîdent of Car- I d ta civitŽ renter. hebidgsu ,lite canal lte Pauaia-Pacilic Interna- rere & liastings, arc-iiitects lu chief titis architectural group will cost close thonai exposition, lu le h]inel San for te l'an Auericaii exposition at to $90W0,000. Thte nucleus or te civit Fr I n 191-5.lu lObfîali.l; crv flBaron, designer ofthelte cnter Wlll be a new City hall lu laite The proclamatilon of the jîresldeult,. 1 clunilitiuL'irlal, ; fi Polk, tassoc- te place of the one destroyefi in lOts. Issued h luthiorily of congress, han te 1 %% th P. IL Iturîham of the The exposition autitorities bave voted1 been del vered titroogi thte intrunîcu r 't'iî d- uuub, expos).itio nat Chi i- hesain of $1,OuOs, for a great stud]- rslly of thie departuteut of state to0 CV cago ,ýTiese arcliftoitsandiud udr 5550 o- rium to acconimaodatte visltors 10 oun t-M quarter of te globe. luquiric-slas clies lronotince te site of te expo- ventions during te exposition. A to thet exposition are ponrlng lu upon stion i l, onsurîîaaed for nat-rest mar- arcal opera btouse will be erccted by tc exposition management froun alil ine cuclebratitm. The exposition truc- prîvtae capital nt te cisic Ceter. end parts of the world. The nations or the titres wiii lic flic largeat tand isstliest theafiamons singera, of lte world wiii be world la recognition of Americas great ccir erccted for a worid'a exposition iteard lu San Francisco In exposition THE NEW UAN FRA2NCISCO, LOOKING OVER THE CITY TO THE HAIDOR, SCENE OF THE .PANAILA-PACIPIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION IN 1915. t-ujlevement aI Panama are preparing navu ili ha visible it detailI 10 p555PD- to participation lante expositionoripou gers on ships enîering te Golden Gale. a Smore compreltensive scetle titan ut The srite ofthlie exposition takea ev- aa of the greatest of former worlds ery advanlage of te combinatlon of *IpcSltioas.Liarbor and hbis titat give Sant Fran- The forelgit nations wlll be repre- cisco ils chie! citarin. The main fea- we snted by the fluest assemblage of dis- turcs o!tlite exposition 111llie located plays tat thew orld hassaccu Ture i Harbtor View, on Sau Franciscoba ftrmnge trites aud peoples of Parfile mldwuy itetween thet ferry building OMn coontrica n i li articlpite in autand the Golden Gate. sud the permit- avonderful nctck's festival lit svhicli te tint buldingsa ho rermain afler te ex- natons of te orient wil ite pat po-sition lu oit-r nlbcecrectcd lu lihe Tie most marrelous jiradea cicer wtt- n est end of Golden Gate park. wviicit neased will becs"en on te streets of frouts oi t he P'acifie ocean. These Ban Francisco. sit(s and Intermeciate locations wW ie h Thea comçaonweaitits of tetUnited couuiecled lîy a mtarine boulevard tat States, cacil of nîticit as a itiemiter of ane-ps front Hairbor View through thte tae Union bas takeit ils part liiîtePiesidilo 10 the Goiden Gale sud titan building of thecmaia, nl l ie reice- tnt-uis souritt 0Goolen Gate park. A c, sealcd by thcenîost toagulticeittaite Iraicitics trolleyy oui tnt-e risitors over displayscever assenabled. Calitorniatiliis tiiiiigifli-ent ileirboulevard trom dedicaled more titan $20.ffitOmti u thie lHarbior View titrougil the mlilary ras- lSaUons fair, and lhe city of San Fri i.ii % t-iiiion et lite Prestdio. whceltae gov- dce, them'est sud tirentonoare co errnuent [s îplanninlg natrondertul mii operating t0 rentier te exposilUon one tary disp-,itia.1 Golden Gate park. sud thet s ilI express in e'ery way te pritie oîîe adission 5-111 lucinde enîtrance 10 and pftrlollsm of lite Auserican pteuple. bult fettures. Tite site express«ate Thte tîaaama.aclitè Itîernational exr-smatime citaracer of te great cce- position iili hbclthcgrealest exposition brutionlaIn arntony n-it thse exposi- Inl te itlaory of te world. A noîtable tonSriitFraîtcisîo lsef if ahI haan commission ot archihecîs of national etiiosition cly ln 1915. Thse parka raputation la engnged ripou te plans, andulwatcr front of lite clly aili ha lin- and waitiin a few wLeks tirst cousîrrtc- tvov-d at an cxpeîîdllîre of tillions lion avirk nUll begin, a-heui gradiutg ofif utdoîllars. anud te ferry building. lte te site and te isuiidiitg uf a sest wali, mi nîîu cirliiîee luSuu Francisc-o, will whiicit aill serve l in at as tae basta Lei iduincd tritt a granîd court of itpf of a magritàceni osplsaude aiong Sant or. Markt street snd Van Ness av Francisco liarbor, commUences. litrete ii- w-o iomaitorouigittaret of Among tlito uuîcdscliltel-, wtio ira Sait Prancicet. etîcitrunniug fronthlie 3;_ designing te Wonder c ylt i oli Hl ouI Ltud md uetg IiiaîîV Ittee iteM$ rise front lte aiores ofBSn F-ranicisco of te ety. aili lue decomal.d -with days. Great saengerfests lia which choral soelies of foreigu (oulili liarlicipate avIli habited upon thtecxp sillon gronds. Tic Panama-Pacific Internationale position wiii openu titha pageant San Francisco hianbor of the loi 'thilis o!flthe novies of lthe told, 'I forcigît vesqeis w-lt llstns-ealLei Itampton itonds. tilero Juuiiedi ly -,il of lthe Atcrictu cary, lteecittîre fi %3'111 ho rei-iesred by thc pr2,sident, thc UnIlad Staites sud foreigu) digr taries,'rnis tnee-k the argent evet-a sembiei. avilI titen lî-occcd throug tI Panama canaltle iie itarbor ai i Francisco, 'teiere it all participate lthe mont spectactilar nAval demonstr lion ever wltnessed. San Francisco 1135 aili sec lthe linge of moreatio titan have ever bren brongitt togeth la one place aI any oua tinta. Fto unofficial assurahnces non- recalved it anliclpnted thaI 100 foreigu balîleali ln addition let tose of lthe unit Stalas navy avilI ha galtbera inlui Francisco hambor. A Aliuge conameniorative ediflce. *purport like Barthsoldi% statue o! i erly. avili aveicome vessais trot a'i Thte structure. te he known as titel Frauda Meaoril av oer. wll bha fret lu height, viith sbase 220 fi square. The shaft wlll ha elgiily-i teet square.,aviit corners ronnded. i of staief oîul~dioa »ýflderra col venerftlg. Tihe approxlilâte cieaI lthe baver will ha $1.0W,000. t-onti sammit lte sigitseer avIlIlook aint straigit; doav upon lte waters o! GoldenW Gate. 1»D fret beliw ORMNI GOLDEN GATE PARHK, SITE OP THý PERYNENT FUAT= 7:zF EEi'mÀ& nome UnIOITEATIONAL EXPOSITON AT.BI lIOun51M' thc ieo ç90 ex- lu lie- l'hit 1aI lips lect oit -ni- - - -- -> - tw.~'r-,iw.5 ~ ~ - -~ -,--. ~i~O~Llg - 'r____________________ IL Pin your falth to f Irst guetýss es And sýcoind thoughts 1Il By h »kiug thtough our show, wln4oiws Yot~ ~ d ùë.eann~eof oUr preparedàss o sapge1y you clotbtig, tan we coul d tell, you ln à whOle Everythmtg worth conslderln g, every style that's ap- gpve#~is, lwsetein the Seidel SîtmnJard qf ~Bbtgr Clothea't ëSd Furnlshlngs and arranged tÔ sinllf your selection and to aid you as a guide to Values. No Better Clothes on Earth-Backed by our Uncondilional Guarantre Phone 1352 PA 119 Oençsee St. DEATII 0F ELSBURY IS DECIDED POSITIVELY AS t RESU LT0F INQUIRY MADE b BY WAUKEGiAN DAILY SUN f Dlspatch to the Sun From the White Star Une Says That Elsbury Is Not One of the Surviv. ors and His Description Fits None of the Unidentlfied Dead Picked Up. F. C. Seidel e& Co. '*The House of Better Clothes" PECULIAR COIN, EX-MAYOR F. BUCK f UNEARTÎIDAVOCATES CITY One of ltev NlcGitiis soush". Jituerhda tîccliar sort of coin AR A C V TE 1 ht asIrkmd losierblespcua.UÀBII YS E1 tion by those vho have aeen IL. The ________ boy pic ked It i) ,while digîna in bis garden a fcw daym ago. WOULO DO MUCM TOWARDS The i norlistion on one aide of flite STAMPING OUT TYPHOIO FEV- coin readg, -Chaton aid Lyoua Ilorge ER EPIDEMIC, HI SAYS RaLIEWa.Y (omipanY.'<lanthe ollier side il gays, "One Fae." The question tt)taI arisle o was lte GARSAGE COSTS HlM $60 coin iiwed o on me fsort of a ri-lrvad anid If »o, on whlch on. M far as- __ Iinown Waukegan aster bas had a- PAYS $60 A VIAR TO HAVE I$I horse rallwfty but the mnom uiay haie GARBAGE TARIN CARI 0F BV tan theve buried for rnany yeavs VARIOUS GARBAGE MIN SMOKERS IN ZION 1r. il W lii( . h.ex îua>.îr of %Wnke- gati. IKie.-îe,1liec creatIon of a muni- lamlesElsitiary la deadi Ln* ff<alswee l=îalt egarliage delpartmeal wouid do The hopte that tite mlsaing Guruce talled description of àr EahrywilI III S niei onaru.stapig uIlie:, la rmner might hal e escaped dsdath:1 the vsueet Iha t tey telegrapit al Il rto wa îr is pideml o a tWte an slieu te Titamle saut, due 10 lthe r17411 ooî as possile any Infrmatiin ttat kegan liewekwt eni Tilasepssier yInformaatin tof lise M COOK PLANTene*WàYer port reeelied by the family that aý tlîey mlght have. laken front an iceberg and placed la repsort Ihat gained cnvreacy absout 'VLIA' EWWANNGMAESt î%i i ir)l-ry cleared of ail a New York hosuital, crled out front itere ltat a mnswilo mîghtlie M~rVLVA EW RN1 MRSg;îrIa-e. lie ira.s the garbage galh- titue~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ tolmlt od at OS Lbr a e ae o naNw ABONFIRE; INDEPENDENTS cred $:îèa uinlth 10 <lt-an a lte mb- tire e tme te wrü, Lak cun' E,ýur wa bin caedfo Ina ew WATCH AND SMOKE. itihai th ie meat mark<et on Geicitse ty, Illinois," wae dasiled laIe thisl York itospital antd they werease aflernoon wian, te SUN received a toi make an luveatigation. Tilahistey I __________sreel. specil dialiatoit froui the officialis of did la a short tînte andjlte dlsatch 1 li t iiii i h ul-sîîd glaîtly contrit)- te White Star line dolaring titat recclvedl today shownts tuiat tere la no' ZIONIIES CALI THE FIREMEN t'ie 1hiý-i -uni o the cily to aid lanlte .Nr. Eiabury la not amtoîg lte sîrvi- longer auîy resson te hope titat Nir. î-giliîiîvitnicýiit (if a cîty muîniildo- to0rs. Ilsbîry lis asuce. Withoul question lta, li ietit.ly ho îîinglite <laits his The telegrat followls: ie foîud a watery grave aitli e ,un_ OEPARTM ENT RESPONDS SLOW- iteteilts oiid libc realer, Inasmucit as New York, May 7. îireds of other iterooe wio willngiy Lv ARRIVES IN TIME TO PULL Ii', $';') 9 'îutd tIekiîî cloeu p some Waukegan Daiiy SUN, gave un therr ilveala order thait wo- DOWN BLAZiNG RUINS. psov inn litt iack yard. tse Wuea,11 e n iide lh esvd Nir. Ilikclairelte estsabllsitent lit ofkgn I.masdcilima ii asvd ttIhii gavitage syl-tein coutidlite as tan James Eisbury, a farmer aged 47 From lhe ite Mrs. Eisitnry prac- A uew oittitrt tri tie Ziiionitacro î-injeiiihcîl l a bond issue, If t, no 3in years was à thîrd clasa passanger on ticaily gave Up hope Litat ber huas-t ar oirre<l Titentl* v tilit wiien INNo iii liet-mariner. ra- the Titanic mand was net smong -the band avas ahive &aes aead hat If bile11lîflhordz rcctîsd by Vliafoihnw 1îi~ ts ttemeul tu a ",LJN representa- i la aurvivors. Ther. were nu unidarrîl- had managed t encipe dgaih t LitIbleor& opposite tire took uanuutactrlng tivereruails as folow. 1an'4 fied dead who unewer hie descriptlun. certaly avonid have onnuxaîcated iiitt-.wCeeiturned. 'Yotii îay ntl knoa Itfitut h cati iter WHiTI STAR LIN E. wiUi lber. As lIme aent on tilla ho-:1lvowds gathes-esiand a n iol s-as trîthlîhy aaythuai lieta ypitoid fever TiIloteongmsagILS elb ifhaane elaut.hire-,ueacd sienflit, atrital ofir ie pu :deati rate ln Wauksgaui la larger thian trip te S(hN oday upoa a roquent beiag' The report Isoaever that Mr. Ela- lice force u.can lt-r c 4i cal itittvd: lna ay city.la lte tUnited Statea or ledI m ade for finlaiIn<oraaioa regording ilnry inight ha la a New York hitaîtal itet-sotta. lEurotpe. 1t hImly bebieve lte trealmenl San te fate oft hie Laae naflity tmoi. 111bis mpomiily ouI of his Éitnd as a te- sorr-wlg iimil e,4 iu4pste rIans eh 1 iteteribleoi'~ ~The Zion lire derarltient, utanured otthue eitY saler sithlte bypocitior- lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h ahIse-tt onybv nacn 1 piga ubriss yTdependents, aent 10 lte lazse,'ite of lime solutiona areoid one.,ibut 1 .Lb ~crned about bis fate unit for titis res- now titis la deoomed 10 die agin but aesfing watt aas bit-uing, only doColttiakthlie cIN officile witild fair. son lte SI'N set out ho locale lte Thoe la nov no furh __ , f e-wflleied lte lire. neglect t take trilte garbage ques- t.farta W "-e cse. he Wi-eStar c'tDg te Sisp man.A new more ou flite part of bileluIntion. Some of lte iack yards la Wsu- lu50 .epcase.nas,,.ho contre] te co ire ,kegan aresa rinse o<futh. Titere are feel la under way, Iflml reîtorted. Tilsa la a great nîany people lu the clty whio ilve A*firaneew Maraton, fr. and Mr@. itar- thte paeage of an anti tillîboard ordi- apead itundrede of dollars annualhy te ('AILBfT A L ~ T ris and Ibeir lavo ound Ma arynance, siticil%%,Illi troti bIit e erect- dean nuî their proîterly of ai l lUth, but tof - Zmmarman, Savai-al 0 ie at Ion of aay board or placard exceadiîg -wit good la derlvedi ytle s man If ilse VINhI e ffl 1 S ave prostratad hy titair experience. elgit feted square antdaili requite itabs nazI door ueiilbur la ton poor 10 .st I fl f.eUP I_________ resuoval of tite score of linge ill.î have hie yar-d prperiy olegaed. theMOCKING ATerectod ily ZIorttes. "TiIs gartiage $#att.r la one t g #R' W LYÏ À OC 11G Bl, _ T cTinrea employos of a pipe orgeat should ha laken Ïup 'oy lte cIl> ofilc- I~ KK WL IiL JIIum onpanY of Et-e, Pa.,avito art-ved o.tas- TFNT COLON y day lia erect lte mamm1otitrtrasa ln Some action ta>'lbe taken lîy Coin, Suit TaINFersiaiie aere met at thie do miffsioner Elmer V. Orvis Inasuxucit as SENSATIONAL INCIDENT MARKS- pot and waaned that tey imatIt-h Mr. flache shatatmnts were direcled OPENîNG OF SAIL.ING SEASON 1 For sonte 11111, tinte pist te pa- s«I fron tlohacco wrien ln ltee ct>'. 1 hlm as weil as la a SIIN represen- AT FOX LAKE SUNOAY dents at iii lent coooîq avet O! tite Tite>'langilingl>' agreed. lative. ckty, have beau oonsideraitly nae- e-i ln a naockiag bIrd whiiclu bas ba GUESTS GOF CASFAMILY fnelgi iatvcnt. bd anC LD ATLEFT FOR 1THE tihi iir o5.mte wt a , 1 VQd Ktzcl i15<1 * ENd% %I% CHICAGOANS WHO WIRI AT I-bUSE PARTY ARE SAVID EV TIMEI.X ARR4VAL 0F BOAT A siuklug Incident ilreailaaed dlsa- ter lu. a hart>' of Ohicagoane vito avare goreýts of Mm. and Mmi. C. B. Case ai a itouse pacly aI Fox Lake Strnday afL- ernoon. LYndon and UrIxan Harris, sousot %Ir, and Nra. Jita S. Harris, avare pLepaiaa 10 tan raflesuad savm ashoro front the botat vit -te frigtit- enes women la the party wvitn an- otiar iboatl aeahurriedi>' dspatched 10 lhiar aid, avithihe rasait ltat ll avare saved. la bthe aaer filled craft avare Mes. William Hoituiird, har daugttec, Miess Mary Holaird; Mises Prg«ou Ceavies. Mm. antd Mme. C. B. Casa. M0ia. Ilelen Buuck, Mise Leoua Wdidman, Mise bita of mebody. Tite patienta have conate 10look for lie bird ever>' day sud they mals ut vory macà If ha tille 10 put In an aplsearaisce. Tt la consdered rasaark- abiy stmrge ltMaia mocking bird should ha touud la this pe.ilof lte countrY avitn usuall>' tiey Alaiay ey savaral itaadrad miles Douth of item. MC&NN WILL ORGANIZE TEAM Titos. H. MeCana, former manager of lte Cuit iasabalteat, aili argan- ize a tear nlt Waukagan titis summaer. Mr. Ahîstrom waili pitcit for Waukegan and Bud Vosa aili occuapy the stand behint lte bat. Baverai otitar aeul- knoava hase bail playars lu Waukagan avili wear W&ankg&u suits, Ahitrom pItcited for Hlgitiand Park asat Sun- day and alloved but oneait.t Mm. and lira. Benjamin %Vlitltletôn were caiied easa Tutesda>y lte il- aes nf Mr. lWhitl6ton's tirotiter. They left Wairkegan for Medina, Ne'w York. 'Mra. Thtomas Newamaof0 N. County street, la a daîlgiter of Mr. and Mra. B. WhIttteon. 4 EAb 1 1 UAY Mrs. Eugene Titompaln ad famil>' IeCI Watikegaa today for Plitaiurg. Penn., avitre Mr. Thompeon la 10 aISciate kg head chamist for t"e Amarican Stehl & Wlre company. Mmi. Titompsona B salrs aili accompx.any item to Plitburg. Cul out Ubhi rCoupon c-i Coupons of (Jonsecutive Dates will entîtie you to one of the SNATIONAL VAGODI OLEAIRS advertised in previous issues Page Thirt3,_

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