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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 May 1912, p. 12

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Pan .pour _________________________________________________________________________ I ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ClIICA(iOPOUICE *CATCH AN ALLEGiED ZION CITY MORER ARREST CAME AFTER A TWO- VEAR SEARCH HAD BEEN MADE TO LOCATE HlM CONFESSED IS GUILI ZION CITY BANKS CLAIM THAT FELLOW FORGED A CHECK FOR $65 TWO YEARS AGO Afier havlng hîs naine on the poice look-out lbook for ovc 150 yearii Clyde . Travers, a' ',dward F. Wise a check forge e itlire(l iyý the police of the (. ,....go detectiie bureau ladt ntght. in April, 1910, Tr. 'ers forgeil a check ton the an, of Zion ('tIiuder 'the rnane of danrLi F. WXVN Srnce thenthie ipolice have be.:i carrying bis plctîire and kept a sh-arli w'och for hlm. He wans aeeiiast nî-glît b.v fo deecivs.; as lie v.aS wallons' acro.si the Clark sreet bridge in Chii'ago. When accosted iiy the detecJeios. lie inaiaOed it aibisnania was Travers and liit he h,.d lneyer board of an,; body by the îîame o!f\ise.,but afier he was iakwri to the station anhd sown a phoograiph. he admitted thai the plclura sas o! hnsekf. He was arrested on the cornialnini of W.RILSqnlth, presdentof!thie bank ln Zion CiiY, %,ho suys ihat Tra 'ers forged a checki on bis bank in Aîril, 1911). for $G5. ALLOT SPACE FOR PLAY4jROUND AT CENTRAL SCHOOL SESAME CLUB TO ESTABLISH A PLAY.GROUND ON SCHOOL YARD IN FEW DAYS. SCHOO.L BOARD TO ASSIST BOARD VOTED W0 TOWARD EQUIP MENT; LADIES 0F CITY ARE TO SPENO OVER $300. The ochool board has allolad the- south-weet corner o! the (Cntrai school grounds te tihe Sesame' club) o! Waukegan for a publie play-ground. TuooMay nîglt the mnembers of the publie achool board declded te gise $50 te thse Sesamne cuh te a.alst them in purchasing equiprnteflt10haInstall- ed In the iewly siabllahed play ground. It ta thse intention o! the menîhers of the Sesamne club 4te tance In tibat sauae alloted thern at the Centrai sobool wth an oinainentl. woven vire fenoe. This ta%k wilil hacoileted at once. Such a(lill)rnetit es la generally fond In th.e play-grouikds In al the big iparka thronghoui hae siate willl be Installed aI the îPl,, _rund. 'The maînhera o! the Ses 'i. .abhpropose te spend $300 in pro, . , quiîung the ground. ln case the a piai. O lroves a success smlar l-eas %i l t,,estab- lshed In ail]limportnt sections o!thie cty. Thse grounds whan !onced Ir, willi ha open during certaIn thourE of tha dey. An Instructor wil ha ernployed te watcb oser the chldran at ther work and te talie rare o the equkprent. gLOt Ralment In Naseau. Mre- Young, the hosteue, who. by the way, vas oweetly gowned, hl, ber very ponge.nt manner aiided very much te the esjoyment of the occasion; and *Il Présent retired ha plessant dreama t 1:30 a. m-Nassau (Bahamasa) Tribune. Yt Man Bonate of i Braie. Juat tbink, even according ha the Bible cbronology It took mnu 6,000 yem eto learu that thse wheei o! a car on a bard snîooth rail would run euler than a wbe six Inches in.the &My took man 60,000,000 years to aIm tbi.-Excbange. Toast Worth Recordlng. A ruaU.e caEglili aylng runle: «Hwwtea, th e poor mas.' May' big but «d beer k.ep on inereaelng year by year. Mfay bis deer uttle wife be the joy of bis life and neyer kick up a racetk.Maynée do & h@ bcan te poose ber old manL and mend up bis O14 nged jacket." Botter aill la this yergtee* 5H.e'a te tbo oaf that noyer crumible; boresi te tb» ie t1.9tn»Yergrumee* bs to te bflU.l amenle s tn>m.- To wicb W p tetmp<e< t. aui; Hsem% ZION CITY INSTALLS A SCAVENGER SYSTEM.AS E UN N I n sote ivas.v i lie lii l.' it' of Zion IO ls i onsiderably fîîrthler advanced Ilian'1 84 VO E Of 49* la Watikegaîî. The îiost notîceable way lis wlth regard le safegnardlig CE NIEflA IAS the liealîb of ias resideuts. At the present titre Iwo Nvery implortant ordi- nanices are )iî for -oidpratjon and TE NM F WL NW lit le sald thaf ihe, su) l 4 pî)asaeÊat' AGED WAUKEGAN RESIDENT the next metisg of tlie couîncil. APPEARS IN LONG LIST. One prvides lihatIfli(, snlar.of Iile co-mm iss inr o I h siail lie $700,1 whliiethe ot lier pro; îles, for ( lie cre- ation ni a scaie'îger a1141 garliago de- ixartiiinîtifor. ithe rensux aI of ail stib ,tances injiirioîua to heaith \Vaiîlegan a il Ws lialtih î;mniq alon<er lb1at 'îa Near, a lîluh <t la neP<le-.tsa 51, il'.cs flotlis'rinitin 10 deole al] oî îî'aî i ait of kils lune lIo the work, Tiire lsabshoiuîoly no scaieuuger or garhage depurtiennt and if the ia«iiîle w i;l ilieir gar'bagie or ruiîiîi auilod awav iheo Itiutt a ploy a saaengei- ai their own expense in do an. Zion Ct uly han hafi consflaraiii trouible slth sichuiýs of one klnd or amother, and il is sald tbat the ciy has ilded iliat ilîls cenbetst be altoi; l by adolîting saniiary rnaasiiree By glu ing the heaii.h comsolnsaloner a f air saiary they are eLffliu-red of l;rac- ilcalir allo!flMls Urne and dha la able t< ilevoie miekmore lime 10 lus soru than soid bc, the cas, if lie received baît a iere îîlttance of a salary. Il la poinied outtIhai ihis condition of affairait n ZIon ('itv points '.ary elo(liently t thie fact that Waukegan 7ahoiild pay lis heuith commis&lonor s larg*er saiary ao ihai l>e unay lha able to devote more o! his Cime 10 bis worli Cornmitnicallons te the nedîcal se. càety frein îhyskc4ans ln varionîs culesý assprt thal the lin e! havlng a well îîaid haalth co>mm"ainer la one of the hast possible. Mualo and Maacullutlty. Music as an art ha. uittle elandIng In Japan, aceording ta a letter ln the current Igsue o! the Travelers OGa zette. It la le! t almet antirely 10 women, who cultivate It to the extent of playlng on a guitarlike Instrument eaiîed the samisen. '«ln the flot very dremote past," sys the writar, "ne gentleman could reconcile the practice o! musie wtth masculine dignity. and tht. state o! affairg la ehaîîglng but glowly.' WInd and Fog Ini San PralnciacO, On some afternoons the ValocitY 0! rtbe wind'lo fSan Francisco rîges witb aimost clocklike regularity to about 22 mlles an bour. and a golkd wall of fog. averaglng 1,500 feat ln height. Pcornes through the Golden Gata. caus- lng a fal bl emperature t0 about that of the seanarnely, 55 dagrees F'ah- renheit. SPAN 0F LIFE LONGER SO FAR AS KNOWN OLDEST PER- SON IN THE COUNTRY i18 l YEARS 0F AGE. Tlîe sîsan o! hîîrnn life is lengtlien- ing; the nid are growîng older lni yeara, und yninger ln sîrengîki and sluiri, le the stateiouit o! John How' ard 'Iodd, wri tlng in the San F1ranis- co Swiday 'ail, îîn;er the headlng, "Are SV Becoring \ietliugalehs?" The slory daclares that tiere are 4,000 ceîîienarians ln the tUnited Sates and n lit o! 100 la givon. ln- cluidug Mrs. Ellon Jenkinson of \Wau- kogan and a large nunîher o! Illiiols residenta. At the lresant ima rs. Gurnee -:- .: :.% : :mIllinois TI4Î MARK ETS Chicago Cash Grain Quotatiohul. Chicago, May 15. Wheat-No. 2 red, $1.16%0.1.17%; No. 3 red, 114@.6 No. 2 hard winter, 8.60.8 No. 3 bard Win- ter, 110.6 No. 1 nothern aprlng. $1.1901.21; 'No. 2 nortbern apring, 8.6.1.Corn-No 2, 81081%/c; No. 3 white, 79@79%/c; No 3 Yellow, 78079%c. Oats-No. 2 white, 66%0<. 57%c; No 8 white, 5i1%«fS6Vc; BtaIn- dard, '66%07e. ChicagoILive Stock. Hog-Recelpts 34.0400. Quotations ranged et $7.85@7.92% heavy butcher,' $77607.85 light butchpe, $7T450780, beavy packlng. and $5.7507.00 good tD! choicespige. 1.0. u.tin Catte-Roeeiits 1,0 uttO ranged et .75$119,30 prime teers, $65007 15 choie t prlime !ed beeti cows, $6.7509ii.15 gond 10 choice belf- erg. $6.26@6.85 eeleciad feeders. $6.751i e.6.40 fair to gond stockers, $SM0@ 8.25 good toe h«Ice veal ralves. Sbeep-Reelits 20,100 Quotatione rai.ged at $83500 .80 choice to prinel Iambe, $6.5007.35pgond 10 cholce yearlings, 5501 7got.d to choico wethera, 15.00(U5.75 fair 10 goed ewes. Live Pouitry. TurlteYs, Ver lb.. 'lZ2c: chIcken@, fowia. 14c; rootere. 10c; duckl. 140; gesse, lOe. Butter. Creamery, Ver lb.. 29c: prinîs, 33c; extra fIrsta, 28i/hc. irs. o, 2c;dairles. extra, 26c; firte. 25c; packlng stock. 2l. lenlîlosomi, who always bas eîjod -aes gond i;ealth, le qîite i. Wseantln. 11.2501f1.2S lier hi;:MM ch- igan, $1.2601.30. Foloaing la a last or sorne o! the Eat Bufialo Live Stock. nîder rosidenis listed. showlng that East fuffaîo. N. Y , May 15. the otîmber o! contenarians la miieki Dunning & Stevenus, lise Stock Com-~ arger ihan tlîe average lierso I mua- mission Merchants. East Blufflo, N. Y., gines. quotea&a. oilows:l'aille Hecetpi.a Mcrs. liîira Kilcreaise, Fori Worthlb. ira;marketel tuilu ýHogs-Re. Texa, 16 yers.coipta 15 cars: market airong; heavy, Toxasill'i ears.9.1.508.20: Yorliers. $4 O0u);Kl15; igs, Ms. aLuriy Owen, lAcngviaw, Texas, 17.15017.25. Shieîp Rec.i1),ts 1a cars;," 136 years. market slow; top lIînîIis'$9.40; yer- îr s . e t îe J e i l n a . L u ti m a s te ', P a ., . n g s , $ 7 .5 0 (a 7 . 7 0 ; e h e r s , 6 .7 5 q i 7 0 0 : i28 years sweg, 8.75026.00. C'al',eg, $5.000 .'6. John Nloîg. Gradyville, Ky., 124 ____________ years. Prequent Failing. 'Motorlr, tînilian) Los Angeles, Borne mntal soBoud tbey ttract Pal., 121 ucars.attention and ctitIl tpersonai mme- Nîrs, Mary Itodeýrigiiez. ýiakersfield. netjnL-Âtcbigofl Globe. Cal 1, 123 yeurs _____________ Mrs. Anna Die, Long, Chicago, 120 Murs. Esther ]iavis, New York lilY, 117 )ears. Thonmas IMorris, luiicoin. Neki., 117 va srs Miar: Jane SYlie, Richmond, md, 116. 'Cheroiiee Bill,"' Grand ,J;nctlon. Clo, 116 years. Mim. Mary McGrain, M liwaiulae, Wls., 115 years. MsIc. Marîlia (ammons. Kokorno. bn. 113 vears. Sarahi lla.ckley. i0aver Croek, Ky, 113 years. We always givo Yom the mt of the hast for ti. teast of jour *ousy.- Speoial for Il53 !4ORTtiN EM TWAKGNL. Saturdoy, May 1 L Fancy Veal Leg........... .......................... 12c Boneless Sirloin Roast........................................ 12 ',c BEEF % Sirloin Steak................... 14c Rump Roast .................. 9c Beef Tenderloins.............. 15c Fancy Native Steer Rib Roast il c--9e Club Steak ............... ..... 10e Shottut Porter House Steak ...15e Flank Steak ................. lie Hamburger Steak ............... 9c Corn Beef..................... 9c Beef Stew ....-............ 6c Beef Tongues ........... 5c SMOKED MEATS.- Slieed Ham .................... 18e Cottage Hama ................ 13e Little Pig Pienie Ham ........... 10e Fug&r Cured Boneless Hains..121/2 c Frankfurts ............9c Poliah Sausage ...........9c Liver Sausage ... ........8c lImported Summer Sausage....... 15e Blga Sausage ............ ....8c Sugar Cured Baek Bacon ...... 121/, c Imported Salami Sausage ..... 20e Milwaukee Bacon .......... 14r- PORK. Park Shoulder . .... ......lic 7 Ibs. Spare Ribs, short eut ....... 25C Pork Sausage ...........9c Park Loin .............. ...... 13e Kettie Rendered Lard ........ 2e ."Pork Roast .......12'/2c Pork Tenderloin .........20 Piga Feet ... . . . . . . . . ..5c Reg. Sparoribs .................. 9o LAMB Fancy Hind Quarter Canadian M utton .. . . .. . . . .... 12c Fore Quarter Southdown Lamb ... 8c Lamb Stew ..... .... Lamb Chops ..........121/2 c VEAL Caif Liver ... . .. . .. . .. . . o Hind Quarter .........12e Fore Quarter .... .. ... . . e Veal Chops .... .......1212 c Veal St.ew .. . . ... .. . .. . e. Veal Kîclney Roast .........12e CaIf's Brain ................ . . 8c Country Roll Butterine, 2 pounds ...................25e Moxley's Speclal Butterine, just es fine as Good Luck. 2-Ibs. for ..........35 Fancy Dressed Chickens at Wholesale Prices. f Our Great Clothing S$ale Cornes To a, Close 5aturday There has been a steady stream of men coming to the Globe for the past six days buying these nobby spring suits that are on sale. To-morrow will be the final day of the sale, and, as a resuit, this store ought to be fairly flooded with buvers, for a bargain chance, such as this, doesn't occur cvery day in the week. There Are Over 500 Nobby Suitsin the Lot From the original special purchase, there were about 200 suits left, but in order to strengthen the assortment we have added close to 300 of our regular stock,1 so that the variety of styles will be bigger and better than originally. There -are 3 lIumense Piles to Choose From Lot No. 1fo'<s'lits spi ng andl îîîîine st *hds. N icet ,v mad otîh iii t in h tti.a( tis i 1< lvilt v uîtiîs g'ltaîî, anîd ai bIlite sergesz regîîlaî' s1i0.00)sudts at ............... Lot No. 1I EI'g;,t iîît ligstvl'si('lssii mist.<ls, ser'ges, and muîi xlturei.s, io-17 "Yx 2 arIIýl 3 blîttUil efftets in choice eolorings. r[}1 n (,- ' îîlar price ot tiiu's' sîîts îs $15.00J. Take yoîur ' fo i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lot No. 3 ilnot, sit il, tlis seleetùiO"of (isewhcre foi, a eeîit I<ss fliat $20.00. 4 ailoril ini higli class inanner oîf thîe lo;eest îov'elty mnatern-ai,ý, sizes for cvery build ... ..... ...... $100 & $150 Shirts 69c We stili have a good selee- tioni of thosejW. () anl.t $1.50 shirts that wev heen selling at 69c.Nî 'it .,tripe Mffects in 1 il sCbý antd mad.ras, 1)1ain11and 1laited, eîîffs 69- taehed, ehoiee.. 69 Tjndqrwear 17c - Menî's baibrifgau shirt. and drawerei% n eru. good quality, 25e 7 garmentaSt ........ 7 Woukegan'a Bent and *Iggeet Store. Nen's Work Shoes Tiiese shoes have lîeen selling at a lively rate, he- valise ex'erv nman that sees them recognizes them as a hargaiîî. Stîbstatitiaill'y eoîîstrurîted of deeî-skiîî and box cal! leath es, solid oak soles, black snd tan,1 7c $2.50 values ai ......... Men's Trouser-A lot of 33.50 and 84.00 values. made of cas- hinseresanad voratede. 2 5 peg top syles, sale price.. a8 Announcenýent Tbî the Ladies of Libertyville and Lake County: Owing to the heavy rains of the pgst week we have decided to continue our Big Sale during Sat- urday, Monday, anld Tuesday. May 18, 20 and 21 We are Again Openi WIT1I A FULL LINL OF Groceries, Meats, Shoes, Cigars, Can "es, Hardwate, Raw and Boiled il, Chick Feed and in fact nearly everything you need. C. - 1-. BAKNSTABLE [ýHEMj E i-ýb

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