LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDEN 1Frida ZH:rE. ay3 V 2,at ber Rn6.eclgM 1912. home nilMorton Park, Ili.. eurrourrded FRITt:ad tpren.1tY The minutes of ,j.7 -7711-af, 07-1 d-tc)r'-s-R-s-idenc--T 1-ephoe No 14-1- by lu' e i "nec Mre. Rects Clarke paseed wre = 4aftr andruve lmetf ti ber final restt aller an ilnete iof a feu'bd. B. cetlby asked for information as e fi li ilt., H I otiet i l.,a ecna il atter daye. tecouaectlng with the beanitary icier RievtaIBertion Ilarke uns, buttaat hwh-bwa reerr-d to fi eewer colin- laurie t> STRICTLY IN rUV n IE ,rn 'etr,1hn lrte H. 1 . tiuldenburg aIr I that tecer-coc SUBSC3RIPTION PRICE. $1 50 PER VA TITY NAVNEAugttct 8, 1n Her eî is te~i pd'îere hm.rir titue isti 6ow _______________________________________________________________________spent fil this i inity and Ftlrfile fige ir fejrVd to-the liuetîreýo rciiittee. W. J SMTH . .. ..... ....... ......tu Oenttv sars site etitue alt I, I arente tuierl requists Ilrvie marie for n-ail- tuJ SMITH Laeuti cetv là aloue tt. Orer a disrcssion Fý G. SMITH .... . ..... . ..- Manager tb»eiiik thî couiti.tii tri wiiwt irtî-ed cri notity th, RAY L. HUBRARD CiyEditor lJuly 5 iSZ5.e ewaF.uIirted rir rnarrri- rr(perty emîer, oI iiTrd ttreet. Ensr age lu JolirîiIl. CIl I.lui S-7 cher Par , Ave, Hulîrir r 1 finit rnd 45oi-irtr 1-lRI IDA Y, M .V 1 .H12. .Filrîed with lier lrusbtind tu Poirtage, éo r htiiutleli i I 'is. returuîrig' te Illiurei in 1 S(! 5. Moved by anri-rrrî.rtid (lerelaird Thiirteen, ears i! lIer flte auilîeit ou1r that tire treetrrtitittnetibretate th'iarcit anear aitreerile Ilii iP4,18 el i trefetif ta regasrd l,îrr'nalks anrd reportt Lake county rmarksmer strom adeptandlirkely tno coUîty n tire nation 51rlîi ih irflli Lie ille, ait th rMr.e. W. Prmeetngr abl r' e nil . 1 ejer.hE.rV.rrir-ri irr rrnr-ntrliertrlrt car' yeariy carrvrng C" the hrglironor-e that are beirg gen to Lakne ccunty Meni Wel sti for-rt ir 1' r-vil a ,to 'iuuaethe er, r rurnt e hruirirbrlock r rng itr rrete le c Wr 1tr I re t rest Afr e-a righ ali-gyear a:udînesiniit fWH,.rrrîrî l 1,','Cev elandi rentd lIrilletitiiOei tcrrct tire reruit Ife Aiugra r,-letit of Molrtonu Park gratutedý The local marlaho osks $5.00 dam-ages betauSe anather stole thr e fet n~ ri tiirelle finran iirrr rir3y m ed by BŽyv, nd- Cîrlevelanrd tbat tiens of mrs vine and carised her ta deseri her home. evidently dint prîze . n >b leîîdm li i uue ion re .1 ls rrîer t nl iis those affections veryr hîçhly. ln factt $5,000 se gettrng off ratier cheap. gciiiîsi ut n8cnlere rr 'r0 tifie ttr îîere broniîtive cIiireti ,o'uir tectndrs raerk IiriraWr f. two baviiiK dîed ir inanri . Tieereadauan i dteri ru the iauSoe ilàu- Thre terrible fatairty at Fox Lake should cause people gorng ta the lake@ corvieiirg are leal,elle Clarke. nofNMortoin iitite and ou trîrrlerrvrablo report this year tri exert more tare than usual, look over the boats one sa asked to Park. Fratrcrs E Clarke Il Chatpaig . are accepted oiiirtrirri iii),lliiumaipr H*and Fauluner a, tiroirIrorried. take aassage ln and elimîcrate possrble claires to fate. The accident of tIns Ii., and Jatue' I.. lai-Le if Librtt ville, 'The flluwicg toilla wcre iead aui wee lath wostin he isoryofresrtsinLak cunt. er hucl'and jreredeil ber te tire ireat audimtidby teiiiiiîîie commtittee and *eek . th wort n he hstor of esors n ake ounthilu190.5. allwetd on motirn rît llieuteaier aud if aIn cunt baksas +DeeaReil wue a toirmistiit tlIrisian, Elsworth b a li -airii-el. Ail votlng If akecoutybans a awhole adopt the plan of putting bottles of bier great,"t dileigütt eingin aidrng fle Muterd l'y Faui'i-r and tiive thst ammonia inside their salles. we may expect to sec or hear of bank robbers needy. Thirugilifi a quieiit, retirintu he ~situnu a roittite wearing divers' suite or somethrng of the kinti to enable therm to work to di@lpîiiticn ùÙ ceag MGa tive. energetic a dollarsfirr rtiittee work advantage. The Rockefeler bank people are enthusiasts lover the preventa- iebr cvry thrîuglît bcbginitfr tiise ailcwentyothe re ai-ltit aIe s'oîigae. tive powers of ammonla and they have jiait cause to be. ila iiiç- tnrfelii e m-d Mved bly Buve. air'tCleveand chat otîit em eriied a elîlacure and lier ti-ider. tire Buard rit lainai luiprrîiîent L'e' 4- - tsolicitiosiare as a xnitler. voiîoldaIowttd ive dolilaers extra antisudte Preideuitcen doititru 'arriêd. With thre oss cf Commiandter Joe Pamer and recently former Commýan- wattî a trueccreption ofCi irtiairty îaLeU1o. ndepeI.did-, rrr inting- r1.,5'20 der John Sirrpton, the Grand Armny of the Republitci Waukegan has lost two atid cnc-i-ttrri' rt tu olire ns) un iteNorth 1Shorc e r ri , irgite ll of its most conspicunus workers andi enthustastic veterans. One by one thaeiriglf standard wori for lier the emtaeitKi Quentn, itreL uark.........>it gld etsarepasingonbut. o! Waukegan lt tan flot be sali ttat they have and reýjcinotholostrice a ti alil icie j- 1T. Davtî, rallietsinrepassinffon,. Tepsigo uhBert Hall, ...... 5 flot been revered white they lived, that Waukegani people have waited untîlcue rttatJheoasngi o hnît Brizeii, .....m- thair teath to hror themn. Here people have shown the olti vets respect and is mCieécre ear ei a erirri that naugrlit r1ilfil], Pauli iuba, -. i) honor that becomnes themn and a chole communrty mournas when one more la iferss lingr a p.ietiarli- tlIiurlirtfnl John auydam ..... 44 -,0 caielo i rttd diieaiir ,i îa caeired, r-ire.antd 0- Heath -2-2 Jil callti t hîsrencrd. m. n Hanett -- ... 2.I., b0urrî .E. lester ... ...4s 2.i l' 1lie Iiire n cii ires. ee ne hein rît lier tlieu. ie'lgge ..... .. 12 , The terrible fataiity at Fox Lake let ceceI ermphasizes thre tact that in,, e-rlir5e0i1!2. hiS-t -trIi l 1'. tiglliiu.-iebvr nir i 1, Illinois needa iaas governtng boats on inlatitilaIes sirmlar to those i Michi- Parlk. ,,uiirlit. Mayrtn t, ler. iruiS Initluck rom. ..t.....i;er gart andi other States. If the accident in question hati occurred on an ina nt i Bcarriirrriu irtirratirfrg, ater a unichti- lceo tr3î, 0 lake In Michigan, ail of the seven persons wouîd flot have been lest. In that retnairns u vr.ý,, jg tî oLitertvv L ib Hnyert te Lrlr-71 , ri -1uti1 Sate the iaw rovides tlItai al bota carrying passengers as this one titi. iuirrofirii-rirriiriends rgatlirrrli rttt, % ukiecatu (iiCii . vsiienriii i7-1 mu-tacarry lfe preservers. tire tb-rei-teii to ptrIer ntetatl. rE %'- Sîîrîlir. .r,îri.rra' 1i 1 Lestier.jrolI-r- 4 irt InIllinois, there ls no such law andi the fetieral law affecta cties border. oprietri()ire l'iS rrrtehe blin lig'lI.- t. YNintg, cUar% iSS ing on Lake Mchigan hence nn accident wth as serrous resuts as thîs one, itniiTh- nlniaI cfintige o ierirtiirrF. I -ý'ounug, toor.î.......... :îf cotiltihave occurreti even in Waukegan because. with ie preservers in the ()iis atnd berîrîIîl t ýLiuitrerry, arlzir,- - ....__ li; boat, the passengers wouid have stocd a chance of saving themrselses until lier W iL.ri tifinirîe al lIer .fi. 1riuer, à riîCro r 7r1i i help arriveti. 'ic1 îi irc iat i ti- gra, -Pariitat, uin urîrr .r....r The laxiyo! the iniant (ake feature inIllinois ls erephasizet very empîrati- 'Te iruriv rietidu rittinni tti re -riri-e... . rtsbn .-...ric . 4h (l)i cill>'in thîs accident and it seters a gond urne for legisiature to get busy and ' .11IIî: t: Rhilefavýi ltii U . o e 2-1rttitii V E lirriei ttitîirr make a repetitton of sud an occurence ai least a more tifficuit thlng. H edei. n Haly .H nde F luliet.. :r;e1.Ii And, ,rew connes îhe effort to enjoin Voîrvaîs tangue from wagging. liailet IL tleirriîe i, a , i ,iitirtn n J. itl hîoliandl. iii He coutl istand tht sort ni court action so long as it drd fot irterfere tii irii)i feu'r;r cin rl\r~rt271 P 'einesl.'uiiIir With use oi the member in eating. Even atthliatVoîrva woult be 'on the irarir. o îi.'te lie clientIhi , e int i ILrii hipfsir.rt :14 r job," for it la recalied that he tan go a long turne aithout eating. tt i arc ai'g, iiirle r ui riti LiXaii in1irir00îr Possibly, therefore, an injonction preventing hrm viagging hi& tongue in Litt.% 1 t11iIl rlr idsrr î-hIartiiite tier - it.-'titiîl', ic speaking woutti hit hrm hardler thon one wirch restrarned him usrng t in liltie. Oi i Satuurdtàvtuii 1.1 :I21 , i r....r..îir ~ ( eating. To enjoin Volivas tongue seems about thre worst hng that cruld liruii -irrl S ren h'y ic, i rir riieco L'. il lrj enrr25 001, happen to the oserseer who knows how to use it and who tiesci loue ivuch exterrriiirg ovrn-etrerrr (Ifr ierru i'erriir- nt!,l o' i irt time in that fine, a rIiitiT rni n i irrrl - rriatinu It muaitfot be overlooked tmat Voirvas opponents have trieti almost tl- us re rietun rr itiarri:iIo t r \ir- fotern Ililira Io r. k il lr ititil LinfrîriPritirirriru n i r iii,- I tiriliittIe leverything else against himnn nthe rmatter o! !njunictrons, court actions, etc; i îr tutnleai, idu trîtrtira irar-barl s ire m-drii r- i thereforeit se t surprisung that a step ni this sort Iha* tomneThey have irUni o ir- liiitii'l'.aricirt.t iii irlraiei- 'li,ni!- -î rI r î 1g iued lin' for siander, hey have sued hm<rtrt îe aeacsthi, ao i.l ' of,ofrir il) ui rive. sev *ian hundreti things but to try to enjoîn hîs tangue, thts the funniesi nif itr-,.iri 5tire 1, ijiàlri~tlIl.i--ic' i l e-t ....n' r cri -r-t r nvt li.i- i-cul arsrnl --ire r,tie, ail. toir iirrriîi i ii t ,i> iii it-t etvf o ire sir l rrier rr. rit As Volivas people use no weaponî and ns'st they wrlI awaysfirght with ~etieio îtiir;, '-r eIit rrrj ' -'lr-% ti ji.%. ciji is j rififi:t tihe bible antt not wttlthe club, lt loks as il the toguesmîgîtrer than rir.rlier inrr ire utu ru-tier I iirfinit tÉhe club," iitrt the relore thec ijunicti on ls sought. -trr rr ibî e jii c ri-lti Fng'ainiI ejeir (If l'ura ienl a lin-t rcii 1,rrre rrrrr Irieft. + ~~~anîldiiEiieilI trirLTT r, t ih 1, j-rk. The îc iitt i akt- watt-i ailt-ast ;tt r- si tlt- ii frl -\- Ile .mas 11uiIhj iieitjroiinoit ie _____ "Satîîrlrîv 1ald 1al1 loî et init of tg tiîi causet'i. urrtiti ir1î îîîjliine iii iruvvliritirio w >11(liiii),1\v Il, - l ,rjIteil it-lrhe iiirrtt îîîîu.ritîr tr r ~t*~ e' 1- unîtI 'airrWho nmets ir ,terii sîr Tire mon whlt oschci; I. o 1ftrotsk. r trateriniril.tri tire n, ioar r-i ly to iitid apîrreclatlof-l -Çhir-go, lia. +odHead -' mc~Viivri ,.l , i-arîri tntridyat es '0> <Il, eith i I l iipnX il 1h t lic It u Il iî; IiII 111il - I ii r l, l .1 B. ti lir- lii î,atrg. _- trols lr s s i i ij/ I~tlt iv ip sit S I i srr asif il t* I .(fîi,-I'2 1 liiir . a'rrrla tuî r rina. C Suibistatiu nce liur(ild ltii tiltîti t ii'i.1- i ir-îîu 1ilt- t Iti-î-tltn otuglx- tfti'u- a t t.Distinction ant i Otierence. f + Som,- People are Irrrirlie narried, andC tieaca~ifl homrnpople, irapprly, are 'I au!Xv ati-v )i In . I II:îîîr i ra It 11rlk j 1>1 l V iutn arril.D trot Free Press, a ri the m:î-ii-ll itii iiiîi-i lp r i îi i \~rlîjiii in l., \ i (il hh Shvll t r I kIi a tIII 11 I l itt ll t - - i(b u LChlca%,tàgo AA have utreidtee Podn em en t oxtox il-r and mern'tr, diets h is not a new productWahOuSh Satie People brenitIo We are the onlys tdock ut nov kird Itfil a r te nrktca1je te[era ni a ca-drn hemake'caris herurerte mixen t eatiral traIne- ,uage of Portland Cemest i ugt cto ke pméect coacrete. t'on- hm CernentIa lier genders blit seil rot matestoue laren dri. Cd (w a CM o f m Fet Buuk M" dafur.skl. esms for ttraru(r-r t cars. 'The rie tatt- unteria Is, taken frîuîn the sanin' quai-ries, hatve i/r , ti-n uscd in its mnufaîctatreand thre pI)likesuper\ j'trf bvpractic- aulý' the si//r, men. 1lie thue n -i-iii qualitv of the "]Double A" Brand "le'Best That Can Be Made" HOME LUMBER CO., LUbertyvillè, 111. CHAS. HARBAUGH, Ingleside, 111. D T. WEBB, Wmukegan, 111. NORTH CHICAGO LUMBER & COAL CO, No. Chicago, 1*1~ r s,' a bt &aisedoos atata that dinr hiqte ' omtee -. Srâeor1910, tireawere a Datmbar Thi. trade l m IMI or mtrig FIiUT TO STATE BOÀRID ofta -cuir anim9a&amous lite pure khan ii.sers IntgTuketanIa.Mfl brad stock, as ire adîitted InbNovem- the rade r tbat country bae tis* DECLARES DAIRV INSPECTORS ber oet tiat yes.r. ontira nlOnOPOlT of It. Tisy au 8tt5le ANDETHAT FEDERAL £MPTE ________tisa ewa Iambe lulmme»30 1docks. a-d ARE ORSSLY NCOMPTENT t h»aibea funmd uslaso ta tr ta U»., "tSTAND IN WITH PACKERS." hr oud otOt cso osanmUtanobl- - Amdrew Lacg ore complaIneat hat ealia change of climats- If tirer Mrs.Scot nuaird neth iôreDeaulda was not -ilterarY," fou nfg itiive alsawirare, thre in undai'- bis sitatemn-t on tire tact that ho esdgneutOladti.frcue datry expert, wire daIms di) ire tire canld net boy Dickens' nôvels tMera, quenti'liabcomes iesas ',alubie-H lta îlctlm of uerecutlon by Arthrur Muait- -Lonldoni uruiens-aturtOpeaiW.kly. l4 e of'Arrmoieutr (Co.,esrsela hlft. r d ber attack tronî ber weatly neigh- lier to tire;sute board oft mentirandi the liraciero lun germerai, She deciares traitirhe emîrlenes ofthtie stute board are, tnconrretent. ler freedSof exprjression agaiflat rtre stture rnrrectors, tu, she avers, oe of the pîrincipîal resens why are wat niale t!revietina et unjusr restrictions nt thirb arndls anAI rhy two ef ber tu- berr tubi tests cere thrown ont ln 1910 iry tirecraie reterttartan, Srhe demis tha s,, ,%r sidthat 'r. Meekerý no a ber tinroseln bis bard, The art of making watches Hatu bern nrarr-iitg airead i teauiily for yaeuu %Vt'cireavarmotre hrtetn@ titanii- p A tiru l l ther ai-c ta- ttnr uh rr ailt tw l, aItri l- tn r i n r-r srt!ler et range. 1 fvinir n rîîr1lik-te tIru ui 1iut hou' far- ttre ciatchintras iwai-t Irie tati s agi-rd, lhino r'tireijin-n t riitietri. Il -11t CVi.1 l , ti nd l t irio lit an ssj r -s ' rsi",r : tr rM.Il dilil, Ire suli i rit toIni' crin-,- AL ntirstt lic0art rl î i i iii tg ias f0 Ar îrr iispinI v mrti.a l JEWELER I Libertyvilie, - - Illinois STEER STRÂIGHT tri W-11. Lavoit'o. uIf YeD bave any qutii tt-d. rep11riirg or otberrîvise. W. cuaitu l t niiwounr butilaeueaand te îat- tend tut it -a n-tai en tuide' goîud ty every fub ir uvig ur lacd».E veuif yen dottît nî-ed Our ervtces tirdnty.tdropî lu anyboc. e- eitt Wm. Laycock Co. Agents Fer MOLINE MQTOR CARS Libertyville, 111. PH-ONES-RaaUaiIe 126L .Sb"o 43%4 STAVER BUGGIES ARE aOOD BUGGIES We Have a Stock of Fifty .. *aet1PoD.ILuJI' :. .,. Cail in and Talk it Over. SCHANtk BROSI s. THE FIRST BUSINESS IN THE WORLD To qu te ole oft tiet'i r-ýt sc> cst il g i -r ti agen ts in thetcountry. J h I1.1). Bri-tol, t)f tNe% 'iYok City: ', 11wprfesio o lfe inurNttt' affosa voation aliko -a ig t'O the bigher atisand sa tfyig to thos rudmitd qait e lis amsa t, rnp'tuncy foinoblealtuîg in lite. 'llieicesfii erenati f a great lif s unct cmpany hasi lîl ppo011 tie o Fl-utivati 1e u'>bioliîgt îu 111-y oýa wit thte motin 'i,.t4 n )(fes.ia Mie-n. rfecthus nn tut-e be- mner, i t da1 te. ThI aiifhms t eduîatirni of çlî Utîren, the jretvt'îîtiitîotfiîtbarrat>eed es>Lt-'(, Uiec ren&ti oIf c-îîijîttt-ne-imz> for age, anîd a sure ptu rov i for iitotlîers atnd wtiows are asraeiiittn with undi de1terdeut tipon th tîj-i nli' gives nu d thti'ai'csîtaîîce of quA a the figures and platus lie- ofre. Life iilîiuraiîce at itti beîrt is theIc ighiest a rS 11 1~~hilautiîropy for- tihetcet of mni, anti an ideal t4ellislttues for tltoce le-si gifted e sa fe c arsa 'ecpring ElleofIlîleurs w Wmndow store in town that Klosed Krotch Union Suits White Cat Brand 'he NŽî Iea t i et,~ Uuimfort from -.. - 10 t $.0- We are agents for thie Royal and Inter- national made-to-ineasuire clothing. Over 1000 samiples to select from. Fit Guaranteed. A ful11line of men's hopiery. SCHANCK BLOCK LgBERTYVILLE, ILL. iii te-uter antd beît-nie iet ferelings, 'LI si-e-Itanee of itri beinefits cimobles Iic)th ther nmen wl:ut 1rofesrioital 'e-ofre-rthim and uithitît whi aur-e-lts tîteiti -- IIIAngj Other Business Can Better Afford to Wait. Write I to Your Michigan Mutual Life Agent Io-Dayj AGENTS WANTED Local agents wanted ini unocruîiie-d territory. Whole or part tiras inen, with or without experience, can make mocîey working with me. 1 have part time meni who are writing a nice busuiess each month. The business is in - its infaiîcy and will be for years. Write to-day and 1 shall ciii 0o1 0u at my earlî'est convenience. Yours truly JOHN HODGE, 'DISrRICT MANAGE. Chicago Address: 431 S. Dèarborn St.RokfleIin s (Watoh this space next and aucceding weeks. A live mneeffle every lasue. Umm,$ il Li