LARE ~$4,QO0 It~ PfNNILESSAtONE AND POSIAL BANKI WITUIT RELITIVES JOSEPHMNEYER WMO PASSED LOCAL INSTITUTION AFTER AN EXITENE 0 SI MOTMS THMLGH WAUKEGAN LAST EXISENCEOF SX MOTHS WEEK GETS RgBT IN WIS. MAKES FINE SHOWING. Miwaukee, is uli-t-1 esrs POSTMASTETf E. G. WATROUS PRE otl., ivithoul a relatf'se iu itis sot-Id. ICTS THAT DEPOSîTS WILL lai ife leiîll littulial s finIi of tri'.s INCREASE EVEN MORE. fortues anud inaget-> tuJt-teph Sica . a ihtla 5 ouft-o i5a ,vait-'to 'ilt Tht liostat sa î1>g5baril, counecieti siaukea iesterday bavi îg ]-teu îrilî -u vith liaue Waulý,aii lostoffice bas fr'om itsbihoule aIt-ItaKy.,.l'y beau 1'î exstenc-e a litle oser six - rlhe rttutiulw d htc - bautateI lut- Msonlis antd airead3 the anuouuî ut fai'm and aluiusutlti hae wait monts on dep)osit lias îcarly t-achaI 'lini saa. alsuî l'ad liet- îuu.tat a ihm- tise $7,0001 usma. Ile ianak legan it. 1self b>- t-l-mbhiuuta ilt-te ltrae uas d~rtons doa Ottober .21, 1911, aud' laler fond by a rt-atut steantier. ;'om that tiSse nut 1 Aprii 30, 1912, Withosut Fondi 24 Houas. Inclusive, a litlla ut-r six mouths. h Tirati ouI, aimu-t t-oulilete-le brok- amuots: olf iouta on deisosit amount -:en duwu hY tue ianT Ilows Iial ed îo $6614.20. Postuister W'trous1Ifate lias tîatruiinui i the course of bas ual set ronlied a st sIshowtig DU1111 sasd tait blind. tht aged man tise number of uepsto' sud wiîb .wanlera(d uîîu sunfdosan the streets o! dras'sils, lut ha says that tht show- Ailiaukea ystarday fîaviug bal iotILs Ing b"s beau excellent sud Ihal ha is - ingtlu ast IonrIsalîl> four hourB. Ht tisauoughîy satifieai. jsa i-alu >Feei-t er t-Ifel, awiie."liesaI,"Illat tis 821 Foirteýenli street, wbo touJiseti la just thtelegluuiug. sud s'hile thten b>-the aid man'a alors oIt him toaa abas'ing madle b>' the locai bank bias nearby> restaurant aud isder- referreil been much htetter Issu tht <of maus otiier sisular institutions, that thse growtb fronuibis lime will liae-eu more rapi. BeutinluApril. hilm to ifelerinètendent upunouer oh the count>' poor Institutions. The talter placed leyer luth: soldier'. home lasIt ulgt, wbere tht ged ivader.r ,.ld tise story o!f is lite. -Tht ixst montis ut Apuil was the After the Civil war \leyer went largesi mosiîb for us but If tepres- bat-k ta Gaiveston, startail a baker>' ent mnuai continuas at tht Present aud iveil bappil>' with bis famil>' un- ratio if wiii far eclîpse that oý Ilut tif ont o! tbe greatesi calamities of month. Naturaly tbe amcount otf'tte- the worîd's histor>' made Mi home- posits lu November were flot vtry Ios. baavy because the institution was a LosI Famfîy in Fflood. uaw oua ln tilleil. lu tise n extrf ~ tCisvso moula people did nfot deposit mut-binate. 8, '1900, Gletnwss ai- bacase tt>' tre peudnt tse nost omfltais devsted by a flood. becusethe wee sendng he ostOn that day M'teyer bail gone on a of Ibeir moue>' toi' Chrstmas preseuts business tri p f0 Houîston. \'bfie i Tise w«ather lun.lasuîanr>'and Felreu retrned his "ho;i as swaîhi away tht ary was ver>' Inctemnu, but lli ant-bwonluiiîeu lintfbal iAlsbed. is home thse business began lu gro sund f romnv «rM n a lmxo i vs'asent inditatons If wiîi continue to istaonitiies, lis aile and ibret ilatigl do so on au eenlanger st-aie. iît rers bail beau killad vas unforbunte for us tuaI we stant , Si-er. îa lin ai Ctat lt- hia i 8 ed ienwe didli. but evrythiug cou-' edered. I tiuk that we baie ne comin-aasoi isltttt.batr plaInte da SPoour mani. Btfre tefltood Ia a Steady Growth. ha badl manageti to qaste btween $0 001ansd $2 most) o1 f wicrh nas "Tise tart tbst pliltes meni 1>1ta1 is awav bi. thteiwaters. Ha tbeu »ia ie growtb of tht loeSi inatitu- ý weî1HikauKyaltrela t105 lia.. heen steady sud persistent. 11t-hlken tar In usîuIte of bis sgt oand am fiI>' coîlvincel that we ivonl'bis Iragit- tale, lha stiti ivorlitil liard haveaseveral tbousaud dollars mort and steadilv sud sour iîubai stahuiali dePudits if the law alowed Os 1tots dats profit able business. callitîtuf,0 delpo tf more than $100 dollars a eiku i w ii wit ot Malais as sevenal peopIe have wauîed! dceal ut proearty. hg gn ta inkas langer deposits and whenj eloprety tbeY vere nuta b4to 1do so did nof Mlîkman Flood Rubis Hlm. niake a deposit t ail. Wbetban this Again tiattîl iisitet inu. A itîothbi 8100e>' seut to sarne other bauk orLao, j ,tat atr'r bis llaI iirthda. bis lUsetisen lbfutas kept&at borne, 1 bavebre i--u 10 s'a>'o! knos'iig. A las' i, a la1 w ay b15 fl food. lie, . w.iotîlliave Ilosever. sud vs'amust abida .h b>' î;"1lînialiet bail le flot. gatlinug toiraili ManyChidre Deosi. rail bis Ftrangîh li imihai a trat. MsnyObliren epost. ihera ha asiteti mani hours umlii %Ir. Watrons delaresl that nv of be was saied lii a tfe-saiiug huaIý th daPositors are t-ildran. titan y ou1thesemr rui in oC *ixm Iuruoase the cana sud then purî uai.lernpînrdtatlela lisa ie eten cent siarps until ta m1 i eietirt eitli tt «cr la illeil, thiue allowiug tboîn toaireli- tivinlnst îîema tryi Soti -4eposit the dollar. There are mans' gld people alsa s'bo bave acont. klîd persîhus, takir t ity ou tht- olti, la tact, th is1.t fiepoitors Includea haIllutIail man, botîghl hlm a tint.- peope o! ail ages sud classes. et 10 (Ihit-auo. There olliar liaOiîte B>'lis lie tse irI snua reortsuowed hint the isai ru thte raitiroad B' he imeethe lr. W'atrois epot atracks. Chit-ago.Onuia*h' lit thteoIt) lau"madreoutts si as îlot uîfrlefaut fo be *bs to make a aîlendid showlug. I * teizhma o iifcpi o He dlnk t1tatthegroth f te bukn ; 00-miie mwatk lie iantered l aoum lIe~~~~~~~~ tsikIbtttrotb!thlau untillha camne to ZMonî liii. '<hre 1p to ttbe presant lime sud the gieat ,Oth4ulus tisaI basbeau sbowt inluthei he a 8vputîîîoithetlrainî for Nhifiau- has tIwo mnoths indicates titat tht;le pislcet smout o mouyen oudaposit WUiii alureassailseveral tîlues. OLI) VETS People Like Systert. As people t-utie to tîntitrtani jusi visas th, - l r'il iuit rit a tîulr-alla la it set-iraliito rou luin opl artlt The liait t.sdo lot lompii rsu et is fair lu ad-îtîin, irat i-,ont-ofut iet are lulig dciluiitiot-s 'Vilte li' jl ta ara dapuaJIlniic troau- iiii'u to le tisose a-ho ni t-r lis ut-hei itrt 'ed lia th i tuiý,Ievt- tii ru lanl td l t-til- do ti uthh aS-tee eatiu 'ut-leSaîi stands Llchiiif itl Ita,t-s i i - r-u of apprua aIi iîoiof. Parants t-t'1',itzitt'ai 'ti thetir tu-t Institution asilVs aVi t i. l11111<1 eassit>'for thimt u-i-tt-îe trutri on tht part ut tttn i rfii-Iinw lits hlie dtposits are ni-titi- aartîslas t-n cents.Maiu thllicniluu ute ieran ticlng tht habit ut satinv nd that: tise>'bat-e gond sit-e Iiiurui shan, thsey gel s !ew yt-st--. îlîîersut ,ih t. «arn uRomne sauS t fimitiess ARE ACTIVF-1 OLD SOLIERS FINO THERE ARE FEW APPLICATION BLANKS IN THE CITY AND MORE ARE SENT FOR. Ti-i- t, gia,'nmin h i isn i- 52501 gar iaîs'ra.n nIott-e bll as ii -t,i-îiutli i u iîý'is' fiasl- ,t tort-n ýa i l.Tu-e a e -rall adiiraad lii, u t- a l t hil., Irlit-t- Iihîtu l suf i-t i l h ii 't-tu onut- ill i hItrtîl knîîaiuug thm-i r itltrt-ait-b t-ltesutfleý-iion mil t Il t il nlh roin tht- ii i- utthet îî lin tiîn, te-- mîtaîfîtu' t-la lievaîltgI h iii i t w ir- iîtla -tonîî ih t-h lu maie t: heirîîttitn l'Fesi Batks lu Be Founil. i Thlt ifî a ri -îtîe tast bsaplilt- lit-lui 10 h - lut-n silue tliriotie sari' iresaire lIlic- eat-ed lu a soma- LEAVES FOR SCOTLAND r ialj irtlît ut--cet- hi'a giateful Alexander Robetsoanu of tIlhtInl 0count-y. Ttere aitie teaipension ai)- Park'.former t'hatrnau of tthe lfatrditlcaî,i hisîiant- i la tiînd lu the etsipeisors asdudîntil lauotonîlis -1- IM'. eeapromineutnierihantin lu 11<lt Al Pensions increaseti. §8X d Park leavffs ounThîtrslat- fur al:T1e effem t-t i tseew actI ailbe 10 trI tsIo La otianil, to lie tgýne tiiîîul lluîurt-tsa ail eîlsltlng pensions troni uLgust . 2,.Tise>' saiIfroîuî 'tIontreai. $) Iiiel1) or tîtore us uîotb Practi- en thse 151h on the ScandinRýaiî.n ofcalit ai] ltIl-sunvivfîîur htarans are the Allen iUne. Mis 'i!e Sandi lia flua- rasýiilutpensions ior sgt, there Crawford. in frtenil. vilI acrsuetInt- îg floue out iumunder C,2 seara lita. Tise> Plan to spey itilo f t tttiTh',t-aies of lit-raise bai-abeau ttair lima lu Sctiand bdhui vli Ikelviy î i rulatht SU'N coltîmsansd ev- 'vieilGermais>'asd Framnea hefore as- crs tîcuatouer knos-s b' t-ii timne Asmylng. Mn. aud Mn-.,Rabertson were!,Wiiaî bIs stiuwanr,-e alîl ha under thse la Uoettaud tva yca'm m«o ad four uts' las'. yeffl ez 1 . ur. ERobertson w. u ntise hbadvàr Now i. sthe tus 1> ilait- u olir bumu la th le Pt 4h' sné Yom Petroleumicoke. Tba finest pommer and MadRid cet receotly t. C. 1 Rudi. w ioler fuel. Low Drime during May stu gr .S im.e1ussi - 'OlMia'Vtu.: LUiMnEa0Co. "-3- ~'17, i9cI~ hlrcîrr ho bal t-uer ti'ing bis oian PART TIIRFEFr LEAVES MONDAY NIGHT FOR I ws'. A MNa' Monta nia v Victon Har- CAPITAL TO LOBBY IN INTER-. Tho I.akt- tFores t-iearat looking Iert. ESTS 0F DONAHUE BILL for thet- llef. ibut t-ausp e ha t Inuo' Tt ietî.l~Gr u h tles lhait tilla tulit's tif rîîîiiit t Miu (lnt Sitti tati--If, Waltlo tiarnor. AXIi oit cîtthe- ai otIt-ta mis ittle dban. Yoiiu ladies' qiî,rbet. r(tutit-urît d Tii-l utaaith(- houa- U 1t \ociurue htuebirlîl, îi' i.,tl- liaeitoitat lrt'4 ALL DEtN TISTS Ail itu t î-- ulitînn Amn- 1 '3.-Tiihe i Cerlaic -t ) It. ,rou i al'u i tf i-shoe 01, prissaul, r ACF CHAPC.F I reha ,,'nr -- iotii. CT. lt a ieîkîr.i ukegan- "~ , Tht. tJffodils, i-inza iîttpotm utc sautt l)o)i îrunfill Io outraiîîithe hi Vitl"r\a aiJco-th, W'îeua cet nteirt ft hiillhi. tru-ditIs that lia' DR. WILLIAM H. TAGGART NOW club tîtînihi- t-1t! ivli bhol hsi. fstht- CHARGES WHOLESALE INFRiN. st-"nat- îon '\rlutsdaî, Naiv - GEMENTS ON PATENT PROCESS. GETS PATENT ON NEW DEVICE Heydecktr's Statemeni. luttn S:JohnNota ut tghiud "amutthIe aîtouu't anti acrëreri Julan il.Joh NoIanof liglan j lheirs iet, e wtll tnt-et theauui a Fort r ru il ii lu- ofr t hui eu Vitl; 'ai-k lit.'jus' bah-lu titted aTueru l-.uru litý,av of px icd Stans, itîluttinzi n 1 u his utt, ont anothar tie ullstrlctlotu fur i e atk h 'tde ,IIbtial ara fat-ing utatits tor h aUdi n ringe uct utttoris, thlic thetr patent lai 1hnil t li SingnililfN na'i h luei-"a on1 11!' 'ts o. f ai 'h ra.ltndentistt. I lu-turioil l it a tu non tirs ,tgo. 2a o '~re lh Tir, AS'iuliliitiIl. Taigi: t tif 178 Fui- it Ius claiuiod ftlaitis devitne-sail lu -I rluit lut-Onit ilrove the pt-sent matis ol ay'usgInUeo drs(a',liqutsi. Ther ar mil 1511ol I«nliga i theCelientrIocuintuat b l'filtI wll liais 2(etu- a T-ite ira ttî ., ,uu, buagois un tht ceAuttihi looîiu uOfîlitou A. J. Ofison.senator front t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ll dtîa Iîn h.nlraututto' '.tsli u-it:to .rt4t iis iaritt. Il a frint iil istreastansd tentarit-a hi las "aile a <aflase f ,1 o!tt'lluno aiu lih il ah-nlusi u tînse kuxngit h aa r nd tîat al b.t, Ilt-etoii,,t riion for iinltret-lt igafrii 1( erI h n ;ir - Ilorscoiipiýiiga purlit o untstorts uithel I )ouabiua bill. AWood- !t- Taugaurt in Tanuan i1130'. pual- eau-h nlisrsnu tii îuîfu-jmliasauh Ilare :men o! the tifalalcu owa O-Ison imut-b - ' .le at.ste!susatalyUspdinco e-for h4iiwork Itefora tihe t-ateibils 4-u1il s:InIaisu ltInz for îeehlb y îrea- !titî ndtutitirlorktd lu superposad seMr. ferekrwl ev ai suirs' The nId neîthi iv as te lammer transi erse rultion, au tiîni tht-i foiltu ti'n guiti lent îîî~~~~~~~ea! loito the t-av. rogenher aul noseil box-lIke tructure a Moasmnitontt-nfel- lu' o-f a tout h.suit frt-tutu 1 thr , hi lottonu (i' . b-,i w h tri-hao a-iil siorla si li i m l t and t-lutause tue lus. wnri iatiIe liti ke etrîu - ira ai lîlilataralli liruiolt-i i-tutýi lia+t-theT- onuIhkle bll irOttuuht the hitler oisa ubotiston gg -îg t -fiatta'.'. urîit uits beiug art-au -ti'l oi t nteIlme r h; metctinstie'rugi-staeru isides sud tofltiiiui' in irra.-5lllroues su as. f0 Iftvdc-u-kermav -lIakIt litht- raiiy lu' tAn utilte tuitt arnies It ot. TPr îroî de i tautit li tor metai reintuatca l- cptlMud> lt Tct-art i" uter-ela 'uiiun gtlitrtnd eurt, utiou rtlt- aiudare tlot-ad wîallutii, ortie ltaIit-îzr'tinfriuciug den- at tht- lin l11 y slI projectlîug r ttoftihr- ,)iîtru lto eille. flanges.-- . u ~ i su WHY NOT BUY A0 'St- '.-ç Any size desired, set up complet., 9 Sabove foundation, and use thei, uew 0 0 fta. mproved door fra-me that is flot a-n ~4-j infringement on the Harder patent. 0 IT WILL PAY YOU TO T-IGURE WITH Home Lumber -Co Libertyvie, MI. MAN4UFACTURER OF NMarble and Granite Monuments Cemetery Work of Evert~ Description Correspondence Nolicitied I16 Genesee St -Waukogme fii .1,,I) aIlS i ,t' fruillu ki-iulîijg. lor ýitî i 'a> î,-turu aiti , îîî i' ud g-t ai ,îur îniii~t~iiu'.k f u,. ii ut iaud i itl iia liuiiiî.' iî ta I t li- f îuti v 1Fair ,Il îst -1'e I 'r.% -unr 'î sai - 28-tl Wisconsin Silo and Tank Company's Stave Silo's Best On The Market W. S. lIAWTuIORNE ý AGEN T= ILibertyville, . Illinois' Long Distance Phove- ibertyville Y5 R 2. Farmuer's Pione--Graysiske. I g .1 Il MAKE YUR take t ila sbtg up sud asietohv hé work doue au moffn as ther pormnit&MAlo oom- poaitionsud ready r.oflùg and rooling repairu MEMEEES PURNISHED. ADDPXISS, PETER BAKE.R PH4ONE 468 J.LI ~.fel p ritus1iuiCad 17 * ATZERT & POILE ALICTIONEER i-aria ttiuiit tiIltI E Sii5iuli lttai-a iiildu t ui' i W" ilt ur uî'27, Mif1 STRADIVARIUS VIOLIN F..,S:is Excellent tone and in perfect condi- tion. "ad. on triai. Write in Mi"s Bertha W. Mardis. Route No. 6. Rosedale. Kan.&&. PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING Ci,e"-tIt a t îîîî Inid tii ornainsîunîg luct mi' l Iuas . fur u, tir i-îxehaîuaR tl til- H-ENRY SINE Phones: 148 or 48 ZION CITY, ILL. p. F. GrabSe. Tel. 26l.1.2 R. taughtvy. tel. 59 Grabbe & Lau.ghery EXPERENCED AIJCTONEERS Live Stock and Farm Sales aSpecialty. FOR REFEREN'CE COME OUiT ANDHi>EAlR US On account of nlot having time to traTel, Pompel NO. 3592. My Pure Bred Bay Belgium Stallion having License No. A5845, will stand at my farm every day during the season of 1912.. This ls as fine a draft hurse as any in the county. If yOU want hie services, cail and make arrangements. Dan. Ilerschberger -. s ~r .asu~. ~ 'se-. pi h be b. lmi Pr 243 41 bil 58 tIVES WATCII 10 ÉRISSPE MsIN jflpq DOG POISON G LEECLUB Te FAT ALIIONY T.WR BURGLAR AT LAKE FOREST MAS SOLOIST& ACQUIT THMMSLVES TRDAVIN MAHIEA FO TE- NOVEL METHOO TO PREVENT WELI. AT CMURCH PARTY, oD DAIS AC1N COMPANY< TÉAMSTERS RETURN -TO WORK AN INTERRUPTION. I PRESBYTERIAN CHMURCH ESTABL.ISHES PRECEDENT. TUESDAY FOLLOWiNG WEEK'S A-a a enfudwol ae IDLENESS IN WAUkErGAN. SHOWED FAIRNE8S FOR ME LEFT! Deapite thse nleietecy or thse Teall a asbe on woi ae OLO SUIT CASE IN PLACE 0F er, 300 devotees- of th,; Gatdesofte PaY hie wîte alimony. He la Cibr. TA WESPOOET A NEW ON E ME 700K. _)lusir, atnded the church atygv les C. Hess, a traveling saesmau for EN WN E PRP O THA Foreat - ~~en athlie Firs, Ppealiterian a r iv the Davis Miik Mschlnery Company, MNWA ME R OT Lnl~e las jst ren îaîed Muda eîebsg g;îu lr Prf. ohnthe new tactory et 2North Chicago, and OIT EEV 1.0 tîr eFret a clet e ii an d Bay eîvt up gîeîent y Prf. John e l~waC)a iaxioîîs ln bisdesire yes z-mr eseregsSol h iyan exceedlnggy terdayuglthand .hB pleadupedutwretb fJth Lak altbough lie dit, flot secure much for' Forest sohooatra th la. twih d eaOcm oreterso au egne amnthe e bis pains lit was flt ieause hie plane F'orest Women's Glee club I'Pxoodnow In thse Court of Dameallec ownsers o aTis adte ei did flt or! i out i. sc css Iily. H is - a s te by ttréee soloi ts- distln- Rlatin , Chicago,.te ind hlm guIlly o ne p h, s rIk "'i. b een deelare i. plan ln short, was te o îaon the watch 1gftl.ed lemnes aby the irtuosity and te order him te ay hie wife 120 Bettled. usre- doge s9 that lie wouid flt lie on thp e Of their sInging which enalil dtbem w f in ilo hi cure ft t 6 ' o! Th uesdmbr o thea- Job" wben lie got ready to make a toeisld the close attention or thesanad,- er the court had da-cided to digmisasff1l ftdmmbr fte e raid. ente IbrOugisaut the program of elev- th harge owite alisndonme¶st. abers union, wiso bave lie» on strike The lac selcte wasthehomeor n nuber, tThe scharge waa preferred by lgrs. for-tiese t 1week, returned to worhi. Frank Bulow. The robliery lisupps. «,The Blessed Dariozen." a cautata TnM essas7oui osatowncouratbsiAcore5' tsg otdayn the ting ed to have been committed& Suuday liv Claude Debiussy, mas the iseavy I nesstnp fOtftiseDavs onpay bi n utera."ruhottedy hrtn evening about il o'ciock wbie the number of the program aud was can n.1 rpfohh ai cm&ywe "utea' faînily were away from borne. When dered wilb fine draînatir feeling. h lereceived the following telegraým: Tise team owners dl d net sigu an the arivA hote silor, tmelatrclltta as ive wih pecsio ad OD-At Once; fatiser dytng." Hess agreetrOnt, wberebY tbeY contrnct.d tise flrst tbiug they uoticed %vas tisat power. ruElhed. home. louaid a Policeman wait. t a -had10r emae 1 tihe diuing room wlndow was open. 'Impromptu," by .lerstolter and Ing to arrest hlm on tise wife abs»- a A burrted searchIs lside the bouse "TristeE i' by Labano, as played on ÈODment cbarge. NIrs. Hems admltted Tcam a wnersin» Waukegsn are to revel fa tht th ther hdIte zha bY Miss Emmna Harriett Os-lu court yesterday tisat mse had sentbe tise sOl, judges of thea vaue of tihe mae:eale 90Mtctehat tisethief h dtise messgc. fle asesdeclanad tisat teuin driver. Sanie wiî reSev $15, mada rried searcb of the bouse. od ee eui iSiersodd the mes go îîe alîewtsbrvriealeswl rciebt$2 Everytbing hs<i beeu turned "topsy 1<> niai»'encores. num & usban liecause he bad earnd isabe tleOà Ilrclebt$ turvy" In the tsearcli for money and Society turned ont ln great no.1I "dbeuest al ere ht'The -drivers wlill h a pd aoSrdlng valuables bat so far as known ail tise bers te hear tise Cloge GIee club. be was malting ',headquarters" witis ta their 'earning abillty." sudd Chsarles tie! got for bis trouble was $3 in Fullv eighylke Forest socIetýr ead- anobier womn .a Bairetow .of tbc am of Fred 8sf,- cashli ich b li e»n lett lying on ers were ln attendan-e. Wheu asked boit she fouind Ibis out to & Sms. a dresu'lit le end a new suit case. Progran. elle ssld "some one" hsd bld ber ae A tew non-union men wera given em lie eltiser waa frigitened away or Lake Forest Cellege womens Cite ter: tisaI ler sislePr lied told hbO PioymeM t owar utli made up bis mmnd tht tisere were ne Clu bSîrs, . M ronsThomnas. Director.'imother sud Ibat ber nmotber issid li1- trfer h epl osbureportifor more valuables in tbe place. Solo sÔPran<-ýlirsaFay Hanrbet.PrtdtOhr tise Ifraio. wde iormeruesday omîng'teireportaid lu tat<iug the isinable leather suit te 1 C- Godnow thereiipon dismisised the okTedymrng Th ti case, tise roliber eliowed an evident l in <ttno-ýr eorge frewrster ict-arge agaluat Hess.bein tuhe), poposed 10 enploytfaim tention te lie "fir" for he followed 'arp-Mies Em mna larriet Osgoo.d At Iis point H e ' ousei, A br- drver-sd if te>' did not show ti) th odsain,"Eenechng e o iloin-IMr. Gustai Rire. neY C. R. Bfrown. aqkad tise court for work tisaI otiser men wouîd lie thber<11yiu,. vnet-ag au Piano-Miss Ituda D~odd. te< find the dfendant guilty and order hiired ln thair .bcad. Holer. e lefI an old dilapitated As a result of tise strîke wildbws suit case tbsl lie evidentlv had laken Quartet-Nlis Clark,,\Mis 1<-an- bu nito pay hie wife $20 a week. alon fo th pupoeeof arrigdies. MNiss Corriglit. 'tisa Pratt.î "f lfis isu't doue," saLM Attorney' declsred s week ago, building bas 1 waln fo tbe mpurposeto. ryPART ONE rowni. "Mra Mess wlil isound h b been practieallY at a stand-etili. awa ar oo le nîli gl.A. 15 v r biusbaniiail oven the Unite ,t,,er Since tisa strike bas been spîlleil T'le Bulow's have a fox terrier, Damne Cukoo, Fvtiler. wonlen su ad bave him tismu nto l a atheba a wmave Of pmroseIf> relgie among m-hih bs areptaton o beng he 'lé' eclirfirt ýpornmjycoutrartors sud tht building suppl>' behs as a reîîutath-io or en he t cd. int"1 rî I f le fi a traveling1 !Wukgn . n atiwa-hdo waîu then eiorb1od. I Impromptu. _-jjprtoter -M "salesman sud she w1l lcharge hlm 1mn'fWL]eai Oit ~ ~ ~ Osod Sahra i s ae arp. itb continual abando>nment" r ard w'as loctied up lu thetceonPR W1 The déene aprovpd thaî 'Irs, Stase Tiu.' ré n'peîî;t. luli1bis i, wnb A.-TheenlessedPARTalT\\mInguntiikintîlv ueirfit a more Srîrud,îý aeil thé- fanilîrwent away . Tie'fesdIunct atla knem- vh.'rp lier hîîaanii wasgonr lbulîue îîfdniîrhrwlt f tis i 0w tx.elieve i iat tbe roliber lad .,au de Debussy. Poî'îît trNi Pinte (lh- aen hele at ou fila last trip.uatoeeugir hulîi.îîot h 1îsfvs ed îldvtente. tated tisobh ert ual Rossetti, Egih version by 21 'I w1ftt1alter thete rlr etvour ra. dangepr, 'ta i-t s culpgicîrd na .v Sîîdtwd th d sonia h esioue omet Fî-ayts Daniroscli Woî'e's Clee tclub. ouest.' sait] the- loiit.t "Otharwise. îf.vcfipa lto uîltiiilius dilîthu'nîu.1 oun arra uiith oîdle01 Asststed Ihv Miss Fia fi Ianchalte, et>.I1wolild dasciarge the dtietedaut.- Ionrtai T1ioîiîîîlpiî1tvlî I ltaîîivw ie hoobia te us tno audlMr IGeorzé Btrewster, ten i s n.s ouT.r î1îîîi jani u as rl The itan1 iîrk-ad oui ail ight, tiliîgh,I u olîsr. rîui . ss, t or. mhl tedg i ntde éwHEYDECKER no , Iiandi1.î qfzl for ortîit tt otdli ui da ieatsa 1 BTnt-ssa" ,Labno MTiss <isgc-', T FTB'N _______________ 1lt1ut htile jîi oua'ttentilon 1te tue harpi ------------ DIL 0.. UTTErnLD. Libe'ty'rlle. Ilinois. Dit A. H. CHURCHILL Physicien snd Surgeon' oineover Oseker à Bonds Drus ston, Hat. 8 La10eA. a. t. 3. 7to &P.MK. Bpecisi tateio E ye. Car, Stose and Throat GLAS8ES PROPERLY FITTEO0 Libertyvlle. - - - -Illinois DR, C. Y. GALLOVAY. 055505 OVES WLoL 080DiguTODU. Rottsa-from 1 tea ansd 6 1<> 8 P. m Libertyvlle.llinois. PAUL MAC GIFI. ATTORNEY AT LAW. lilbertyvlhle, Illinois m sa DL GOLDING DENTIST Hours 8 b012 &nM-1 t5à J. Ell Trigile BlidjU»g -ils Dr J.- L. To~i or-Phone 19 "ie. Pbdne 1092 Lihartyvilie. Illinois DR- E H. SMITH. DENTIST. a,:. LAKIk COVNTT SATIONIL SAUR. 0115-8 te 12 a. m. and 1 ta 5 v. .. DaILT. Lie'ylisIiroi. DR. J. L TAYLOR, orriCt OV3 B à. ELI. TlWqqs ; .-. *OUa:- 10b>A. ni. 2 ta 4 and ô t, SP. ns. Be«Ieie u Bssfroadway. oppoiete Park DR. E. V. SMITHI GENERAL PRACTICE fu turs i iii .5 mi 2 t,, 4 and -, t , nip lilile - 1 u ,it-riHî> ilur- ,," sll'Itk. AT-lI'srtia Tii-PTHItFIii' LIB ERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS MARTIN C, DECKER om- ( e <p'. I "Ilp1st. lttîîlStto l 1h.ifqu. 44, IL-. Iî 1 "I:îî'., IO Lit FO dri rvt Btr. Li F0 Mil Lit F0 FC vif Fc trsi lial