Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 May 1912, p. 6

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CorresponàIence soliclted 116 Genesee St I WatiîkegaD »MoERBeOIES came ta 'tiesurface about thserame CONFESSES CRIME TO 0F TIIREE VICTIMS er the bes4 gows tothe lake SÂVE BOY SWEETUEÀRT hbimrning ta continue- their efforts- TM££ O F THE SEVEN OROWNED ta recover thte bodtes. TINV GIRL AT MALISTER SCHOOL FOX LAKE MAY FPUND The water at tàt point la about TRIES TO SHIELO BOY BY SATIJROAY 20 feet deep and foltowlng te recov- TAKING BLAME. Fox Laie. May 18. Three of lte ery of the two bodies, tite searebers iev îcvltinis droivned at Fox. Lake tent their efforts toaltat particular REGARDED AS ASTONISH4ING EX. Wedn&sday SlIay 10, were recover- !oalItý, becaiise it laflot far fromu AMPLE 0F AFFECTION ON *à before noon today whien their bod- aitere thte gasotine ltuoch tas suppos- PART 0F A CIL0. Ses luated ta th, surface about a Pil 1taae gne down os ien tie sese Aquarter off a mita oif shore apposite pa. -engers starîed on titeir iii faîrd Ratiter than bava ber itte îplay- th'riict loe. Te bodies re- trip.,niodte afd sweetheact suspectedl ofa tise ippinoit ioilc rime of iihIch ahe knew he wasi oovered oera O Dsputes Startling Story. gutîî3y, a 7 year otd girt tudaut ln Mike Konder and Thtomas Potrtîk, Thé. recox er' of ihe bodies dis- M.s Frits rocom' at theMettr bath off Chicago. rTe latter lved at proves atsoiuîtv lte ,.arting aud scitoot confessed ta bas Ing commit- 2715 iDiývrscy court, Chicago, aud was iureasonalestasory titat , %ticssiarted ted the crime and steadifastly held ta a saesmn fr te Cr-o, Piieai nceaflr te acfde t Th styber story until the police s ere able ta £ saevian or be arsn, îri, a one a-ertis acidet Te snd'proie site aas innocent. Scolt companv: George Russell of ln- osas toalthe effecittal the six n'el' Theiu1cIdIent occurrad aItte Me- glleilde, a is arynittuà,. Russel*&body may s aaliail moties for taking AlisIer schoot iast Tuesday witan was found ai 11:30 a hall mile from Mliss H-ansen 1talite laite and dumis.Misa Busitnett dlscoveted tisat a watC ehealinreof rabTre Isand Inbeheiad ptaced on ber dastt haditeen g th bot oerthe en scain stoten, In ait proitabilily by one of Village officiais or Fox Lakte are <y soimmiig Io shiore. AIt east tbrep the aludenta l litaeachoot. rTe SUN till draggtng the laite fortlite aliter of lh ise tn vcea uîîposed ta have i nt lte fiime ld of the lheft and liai ic*lrne. The btody off Mabet Hansen, I eea good siimers. The fart taat Ithe police dtscovared the boy had ta theonl woken thte catch but tae niost Intereo lt ly oman member off thse party 1 Hans's tbody oas the aniy ana tue feattire of the case did not caome «f seven, was recoered the day foi.- sIitch came ta the surface shortty aft- ont unti l oday. Iowing tite accident. et the accident gave cause far those Iî des-etots that tite girl badl seen rTe bodies of londer and PotrIck wiho siartad the report ta continue ber littie bay sweetheart sleat the spradiig L Hwevr, ersns howatcb sud arien te teacitor began ta _________________________ slteadug l. xtorevr, ersns tucQuestion tis&chtldren lu an effort ta reaiiy îhiuk,, dI i nt tplace credenca flud ont wito iad talten tbe watcb site *In tbe senalloual and unreasonabie ne feared ltat lte boy migitt coufas. port and the recovary of tae bodies Ratiter titan bave hlm do tis she de- orcided ta ltaite l tame har»eif. taday removes the asat vestige She descrtbed hoar she ffati tairen grotinds for anything sog thte Une te watcb home wlit ber and bdlditt - meîîtioued In the ruor. it waas just in a Ile ,,blacit box In the itasement. -. a case wsiere te boat aras ooartaad- rTe police cent to ber home and ed ad whre li sven eope drwn.made a complete. searcis, but, natutral. ed ad ceî-eaItsein peptadr r , tisev were nat successful. Tben * ed. Up ta nos mauv aI 1%x Lake bad t'tcc returued ta the scitoot. 10-btneo ther bodies would ever1 Abouît tiis lime a lttae boy ataîs he rcovaed, ntim tlu hiat theme oedl forarard and satd lit>' no"sib v lie bâti all aitathi liteapeand hlham eHasalti an- Plrst of ali, thte best mate- ha t aetti ecp n idlt l.r boy lu»te arbofflitad given il 11aeam used-youtcan hesetbe ruur. iisi nos- proved abea- ta him. Tl proved ta be te satcit tormula ou evmry abei-V.OU l 0 lcet'TI-oe who bave heard oft he case KNOW WHAT YOiARE BUY. I ltityey Per have tîpard of surh a ING--there la nothinglfo bide. 1,1,r. a offma tvdccr n a te part of a clild for a playmata. F. BAU RSTOW LoosPos oe Thte Cree Indian girl ta saught in Ia.mado with thse conyctd amous MA-NUFACTURER 0F 2arniaga. ual for love. but becs lap of eackia gredirsît. I sie la eltroog and uFeful. The sbr iToe materiais. arce ied by maa arbiea Grai te brav alto vIý1sita.t ake ber loti 1i% chiner>'. i sro rpr "conslt- a quaw Is ofttn falot h(earled.. attî fie eny" aud sspnrgt ,biending witit pure finseepi-tise life of paint qunty snd bu a dIsintereIîd a Constant Inspection Imaures 1>gb. onumenis "so, or'end'3pae n a en. est quatity and absointo nlriy gaudv ahI. handlîarcief, purcitaseslý Corne in and loo e r r=ts HtloiHyC-:îaî iî clor suggestions. ~ee ~ 'k of Ever~ i netosacI-i eIcth * gaes. siso aod sol-iard. 1tate fusler, W. LEMKER Description sagt for t'a tîtsnd of is daugtict Fifîth yesr ...... . l00006f From ltese flzetrcsi t wsotsd seem lthe gaverumeut eaîterls ishat the great er tart of thte addillonat pensions soili 001 lie lu ellectuntil thte second vear. IThen ltera la a msrked decline s lirh It te possible lthe gor*eronn et fites os Il resutt fro thIle destts <of set tl7 .ttisl,îthIl,-indaucîcd mstore s se rn i'l cse elsewh ere. He nes e ih.,i or Alttiougi thte billtas, paset asnot n0 ots; heneyer feals tai bi-s exactly lte klnd of a bill tt I o(a culý break., bult ritts alFeîts andod etetans s-auted, ter ara ptea. mat~~ ~~ ePý 111t'o "o'5Otarr-itr -e Ill Itie recognitior taha bi eets t\tts~,t - t .t.lti td iC- !,so ctn tIsentbu- canrras-. l{ossrer. ai~~ ~~ l- . . t' i er 1 eîe ls i ope tttaî ertain lilte Wor!s 1lztv e '1fsi lîl ha made lli te tII w H Y T c c a r9 I uhtsor pusumonuift UsaPFOIPV'P ýHOnIan d Tar C.rnpnuud promptir for it stops eouwhs quiekiv 5and curpa ()Ida i rontaius n. oiatei. and lm mefor eitden, For sale 7v nIl l Drugistg. j Sane ore. We are toleraut but .we refuse t0 take seriouly te poilticai, artistie or JIterary opinions of a man who car- ries a lighted cigar loto a cioaed car. -F. P. A. ln New York Mai. aliDIer fuel Lowjtries duriug Ntay sf1 as jot LE L Ni R R -3-:3 : H h ai me~r]s1 a r..s a a'f ~ a'r s e in Our ap.zlence covering a good ~ ~ w mnfyya efind fthe "C Icago K>oue "brm dOf Portlsnd Cernent, b giving the peateet Udtact1o -to the groat«mUberfOourpoLtrofl 'Vouble Ae Meaiia. 17a. that can b. made" Tn m .Ad>ym P&M . o ifamd m cm Oka &0fu Aowst f., ym b"fs-ao8s HME LUMIES CO, sli4verviU., III CHAS. HARBÂIJGH LUMBIER CO. T.WD . 34ak.saNL NORTH CMICAGO UMBER & COAL CO, N.uihChimoi.. Tu ,~~ôun ULLR. a.SARNUM RETIRES AS PREST- DENT 0F LOCAL *REWERY AVERAGE INCREASE FOR LOCAL APTER FEW YEARS' SERVICE OLD VETERANS IS ABOUT 05 PER MONTH. NEW IN'rERESYS SPENOINO 5EV. ENTY VIVE, THOUSANo DOL. LOCAL VETERANS NOT EXACTLY LARS'I NIM PR OVEMENTS. PLEASED AT BILL, BUT SAY IT SHOWS RECOGNITION- R. S. Barnum, for thse past few Yans haad of te Beale>' Brawtng compan>' As a rasuit of t a ssse of tise Off titis city and activel>' eugaged lu newPesio bll hih ws ignd y 11t management until tbis week, bas uawpenio bii hiit ra slnej u Iren succeded a» presidant b>' T. Presideot Taft, on ',Iay 11, thse old Mw Suellitig. lte Ciicagoan, who re- army vetorans lu Wauitegau and Lait en:tiy arquired flve-itbs eof lte atoca count>' wîîî receive an average lu- of tita aid Waukegan ccampany. crasse of $61.28. 0f course tsere are- Mr. Barnum's resignation was e rpted Monday lasI witeji a complete saieral otd veterans lui the itY sud "ev set of offcers were etected as atsa tite count>' ario for long service fatirosa: gel larger pansions, sorse aoflte lu- Presideol-treasurer - T. W. Snell- crîas aaa oounttlug to about lance tti lgo, ths Ire-prsident-E. S. Cummings, of autount but as titece are anme s-ho Ghicago. set leas il la ao'eraged tsp very falrly. Secretarl'-M. F. Dailey. it wiIl give tlite Id soliers of te Mr. Barnum ha. thus sevared ail counY nanythouand ofdollars conuection alit thbe compàny whicb caun>' usuy itouandsaf e 100k itoid of fottowiug tite retire. more eacit yaar, ment of lte Besleys a few years ago Tberle are a fear old veteraus beresud no tonger owns an>' stock lu tbe arma w1li receive an tucrease af $10 coîupany wici he controiied for a or $11 ainiants, but tae increase for lime. His plans for tite future are the snajority wili be abaut $5. Even net endin uch Mono.. tis s'itl contes a arelecome addition Aiready lte new trierests aIt the sud tbey are eagerly amratung lte ar- brewery hbsi', speut $50.000 lu remad- riva ofblak slps ýo hat heym eing tise plant and plan spending an. riva 0fblak sipsso ita tiey aynîbr $25,000 luntte worit lu the near file their applications for lnorreases future. 'Téitreyrery bas been aven., as lte iucreaàes are isol effective un-hue rmtpt botlom new equip- tii afler th Ititanits.hase been flied 1.met av topbenlsattt ni ie Wasitington. jflOtlSoff thé ol plant -hine reuewed lu Passing lte lais taegoieroment Tite rompinv t Ibs Sommer wIlitcou- bas figured titat the Itirrease lunte tiuee uanfacturinz Ire sud plans are amouint of disiturseineuts te irst belng msde ta enlarga titis fealure of yearwil no cone n) t th seondtisebusiness lunlte Fai]. Nearwlt notcoue tii î lit seond Mr 9uetlng, te-man activeiy baud. yaar wrien the largest inant ahi be tng lte business. la a hstaler sud îssld out. Intert's maklug lte local Institution rTe disiturseusenîs focr te firsi ane Of tite most active of te amalier lir ~etc aveiten fg îad ui s fl-concerna off the kind ln titis section. toars: TIam re oiapeoplp lu thiistown whc, First year..............200,0"ntiiîuv neilpee a *'mere enhi". Second year ........ ......35,000,000. Ittouwb tev soutd nt oltarwima Tmmcd rear ....... ....... 23,000,0001dexupair ihd-n-r hmast Fourtit vear ..............ttto.0noodua alarliuetcal ------ dppln,-in t.n antann, ithria. 'I Groceries, Meats, Shoes, Cigars, Candies, Hardware, Raw and Boiled Oil, Chick Feed and in fact nearly every- thing you need. C. H. BARNSTABLE Gurnee, Illinois E MereditFlower and Vegetable Company IS THE BEST NIVESTMENT FOR YOU -BLCAUS-It's a home industryj run bq home men. BECAUSE-We absolutely have no watered stock. BIECAUSE--Our assets are based on actual prop*çrtyj, propertu that gou can realize dollar for dollar invested. BECAUSE- We do not figure our trade as assets, and we ask no one to invest in such a shakg proposition. BECAUSE- The founder of the business is a Libert!yville mon, living among is friends, and positiveIlJ would not ruin bis character byj having ujou invesi, in~ what was not absolutely sale. Mis board o f directors are citizens of Iis communitqj. and men of un- reproacliable characters. B3ECAUSE--We make no wild cat promises,, or induce- ments 10 tempt jou. BECAUSE-We seli our stock ai Par $ 10.00 a share -NONE LESS. BÉCAUSE-We could not return you dollar [or dollar if we sold 10 qou for $9.00 and payj qou 7 pet cent which is absolutely guaranteed. BECAUSE-Our stock is redeemable on 30 da!Js notice. with 7 per cent and flot at some lime in the uncer- tain future. BIECAUSIE Raising lowers'is no experiment, but a hi¶jh- class profitable business, fullyj tried, and established. BECAUSE-Our Jiooks are open to gou. our orders are genuine,-ad cover everyj state in the union. BECAUSE-We have no high salaried officers, our profits going 10 gou. s i -t BÉCAUSE-We are here 10 sta!J. and will be here for a centur t 1 corne, and with the Iargest plant in this countyj. BECAUSIE You are coming 10 us for a sale investment, one that gou know is absotutelij sale. BECAUSE-ts the best. b!i actual test, tqou know the plant, yjou know the oflicers. BECAUSE-There is $10,000 more to seil. Do yjou want 1 or 100 shares? Meredith flower and Vegetable Co. J. E. MEREDITHI, Pres. P. S. J. E. Meredith and Co., flot onlg recommends this, but personally guerantees this investment. ARE Yo0u RE.ADY FOR T HE Lets get the Lapýwns inShape. The Spring has Been Late. But we Have the Flowers for you. of them, ail Priced'alid Colors. Our Wagon will Deliver to the Following Towns. Rockefller, ILàke Zurich, Round Lake, Long Lake, I ogleside, fox Lake, Mall aq Prairie View, FLOWER Lots of Then-, all I#inds Roindout, Diamond Lake. And any of the Nearby Towns. ' be There. Ne will Please you With, Please Telephone Your Wants, Stating the day you Wish the Wagon and we Wil try to Flowers, Prites and Service. Watch for the 'Wagon. MER EDITH- FLOWER AND VEGETABLEC&. Waucondà,9 Grayisake, si rTe Bumane CowHabble igguarante,.j ta @top ans' cua franrukikng, or you rna. reîurn thte smeand gai your MoneY IlacI.Cao ho Put on aud off luaa un'tout*. For saleetat h. Count>' Farma at 81.50. Tr.y orne for a week. Ç-28.iîf We are Again Open I WITH A PULL LIME OP -

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