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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 May 1912, p. 11

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Go'taowfnlaW on tnemnter, ont are tnt lit will gertot tne ¡YipÉr ne- ' o' V, reIrmta rNndt nd-r-manner-a -,4 they may compel yen to testifY. Yen fore 1 reach her. lit la too good for Mtr. a relebrity, wlil sometimies send him became excied. Then she told of the you old sadard. Tou hvwon and1 l T a muA can't ship lfore the mnast again, that'S Meyer to keep." uews gutbering ln the police courts, captain's Promise to p ut the mani in am Zlad, apot I congratulate you. But- settled. But you cau have a berth, But the story was not given out lm. where printable newss Ioseare I, ronts on hier agreeingj. ta testIfy against Myaw o e eme.sheakt e.-W rieck toumte, with me as long as 1 Bail a shipi mediately. Mr. Meyer enill a confer- On the mornlng followling thie ilrrest him; of the conseluent decrease lanlher bo renonuil enrie t at es1d ~~If you'll take it. And you're to makie enece of the underwvriters concerned of John Rtowland three reportiors, sent watchfulDns and hier missing the child oeel Myra? e-my cabin your baome us Iong as yol4 1p the Insurance lof, the Titan, ait by three, -uheios teddahl utbfr h hpre; of heýr rem- And the man wenit to sce.-Myra. a ~ ~ ~ 0 of nt e Ile re-ember thaL still, 1 knouw yOu whichi Il was decided1 ta romnain m-of ,ustice presided over by ý,ne of nhe cue by the gallant flcs< ime i ad hlia nTR Eýn. FATHER AND BROTHER OF SUI- 0 wanlt to get across wýIth the kid, nuit lent concerning the card they hoped to late risingu magistrates metlInl assertion that he hadl seeni her child - --CIDE CAME HERE SUNDAY TO if you stay arounid nuit] 1 sait l i i yPlay and to speni( ila little time and above. in plhe enteomo M or nteam fti a.teol a abe months before you get to Nw Yl vork tuoney in hunting fur Other witnesses raggzed. disfbgirrd by, ble (lnlonei And on earth who would hatrm It; of thePU S PI C ETAEBD HM, T ita n ~ ~~with the chance of losing hier by get- among the Titan's crew andf In Inter- later news that a boat containing sait.P LE-I L E ting foui of Englishl Law. Buit just view'ing Captini Barry to the end of crie and children jingheen r>»kd up SAYS HE LOANED ARDER THE ---Kn- ti mue. Thererepwfu in- improinga hits memiory. A few smiuy T>fIftdieraion e'or une 2e- MNY RKNLV O tL at erre aif-egra nos ii- me eetings witni toi nrge obstirucuiomist tectives sent over and their repo rt that MANCE BLAMED FOR DEED. ý3 ~By Miorgan Robertson ter." conviniced themn of the futility of fur. a saIlor answering thils mn'sn, descrIp- 16 --What Captaini Barry huid in iniind, ther effort ln hits direction, aind, lifter lion had refused to surrender a child VIT R T U SÐ ý5 Rowland was too weak to inquire. on finding ait the end of a weeok that (everyv x to the consul at Gibraltar andi hadl dis- That Arder Phiillip Carlson, 25 years ý4 Copyright, 189, by M. F. Mansfleld. their arival at the bark lie wais as- surviving member of lte Titiiurs Port appeared ith It; of hier joy at the old aetohsdat sareuto Copyriht, J112 by Morgan Rob. sistedl by his friend toa ilcouch Iin the watch, as wVell :Is a few of the Other, -nwthtyrwaalvaddepr.WAUIKEGAN DEFEATS M'KENNA suicde was thie verdict of the coro- ertson. All rights reservead. cablin, where lie spenit the rest of the hadt been linducedý toi sIgn for Catpoývoy. ofee eighraanutlsehd TEA M OF CHICAGO IN OPEN.. ier's jury which sat in the case at !0 -day, unaile to leave It. Menw ieges or hadl otherwise diapaei met her ln this mnan 4 ariin On Brad- IGCM FSAO.teCna lr netkigro 17 ftaftrr'ltdhhepesfg.Captain Barry hadl roneP asl m inh. they decided to give the sitory tol by> way the day before. IGGM FSAO.teCna atUdraigro 28 ure to a couch, and they watched, Iteturninig toward evenhag hie muid to Rowland to the press lit the hope that de A hspiti e artv tra gt ilmCrsn a 0 hl tecnvlinsgecasirth the muan) on the couch: "I,%e got jour publicity wouild avail to bring to lighit 0outraged inaternity overoamne hier. ther of the Young man, and Martin n breath shorter and the Ilps fromn amben puy, Row land, und sigmcd l arec eipt for corroboratory evidence. Wihcek luhdadeesbaigM DE 1 RU N EI ·rlqon, him brother, arrivedl in wau- gry to blue. Before a doctor or car. Itu toit attorney. Hie paid It out of And this story, Improved upon lin the %corn and anger, mihe pointedl at Row- Legan Suniday morning and Sunday riage had rome hie had! passed away. lits own pocket. You coutld hiave wvork. 1repeating by MIr. Meyer to reportersý land and all but screamed, "And be afternoon returned to their home la "ddnemotion of some kind,"1 saidl ed that companjy fur fifty thouisand or and embellishedl still farther by ther hs utled toued ybayRA PULES UC OTEGH Dlon owhpegtmesrrm the doctor when he did arrive. "Vio.. more, but 1I knew you old' touch porters ais they wrote it upl, pa:·tleular- Tbhere are deep woonds In her lttle MEN; CUMMtNGS STARS WITH Muskegon, Mich. 2eteoin1o.Ha bdnwy their mnoney, andn so, only struc-k himl ]y in the- part pertainingt h oa back, and the doctor sai only tast THE BIG STICK. No new factsc were adduced at the I . 1 ~ "Bad and good,." answered the un.. for your wages. Youj're entith.d toa h ear.,lAonedl out in the great dllesiý night that they were made by a sharp-- inquest other t.han those printed ln 26 derwriter-"pood ln learning that this monith's pa1Y. liere it is Amrcnof England nind thle continent and was, Instrument. 29dear little girl was his granddaughi. money-abouit $17-." Hle ga iowlan cabled to New York, with tyhe namieof "And, judge, this man musthbave tried us nhas "sme bal[ teami, the SUN Saturday night. John and 210 trbdineann thth wa arolohH the steamer lae hc John Rowland to warp and twist the mind of my Ihn -h to, Th'lomas Mecianin Joseph Darrow, at whose home Carl- ter a rnd muarne w a e he as "NrowO heres smtig cime. flow. hadi saile<d (for hits movemients hadf child or put her through frightful ex- Two huindredl fans witnessed the de.. son had been staying took the, stand 20 stockholder ln der Titani. One hun- Inand," hie continuedl, prodluciny an en. been traced lin the search for ev-N . periences, for hie has taught bier to femoih-lKna ieo hcg and related the samne storyththe 22 dred thousand pouinds he owned of reiQPe. "In conside-rationi of the fact 1dece), whiere It arrivedl too tlt for swear horribly, and tant night nt bed- at ilhe handsl of the locals lin Wauke- told the SUýN. They declared that 21) ~der stock, aolt of which this Poor, dear thaet you lost all your clothes and later publication the mlorniing of the daiy on1 time, when I told her the story of gan Thursiday afternoon. The score Carlson had acted rather queerly of litlechldwil otget" r.Meeryor rmthrug te arlesnssof wvhleh, with Myra on his shouldler, bie Elisha lind the bears and the children, wen 1h- 4 art.ain %w drawn ln the flate and before retirIng that nighit and 35 ~looked sorrowful as he patted Myra ou the company's4 oflicers, Mfr. TIhompson 1tpe dawn the ganigpilanik at a @he burst out tot the most uncontrol- nith inining st'ood s to Irn fanvo of for that reason they thInk that he was the head. offers you tis." I(owlaiil opiened the ,North river dock. As a costuec able screaming and sobbing. r 3 Il ~Captain Barry bekoned to Itowland. envelope. lin it were twof first ieahin i wals stirroundiIeýl on the dock by3 en Here her testimony ended In a break. %Vaukegan. contemplating suicide. 3 ~ who, slightly flulshedl. was stalarling ay' ilekeýts fromt Liverpool to New York, thunsiastle reporters, who spokie of the .down of hysteries, between goba of RL'u e a sh'ortstop, of somne note Neither the father or brotller knew thle still firure on the couch and watch.i Flushing hotly, hie saidl hitterly: tory andi p;1ked for details Hle re- 'which were frequent admonitions toe ice for Wak Ialle held the the youing womnan who had signed hier ro Ing the face of Mr. Meyer. il) wh - It seemils that 1,'m nlot to escape Il fused to talk, escapeIrd them ari gain1 the child not to gay that badl word, Chicago players at hits meTry throught- nmue as "Helen" in a note in which annoyance, jubilation andi simlulaied after all." Iin the midi streets. moon founid himi for, Myra hiad caught sight of Row- out eight innings. Th'le Chicago Play- glhe hadl said that all wa3 over be- shock could be seen ln tuirnl "Take 'em., old mn.n take 'emi. In self lirwt Hoda, hr land and was calling his nickname- ers succeeded in, netting one run fin tween themn because of pirental ouo- "W it, e said ais hie turnied to facet, I took '@im for youi. aad y-ou and enf-e the officý of the n C'man w e, ttrdth ffcr *Wa aWped was thl-wh- this Iiuning when Micky, Dugan erredl. jection but both admitted that this watch the doctor leave thle roomt. "Iis the kid are bookedi. And 1 madle wrecked and secured iro th iansdsevelea 1by Dis nighit in al cell, stood ofnbd npriua.Dugan split the index finger ont his was probably th e cause of the rash this so, Mr. Meyer," hie addied to the Thompson agre to settle yourt doctor's pasne s h drss fl Mrns Rowland, with other unfoýrtunates more "Thneyl Tian,"cle. ou hlfa right hand in pIracticeN bee thided undrwrte, "hatMr Sefrigeown bil nd xpese wih !feer.'Tin' Selfridge, the onily woman saved. or lesu gauty Of Offense atgainslt ociety- niewspaper men across the room. gaebut nereT sueeded ln "MY brother's statement that he had flo Tiastock and wouldl have been bribery. lil d heel iIu melf for th& Then he took al car upl Broadway aulà When hie name was calledI be was "-The Titan," repeated the magis.- blankling thmee runiners at second " tolen money formi me was not true," rus e ba e lvedl by the Ioss of the 1run alver: b'ut. hang it, you il take nouthl- ialighted abreast of a large depart1nent bustled through a door, along a !tue of trate. "Then this Offensei was commit- base Martin Carlson told a SUN reporter Inaurance money?" 1Ing fromn mle. Yu'egot to get the store. policemnen--each of whom addeýd to hl@ ted on the hligh sens undter the English Bu . lVose the Sunday.f "Whenhè helflomnhe ma'r Iit hal esouh l mri e d u ng ta se uam sana dPatrlrogh t smgn eoy t PrisIelhave s, wa onte yones eatr mnt rs ago hie askdm whi lan br more It would be assessedl t ouake Lawyer that I could fit The boat mattier about mie, but you're a Fifth glared at him. Seatedl In a cornter of "Nothing, your honor." The, answer to his credit and a long list of re- er would do for another. I neyer good his sare of what der company sailzlsn the morning, and the nighit avenue baby-a Hottle aristocrat. The"e the courtroomn were the aohi gç atleman came ln a kind of dry sobl rnarkable plays. That Vase will make thought of the matter a second- eme must bay fr der Royal Age, which I train leaves ln two hours3. Tbink of aldi clothes won't dIo now." But elhe of the day, before, the youngiL mother The magistrate scanned the ashen one of the big league nines one of and It seems strange that he should mia iW athre acllso cas ih that mothler, Rlowland. Why, man, I'd hadt forgotten'the wvord "miamma" and with little Myra ln her lap amçi a num- hae ma nrg n adt h lr hs iedy stepeiiino ae brooded over this fact. I know Titan's olicy?"travel round the world to stand ln was more Interested in the exciting ber of other taies, all exclted In de- fthcorCanehicageoteSTN asblldtr.that my brothler was in ill health and "Dlere wam." noise and life Of the street thru ln the m eanor and all but the youing mother vagrancy, eh"- Next Sunday Waukegan will clash possibly this might have had somne- "Adyo oo h rs, nwigcothIngr ihe woro. In the, store Row- dlirectIng venomous glances ait Row- The clerk, inistigated by the newspa- bat& with .the Gross AthletIc base bail thing to do with the matter, that elhe was to run the northern lane e o n a ietdt h r efigpl n oo g Per men, was at hits elbow. Ho laid a club of Chicago. Hd' er rmHm at full speed through rog und snow?"* womana walu airtm ti heeinyun but happy faced withal;, allowed no e rW bIgr otefre dhm pinted. toe Ray Puise or G.oggins will pitch for "Terh wauote first tie tat "did. Sa did olthei"'Ti child has been shipwr;ecked," wandering glanice to rest on him. tebiesoeranrtr enWauikegan. Adrhdgn wy iemn ten, Mr. Meye ith Irtains for the he salid. "I havr $1650 to spend on The officer who had arrestedl Row- wRRe tbe court read the news. After William ýýVhyte, the only Wauke- ther yout n elw hd ae loein!onging tn tell ou th a e n u an on teIt. Give it a bath, diress lits hair and land was sworn and testifieýd that he a moment or two the magistrate look- gan player who ever reelved an crfer tord get ot ndrs e omethi e of th Tiite nlbed pi, anstell a y l use ue the money on a dress, shoes hadt stoppedl the prIsoner on Broadway ed up. fromt Cominsky, ownler of thme White world.At oethrer tnime w h he f biisicue i n pcddb and s4tockings, uinderrlothing and a whille makling off with the childl, whosle "Pop , li heti alwayly returne and)x heaei mighti haven lt the collision clause In therpolicy. ln hant." Th on omnsopdadrich clothing hadl attract -d his atn Orisoer, hlee said srly; "teake boxr i played t base na. His tesan hngti im s short, 1, the one man who can prevent kisdh t oa topdadton. D)isdainful sniffs n re hvaad en yorlf1leeoto orbes."bohrHrypae is ae done thae saee thing thid tieI as w It, refuse to testify." passIth, butprte gied tr sheuer syra- teorrwthmtrdrma: IRowland obeyed mechanically, and it Wauikegan's infield was especially would ve ee re an oing tod "Vha-a-t?" coPuldv bi d oe teLit not much "itih conded! wThe idea:, the 11alest dangled at hits sIde. The magistrate fast Thuirsday. Williams played a star reev him. n sWe e wroted him ocey nd Mr. Meyer grasped the back of the rtl>o you best." saidroi "lwlnd "IIe"Ma'ut the prosletin notied and rend ont. Then hie ,olded gamne in the ouitfield. , oase-etidi vr a chair and, leainLg over It, stared at laalDohae N-Ii wilj walt l- here ritss, was caedto tesuf aout the the papver and salod: The Ine-up: to locate him but were not able. The Rowland. lna aidene.1wl vathre" l tss wa aidt cý1yaotte -OU are the man who was rescued firait Intimation we had of his where- Yuwill not testify? Vhat you eme tr frnterbeiiig agan -man yourent hooteea romn an Iceberg, areYou not?" The Waukegan Chicago.r' abouta was when we received the mennle, bravely dressed In her new finery, and excitedly. "wasl once a gentleman and - e W telegramt Saturday morniing telling us "What 1 said, and 1 do not feel was stopped at the corner by a poilic- a frefluenit guest at mly houise. Hie 1I)Ischarged.' The word came forth W. Whyte .... 3rd.b . .......Hfayward lie hadl commitbed suicide." called upon to give you my reasonts. mae who hasenhmcmuu n se frtehn fm agtr a unjudicial roar. "Madam," add. Williams -...... c f . . ......K. Smith Mother Je Prostrated ' Mr. Meye friend," said the under-, w ho arvld doublet couch outa-d ankd asr hires wa nof m nganted o h mgIstrate, withaa kldling ght Il. Wyt...lstb......Cac-Tenwofhrs stacdat '*M godtin, adteudr posItoIon of rags andi ribblons. threatened revengze. Yos, sir. Aloi out lnbsee ti a a eey uae (tmmings ...... r.'.. ...Ernest .a er a ac o h ohr writer, advancing with outstretched "Woekid Ye got?" hie demanded. on the broad Atlintie. where he hadl your childI's Ilife. If you will read of I)ugan ........ 2ndb . ........... Peedhabento ucfrtemte, hands to Rtowland, who backedl away "Iblle steduhe fMsfloe yduhentegieo its defending it fraim a polar bear Bok .. s.Hedhe said, and 6he has broke 1 dOwn and, takipg Myra by the hand, moved Colonel Selfridge," answeredorRowland olaosallor, he attemMedlto murderithat wheon you go home, I doubt that you Vasek catch Wa. .... ild completely. Members of the fatnily toward the door. Mr. Meyer sprang Coaue ghtil--oohghtily bywe foar l chi;l, mye grndhid b u d asdisov wil1 tel] It any more bear stoes Pule ..... cac ...... W *---" are ea ruofhrwfaeSeþd and faced them. Come imekuzh l to h eshtore, me our s "it,"m irnerrupte bt mas tae equally u j dca on t e p rite S rc.u y P ls - ih ; b y am shor tim ern w t e news of ahi "Oh, mine gaot Gott," he shouted, re- an' ne'll see who ye mitule it from.', "Contine, your testimiony to the pres- court, ren--four. death was too mucht for ber. lapsting ln his excitement to more "Very wVell, offier; I can prove pas. ent offense." Mrs. Selfridge, with a mystified and Runls by Waukegan players-Cum- 'Ihat Arder Carlson commnitted oui-, pronounicedl dialect, "vhat I do to session." They startedl back, the ofti, "Yes, your honor. Failing In this, hie ra ther aggrieved expression of face, mings, 2; Vase, '-; Brokne, 2; Dugan, eide for lov of the grl ho culd o you, bey? Vhy you go pack on me, erwthshadnRwan'co-tleretedtelilenefmitolet the courtroom with her Indignant williams. ovnig o o bey? Hlaf 1 not bay der doctor's bill? car, n w ere melstin at thead' do oor byabd n ie lie th lne mne the f athier and friends, while Myra shout- ar and that ho had plannedi the Hait I not bay for der carriage? Haf . Party of three or four people coming ship wras wrecked, and be must haveedpoaeyfrRwnwhhddedcrflisndetdtmte I not treat you Bike one shentleman? out. One of this Party, a Young wo- escaped wIth the child in"m- fallen tot the banda of the reporters. folowing note which was sent his Har 1 not, bey ? I sit you down ln mlan In black, uttered a piercing sbriek "Were you a witness of this?,, They would have entertalined him art- sÀK G N M N»weetheart in Racine and wbich was mine office'and cail you 'Mr. Rowland. and sprang toward them. "I was not there, your honor, but we er the manlner of the eraft, but he published ln a Racind paper Satur- Hart 1 not been one sihentleman? "ya"sesrae."iem ae to h odo h is fie would not be entertained, neither day. "pnthat door," said Rowland bMya ,,l ,,eaea 'Gv ebv to h or ftetrtofc wouId hen talk. is H M R D 'ers ee& uletl "~You could havel worked that company my bay! Give her to mel1 a gentleman"-He d. 'artHln: Yuesy opni. eetdCpanBr o it huado oe" lShe snatched the child from Row- "Step down, sir. Thait wil dM. Of- Hewallowed u and twas very speedily 'Withou o antlv n o ry, his puzzled face clearing aot the your shoes when you hand Myra over. erled and sereamed over1, il sed e) fNewsti ies mted ink? anLhnteeeigppr per ON MORGANE, NAION¯ ENVE thatln we u rechaveeha e er hope o prospect of action on his part. "Open I've got a chilld of my own." The Ilvious to the crowd that collecteoI tin- "Yes, your honlor. 1 caught him me- that day the evenlts of the trial were L O A EN N EGTVEN HN ak ouyrlfgok, chamni the mind- s, It or lIl kick It downa captain's eyes were winking hard and continently faintedl In the arms of an self.,, all thait could be added to the storyORA DE TU.autnyrlgoIa gogtond Buit you, mine friend, heard dier ad- fast, and Roewlapd's were shining. IdIndignant old gentleman. "Who did he steal the child from?" o f the mornting. D)ecýatur, Ill., May 25.-The Illinois It all. Goodby, my sweetheart, until msinof der captain of der drugging. "Yes, I'illftake the passage," hie sad "You scounidrel!" he exclaimed as he "That leddy oiver yonder." Onthe morning of the nexrt day a b'ranch of the Nationa.l Assleiation of wne meet ln the other land. One goot witness will do. Two is pet- with a smile. "I accept the brible." dlourished his cane over Itowland's "Madam, will y'ou take thie stand?" une armed doc k lounger found an old St atianary Engineers elected the fol- ADD. ter. Biut you will swear, mine friend- "That's right. You'll be sitrong and hemad with his free arme. "«We've With her child lin her arms, Mrs. bisho knod. ome ies otrn, lowin officers today: The identit of "ak-mqer h he lie bvisnt Istand b)y Riowland," sdtecp- mo.ther's throughi thankIng you-andý the station house. I will follow and qunvering %oc rili ted what he ta ug somne bait and caught a fiih. le- glual asle tain grimly. "I don't remlember what you have to think of yourself, rememi- mke a charge in the name of miy the ga saod Ite ri ga e a -, sit ng hungry and without fire, he traded ganeireiotGe eW unable. t ota olvers memry Getd aOway from that doo " mothbeo e an. Wite toire, "Te he srtol the kiddh?'wsalowed by the wo>man-wise mang- twfore night caught two more, one of ger of Decatur. "Ilonour they father and thy mioth- Grievous lamientation. weepings and care o' Lloyd's, If you want the berth, asked the policeman. which he traded, the othler sold. Hie Secretary-treasurer-W. E. H11ll of er ,that thy day imay be long upon wailnggsud the most genuine gnash- and I'il sendi you advance money to "Most certainly," answered the aod slept undiler the docks-paying no rent- Moline. the land which the Lord thy God Ing of teeth, interspVrsed with the fee- get back with." gentleman an, ivilh elhe a %stance of fished, traded land sold for a month; Rockford was chosen for the cou- giveth thee."-E-iodus 20:12! bier cries of the frightened Mlyra and 1 "Thank you, captain," said Rowland Ene. oEners, ne 'kLtnþortdnf ne' auncon- thon paid for a secondhand suit of yention site in 1913. Cpunctuated by terme commands in re. sa IQank the other's band and then selons yo-ing mother to a carriage. clothes and the servi,- or a barber --"Had tny boy borne thd conunand- gard to the dooer, fllled that private of- glanced at his empty sleeve, "but my They ait entered, little Myra scream- Hiss chaned apearne hindce allig Tehre ofre nM.Mra etl idwe elf bhm te lee to the wonder of the clerks with- going to sea is ended. Even a mate Ing for Rowland fromt the armis of a bos stveor to htehmtlyn he o gnonere lin Mr. Matogan mnt Lavnt miwen he left hga home C ~~~out and endied at last wvithi the crash- ¡redstooads'eale member lof the party, and were cargo, whleh was more lucrative than whistenieratheNtoaan lvdoeshre ersgot C ~~~ing of the door fromn Its hinges. "wiutyoref, Rowland. l'di driven off. fishIng. and furniished ln time a bat, lneoepat sasga n n'ra h ie iewrd h uih Captain Barry, Rowland and Myra, talle you mate without any hande ati C'l wl' mel," uttered the ofilcer, -e pareofshes andua and overcolaaot. He here, s h Nr a swsthe hapeeveeeet m ent of et b utcd old nevers Cfollowed by a parting. heart borne mal- a ilwhite you had your brains. It,' rappliz Lits prisoner on the head with then re lnedia romund eptoyin ad d.e let writh Mr. a ie s, wase teaebenmetdru.o"i b i ledletion from the agitated underwriter, done me good to meet a man like you. hishbb club anjeInghmofhsfe.Bfr ogh on mlyeta-dlgt rmWuea' og.A rao. ]eft the offiee andi reached the Street' And say, aoid man, you won't takre -Thn.whlea approvIng crowd ap., dæssingevloeoo apmailinairmsha ovn-n twsfudta te hsso ilimCrsnSn The cairriage that bad brought them wrong fromn me, will you? It's nlonel plaudedi. the muant who hadl fought and at whih hils finle and rad ena-vice president, who would naturally daiy afternoon as hie sat on 2 chair ln Cwas still walting. o, my business, but you're too all fired coinqueredl a hunzry ilolar hear was shi s) ecured himi steady work, and ln hv ucddt h )FIecwst- aea o;esain ,atu C "settle ~~inside,"1 called the captain ta of a man to drink! You haven't had dragged throughi the strete Ilke a sick a few mothts be asked is employers aescee otepeieewsteWuea ok ttoaatn the driver. "We'lli take another, Row- a nip for two months. Are you going animal by a New York Policeman, for to Indorse hits application for a civil sui k and unable to attend the meut. a .;ummtons fromn the tundertakers for land." 1to b)egin?" such la the stultifying effect of a civ- tservice examination. The favor was ing. It was ruled an absent member him to call at their parlors andi claima Around the firet corner they found '"Never again." said Rowland, rising. ilized environiment. granted, the examination easily pass. shoffld] not bie electedl. the body of hie dentd don. a cab, which they entered, Captain "'ea future now, as well as a past." In New York city there are homes ed, and he addiressedl envelopes while Accordingly, men who had been The old rn's hend was bowed in Ic Barry giving the driver the direction-- permeated by a moral atmosphere so -he waited. guiests at the Waukegan lodge's meet- soi1 w. Hits near. was brokea. After C Bark Peerless, East India dock. CHPE V1t pure, go elevaited, so sensitive to the Menit;while Rowland purchased new ing freqluently, who were guests, at dav morning he recéflred a telegramn C"ItikIndrtnthgme, Row- CTe idna vibrations of human woe and misdo. ando better clothing and seemed to their banqluets, etc., and others ln the ilt is home near blusaegon, advising icTe inpe.h en and,"yinIprsig s he saideaa the statd "You P Ing, that their occupants are remov. hvnodfeutinmpssgtoestalc who hadl watched the "tv"him that hits long kot son had taaen don't want to breakl this child." 1=VT was near noon othneted completely fromt all consideration .hmh e ihtefc hth

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