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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 May 1912, p. 4

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LAKE1 LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT «ffCe Teie1îhone N'o. 1. C.ty Editor'-Reridence Teleibrîre No. 145-L. l i-rrii, E\, fiangi. Entered at tir I îrlr aii .t ibrVii' 1, II a Snr ,n l a,, ,1i Ni atir iluiirl W cEIr I. rt~rrîcliii. ~I fi k r , I r is eiratirîtr fSUBSCRIPT;ON PRICE. $1.5O PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE W, J. SMITH .. . .E dior F. G. SMITH M ... . . .Wanager RAY L. HUBBARD .......... Ci>. Edsor FRII)AY, '.YVi It is quite remarkable that every one of the seven bod- ies have been recovered at Fox Lake. Ordinarily when seven persons would drown in such a large lake as Fox Lake, one or more would be kept down for months, or, even forever as a resuit of being caught in the underbrush, etc. There is something touching in the act of the North- western baggageman who daily waves his hand at his sis- ter at Lake Forest. A man who thinks to do that each day and who did it each day that his niother lived since he was on the road, can be set down as a manl with a tender heart, and one who is kind to lis relatives and friends. Naturally, the Volivaites didn't like to smell smoke second-handed at their weekly reception Wednesday eve- ning, tberefore, when the smokers blew smoke scond-hand- ed into the Mion home rooms, they got peeved and started thinga. Nobody likes smoke, second-handed amoke any- way, and, when you can't get it first-handed, who's going to stand quietly by and take is from sonxebody else? 1 Not the Zionites! We may now expect the goverrilment to take proper steps to enforce the laws regarding if e preservers, over- Ioading of boats, etc., on Fox, Grass and other government bodies in western Lake county. Like the Titanic disaster, this this is a case where "the door is being locked after the horse is stolen," but, let's see that the door I8 locked in thé future, even though seven lives were sacrificed before dlscovering the necessity. The minister who is against singing at funerals has a rather exceptional idea of matters. He evidently is the kind Who would like to preach a tearful sermon and make it just as lard for bereaved people as possible. Music helps tb lighten the sorrow; bright, cheerful sermons as possible, etc., help lift the sad atmosphere surrounding sudh sad eVenda A practice of eiminating music at funerals would tedto make the burden harder than to make it easier as should be the aim of ministers and others. Chairman L. Y. Shernman of the state charities com- ,Mission, ti deciding the new asylum site matter, should flot forgt that Lake County gave hini the biggest maj ority of U~y county in the state outside of Cook in hs race for Sen - ator. Reciprocity in a great thing, Mr. Sherman. Lake County likes you, sbown by its splendid vote for you; we ho eyou like Lake County-and Waukegan is a part of lAeCounty. Waukegan wants, Waukegan' needs the new -' ylumn because it means the bringing of much money into ti tand county, it means the bringing of many employ- es of th institution to this locality. Now that Teddy bas carried Ohio and seeing that Taft previous1y declared Ohio's resuits would practically settle the contest, what's the use of any more dilly-dallying? 'LIet'8 hand it to Teddy with the remark: "While we don't. 1k. your style of the past couple of years any too well, and we deplore the disgraceful show you and our president have made of yourselves, we've 'got to give it to you' that the people evidently desire you for their leader, so, settle down, forget that you're a lion-hunter and become a meek exainple of a republican presidential candidate-a-d you vil get more votes than if thiÀ vociferous, denunciatory, campaigr i l continued much longer."l The 2Oth Century Cash Store 1 Are ahowing 1000 amples of the finest ail wool goods. Ready to be made to mneaaune by the Royal Tailors, and Inter- national Tailoring Co. Cali in and select your goods and leave your meas- ure. Fit guananteed-------- We have received some awell shoes for young men --button and lace --- in tan or black......... . .... DISCO VER MYST ERY! OFFICIALS THINb( MRS. HANSON DIEDOFFRIGHTRATH-ERTHAN DROWNING AT FOX LAKE irfier ail, mwere but six of the ser en jr w ausxho buýt tireir lives in F'ox l:rkr, a fûvr r.sa ago, really drowned? \\zt- ihe woiuafl, rIrs .Hanson, a r ri i i1ofirit raihert tlaucirom n. iirg? li Iai beaugeneradi> eonceded chat lire peiruersons, aIl of nirose bodies ~T. fl~fl~ LINDBERQ STORE~ OVER 0100 WORTH 0F MIGMEST PRIOSO FURNISHINGS STOLEN SOME TIME LAST NIONT.- CGVERED EVIDENCES 0F CRIME S0 THAT POLICE COULO JiOT DETECT THEM AT WORK. Roiriers arbo .honed a veiy dlscrlm. Inatlng taste and 'r, ru evidently di trot lntend ho oserloulr an) thIng as.a rave Ieet, recurered. were drosrned' resuli of undu. irasitir ruite Into tire ,, li tire gasotrur lauinch w cnt down William UAndiergs Mens Funniair- ririil thes' sere crossrng froui Llîruln. îngs store at 133Seulrtirenese Street îoitC, ru thre ther rirlPof lire lalse.1 and escaped with plumnder valui at lt iraîr de'elors tirai, shern the ln-' adrby vr$1ir heplc qu~est n as belli lit wmas found that Mrrs. osdrby ve $1l.Tepic fliseir a lriigs werr- nul hlid wilhdeclare thse robirers shows-i unusual m-ate airi d îb etcauise ber body wazasre-cleverness la thelr 50r. Assistant ce\eej &oseuilrrafler tire accident and ('hief 0f Police Thinras Tyrrel le Ion- forrnd Iioaltinun trhe surface a 1long9 clined ho tâtaittire roliriers toolm h, distance iron w heu'. the bro., aent gouda witdh a view - o seiliîrg them. doNvtr, tse conclrrsion of Peuple SI Fi- . Tire following articles are known Eu Lalie logthe coroiners state. have been aeI thtirs ie ied froua frîgiri Instead. If One leather suit case. sire ras mead hefore lbheiboat sanki Taelve or more neckiies lier brody would have ficoatied or aI Tirree boxes of tuderwear. ]eas,,wuruid have coure 1tirte surface Three nlgbht shis. iery'souri. Tbe other six ictliris, li One or moilre pairs of siroerr. la rpcaltei. rsere not recovreifor Six io S oh s.r sPure da s aster tire accirletit. Their l e bodles iad sink, ierne It was only Six Paît-s of Busircnd'rs. pire t nait thre action rohftire %% a-rSe, erai expensir c shirts. ter tin giv mg îni) iheir remnaîns bmfore Large amotint of simial jewelry. tires'could be located.Nlirs. Hansenis Zi.ildrr rscitknacm biodsyrwaafound nitirmn a fewr" orîrs Mr nbeg asetak ac irice, see Coronrer Ta-, lor ferla tîrat Iris-e Inrentory ofliris storckr and lire 11llls ie dled froîn tire avare raiberr artrounit of, goods sioteit is merel>' s ibjit freni drolninig. rorîgi estimaEe. Fi, srrs tirai a clos-J lu short. II nos appear, tirai ibIs er inspection may rs-,r'ai tirs fart tirai noung auoan. tire ont>' femats- n-J trer of rire lias-y, saw tireiroat sinI, macs- other articles wr re tairen. In ing and, realizrng tirai sire coutl nul sonme Instances ire kinc-v tirat quani-1 swimi and was far off sirore. w-s frighic ls oh gonds were talo-n bill rouidnt eîrs-d te suelu a5 loint tirati ier heart estiruate tire nutuier if articles. ceaseri to ireat. thitalatorsirrg ier Ilrnrggs The obr paetwr nn 10 cl,,se lisfrre mire iraia chance t erobraapr-iirnr nn tr-.aire ilr tire srair like lire otirrs irrrr and maie treir ieecions 'r-r) In theirs sl i hs non errîposei tirait ds-lieratly. l la lngsine tr sh iredcisiddiiecilit lntire [rosiand trat i rtirs apparentt'lrhallnu Mesa hon thre rennialrite a rsrus r ircibelis-. te irs ziesrau and took loaru ns-ans lprt îp i oItualrndt tsioirgiîou thre ter rible lies ide:i As alhetireinrnls--sercrv blox ln tire store tactore a Suit- of tire îspra rt eu ltoireir estir. lie stbie pair was sele'red As socin as eNclvin ide'is tiraIlook lt ace lu tire it nas forrcd thatila pair nid cot lit Cries Unlirie HeIp.ir he eetscirctr lo 'rcr Io u cinrrmsl -riiclie rrthIs deparîmeni Ireeiied litne'- il-s' ersui-niri r learil tire routs of Isaranc of tire realea9t -nftsion lihe ou7,in. i '1 rubat, tireir rries irh!,taornlng. dsrl îneîsournd tinne iretîr' Tirer TI e ame aras tre in oelr]separt- roucir tas if ouiptlsdyrnas vellirng -h, irr-r ife' surIsemued îlot t10 mdi m ts Practicatîs'-v ever s irt. inn-ý (ate r101rîîr1 'rc(iri5ts- of uersour, Ireard 1rlerwe ur and ioslers liox na, uireced. tire cries ar, thorruii tutus-of il. Haid Ii li e highest lris-d gouds were ti rir -al dc-ne'-'-itmlowc ic thon,- ta.s-' Tire jewelrr încluded severat ,,,h. tis-ar -ci o r h , r ni--of rffibuttons arnd a large <quan-. On ev an. l'irof stick pins aud coilar buttons. il 5cn r -n sidere 'irati a fulr- r lrlrv a, -.rtried alioutt lut bii-dr ici r r- ipartircicie-RIl is t1ere ietesi confrrs-,rn It tok goure tt, n CirIier it1crv oCs' îirr- r Ii-s. Tblis- l'e unetir oget ci etua roîrgh cati- lqt'ra ers-ira se-M 'lls-t iff-iir.- aurn"i cd-r--risio'*or- andii tard irair- utoftheire aolît o f goudas talen.' k-âPtlen sf hirri'z tirrie or fourrrer T!-' rainr(nits-e r aliriaiai$6 sAon, 1 0 11r no1iliuc ' seir-n l %i -t!ir s itrin ase rran 'sortir $6. 1t '(r mg Itiros--a iirr -.einfIN' to r ir'rrrr av- ,r ~larges-amointt N'esn sarndcri iil-fai'rer mut t10g ers orutlr inrIr' lofli aslire consirlered ih oh emai articrles- rluIls e lit 5.nt. ire threaîeuesl .tr) lncre -ý Nr, rgains-il lirrirelr anrear "Ilin- cil iuni !flire vis Cr,-iriirrlit rv!ncurr. ThfIre te i e rr earr-ilr ey tirs- lt-rt Tie Forit isr-eesr-ds-d th ir-ld num n-r, w terIsr ttoaipdai fn the r',snier ibut ' fi l 51lr e s-r ris-ni rvasr-PseY ris-rh nolrilirott e torc.or I1 ririre tirer more iif- aid t rvp iv -on r a r itiîm ni' i-Id tire ailer* y sslirem5ati ,rorsid slrlsriss- lro'rc Ir ra 1019ri c- 'lar lirehid li;, tirmat tirer norkr, tirey (etr>tire ot- r ud an ai (r'r ' c i erezicin foritom nt c11of tiraste board brox anrd -oms-Iir olirrunil ihe biorîrlrse rtire srrf sm. n aslire conviircert1 htirifits-d l f1 ir e windowfraur e su hiri soir iad rionced i 1maIt-ire fa t-at tire glass liai irs-n It t> ~ ,i4ber yl b. awardedt'be .M wek CompanUy wui warded a simii, cou- ARR ST~ D the. contract thae work must start onl The nflws that the hanbor will be or about thse middle of tihe rontb.i dredged In June Wàs TOCelVEd witli The GOreat lakes Dredge ansd Dock; great joy among the dock ownoes of MIS 000 MAO KILLED SEVERAL eomPuusy. one of the largest compme- Wauk.gan.1 0F MER CHICitENS ANOD DE . le afI ts klnd on the Great Léke,. rders for coal wIll b. f111e0d withln STROYED FLOWER SEOII. 1 wlU bld with the authoritles. Thu, tWO wftki. TH-IS SHE -SAYS HE 010 WI-EN 8ME REPROVED HIM FOR ACT-. r-- IONS 0F, MIS 000. Joseph Dressier, a Soutb side mer-, chant, waa given a iiearlng ln policel court before Police Magistrats Waiter Taylor on a charge of disorderly con- duct. The. warrant for hi. arrest was sworn out b>'%Mrs. Mary Larsen of Nintir street wbo charged that Dres- t ber had lnsfflted her ln a gros. man- Di~resser, It appears, aras deiiverlng csome articles te a nelghbior of lirs. , 1arsolr. His large dog acconnpanled tI lui. In order te sas'. making an extra trip Dressler toolc a short eut Tru-,Imre. wasoa fado.. Bhrouh lIr s.an'fard. -nefor thse dog teck offense ai the alght of ses'- leral cickeuîs belonginz tenMns Lar- 3son. lie sprang Into the hlock andj killed several o îthem irefore he couîd be nestnained. by his master. M.e then sprang Int a ilower bed and-l tore Up and broke down several val .able pennies and other fiowerrs Naturaiiy NIrs. Larron aras angry and reîîroved Dresslen for tire con- drîct of bis dor, lnforming hlm Ehat she would irold hlm responsible for lire damage tirai iad ireen (one. li- slead of taking tItis lnt the properi ligiri, ehe as, Dreasier muarde a Droui s rîgar remark. NMrg. tarson hlushed as siere neated thle nature ofh tus r. mark ta tire cout. Tire dudge eonslIdered the rmýark one tisai aas whially unnecesqry and admlnlatered a heavy fine which IDreirsler psd. Tire Police say that It wll s.îie a lesson to hlm and hooatirerl 1 who are eutirely ton free wltbr. marks of a sîmîtar natorle. TO COMMENCE - DREDOiINEI SOON MAJOR BROMWELL, U. S. SURVEV DEPARTMENT, MAKES FIRST OFFICIAL STATEMENT. ONE 0F THE LARGEST OREDGING MACHINES ON THE GREAT LAKES TO BE SENT HERE. One of the largeat drc-dgIng maehl- cea on the Great Laites wIll ln sent iu Wartlegan on or about the 15 day of dune. to dredge tire iarbor. MIajor Brtoîur r-llof -lis- Vl3. tirvpvs lbrsUiteieni te a SUN representa-I tise today. Tire contract for dredging the biar- i 1, liroken arofli trot be deter te-ci crs-lt OIES FROM HEMORRHAGE i upon a rlune enlrcration. (;isve lirkran uIlerrev-'aIle cf Dlic Mr. IIndlrerg lefîtirs- store a5rII damaus Il t-r of LaRe Bluff, dlcd oclocik t. lu rt what finie afîs-r liraI of cr< Iai Xi rorrirage artire.,faniiy tire roItnsa ro':c !yi la nuîrt on n r e-mue- Th bjr -na-,trnung -\1his lia-nm-r nas 1 rrr uIlcusi lfr lon lcerr cmi. 'irerobîrer.z wnt ont- four 'ers- agri. rrbere irer falirer col-,- tirougir thle ilcI. doo-r and cars-fril> diierI fd a ci-Il cîacro rrrsnrcs-slocinc i hahier thrir-, either tirrosîne rraui 'ars Il rr'.rn tu hat (i, I iai1 lie ks-r rur, o rc tahig tî 1 rththemt. 'ire ii iand itrrried-Mr. lIe - ltrThins was mdotrenlu in'event art>' arii IL a inr C r t f thlie Chiicagor higir sr 1710 -i4r1lls nr- irr.JP\f% ad bîeen an art.cron on tre ptrct or the trous-e Thinss ive i ,5e-irinrirý ta itrBluff lei1haasthat lire rotrierv waas ncciîdis- dirsi Ir.cOlsbiriifor iratti ears royre-m nîîcli a dci loîrenenl lire stores thia mornitg. FALL OFF ICjYCLE: tBREAKS ARM 1 Arlîir anIV ,:-s., rrr oi loye ai' thi rrre mrfl l rir1, amIi, inrrrufallngý rouii Lis- 'k îsse rîding hoer l r, cra rrrora. dr li tr of tire1 oî., s - h , s rîn r re lrokena '«Il- I isrî, i '- ir tr, pday ral l tb a Hilgiirnd l'a. ,1- nrirsyeflr lu ha iir Irr ini.fo jaI" STEER STRÂIGHT to-11, rr an rxLs I , i l rire bave any I ut.)r, sed, tli,arii r, r 'îrlrr-rwe . W.%' Ul1,m jr, ku ri , r 'n &B sd to et. J -0'l i trr t-a celirrir, .- wi'<rd hy .very jb hWa txv i -i r sr IsEe if yon cirnr't nAesd mr ri- tieay, drop ln JS Wm. Laycock Co. W. PARKHUR Aents For SCHANCK BLOC<K MOLINE MOTOR CARM Libertyvile, 1II.I.,H0NUdt..j.v.Il I11,. NM-RoidnceIL S"sp 4M8 The art of making watches Ha.la-1)r ttr-eiling airead O.tendily fror 3.-arm. %% attrlePlhave nmore bralus and a.k.ll irutitrto tbeirmakingto day tbai '" Ami ,rmtilil tirevr@regettiar ceeper ail~ ~~~i b.ljl-sirshlnrather strange. If Sou1 wuîîlAl like ta iearn just how far thre wjvtebaking art ham ad- vals-ed. tis the tn place tecoame to. If yru 'wifltta lind ont how cheaP a r,'all reliairle wateh eau be aoid ii ttistore, Odur wa- tock contain@ AUL rthat thes art oft wateb making bau to 3oaler. Andi we willlîngly place our Mime Bt youv diepogai. A. HUSS JEWELER STAVER BUgIGIES ARE GOOD BUGGIÀES We Have a Stock of Fifty .*. .*. to Select From. ... Cali in and Talk it Over. SUHANUK Rose Twentg.five Million Liue Policies of Various Kinds and Descriptions are in force in the United States and Canada, giving the story of YOU: HOW LIFE INSRNE (ANSERVE GU an intiuresting atudienice, which iii living multitudve atts'-ts thes coîntruîctive character of the btisinesïa. When Hobby BHîrîîs lay ilying Le, jictkeîl lii ilat pjîtich ijllie, wam wrnt to Frtir the lîîman hearts to îlesepest teti derîiws, ;uand witlî lait4iesd lanîl lit- scribbled a few lines which deiiervre to endure with the best of lus,, work. lie wrote to thes frieud of his bot4oîîî: Mlas, Clark, 1 begin to fear the worst; my poor wif e a widow and her six littie onee heiplesa orphans; andi 1 as weak as a woman's tear. But enough of this. It is hall .my disease. Robert Burnîs nt-eded life inîturanee. Recognizing theicitecessities of him dtpendents wheiî -weak arm a wonîan'bi tear," his mondtionî was taimoire çitiful because autedating the Iife-iîsuîraxice era. Yet thousands rtf similar caises occur to-day, despite the faciliticu! life insuratice affords for avoiding this direful contingency. In suicli cases the husband'a thought of te penniless wiulow. the fathesr's isiiSn of outcast orphans, the business inan's nighitmare of î-ramhling credits, inrt be that - half the disease" of the lamented Scctclî îîoet, and in addition the faction rejîre- senting ueglected opportuxîuty. Sitîce the days of Robert Burnîs life insurane bas evolved it1> a system of protection that offers the independence of capital to the tuncapitalized, and the assurance of continued capital to the capitalized. 11e who would be ser'red' by life insurance mnust apply when conditions of health and strength least stggest its need. Life insurance is not issued to the weak and diseased; it can b6e obtaliied only when contingencies of dihrese and death seem the most remote. Among the strong new entrants during the year 1906, two thousand two hundred died before the year was out, caiising more than $i4,000,000 to be paid to beneficiaries. Yet, as an event, death is les@ to be expected than the loss of rnddy health-...-the loss of the condition under which a standard life insurance policy can be obtained.1 Ang Other Business Can Better Afford to Wait. Write to Your Michigan Mutual Lufe Agent To-Daq Yours truly JOH-N HODGE 1r :~ 1 .

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