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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Jun 1912, p. 10

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PAl INIST ON T1113SCIIOL FUNDS LAKE COUNTY ONE 0F THE FEW IN $TATE WI4ERE INTEREST se TIJRNEC IN ON FUNDS. USIE iùiS DIVERTED) MILLIONS FINO WAV INTO POCK- RUS 0F DIFFEREUT 8C1400L TREASURERS IN $TATE. Illinois iaxpayers are Dot gettiuig macth interecaton pubilie us.accord- ing ta figures comptled ln the office of Francîs . Blair, tate superinten- dent of Public InOtructiOn.L Te Indi- caions are that almost a million dol- lmr a year findslits way m tb e pack- etioai achoal Ireasurers, or sois eplace bonne the achool treseur. 'ibe tabla of 11[gures shows tbat the total saI olfunda Iiandled hi thc sehool treanurers outaide cf Caok count>' durlng th1e past year vas S50., 419.622. The total aMOunt o iterealt on this encimous sum vhioh ham basn a Wd Im the schaol fund ta an)y 1816.6 t la Impassible Wa malta eni accurate estimai. cf the amount of moOy the pubie scbool fusiwldni cars If each treamrer ket the mon-1 ai on band onudeposit tu hanka set the UMMairate. af Istareqt, ovlng tathe ftat tira the total amonint on depott uould flucta. But If the antîtèaoiunt vena te ,bc dapoaltefi at Ilr, Par cent inter- Mt lb vould earn $1,512,588 ln a year, vhids Ie $1,509482 mare than the M"treturncd ta> tbe tond b>' te trér .Tisa total amount that MÙ e s avad ho the taxpayars voulfi bu saverai iiundrcd thousanfi at thc T" eutlc a l ,saii. muag tae very fev counties ln lb.e ataevitare Inlereat vas recalvcd *m hp moue>' on deposittand tInuc avrsta the fund vas Lake count>'. slabsen tresurers lu dhiiicounti- bautd- uIM à total of $462,594.79. Tram Iis «"Mt heUicpuieUreceivad$1157.44 In- tOast hidi vWa tunncd tt tae tnd. The t lvnahp board ln euch c>unty fixes tia coaspenstios oi the. treamur- 'or ai a certain parcentage cftae total -fend biDdîIe. tIn àKe count>' tha per dOll"M Of COMPOnsttion la fildet a 4%.e, h maarias rsugcd fronm e7s 40 à 2 ayaar and the total anaut gai& te.e ibaeemn trcaw'ra u va, 3304. ,MW 4Mal Moueald ta il mhool nie"Mt e âmce aultde af Coe5Uoaty va. 1174.IM2.2 C061k coontYsohal tnsds amounti ta> 05,025,897. Theii. egest amtount1 tla d ithe tatraaarcrs of xiy ana Aws c«aIe cat>' vaaln Ksane cous- ifiWbae the total reachefiS186,. 4&18. . LClairecaunys iuxisl eouMtlcita 125,il.87 In thec«cours.. eftla eyear. ?eota conuytreasurers Ubdied $M,5d908.94 sud la Balle coun- THE MARKETS. Chicago Cash Grain Quotuom, Chicago, 3unefil. ViiesI-No. 2 rai, $.ii12;Na. ;8*q, LiOi-; No. 2 bard unter, 11.UO1.12%; No. 8 hard vinter. 1L0801.0%:No. 1 sortiern îprlng, Ii11;No. 2 northern sprlsg. 2 whiite, 79079%c.» No. 2 yllav, ?~l%.Oat-No. 2 ville, 65%0 Ui;No. 3 'whte, 62%@64%c; stan4 8O 4055%c. Chtfflo Live Stock. Uagaiccephm 15.000. quotations .4184Met aI07.6C7,90 beavy butebee .1,40.5 lat butchers. 7J0074 cayPacking, anM 456W0.10 good le Ptthc-R et .2 000. Quotationt ~i#at r876 9g40 Prim steagg 4007-90ochOlce te prima fail heai tu.v0 6.1556.90 selecci feeerm AEMS.io tain to gond stockais,$1.79 08.60 cuit ta choice. veal calvea. oboep--Recelpîm 16000. quotatin MsMaag a 176008.36 choice to prime ternit..$5.5006-25 good ta choice YWIarLng, 14.506.00 good ta chilc Mtit.,., 3.750440fair la good awea. Butter. <CasMOTY, par lb., 25%c; prinsta, e'Xt; gra grata, 25c; frits. 24c; X4tleeha 24C; frt. 22c; pachIng Potaloit. ptemms er bu4 111001.20; Midi. ILIv. Poutry. u.P«s'Ib.. 12c;e; hteec. S12%.0; vuet-, D; docks, -ne; Ea44ulwae LIVO stock. mtD aJ.N. Y. Junc il, 'Daa1mk*4Vci. Liv. stock coup *hm~pdmâIls~ Rgi ffaio, N. Y, ats.0I : Ct ue-bRejpto F-= ; 15 e étebe. io;n-ave 94W@ U mmMM%setWe0.8; pîg, ycMJIMU. Mmbe. $8; vi0ae ADOPTH1E 11 SAME TWEATMlENT America'x largest municipality, New York City,. toda>' adopted the hypochlorite cf lime treatment for drinltlng vater. Athougb the deatb rate In New York cty la less than that of Wauke- gan. the cil>' council bas decided te pump twenty pounds cf hypachioride of limete mb each 1,000,000 gallons of water pumped. New York 1a8 pumping on an evarage of 380,000,000 galions of water ever>' twesty-four hour. They have adopted the same systain as wsa Isstailed liere a few monthi ago. SÉate ofIlîlinois, Lake ('ount', su. lu The County Court of Lake CounI',. Illinois. In the malter of the estate of Min- na Fea, deceased. To the hers ot Minna Fais and whom t ma>' cncer:- Notice le heraby glvan that on Mon- day. June ltb, 1912, AlîeLane fllcd ber petitiosakng that Prou!of ai ele shlp ba baken ln the aboya entltleà estate; ani tharaupon an aider wii enterei b>' the above entItled Court that Proof of tieirship ln sald_ estate would be taken ln aaid Court on Mon- day. June 24th, 1912. at tbe heur of ten o'ciock ln the forenoon of said day. 1.1W A. H11NDFE, County Clark. wkly-1t. cu . PR f$RMUCOLUhE~ NOW I I KNSAS 1S THtE LEADER 0F A FACTION KNOWN AS THE APQOSTQ91J FAITH MOVEMENT THERE. TEAÇHIIRQS ARE THE SMlE PARHAM FbRMERLV WAa ""0A 0F QMIPT 0F TONSU£ CULT IN ZMON BUT DIOAPPEARED. Charles P. Parham. former expan- of Tangues" faction lu ZMon City', but wbodlisappeabont tva yaars ago, a coinpletely as If lie earnth bad open- ad and swallowed bien, and vliose Ienvlng cansad the dlalttegratios of the faction, bas beau located. Me lui nov located ah liter Springs, Kan., where he dlaims ta o te founderanid head ofafacition knavu as the .Apoe- toile FaittiMovament. A large circular raelved bers shows' that lie la advcrtising a monster cam>p meeting. begInnisg July 14 and lashlng fort>' days and nigbbm. Accarding to tae crcular tae meetingvillI begin vti a tes daye' taut. which anyone vio sc desires may> continue for tia fort>' days. The purpsee of the meeting la an- nounead as folovi: "«To satiaf y the himt dry arisng (1@4-bnored moyenNaI (litai frontj thc old i6poKe e burch-ercd Ide*.i 'vilfiraanima emetots sBd epirit- ism.) 'Ltarature «&&onipan>ing tii. curcu. lar indicate that Parham's teaohing te bis nev faction are practlcaly t same as those he expounded ta bis faction in ZMon. Tii. metinmIn ZMon vCre heifi la a large tant and are reparted totabave been the vildest orgies Imaginable. imer suggestion trm Parbam mm- bers of the. fation imlned or tc>' thaught 4h'>' lmegflned thm t le1 bad basau gte - gif t of tongues" and ail pioomcd.d ta harangue away ln vitlVu ampposcd ta o e mormilf tongue. huaeIders of th ii. ailiPMo fessefita knov vitat vas bolussai and anaavate tagibberisb. Outid- er% wMt at.uded the meetings a00s- ianally Myai thle allcgM 9Mgfta tangues soadned luke the qu"acina Of dueks. Thece meetings atos laslad fer 1510 lite slght and ail mannar of ladlscretlons are repartad tn bave re- sulted trequenti>'. It ta aaid that Par- lUni lcft vlies ils flock basas ta, drift a.vay tram hlm and ha tiUglit that there *r5.more of tic "'long grue" la allier parts. çM Ne*"a a Beau. Ss' a Ou=innber nov book*: «I bat. nMm!a I loathe their hablitai 1 uliply intm ram Il thelr PI«learc vtit aa cude I 1cannaI balisai. Ibm In sula. aof eliher lover. hubaad Or frii.d!" AMe tram tIbM. bavever. we're &Il nlght, arns .-Plag Phla lauivr. A Few of the bgny Ipte i stýàt*ffl Ç9C@qçi 1. TheIe 7. Ech orgat Ne.. Nàei ~>OLIV~ ~UçÇq.~~J~ 4 SUe1AR REFINERY TONY TM4mofE FALLO IN A FAINT WHILE WORKING IN BoàY TAxNdR DimRfIMUMiT. LATER-At 3:30 o'clock tiNa afe. moon thehautlic ltlm passsed swmy wthout heving rglined @iiiolousB noe. HM body was remov.d to the. Conrad & -Mort undsrtaklng rooma, ihoe. l sabelIeved en Inqueat wili b. h.ld. Tosy Tsabmore 914 Marion street. employed laiithe dry tarch devart- ment, Cors Producta Rcfinlsg coin- pan>', tell ln a Mat ta the. floor vhIle at his vork at 9:10 a. m. Wedamidy. Tamomre wvs u~ncoseclauc alen plokeil up by bh l 2611v vasmes. Dr. Pl. U GoQurley wIas sumnm ansd thse slck man vas remsvefi ta the Me- Alitar hoepUal. That Taubunor vas overcome byb>' ast vhllc ah von as the stâtusent cf officiels of the local refiser>'. Âlthougb Dr. aaurley worked over the man nearly al marnlng h. vas unable ta reduce the lever which wa 107 dogmeas. That Tashmore yull die la the. be- lief of the doctor and the nurses at the bospital. He heu bees empoyed ln the dry starch departmnent at the local plant for a month and was an "le band at th vork. Mia rehtives were at bis beilside tiîroughout Ibe aftarnoan. You con afford»,14cançeamdly &hen you have ..»thhn 1 la«. l rce fI NOo"raeitioni. ItsNot Emen Itird to Make Lew Prkced Cloibes if price la the ooiy consideration. The Art Lies ln Makinq for Better Cbothes AT À MEDIM-PRICE THE SEIDEL STANDARD'0F BElTER' CLOTHtES at medium prices -wmt-every test of Geodncss. ýCompare tbem with what you have beegi buylng--.It wil open. yoAw e.yes. for the Best Guarauoçe Clothes Made. 'Phone 1352-M 1 1i5 N. Gienoace Street F» C, Seidel '(a G., to the QMLY AcafflSTU tsemçKfthe l* Thorefore I~l syCa!*el Abr Tms Ca ______LOTS 0S1 .00 APLIC£. TB£ OJECT NS STAUED IN A VEW WORDS DELOW: The business mon and numfacturer of Chicago and surroundn cities and towns speak wefl otf is site and sur- roundlnigavntge: an imlnd spot reached by rail and water, out of th. lake sand. A» DIT lB TEIwo ýLASS 0F1r N WHO 2AE Therefore the pruce of lots (2ft100> cànM lut long, when the payments are made from tour 10oigNt montha. Theso terms are made no chances for ail are withîn reach and everybody can socure a site. <Extract from the OhIcago Pres>. Lota around Wh". hall and Muskegon whlch sold for $25 are uow sefling for from SM001. $S0 aploce. It ln the live men who make values. Bafé Inveolmeut. Jame Hayes cf the ChiciLgo Lacal Board o! Improcements, who acted as scout for the club returned sa>'in g: "lb la a flne place, Bioy a. Be- tvaen tva ralîroads ansd >et cloue t o tha lake.' t w h. eoilowing periona are but a I.w of those who are niterestod. ý Frank wEmnie of the Pire Fins' Association secures a whole block. 'Close to Ibis site are the foflowling: In Waukegan nmre of tbo#ewbo are clos are: Eraak Hermani, the grocer; Dr. eR. don"s; <aimai, th. plabr;Eldagothe. o aNe n; A& V. Eedmond, barber, asll as Osptahi Morrison snd aidIànqulat of Ibm Wau- TWBb@W ogisdn Co eso ala are planning u excursion for the fruit id fSs emons, a as l u other moetias. Other citles are interested lIn êe pro tion W. Invite the public te sélect ~urib1q1on~ l3at and map for a lot or more by c4lgon th. Repreai- IsUis of Rh. Ohicago EvenlngPotwo eom e.iyl W«ukegaa at addroas 207 W.in 8ris,<ooeid àbr, wllh toy Mason, Blanograpker. moire thai four' lots -sold'te ani ons por4oei AR il uinessfor seleciai sud Informationinuit ýe dffle witb ou representative'whIle at WMukgan, Xr. IR. 1). GriMfth, where plat and map may b selm Lakewood Is Au dMI po for, among othor IliuMs, il la on a Tailroad-n M S înhq fr AUm » aulodbut ON 02M- wben you <et orte tan youlare À? LAKEWOOD. The tract lias been coveued with treeu from lime hg- memorialandthe figfalle aves do! s bve mage a e_~ Mhat cannot ho aurpassed fer esiuggApxdeu tnr, oc.1a ~blueberries groir wild -in the olatprohulen, sMd blu- beuties and iaipbouiles aretlM. heipeoh sud plé or&" arda neAr'w thek:e o!frunit thé o& *11 t1a,' duuI-g the.-peA&h sMn, .pJethèsT« or ' w 1 Ai mg that are too up. 0ail amitolbu at peach erchards issu M' W111T LJWoit groimd la porous, and there la no *aAé itiain, ,land half an hour after th. boav4uetxalu. Mach sud evary lot At LakeWood bus a road Iu fronl of it, laid oe by ni-kveing Post, aid thetçrâreuog ý assesamenta or assmmemita of any Ô"e 4 O>L mannor lu w"he R.streets are a1 J p 4Ouo oue o! the most beautitul spots&iiMbgin'm. stwe are Ql parec-that la, th. taees are. l1 Muadàng at,*e uÉ0 o! the, streçtg, but are trimmied aud dde 449 19»4 or 4xv for boiain~ tIli*Ç M&.prt Upla leil=-te. Wben-ym omm ua lota 11ww uiWa lot ten ihilés frci~uoq bt,5BU ut Lakewood free of charge. lhe volg ouanta yo 70D, 10 sm~Hb.~~or'l~ef '8'acing Englewood avenue, William Ilogail, insurance ailluster Sand contIn- uing west. the lino-up of the "*fans" la ait folaows: Hlarry Leser, Perle>' Gocil- wiliie, box manufacturer; Michael Corrigan, chie! of the ninth battalion; W. C. Voiey, Jr., sewing machine manufacturer: Frank Deacon, with Marshal l Feld & Co., and John C. McDonneii, fiftb assistant chief fire marshal. On Keswood boulevard West fromt Swenie's, owiierghip among the "fans" contInues thui: John Stauff. general foramas. city elactrical dapartmaent; James McKirkley. real estate and lu- surance; James P. Crowley, opera- tor; Charles Haclist. daIim adjuster, Chicago &Northvsstern rallroai; E l. Brand, prasident of the. OMicag Fire Fans association; Char«IsaL Collins, hock and laddar No. 6; John Mabona>'. lire marihal's offce; Fred- erlck U Doggett. electrical reirer. s .W Ldmn, cigar manufacturer. Tho fedicaniQ of -the Gr"t inCityPipe>Organ Wbkch is now belng tngtaled in Shgqb4 Tabernacle,ZMon ttwIII, (bd wlling, be dedkae1ed by Professor Wliehn Mtddteschtalte of the T -oiiüas Orchestra 01 chiQwo~, on Xh, Sda Y E veni ng, J Une '27, 1912. Progr#m luI urdgy', June~Z QtIty received. Awplt gom e. $-n te n~ ~f~*g WILMJR Gpnral Over o! ~bç Ç~4~*4~h V g

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