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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Jun 1912, p. 5

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LAK COMÎNTY I2iDEPMNI>ET. PRMIAY, JL-NE 21, 191-2. Il/. BUTTER, BUTTER. Who han the buttai-? If you ai-e iooking for Butter made fi-cm the ltanesan d purest cresm-Buttsr that han a golden colai-, an atiquste flaver and ci-camai-y fasts. then TrRIGGS'S GROCIERY je certainly> the place to flnd il. For i-chable Gracaries rsasouabie prices aleauon us. iJ. -ELI TRICGS PHONE 25-3 Bt This TH Season for Oxf ordo How are you Prepared? We juat want to cafl your attention to the fict that on account of the late season we are offering OXFORDS at greatly reduced prices, f rom $1.00 to $400. Té be sure, the ones we are offering for $ 1.00 are broken suzes and mostly sna runming in 6, 6j and 7 but they are AI stock and well worth $300 of any man's money. We have them in Tan and Black, Button and Lace, in aU the lategts Iasts. If you are in need of a pair of Oxfords let us show you wlsat we have, YOU may be the judge whether we are niîsrepresenting them or not. We are here te sell goods and give our customers their money's worth. Remember we guarantee satisfaction. EVERYTHING FOR lMEN J, B, Morse & Co, PHONE 14 Libertyv .le, I - - - -Illinois. WHEREý WILL SU¶R- Pu ITP THS LADY ia confrnnted b>. a conitien eshicL prevaila l in many home-. I"of aiosai raont. Witti a growing f«manu.sd an increase in the. wardrobe of cacImain- cher, thsit atiton la seiouns ad the question pertinent. The. solution of thte probleen wouid ha tthe purchaseof a COMMODIOUS CHIFFONIER. We have thoras in a varies>. of styles and prices, and their convaneaca and utffit>. are oui>. squaled b>. fLair swsfl appearance. TREPTOW & TAYLOR L1 B ER T YV 1LL É if You Contemplate Buildin A -BARN, HOUSE, CRIB, POULTRY S H EDS, PORCHES, SLEEPING PORCÇHES OR SCREENING YOUR HOUSE AND PORCHES. CALL ON. US WE CAN HELP YOU TO REDUCE THE COST......... PHONE 47 Libertyville Lumber Co. DOWN BY TUEi OLD DEPOT mýý %I@ Harrison t'r'nn ad its.re. - ~ T c u I I Apîler si e ,H nir da.s I TR l1R!1 V IL L B* I cuýelti-vwith Rolert Ra i t alat aai .L J~ r D icIh. Mro. Brown reîiort-. lîr itheir Iropiyfailing ln beal t h lHe jctars of eue. LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION FOR THE WEEK This week a deai wa-e îîunruated ___________________________________________________wbereby E. Wayne (fi '%hyand A. J. Austin purchamed il,. t 1'. Wbsheler To insure publication In the Inaispen- George F. Lynch tram Ch't"*""' garni ai 4414'c" icl ,ý-t jo dont, copy must ba in th. office no Jater callîug on frIands lu oaur ity tiirîfa.y. lnside the village Ili nt eilb orth. than Tuesdlay of each week. Advar- R. M. Haýnes tram Aitioch. t ratimactî d Juit what tbev lnt.n.i ti, li with the tisers. especlaliy, are asked te talle busi'ness lu, Our City Tuesday. property we are at reseut tînalile ta particularrnote tathis affect. Xtrs. W. W. Carrrall fias gne ta Clu- [couru. vinnati, Obio, ta attend thie. sidding of Chldrent41)113 w I-s île.îsd t'y the lier uphew.Presbyferian Suaidan e liii ut the John iJzeus to reported on the elCk hr etbw.cureh last Suuday îîîîriiine, t eauti. flot. lit. C. B. Galloway atid JoiîîîIBO-y se 12îlu musical and iterary lîrigrain v.as Mi-.aud ire.Jas.11. wau ereleft Monday morning for a trii)througb reudetreil by the chilidren ln a iitemt lttîîtg Ch-ago visitai-s Tueaday. fareld-inwthâviewta aîîîîngsoe maDUer Whiicbreflert. grat credit rupon tarirreJland m speth&t suie tt.ethase who drilled tleieîîî be iiircb LaBere uatle peudog oin Ure Mr. and LMr@. Chajieic Tr 1iiîîw ltW&@ flled witb an appreciltive amuineý. visiting relatives at Beloit. Wis. Mod frafwda. tat Lr. and Lire. J. W. loudndi-al Laare, L. B. (Irice fromnt ntiocb. watt a waukoee Air. Treptaw ilt e iiiîtg the Il.,aunounce the uîarriage (ii tliîir businesse visiterinu ur eity Baturday- Littieran convent4on aithtuaiitv as e danghter, Edua May, taeMi- Johln %V. Chalets Sibiey tram Antioch, W"as6sen delegate from the local ciu ri Il Minnich an Wedne@day, June 12.31 auy an aur streets Saturday. George Bulkley, KeninetiL .îvell and of aur reatiers willlhe tIntei-ested, as Nr. Mies Pearl 0st, ifuna oi SYlvan ciaieOtto Boehmn returned Sbturday troin Miunich ha@ many fri-ends lu Libertyvile Kansas,iota ing lIss (raýe fStade 0 ; Madison, Win., having eaîîîjîlotedl their aind Lake coaty, havug liîvsd boe this City. year' work et the 1 uit ersity of soveral Year up ta a few years aga. Widensin Whu bemove teChicago. The W. C. T. U.virl! hald Its regular meeting JUDO 25, nt the haine of Mm. . ri and RBoy Aadrews irîîm itîîriagtiEld, At a Clay pigan Shootat &t ea. P- Joiht Welch. client 8otturdB7 utght and Snlywith Renebian@, Round Lake, lent Snnday tbeir parents hore. Ray rotur ed Moan- Geo. L.awrence caried off tiret houai-s, Pt- Mites Elta Parker Io apending a viesoi day marning white fr1 wull reniain for a breaking 97 birds ont of a passible 100. with LMr@. J. B. Gray t ber home in week 's vacation. Fddie McCormick wàs a close second Milwaukee, Wie. witb 92 ta bis crpdit. The neit blgheet. Barry Pester and Frank Pptges îi-i The production at the I trtc Suday was Rolpb Litwiler with 81 otut ai a% Tuenay er awee's sojorn a ài nigbî- twill constat af thi-ercecîntvo of passible 100, Joe Au t ollowîng film Kn~sa a- eks5~iif tsad, Wbîcb are -A Rond Agent'-Laie 'and wlth a total of t67. Kalisas. Ib~~~~"Te iunknawn Violtiet, *b,tlî drainas. fuletnla raeswl i W. fi. Gefîluge te admtuistaring a tew I sua, priceis a 1admission, tutereeîet ler ate mr i-juge at coat of paint ta Lire. Cliffard Smit's1 itredtolanfthmrrg t a rssfdenee. riaturday evening Mir.li te ii lu Ie Island ladt week Weduesday of Mises The Epworttî League will bave a pîcuic preseut three reisuaitfti. ttwt) Gertrude Diliertian. for the liaitt cîre et the beach at Lake Bluff Fritiay eve-<. dramas, -The Punlsbmut 'und ltaudv years asistant principai ufi eloa ing, june 2s4. Ail cordially Ilivite<1. and fils New Pal" aid 11-iotii dybigb echool, ta a Mfr. t'laud I anFleet aiof lir. arrsîi-ilfawviste lat îe Dr. Biromplion Watts@ Ag, -JjusLeJ.* that place. The bride fbas uîaîy frieuds wltb ber son, ClaytuîuStaple« and tarciîy A. P. Smith, twenty-aie yvari exP,,i- bors, made duriug bler éetay among ue,* Bt Wbatotî n. si t piana and orgari t iîîiig and wbo extend lieartlei.t wisbps for a atwetr.11regulating. 1 neyer do wor,i%% itlîaut a promperou.i wedded hie.* Lire.. IlH.Miller ioi Tait, Teins, is tboi-augb nide leaning. ltii nime[Y* visituug fn-ndi e.bre on ber vav ta0 postal.,Pork guaranteeI. leriliiinient Word bas beem reeeiedlbire lof tlie* Tîîcîtî. aîad. ni si * rlai~~saddrdom Oraygfake. 1, & datlî at lier hontin luMadison, %Vis., if Toronto.rd leaaretoivimitbei-erelativeslbt1. if Mis. IMuriel Steeknpr, heurt failure lîeiug t)rra Mever (i lulîman, m.itentSalt-rs.Lu ,Ra.i ew% , i, . the iaie.MiisesSte, kuer wîli e* dit'iribtand uittidair witb bis Parente. wîîl' e remeuîhered b i îîii ald ri-eeibord ly maryif itlîevîung lpeoplle* Mir.andf %Ire 1 lteînîMeyer on Park resîdeuits haviug llre fi Yeatsboe, baî'ing rîdod lucre witbhli-r ai elie go. parente up tii aboîut twelic yeard, agit Mr.-arnf Mrs A îA.tiranîly retîirnî-d non tb..yreîî, ilo dta ladi.-ou, Wl 1l Sunlav niirîîtiàg uter a trip ta Mi-w'i ttlle ie F-ib,1a it-4,in, .. abtobee eattenuiîd the 1loi iisciiîi, il le wni ceN'l ariittc, NMenomines an d tirit)&bowu Chon at, -i . ,afather wnat aithat tîniie stati iuagent an %Vau-aulkee Thos emec and Il ,..ý Hicknille yL>io.ti easdetset be %lis.- FIr,ii Eltirefr vîsited a teiswIBoysm. yers aI olg k%.I daý s the latter 1prt of last and the tare john l)aliirnaier i,, j jg at d- iast wciW. i.Meye.r ai iiiilie wi.kwit fiteds t lon eek vaaton rai li. Itiis t te e moi-tno wnmliii1, eworeat a warr-ant liai-t O h tkwt red tFxwýk4 aainfo i ii, or thit Bn-est atFred Kiene andl Heury bake aoffice ofi thie Singer Smiig \ia, lme Co,. Bergbolz, Kicues liredt man, On achai-ge lIre. Beit Kinder fi-oui Gregory, Taxpas. (bu-ugoj, nmlîeblie wi lle..ii with LMr@. ai assant. -Justic. e ewi,Land 1),epiiy im setéeilinit a couple îîf iantlis' vîsitillit Dolleuiuaîeî 'e parents ailîîaiîiîiî, Lake Sherifi Liuîberry îî uit tii Kienîs 1ilai e ber pientit, Mi- and Lire. Chailes andf withi friande at Miii auk-'c iie Fiiday a"d serveii the warrant an Mri.r Trcptiiw, aud other relatives boe. J. . . i-dun lait weeli Tlîormdiluie d Kiene, but Borgholz biaitd îaiieared. -Mi-, and Mi-, .i. W. Sininad delisei-ed ta hlmu a fine tour 1aseluger Tlîestoi-y as tîîld bY Mu-ver i@asfo)llowe: f arnuîy firn Cortîms. W is., isited at thie Detroit Electrit Brougthaim. It le an MAb the Leitbtaii uîllk iatforuî5 Stinda.y honteiofaitMi. and Lire. B. Lnek at'er elegant vehîicle and the tiist one (ifIf@i anu u, l.h ad e-hl Sunda. type te a hoawned liv a Lilertvvtlliau cauirouted hlm witb Charges ofi elander Dr. and Lire E. H. Smith and Clarence and we believe the tiret ta be introduced iehclibd, Meyer, deîîled, whereupon i aveu jleans Monday mai-ing for a two inLu ake cannty îiutseude Of the North Bei-gbolz bit hlm with hi@ tiet. Meyer f weeke trip tbi-augh Indiana and Ken. Shore. picked up a mai can witb wblcb ta tucky lu Dr. Smith'@ automobile. Mira. B. W. Stafttird and daugbter ward off a further atîack, wbeu Kil e Barlier"a Remedy@ thate thbe nane. Leiuoyne, are e;ieudiug a short time seized it and wriéncbed it tram isi-asp. Cures and pi-avents. Natbing ikiie It for vigithug Mire. Staffai-d'e danghter and Berghalz thon made a rush ut Meyer and Ceîughs, colds. cottarir and iheumatism. Ilaband, Dr. and' Mir@. B. A. Paai-mau lu the mfzap. it le alleged, Meyerrwas .i a at r u d r aea u - d r g K o a s n C ty , L Ma., fîa v iu g le t W e d u e s- str a c k iu th e h a c k a i th e b nd w i h a day oi tii week. rock, ltffiting qulte a paiuful wound. J. T. Robertsonli wli hereoiter show The hearing was set for Tuesday if thîs LIFE INSURANCE, It grives the par- Association filmsrnet the Lyrie. The@@ weelk, nt wbiutb tins a coutinuance was asanssce of an astate, e#Or f fortune, tu area absdlutely the best filmns ou the taken tRI Thursday next. The cake thoas depeseding 01117 on thair dssyty f05. uîarket and Mi-. Itolerou hbas secured pi-omises fta ha quite seusattonal and thea service at an euai-mous exPense. will undanbtediy ieveal soine vei-y LJSYThe unual price ai adisioni will prevail interoskng tacts. SANEB usym I e eUToas S 4O NEpiscopal Services Eger-Proctor Fraunk B. Eger and Lis«rflanche E. District Managfer Bil Toil oi ibtiago, willi hold a rcowe hplyuidInmrag cauinntian ernienext Sundav ati eebplyuhe uming Oid Colouy Lie Inurance Colpaiymùnnngat 10:80,) Suuday scbool 11.30.et the M. E. Pai-sonage, Libertyville, an O0a1 en l Offic11e. AU ara co-d ially i luv ited ta attend. Satnrday aiternoon. June 15. The core.- _______________________________________________ monult that made them ane was lier- sie fîtcîed bt' the Ilie. W. L. Wblpple at twa a chutk. The youug couple leftan the aiternoon train for a weeks honey- moan aller whicb Ifiev will returu il PUT$10.0 in mY Bank Account every month. ta begin baiîsekeeping at thbeCiorner ai FUT Bialuard Court an-d Mechantts Grian AHow much do you put in yours? Hoad. Tihis is how that account ha, grown: l'ie groomnisl a son ai Renrv Egrer and PIRST YK1A $ 122.10 THIRD Y EAR $377.40 ld a Youn.g man ofi exemplary habits and SECOND YE.ÂR 247.80 POURTH YEÂR 510.80 sterlitg@chi-iacter. Be wifl retîtain lu A Savinga Account makes for happiness, thrift the hardware lusinees vitb atîei-. and indepenýdence. It means cleaner habit&, better Th&e bride is a danghter ai Robai-t lie an apyoli-. tern i hl i ciPotor and le an uicotrplished young J lies ad hppy ld ge. t eans % whle t ac lîdv, wcIll iortliy aiflier chofeet. j cumulates. Bith 3 iuug people are ni-il and fait-. Learn to save if- it is only one dollar at a tinte. abîY kuîîwu in tfîls ity, fîaving beu We ca hel bai-notuand ramecd liere. and elioyth -fe Deposit $1.00 and procure a book. wde falrecrlcftinafr S AV 1 N GS D EPA RTM EN Tlog and rospei-ous file. Cbe firsi fladoiual Batik of ibertypille rsyeinS vcs (Neft ooar tae tse Post Office) je0f3Tha.New Morn.' orhp.S Houri, 11:00 A. M.-4î00 P. M. Saturday Nighte 7 to 8:30 P. M. îî4t: a.heNew Mua . iil - 7:30 p). iî.-Evening wa-sip. Subjeet, "Power Througb Prayer." W ednemday 7:31).. n lrayer meaeting. __________________________________________________________C. K. Alexander, Mîniqter M. E. Cburchl Services. a~a~m~ i-s0:00Oha.inu. C&@,@ meeting, Rev. J.B INSURE AGÀINST P- E 3lacGfn. 1 - . - - 10:30 a. nm. PreachIg iég Rr W. L We do a lie Laughs at Business. mbles, wba awns a uomfortoble haine ta altter wife and clhidren in titue af finansi stress. It's tuucl easior ta weathtir the sîarm. If you are thinking af getting a piece af praporty, coeMl, look over aur liat, get aur pioî s and terme and weIli h&vu yonr thau.ks whetn thte deal is canolu4ed. General Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Business NUF CED. A. R Schnaebele & Co. Real Estate, Mortgage Loans and GENERAL INSU RANCE Luce Building PHONE 18 Libertylie, D. Vour Vacation Needs in the Wearable Lino. Miiddy Blouses. handsome garments in regulation mAd style. matie of gooti white drU. collars anti trimmings of Gahds, 2 styles of these ut S1.00 and ti l%5 Soft mercerizeti blouse waists for outing wlur. made of a pi-CIIy silky material in natural poageecalor wfth collers of contraating shade, 3,4 aleeves a cool anti comlne-table gammnt for Sl.OO. Sunbonnets made of pink or blue gingham ach 20c. Auto Bonnets the very latest anti a resg protection Iron the duist matie of grey duster cloth eauh 50e Sumuner weights in hoiery-Our fines of white anti tan goods ai-e v"r good. alosome excellent numbers a ighle weight blacks. W. W. CARROILI & SONS COO TWO STORMS $1r (jet yoni wiudow sci-ens without f IramolaS fi> noms Luuu Ca. Banking Service We want you to becomi-- acqiîaited with thle fac that wtt have one of the bt-st etîiiilpd banku in tht coliiîty and it is officered by mentnot by ice'bergs o: mosi'hacks. We want your biidiness and are in poasition to give you prompt aîîd courteoits service Le-t our bank be your bank. Lake County National Bank Capital Surplussuand Undivided Profits $87,000.,(K -a I t t e r 'i.: a I f C0 X Are- Correctly Fitted by ABeswick SWe use no Druge to X niake an examination and we quarantee all of our SPECTÂCLE& AN EYEGLÂSWR. C. A. Beswick, ORPTI~CAAN LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS

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