II~U~' 1 1' Of'I.INf'~ICprescrihed houri. Tt la ln rMU t ous twmeck through tilts ekl U~.uC~ USE F S HOO S ad congested districts o!f te lage of ediscatiors. Remeniber, w. av A dtotIbo77ite J If Iand emaller chtien where this work la ttise popple_ among us and they Th Lake oaty U#41nirhd B teon F R O H R TI4INGS HA inoet needed. sisould be taken care of. reunia. wiliIb. bold T esr on Very tew of thîs daw ever frequent --wedmeêde" sithuuand 1Âuuelci J UST EDUCATING PUPILS tike modern Y. M. C. A. or the ueotOWIDENIES' 9'RÂER "dpait 22. at Qre3514eJ'- a _____________churches . Young peoffie take ta tisa OR IN MU ncT W Attozaet' B. Bi. »Mer lu attendigsg thse i~,~rEj ausmeta as ducls ta water. lisera Republicn onvetion lID l, iego tht. i MR PRESENTS SOME STRONG . IDEPSS RE- areu a'l kinds of these obiectianable WOULD NOT ENJOIN VOLIVA AND weAk n tise -Capactt of assisent d GARDING FAILURE 0F PUBLIC TO TAKE places of amusement; the IOW (dance d hals. is chaptheaters and otiser FOLLaWERS FROM USINO ema, ent«àt.6is ADVANTAGE 0F MQNEY INVESTED places titat promise show and excite- OBSCENE LANGUAGE. MiJ Rutis'7ayîlel spen<llng à two BU1 LIC ment, many of these places are lm- _____ ' vacationl from b er duties, as e IN SCH OL BU LDINGstenlographer at the Biedais saool, moral aud Tt la hers, where theftrait '1AWER, HOLDS THAT PRAYERvistiag relattve.andfi nnaï ow. seeda of vice and sin are. aowa and SNO REAE T HE -e a W. ire pleased ta print the fol- Ignorant of aur language, aur waYs. tale root. What Ii..needed, are tisese WSMTRLTE OTt -Mn. lFrank Willard Iroin Morgu , 01 lowlng contribution because Tt ex. and last, but netloteast, our govern- amusements, ndter proper suPeTvi- CASE ON FILE IN COURT Cal . le@pouding a couple of weeha st e presses thoughts which we ourselves, ment; tise laws o! the land, and, wbat Eton and discipline. tise boniq of Mrn.Sd Us. 0. A. Wright.w imv e led and prlnted before wth ro- le tthe resuit? Tbrouglh their ignor- Th~ere l no end ta tise variety of Elanrd .Hyelemse n ~ ohrwyt inst avst Claery,.onday deuled the prayer 'er daugbter. Card ta the publliq maklng use of thelance tisey fait easy victime to: vceeamuements- that could be farnlised for an ijunction for thse purpose of 14 ol~buildnb for public ai- aud crime, ahere temptationa doors i hs ulig admcleua-restraiulsug Wilbar Glenn Voliva andT.,.,WeMdnv eenlaa utIl end faire *iiher thon raervlflg them ex- stand openan every turu ta receive tona.l work could be worked uP. Lat bIs followess ram uslng obscene lan- loaIadoMcswoba'en eluslvely for thse few houns, chldren thein. the youug have tiseir lttie folk dances gua suad frrat Interfering wl thstise vîitinu for soae ime wiih lbis anal, are in themr. Thse sohools belang ta As the best kuown cure for dases -their games, music, bath vocal and employaea of tise Cook lianufacturîng l . C. sring met wlth a very pail0 tise commnuity and if occasion n- la the prevention of It; sva wlth viceisrmnahr h rpohfecmeyo nct, 1 îoi. acident by lavlag thetip. of tisa tvoa qulnes they should bc used for pur- and crime. If we utilize every effort could b.e put ta use If tisere La nO otil- A gear a"o last arci the Cook midle dallera of bis Wt band out off by i poes awhilch wllId o ducatienal, mur- and menus we bave tawards titis end er instrument convenient, the btere- Manuatusig copany entered loto a patent bread suier. Tieseffaldsnt0 al ud phylcl devolopment flot only it could at leattlbe educed ta tiselopticon wth lanteru sites are valu-j a COtract wittls Gus D. Thom». , Ie- vlile very pa"l a vsDfot oemuions l ,of the pupîlu but of these who may minimum. Tt ie not only th isemci, tise ab,,. The moving pleture otittfit clver ot Zian Cty. for the purchase Tbrough tise effrte aI Prof. C. IL nset b. ln position te ho ermolied as well-to-do. who are socially inclineit. would be ton expeusive mnd out 01 the of thse tactory ad site Do0w occupleit Pugis, wbo la actng n atenot-a.rmi tudents The article la wélI-writ- Tt ia Atit. umanity. This clase have question for moit comamunîdtîe, but by tbem. - aItishe Repditun aflN onaI convention ton and centaine mucislogo-EDITORt. thier club-hanses, their cisurchesansd there la plentY of materiai without on(haf.etis conditions af thse con- In Chicago til week. Roiset Bond vas1 ThatScioalHoue telrhoms, lthplety t mneyforthat ta rely upon. Tisase wiso e"a111,19tract vws Ptis tise Cookl anufactur- elfontedthtie plesaure of attendlng tisa overi am soo nddo we eve rt etee tie cwiteap loung Pegple p rroeiona ls, colde p ta ene- t las tram Qiicaolta ZIonty befor-econeniti enT uf ay. Mr.eio sai her ths*ar sco we esud stopi telmut eth et, h le tiesepaeple pyor eitea lîttiudelitasey ner-ntory fcom Chicawo daroveCityiserfa o v enrdti kontino d.Mimlrn.d nonslder. reflect or tisink about tise Sanie will eay tisere are Places tain. Thug developlua their 0w15 taI- tise loti day of April, 1911. whicis, t forwarded it ta Ur. Bon das and especlal Immense amount of money lnveeted wiere thîs clans may'congregate, If ente while helping atisere- Study la allegeit, tisey falied ta do. tavor. évLMry yeàr inubuiding; and equpplng Bo, thcy are so tam emoved treimtiseir these youug peaple if Yeu find any tal- A deed vas ta l)e igssued and de- oagniflecent buildings for educatianal hsomes tisatishe corner bottie and keg ent amoug tisem, try ta stimulate and posîteit witi tise Chicago Titie and 'AIM TO WÂUKEGÂN t ,purpose? Are we getting ln return shop dlaims tisen i rst, as tbey wll develop t. jet someane who under- Trust company. upon payaienlt o! tise P OI EVAN& I M tfl tise full value of this expendîture ailtflot go iwo or tisree miles ta huIt tisese stands music tale 0one or two af them ijurcisase price andt the removal of tise tise good resuts we migit oblain tram scattereit reefting places. Tisere sisauld ta tiseir own pianos for instruction factory ta Zion Clipý The Cool Manu- tisese fine buildings? be rame respectablie place provlded andt practice, do tise Dame witis valce facturtug compauy was te cmPiay 10 JOHN CORCORAN, OVER 80 VEARS lucre are tise tate-unuversities, tise lu ail these localities. hioney raiseit culture anti elocutlon. Saturdays may men. , OL.D, FORMER RESIDENT OF-1 itoleges. higi s scools, grade schools. treim taxes would bie far btter invest- lie devoteti ta industrie-l classes. Dont -Tise company bau tnp tiaidth ie ful HRE. WANDERED AWAY. 1 village and country sauol. la most ed aiong this hune tisan lu the crîmin- torget the tact tisastisese boys andi amaunt of tise, purchase Irire sud-bav-/t of these buildings tise ley le tuned ai courts. girls o! today make tise men and wa- îng talle-i ta remove tileir factory ta Walking uearly ailtihe way ta Wau- in tise ol wben tise pupils ara dis- I n saine of aur larýger cîties, the men at tornarrow. Zion City under tise ont act. Vliurlkegan tram Evanîton la lisi bedroomn luissed late lu tise alternoon, flot ta board of education are waklng uip ta Here iaw, order sud good citizen- Glenn Volva.stendered tle purcisase 1 elîppe, John Corcoran. over 80 years ise Inserteit again until time for tise tise fact tisat tise scsoolaliose couli shilp coulit le sandwir.bed lu by ltte piice o tise comparrv aud led a bill of age, a resldeut o! Wsukegau for pupils ta arrive thse next day. lise used taeietter advantage; as a e- talka andt tornes. Tiseme la ria beotlu ineaucery ta have the deed itellv- ManY Years but Whso maved la Evans- Tisey remalu closeit tram Friday ai- suit, a few, very few of tisese iuld- ter emed? lnawu for tise wayward ered ta hilm tfrrlise prrchîse or cén- ton about tOve years aga, was îilcked ternoon until Monday morning; froni luge are being tismownf open ta settie boy or girl tisan t0 change tiseir lune ellatian. 'lni by tise local police Sunday diornlng thse Test day of scllool lu Nlay or ln ment wark. of îbouht sud get thoera interestei Tise matller was referred ta Edwand atter lie isad spent thse igist lunlise -Joue until lise Brt Tuesday in Sep,- This mou ement la yetilulits infan- in 2ootethiug usetul. Let aj business J. Heydecler, master lu hancery. for Siserînan Hause. liecIo feeble-minded 1 tamber. Are we getting tise fu11 valuse cy: tisere eau lien estîmate made as man tale one of these laya under bis bils conclusionol !Ia and tacts. aud it was wth tise greateat dlfflculty« ,of tise money expendeit, wben tisie la ta tise great possibilîty a! thle wotýl, Instruction lu buinesF lhues, flot as After a fuliearing on tise face of Itisat tise police were able la leuiru Who tiese ? Ifî once tise people, tise goverlimeut,l an employe. lut as a ward. ' he bill tise ljunction was denied hy lise was. Borne Bay we bave 100 mauy scisoall- clubs, andt aocetles'wauld became ilu-iReeni n er,, thbeae 1111e cts, are flt'tise master. Attorney Addiugton af At irst he aald tisai bis home wiaa --oIsons grawl over tise taxes. Don't teresteti. There is fia scisoal bud- tasîs for lite, onIv experimetit- uit: Chiscago repeeeuted tle Cook hManu- lu Racine-then he chaîiged sud sait gomplain; jutllie thankful we bav-e lug tua maguiicent or grand, or too putting cbristiaflity ifito 1ratice. factnring campany. th at hie liveit lu Evanstan. Tise local tsi.humble and po, troinitise elegant,1 lany of tise foreigu parents, tisolgi Tisat M. ticydecter would grant ai police - called up bath citirâ aud by Now, stop te causider tise vast ammy brick sud tone structures, ta tise lit-! Ignorance of tiseir uew situation and injunction If an original bill vas Biled gl'.ing a description o! hlm iually Ot Young people visa aré depmlved o! tic red achoal bouge on tise plains, or envronntstido net lnow isaw ta la tise opinion o! a mnajority o! tise locateit bts home lu Evi.ton uvhe*~ tise use a! these buildings during evcu the little aid log-caiiu ciool handle their chiden av. ithem nsa' embers e!tishe Lake County Bar as-rt îiOItre ,Idbar! "eîri ., t1ise prescribei haut-s; for mauy aer bouse, tucked comtortably bacl in tise tive landts and tisauigi tise chistdren sociation. -hlm since Saturday wluen lie disap- -Qislgei ta une tisese baume in toi] for woodB, ueitiser are tiseme an' o!tisese many a! tisese parents would become peare t ta home. 4MIly breait. Tiere toa, tisere are tise1 buildings &,o far remaved tram cîitiza- interesît. ebre tisey could bie taugbt RamI Graham o! Albany, Wis., andt It was ImPoosil ta gel any ecar 'yalt army o! foreigners, comiug ta tienu tiat lisey could it ho b put ta tise Englisis language, and tise amuse- Miss Bethea Rltz o! Round Lake vere statemeots !ram thse sged man, but aoui bores yearister year, ta lie con- isanie use along tise educational andt ments tisey wotiid enia! as well as lise' marricit by Justice o!fie Peace J. V. tramt remrks made it coacesetiat lie Wdereit. Tiey came here tot.ally social Ues, outside o! tise ragular youug, Mfany hine$ could ibe saved Batz, tbis mornlng. rode on tise street car a piant of the omi have isY a ricivaitus«m o n. aorins tise Cit it, éntii. t ?tact' tb4t he wafe anly mitroa i hppers CAUsit nany ta stop. pd loO% aItishe Tîreit andt taotaore,le securait lodg. inga atthlie Sherman Hbuae.,On a lay minih l tartéait itgaîn. 130 lit not kîsw wseeo avasgeinsad ftnally 'Ias plcked up , bY Policemans samman visa bol hia ta tise police station. on Buuday atteoni bs dausister' camne hors tram fivaaetol and toal ubisahme vit ber. Tise oid mn s s.ored doliiteit wisao ho soir hon. Hle dangister salit tisaIt is ia h tisert time ho hait ear eludeit thelr viglihace'andt jet avay trOin them aithougis us'mind bbasa ntae- blé fév affine 11111. bir. Corcoran lived ln Weukegan mafly years, as ait . owvuby aIlitise oId reidenU aof hie City. A 1ev Years ago iso vent te lve wltis bis dasgisten la Bvanston. Tise tact tisai h. hait on ouly bis bedreoni eiippers la proisably visat canait bis relatives to thisni tisaI be would ual slray tram homte. ln tnturi ho vIii ha vatcheit aven mare clouily 0tr tsar tisat nsotsin wlll isappen to -hm. .Tbat b. mut bave valstdaàlarge partie!ftthe dis. tenon trous fivaaaton ta Wauk.gan le indîcatet by tisé amenioo! vear hi* alîppara hait been gîven. Long Boirais for bon. Mn. Corcora lute hean visa, aIl the trne he Ilveit ln Waukegau. mate two or tisree tripe ecci day ta tise postodlice seelclng a letten trami a son visa went West many' gears ega andt fram wisom ho hait neyer iseard a word. Tisa aId man always Inaistet Ihat snime day a letter would coins for hlm froin tisa son and therefore il. made these trequent trips ta tise pont- offIce. Tise letter neyer came, but ise lept up hie tripe untîl ise maveit tram Waulegau. le neyer despaired. ai- wasacoutendlng tisai hIe Lu was ail rigbt and be snme day voulit iear tram hlm. police oFicES .TI4OS. DOPTM *TAIE Y A MAO 0MO ON- *Ul'RICK STotgT &UND"Y DOoeb TEUTEW .mî uMBEoOîI'ON PLIÇMAN't ýOAT WIEN FA- TAL IlIOT-WA& 1FINED.0 guzday attenmneilPolicenmaaThom- a Boothsasoi 1e Lyon ver. disPalcs- edto lButrick otreet la shoot a mmd dot. Tise dos teth were stillIimbedited la tise pollooeales 'wcet vison Offcer lise Lyon fired lb. fatal sisat that lanosglat the e calue- tiste dumt and maved 01OScer Thsomas Booth'$ lite. Wlson tiey ariloit-on tisa moue the dog owe one lunge for Offcen Booths. The canine jumpei ton is tirsraa. Booth s s eedeit la eag tise das aff, but Mlt bedon. ai tise bettonso« bis COaI hait heon toM' loges.Tlhe dogt tde a piece out of btse coat lapai, Tisa doge teetis marks van tfound Ia Pollicunan bron's -ot- gTise dog wsa lb. Proerty of Mr. Adi- len wiso remîtes et 204 Nantis Butrick etreet. Wisen Mn. Adler' Wa«nottged iâtb tise lislce isad deetraYetlbis dog. lie threatenuaito prosecute tseni. Wben Mn. Boots notifleil Commis- mianer Atterbery or Adler's titreat, ha v as toIdta Place hlm noter arreot If e be ontianet Bving varda af!abse at 1tise poUcee. Tise dog vas ln tise midile ro! tise rosit visot won s&hal. e Warrantas ou the arrest of ail dag ,ovocra who hlav-e falled totaProcure Bcity lîcensea vere lasued t taay. Thse rcomplainte are heing mîgueit by Com- 1miasubouers Attersery soitd iver. l Two policemen worked six days lagt r eek collecting dog U1censes. To date tisey have coilectet aven 200. dYou Ever Hear of- The WeIIDressed Stranger " ith his smooth tongue who came around and sold yeu stock in soute Compange who had the world bu the horos, which was going to Pau you 100 per cent or su, sola gou the stock for 75 cents où the dollar.-and he himsell getting 25 per cent of gour moneg for the pleas- oire of selliag it to guu? My candid advice to gou ail is look lirst beforé gou bug from strangers. In buglng stocks, which is a grand and sale investment, be sure and iiivestigate the lollowiïg: Who, is ranning it; its olficers; be particilar of it assets, that 'os gour oaly sècuritq for gour investment; see that there is no wateredl stock;, no promotion stock; nor high-salaried officers. If no, llaws, bug. Wel have this to the letter: Absolutelg no watered stock. . No promotio n stock, and assets backed bu actual property. No high.salaried,-' officers. We are sale as government bonds and we guarantee goo titis: Seven per cent on gour investment; ait lover 7 per cent earned, whicl I am positive will be 10 Io 12 per cent; and we are known to gouili. Oui stock is moving fast and we want gou --- gou cao push gour own moneg here. See angj of the loliowing: J. E. Meredith & Co., William SanbornuumBusg Bill, gou ail&" know- him. Ile is no, stranger. Come see the plant, The big new one is going Up. We do not PROMISE to baild, we ARE building. j'O.MREIU Presideiit', beditlower & LIBERTY VILLE, I LLINOIS On Accouni of Other Business Itsresls, I1arn FORCED TOD SELL My Enture Flack of S. Ce White Leghorns From tise tamous Rancacas PoullrY Farm nof N. J Price if takon ai once 75c sach Phone 265J2 Jr.LH L , rLibertyvile, IIL r' pany