E OLLIE JAMES 'â"g" N AT Selected far Permanent Chair- ma" -by tbe CommIttea. LTIMREI heavy filler and.v4tl blnding, laili 813414 *.m for à challeng at ......... 1....... does not 1f7aIZ~,121 W.~jW ~JMVAL ýou Wîittsave m, Foaliseii.angle irwon PrIin.u out. wtth'a doubl e f OtP t e-nfor- ol wit t remf oWuehll calipi ffpot MWu*,ate àdurable *PHi,&.rdhber. P494. "teck Ps ee tS4 6 A use -fr dts pal. pices have l *'pusiZi pri~scano b4e4aleci, w. have nagae4 ifé .will find ln this Sale on oDoit unity whkch Tfl9 W3QDS WHICH ~~W9 tcate these _____ I #es Qui-etC à ali of taepaty i t c-ý ara by a m uoted the. hou» iyolrue. ayed rom a iprl@e Tise demontrtion ltst A i t Wym;p". it l otik aca a' son tii Brs d deatinmi to force enut1iÏ ~. It utls ocrotthe çpnvontion, èebVôMclp0tunity. ipte hi ýe.jeýb-omorry rh s<î#O . u M rMIhIoUld be upeet e d.for etiipre<'* lIePlatfrm wusewrifIW~ K 4baU* refused the Chei upt of th, 0olugpite on relolu n et Sntr wl~ua o lectel lace. the dvAft4lt1% r ni a.candiate Spelineft orgmiitOflU obab1lufl !thé. convento 1 ifflWecommt4et dqI?ý,e siâot K$ t t emp",u th >6rmMe. m~s iIup# Scntait ~q pr445rt t; p by thse = Pnaýrier misnOd tbe second 'e c touvtiOi t12:20. Tii. gm 01ptODcfthe rEport. A rmar follouad ttt 0,tI~ aithlerd uanta~ L aathat delegatea *crto es ahould à ci!~'thug pllU Thia starte t i subi aigit session, tue bourg being ~,te debate. Mr. Covingtoll'man- onuilt that I1liat1sdsaenarrange& Mnd Congremmafl Heiry of reprettiuia the.minorty ot ommttee, to devote two bougt erg rt mt didn't plesas mani delegatai @MI byAmuâsanPreîAssociationl. R fie a eb tale invoved uhether the Oio OTBt IVN ITUR.Our Ili*c ÏNfie ~eainsBhould vote as a unit for leries were s3parceli flled. It wua la' the Most complele ~pron a istucei h ti.sttovery hot tn the ball. Prayer waa cf-, Wth large',desk compart- Ibis clty. We offera yieption, or, -wsetiier lhe advisory fred by Rev. John Gardner Murray. mnt , hih olh&& a iiardwood refrigeratlr, îi5laaboulit, iold 19 of the. 44 biabop o! Maryland. Governcr llanch- piano osk; thîs ha. as, f Inula ard augestot a recess until 8 o'clock 4«od i:._+ fl.jy cvre lnsd wltls zinc, a rem saddausent was grudglngly given by a p isfr$1 0 h1 bis lce chamber; gui scattering o! "aiea."lenge sale * eed tagaves Ice, Former povernor Folk o! Misouri *rice ..... 26 rmadU.. " adresse& thse convention briefiy. He t' clle Bryan thse 'greatest moral teaciiet of!t<hiegenereticis." sud uaeu epplauded. Senter ilyner and Rep- Î & resontative Cîsyton sîso spoke. "I do MJrTo lisqI nca upon whorn tènomlnp.icnMuL MjrTo o! this convention wl ahIV e.il,"satMr. bIltody sfro CI»yton, sufd thé ps-tsa dl!rival Nr. Cummllngh5eii501South Sberi- dietis. candidates applauded.darod hba ensikfrom Gore, ho biind senator froin Okaho- dnr, w bo tq hea oonSick foo n. MmJsp nme mate an address filio t aiisepi- <00 51<< h aptltdi u.Jsp cgrains.sid bumor. and a 2: 15 thse Te, wimiggeso l n o!n. 3 A covninadlourned util 8 oclock. gos;. to <belr Every dey a numniher cf balisers <an Harbor, Me. PROPOSE APLATFARM ben sean athtie beach enjoyhng a frolic M% .Bwn in tise uatr. an- sd Mrs.1 New Voricers Offer raft le th. Cons- Arden Shbore was the benefickry of Occpy t1-eti d<sy afternoon et thse bonde of 'MM.- Baltimore, Juse 27.-At the caiscus Samuai T. Chase ln Lakhe Foret.I A dkneta set o! thse New York telegation. a draft lm nme o b.de er rs-teIllinois, C o! a plettormn as, aubmitted to the entaene, Fl comnmittee 0on resoltui0ns.Lavne il z mtas. This tp ltrin lrovhdes. &mong W. UNOEAWOOD. Othes ^,ige fr a redution of the ln WaSi al uabring te ut e deaya re alou li 4Iàa a avawt Wisonins shulttarif! toiiouiiceC Preident Taft forj iWak«.dun <aptfedysshraaal as, oodWisn e ao vdýeti th.e coton, uoleu n md cerc- WeLZOi brotisars Ict a valuabie colt uhCoin tisaBs I&r Her? tadtu. uinoitireprtical s',bedulee-; opposes tho establlsh- jMcnday. A horse belonglur lu Air. Carlton FIse *a gave w;% b to . Covn wo iment o!centrlbanlis; favors an in- Mrchbant dhed c ot'lu-Jblsestweek. .Kidel *rende& 1itlibt 4ii Vii'i5 Janis cone tax; diet prIiarie est ee. ri s ti otbe elh i nm A local diu doctrine. Mr. Ce, n ob ylded to tors; and fixing o! tbe president4el poted. cause aEt eV joins W. Peck. of Ohio, ubo sraidtho terral t six Years. oillrityreprt W arttll dmw. ARavinia Park iR ilopen Sturuay. ered bis pBa seond later haocsaual17meationke Police suppresssRowdylem. ailstac ut elca of bihe Minneapsolis soda, and (bdt -great governer eoftNew Je-y," Batimore, Jue 27-As ho reanît SyIflblscuyorcestra. 1151 ltli ha toi. <irs-ti ad: #cd Instantly tises-e uAs a Wl'-.ii- of roudyin In the streets et night, lowed by aen fL weeks- eugg4eseM » well as the a to. t te W1119MIisemlic b t 40wun othe use cf f teThIomsorchestre.. SeTIeofs isa h l osa ~~ b, ~i. s dmi iU«kcOecalthbie 'uife beat, > ~ ue~ep el.wasu This couch is differeint frein the douches usuaIly*Id at Uiis price. The. frametis gomq- lue ùàk polished. The. coyering ia of the. bW quaý'of Eoston loaâth@en wd illnot crack. w T ee~~n set on as su-frame of steel, in ~utpin top. A ba4>in at 9& $e . l sale........... . 85 oom1oItwbe as tIe 1b4 . fouis ,ez ~. Alwlraw Svt.&Iwoi rurpafýs daxony AzrII nsti*rî» à n.. ss olrln sny mire pt- tein, bth rietiaâlh ntm, a17oral. og *. u e vt 9iI~ II If~RIjàJ1,8Qw-do Q 8t challenge salte...........11.65 n a p , s of lâ i ah , all w o ë ; aA il moei. soft cap, seam iebe n ag . " y sot iisai o@;a&M8.85 ize; In a iectr 1$M.5 value for chalenge . Oriental patten, a 20 value 14025 "Nom, _m _ue A 6-tIOLÈ RANGE-Heavily niclceled, with large roomny aven. A guarantetd fuel saver, burne coai or wood, a $16.50 value, for challenge .......12 7 A $29.50 JEWEL CABINET GAS RANGE-For challenge q q Sale ....................2 0 5 cm0 'o challeTb& 1 9 Hab.«aay Dmnser Liks @U14 t. ul mrPeFlUne fit, hacdsomaly nfld; Ithe aval minier la bevoed FreliCh pota. 21= 2loes. dr.wgo Wood iccoba. Mf 4 , vaàlga for .... ..... 000Solicd 04k ' r@ecohplate mlrror 1 alange rice.. ... 7 - Iaby Cardages et Haif A Uaby Cainage Wîi*a #Rfe bocid, roeesy bo4, egPu an Sommegs, the uphlsterlcg le cf velvet corduroy; flnisispd in a soft ilhadie of nul iroye, wsPre cinoing out the lin.o ý Lo Worth ll.00; wte re 1692 FOLDING COLLAPSIBLE CART Large hood; upholstered I Brewater leather; heavy rubber tires; ait iran tramne, 3,85 à $6.00 carl for Othe r reed carrnages .pf .......300 i, son of Mrs. Thon; of Dr. andt lire, C. H. AlbrecbL of Cory The work of excavatiflg for the foui Mr@. PItts and 9014 Melvin, and thle %was taken to the hospi-Lavenue îefL today for a two weeks trip dation for the proposed addition to Benm anly are to leeve in a feif an operation for &pn- t t al Mneplsand other tei;bl evcscmayapatday. for anautomobile trip to Boston itoint. PuMonaoihere ia progrerýsing ln fine M&ave. and otber Eaatern points. ,h T. Bwen andThis ecrnng ln the Parish ouse1 This ovening ln the be of Miss h . cenantfamlyi The Knigbts Templar held installa- M18i3 .ie % nager Power of Chica-' Ella Needhamn on Chapel atreett he >r stret hicago, bave Mo lct veingan amngthe vîsît- go will gîve a recital fer the bene-!,WhizzeIr Girls.ahIlentrtain Ià nub«r ýr Summer home In Barîng guesa was Newton Parvini o! Çed- fit of tâe Lcdies Ahi aoclety of ChriBI of yonig ladies at a flovelty shower in During their absence, ar flapîds. the grand secretary of the chureh. hionor of ies Mabel Erb, wbo la è,, mn-in-law andt daughter, bba become n bride this week. W. ,%Ie(ormick Blair wîll sti.te of Iowa snd the men oba The wedding of ias Belle Fariner 1e.adMr.R .Hnde tKl 1.tatct. r arvn à n e of theay Le dWedn bt f ac ity, s azo, llich., camne bere lest nigbt ta >WnliIBO in<t roint. MPervIn he ne o! taiezaeplace tomorrow. IR promises to liepreaent et the marriage totag <ýf staldng aavantae o! the ame ron' etMaoliub e ore of the prettiost soclety eveirts r oiePne ntldsHrtt capd rw tbe hOem oftry, few boing more widely known M.Gog azradM«HrW Cildrena Hoite and Aid <ban he. Mr. Paririn and wife have 01 the 3ear. Millecr of Gurnee. 1ev. Handley WQfl thigto eteoi am Rigebeen the gueste of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ,%embema Of the Furet Cbrletan officiate at the ceremony. Ms. liead. hlnton etreeam igit Rid e nfor a fea (laya bot returneil <hurch, (laytop and Utica atreeta, ulli ley ai oieln Waukegan usai l ly 1#- natn cfda ~igaldhome today. enJôy a social Thursday evenn a visiting ber inother, Mrs. AH.eot Mg I sOuhîca"g.The'os <:thehome of! Mrs. Albert S& Brown, 216 IBrown, 216 Fairview Pince.Bov. a1Û. earch ta being mode are Followiog the testiuoiiy ot S. K. Freliew place. adewilrtrtagmoSSsI 3sen, 14 yem uold: John Martin Jr., the comeplaIuIlfg ultnes SvrWns urOitd Fellowe lant etrOot thernb. tud Fred Noir, Il. 5.15.it Edwins Dioll f n ! Oftiir Wukgaal<5 o! Uew w nt Y wt bere h 8paè fts Hlb_ dPF.vs csg dw t o Highland Park lest nigbt wbere________ rugglat is being joked ha. baving operateit a confid«e e O k inee hadge atcfCr tTaa. evning ahen a party en-'BMpl R. Burres, attorney for 'Rugl«, thse Chicago toum upon newucandi-1 We aieh (o expro ' McOr hertrolt ae and ordered tee tim n nouncd etesirdaY dbat bIs client <dates. The evening wuespeast pea hi ans o ur friends and egbbobe one, who uw» especlally would walvce eannatiof. Municipal am<1ly.for tbe Innumerable kinaa eU" syo, 1: TIfare a phosphate. Jndge Maxwell, Chicago, theà declaT- Mis. Josephs ('oodboit entertained pathy ec~ndu-b kba '11111,00 e soda%" th iselrk lwvott edbis@Intention ot holding the ~dfend- the memnersof tha Tllflkday ovening e1 h f arbqove g:1w*Ms icf mats. Qiieltwqq;1>4u~ u for the grand jury, but 0setpoùcd oeuing circe lats evenicg at ber bonne ao lia r~lç e. Vèal»,owh t &IL M" U414r94&néI# ~ formaI eutterfaet -these lr tII! OnsVites, tre«. rIbo eveing *as thea mlem, *ienda ami hl! or wusa it a ùi .tdy O'1wEaie oafig-fer gratly elijor.M hfter utbieli tefreali,.thi e tul <imi tInestwe4 aflis o m. L~0tj Library Table A genuine oak librry table, wua nover offered 80 low. The wood is of oak, the finish i fumed dui, the top is 24x36 inches, with a large dIrawers fo- chalnge $6e40 lig