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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Jun 1912, p. 5

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LAKE COUNTY 1nDEPE»DENT. FRIDAY. JE2.11. BUTTER, BUTTER. Who lias the butter? If vou are looking for Butter made from th. cicaness and pureat cream-Butt.r tht has a golden cotor. a n exquisite flavor and cr.amery tait@, thon TRIGGS'S GROCÉRY s certainly th. plrpce ta find I. For celiable Groceries et reasonable prices, call on us. J. ELI TRIGOS PHONE 25-3 Th8is HÊSeason for OxfordS How are you Prepared? We just want to oeil yowr attention to the fact that on account of the late season we are offering OXFORDS at greatly reduced prices, from $ 1.00 to $400. To be sure, the ones we are offering for $100 are broken sizes and mostly umi1, running in 6, 64 and 7 but they are AI stock and weli worth $300 of any man's money. We have them in Tan and Black, Button and Lace, in ail the latesta iasts. If you are in need of a pair of Oxfords let us show you what we have, YOU may be the judge whether we are misrepresenting themn or flot. We are bere, to sei goods and give our customer8 their money's worth. Rememnber we guaran ee satifaction. EVERYTHINO FOR MEN J, & Morse & Coo ýPH ONE 1-P Libertyville, - - - -Illinois. REPU1UIISH YOUR DUNG ROON Make It Truliy the Most Enjoyable Boom in tne Rouge. UOIPLE the soli cotai ot of dining wth soid, confortable Dinmg Rossi FurituMsand 7055 adO partake ofE do.. good 'eats"witIs greater sait. A aeiil-furîsihed diaiag muni te the good houaeeifeas lriusih TREPTOW & TAYLOR LI1EBE rTY VI1LLE i1f You Contemplate Building A BARN, HOUSE, CRIB, POULTRY SHEDS, PORCHES, -SLEEPING PORCHES OR SCREENING YOUR HOUSE AND> PORCHES. CALL ON US WE CAN HELP YOU TO REDUCE THE COST....... ..:.:... PHONE 47 Libertyville Lumber Co. DOWN DY PU OLD DEPOT 't r king Service Ray Andrews, who lbas twenc worloing Ifor the Bell Tele;,hotw Coi.. in andi about I I ER TI Y VT IL IE ' BIR I F'S Springfield. Ili., for ftle past lotir y3arp, lias (cen trannlerred lier.. tîuas rîa manager of the district rec,.îtl por- L AN PESONL MNTIO FO1 RTHEwEcf aýed of the Lake County Telepbonie LOCAL NDKRSNL ECuN O Il ~E~ JJ Max Ioine left -%Ionday ecenirig for To ineurs publication in the Indepen- .tMr.and Mm .Charles ht-ri aperit Sn« t . Lois, Mo., where lhe aas tuarried det cp uathai heofien ltrday in (raysllake 1 ednesday to, Mise Elizabeth Wolla3ftld dent cay mut hin tetificnoltero! that place. The tle w t wedded couple than Tuesday of each week. Adver- tir. and Mms Wm. Wai rorland fatlY returned to L.îbertyviiie Tbnrsday. titers, especially. are a'sked ta taire@Petit Suniday visitiniz lrt.-îîîlsat Grays.- Owing to tbetluev.te-ain M tr. Kibner's particular notice ta this affect. laite. store, they wil ittalir a belated îveddlng Mr. andIllis. C i fughem anmd little tr.ip at tire Podi of.iuiv. ..pending a fewB a WillJohsonwona Chcag viito ondaughter of Rigbl&nd tark., lpeut Sun. weekns in CîlortidB ai WII ousnwa aCicg vsio Oldey wltb isiatîves bere. [ast lriday rnorcîig lfie tilvin %Irm. W. B. Carir and datîc liter llestri c Blair Clarke,' the tet i months oit! son o! Mise tiabet Rudolphi suent Suiday of Milwatukee, Wle., wercstîîîrday viaitors Mr. and Mli Eldon Clarke', died lat tlkiLr Ve aut yot with ber parente at Rverview, 111 fers, returning tu tLîîr 1lie M\ouday. homne on ltroadwayot internai tînvul. Mr. nd 1m. ran li f Ianbo.atone. The luneral wam beld Soîîîav at that we haveo Mr.andtir. ran Luk t tanhe. Thoms Maibewo!fl:vaîtn, visited 2 p. in. at the. St. Josepis (atholit- couinty and iti calied on r elative-s hbe Sunday. bis. ister, Mr@. Phoebe F iimr. one day church. Rev. Wui. J. Kinoella otfiiating (jet vour Wjindîîw ecreeno xc thcut last week. with bora! at Lakeeide cemetery. inossbacks, faire.sat he Blk andu Mis. TdCri Mrq. J. D. Marshalll mcd family of W. B. Carr of Mlwaukee, whît for position to giv, Air. CshBulle an Ms. edCriisEvaneton, DL, viaitsd a fi-w day.. tbiesoins time pans bas been employeol a were Waukegan vleftore reentlY. week wrtth Idr. Marsîtali e iiotlter, Lire. conductor on the Libertyville local train Let our bank 1 Mr. and Mile. Barry L. Devis and H. Gridley. runuiug betwssn bers and Chicago, xii lîtte mn aent atudayattrnoo an C~ <~(~baîpagn lenow le on trains No. 86 and 39, which litte mn spnt aturay lteroonand Mise Hérenlern tCapiIli u btenWlot n hcg Sunda" wltb relatives iD Chcago. .peudix omeUne vs tnglier grand- mn brwsen fillewCitya7IndCheLkeo ileeisabela Clark of Morton Park, mother, Mm. C. M. Fulle-r and other pageeng.tbruhtî lyB :0l UL, isied oer uada wih reaties rlatveehre.moruîng and 6:04 In the evenlng. Mr andI, i sl tier v!s. na lbrltvs satecsr.Carr will be missed by bis .many frierude -Mrm. Fanny Fairbanks and dauRbter bers.Cptl upu P- Ltte Chaputan Weil@lee spsnding a Mits Paye,. turnifed te) their home in A very pleasan social gatbertng of -CptlSrl week veniting bis grandparents. Mrr. and tDetroit, Mchgan, last ni-.k aller a young people was beld tionday evening - Mmr. E. H. Wells, hiers. short vîsît witb the . kriiîer's moithr at the bomne of Rev. C. n,. Alexander Mir. and Mmr. (Gorman bas rented tbeIre. Laura Dye. whsn bis Suuday ochgol clase of young el Jocbbeim fiat and nioved bis hooeeold At the Lyrle Saturda% niglît wîîî lie men and Mmr. C. F. Wrght@ danseof ieflsct.e tbere tionday. presented a western drantia entitled Youngsodlsmstgterfru vn Miss Bidweli olGurnee, le ependiig a "The Girl Sheri"ati Su Al n the o oilenjoyff.ent. Varion8s tuts" few days wîtb ber closin, lire. J. S. Famly," a comedy and games wecs indulged iu and retresh * Oridie bere.men tewereoerved, Every body reported Orideyers'rhe Epwort.b Leagni- n 11avcaieicea good tirue. A ulce at Druce Lake for Mr. and lire.. so Ue-ndce-and ehldren at the beach at Lake liJuff, I oday even- the near futur" i. being piauued by the± ot Round Lak-, spent Suuday with tuei, ug June 28. All are (-orlîdi1 *vînvited. samte classes. Both ai thepe lasses are* latteracýiter. tirs. A. Aý Grandy 'oîu are reqeseted to brii-r a top and orgauized and are active in t-be religioinsi The Ladies' Aid eotiety of the NiF.fut-k.and social life of tieu clit-I. elburc. cdl i îîi.t witfî tIr, lDantel Le-i R. W. Bulkley lfi' ui- fîod of Motitday evening a dea! wae cloéed on Tîîcsday aft-ýrtîoii. ulj0. ~Svhfanrk Bro@., a J. 1. t i-. c,arator. wberii Attorney lBen Il. Mille-r pur.- wliicbwaë delivered t-, hiu , I uîdaY o! chagedo! fWilliam Barzett, loir acres i0i tir. aîtir(]M. Frank Eiger rcturie-d îîfi week. the old Spencer Boînd farim on Mitlwaukee- îîiiulav ro ,r I ip tr. aîd trs. F 'l t!avenune.Abiott ine-tîi rd 0f tti,- tract* Pýort BY. t-u, 11 M.an m 0 , A;Otllies îitilîtn thielimita ifii liIftîs cEy* Ilernd, Indiana, are veit ,it r-liti'o trMilt ituemiataa!,d.Sdn te<'- ~ L Mr ndNrs.(harle.. triie tltitire of1lire. Mooreui pari-îtii'MiM nid Nr,. M.Mllrgnemlue u-ii*n h entrtaîing ir titwiiîic ncta f,în ti. V.ltonerr. It-otiet-tY ilot,,.village lota and placiriîCtA M.îclctr> . Ill',tliti" w'e -.tire samne on the titarket for sale. Mrt. LIBERTY M.andl trs. Llo(b3 l iht n li ttle Barnett resel ted 12 ai-re... together wltb m&xm****» M- 1_ i. t rit t,.lire MNfA Autrew ,tti l ive-n tif idgewiikt 3 . tiri-iei le lîîîemte-ad mmd 001er bunidîingsanad =M art ti'. I ît- iîiîreu. -mud iti' g the week vistii - Mi- Itriells a iii cîtinue ira tire- tianing business. Staikigai ria,îc ilolay. tsîster, tIre. Ralpb Colc it. t.- VW, understand that tiie coisideration Mt i->tuittMalto-ýi..t>Fiif.ring ti l a Chureli and tConntiU * ii au îid a ap$1 1.00t11 bafiitulv 'prafiî-l arto -tt-aýd bî l seere j emil'ti3 , alt. Jeu -i ti i ai Invutitattios are oîttfor the aedding o! flli. (e tuffered at thie L3 u-r.ini c. coing.Robert H. Grunînfitt of'1'yvan, saska. NIrs.lIavtit!st îîer..eire. Englaîid, Lois acide a ilitue ai, -prto attend tacbewan, Canada, tui Miss [aura. i-i vfet'îing at tlp te c,î ie1cr I'lf.frother. Ifis îîlglt. Louise Ainsworthî o! that plaelin M lec-tr mut! îthccr.elati-s ber-. Nrs. Narîia îrotînî 1.1.1 -'ttii Pî'lîIleIt Saturdav, Jonc 29.tir. Oriuîtuitt in a (Itarlps Jî,î-bhcfii )ripturiied Satnriiay Stii-îay fur Uenua, litilier a short son o!f5fr. and Mr>. tîbt.liruninitt (il alter speîîdîtg two > ritnths lit Foirt vîit a îtb Mrs. Protine*w scl..er, Ni Alice «tbts Place, and bas mîanry Irieudm bore, Wayne, Indiana.ltaie, wbo returned n i t leut Moniday fiaviug besu boi and reared Ilu thia village, About six years agu hie went to Mltr. and tirs Ri. H. Lytlî. and tir.and r cug. Canada wbert bis father at that trne MIra C. W. 1L*vlfe t! Barritigtou, 1Li, Missea Ehe and lirace VINfieeler and owned a large farm, lRobert latier spwit Tu..sîay wiîtit Xater Lytie o!ftil Bessie Butler retcrti-î limt ne-e-k rom bometeadîng a tract o! land near there City. alb, Il, tîîlg coîiitife-ed trio wlîere lieile now liicated. IVe juin with ti ad ra. Barry Butterlleld o! yeare' course ait1tf Shtark- Normnal achool hie many triends in exteuding to brio and [aN all.Wis.,vieîtedl froni Friday till > h. is bride hast wiehes for' a long and Sun3day witi r. and tir. H. Il. Eger Wm. Mayhe-w and tird. WilietMay- jonsu wedded rite. and other relatives here. bew visited te fti t-ers shster, tirs. Tuosday eveuiug wbat migbt bava F-riday (o-nigbtî the Lyrie wiîî Pboebe Flatter, at t home o! Thomas proven a fatality occnrrod on Milwaukee X R .1 ( lisent RIedemptiun o! Greek Jus" a Corletti a few dam a iat week. Aleutirs, avenue juet eoutb of our ci ty when a driaad owd eiite "ateBert Bestor o! Sberîîîerville. borse driven Iy tbree men fr% Chcago RealE dama and a medy entyvilte Cdinatntiesma- home frightened andiran awaýl. tbrow. G ap TeL irty u Cabint et Wrs "ring the occupants ont lttuthe road. Judge Eiiward F.lionse, Deîuocratic wok. P, s raenble W On@ man eustainedl a broken collai bons Luce Bqulding Lîryi île, Tursday frno on on vedh ieguarantesit. Hoti t Bot Es. Phone ada lght fracture of the ekull wblle Libetyvlle Thrsda afernon n je164. C0_1 anlother rsceived bruinse about the lmbe automobile trip o! the state. Since the t4Ol and body. The third jumped aud luckly __________ trip started Jue 2, .ludge-Donune bas Dancing ev..ry Satnrttay night trader escaped injuries. Tho men came ont risited 154 citis, and covered ove-r 2000 the aUepie-ao! the LIibertyville Aessmbly, Mîodi to demnontrate a Runis milesiîy atomoble.ut town hall. Lîibu-clyvîlle, lIt. Chaieo!f miles y autoobile.instruction it dat litg froni 8:00 ta o):0(1 traction origfne au the innulI fatnwbee Mmi-. L. C. Prieeasd danijîte-r Ether, p. ni. D)ancing f-tnt 9-:00 to 12 p. m. filî-erustruction o! an artîtici airlae A e 5 o! St. Paul. Nliinn., at-s itiîlnirs. uitaer the iti otofo! Pro. Vii. J. in prtogreand ad fliisbed thelr day. ew Pries augter trs C tClinAshton. tpeng lance Saturday, July rk and were on their way ta thie City Prices daghte, Mm.W C.MoCain . 1912. Muait- LiiOConnor urchestra.wr and other relatives. bere, Tley wii Tickets, gcîenlemen 50c; ladies 25c-, where t bey înteuded ta take the trainFo 1 remamn iu and about tItis vicinlty (inicnding warlrou. f "-02 tor Chicago. That they e.caped mure soin he@mmer, __________ setions injuriesete considered a miracle. Mn. and tir. C. Wý Esettot ut e'Babi Wilmtte. III -arc airain lit lîcîr fat-m Fresbyterian Services Obituary. but only sligl on North Mtwake avenue fuor the 10:30i a. m.tIttrunmg worsliip. l'uni- tirs. teliasa Uray was borun i miarked less thi inter,.tir. Eserîtt -oriteiplatoos :ect- -Spiritual tiist.' Fremont, Ili., Oct. o),l, 140and reîoalned building a fiue uew hort tere' i.ter in j 1:43 a. in -Sutinay s.iool. wtibrprneteentlbrIirig o sBu the season. 7-30 p. riii. tveiititg worsbîp. Subîect. wt tir Jante iry etilber1, 1861,an very'weluemaC (Soi-i60dFiglît ol Faith.' OM.JilsGa.Fb 1,111 n eywl ae I Wdîisda 7lit1, ni rayermeeti ng ttfia t-th.ey ha-e Iiced tlty-onc years. UFE INSURÀNCE, Il je the afest o . -Aexner iritr Alter be.r narriags tantMr. Gray they ('ljdrens Roînji &Ui jvestraents, as it Ibrivea even upon 1ilcade, ii.te- iîuved btu inesota and remained for a with tîîrkey -eil, s rue ina of ordinary financial concerna. p ýtiird reritntitglnallY tai Libertyville MI. E. Church Services. and iîîctîng ou a fartin soutil o! the Bioys P'lay S'uite IT - a-n. xîmetig Rv J ivilmge tweiity-niis years agu. cloth, long transer E B MacOuffin. Ntr ear, mgo tbey rame to Liberty. 10:10a. i.Saranen o th Lrdd mîî ad buîlt a Ironie on Nswbsrry Ladijes Uniaii et S A 0:-N Su p . mi m a-ate ! t e L r i a enue vtte e t ey rem a led util tr. w itli t relion lacs g 1 m.Bible Su tuttI. Ut-ny made. sale uf bis bouse and bilt 6:5p .Eitttrth League. - . iraiSecnstreatuffa iyo -mle int Meu PDistrict Manageir 7:80 p.mi. IPreat-fttnog, Bev. L. F. M magui .vlticuu te it ofKtîîiOt-t bf OId Clony Es Ihurane oPanY Monday.7ï:30, Tuacirs Training Clas. four to ipart thîs lits. Wbile visitfng fjjsdetb50 ofice IOe Office Wednesda-V. 7:30 Prayerservlce. Mfr. and tir. C. L. Flagg lu Miwaukee. frihdec 0 brtîuc!îal piieumnioa irought on y W W .C SAVE SAVE cold aînd departed to Fie at lest wîth be.r F MOE ORE hubnad, wbo was taken troni ber the, MORE '1 MORf last Febt-uary. Servie-es@ wet- beldi froin the boitte o! Mi@Ellii Parier, a ulece. cii Park Pince I& Sunday aflernîonu, J une 23, Ret. W. L. S TA RT s A Wlipple apeisteit by Ret. J. B. tiaconffla of!l.efatîng. SAVINGs ACCO0IUN T A T N L. B!. Flanbyand tirs. Jame: DaisRagbeu af i fthe Homerr. r Land- aîîd lte refrains were hou ta L'D13. rcctfintheafit ofberlîuebaud Inotha ruF ,C ED . Schnaebele & Co. state, Mortgage Loas and ENERAL INSURANCE PHONE'18 Lbsyil I Special Offerings Hlot Weather Wear ggan Underw ear. these are 1"secondis" 1t imperfections cause them to, b. ian 50c, ail sizea at, per garment, 38c.' Chamibray Waists, liglit or dark color, le for LI3-c ters, made of blue chambray and trimmed Ill Eizce at 25c. ts. Twoý7pieoe suite made of Browni Khsbi er, special at 38c sits, ribbed, made umbrella style, finished each 38e. b" Unionsiîtts, the coolest and most comfort- tear mnade. Pure white bleaohed and nicely )e. &RIRLL & SONS CO. TWO STORES JE ÂGÂINST ]FIRX~ OF THE IMO8T RELIABLE PMR iCE COMPANIES IN EXUBTEME iUW HAMPSHI]B, les D. Proctor,A L.E, ILL )u to become acqiîaiîîted witli the fact one of the best eilnipped banks in the is officered by menpnot.by icebergs or We want your busineés and are in a ve you prompt and courteous service be your bank. ounty National Bank s& and Undivided Profits $87,000.0O >Are Correcty Fitte by We use no Drugs to niake an exnxnlnation -and we gtarantee all of - our SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASS WORK. Beswick, YVILLE, - ILLINOIS Burned Out sud n.îrly a total lots., but 1he worst of al s they carr'ied no insurance. This could flot happen ta you if tiot were Ineured AaInt Pire - in one of aur cellable com- panies. When you learn how' smaîl a sum is roquired to p"y the prem.um an a polkcy for one year, you surely osagh neyer take the chance of th*s troubles of thîs poor famity 1 wililpsy you t0 consuit wlt Us.

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