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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Jul 1912, p. 1

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LAKE COýUNTY,,,,INDEPENDENT WUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL 2f.-NO. -il. TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIIAY J (VLy ~ 9 ONE TO EIGHT *P1.îî 'E YEAR iiN ADVANCE. WE FIJBLISU À DAY LÀTE Foilowing Ithée-suai cuslorn of 1his offfice, tisai of ailowing as. uany as possible of Our employas t0 enjoy tise benefits of hollilys, we dd nol work ymsterday (Thursday, Juiy 4thi sand consequently ipubliah a day laIe Ibis week. brougiot thse gaaoline lauts-Isis" t b Wankegan Sunday atternuon. Tisey reacbed Waskegan about g ocloc k. Tise msen fron thUe navai station diti flot raf-us-n hy Sater. Hait osazeti by aorry anti sork lise metn returnei ta Waukegan, Tisey wes'e exisaustei andi. begged 10 be ailo-wed ho go to bail. They diti not wast 10 be lntervlewed. Cliton Spoor bas owned tise Four Brothsers for te pant two yaars. Tise sarne amen made a trip Io Pigeon riv- er nea' Hoilanti, Mici., a week ego Suntiay. Nontz Saved Ougan. Vl develo1ss tiat Fs-nk L Nantz savesi Dugan front trownlng. Nattz threw Dasgan a lite buoy. flugan grasp- et thse esoy as be sas sinking for tisa tbirtiime. Joe Brigusais sas unecnsclous for tlu'equarters of maisbour wisan ise- as taken fronthtis wates-. CAPTAIN ORDERS INQUIRV. Station at Nortis Chicago feil over- îpoaf re-cept of thse oea' of tise board f rom the gasoline launcis "Four drowmng of Water 1 Seycmour, C'ap' Brothers" af Waukegan. Tise accident I'uliam,1s . VS. Naval Training Station, iappened riear South Chiscago. osraurd an Inqulry. Dr. Koltes. LIeut.- List of tise Passengera. ('arter anti Commuander Lotndon were One Man Drowned. matie ntasbers of tise boardi of inluest WVALTERI 1.tE'>NlIR-FnsploYed Tisa men on tise latîncis were sont as a lannter a t tAi Naval Train- 155055eandt ieir testimny tae-n Tise- lugstatiotn.tparens lite luCisi- nie-n tld tise samne atory as printati in Ca"o. tis s sute of thce-SUN. Tise ilndIln Taken Prom Water. 'Of te board <et In.îuest m-1i1flot Le tli(AEi iWAN-Of Iaukegan. matie kaoan uotii tise body bas been Employe am an elecrician isy tisa racuvered. Pulaiet Service company. No Blamne Attachesi- Tise Attempt Rescue. Arthsur Seymouir,.- proprietor of a HARRY SANDERS--isuemaker. Na. feed storee s! Wfft Pullman. anti a val Traùiilg station. brother ut the drownet man, attache-s SA31UEL POWELL-\tirsa, Naval Do0 bl&,itte a any oe. Ha clime bis Training station brutAles-lest bis lite titrougit bis owo M. LYNCHI-Baatawalts. Naval Train-, c&melemasas. li;g station. F2DWARI F'REBlRI-Elactridlan. ai t I ~f f f f Chiscago Telepisone Company, Wau A IK $ 00 0 kagan. stand By Tise Buat. DAMAGES ALBERT SANDEIIS--isoeinaker Na- vai Training station. LAKE FOREST WATER COMPANY WALTER STONEBl'IG-Macbinlat, BRING8 SUIT FOR HYDRANT %Vatkegan. NENTALS AND TAXES Thse Bhip's Crew - 0 CLINTON SPOOR-6Si pper -andi uan-WATER COMPANY AND CITY 0F- as-. FICIALS HAVE DEEN AT WAR FRANK L. NANTZ-PliOt.L SINCE ORDîNANCE 0F 1906. Pullesi Dugan Overboard. Seymour anti M.1Dstgan of Wasske- Asking damtages ln tise suai of $60.- tan Steve- s'anding lu tisa eock-pll 004),tise Lake Forest Wates- contpany. swapIng toris. eymor atod is Y lieir soicitors, Atttoraeya Cooka. bis rIgist as-ni reating usat ugam'a Pupe & Pope, bas broughit soit luntte siseuider, T1%e boat leschdandauS - 'Circuit cous-t of Lake couaty agaînst mour feli ovarboarti taldng Dusgan tisa City of LateFusest for iytranl iith is sa. rentais anad taxas paiti onde-r tisa orlg- "Mail overbard" s-as tise cry tisatI al charter. wre-ut tisa air. Pour o! theremries Tbe praaclpa sas filati ln tise Circuit Ieaopet lto tis a ater andt trie-sit'e e- court at 1 ocloc-k Saturtiay atternoon. eua tise two men. Sey'iuOr weft dos» Tise L-1, ForetWatar ecQnpany ur- in vte darknemm ulelathe ,re s S ciais and city offiiais bave beau aI Stere awimmiag *,bout, Dugan was pull- tsar gînce 1906, wben tisa lily offi- e-s aboard lnbasesmi-cotisccutimnl daIs trattasi andi passeti an ordinanca iosi. tHe wenît osu sis Seymousr fixng tisewater, ratas for tise aunici- bust sssccetdin sa-lng bis us-nIlite. pslîty. Seymour sas nul an exporiesicet man Messrs. Cuoke, Pupe anti Pope of in tise-saler. Waukegan represent tise Lake Forest Notify Life Bivera. Water compauy, After a searsh Iaellng an beur anti Tise case sili ha trie-t during tise a hsaitlise cres snd raesee gave up Octuses- les-m ut court. tise tfflk ant Iin tise launcis went te__________ tfon. w e atSpo noldCapt. ORP1IANA4E JIJST RE- .blosrTisn. The- latter anal members of LAE R1QAATN bis cres put ost Ir% mototrboSt. anti fl FO QÀÀTN searcises for two bouse itisout dis- covering thse- issi. TWENTYT-WO CASES 0F SCARLET Let Here Saturday. FEVER AT ORPMANAGE SINCE Tisa Four Brothes eit Wtauke-gan THE FIRST 0F APR IL, at 2 a'ctuel Saiurtiay afternuon. Clin- ton Spoor tanti Frank Ih Natit e seeScisoni close- ti tte -Like-Bluff or- ln chas-geouthes boat. Tiset wece on pisanolge Fsiday anti one- Iutdredt a tip l-u 0Caluàmet ansi as tise ltunsci en toungsteras e-ce- gîte-oa picolc un neeahat a point'about a mile off tise-ltise'fine grouinds utflirs. Scott Dur- anIs-ance- totise river tise- me-mise-ss antis farto. lire Duran utfrnliset otflise station, Sk ia reporte-t, se-cre-Cecre-an for tisentant idtievary- -making imers-y." 'Ttreepgssengers on tîing isar powe-r 1e make- tisa yung- lise- boat sera w-alklng lsthe- citwhen sss-s bave tisa be-t indt of a lime. Seymtour pitcisad torsas-siinto tise - lThe-affair sas espc-ially lot fuilu tes-. nany of tise youngters siso bave 1051 May Have Been 111. ben selasses front a strict scarlel ,,tVe bat nu tinta la golng lu Sev- foyer quarantîne- that bas be-an lu mours aid," siasi CapI. Spoos- b 'a force- sioce tise ilst of Aîsri. lu ail ne-wsîiaîe-r man sI ise Soutis Ciicagoi thora sera twentY-lWu case-s. Ail of lite sestint station "bsut il ws n r iak 1tise-seere cunfine Inlutise- iospital lisat ba sanî tido'in before wa could anti tise-strict quasantina Prevenleti reacis hlm. jtise- olses-yosîngstere front contracting -it oay has-e beau Usa lie -was tise isasse, sdric-ken with an >ttaci of eeri *dli- Tisecausaeofthtisaepitemie le nul us-e ansi Usat lie use Ispien wttbe k inowo, but itlaisballes-ad lu bava osigi- $Itruc-k tihe wSte." Jnatat inlu ust ona case, Asifut au Seymour w»ea paintes- Udl ils-d at cases imanifestesi tbemseiVe tise lis2o Sum kthlla avenue, Sottbcbll<rea sera plitced la quas-ntiatsin Olitoego. - -tise oupital seilyesteriley s-asthse uiji oWewwgn. sut lberty raniy of tbhead il ai Pritij" tu Io0 Ume. DROWNED AT I BLSf SAEL NLAKE VILLA IE~UEA Ow r îid ed b ut. RUDOLH NEBAUERDROWED j1 ýij*re't mae no state!lier.t a1j IWATERS 0F LAKE VILLA f h9i N H WEDNIESDAV AFTERNOON 1 1Alior ecamne etîrreti' toila PLOGGSBALL ELNDALEAND ARM TO it'-Oumen In the atutooile 1111h PLGG RO.ELVAO AO DRAG THE LAKE THURSDAy ARTHUR BARRET CF SOUTH 't e 0 f -asipe. WAREOUS ROBED V AFERNON FR ei~' JACKSON STREET CHARGED %\""'l,,if one 'of tise men had mtade DARIN THIVES 11110 theî %uitd have fotsnd that DARNG HIEESRudolpisN'eubauer.a.-4 ;ears, WITH HOUSE BREAKING. tegH iil e'a as a smafllcannon," tir. was drowned In tise uv. ,r- of I ake i t nitdi n resî,onqe e the ques- GET $300 AND NAKE ESCAPE b 4a:ho axp.illnig isrpFO TPINS URISI LE Thse Young 11111ma , o bi OOPIls R IS L IArthur rBarrtt cof Soutis Jackson - eeboed tisrough the itou-I corridors, s'reet, %% as giv.-n a preliminary iear- and was heard by full.% lau bundred !ing liefore Noi-0\aI-iîrate Taylor MAY BESAMEGANGWHO ROBBED men, women ansd childiriqî THESE TRACKS LED FROM BURG- Tues motte pai s %as huod over to BSANK AT ROCKEFELLER Tbrea Isoats were r ti4e otise LARIZED HOUSE TO BARRETT tise grand t'rY in tboida of i ii on -HR IEA scenle of theaaccident That thse HOE S AEFUD a charge tif -rl-r- -arrett ld SHOR TIM AGO Young man bacante entaîîgIed n the HME HSnAEeOUt enter a te fa -bats rlgglng ls the lieltet (if an eye --r dei) t k:i a '117ti alicî t t B aie dynamitera have again lnvaded witniess, who cdaimsll iii- body neyer Xltb tise imprnt tofta tain of stock- n'tremeit-iser out ý-tsn- entered Lake county; the aatt escent made came t0etise surface stet the bsoat Ingetifeet in tise moist eanîli as hîs thse Hînes thome, was ail he sosIld by tise thieves being leverly executeti turned sortie. oî îw aîatUte fPlc atl iite .s . attcî in Pagg Broher & Cmpays sore Neuisauer waa fnot ai'îî ,erieoced Thomas Trreili mon otorntng tollowe o-tune 0f te niet s eo r. te7Il iy tise at Lake Zurich during the night of sailor. He Jibbed the sati .iat sisen tise tracki, tor over a mile t111 lic orbd .-iHino-s sho loouk Wedmnday, Juuse 2fth, wtsen the salie tise nortseasat qual strw t liiloit t e wplnesor ataisiti ir i Wall lOwn o plces ad 82 in mn- Alhoug the oungu:ýjno wtb eiýhre tise,>%ed itte tlie Barrett home t'wieqsailti joijg Yand $iwn10 plcecs a 200n oln- l on ieyttt t btbs Souths Jackson alcool Foînerîng Mra. Hines, , lfe toîtriti . ey nd$10 nchekawa stie 'life %Wednesday afternîoît up iandi un- thebuse tise assistant ciiet tutînti E Hine.s, tertliedti tsat ot' tas ,ak- robisers, Who escapesi without leasing9 itl thse arrivai Of tte li-. from tise Artisîîc larrettl 1tig In lied and Prt rro t a 2 o'îclck o in itngs a cue. 14llend 1e bho1, nuo f tas made ceetied tu Place hint unfer- a-ca ienbrm;ercletote Se Tis roabcy as hecaue u mchs _aovor the body. A, ong, oociock a charge of ha, ing îrukeuit tto lte aaq tbtis haI sn her mut"e:- itforî,ted Axcitment ils sou'bwestern Lakeule hrsa flro - i Xldale Eloser Hines hornte. Gr;(;andi avenuese sethat tisera %vas a manri Ili te bouse îy follo'tto this Prealing ut the rr-IItOY5 >0in oatis took ;)i-l ta-,korflit o'clock thisimri 'tse soogIt -0reanaure lier. -e I Pffl andl ail the ennrifolk near tise. draggsng thse lake. l arrett was git et, a îrelnînarî in ber that se was m!,i- ;en litei village haseted titser s te fe tise Tihe boat capsizeil 1-- ruds from ieaclng hefore Police Mla-i4trate Tay- cil aWnan vas persiqîîi; 'sud 9s1ut: wreck ofthetismoney chamiser sud seoo shore.Tisa deptis(it water littlor, his case being continuedte t next s'-i- ould flotlhe miasl.en when theo wisat isavo tise cobber, adi createti. Ibis Point lý given as -o, b0t Ttevday mourniog. His bond wa',ss i titi;had placeti bis bands tun her Bafe Blown ta Pieces. Ne uisuer bas be-en i-i lit thtie a t i îe did nsone t ae a ples. bLo'N Th sfewa ltealy lon e ipesLake Villa bote] as ai eigineer for WVarren Cru1, and Edward Everett. tise A! t' i-t momtent tIra. Hita .a Tiseh 'tate wau iteraîly istowitu loies-e -dnnîeieng useti Thse robsers iseChiagto.bre cmeî- ts homniedla wo Chicago mets isio %ere placeti un- mao in the next room spolie tu ber. occurceti durin.g the night lime. bist ý Cscg.H aîsitî nt- der arreat a.,ssuspects. %%ere dlscisarz- Sheva go (eteited at Lne tsr.ec:pet-tci nsbotiy sas seessabtotut tise place, andti Statesa from Germart tui six mootisa ed by the police todi~ay.-.eth at site Pays 'tie div.- 1n0t re-- no chise retma io indicate siso migist ago. Hi, Chicago re..t-iere no - Agesi Woman Heard Burgiar. Chlitat heo sido. Site s c-e-i lanzS have committesi tise ct. tiied of bis desth TIi iida mornîlng. Tise honse ut Contractor Hines wa ber hi-tsiand burcied duwn slrntrs. s* Wben rtIr. Plagge eirvedtluopen Tise inquet wahI it feld bis Dr.-*entere-tiahout 2 ctclock this mornlog, th,, -11tOline ase iboard lise front tise ware-iouse anti alevator Ibis moro John L. Taylor, ir' tiir of Lake. entranre bieng gained Ibroogis the- tto-close andi saw %s man bssrry Iing he found tise Interior of tise office rounty, as soon as fi,,ooiv bas iseen front door whicis iad noetiseen lccked. actra the stre-et, a wrecl< tise safie havlng been biown re<tovere-d. Before entering tisebhuse. tise tiief Iskter a pair of sisoas was foltnd andi lotos "smikteraens. He of cou rse.isad removed i hs sisoes go ho migist Inside wasa feunti a serait of envelope tisen knew tisetishe money basi be-eus PROFESSOR SAVOCA mot-e about noiselessli wltb tise naine "Arthbur BarraIt" opon taken. andslcbecklng up. found tîiat %rs. R. M. Knatt, 70s yearsu otd, tise ItL Tise police went te tbe Barrat $"0 led boezeIn tla'tle siste tise pre- KILLED BY AUTO inotiser of Mr8. Hines. sîee-ps on tise home and Barrait according te tie po vienus nin ist li $100In chsecks. f firat dlorc anti as site sleeps very lilgis- lice, admIttedth iat tise shoesbelna course Itis as Irone.of RUN DOWPt BV AUTO TRUJCK ATtea kntebliTebosh donith, Local cofficers were notifle-d anti anl SPARTA, WI. THIS MORNINrO ber. She- ieard sonne one moving tinte were Imtddy aa If he bail been effort madie te gevltracka of tse robiserai DVING SOON AFTER. about In bis sto(klng feet and tisougisî wOlki<ng [un Item. He couud net ex- but wahbois as-ail as notiting In tise it was a memiier of tise family. Plain isuw bis boes isappenedte 1hobeIn shape- of clotbisg, etc. w1w ett at NEWS CAME TO FORT SHERIDAN ls tisat Yoss,ase asîsti, callsst ber tise front yard of tise HInes home. tise ocelle Bags and otites- tiings la- TO-DAY AS COMPLETE SHOCK daugister by name. Tisera sas no s-e- ken frouathtie ware-iouse sbowedti t ~ TO WtFE AND FRIENDS. p]lv. Tiese ane qusestion %vas pro tound B A ND D l tise robisers knew tiseir business and eti again andt iis tinte Mrs. KittIn.BE AN RO isat carefully covereti tiesale before Prof. Satota. t'ader of tise 'Tent,' quîret Iif il asa ber son-l-law. Again EALTI-IY M AN , applying tte tdynatmite. seetsslîiribu tFri her ie was no answer. Remembies Rockefeler Robbery dan, nt infeIjiýlioas ail onteise '"Tisat Yestinti?" se asiset, callnt Nobdy utse illge seatheUsanorth lisrase sa, rîtt down bsya ta y tise bîreti man by nante. L. T. M'LANE 0F HIGHLAND PARK noise caused by tise explosion; noisody auto0 truck as Slxirta, Wls.. toslay and Y-, a ieriîybS1wtn.0L U TPiT0 U wu olnlotrigaou hepaxdedafe iniýslferbin eio-f voire. LATE FRIDAY P. M. wan, ten olterng sisosal tse pa is i e tt t- te ien rtîv -Wiat are you aftor-a drink of Sa. ban-etis rtsier aas.ns-stis smeed te tiese isutal A telagrant re- ter,"queried I lra. Knatt. Thisîntrud- THREE BQUADS 0F POLICE AND Myaiarous nature as tise oaa oi a taw ceived at For, tieridan Ibis after- weake ago wisen tise Rockefeller- tank noce uOnveed thi.'sadi ne".s tto11,1 ererepuseof btis ve smaîi'. e rm TWO DETECTIVES STARTED wlaa rolabed dwoing tise niss4; te mate wlfe andi trienti- celte ttsat ho sas eding towarti ber AFTER THE TWO ROBSERS. tisera bains ilownbi sue <of nitrogy- I r. îiSaveoa a, -os-ing e thlie tele - Tise simniarity of thse lau robisea-las togetiies- sthitbe tact tinît tiey sais aD Close- togltisar. ielng but aboaut a tiezen miles apart, causes a feeling to pravai lisat posslbly tisa sa-ue ga4 Vrisichirobtie th ie Rocke-felles-bais' robbedtihie Plagga saraisouse, Tisa Plagge sareisouse antielevaInr la losastesi lust at tise aide ofthlie E. J, & E. radas ant Iol not for fi'cna oalgisbos-lng buildings, tise tepot be. lng bu-t bat ecross the track. A nigis opei'ator la always un dîty lu tiese att lion, Got AWay in Auto. 'Pise tact tsa.t tise-village- ot bal Zurich sa not on the ehettrIe os- tr'ulk lina ailîroat Iindicates thaItishe tisaves may have opera.ted s-Ibh an autc, sneahiniît tttise quiet village-after evecybody isatiretire-sianti makin this e-j scapew la auto alter- comit.î tîngthlbe toibecs Theco se-etitsnu qis(-st*o,,ý but tistan au1totas iseil u inte ruittierIecause If a rt hati be-e-n wIr if tise- rot- 'be-rs acre- olustImurn, t 'eeelta nonme sor: of a vitte- u otîti bate -l lait. Tbe- similiity of t"u boni>andtihis ele-satis- s-ubery a-. ; the tact lta lise-ycamepe-a close luge-tises-Insicatas tisai poaaisly a gang of roibsisle wos-kogbake cottnty, firtt makdo, ein'seys ot tie-'dlffe-e-nt vIllages and raturning later tb g«el iais-luntier MISS ADELE FLAN IGAN TO WED Tisa engagement of Mise Atiele Flet. Igan iaugiter utfM-,Ir.Rose Flanlgar, 5162 Watarman avenue, anti Dr. 'flseo dore Stanley Proxtuare Jr., uf Lake Pas-est bas beenn aotsaol. Tis bsid-leiectl a a grattiaut UsaheVial talion nons-e-at. Thwe seljng 'wili lake pisce at tise ihome a( tisese brother, T. Edwerd *lanlean -tu Chi i P, la thse Sumnm Y-1 l.r.1-419 Lu..e -1-hedroont. gran, t.eaisitiit frontutof on utoftise -Be sallicat ui.' gros led tisa hisavy auto Irucl,tisat ara belng trie-il eIl , s s-Can"u" t D uecls- ie ouI by tise snuerumesft. Ha sas 0lbe-r. Theres nu need out saklng a cuabeadn n s-asisurniu b a b pial but everybotiy up -' ý0 p ad ws hrrid t a oeptlbut Bv itis inte be sas ai lbe-risedroont 4 tiieta te-w mnuote,- atas- sîlisut hlaiv-dos-anti sac ordere- te îrniy nos to ýk Ing ragainetii in, ouanees. tIls huody etr nta ewle i) h ta sid o le tr:ily rused. lied anicautistise-aget sontan tierce- lt Ms-. Savout, ,noonly a alle-suiltily by tbe ibroat, ai tise-sanie- timebisa band leader, bit' ua.a as a conipo-ersing osît a saroing for ber lu keeiu a of music, une- ut bis 10051fanionisquiet. mate-ad'se be-cao sqreaiiiing . pieces iteingt tii- fsenty-erenth In-, ai tise-toit ci!lber îulce. it iantry March' -Iiic-h la piayed muci This Ssounndlattractoîl lie otiser . on edtric litai ui, me-otie-r'> of tise fafmîlu anti tueY rus Tise- de-ceast- u u one sito stacteti et doso taîrs, lîtt tise inîrjîder board Oou o I ontt, te wihtisWe-itOt-lheisocmig atndlhîscriet ouItlise :o ty s&s-qitis cuuttuenteuisome lttie tront dout. Ais aiutituoblte ias standt Jk tinte-ago an-i art ted at Spartssuistoc ngnearh, ad iso r i i. n1e- rîssisot Stise rose t oftiii uHe adat ieeti "ýa -ut ot tise lou vtis a revolver in is ioue-s Fi cri Sherian eome litili- usotihe t hougcit hi- sas- tise inruder s-Linteanti una-'- týerni favorite vth îenter t lue mjitno He hisoenot ýg elI IHias if, - lu, -riscuen a!'le ounu lient' antI fouI 1110 uteo, apparentli'v t expat-teil ne,,i ileop, Ilias ite alleareti on site scette a momntliater asud notifietiflite m DISLOCATES JAW YAWNING 1îîîice ti.-i lIees 1epî fle fellIots ae Mtrs. WiVlliaiti i;ucitke-, fi0a eav.s aid.cuit i-ced tîtîtti tise police arciveti Thie - rasditg ni-ar ic ,dilocatati ber m-ure- tail- n o the lsetaation. it laswlu.le s,,iiltic at be-fore- slite- oti it titex etîttaietiiat tc), lut M aoseYewrda. T reuird te "v-conîlunîtu uîth tive otiters, isatiset uoît Ides ot s livsit iatt 10 Close ber- Jas tor Fox ILîke frotîs ChicIago 0u5.irîîau e- Dr. Ilt W. nit-iige-r, a-ho atlende-ilniglit atuttitati tatia break dusi t-t,- tl bas-, said tise uaseu as unusual and ti aI mat tse utiter fisv badi rettrnedti t !S trIbuts-.»tii-at-itiott luo tise fctassialt'Cicagoo idt îisy tee s sîlit ht-ci- ls thse-womatî, fnit fiv awalce, ope-fMi t 'O frdatlightsI o tiat tise) coul t g9 isr moutitit :u o tîl tis h se l55'bOOi'5 e tise tacinte fixeti Tseir cxlaii; . Ai catîcis..ftouit is a lauîisîible one andtîti tlu ýr.c0ti, led a. il, li ite ins rsnau tî LOCATES AT CORVALLIS, ORE ingeit tee-t near tisa bouse, catîsedil rt- D P. tL. Auîstinî ha race-bs-d ii postasl polie to lîscltarge tise-m . frontiIra \\orstulultos-merly an arclîl Tise tacs that tise groîtoil î,î-srîiti itact 0f titis cîtv, slatiog thiaIbe bas et- moise thisantorolug matie h easv >ole-neti an office aI Coe-aillaOs-s., andtiut followi'tise- Inprint efthtie feet de- te la note- iack labuiessa. He aii.t6!eplîte t act tisat tise- led a distance ae mlle-e soutis ut Portlanti, un tise- banls of oter a mile.Htu ttii be-e-n tise lot- i. o0fiea llanette river and ti thlie- foot print ut sisoas Ilb souitihaie been~ Il bille of tlise 0051sange of mountalas, more- tilfilat task to folios thent be-1 e,1-le eays lia lilas tise prospects s-e-y cause- lbay mîgitt bave causesi lise as- Li-.M mas me C &strTlis I& aploi'Otig City, slstant lchia! tus confuse tisen t lti aI -Imnafl nos, but groslng, e-sirimîrints ut a sitlas- nature, but IiRAHAM WIIS W. J. .4EYMOUR FALLS OVER- BOARD PROM LAUNCN OFF CHICAGO ANOTHER BAS CLOSE CALL M. DUGAN 0F WAUKEGAN. TAKEN PROM THE wATER IN SEMI. CONSCIOUS STATE One rnan was drownesi. anotiser was revivesi after having beom taken fs-m the water in a senIl-cocIous condi- lion andi tee others risked tisir Ives n an attmmpt toisaav@ the drowniflg mon bturday nigit wisen Water J. Beymaour 24 years oId l m smnber of the United aSttea Naval Training COUNTY DIIES TWo wEEKS Ajt iitSpcli1Diepsith la Tha Suai Des Moines, la. , Jue 29.-Two TER OEATH OP BROTISER thsugs beat anti sobbed L. T. MaLsue, ~ a O ENDW TW AOWA wealty Higislandi Park rsaide-at, lnIn A 31NDWNTW M a bolti sayliglnî loltup Fs-isay aites-' STRICKEN SOON APTER AIN- noon In DesMons on tisa ralis-as RIVING AT IS HM«M. bridge acrose lise Racuon river, near tisa Great Weetern round ibousa. UprIiaiDi*ps Sd le The' &un) Me-Lana la an olti matsansot mt. Grayalake, lit., Juiy 1.-Albegn Attisoug ie hasas unabie lt e tietoff -Thontpaon, one ut tisa Moalrrom»ine tise- atack outhIe- lau tiugs, lheataIlsse-resitiant. of Orayalaka ansi unecfte- ted tise attention of tso pe-se-trians isy beat lowtn tmen ln Lakae ounty tjie bis cries for bseli., sery ssitdenly of apuplexy atlbIs borne He a ssrying to locale- a frie-osiln l ylnGa> 1a tiss aitaruoon. Ha bas! lisat section of tl is-ty uben lha sas apparently beUlu tise be-et of seaiti iseld up. Ibis ntoralng anti hati juslretiaÉ9,,l- Tise- twsit ltigs aîicoas-lset i nt frointirons bau ssan lise sas strlckenl , t tý the- rear. Witboit thse lea o swarnint lsa a Iectîliar coiucida-nIt t i de l', one lisugi stsrsîvlhlm sviclstttsy ove-r brother, Ce-orge Tisonapon, wsoisu r'z tise be-ad Tise-oltiman iteret one- vears sas asauciateal sth is l iatbe crv anti teiltoluis knae-s ln a faindl hardware buiti-ness ln Os-sysiake, tiI'ý Tiselwi ns-et>rifle-il his pocIkots of Jîsl two ue-eks ago. about $8 antiloftî bu lybng tipon tise Mr. Tlupson isai sPent à part et riige. tise utornîtîtin the- tosn owausection lie soun ts scîgietito bts bauds atîul of (irai alake- ansi retsuiog hume coin- loe-es antI crawle- totutiserouiidhisoie ilaunet ut a se-vaepaiu ua isisead. wties-e lie reporte-il tise- oltiîp te tise-ie sont lu bat anti tieti about an olles' sotur later. A pisysician alto s-a Tiihe10tnettmousho Suitnesei tise at- calleti de-laredt ti.dea-tishat ce-tt tasd îoeïIîupitihle t-bae, - Pedifront apuplexy, Tiscue- sqtads ut polisoîtten altît u1 Pus- .essMrl. Tipsoten t-s- et- dtitictives etarteti ailes-tise rus-bers 'gagesi ititise isa-are t.ilnffl3 I i s-e- ba isroliortieti that i.iey ta-ut be- atppe-1 lireti front it recenîlIY Il, as teeIl lietîdeilbelote nlgbt fait. i nuivo in 's>atsleaitinlroit.îli luli- ra týiciAnest1 -ia-il kRoutaialunirtlis-e que-nt viaits be-ceu, !i,l ,011,-utto teas iturtis e-ora Ha bas mate-lis home- but a fes das-> ago. lt ighslandi Park for tlast ite yeu51'. ARRESTEC> AS BICYCLE THIEF Relatisvos do not belies e tiat is lu- SipecîcI uoft,-.:t t0w mati siso h» juries i slitnecesItae- is lytng In bed iseen asalini- 't' tue> ttnChilcago and" anly greant lantiso! lime. Ortt sîture- cil-s-. Itringthtis but iotonthi. tuoht, tlles- cf 14bsi*'V MISS MARIE LINCOLN DEAD was arroat*-il honte-y 551ldllp = Wlordi sas recels dee-t asaoflte de-atls tryi-iog lu tLpose of tllrmqt9 on Juste 29 ai tise honte- uttsar ne-Ice-. a me-n Si Pelas-son me 0* 'ifr. E. S, Bas-ker, 1310 Jefferson ave- e-lb avenues, Chic-es. nue, Evanstun, uotf sMaria UÀncolo. isletith ie Dotc daugisles of tise laIe 0. S, Lincon, andl polio. are aetel, a slistar o!- Misa$l'eace IAncolo. bicycles- LAKE COUNTV MAN ANNEXES WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP FOR AMATEUR SHOOTS. GETS A DIAIOND VIATCH. WINS CHAMPIONSHIP CUP 0F THE WORLD AND A $1,100'DIAMOND WATCH. tay Giraisam, ot Laike ccusnýy won lths wonitis amateur cisamploball for Clay pigeen sisooting aetishe Olymipie g=08ne, Stocklmin Sweicn, on Monday after- noost, Wisen ise sas proolihned thse wrM's championlise sas pregantet V w»a & slIter tbropy-a pup-vassed ai apVro- - 'Imateit- $3,0)00 andi a $1,100 dtsaok Girahsamsla a menthe of tisa Wms*e.. tan Gîtîs club anti ln ail future ovg ise wili shoot onder tise Waukeg" colore Accoriling to a cataiepunt froaw Stockholms, Swésten, Jay Graaso, c Inglesslde, Lake eounty btsmtissco formas- Supervisor (Žb.lnairas 'f7% Greiant. isaiped rtie Unftet 8tatmi tm Mondusy to addt anoliser 10 Itzls làU of victorias at lise Ôytnplc gainesW- wilbIing tiseClay bird sisoollng az-- iseli ion Tise Amesauianstie 1045k Prize anti golti uetal witb a score 1 532 out of 600. Great Bs1lsàÏ 15 ý second prize antia s ils-er metiW 511, abusa Ges-nany wný athffd l t 51l0. Tise isea tudivslasa.lscres cftb mberseftishe v]WIott-ou ÂsneI" teatu we-e: J. PL Grahsam CiskucomÂtliletW_-- sudeation, 94; Citaile, W. Bll%lgr tata, 93; R. L. SpotS, IAgt& Yack club, 90; J. 3H. Heih,~ Blergen Beach Gta club, 89; P~ Hail, Netw Yor-k AÂtiebl lub, «.' Grahsamt, it ta Doticel, aecue,4 $M' biggeet isonor of tihe lmeS f f# friands bere aassicis pleesed OvW' aisowlng. Grahamtlete c f tb. *W u@s trio ofet bler. uasereppi as marksmen la knouth *roxxsont 4'* land. ALBERT THOR%*O DIES 0F AftPINX WELL KNOWN REBIDENT 0F t«I

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