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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Jul 1912, p. 9

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XX.-NO. 40 PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, IL., FRJDAY, JULY 5,1912 FOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN AMV. CHUFFEUR DRUNK; DRIVES AUTO INTO DJTCII AT RONDOUT TWO WOMEN ANDONEM MAN HAD NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH MEN OFFER A»ISTANCL- FOUNO BY WAUKEGANITES TWO OF PARTY WERE T00 BRUNIt TO CARI FOR WANTS 0F THE TWO WOMEN. Crmzpd wthi drink, a Chbicago dh<f- leur dld ail that won vîthin bis pOwer to rueb luto trnI(y I<v o voinnam . man at Roralout. Tumsda nligt. wtienhb.drove a 1>1< el, cylinder Pack ard auto ito t 1e mwmp weat uof1.11e TIi. oe.n vwu@rlking et a treinen- d0tu rae of gaveuhon thie drunken mai out con trol af tii.te Aruwg vieel anI thie bilgcar akidded ita tilla Thi. autolta i Ut. wap ure dW- covefed by a party outWlAkegakee Who viere etsuhnlg f. ia rail bau meeting et Margeffl. J. K. Orvis t- wre y and Carl WeterObed. countY tremmurer, were memberas of the W an- kegan 5uity. '1tà i rai thongh itat ew-ed the mini, o the loc&l peope wu«lthmthe nmahine bai turned ut iie samilHtbe' occnpmnts bai been kllled. M. Wes- tergeld fouuid onu voaaan atting on the1 road aide.C -Wma mi'oe kliaed?"'vas Mr.1 Wnterglmi'a Brut quention ~N-ai.o-.~reapaSded th au-à mari betueui ick-coups mund lia of1 lauatur. Tii. drunkiaichauffeur vws tounin tie rearment.Ha vas pralyzed vltb feur. 11»i.Wauikegmui mmnvot*md for tvo boura i an effort (w baudl te m- tiana out o the dtch. l'hao in lu tb. car va s £11 u n=ng dieu dIscovered b>' Mr. Orvla. "Who do Yeu driva for" asked Mn. 0,vie of ti. cliaffeur. "Yeu drv. for me, <Inut you Ju. imy? ?U4 ciln o t the omeI. 'ie Iiceuie an tt.e -ar eU "ILL. 9610." FRED ROBLIN WAS MARRIED ON JUNE 29T11 IN ALABAMA 4 DR. AND MRS. PLEASANT MAY OF BIRMINGHAM, ANNOUNCE THE MARRIAGE 0F DAUGI4TER. TO LIVE IN HANCE VILLE, MARRIAGE OF MR. R013LIN OF IN- TERIST MER£, MERCHANT MERE FOR YIARS. More tifanu rdlamry ltereal la t- 1.moed ila a eddiiug ainonncemcn whloh the. SUuN la maklng Woday, tAaI kituvun eruoat Wh 'lo snôed avay f rom Wankgan a feu yeairs mgo. on ealurdm>'. Juile 29, M Brming- bain, AI&, occurred theilt. riage uof Pruedeuia* Roblu to Cora Loule- M. lu ibch tile groom la a former v-11 mud Mra. Boblin are talle aI home at Hauci.tle, " 'Plie bride le the daugliten of Dr and Mra. Piemmat Airailu Ha>' of Blrmnig- lheimuu an snnuuements recelvedInl tAlla cîty ofthtAe marrbgo miuo tbat "h parentsa made tae formai aflnouauce ment, 16, Mr. Roblîn Wall Known Feu men are btui knuvn u aiWa- kegan than PflredIoblln, vto for yeans conducteal the "Spot Cash &tome" a Waten aand Genftie treets. He vas a mendfier of di. Wae»àmui Got club and wvaïaProgrsieimoirclui. A fev >ears go heo ooed out bis store and i vue reportsd wveaitoui te ruaid as a travalug mauàiiiu. Reports aae ùtIho la8 Dov tranmileg or a ubiolamai.boue i thie SoutAi. Mn. Rolln vas a patuer of George Duck- eV' of jout li hUa locaSil uainua. Mil. DoTta Young of0<Appleton, Mlnn. de v3obng triauds lui WubueguSue lea àgraiidauwtudr of Mr. aid )Ir.. fcrmrlyOfLIUIWUO WAUKEGAN PEOPLE REACH ALASKA Dan Creek, Aleaka, June 13, 1912. Rdttor, Dlaly SUN: We arrivedIn luA kl saafe id an- joyed oureelves on thie boat al lide way. The weather la very pleusat. We vent Wo work on the tentai The im nexmI W mine took out $15.000 last yeur andl expet ta <double tuia yeur. They vork nlght and day and another blg mine clone lly bas a saw- mitl andl baB laid two mMsanda a a li ut ipe tW eepply 1thora vtth vater; they callI k hydraulic minlng and t.bey alao run night and da3'. 'Phere are lota of lue gWaier. boe wtlldl are eautlt'ul Wo look at. The mounaln climober weilhs nlne<y ounis. 1 iuit bhave huala ltter fin- imbed 4)y the Urne tOie packer arrivai rwlth ont auplee as he takee our mal Jto the pootoffice. ISBM PETrRE. WOMAÀN, AGED 78, CROSES 5 STATES; HOME FOR FOURTII -MADAM« FINER RETURNS TO yWAUKEGAN WITHOUT ASSIST- ANCE 0F ESCORT. ENJOYED THE LONG TRIP bladaun FIner, Mra. raiFluer Sr, came ta Waulagan ta attend the borne ODUituui N'rum Nav Torlg City, Ânuu'u - ý mttpotI, tgo W.abasu " Fluier am'aithie flIp utthoa theW*a- BÎatu of an aaoort. Sbe le 78 ycrs of «g. Duiaig ber lîfe, Mma. ner. lias am"cIiltea trxipe betveea Wau- kegun anid Nw York Cty. Sue letti banc sevan momtu mago. Sînue lier departure tram lier home bore InI . nir vsted wisai ber daugh ter lti New York Cty anul vith M. anid Mrs. Browni Tbocker at New Cas- 'W.C. KNOELK COMES JIERE WITH FINEST REC0OMMEN DATIONS, SKETCH 0F THE LIFE 0F CITY'S NEW HIGH SCHOOL PRINCI- PAL SHOWS EXPERIENCE. 13 PLEASED AT SELECTION ALL THOSE WHO HAVE MET HlM PREDICT ME WILL FILL POSI- TION SATISFACTORILY. W. C;. Knoelk of Bowabei, Wls., e centiy ehectedi principal ofthle ttiau- kegan Tuunahip Huei achool to take the p0«ýtIon made vacant hby the rea i9Iiin of W. J. Stobbtns, who leaves 1.0 take 4tiarge of his fruit tarm ln the West, promises (o fil the important Position In an effluient and isatiataot- ory marinerHa[le s been in Wauk- Kan within the lI&M few days. looklng over thie grouni and larnuch pleaed witI ltheomodtfions heofAnd& here. He bai a flrn appearance and poasaise a 1plataing Persocalfty whiçh sbouli make hlm anu Imedate favorite. The membera of thea irbol board are mosi tavor-ably lmpressed by him. Sketch of Hia Lite. Thie tolluwlng la a brief %ketch of Lisa lité and shows that he bas bau! coniderable experience: William Charles Knoetk vas hum ln April, 1881, ln Mlwaukee. He atended the Milwaukee Piuiec "01,oa the Miwaukee mtate normal 9achool andl the tUniversity or Wlacon- sin, HP Psecuned tii. degree of A. B. f rom the Unversity of Wisconsin in 1907 and badoue ogetdemhle po gradubate work li the univerity mincie that ime. lie took part ln al corhool stîvîdiea Including forenale, social and lter&ry as weli as atuuetlcs t th1e normal uaouno, but due to atnmwof w ork, bail to conine tis work onewtuat uhile at the uniYiraity. lie laught ln tie Mlwaukee public achoaole for two yeara ai ter graduation nle, Penn. froan the normal sohool. Ha vaa ap- Aitiougilif&tlgued b>' the trip, Mrl§. poted diraqtnnut of he lMtwaukas Fluer vusalile t aait up ani tati publielc chool arhbit at the wonîd'a w"il har Waakeam rela4ves for nevr- fair at St, Louis lu 1904 and vas LatL- ly <vo houra hfora taking a "nap."' or appointed dinactun for lie Wiscon- "'hem elano place 1k. Waukeigmn @in tate educailoiu.1 exhYbit succead- --io place lîke horne," aaid th. aged lng Prof. W. D. Parker ex lreident vonman as@abeova being taken ta the'of River FWLe Wionaln, Normal home of lien son. ecliool ln thia capaaty. Mra. F0uera athe e"mory tis Attan graduation from lie unuver- afternoon. lier bnetand serveil one ity ha taught inu the ligli Sibools of tartu as mayor' uf Waukleau. Mml. Mayvllle, Wls., vas beai of lthe de- Fluier la a ploneen reeldent of Lake partaient of llstory and aconomice li aouaily. the Grand Rapids, Win., liigb achuo. and latterly served ans uparnmtendent uofliuola st Baecbel, Wia. He van marniedt(oMise Luela M. REVENUE CUTTER Cole lu June. 1908. Mm, Knoelk cornes &roan an eduoaiteil family, lier fathhr TI1RCORORA14AIES haIgbeon intitute cundauc tuir --on WA LUKEfiAN HARBORI TO IN& .PECT EVERY MOTOS BOATI IN THIS PORT SEFORE LEAV- SNG FOR MILWAUKEE. ARRIVED HERE TUESDAY 18 FAMOUS SCOUT BOAT 0F THE AMERICAN NAVY; FIROT TRIP MIRE IN MANY YEAR8. 'Te revenue cutter, Tuscýoror a ml'uI'o'5'ai of the U. S. navy nov occu- pies a betll i tae Weukewan barbor. Thoe'uscorora maie porlt bats Fri- day nilghL Iti La the Inteton of thea offteers on board tW inspacti very amo- tai bot taunuhIniuitue làazbor betora departIng for Milwaukee. On. Man Waa Fîned. me imolor 'boat iuguialtioiisdecand bioat owners te carry specici ilghte alter sun dovn R*eottl>' une Wau- kagaut motor boati uvaer vWi finadl $100 liy Uncle Sam for diaoheylng "his regulatlons. Bimilar Onai vore as- aemed other bout owuers a I" <iClI- uit>'. 'Ph. ufficena cm the bîg abip Inspecti thea lite preserversansd Othier equiip- met carrled b>' crier of tilir deçat- ment. 7T 1ucorcraa vîll lente Waukia toaiglat for Mimaukee-iar home Port. 7t" tiait of 8the revenui. 008.er ta the agriculture detamtuent outhle Uni- varsky of Wisconsin, lier brther. Rev Homae Cola, fillng 0"Of th. leaing puliîlaof Kansas Cit>' MO.. sud ehe heual! avig gradualed tram thie kndergeilen course Of ta Mlwaukee Normal aduaoi. HOT bomne vas, pnevlous to ber narriago, t Wa- terloo, Wis. TIvo dlldren, DrOMthlY and Kerrîn, graoe thie marriage. THE WEAT1IER DURINQ JUNE WAS BELOIW AVERAEE THIS APPLIED TO THE1 AVERAQE TEMPERATURE AND ALSO TO AMOUNT 0F RAINFALL. FACTS ABOUT THE WEATHER Accordlng to J. -C. Jamea, of Auti- oll, officai recorder and prognoiti cator of venther In tii diotfi'icthle month of June mast Pame u i elîght- 1>' belo W the average lu tenparatrnre, 'l. onth alo as ver>' clond>' con-- parad i l theluelaiJune, the rain- rail beiig elighity leov tha aVer- it ollcving reportashovaslintereat hig racta about tue vealllar for the lait month anmisa for tillamontai of JUOefor thel lai tontien m:ý mari su bar al s top lun.a'- vklwe yRAU tb4 e0yemm.1 Waut day, 114«00 41»lUth FARM LAN~D BRINGS TWO IIUNDRED ACRE mabel Jane Conneil 0of Lake Forest bas "ud the Samuel Conneil tarI weet of the city Co Dr. Atred C. Ha- ven of Chicago for $X ' 750. Tilere are 210 acre, of band . The Iand soId fer 1176 au acre. WMAN 0F 92 YEARS PASSES AWAY AT EiURNEE TUESDAY MRS. W#M. fALZIEL 0F GURNEE WHO LIVEO THERE SlNCE 1845 SUCCUMOS TO OLO AGE. HAD SEEN BRIGHT ALI ALONG HANDLED OWN AFFAIR8 UP To TWO MONTHS AGO, WHEIY SHE DEGAN FAILING. Mrm, WllUm al[.ziel, aued 92 yea.r one ofthI*e odest re ideàt of Lke oonnty pauua way at lier home ln Oiîrnee Tie.day night, deh being due to adv&ioed years reauilg ln a generail breaking down whlch beCaMe r apparent two monthe ago wben Me began to fulllhuit wbkth did lot mau- festit lsef forclbly unti! Frlday litM when .11e bearmne veY- .k and t was known ttie end wae flot far dltu Mnr. Dalel wse a remai'kablO un- man for bar yeaàz 5Sue was brit &Mi cheertulal, up 1.01the two mah peutt" bui.ddher aown MOuY ai- faim and b"d vorkedodut qatx maqe asif If e were a woni.n or go. Mns. Duiziel bail livediL"ite main- ty slnee 1843, nettling firt vit F'ort Hil. lu 1845 1.1e family MOved tU Ournee utidi bail ulnce bheon er houle. &M". Daiziel leaiveitliree &ona, am tilree d&udlterv &anfolows: James, and Matthew, Algormaý ll.; Jane FmaYO ot Watzela, JUne Cunningliam and George or Gurnee, Margaret Hook or Au;iooh, Puneral at Union ce.m8tery, Warren Friday at 1 oclock. Sb* leavee one elater, ageil 94; Mrs. Roberti Dalziel, ot Eneiaade. Lake county. The oalitera rriedCOnU@-- iii, hence the same Bawu. Coldeet day, 40 on 12tai. Average tam perature, 66.83 Rainfati. 2.95 Inebes. Wnermea day-lt on thle 17ti. Coldeat day 38 on th1e Ird. Average tenuperaure,--4.9 I. Ral fait-295 llbes. 19M4. Warmeit day-92 on 24th. Coldeet day-39 oenl7tIi. Avarage tom peratare.-65.03. RanI-139luchai. Wamueat day-88 on 28. Coldefa day-36 on 11t.8.1 Average temponatare--d2.46. RautaI-3 incita. 19U2 Warmeat day---46 on Id. Coldeet day--41 on 27th. Average tempersturc--63.93. Ralnfat--.90 incItes. 1912. Warmnee day-12 on 29th. Coldet day-42 on SUL1 Average tenupermtur-64.79. Reln*.ti-2.02 Inisem. 1911. Wam day--100 on 2 2d. Coldeot day-Si) on Ilb. Average temperature--7 1.19. Sain tait 4 taches. 1910. Warmeat day--90 on 1B10L Coidaat day-47 on 19th. Avera.ge temperatimire-76.23 Rein fait 12.01 inoh. Warmest day-Il on 22 d. Ooideat day 39 on lltuh. Average temperscure-66.24. tainUlI-2 iuciea. Warmn t day-9l on 2tb. Coldeat day-Fl on 111h, Average tenapiAure--66.68. Ratuifll--.60 inclus. 1907. Wermeit day-90 un 24(11: Coldsl day-6i on 27tih. JAverage temperature-72.12. liAi. fmI&-I,08 $Uu. PARADE BIIIGEST IN HISTOI + + + + + + + + SETS À NEW RECORD IN CITY UNIQUE FEATURES SCORE A tIlT Waukegan noyer ibas bai a bl«er or paraduie. Thle qucen, Miai LIT"l An- hetter partadele lntiat ot TburiidaY derson, moade a quen, who for charin, -in fact È oaitablisea a riew goal 1.0 daintineFm and general ovolînsas it be stri en for ln yera Wo corne. Wheii vont be dififîuiit 1.0 equal. Mayor Frank T. Fouler arTOlIged the nia<n- Bhdîluger Do kng, ilhied thle positIon moth parade ln 1906,wich Up Wto tht wlth the dignlty heflttlng the position. 1.1,1e vas the best parade the citY aver Mim Anderson vas 'muet becorngîy bai meen, 11. yag believedi 1 could not attinedIn whibte a.nd oarrled a large ha duplictted. but Mr. Fowler demlon- bouqluet of roses. atratntl clearly this year tha t lORI> Tbeir royal carniage vas entirel>' could 1Tt ha dupiicated, but t t toeuld appropniate. Tt vas bidden unden a be saurpaâmeil in every va>'. There mss ut uhit@eai lng the. sent lue were féaiurea vlcb vere Mr. Fou- appeance of a tiroe, while a beau- leer'.own crestion and In eccbeuc- tîful canon>' extended over w_ .Taoen cesêfuldivision could be»seon the ra- as a whole Tt would have beaun mpos- suit of the untirli< mad unceiuixg cf- mble to prenant a prettler picture. A fort à'. la» put fort, slnoe tile finît tact thàat aèdd t a ppeh ne a moment, tflree veeka &go, vben ha t ±tweWynav sal rengsfrm th was eleoted obaimin 0(thlIexParde naval station acted a teguard of COnintee. honor, mr"dlg on emchide of the, City la Onteful. carriage. Waukegazl peuple are flot ungi'stefuI THOSE DESERVIN O0F SPICIAL of lte splendid auccele achleved by MENTION. Mn Fouler Mdtey ungruiidngiy admît To daicrilia la det& hal uu t.e ltheDo unebut hlm in tbecil>'or entrie. lu thie parade vouid be ai end connty could have succeaded Inat- lem e lk but thoira are sman vilhi raingg ch a splendid spctacle. Il stand out Bo pronilncntily tilat thoy are la weil kunut 111.theimoment Mr. voilai>' or apeclal menti". Betuije Powier vas eWeto e l bt nu tims an entry lamet gitan apeclamnction In gett±ing W onk. iLThe very nt tlà b> no mes=anIdiatve ofitenlor- moruilng b. atarted ont . Wo &UMB IY, forumach Je not thela se, iiraotl- tb&bjaalne. bouse or tl@ qky end ini- oSly avaryone hding vertu>' or men- aide of mu leur haul gotten prOMise lon. liereore toe mentlaned lit- f rOm ail but Ibrea marcha uI theleor vill b. mercI' iru iioliutract- block on tienesaetareet extendlng he- cd unuual attetio and comment. tweon Madison nd iClîYtu>n treets. Arnng thl.ui re: Work.d ivery Minute. Dr Neabît Fîret. TInt was but the e hglnnilfg. He &t Dr- Neelila of Wiakegau droye hie once sent his privute secreuiiry heme automobile at thet. bd ofthtae decorati ,adu had hie office egtabllhed Iu the eaiautomobile aectlola, Dr. Nabt u City hall. Hie secrâtary, C. F. Peinte, tile fireti m=i In Wmuian <o pur- rernained on the ground alilthe time chffse oui alttancldîud ik vas CM-- anid slended W aI&X1the detail uork. 'dadi ttlng filal 215 mla.ld take 1.11 Night aller night Mn. FovlerwOrked position of honor. until uidnulasrnalglng the. detaille 'Ph.Progresi cluxb orNorth Chil- and gettlng everYtuingtu-o perfect osgo lad five daeisted wnjomoblle wonking order. Hiaeuinergy aid ema- In te doei auto @action. Pion- pIe could not help but aroffe eut*u- Dants and hunting gave.Uiî cmr a veny alasm n ot h. pt tiof ail lhie uialeta tata' ppasmc. TaieProgromClub sud the ietly t large and thie resuit Of Nort Chilcogo la dIte orVaBîMatilon vathat thoesravasa ready acqulai- of maen i tht llttaCiety' utoare do- conce on the part of alil t do <hein lng thingsamsd vain are maklng th1e part. Not fon a slngle moment oil Ucit>' naie tW the fore rapid]y. Their tihe big parade was union vay did onurtai>' In takiilg parn u it.e Waukc Mr. Foiviar concILier his wvork comrplet- gun Parade la apprcclaed. ced. Mard to Docide. No Eaay Taak. The four' automnobiles wbidh uer. it vas nu easy laak lu get over>'- gIven thle prises for halng the moot thing lu readiness. Meny marchants pretitll> deconated were very hesaui- were wililflg W have a lu Ino nebut fui undér thiar enveringa 0of oora neeied a littie urgLng truIE lime tDmuid It was dîffical Indeel for thle tinue 1. show ttum ttiat th1e lime leftJudges tW arrive at a declalon--4n tact to geti thein finale reai>' ua. getng Tt wiaf dIfficult to pick outi tour ou.e shorter ail the Urne. Tl wa, inom&- froin among tae large nunuber of beau- sary tlkeep pulllng virai oranduittiful aies éaid sa.>' dat thie> ver. thie thera taBoea tubaInone ,Wgged,ha- hout ln lIio. Thi. idsa of avtng floral hind Only a mmn Of great reffuoco- dec.ked and ftxmmed enta.le a »ew fubnomanad enengy could have asu- Ide& for Wïuzkegan, but hecune th oeedcd lna ttalning snOb splendid e- vas su veilirecoived yeterday It la sulte. probable thait StvIi h. ounttnued troua Then too, Tt w as nacosa&r>' 80 mmign YerIn tOYeax certain atroats for th1e varionse 0<51. Six Prom Cyclone. In romnain on prior &W gotling loto taie It va a notineable tact tila si pa.rade. wltiuout a perfect undar- of the men Intercsted In the Cyalone standing <liera vOuid aurely have lueen Feuce Compani>' lad forai deokl au-- mure or lameconfusiÂon. At in vii. tos Ini lina. huaver. (lucre vas flot thet. liglUi5t Anotller teetura thot atitu-eted il- bitah and fthe big paride tited tory tention tv e Ucton rideraof Indian eluonti> ater <th. heur et for 11. ta get mtirYc:- lue ridera bldthoir itto motion. 'Pil aliglit deta>'vsfcsette wvr doe ut' cauaad partly b- htle pabsing ci taie1pical1ndis tume vlth f eatinre head big RoeILils narae. Tiiere vas Dot drees the uiWhlteeti club, but Iti vas daim-- ed bettier 10 vaituntIl Iis big mardi- Ing bod>' lad -pased eforetlae parad vsue atarted- 7he ReviewIng Stand. 'Pie revlovlulg stand vs. et up dl- T"ueautarolillea orumed ti. fret section uofte perade andibecansea ley bai to muve along faute ia pro- ceeded thie parade b>' muteraiinutes. Aften passÉng th nevlevlng vmtd taie> llned tup on lte aideof1h.roaid veit nactly acrue. <rom -the oourt bouse. It ut Utica Street& t10W*atbeWT'eut or was occnpled largel>' by Judges, newsa the parade pas paper metnaid meuibers of thbe Grand The naval schoul boys vho egcoi't- Army aid h. W. IL C. ed th1e tarriage of thell and uid Su Eail soîet>' and flut maie a sPec- drev up on ciller aide af tii. road andl Lai effort to ehov off ho the et ad- ulloved thle procendon <o pan le- vantiage ulile a pssig ftue reviculna tiveen dbt hein u t lbg anaMM quee stand and lue cfenl in the nualorit>' aiightted anid enteredS th. reybevlng ot instances vas von preti>. t& One notlebli <e at a tat the Credl la due Johin BvauÀboecufll, modern Woodmeui drill team ileli tibeir ma" ofaithle duy and bisa aidai. via axes at attenion whlia Pelig lthe 1Soietllat the big paade v» asePt lu stand,.line properi'. 'Th. b.ugera <rmhdi The KIng and Quen. naval Statiaov n wbo uuod tile aP- one of thc ver>' prettleit teaturai proadll of the Idote&OSeauaai.daert- utf t parade as the appeaac of lng f crOdIt fur thlr ervices lild pied by0@ hb e d qu4àa 09Ot"I b & &M1eI &~i.bW 8098 Wis 405 tn red, black &uni hte, r.pr«mmd,&, s large bac bîve. The nomt contai id vwomen memnbers of the osier. Thle Kniatsmof tt.e Manellmme re lni a floau vhldll onumiceâa tant. ftý mon vore the anihorme andlee chancritle of tile cetier. 'Ph. Royal Neighboras itta *vuV* Pretty fDoat, Uts decooiaie aolim*S whli v was pmrple m&id Wb"te 'Ph. Roual Saiffmeclublrode la é*I yelkm dont. 'Mie W. C. T. UI. rod t S lileUa thle <olor telugtii" .niiem of 1 mw clet>'- Seversi of the foreimu .ocleths**ý lie oe ofthtuom belng il :~ b>' tIeir taud. Their pronume. neSh to Impro-ve lthe Sm"eral mfl anc. of the parade. tums rodm lni a lsrgbout, aba«W de.lgn ta tueuse mtant Iim yeamraugo. Long aire emtoante fu thie aides sud lit. modona cf«1 vare cerried out tic » ai tm - -'m The Ben lbMurrode lui a& %b. Ih aeid vire equlyppid uwiM a h other implsaneuts oSf owu. A Roainchaiot, draun g' homes wvia notetrdtum et 0f»M Mur ébowiaf 'Phe W R. C. rodelaain e~- auto anid ittralots omnderiê6" lion b>' renitepatriotic 0M «@M an sia xuMpritobà&e" The "ruie band- provéd4lm meb Of th1e laiu1hung aor et 44 Thle lAke couft>' Sit cogtat dta. explatlng dhe grovtL cM couaty -nid hov It rana iii mutes a luthee t"t A nululataire orthtel propgadi mes trasti viaduiot formedd.a m lmtergUuig fiout utaih zeOn- inuth t tenftion aMdlcoa"av' odhe ft lula ie proeàoa. expremed thle cptulon M dia ture bridge vould te nt. m n»w bridge tInt thie cày >' 15t long tliue. 'Ple Dmly SUN diapbW 'vau o» crsated inuh favfi,@&. euàm8 floral decked automfle v" a upon lte aidai exp&auhuhiuaV te SUN bas doue. uarmd tce alfair ai comingu e .uwob" ather piper lba, domsta I me Umol of lins puilsd. c@ati. gt. aL oepiethle carier boy*, av&tboywi a banuier tellIng the. autiw t1m, pem e b.carnes. 'UnIe UMm tib theu United Blttea mal, led the W The. fM armaigmi b>' the.eW Steel anid Wire campmy> vu ]y fihe mont complet. 0f Mrla> h~ UIne. It Wvuso ao e0tàmt t w qulrad four lieraista drov 1. AU q<' tae ma-y>produota aSet b vere proenteal iu a vU!lmOii wWilcitrepeentud 1the B-mus ster paovcd oe etthue W et "=rde. 'Pie automobtle dripen, b>' lai W dar won second itle. XvueI bMhi "coasti <o couit" sd lad oar M- lng aigu. printed um L t 8 i . ta hi a rail bit. It ma thti frtélime it *9 Posé- office offiias mWA employas mia' an- pe-ed la a big pmrde laui esn1gu due ta the Sit tin eotbér lWIil 1 te templores lav*e ue taaadhuer'm parade Of natti.s po- ed lnteastliiDrssbd h&a a hW repremenllng wssbingtoabu luoi*ar"' ltiers repreamnting tut 0 fii or- 1eign couituie 1 lhe teleplione companr " bat filai vwltb hehllo" ghrîu uto MO 8ver>' pretty appuisIe The tua domosfor LYcns thga - very attractive, 1The Iloat arrangeal b> IX 1. 1in viilch tlambu at àhonse v.tuLm 3clcveremt ever me. nn -tara rom Mauabl eW È - d the prlisel 4ea

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