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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Jul 1912, p. 6

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t PARA. TON ORAUAI MNKEs PNEUMONIA ,SURE I I<LYTIC STROKE Ro»O U T SDSOE[ THOS. GRAHAM BROKE 25 OUT OF SERUM FOR WHICH SCIEN.TISTS __ 111&111 IRK FALLS TO THE FLOOR POSSIBLE 25 HERE ON THE LONG HAVE SEARCHED ItAS band jL At OOF( 0F MIS OFFICE IN A NUT*FRZE E OD EEN DOCOVEtIEo. bal_ WEAEND ONITON -FINDS THAT INJECTION 0F OEAD li.I MRS. FEATI4ERSTONE 0F CHICA- PNEUMONIA GERMS CAUSES IML hltc WAS RETURNING TO OFFICE DE GO BREAKS 15 OUT 0F POSSI- MUNITY FROM ISEASE. .. 1.0W THE HILL FROMTRIP LE 25 AT GUN SHOOT. - l i UP TOWN; WELL KNOWN. - A serum cure for pneumona for that Thomas Graham, brother of tihe whlch scientiats bave been searchiuX 1W,, Samnuel Kirk. ane O Waukega's worid's champion carrIed off the hou- for years la announced b>' Professor e veitieiet luusbermeu, asuffeed frOm ors a the Waukegan Gun club shoot Augustus B. Wpodgwortli of the de- wu. a stroke of paralysie late WednesdaY liera yesterday, wheu lie broke 25 partrueut or bacteriology, oetlthe Coi1- aet t f1fl5in. cia>' pigeons ont of a possible 25. legs of Physiciaens and Surgeons, 0a- band RievWa returiling ta bits office belote The Waukegau teani dafeateci 'lie lunthia Univeruity, of Naw York. lake the bM front a trIp up town whaen he GraY$Iake team 47 birds. %Ira. Feaah- lu describing bis success lu the bly. auk ~ t te bar on th piBSia or thre ertone of Cthîcago tOOk part. She Rockefeller Instituts Journal o! Ex- wî oficen a *mkeiked conditioni. succeded in braaking 15 out of a pos- perimentail Iadicine. ha statag that, th,= John Pondt chouef cierk et thea Kirk siblla 25,. thaugh ieM serum bas beau appiied Bo Mi Laimber compauy ru6ied ta iei ar- The score of the tearn shoot bi- far oui>' to animal%, ha bas no doubt dy .g8yerg WnO twaen Wsukegan and Grayslsia and lit wiii work just asevel lu the cage s à. rt va» SiaMoneS nd bhWvu tire Individuai Scores folows: o! human beonus.ga «keu ta ohi. home en Water treat. Orayalako Team. The axperiments ver. made vitl i gte Vbems ho reached bis irome ho irad loat Featheratona L .......... 20 18- 39 rabbits. Ha producad pneumonia luIn g *fl povee.or speeh. Grahiam P. J ............ 24 232--47 tisonib>' Injeoting the germe o! thre Hf ma o.ewo. m Frlday atternoon Prazier . G............. 25 24 --49 diseae. Thiirebrtthiug he diecoveged att., 1*8eports £ ooftdembly lmprov-(Oieon C ................18 19 ..-37 vusthat Injections of ded a4 pleioulta 01 Qé. Golden H.............. 21 21 -12 germe gdve rise to but litti. reactIon. eto 1 mupliyweaids v umn Vl WSUiOlO- Tl .......................'214 Purtirer expermets airowed tlmtan, et by 1Mrt. S. Krk dom. npt belleve - Waulcegan Toum. whiie tire dead pnuem la germa dId Dr Me méh0 v in provo a fatal on«ê McDermott 000 ......... 22 24 --4Ç ual alcken the rabblts they gave the nc UT. cr. nle One of WaUlca<a's bot Huttan D.............. 23 22 -45 animal Immuiity !rom a reistance to a Ir imowu business mon. Sinéa the daatb IcDoràott Rob ........ é 25 -48 the actual i smc aitelf, but tire> did antig y- - tdh1 father h lienm as.umed active Grahram Tom........... 24 22 -i16flot have an>' marked curativa action. Hi edisg.of theb i mber yard. Grahiam ES............ 25 25 -50 Ha tiranroundS out that injections of gn Tv. yeuau 'go hir elfe rom a taSSer Totl ......................235 living, virulent pueumonli germs gava ed et'bl hctýseand broie t'is riglit arm ryaiake Teem. lise blbom serum afthtierabblts as ,t @U since tira tins e li ai ual an- SPrlnger W.............. 19 88 -37 marieS curative action. situi »odStihasbet of irelth Scilosser M ............ 12 Il -25 the Tire paraiytic etroe a ram which Mr. olîlînts................ 18TAIStgETI-3PLNSpiers 70eli suferaS Weduesday le confined Wedge ................. 19 2, -39 8 1wMIQPLN b goly ta, bis riglt aide. Sclouger J............ 19 21 -41 . FOR NEW FACTORY il Total ......................176 MMr Am SAIIW 0F TUE Waukegan Teamm W. L. STEBSINGS 0F CHICAGO EM- for N mTliaver Chas............ 22 20 --42 PLOYED TO PREPARE PLANS tive SUN » ~ OM1EYTMrchant Tom ...... ... 24 17 -1 FOR CYCLONE FENCE CO. tiser Hick E................ 20 20--40 -H ZlON-,ClTV MAN LOBES $110 IN Kirchner Tom........... 21 19 -40 A man b> tise namne of Brewster l.egl ýWAUUCEGAN AND INSERTS AD- Trirvar, 8S ........19 20 -3,)cure won millilons b> apending mil- fui VERTISEMENT INl THE SUN............................. 202 lions in a limrited space of lime but teOl thutit ws . aukpgn tam higli score........ ha3 lihsant got anything ou ana W. L. ST'1 InspritSb>' the hope tli a lasae team ligli score . 390 Sîcb>bir_îs of (hicga--a consulting Se' ileo! accident, ratisr than of pick- and ccuietructing enigineer-wliolias aun tebtm but strougi>' inclined 10 ha- 4 entered iîn:a a contract witis tise 'y-G l, Ilfvg the ltter, C. N. Jeune. 3214 Gid- Prizes won b>' fli foiiowing: cloue Feuce company of Waukegan ta T *os *venue. Zion City, an aged-.an, Aomas Graham higis score...25 catct a $100s,00 factory building iu on r'. *m ppaaled ta tire SUN ta locale bis George Frazier higir score .... 23 NortisCiicago In ninet>' daye. druj »,recontaining 8110 which he mise- Robert l.teDermolt.............. 22 Mr. Stebbine blas beaen eployed $30 irism )Japocket star boarding a Frt-silver knivoq sud !orks. blt .1. Preston Arthur, presiC'eut of tisenme' s ~ caee ur for home on thle aiternoon Second-$3 Cyclne Fane nompan>' ta prepare to ofe o"url.h. Hie hope 1s that is 'lrd-$2 plans for tise uew factory building c'e- DUM Ma bavefallen Inta thre hanSe (Graham, Ed: 23, 23, 25, 25, 24, 25,hc ltobertdthsumi nBs tg aec&rauhest persan irWso wiii ialnrn 25, 25, 22 21, Northh thicago. 'r. Stebings aud bis ~ol' Ita hlm visn tirey realize how badi>' Fecthrstone. L: 24, 22. 23, 25, 20, assistants '-tarteri woriu on tise plans ho *eeSa tie mauay. 21, 20, 19, 21. ysedyronu.Ts> rms MSav.d Ail Sumwar. Schneider. C: 21, 21, 14, 20, 18, 16. have tise plaus completed ln tan days. art( Ine easinngaof tire entire Sunsa Woodward, W: 10. in lse it-le our Grham ~.D. 2 2, 2 94 , 7. will tali e tn day9, more 10 aSter- rad 0*,4 reprea.ented I h itehrd GaZ ý . 22 , ,-4 23, 7.tfue for bids and tisen thle actuai work ma W" ho 108t. Vanderver. P: 14, 17. 18, 20. ofecin tsebldgnlcm lftrJy lu thre Summer' ha salidt'ru> Featheretone. Mme. L.: 14, 14, 19, 15. muroffi ' a Mid te me. 'Ps, you eava tire mon- Hutton, D: 22 20, 20, 22. 18, 21. 21, i.Atuanunebscmpn >' gon ear titis Gamner anS Iwill 23 2 1 1.wl peud $50,000 in equlpment for 1 ~M th lire xeao f lb. housebhld H-ickse, E.: 21, 21, 20, 20. tiha new structura. IMI 4M Inlu " s a>' va co clear Up th Grahami, Tom: 25, 24, 24. 25, 24, 23, Work on eractbtg tisa building will th r ilqX thtiMIhms been hanghng ovar us.' 24, 22, 23, 25. start on or about th isaegiteaulli day tri à*I Ml11.W enougli money and 1 vas Framier, G.: 21, 20, 25, 24. 23, 23. o! Jul>'. 'W gqlag ta gel out of debi the ftret thing Oson, C.: 15, 19, 18 19, 17. Thlianaw buildiug will occupy a site ras *veat veei, Npw, 1 dont know viral1I Sprinter, W.: ;4, 19, 18. la Nortis f hiSago bclwean Seaun- W' ~ il do'* Tears gliétaued in the oye Golden, H.: 25, 21. teent-l and'Eigteentb treets, easat Of e «' ftire Wman as hore lid hie pathetei lit- Meniant, Tom.: 24, 22, 24, 17. 19, the Ctcuansd Nartirweatern Rail- ' tl 9". 21. road truc-k@. th4 MdVisted Wakegan. Kirchuer. P.: 18. TeNr-satsuRira n i lr eube gays lho vas vomiieS about Wedge: 23, 19, 20, Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Ralinoad wil i l l.ananqi. 'en lhe lefI home, but Gilcans: 21, 18, 21, 18. la>' gwîIte tracits ta, the Cyclone site th' toseS te be; eit In the bouse, tiinks MDermott, Geo.: 22, 24. Iis week. Section banda vene puýt .1on~ > 1109tiat If a firiebroiçe Ot lirat hie McDermott. Rob.: 23, 25, 23, 22. wsork on a Nattiwestern switcb ttack tO me>' vould ba avept awa>'. Ha Schloseer M.: 12, Il. Satunday moruirtg. w tiroe«*sIof putting liremoue>' lu a bt- Sohosber, J.: 19, 22. the rit>' a!fNorth OhicaLgo bas letth tleAd burylng il lu the back yard aud Thayer. C.: 22, 20, 20. the contract for a voter maJn ta ha by My*lirt uav lte vishos o iraliS one Kirchner, Tom.: 21, 19. laid 10 the new plant. This main viii -twiI. Travers, D.: 19. 20. ha laid niext yack, oiha the con- . ri afttrnoon vas aptnt t Electrir Sutherdaud. J.: 17. traclor wlso le siccaeful in iidding Ce IWk ardlia the aflernoon hie and bis Chiarles Scneiader furnis4sad a fine la tise work wili not ha Selayed lui bis 8 !Uasàii vent tu thse Edison court depot lunch whIch va% apireciated b>' ailwo.Ur #0av aait a car for Zion Clt-y. At tia tise members o!f'lie chib.-ciarics__________ tima bis mone>' vas stili in ie s blp Tiayer. te,_______WT IBE N pmcieit. le huittoned is coat claeely WT ILSÀDn about hlm, fcarng tisat pickpocket LUNE IS ALMOST FI4SMED PRiR NAIE OR ilght ha aroundi. À-E IV E CUTs Jostled b>' Man. Aunouuremaltt vas made Wenes- As ira lelped bis daugitar îîi)t-le day b>' officiels o! the Chicago & INDEPENDENTS iNDIGNANT BE- cc sp o! the car usiug boîli iands t-o do Nort-lweetrfl' roait tisaithe Des- CAUSE TWO 0F TMIIER NUM- eo, ire vas balleS baci b>' a msan~ plaines Valley' Lina, known as the BER WERE FIN<D $3. vlho Wasstanding heide hlm. He icd xNortliwaatern Bell Lina. viii ha com- riddan bal! vay eo Zion befora lie dis- ietad this fail. Wori an Iis Im- Armed wit.is Bibles. sevaty-five In- e, covevd iis bs Hie ouI>- solution is; çrvemaut, whicli cost sevarai million depeudeists of Zion City' stormed Juk- el tat the insu wisa lostled him piclted dollars, was iegun tvo yeers ago. Tisa tice William F. Weis court ai 10 c Unl pocket as lie vas geting on tise line extenda fom Bloldgett, bLaeorlons FriSa>' mornnng.e icor tisaI e lu some inaxplinabie catîlnty, ta 1'roviso via Deapiines Tise Four of thein numbar bad beau an- mearuer 5e4 tise mône>'. I case thief linalias beau coustructeil for tise pur- resteSl on assuit and bottery charges.n jmneya>' vround i ie usakes an aar- ca.se o! ditertinil a large amount o! Tisega men sre aileged ta bhave parti- iMme npeal thal itle returuied . freigisl trafitis at otherwise vould lie cipated bInan egg' nIaI aItlire Coaok st thsrougis congested districts o! Hiertrie t mifacti>.rng ommpsaiy'sc I*ate o! Illnois, Count>' o! Lake. ,.î. Ciicago taolisher yards o! the comn- plant In Zion City' nearîr Ivo months lialire Crcuit C'ourt of i..sle Caun- pan'- to au outiying yard aI Proviso. Mgo.t t - ..October Termi, Ar. 11.12, lunThiss yarSdlias a rapac.il>'o! 4,000 cars Ralph J. Sullivan and Heury' Vag-1 an~-,sd ils sixe graduali>' viii ha lu br vere found guity andS a fine of $21 t» . âlt - ftep'iino raeand cosevas aseeed againsl bath 4m"erdn Jucevicir, Gen. Nu. 5816. men.t t pubWW Notice in Hardb is> vîen Tisat WORD RECEIVED IN WAUK GAN 'iecssaauîJh ar u f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O TJ gtar enr ueihia~01HE DEATH 0F MRS. JOHN Fred Graf were diemiased b>' Jus-i *4 4 w 01011 C5mut a! C.51 PHILLIPS IN CIUCAGO. liceMWeime. ~ 43a43, bi apsUcUaO.lu nd b' d- -Thère are neari>' Iventy-five simi. tue t vné . dmin, t chngelus Word was recetved in Wauklilian r cres on file In tise justice siropg ~e t t.omrdJuda," aS tatlie Priday nlgit o! tise daatir of Mr. o Waukegan. tiests tresamvii le lmAat is Jain . 'isiipa,353 Wlnit lral. Tir sveny- veinepedat-4]r POISON, TO DIE mth'anilat suoines.Cirîcago (corirauuiD aom pAîts oa) Mr. SmIihvas Bt aire lime a veal.I tir>'maa, tiraI le ireanSdiris vite ovu- 1 "d bees. He expiained tiraI iho .5 mucib ropert. -A fav rearà ago ual boeard train tisem lu a long ire Inventadi! eavl>'lutire Pieneer. 4 euS wandered wliy lieliait BOLBullfrag mine, vhicir altracted mmii>'à ,s.1 \toalire voman-asoieclaieSWaukegamas anirn lueIeanS h.ebosl sauvers.taai:hi. haone an&Bli tiraIhira iraH.Ha i amn graIN! ul 10 you for havlug bels liard pressaS for a long lise, un- nia tire.tactesuad 1 assura rau able tu meetiisbills and isromisiug thlugs eau, ha remedied at Oo. peopleehovoeS tiraI ie vauld laite c 7111 ha back hiere Inside a! tva cane .cf tliriracca nd 5 0 on. He 1 ta a*M vili stralgistan. malters ada fev realî Sale, but nana o! ,Ho loti once, pot kuowtng liraI conséquence, he. ie became dis- tiaI Urne hie aister sudirer hue- courageS. A la>' daS ou tiesahorae o! the Tire lusala o! Importanrce Ire MaS.e ie anti of t-b ecli', or posai- vasultaI of tire Jahuh laurier home ta lira>' vere jual about enterlng tliteM. Macillu of Chricago. er as hoe vuscouversing about Mr.-ssdtir iad VmIvays been irsovu MB. asnetl, Industrie»s manibul a! laise r. Brown le!ft Wauiegai thtira ie resanluck iraS ibesaugalat hlm anSd r.tiré mising venture proveSi is&usdo- luday>'maruiug lha recalved a tale- itg, resultisis eveanln ltlie sucide n advlsiug hlm o! the dSaBir o! hie biset belveen him aud hie vifs. i wr anS brother-i-l-kvb>' drovu- H. leavea one mon, Walter. vira 1 livez ou Wst aisi;et aItire'haie a!i le erne ta Waukagau loas>'ta iris ile parents. Mr. sud Mm. WM en tirp fanerai. Ferry. Walr vorkla is cago. vas Enovu'e son hlaone of the Loet His >40me, ft onsSlaers mt the electrie -paver Pm t ras lhe &uilb ironie var at il ai NibrpýaitsuN. Y. the soirveit corser aI Genese. and ravi has acquired great veaitirToUs 5béal, but as hie lsdebteduffl ce l.ie lftWaukegan. Toda>'lie grsv, Mr. Smîlhr 0.1tiraIta H'. T. aya asu one o! tise mont tafia- Kennedy', vira "aesmonths mov a. La lusler'nin lu Nebraska. id lu sud Mn. fSmithr iaoved ta tire e la a former resldeut a! Wauie- flat ai tire corner of Counîry anS Cor>' m.Sut>' reara ago is fatiier avu- avenue, nntir stcorner.1 tire langeit lumber yard ln th~5is 're BSithiirfonuserîrUveS lulirte Ion a! lb. clate. His yards vero borne Dow ocatipleil b>'W. P. Higle>' astar os' lb. laite front. Oua of vhicir vas aved b>' Mrs. Sitir's eearîy landmarits wtse "rown'a mollier, Mrs. Brovn. Tire latter !ai5- astructure iaîl raem-sered liy vas et ame lime ver>' veatr>' ad stan>' o! tiracarl>' eIera.' considerad one a! tira iaading onel Of Il evelope tirai Jame.S tmith ansd thre cil>'. e. Smithr vere too -proud" to appîy, Mn. Smih'@ offica for >'aars Un tire assistance. 'lie>- bctlshbava neia- retiy business vas lu the Wrigbt ,es wbo couiS veli affond to bielp building o au ison atreet virerelie Pm out af Iheir fisanciai troubles. condurted lumurarce as veil as real lad Oven Brown arrived lu Wau- asiate business. gn but tva dayas occar ilIs L douht- v helher tire Setailsao ftlie lragad¶ ICHTNING HUTS TWO ulS appear lu ihis Issute o! tlie WAUKEGAN HOMES N. Tho homes ver. struckIl b' ightnlug everal Wauiegasîpeople hiraiS notes durlug Ilie stormm Tiurada>' afteraoon. c>îîuailng ta ovar $1.000 agafnet J. A large brick chimue>' an tisa Elico- Smith, pal churcli parsonage vas Semoligeisa Lees tiran a yaek uoli oroer > a lightuing boit. The pclace diS nol this nota 8100 Tram a Ccneee st5'et catch on lire. The reaidenre o! Win. ugget.,Tva >'earsaugo lha bornoyaS i pton vas %truckl b>'lightnlug. A 00 Tram anather C.eneuee streeli smna}llbobe vas eut ln tire roof near mrchant. In ever>' case lie promiseS thre chimue>' y hyle boit. It vas finot pay bock lu lime, but cirnuimsin- dreeS necesar' b 1,1-rI I iv fit'- ýaivays preveusteul lbilai one 50 Separtrueut lu elt4er instatnce.No i Intentions vere good, but lie itit other damage b>' the storai vas ne- uild oat make ireadway. porteS. Thie funeral of thbe late Mr. snd 1_ ,m. jemes a. Smiths Vas leld <hie; ernooyn at 2 o'cbo ra the C'ou- [alms belug taken iate he metcu>' iapel visera Rev. J. A. J. Whiuiuî'i liciated. Former close frienda c-f se Smiths soleS as pull bearens. lise Kuiglits o! Pytitas ta whinis [r Smith beionged, niad change a! ie fumera]. Seveual beautifti floraI buts hlaS beau sent ta b'- placeS pon tle lIera of tire tva val kuot'n aidants v hoe Seib las sisocked Vaulcegan as It neyer iras beau short dbefore. The double fumerai o! Ioda>' vas e third doubla fumerai haiS lu titis »>' vithin the past six monthi. Thea Wgt occàrred during lire Wlnter viser. he Mun and alfa commItted suicide in Southi Park avenue b>' tallug jPol on; tlie second vas a !av yacks apo heu thse tather and tau vere luried, heIr deatha beng due te asphyxlstisn "Greater love a lillno wvan." Wiran tise famîl>' coffes vare beapi- Id bigl ithilsriche, lre. jamesG. mith fairi>' vorsblped tira graund apn wbiri her hugbaud waikad. Wisets ier ihùelafld sas Sutsgged ae ruin b>' usalese almýepîs te "cam- ner' t-le moue>' maitkat ln miuing 3pectilationv, lier love for lier iruzbaud dd not dimintirh. His niaises assumneStira nature o! s commandi. She liteS for hyi--ae ie d for hlm. TiaI lMr. sud Mris. JaMes G. Smithi dellheratel>' pianuad ta euS their eitiriý,-existence b>' rovnlng lu clear>' siowu b>' the finding o! large îuautities o! sand lu eBa! oftise set- mral pockais o2 Smltli's clolhlng. That lise 'mystarosls cup" forumS nean thea hadles lunlthe sand o! Laike Milchigan wvususaS lafilnlte pôlciets 5'ltl sad Is tira heur! o! those vira are conducting a quiet Investigation. Wheu tise fantbecaie unovu Iliat tire Ivo bodies ver. fonnd lIed le- gathar vith ir 1k iramdkmebletaf are- port va@sepradbro@adiot 'ltaI a m0mI gruasame' murdar liSd beu catmt-- teS. One o! Wsukagan'a Oldeact 5eirer- man claimes Smitircaratulîr studiad ii plans for Seatir. "Fear t-iat On. or tire other would loge thaîr nerve vires tir aer& af tise laie gungled aven tiroir itads vas ra.posl'bb for tire use af tire ell boosdkercicf, malS lie flithaniiin. '-A lurol liaS ina dry liandicrhie! "MU nel ha essil> Unid afler ltiras been gtbmnagad Il vatar"ho coîrîir- "Ta dionuet tir. tvaode anc avant, nsea arMne a. ar M 3a. asilirbal lid l oI »f U rie eç atqe a a r 4a aseu- *bd5 tro4 ~.!r FU ~ILIIhave boe eme o hOiaît i«W04li tht flêigannodnpelflt illInteS aU lu ia CS AS tire bag that castatudl±it Pollehed. N ACCORDANCK WTH 1.AW THA oe;Tl 0i,.cSe WENT INTO EFFR CT -ON TH«^r N ; us i. acae FINS? DAY 0F SUIV. vilir Glucose and Taic. R1- mac. b>' waahing lu colS AVl IT 8 OT fFlA TO COMPUL vatan. TI4EM TO PAINT INSTRUC.- To msuy irausevlves tle s caaua MIONS ON T" BAC&. Informiationi. Nani'timosnlrey have - voadered viral gavelire bnIltiant Ou- Audrav tire groceru o! tira cil>'are uob ta tire hest grades or ia. virile lire Domplaining against telir1>gb conl 09 cireaper grades vere qulte duil Tirer iviug. <Cou rau imagine il? are nov tlid lu a f!eý vorda tiraI tus Wiren thée pure food iav went Int la dîme b>' meous of glucose sud talc. ffectI ilprovideS luetthlie viuesaloe5 ,3,rt is>'1hla f>105e I le Iotuali- nut suiçaunce ta tire relailene juil plaIneS, but probabîr la give It lire rav tire lest grade o! lice la potîsired, binlist finishr moka, il sali50muai but il vas ual untlltlie finit ofA!,UY>' reait>'Iran tire cireapen grades. Tire tim Year lirat retallenu vers abUigoedgbacors need ual vorrr 'long about o sunounoe trie taot ta tire public, lire addlttoSsl camt, iravver. Stire Atu 1hwonat part about Il, lu lhe addug of a font or tva a poiruS la ares a! th. grocar, la liraI ho muet lire rice vl!r more Iran reimbuine lurisi tire bag and have tire extra lirem. expense, ofiraving tire-informiatiaronentblhng la certain.irautewvus rinled ou tire osliide. Ta maur Ibis nia>'not feel heafident lira f tire eadis 10 ho lire haiglil ofextrava- mrchase mur polluhed rice tst.le sot Omoe dose a; lu a labelled bag11.1 lier gra- Waukegaaueiraavves vira bave cor tu not castnnilul gta tirepure food paiRo 4 iS "Msl tr lth* MM tuli lave Stop! Looki listen! And st Gurnee too We bave a quantity of ftIre sale goods we are almost glving away'and we are also selling Oroceries, Meats, etc., cheaper than other stores. AT THE NEW STORE ic~.H. BARNSTABLEI Grnee, ]Mlinoisj YOU SICK? For Poison Blood ~ tire lood, Cleanaca the Liver, o, ..aMrth Skin, Strenthens the Nerves, - Inoremes tir apetite. 'For Catarrir, Scrofule, Scrofulous Humais, Ulcers, R es md Pl o the Puce, Consti abon, Headache. P" la isdbe u B lood dimsesrM m ary.cause. For Chilis& Foyer ,csnuc Chili, Malaria sud Ague aunas"CHI.LAX l ie wori«sagrenu- s t.Abnutely sure, maie snd harmiess ta dii pqa'mtkîni it. yts oe, etrenicly fatad te th leisgem dt je mumout cases ih drives thre Poison u.tiuhy out ofIthesysem in 3 des. ÀMild FsnrilYILxativc. oo d1The Noew Discovery ro RHEUMATISM &tnç GOUT, deep- s atd imd « hapele.i aues, any b"". o -dition - y Specialista in "9quarter of dhs Gloe. "Plemmat t ta tek Doot WuMMe 11.5><wZcopounds cur-alesumd liniments Cure-Tour Kidneyt g?'otedoften leads to BMtst iU1*By7iFLUSHilma mfe, speedy sfaetor remedy for font standint asoot swooderuul untiseptid power ,w.rirrlnitmlit -, JUIFUVE sel $PufCyL,,,~,3j~.,,i.s. ~. -! 1B~Ixi~L~.<I~ ws - il. abs.' ..miaasd UM wsqib mi w5 j5 usd1 - ils Osa ~Id~ Os LamaiS 14~ 4Àusps - CIII TUS CIII A1 StAR. 1~ W

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