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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Jul 1912, p. 9

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LAKE COJJNTY INDEPENDENT, WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN iVOL. XX.-NO. 41 SUICIDE VERDICT RETURNED BY JURY IN DONEGiAN CASE NO EVIDENCE 0F TANGIBLE NA- TURE TO SHOW POISON WAS N'OT SELF ADMINISTERED. MANY WITNESSES TESTIFY PHILIP DONEGAN, HUSBAND, DE- NIE$ PRACTICALLY ALL TH-E STATEMENTS MADE ",Mr@. EII,-n f)inegan came ta lier death froni ,arts green f.oison talien with euh l-ialt ltent wile ila a tate &.x grent mentaieacitemoei.t occaEion- ed by dtiiesticInmiasbie.' T4àe foregoiasg w" sthe teat or the verit retaîrneel by the corOers jury whieb Tueaday night t tbe Coîlid Sliast undertaldng ronzae Investigat- PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, IiLL., FRmDAY, JULY 1,11 TWO FREIGiIT ENQINES CRASH IN LOCAL YARDS; EN61NEER AND FIREMEN SAVE LIVES BY LEAPING One of Engines Smaller of lwo Was Crushed Into a Heap of Scrap Iron-Collision Took Place Near the Sugar Ref inery at 10:30 This Morning-Ties ,up Traffic Only by teaping for iheir lives diid -l ,e prlY î other trai liaitîhe rigb.t two men escape instant death t hic -lii iutllie Sial t1efi t. morn ing t 10:30 o'alocit whena lisai on collision between two freight Strucit Near the Curve. trai na on the Elgin, Joliet andt Eats t.iel it 6 ne roiiadivj fhe curTe, ern Raitroad took pla-ce just aouth Of l.i- 9U' ao )IIiiîl-Iloi(leer fr-îght train the corn tower of the Corn p rod ucta lsag itî,a i1iinhlm. As qiiickty1 MAJOR SMITH IS DETAILED ON TUE G0VERNOR'S STAFF SIGNAL HONOR BESTOWED ON LOCAL NATIONAL GUARD 0F. FICE AND ON COUNTY ALSO. HONOR IS A NOTABLE ONE MAJOR SMITH WAS AGREEABLY SURPRI SEO AS HE SAYS HE HAD NOT EVEN APPLIED .josr A V. Sm ithi, h. id o f fllttery1 of th, signal hill Eia las (t esi infon the causes whii-.b ed Wo thl company. On. of the enginea waa ' as poserlMle hi- ru-ersai lis stesni and 1isi4md deatb af tbe e Wmt T'sehlpgtsgyn « cfiihed nto a pile of acrap Iron l'y atil li-ch 'hua engaîîe frim fie dariîtfle O wOUMa A zuaxtea- of wttffl es re the force of the collision. Roy Lane,l gi-rý Il,. realizeil Lliix t ie on (coaningOaîeî éxamined but tuiera waa no evidleaoe an enganeer and George Iaaacton, the. friglia tr-.laî, ilrawn by two ptander taIt-i of a tangible "alluare tuant wouid Imii- flrermsn, both of IAaukiegan, 0asud aile ezglnps-, was tot> liavy tai e1 , t late tiaat the poisoni lait not bcen ilsear livs by eaping when ithey assaus ) laei auiîa to avez-t the crýash. Tiie aetf-adzaaiaiatered.that the crash waa inevitabte. lias ezagzzîe, îuî Wf-ii naeao Mri. Caeey Teetîfles. Wr wthnCas Was zailier lîglaf, huai-ver. andl theut spi MrM. 1W1reiYSwitch hng Car,. a bau o!of laits ak of il kelt fforcinîg it 150,v., îew miore froeza the IMiega&n borne. t-nan n od fsaacon aho waere lai forwaralrt ftl Of %IreaIknega r oning to heri charge- of a 55 1,lu eagnle un thi-e ,, fiai-a- ic aeaifumne«of dhstrin tcntalbf.ce horne about iusk rtating fiait 'mil5leua)iyardss hi-ne, wea i-ze igage i Pt he iiel aLlof ier train eu ierau was thrd aurdsirk ad wantd t n mrnlng i hn lfciig aut eauîiiy uarsi 1* ltotaliEs]the ghrtan wudSrm reets tle n. e kadwntdh z-aato l'I].lni îe dieverytting To1 z-p e arblefrOnu u. arais of trf5srui lmeàtýto fpfrevent it axd thon gave ormior- taez he sa3oe Xfre ft oaegan bflIandl Wr'o mluatiy. f-anc was dia-afiw ou oli lennt lmbo mazie slrk w lier et omaeoband starteit îing a tasiof titeso &mpty cars@Otil, LhFsoifel l)ti faltwcda mtozuia-tofat an fa vrnit It wesa ofagreeaisb colar be tPiot Iiziteau the fictender :uhi- Y limg i-d metra taffe aaid sllieamumed tbat ber neiglibor, rauptei totathe ca.ra. I lut nstae.fbi1 iittknpar"e green akbougta t1le! Tbere Ili a ci leIna 'a w ronda i ufi ,aisi latter denieai (bis when saked aboufiO f iaiu sinThetl t i n Men oruit Le ground ad losippi IL Later vissaiDr. Foey aTived Mas. ' -tîia mî fmti oat nfhu'îr lalaaîîe.bu nzaedlgtOt1hx I)Onegau a danted ta bina that tie i ato n aso aewsoflhe aay, 1Txey acre trof a momnta bail e tea ateaspomrfaî f athUe poisn on urigaoitt"hýNefor, tas, atoofafor in another mioment the but thaeeWaal eVel7 Iiniicatioaa that to al aecsounta lie wais OKcuPY-lg tire heavy forwarsl engine On aue freigit " aMe must bave talon &seversj tUiS blfock unitIf thee stgnat waesworldag <otiui nPaeTh)eo9i thls amoont- _____________onPage_________ ban *Iumed Her Huabanit. h*Ma Mrs. <usey Rid that 'airs tIknegan I l'ai d.<storedabtbler bustuani bai BATTERYMAN WAS W S A IIR F'er eoonpelleil ier ta leave home, swPar lng at ber and telling ber to get out. Sbe sald gÈe lissi eked hlm If she rnlg±aî say att nigbt andl tlat hoe badl refumed, Harry Totterdale and daugliter, filsa Ruth, also were placeil onathe stand anid toiof being called lnl by Mrs. l'asey. Mise Totterdale testified that Xra. Dongan did flot soeem ta realize, that eue vms ln a serions conditionl andl tat fose lau tte mom flot to maiae a f use ove,- ber-that a&he would be ait riglt ln a littie whIile Ottzar Wftnessez Tulk. Assistant (bief of Poice Thomas Tyzreif taid of taking Mrs. Donegin o ber borne Tuesslay afternoon ad feeki.ng to effort a recozi'liation. He amuI that ioth Mr. and Mrs Donegau liai agreed to meet wlth their law- yers Tuesday morning ta se If sreý sort of a settieennt couti lhe reach- ail. le sald tiat %Ira. Donean had asited lier busband to meke a horne for ber. lie said that Dovegan trail m that (Contizauei on Page Two> ORPHANAfiE MORE TlAN PLEASED WITII DONATIONS0F FOOD LETTER RECEIVEO PROM HEAD 0F INSTITUTION THANKS FED- ERATIOfI 0F WOMEN HERE CHILOREN APPRECIATE PIES FIRST TIME IN LONG WHILE THEV HAO THEM; GRATEFUL FOR THE CONSIDERATION. 'It li an 111 wlnd t2at dos ot blotw saine gooi." fWbiit was te Ped- eratians Ims by tbe torm an July 4 was a hl!p ta tbe Lakte Bluff or- phanage; as al hie food left over f rom the dluner vms taken down ta tbe orp4azifflge slter wbhh te fol- lowIng lefter wvam elved by one of the cammite.: XMe. David 0am~on W&ukap%ý . I MtY Dow aMm O aisn- SENTENCED TO 51 IMPROVEMENT BD. DAYS IN CO. JAILI IN CITY CIIICAiOI FIRST F*EMBER 0F LOCAL BAT- DAVID SEE MEADO0F THIS CITY TERV TO SE 80 PUNISHED WHO DIEO TUESDAY WAS FOR DISOBEDIANCE. PROMINENT RESIDENT. HE SERVED BUT TWO DAYS SCIENCE LEADER IN CITY ACTION 0F SUMMARY COURT AU- LiVED HERE ABOUT TWELVE THORIZED BV LAW AND WAS YEARS AFTER RETIRING PROM HELO TO BE NECESSARY. PUBLIC WORK IN CHICAGO. Thle menibers of BWtc-y C aofWau- kegan bav-e just louesi dtbatit f5a ra - a e r s e r o s u a tt r fo r t e m to d i s - obey orders and absent tbemevc farn rils perels&cmmfly without valid reasola, and as a result of an example that ha.s met boen mate of onte bat- (cryrnan t le paobable that thbe ut- (Cantiaauei un Page Two) WOMAN GETS BIG FINE AND SENTENCE %lf aItimer, a Chicago wmuen wlio bais been "hungiag about" l"oat Sheridan for soute inie. ftue woman wha a coufe o! weeks ao wes dis- 0over6aInl a ravine wluez-e sue daim- ail soJdier a-.huttara lier cfotlies frorn lier bo£k I ta n(lie gzofnty jalf, liaving been Ocin200 anal sezieacei tc,40 kliys hy a justire. Sbe vms clansgai wth dodrf ycoeniuct. The W-mari hm beeza diesel from ftle town sOeeral tianes but eccltime rcfu-ncd to continue lier oempaaauy wit.txthe soldiers L. FOREST WOMAN IS A BENEFICIARY Wâuveu-'Phe estute of Aexander Stewart, former Wisconsn reprceeen. tative, wlio diei recen3y et Wash- ington, is vatued eet $2,958,980.40, ac. cordiag ta fine petttion filei for pro. bats by Une wldos', Ma-. OGray Stewart. Thei. bilaluadditIon ta Ms-s Stewart, are tiiree dalIda-en. Margaret Llniley of lAite lredt, laesy EMSewart aend RleluE G1wstewart of Waehdduoai. David Sie Measi. afiose iosth at the homeacoa! is a-on. NXl oron E. 'aeait, oc- curz'cd Titiv'a)aas cati- l liceSUTN' wus ane of the foiiidcrs of the lObaâ-a tien Scieutîst churcb 'it fgilecity, hence at is fîineraf, ut 10:30, Tbua-s- day. Nirs. GrantXl cAatlur, ractez- of the Chistinan SCience ohurcla wilil roui the Science service wliie Rev. S. X. ('tîleeter will ci-ad the huril service. Thle iztea-nent i itli e pin vaeoautRose 11111 Mr. Mead souti have heen $5 years oad id a le livedunaztit Saturday next, July lStb. Mrz- 115*1for- twenty years s'as sec- reofaray of the board of public waa'ks in (Olicago under tîte eider Mayor Har- rison unlea- fafayoz Creglera- asiotb- crs of tliat turne. Ho hefd fihe office ilaring the wozl's baa and was aften refera-citoasai the father of the bosard becauee o! hie long ooan.ection -wtl if. Abolit ftftecn yoar ago lie gave up the work andl thon. alter- tAie detli of lits sife. ie carne here to taite up reSulalcace wltl i bs son on 6heridan ruait, It being ls8 home &Ince, or, for about twelve years. Previous ta bis woa-k on thbe boia-t ln Chicatgo, McrNfeouiwas engussi ln contra-seing, bauidiag and raliro«i a ai-fi as Insurazoce s'omi. Mr Mihutas alcatb s'axe(ue (a 0f d age a generaf breaking dawa ooning on bbfn soane tUrne ugo. Mr. Mead as one of the foundera o! the (Christian SCieutist cburch iln tbls clily. prveil one a!fis most faitli- fut inembers and tolai for the auc- ema o!flthe movement bere, Hes le&ves two sons, M. S. bMesitof Waukegan, andi Walter W.aofsPO Liu Lac5 Wia. iWaukcgan ju.if îî.uu-ai lword Adjutant G(kiau] t> i lii. oai he utefe .iuforiuui i ii iat a &I huiixarJ laitet-i ' f rid lon and Laie ouinxu , ho aH bei-n 1Wd by Gai eriiar I îî-îîa-î-î as a ier of hie fierai, i saIT The finme Ibat a sli.,ir liîauîor sa-s el uq)$on the vut sas diîririg J aies aiain istrai i.,.s len 'ut G. R. IYao! i Of u ns aas de- das a meaiter o~f ,u ,ra Ya- FOUR PAGES MRS. MARQAUET STEELE PAYS II16HIEST PERSONAL TAX IN CITY; SUGiAR PLANT LARGEST CORPORATION Sun Today Prints Off iciai Assessment Roll of the City and Township of Waukegan-Inter- esting Figures Shown as Regards to Personal Property Valuations From Wedneeday's SUN. The Sunrtoilai i liii-, the ,, s-s ment rnIl for lie ai il ndtuicuor %%aaikegan, stiow iiig tf lui' vi sajiatrota- erty astis-siieus in tfle a itu aaid township of WXaukegaai Thils i-ar fIiez-s- ara, 1t 3persans a'ho îaaoy ' a îIpruiperiit axes, Tllie rall for Last icar <uluîeiil 17in tli he City. Oaaf. A glaxi a e , u-lif sýhuis soaine In. je Vlet*'Oîei'r.ui ,', cer(- tcrcîfung figiaria ,as tua flicrelative yfor the reginieati"faitn 1camp ta tx iald blvth-,aliffezi-at peopul- and 3priagfietd. ahIll,1-fia'ut z-daî . corporatiofns. arnor' day" aiti la-u-ery Friday The Suigar rellinerv lias fthe- largesl to tlie week cfinlg ijigiîsf 17.fiersonal tîrolîerf fax in flics lole se different cnfuau-111II lacforl towushtta theur full value lueung slaowa 8uix.mmuingraiiiiaut is i itnip at nglled. h) bappolntcd a fuu.xului-z-of ('.v- sta ff la consid-ri-, a signal lion- ïnd those aîfuollufu I si'ldlam ort efail ta corntuy The govcrnar's 1il coenposed o!fui.,aidee, four ih the statea f, î. sxecnlve nMay laitait hi. ovvi i- oinandl of wbilh mua, 1- fken fa-rn National Gaerd. iview of the fau-Yt ila there amrc may national guoral offixers li Mat e and âo fca ahu auay liej 'n it lsa ecu that ifla a distinct z- la lie aang the choauen few. ajor Smitl i ua ever, Ia ra(cognJzed8 ne offlacte ewNational ;uaard af- i8 la fiie staie anal th hi.s been thzough bisa eble aork tflilBattcry C' lianbeota raiffc a fesis-lt a bigl puoint of effIiicçinlutlie site, mak- ing it possibla. iii recaeivce eîuhpment wblch calîseal ls.ui ta, bc-astiami--i- farn tte posiin of capWan 0f thc local haiez-v fo naajoyr oet te afttlton of wlainah the lo)cal battez-y le a part Wheaa lmtraucwedaboutthflic atter foday Major Sîuîîih declureil that tlîe annoauncni carnhe (o hlm as a sur- prise a lie satu lie lied nol evert ap- pîteit for fiche înar IHe le mucli pîmeune, nattîrali. andI esaerte (bat ie Most vertailtu c 5111 acceprt. CANNOI CROSS ILEGS IN A STREET CAR New York, Jîuî 9.-A Brooklyn ;lo- lice zxagttrate la; autiboalty for the ming that "nu man bias a rigluf to aLitna a publie car with bis legecaos et." The roliaug cet Ricard lacger. a New- York plitogralpea-, a fineoro $10 The compl.xiuazt against Jaeger ws a womuzî ta.aenzer on a ca-owd- ei elevateal fraun. Ste swore tiuat ho fook a ai-at lsie ber andi tanme- diatof y ca-vieci luelegs, thereliy ib- otrucf.jzg thle Puase ma irbbiag a dlaty alioe agaunst ber ires, as $f,72ui, lu. The aire works rornes next sufitha persofial value of $21i4,0.lu. The largest indvlvauiaf peraionat fax inflic city of Xaukegan ls as- bsssci agaînut \hrs. Margaret Steele, the full amouaf being $75,555. The figures as tbey ataticar alter flie Persansa name an the offcial pulica- flon, shows the assessed value of theiz- tursonaf pralierfe. whlcb is one-thiril fhiizfiait value. Thuix. f0 gel fthe esti- matai fuil value on which fbhey are aasessed, one must muttipty hy three. The exact tax on each fiezson or DOES THE FEAR 0F TITANIC FAE KEEP EXCURSIONS AWAYý corporation t oes not s huw no w as thle tax zat e lias nitifyet luien ilxe ,I t i t l ,lwaNsi i. luiitluNovenvr. Aniong thelie li pertazsoial tiloperty taxes laithle city are shoioai tlii fol)w- ing. our figures stiow ithfalil value of the propertv lieliili each, the of- ficial lis( shos lng niez-cIi thle avamessed or one-thiird val iationa. P'ull figures8 M. Aischuier l'o-,$ 3. Mrs. Mlary Bowls. : OI J.XW Barwetl. $Io, 84. t. Ilumberg, $3,49,5. Fred Barsfow. $1.525. Lorenzo lilhoti. $1,005. C'aroline A. Btodgett, $5,220. lestey Ilrewtng (Co., $5.505ý C. B.('ummînge.$1.10 ('3cl'oaîe Fence Co, $6.900). C'hicago Tle (Co.. $3.900. T. \. Dwyer, S5,0f10. W. H.tDow (Co, $8,955. Globe Department Store. $10,005. Mary A. Gattagher, $4.560. F. C.. Geilge, $3.0.10. Mary C. Hull, $3.330. Atex Hein Co., $4.050. Husoey Luniber Co.. $7.890. Ingalts Bros. $3.600. C. J. Jones, $12.000 Frank Kendall, $4,995. <Continued on Page Two) ýWILL ARREST ALL SPEEDERS FROM NOW ON SAYS TYRRELL THIS IS THE REASON THAT IS5 DECLARES THE POLICE HAVE BEING ASCRIBED IN SOME IN- BEEN LENIENT AS LONG AS STANCES IN CHICAGO. THEY CARE TO-BEWARE. SEEMS LOGICAL REASON MANY COMPLAINTS MADE BECAUSE MANY EXCURSIONISTS OFFICER DECLARES 1307H MO- ALWAVS COME HERE LOCAL TORCYCLES AND AUTO DRIV- PEOPLE ARE WONOERING. ERS WILL BE ARRESTED. XVlia-e are flie ('tiivago oxuiua-oiitS s-ho alwau lihaive maie ituify boat trifps f0 Waiikegaus ecdiyear. As i-et fluere bots been but one excursion to thîs iity adfile caoaci on the bout was anythiug but ext iacfory. Recently theIai nletaeuiu't Oriler o!ý Odd Felilwoaecf <'lirgo pîiiei tak- Ing a boait excuarsion. 'Pli excursion bas bai-n abanioneai. fine of the greitfft z-muos for tiis (ContInued on Page Two) Warit to Know How to Save Your Ice BiI1-Iiere's the Way A serieuu of nefrlgea-atoa- i'ta for bot seather was oui liai-i ly A. S. Kicin of Cii-eluutIl, Ohio, at a meeting ofthfli Anienîcati Refrigerator Nlantifac- tua-crs' asusociiaiouinunChicago. Thie iaîîu.'ho sai, arceilesigaci te save ie und hi-cii food theiiflcbest state o! pri-sez-vat iota. "Donat opetn the Iee campatnicnt aber exuept fo put i teeor f0 fakei, 1 onf. Keeli thaf ulooz- tocked tl itossilul 1e ting tfloser douz- fwcnty finies wili not mu-ll t-e eas fast as fui opienaifhiaic, t iaz mnce. "Dont paît foodl or wafer aext the ici- Titis ilîferferes witli the air ciacula- tienu la the r-frigez-ator andl requla-es fretîuent opeaiag ftiffhe ice conhpurtrnent door. '.iDutit aliîuw the ire to aun toc-, Kceîî Itie cofaîparfnîezuf filici a-4 tie e niella fastez- sheu if la tow. tiouf îvcpaler or 0f ber înaiieuito k0 <c;iliiih e froan rnellifg, If flic dee didflot niRt twouli have uo cooilng ecftýct. Sanlitatuon Important. "Tant aiiîîw refuse or confuininnaedrniaflea- foaccuuutfe i n flic re- fa-geaatur. qaitatlon In an ee lioxn s ub.sottîely neceeesry." Mfr.Kleli salal he knew of uo uflier mneans than these te keep clow'naie bibis'. 'Refrigea-ator men are woz-ftng on natlode ofar atificiat cootung, liait hley have aat been made practicable for amati refrigeratoa-s yet." he sai. The assciatIon la composai of teadlng refrlgeratar munufacturers of the country. The ta-sud la rnakIng refrigerators ls tawaral glass andi enaînel construction with I'mvorthlng in alght.'aocrdng ta Mr. lein. -Wez-e goizxg af fer thbe otorcycte azid auto xieeiem. u'ere going toara- a-csf ticai anud fiac fhem. Xe've becu l1ù-at long enougli and titis sjaeed- lng unidaaakinig a great noise wit.b on- gltes lias juot got to »topia" Assistant (hbief Tyra-eti nie the. above reauark toioty ami lie miii X as If fho aaeant every word. lie Ltaeth lat zatny coaplaiuits bave liecn a de tu the police aaîd th.e aathorities have trieilta tue tenlent la hope tube diver-s woutd or thla-owzi accord, remedl> atters, bwevea-, aee- ig fixait they are sf111 speedlag andl show tittle 1onceru for the publc, tlie offîccre liave decoci t bey muât pfut a stop fozthwlixta t the pract.ce. ZION'S FEASI 0F TABERNACLES START 1Ztuîau('If 's tweffth. feasi aoftulera- le-. wîitlue be edin laShiob Tubermi cIe liegtuning toiay uni ias«ing uzittI Juuir 21sf. 'Ple tiaret meeting lias-ta iais evea.ng ut 8 o'Nocit andI Indi- vistitors froaa distant points ta attend thi- anial- religions gatberiag. BLOW TO ELECTRIC CARS IN MILWAUJKEE Milwaukee, Jnly 9.-An opinion bas hi-en given. by Assistant %Sit>- Attorý 3ney Ctiftoa WlilIainusta the. rail- waya 'ornmitfee of the comlnon coun- jcil holding tht thUe Cticago ans i 1. s'aakee Eiect-ie interna-ban traina cam fnot legally lie ope-ated aver the track i ge-ving ta carry them vithin Uhe City $1.50 PER YEAIR IN ADVANME WIFE STAYED OUT TOO LATE;liUSBAND SIIOT AT NEICE AT LEAST THIS S8 THE TESTI. MONY THAT CA USEZODHiM TO BE BOUND OVER TO JURY. HAPPENED AT LAKE FORESI SISTER 0F PLAINTIFPS WIFIE SCARED AT 5H07, FELL DOWN STAIRS AND BROKE HER L» Cliargeal wilh assault witb à deadly Weapon, James Jefferson, a negro r.- eiding at Lake Forent, was giron a hearlng before Justice William WoI.u t hîs marning and was bounit ose to the grand jury ta bonda of $500 wlsic iîe was unabie tu turnish. The traule ail arase because Jeffer- son olilecteil ta the tour ut whlh@,,bl, wife returnei borne. He hbai r*te and 'been asleep sornie littl ie e be hîs stoise entered the houase. Wlth- out rnany lireliminaa-y remarku b# la aitegeal ta bave jumpeai out af bel gUd grabbed ber by the throat. Her screamts brougbt Mru. Jl- sons siater and ber nelce, Um nDoilla Ward, ruuning down staire. Tbe, *>- cording ta tii.tetndm" aoy, ASl drew ont bis sbooting ltrou andl em- maaded the wornen ta- retU stairs. The sister dli id 5i but Miss Ward stood ber proueg..Oo Jefferson la sald ta have' fre a at ber. At tlie moment tbe abat rang out. Mrs. Jeffereon'aaitj.- down tbeeliacla atepa toasum ~ ' police. Tiie sbot terrlled. her têga an extent that abs lait ber b~i, ani felI aU the. vay to ireakiag ber leg. Tbe sound of the sereanaing attrg* ed the police andi Jefferanw»alam under ara-est. Ha nild b. tiîî bad a rigbt to object te, bs wW 9taying out sa late at nit. tat se court tbougbt that ho chose tao aà. uaus a way of doing IL S- PEEVED BECAIJSE FRIENDS CAt'L Mre, Stromlierg of Sauth amomi Street waats la understoad tka- é dii not take poiaon-'in tact @ab.fa 8be bas nons Ia the bouam No om.» eaud tbat ebe did taks Poiombut b s peevedibecause sorne of hem ti and relatives In DeKaIb tboughbt 10 was tbe waman meant andl now * bas a boume full of oompany. Bs he ehe fears tbat balf of DeKa)b ull lM ber ta iearn ber conditians If thê ont rection leaflot maie. Bée affl *« ber naine liefore ber lait maniaS. was Ma-e. Hendriciteon and the. woMm wbo diai taire poiaon ani tira n m O gais la a suicidali nteat, was u"i Mrs. Headricis. Ma-a. Sta-omà«boe bas condncted a saloon for a.ual years. says that several of hbrrfriiMu in DeKalb came bere expectlg %0 find ber in tbe bospitai. TROLLEY TRIPS. FOR CICEiNS TO WAU[W ANNOUNCEMENT MADE T«A#ATD. NUAL TRI-WEEK EXCURSICIS VIA ELECTRIC WILI.SAL ON MON., WED., AND0 M. EXCURSIONIS ARE PLANNED THIS VEAR BY THE CHICAGO JOUR NAL; TO BRIAMO MANY HUE The SUN taday learued the Obi. tugaiJouraliehmasarranged excunloi ta Waoikeguau. via the ChiSo g#i Milwaukee Electrie sitar t"i. wf plan as ttiose coiaucf t IniM by thelie fl-axoiAmraitua, mit buS. ting 'aonduty nex.t. tbrea Nb a weelc aiRlie zun a t t. àC1 Tlio excursion$ vil bu Monda-y. Xednsutay Inuld eacb tirne anyvilefat IM U persans ahI hbnie b a few boum In tiiOg Cal Harrais cursiaBa luit y a" hohm *b po u)

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