-wi s PM boa& ëott's Emulsion 0l âesl" body. m o,.na Mm s hall ext Sunua, Lake Zurich ve boge 5rowinego., tesin o1 Waukegan. Ibo dance tact Ssturday igtwa wtl stiended. A goad iibe wm and hy a&L A Rogain~eot bail was played hoem uaday hetweeu Waucanda and oui em-ts. 'scoere wasl10 ta 9 lu iavon of tbe home tban. À. J. Eedmond and fan.ly o Oak paa&. mreaItheîr cottage bhem over !lm. meed@ ercmost on the lakes wlth Isw iDem sd cutter and the lake lek a oal dm1 btter. Two young ladiea trom St. Joseph, Uo, arevletlng mith iev. J. Belnrich and tamily at precet. .~,Pmhm inade a trip ta Palatine Otto RendIon sund isml>' aiChiaga, are vllting witb Lewis Geany and tamil>' thia *sek. WIliam A. Sommerlheld wiii attend th ihiash annual convention ai th Grand Arcb Ceuncil ai the Alpha Delta Sigmna #esternit>' ai the international Catires. Poadence Sehoale Illumume Chapie 11h.7" sud Saturday. Jul>' 19 and mhcb wmlii h. held in Chiago. Tb@ large panting ontitled. "1Pillare' W o Woodcrmft'" mhich mas preeeoied by WbUam A. fiammerfield ta aur local aip et Modern Woodmen ai Ameies ttduly acccpted sud merehera ai Lake %**,al camp thlol it s grest plecetoi Iffrk. Idr. Sommerfield le tht only *U'tit tese parte ihat dose. uch wowk md themifore bae won honor - Weocer ho bas chamu i. mark. He la 4osWlalty henomed hy hie iellow tudente t" asinere o is belovcd Gree letton ÏMMndaty. the Alpha Delta Sgma&'. FREM0O1T. 'tir. and lins. Geo. Zimmer of Long qeora,cae"on relative@ sud iiends 31aya. Wrts t. ntertining hen '00alafImmthe City. Peei Obenaut aud lady friend spent Sandayaàt home. Ni. aqdidlre. E. Y. Orvîs ai Waukegao, qsat Sanda>' mitb the latter'e parenta. Pal Buckl>' ai Chlcago, @pont Sunday et the Wîtz home. BarmeyBehm af Waukegmm, ealld tosrt remetly. 1. Artijur, the tour yean aId son ai Abert ftabr o!f reinent township, cuctileut oàvsyserlons ljur>' ..onday shen he vu kkW in luthe lae by a homses mlcb -ls la"er ms ueng lu serapluz on tht fay. TII lad ais short whlp ih W" k 1w.emlwtching the horee'e legs vhias-the animai lot fi>' and ihwaa hsaoe for a tint the boy mlght have lbd% tlaeliy hurt. Dr. Taylor of LIàistyvliâo, mas call.d mand madé s $o!tl 0 th tarcn. reCbng tbere :mhln twenly-three minute alter tâte «eIl. Dr. Taylor t<4k eveu stilhes mmd itle taelloved the o bye elght mll h. aval and It ho eill nt h. mach dialomred. L.nd of LIcence eaot. 1Mai'10. mat groma lu abundanfl et1 t4elr littie cousin. Lowla' irlhdaj. Re was Iwo yearé old j uly l2t.1'Xe lilase ene wlll @pend ther vacation wlth tlr-rher n sd tamily bhe. liarrled, at ber home lu Paiatine, Wededq eenng, Jnly 8, Mine Adella Smith 7md Wm. Detcher. er. Robtorm pertormed a double ring cereman>'. The happy couple are enaying a haueymooo trhp thraugh the osât and milI be ai home ta thelr iiende siter Oct. let at Blggins Ave. Chicago. Summer colde-are bard ta geiJ rid of mmd troquently> lead ta asihins, brou. 'cuitis and ha>' leven. Do nai lai yaun ,cold gsI a hold on yan, but une Foiey'. Houe>' and Tan Cmpund ion quiel relief. W. H. Allen, Chelsea, Wi., eaye: "We preter Faley's tiane>' and Tan Compound ro athen cough medieinen because Ih quiu'lly curen coughe sud colde. h mili mard aff s cold il takon in tino." Cntalucaaptateo. Foncaleby al." Far cale by al Dnuggitee. Goad H.alth. Oood bealth la the pivot ot a happy lite. Mono>' milI bu>' Itseometimes, but lit cauand dose exlt wthsa lean pock. ethool. Thome wha ara tled ta work- lug banne etain health b>' lIving more or terne hy ruie. b>' negular habite ot est- lug, b>' careful doe oi recrestion, snd b>' mn abundsne ut eleep. Knoomng mhat Wme do about the recuperatîve power ai slatp, ilite ot ta bu wonder- ed at ibat me epei lîberally for hed iurnshng-it la rather strangi *that i ti knoledge sud expeose me do nt hav, a koto deire for hed at praper Se.aon. WORD8 PROM HOME Statementm Tuât May b. investigated. Ta 'tmonv o!Libertyvilie Citizen@ When a Libetyville citizen came. ît ta the front, telliog bihieuodes ad neighh9gre ai hic expenlonce. yau eau rel>' on hi incerit>'. The taiemente 01 people residlng ln fan amay placea do net command youn confidence. lions endor.letnt le the kînd that bocks Doa"'@ Kldney Pille. fiueh tes- tlmny in ceuvlncing. Invetigation provesIit rae..Beloîr lea atatenent et aLîbrtyvvilIt e ideut. NO ftrauger proot of mcmi can h. hal. (. aG rduer, ae't. agent ofIluterurban ralîroati, Lbertyrvlile, Ill., @aYe: 'Doan'a Kldnty Pills are a moudontul romedy and *houli béeeed l19 a11 case.Ot kilm.Y trouble. For tileot.4aur yeare1I ad a very haWtback and altboughIt trid severalremoit. notlmlug belooit me. 1 anld hany ge out obed and 1 bad neyons pains la uy'balk. Aten tnylng ail kinde et nedielus mthout h.ucfit. t uned Domm-a Kldnty Ptill. The>' htiped e t o n c u d e e ra I b o x e@ g a ve une .Fan.l, h i dealere. PrIme 50 cnte. Fo.ttr-lillbur C., BuffaoNew Yark ole a&pute ton the United Stata. itonembon ithe nae-D)as'n-and tale ne ather. . 4. . L. Trpp, R.F. Route Irving E. Payne, President. Vice Proaldent. bahier. THE CITUZENS' OANK ROCKrELLER, ILL,. Xfoney Orders, payable at principal pointa in Europe and Great Britain, are procurable Iere. 3 per cent interest paid on savings and oertilicates --The checking system is uaed in trarimoting 90 per cent.of the business of the United States. PARTNERS AND DIRECTORS: ",LTrîpp R. F. Route..Irving E. Payne. 14 l i er. J. L. Taylor. J. S. Gradiay. 'teart»era' eeaponalbllty Approxlmately $100,000.00. and lad take udi workdlm pOstion1 p PIloN! -us J.. MAKE YOUR La 119DRI V[flY DQSitiss STARVIA. Now iis the time to =o,, Upandarag ehete iiî* wooflnganirongepr. ~ WUWIED.ADDRES. 13,A KE.R SLaw Porest, Iwlio$ What ByT T,*WX I COREEPONDINTAGENT mieGrame Vanloru ententalued mie" Ruth Wells ai Oberland, Ohlo, and tht Misses Ada Keubker snd Nellie VanBora ci Chîcago, r-etir. lire.Roaof aud iamily of Barringtau, aud lire.finzikeol Minneapolis, visite4 Mir. and lira. Nlck Bs4er recently. Herman Schroeden le workiug in his brother Beury'c gracery lu Glencee cehile hie brother le on a trip ta Germany. The Odd Fellowo wlîî pienie ai Fax Grave, Çaty, Thurcday, July 25. Tte locallodge wili have ehe ige ai the pregraim. Mri. and lire. L. T. Rence entertaiued hie lather sud a irieu.I irore Chicago aven Suunday. Charles Dean le in Grand Rapide, MW.t, tht. week. J. H. iehlerdlug le eerviug an grand rjury thie week. rars C. Olgen aud lia.týr Meredith aIa lre. T. Catlow irom Evaneton, and the ie@ Tenleee and Sarah lieuse iro fChicago. epeut Frlday sud S#turdaY r Wlth Mrn Mmdir.L T. lieuse la honer Louis Kulgge aud tamlly af LhertyvWle @peut Suvday sitihe. home et Fred Knlgg. George Itas anmd iamiliy ai Chicago are violtiug At the home 01 J. B. Ayusley. Net Suaday moruiog Rev. Carr wili t àle t r hie nubject : «"Move On" snd ln theeveningon *'Wbôl5noingto Besven." socohe crchiasmeaor Thurcdvay TheCiloheian Endeaorwlll gve a evening, Jul>' 25, and hope that every- one milI hlp mate it a nuceet. Rev. Garn made a bueluec trip ta Wau. legan Tuecday. Mire. Thon. Russell and childeen sud elter, Mie. Wagotafi, leit Moda, for EIPaso, NI., mbere tlioy mlis@pend two wees vlsitlog wth relativesansd finde. Posters are oui for anothen M. W. W. dauce ta ho ginen by the Ivamhoe lodge ab the Waadnan hall Thureday evenlng, Jo!>' 25. Louis Rader menet Saiurday illurmla- tivet at Palatîne. Otta Tegtmeyer snd ismil>' epeot Sun- day at Gilmer. Lee Amen hae punebseed a placeln Libertyville aud mlii move hie iamily there eon. jIrving Payne made au auto trip ta FliloWednesday. Arthur William@ le haome tram Chicago apendioz bis vacation wth hie isihen. Wm. Williams. Exeavatiug cOltraetaf King end Bapke have arranged ta remare thetflirt tar a haeemont under the Cameran Bote! sud the work la meli under way. Thie le a Dem firm lusetting ln tomu sud it ie gratityluz te note thst the Indu. tiousnese bide moU ifon their Ipeces. Lut Ti.osday eveuug lMn, sud lire. L. B. Amee entertsned at a cuppor ai ihelr home ai Wiod Whlsile Cahin heme, lu hono, ai the seventy-eixth hlntbday ai lire. Amnes' tather, IL R. Daolittle. Be- Pidet lira. Doolîttle, Mn. and lire. E. B. Yager mmd famil>' ai Waukegan, lir. and jIVANHOE li. nsdlire. Abert lSnyder more Chicago vigiore Fnida>'. lire. John fihephard ta entitninu li. Mlulen and grand daughten fron Chicago. Tht Buudmy nohool held ÈLII le annual plet. on Hill'& Point. Bmmg's Lake. Wauconds,tlas% Thursday. FbThe ether ea. Ideai sud the large crowd enoyed Ibemselves lu hoating, playloz hall sud vlieiin"..ll report a fine time. There mîll h. an Ic re mnlama socal aI the home et Henry VauPlem, Thure- day eveulng, Julv 25. A pragrrain la hing prepareut and cvenyono milI ho cordlally melcomeul. Icecresn sd cake 16 rente. B. C. Payne spent Thureda>' luthel elty sud attended the hall game betmeen1 Mmre A. P. Whe.lr sud lameily o! lbrty- ville, and 1. B. Dcqlittle of Chicago were prernent. Mi. DoolttIe isoneol thooldeset- sottlers ef tète fpart of the eountrY. Bas* Bsll The vilissi mIel. Thrcughuut the long. brit dey Nou maud dlaianbed the 8abbcth quiet lChre. SAVe Whnu nom. Dolisybu crt paceed t And abt largebul«a lu the aumlet Ir. Noa herMia nota. lie tue'. advaice Proclaiuied, Nor @i'aklDg drew-bridge rtiugir m Mel Told anaht Oaibher our gallaut eleflalu almied. To u p libt on u 1h5bunaud udgeat hir Nu suund oni ete iommetc atifleme bruo. Nora 1.14kcouer criner crashut aitI Cor Ed. Pa,-.e amIugit ur Harvey Wateun'a Ta 10l e warid ai large Dun r e Wb@beat- loir. The village .letas basbeecu nid beure. mue,, aUaily teehall gamer makem tiflg But Suday-gse l maken à fellow Sure. For thoO enone Tam Mrray, didet cme. Omlng te a njnry ta bi8 brother. the manager ai the Tom liurray'e waeoun- able ta camne ont Bunda>' aud the teamt would nat carne uuehsperaued soavie bsu no gaine. Moet ai the tesmn put in tht foreuoon at, or rather iu, Lake Eara and everaI heautiful caftes of enuburu are rep',nied. Otto King gakve a pretty exhibition ai high and tancy diving but ibat mas aiter the cnowd bad.leit so you wmli have ta tale hie word tar it. Our peerleaétifret sacler Kuigge broke minta ia.i cmpamy Sunda>' stternaon aud plsycd second for the Diamand Lake teamin l a double beader at that place@. Hie 9peed, bath afieuivel, and defen- ively, wae io marvelaus ihat overyone etood aud gazed aI hlm in openmouthed monder. One eeciator no engaged loot a per. iectly gond set ai etare ieeth which dnopped out, olk a couple oh teeblebhops and ralled damu a gaphers hale. Hie ha. Gleu'n permission te dlgtg Iei up Il he cheme. The real exeltlng patof the gaine came at the finish when the score etoad 24 ta 28 againet Damond Lake, with 1itaoont, the haies ful and aur hera at bbat. He knockoe a twa bagger and 1treiched it laie a home run puehlng th6 ather unnere ahoadai hm. yeu.have 1read tuil eicoaelvyouati mi note that thîs ouly tltd the score but dîd tht. leeze aur her?-not perceptabiy, ho dld nat stop ai tht plate hut Awn around the bame deaienlng applauee of the multitude. Nort Suoday the tem goe to Doo rOave ior a game witb Palatine and ih le expecied that a large cromd ai fane milI acecalpan>' iheu. The Bohman gils have returned ta Chlcago alter a week's viait wlth Bar- bara Amann sud other finonde here. Wila Katherlne Lauffluberger, who le &pouding a iew days aI home, was a Berilgton vIsiter aturdaz. Mn. and Mre. Underwood entertalned compsay aver 8uuda>. Whata the matter wltli the Gilmer hall teinm? Hope yau will do botter neit time. The klurmatsmily entertalned campany over Sunday. Athun Bail wmea sLîhotyvîlle taller ecntly. li. nsd lire. Oea.Pozel are npedng thitwo meele vacaloh mîth lire Poset'm parente, Mn. aud Mms H. Mieyer. the Cube and Glats. dQulte taie tfroa boere atended the Porter Dual ai raylale, @ a eea a!Dylandyugi guet ai tht W m. Kuebkerhome Sunday. Mies Trherensau Amaun opet Sunday LouIs RadIe vigited lu Chicago Thure-and lionday mith hon conslu Barbara. day. Mise Barbara Amana ge"avespart>'J lieu. Eizaeth ud nhyKuo len t Wedueeday evening h tleng hem eent Mondambe adRayae eaties. lneteenth birthday. Tht eveulng man sLIra. JnaenBock ayi akrltivesn @put ni uplau'lng gante of ail kinde. A Mr@ Jaes eekof aukffl ladelicioni uppmas se rved mhleh mas epeudiug a ew daàyo aithebnhomer e enayed hy aIl. Ail departed ln tht tarI>' brotb.r, Frank Smihh. merning wlehlnig ber maay more happy hirthdaYc. DIAMON LAX.EWe &re ail gîad to ses Mise Lillian ......---- .." Schwermau Iu aur tom n 0agala. Oea. W. Mitchell ha. gene ta vi inr-lil Elizabeth Coal le spending a wel Oea. Oet and tamil>' Iu South Dakats. wih relative. le Chicago. li. n.ulre. F. Tatomoreide et St.- WEiaCo a iil.fr@m Louis. Mo. vlited ai leorge àlihcheU' meMiss Era aok landuvleugin eota. lest meol. rlm lha ntmdueel aoa LetFnida>' nlght a gond tînt maâ eoydb'tht Young folk atINaPart>' giron by Pearl and Garden Ha>'. Tht Diemond Lake bacebsil club mou s double ltt Sunda>'. Th@t irst gaatu" Glimrendtd mlth a score 0t 15aSat. arer ro! Dlsond Laie oi coureel Tb. seond gamn.me wi Long Gravt vas a doser one lie acoîa belug 1inta9.Diamaud Leke =mng lu tht lest imalg. lTh. baya Iad -Wmsuit at an WWIdmsrrei tlaa l tut. LON-GGROVE Sunday Sohool Plchlc. Tbe Evangelicai-Lutherân church will ho&d thelr annual Sunday echool piculc at Un. ucual place, noriîbwet 0ettowD on feds,, July 28, 1912. Tht natlls prograin wlll h. ohmasvd -aa4 aMun muntaeani refrhmeeti wM lbe aupplled. Votas ad brng your 81 948-2 Mfrand lir@. Rarry Eut. is fChicago, were guette at the James Galloway home Sstulay. lira. A. H. Muhike entertained ber alter, lir@. Vetter tacti Frlday. Mir. and Mir@. Will Kiet ai Wilmette, were gueetsa t the home ai Mr@. L. P. Todd Sunday. Mse Bertha Freeze ai Chlepg, le vliting with ber mothen. ~ Mire. Kerset n sd chlldren ai Chicago, wPere gue@Ue at the home aif(C. W. Pettie during the week. lire. Kreu ansd daughter lRuth, Mire. Ender and olece and lire. M.. Harenter- ger @peut Saturday lu Madînan. S. P. Hutehiaon let Sunday eveuing au a month's trip eaut. He will viei t Beaver Faitlenon., and then ga an to New York and Bouton. lii. and Mre. Jake delig afIiowa, are viiting relatives lu Deerleld. lir@. Frantz oai sherinervllle. le epeod- ing a iew days with lir@. A. C. Antes.. W. A. Whiting entertalned Mrn. Onu wltb ai Chîcago, neyeraI dayc dnrlng tht week. In thece day.ai0 high cost of living, a medicine that gets a manu up ont af bed sud able ta wark iu a iew daye leaa vaiuable and weleonîe remedy. John Beath, liiehigan Bar, Cal.. had kidney and bladder %rouble, was eanfined ta, his bed, unable tai turn witlîout help. "I conimenced uing Faley Kldney Pilla aud eau truly eay I wac rellevedt aone." aie example ia Worth tollawlug. For cmie by &ail rugglâa. PRAIREVIEW The annual pleule ai the (irace Evauge. lical Sunday schaol wil l'e held on Tbnrsday, July 25 at L. H. Krneger'e grave a mile narth ai Prairie View. A gaad time ia lu etore for ail who attend. The anoual ChUldren'e day program of the Grame Evangeliesi Sunday echool will he given Sunday nlght, July 21. at the Evangelleal ehnnch at Prairie ,View. T'je ragrami will conslt of rectationa, dialogues, munie by the orchestra, me dbrln te ehindmlde quta 10 nîiread hr ladie and mequatet.o the evenlng wlth ne. The exercice beon at 8 P. m. ThetLa *i Veruen CneterjrAmocla tian mliimeet wlth lins. WinI Sehuler et Llbetyvllle. Frlday afternoon. July 26, the datne on Thuneda>'. Card of Thanks We wt.h ta thaul aur iiendn ion thelr lindntas sud boptul cympatby ai the euddeu desth ai aur hunband sud tather. the ervicee ai the Woadmen and' the besuitiful Itamere. lise. RtEHNt AND CHIiLusEr. j[ -HALFDAY lu a gant aI Bail Day laui Sanda>' the local bsec hall tean ehbut Ont Wheel. tng hy s score oi 7 ta 0. Tht baitor>' mark maa eplendid a. mas aise the aIl arouud playlng ai tht in sud oui field. The @ceont ollaws: Lest m*eel w.mode a lot of geodl people happy wlh new afflunts ln our SaVinga Deptrtont. Maybe you 'mue am"Ig ilium. If flot, Il isn't toa lot@. Accountsa ponéd b>' August 5 wil ho wonth '.1.018-4 on 1h. dollar nexi Januan>'. Yeu matri th ane dollar, and tqur. Pays. THE FIRST NATONAL BAK 0F IBERTYVILLE IYEXT 600R -TO0TI!POST OFFIO!E Invén Autos ha. aoep*cd a poaition au pisuhst lu thet teatre et Hlghlaud Park. lims.Lord et. Ravouewood, open t buadaywlth ber parente, Mr. and lire. C. 'w. Pettls. A union Suhday echeol piaule will ho htld st Sehile's grole on satundey, Jul.y 27. EveryoDt Je cordlly invlted te attend. Tht "Jeswel Club', hsd a latan pe rty ëaturday attrnoon et the homee utlr. J. A.Recîhoit, gr. John Woodniau hau neturned train Meroer. Wlc. lire. AdamIa .1t Teday ou a vlsît ta ber sou At Grajalake. Mies Christine Saller of Chicago, waa the guest et MIes Helen O'Brien, Bonday. liMre..Zoehler @pent severai daya during the 'week lu Lîbertyville wlt b er parente. .Mr&. L. P. Tadd lot Wdnuad#y for Pmw Paw Lake where she wmliaitei for a couple et meeka. li. and lire. Sherman ot Chiefago. mens the. guetta at ise.Margaret Vedder ever suuday. lire. Pyls la entertalulug Belîlu Cou.y 01 Chicago. is e bol Bledtstdt avent thteme end wlth ber parents in Deevfitld. t' tl F p R H p AE J. Dawou. 1b........... Oi9 Steooi, .8 .......... 1 00 0 I 0inucoue. 2b)....... 1 1u01 l Coniiuo,I.,h...........2 000 liaurabau.c ........ 1 1 12 1 t T. Dawson . i..... ... ...-.2 1 O O i Bracen. V. ...0 2 2 t 0 Total.................. 712 2410 2 WHESL1te. Becto? . m......... Mil . c.................0o0oie 2 1 Coell. 2b..........0 U la.,' hO.lb........... CBu. . ... ................O i U pd t a 1 d.flb ..-- ....... ....... ,:.-' 00 () 0 0 - Ttal..................... o 2t2O 8 o., wae buidl> Crlppied mih staîle r eunatlen due haaMY$ te unIeReid lu ht. leod. "le>' Kidue>' Pille entilnsly cured me aud a&ho remnved nlmebeUd bluk apecs ibat lmerecoutilt bforo eacl oiren aud Iare fective ior tht ygrloua oms airhsunatlai. For sis 'hy SUi Drugat.. i pm An Flei are( wheî troul Drug Bache Place In Music. Xch mas kuomo as the master 09 orgai. Ho la respansîble ion thel gnt syctem of plana playsLng.the' of ail the filgers. nincreaiug num ber a? people nopant ular!> oi thue aatioinuan.oy resulte tram loi Foe>' Kidne>' Pille and couîuueud ir ealiug sud curativé quîlitiu. y Kidne>' Pille are a caretuil>'lpre. ad medicine, guarasnteed ta cantalu barretul on habit icinîing druge. -y eau bave ouI>' a honoflelal efleel en ueed ion lido.>' sud bladder bles, ton lacl aehe, nhumaie. %k back on lumbago. EFor sale b'al igglsa. PIVE VOUNO ,MSN FROM ZION WERE CHAAQED WITM MAV- ING DEUTNOYED PROPERTV. 1 711 ca. se edic uainet thet fve Independeeats ofZion City, wfio wer. aleed tc, bevê PtztWpated la the. 1 amn bosard wm,weoe dlsiui mon. ewhem luntîe cof the Porno R. 8. Dot&- . ord took tht esses avuy froin tII ijury. t The. mon were arrested en warrante lsworn out be(ore Justice W. Fl. Weiss. iThe. attorney Sos the. defena. took a 9chuig.pt venue l i«l 0 oea.aJustice t otatord'. court. There ax,. stilli 8v. simîlar caes. pendln ns l cal court. The mon awho were taund "ont guilty" by vlr- 1tue of an "a ft L S tOUrr$BW..: sThé Dadi brthers. T. Boellen- .1 »aY atm MdKebsi> Hale. - 1%emon Se Urtated upon com- a clin fWlbur Glenn Voliva and 8 «me offolwrs. hand Tank Company's rSÏaveSiIo'sl jes On The Market ýW. S. IIAWTrIOR.NE - AG E N GENT ILlber-tyviIIe* - Illinols Il.ig Distance Phone- Il Libertvville 15 R 2. Fariner's Phone-Orayslae. A BIG MONEY MAKING BUSINESS, A Fa'scinating Success-Winning Prosperlty Getting Business Wonderful New Mooeq Maker NO COMPETITION! ,IOIN TMRE MONEY MAKIW8 $50.00 to $100.00 Weekly Bhould ho Kade Selling "'Ambrew" Concentrated Ectract for Making Beer at Hlome. Strictlg Legiti- mate. not Artuiciael. no Imitation. net a near Beer. No License required. A g.ena nLoger Boer. A imande rful succes a; oearyons satic8e d. F,ýaay t0 moa, ne boilîng, no apparatue requir.d. 10 Galloo Beer $1M0 Salve the Probition Quettimi. The Gratstt Problem of the Age. Everyone can make theLj awn beer et homL. Not a Dean beer, but a genuine lagelr4ee.ir, having the @ame tetngth and intarioating propertie.s a the beet beer made by the brewers. Ver~ eaeîly made, reqnlrmng Do apparatue of auy kind; just a littl ngrand wster. 'eej hgrdly a greater money making proposition in the country than the selling of «Ambrew" (-ouceetrated extracts. We want agents in every part of the contvi,) introduce 'Ambrew" ioto every home. This ie a @pIendid chance to malte more inon,' th-,n Nîou ever made before. This le your opportunity. .. SAuy Per&an who je the least bit ambitiolip, wlîaoeiv ide awske, wha je desirotîn of însking big monev exil take hold of thi fscinatingbuioese and '-IY hustlimr niake big money. The selling of "Ambrew" don't need inucli alking. Every beer. drinker bac been dreamiog of jiet cuch au article for veare. Your cotomers will coon appreciate its valne. Experieîîce je not oeceseany, so ne argument, no ooaxing, no imploring, Do bard work, no disagreeshîcocce. Think of it, "Ambrew" je wanted in every home; the houzewife will mon see ite value, would be delighted st it; at eight orazy ta, boy it. Thouesade of homes ta b. cupplied. Juet simpl1y waiting for the lueky persan ta conîè along ta @te them. Be the first oe atoacat. Seurs control of your territory et once. AMERCAN PRODUCTS CO. P. o. Box 41 Prairie View, III. Evenybedy len gelez te Deer Grave uait Sunday. B. A. Watson and W. B. lgge made a .~Ulinee trip te Gragelake Tueesy. lins Obt. Dorfier of! Ivanhoe, apent Suuday with her danghter, Mims E. 0. Wells. A. D. Anderon otllon, Cao.,,tspend- 1ga few days tii we.kat tii, Camtroo Lucille Kulgge la vlslllng ln Chcago wih lin. and lire. Carl Bock. lira Chas. Babcock and con Alvn et Millmiaukse vltecd tht. week wltb lire. Mary Swan. Bo. Fred Zersen ot Ituaca, 111. emlled thl. week on hie brothere, WiII and 'ferumau. MANY ACRUS 0F CORN DESTROY- ED IBY ýRAVAGtES 0F TINS RATHER SMAL.L INSECT. Reporta troaanmber et localiltie Indicate thaI the cm nrota pblié, fa- enlla.nly kmanes thetcomr ot lotis. la b.glamlngt t maie troube foerSerin ers ln the u«Me w&Y that flitadomo beoe., Say£ the Blccmbaitau P&Dhu- gravi'. Mhtes report& couIn f rom widetly mparattu l laeill.SuMest tuat, the inlur tam b. quit. serions and foquirles Indie"t te thea rn on eoins fahu lba oct beendoina Weiliand th taumer laims.t lii no dl.covor'ed the. cause. A Twsnty-Aore Fld Detroy.d. On one of the WfagM Bi, farie cent ai Damas, ocoupsi iiy Fred Dry.,a &dli atwenty Sanis. bas botu compelely detrcyei and Wlll he samwn ta inillet tisl weetc. On ctb- e, larme ns uthe. saie viclty, tht.. of F. ReeIne nid Mr. Strayer, tii. corn lu corne of the ifids la elreadY damaged inoni tiheravagea Mf this lit- tle tuseci. On the tarin ai W. C. Mar- tens, at ai Randolph, thon. sre pauches otfuom uthait show th* mm condition. Sauthweai ot Randctph thene are fields that are tnttated. James Murray, nean Oilut, bus came of thie litIe bfgc' and uorth- of Towazida In Money Cneek town- ohlp there le couaplaint tbua a nm- beron eBlds are already eufferlng. Otluar tarmere wheo lnterviewad cmli that the>' hsd not1ced thut something was wonklng ou the corn but Juai not iound ont what Ih waa. Onue man id that white grube more doitg nom. damae. ill« . 1 1 ý 1 ý Il t 1 3 1 ý-- i --JL HALI DIT n k