....................................................... .-... -"'-i. LAX COUNTY INDEMEDENT, FRmDAY, JUILY 19, 1912. This viinity waa vislted by a beavy rain Saturday. evral trees and tete. phone pôles were @truck by igtning. Wm. Thorn of Libertyville, mlpent a iew days with hie iou, W. (3. Tîoîn. iad. Edmund GerrY and childien re- turoed fronm Iowa lat Saturday. Mir. aud Mm. Roy Ilughes of Liberty- ville, viited relatives lu titis vicjflty the puât week : Mms and Miss Wineckie rturned to thair bonie in Syamore, 11L., Thursday. MMs J. H. Bouner had a lump removsd lrin ber bead Thursday by liii. Foiey and Jamiison. Mi. and Sir. L. J. Whjtkeoi Waukegan, speut Thursday with Mr. and Mis. W. J. White. Several roui Orle vlclity attended the play and dauc atGUnues Frday evening. Sie. Ira MeGuire Waters viiltsdl Mou. day and Tuesday with her cousin, W. 0. Mc0uire and MmiW, W. M.Donner. Paul Grililu @peut Suuday witb hile parents lu Waukegan. The Missonary BLudy clis met Tbursday witli Mrs.. Oo. Jamieson. Mr. and Mis. Oso. Gernity of VIrgil fil., %peut sevrai day. with Mr. and Mis Il.- B To wer aud othir relatves. j,,The (iE. iociety biBi an Ii cream social Tue..day evenlng ou the lâ*u or W. Il Stewart. The evening 'wad cool but wae Iijyel by ait piement. T4 arînjal Missilonary "e will be beld Wedrneeay, July 7ni, ut thsgchuinb. RUSSELL The Ladies Aid oeity at ie Wili Meivile'd wai wveii attended. The next meeting wilbe with lire. S. D. Murray. Mae Dodge o!fPeora, i4 vieiting ber aunt, Mii L. M. Bonusi. Doathy Watterion and Mons, Qu>yle of Oak Park, are sipendng anie time at the A. C. ijorrie home. A paîty eounug ieopie fiom Kenosha aceou.panied Myrtie Corrhs home on r3nuday. Mr. Chase has gone west on a business trip. Mise Austin speut Sundav et the Chams home. 0111e Herberger of Waukegan, ii visit- ing at E. P. Slvs'o. On Frlday morang occured ons of the worse storios that ever îwept this part o the country. The crops are greatly daiuawsd by the waahout. There wilii e a dance lua Murrie Bras. new barn an l7idey evenlnor, Juiy 26th. Au invitation ii eitended to aIl who wieh ta, attend but good conduet will Be damanded. Miss Laure BStand bas retuirnsd tram the weet wl'eres iihm ba een vislting duîing the. pait leur wseki. Mi. and Mr@. Eimer Faulkner of Zion Cty. weisitoeraialiers Sunday. Judge Welch of thkcago. ipenit la ew dayq lait wpek et tihehomne of is Cousin, James . W@lehý i. aud Ars. Fred McGure of hirago, are ipending thei vacation î4îth Mi. and Mrs is ui Kelly. aiea .ci.lter, hlS. Mliouaid and HICKORY daughter oi Lianeton, [IL Mis. A. Ci Grantud son ,i i f i A l- V il uie Jîaîîlsn 1of Kenioaha, Wl , i,,vsirt.iug ler. lt rM 0<ii ls plelîiiizlg !r i aatian wiil lir parents ~ . e(. Edwards an(] (;-.. Kennîredy ,fli. lleI.-rî lai.,r,.retu irisa lhome tiansacteil lînanea.i.Waulu Mu f'nrday lr,,îî4i bruton. IL dan. lev A.. %%. Sîîiird trntsw ted iàbsin~ss Mis, 1ert LEdmard.. i. .rit-rtu.îning ber in ia Ttiursda,%. ,pisîrh. Miss#.e Chirwtoîii c... iiiAChiîcagoî Mdê le..îvÇîîE d'dy ioi Ziar iI 3' this %.. visîîed tu.immCE.liiaer 1Tiurday and %lîs. Jetiîîîî ell.s tertainéd R1". Iriday, Stiber o.î.r iinIjay Janei.îsii s. epsîîýpet Flil- ltta IN inker W&M a Chiîago vsl duY V liblis aunut,Milrý Iatî»r. ioMnda ýI \îPratt of[lDru-.. take. sp'nt Overcomr,-r e Grouch. Stiînîay t A . l Savage. A grouchy ci doe.n't seem - naît an grouch, Y. tnsd vlgbti Fals Thers. up ta blmn and h-..te your propositioný Maoy a man can be everythlng but lu a feartesa manner E-D. riee Preaas I IH. B. EGERI Hardware and PaintsI WVe handle tVie faintîuîr John W. Masury Paints The paint that wears louger, looks best lougest atid gives best genieral service EOER'S is the pisse to order your Binding EOER'S is the place to biîy ail kinds of Libertyville, Illinois Stop! Look! Listent. And at Guruee too We have a quantity of f ire sale goods we are almost giving away and we are also selling Grocerles, Meats, etc., cheaper than other stores. AOT THE NEW STORE C. H.- BARNSTABLE Gurenee Ilnois Doingsanad Sayings of Grayslake .P. J. DrucýeEdiýtor Poei 1i Ordsîs lraken for Job Work The deceudeuts oi the Whitehîead and Palmer familles betd their aunual reunion Sat the haine oai Ms Subie White- head Snnday. Mrs. Lute Walt sud dangliteris spent Mouday lu Chicago. Oea. Stiang trausactedj business lu Chîtago Mauday. Win. Moore was a Chiiîago viitai Maonday. Advertiiing Raies On Application 1 la lmdead aud la now lî.îiikr i ,mineeî[,ly 1the tazidesm iâ, Je@@ L.îi&ibiaugli. Ëd waid Turner had a bal a.cîdeut a few days ago, white di ii îîg îbwn bill the sotrsp that holds thi, tils down, broke sud !nlghtened hi- i is.The loggy demualish.d aud t Ic irs iadly hunt. Misn Marcla Wheeler b ,îîî er sister st Chicagoa saturday amliudiiîay. Hiu*mli rn. Mha» iiiLiiifhilX - Oea. Anderson ai Lake Forept, callkd ai the moît sanitavi assii uç.to.ale on fieudi bers Mondlay. dairýyebonis lu Lake îrinty loi Ch&s. hIetins. Fred Knebker sol John Longsaugb transacted businiselu Waukegan Tueeday. Mi. sud Mis. Frank Wlnkie returned ta Grayîlake las« Saturday afternoon. Mies Blanche Hougbtou of Chicago, was aguest ofber mother, Mis. 0). P. Paron Salnîday sud Suuday. Miss lvah Loftue le îpending ber vacation wlth Miis Emma Gerlach at Nortb Crystal Lake. The lamons peacock ai Ben Cossians L- GA.GE'SLAM The (Gagtes Lake Ladies' Aid sîîitY wili useet witiî Mis Eh Harisnea TbhurKdây, Joir 27th. Mr. sud M re Chai. Thayer oai W auke- gaîî, speliît sundla. witii Mie Jamies. MNerlin M ofnald i bcago, spent Suîîîlay w i ti isii iiitr, Mie E.dgar Mis.lirrgýevreandJ, dia ln tuel b-iiptal at V.alikegan i oviug ami exp.ite tii return home thue wek. &I r..Mî-lesiy io! Clîiago. spîcit Suîciy V. tii ber daugulter, Jiîsephînu lit the J.lKellerîImi Mis-es argaret ssii 'an llnhiey oh Ciuinuati, Oijo. arrîred Tnesday for a six ceets*viuit wîtlî ibir enilsi. Mre. Eran L.awrenre. MceFarlane, a Chicagio îmanuho liai a dairy faima oh Taylor> I,, wT., barn bas an excellent drainage t la piped witb watei woîks thi îuizlii,ut sud lhas s ins ventilation systeýni, Saturday Spatial Ou Batuiday, Jnly 2îuiî, we will give a handiome souvenir t, every lady purchasing a boxgf "iii<Ilet Itexaît Talcuin Posoder." Doant hîrget the date Jîîiy 2th, the placéeat The Rexasl Stores, Orayslake anîd ltiund Lake. l'aic iv [he Co. WARRENTON GJeorge Bendtoen iof ÀC , -pent udaben, witiî hi,>,, t> Mise Mary Patten lu,, r. îîirîîe ,) hpbr home lu Ubievagoalter ia .k. b.i ere witlî Tho@. ltndd and f MliffsRose sepiey i. ... .e1nta ýeek lie re Mentl iy I . -..,Mrs. Mir. and Mis. Fr. I -. '.. ikewau visitare s .. Tfhe -Misses Fin r ,ago, are i lie relier. John, Lux ana i. ýi.ý speut Sunday wltliim, A mano. Ed Kelley sud aîîîî spent $unday witii Cuiliica.Ci, i Jo11,r hn NIrs l.iiansd daugliter lelen, usilii Keliey. lusei Fridar hfor t1ieli iiueat (revu MNIrs. Jas. Calliiiii irii I rs. Mary BkaY, Wlm., liavi ou simt the Pawit thîve Mefathy bave relîînîî.. ilticir bornîes wPeks witiî lier îîîotber. tIrs tVosemiP5i, f-,iitr i k, m.taclivri- tirs. Nlie I îung sund Mis .J an, W tii iistic. 1(lrîueiiy aifiruvr. caild as riends e livre ari rSihIiiug snd fti.,i f Waukegan, iSufiday. Sî,vît iiiniay cWitt] M ii, i IMrs.Ji.1iii tisJames aud Maggiv spentîi ndaiSuliiiig wiî fiesd@at ai Lbertyi ille i A large nîmb,.r if.,!. lix î.iiviple are Mr. sud Mi,. Wiite io! Windsiorpark, iiitertaiung city î-a,,ajl rieud@. &pettsunday wîtb the lattera 4isber Mbis tosetta larrii lus,. nituîînvd to Mis. %iose. jChicagoalater s hi v wiii s i aiitiiiiiM ith Mis. E. fi loMareîotrned 10 lier home ber arents. at Ivianliîe Tuesdsy aller a tliiee c eeks I iwing ta a wa>i -.. il îcî iiîîluwail lit viil with hnends bere. the uîllk train ivasisibutîint e iours ]&te Misý Amesaud daugliters entertained Satureiay. a large number ai childien at a lawo Paîty lait Wednesday aiteinoon fhum 2 ta -,.[ce cream sud cake weie served. Lois Bovie retuined ta Mcflenry, Sun- day alter st.endlng the pat two weeks' witb ber coîusin, Alice tenelfisu Joe itasing and irieud, Marou Glenn retuined ta ('hica.go Sunday evenlng alter sp.-nding their vacation at his borne bore. Gea. lumon and larnîlilet ta leave the lit ai uext week lor Rockioid, Ill., Wheie tbey will muake their future home. -Mis. Bush, Harriet and Dlonald were1 #aitors at Racine Tueeday. Lillian Effluger recentiy spent a few days witb ber auut, Mis JackStadttield. Mm. Leo Hendee le ..pending a iew weeks at ber bomne in lirayslake dnrlng Mi. Heudpees absenve. Heisl building a barn lu Fan du Lac. Wis , for %I. A. Grandy. Roy Blshop iîom Sonivie, lVls., j ipending a isw days witb lDonald Bush. Mi. Kunke froni Libeityvile, _Iiulshed plasteiing Mr. Shuniachers@ boardiug hanse Tuesday. Dance Satnidsy niglit at Amanni@ hall. 1 ORT HILL. - Mi. Vincent and Mis@ Olive Wilson ol Chicago, vi@ited over Snnday St the home ai the lattei's sont, Mis. G. C. BenweIll Miss Wilson let Wednesday loi Caliaornis where ber parente moved a lew yeais aga. Mi. snd Mis. A. J. Breweî atteuded the luerai ah Mi. Biewer's sunt, Mr@. John Gîldley at Ruessh Thuisday. Mr. and is%. A. J. Biewer sud Mr. and Mis. Meleig oh Giajslake motord ta Waukegau Monday alternoan. MisCara Bauer af Wsucouda. 'i. spending tbis week with ber sont, Mr@. V. Bottier. Mise Nalalie Staxen ai Butterfleld. Minu., sud Mis. A. J. Raymoud of Vola, vlsited at Lusk's lait Wednssday sud Thureday. Makes Wonic for Msny, lun rnas the erons who are @m. DlOY.d lu th. culUrs.tlon of th. vin* munibor 10.000.. FIRST MAN RESPONDS WELL KNOWN CINCINNATI MU- SICIAN 18 FIRST TO 08EY MANDATE 0F OVERSEER. CLAIMS THAT HE WAS MIRACU- LOUSLY CURED BY PRAYER 0F ZION CITY "SEVENTIES.' Josepti Ileidel, a mernber off the Cincinnati Musiciai.îi&Protectîvea-as- sociation, and wel lmown in musical eirctes Inthat City, Is the irwt m7n ta beed the caîl off Overseer Volîva dellvered in an addreffs at Central Zion Tabernacle, Chicago, Sîînday, aset. On that occasion the aveisoec cozgrnanded ail oulside niernheis ta g'et Ito Zion Cty. Aacaiding ta the. CIncînnuail ve- uing Past, Itaidet was au Invali fori tGis past fiye years, and bad te lie wheeed araund lu an Invalid ohai r. He had almo unideigone an operation during wqhich a plut aud a hlaiofa fluid was extre£ted fititnasgide. Heidel coannued to grow worse, Lnsing fliso n apidly that, accord- lng to bis own accounut, lue reiembied skUn stretebed opon bon«s. Ha was found ln tlUts condition by ona of thse "Zion seveuese.and, It la claimeui, throngh tha prayar ot taltb, wae mfr-acunusy healod. Hldei's lu- vaild chair was diapensed wltb and ha now waltcs witboiît even thSe aid of a cane.. Haidel h; a piano accoinpainist, a]- thoîîgh hc can tal.e bis part as vie- inhal, nornetist, viola or drîii payer, when nuwcessary.lie expeete ta mak.e Zion City his home snd bas accord- Ingli lirnrghi al bis bM-onzilig. Wità lins Miss 1ltenleptfi or111 a le For- est supt.ainnîl a corîîîouîodfractitinrito one off ber linis In an accident tbis mnorning. Juvi how' il i îiIie t bas fot lnnpossible t10 irn. linnaise the Lake Forest bnspitalis fill at prescrit, silo was broîîghi la 1he Mc- AlIsier hosplal bin qciv. N. Ja4-ahsoi for ihi ccii y,îars a rea- det of Graysiake. pro' ovsa 10 wbloh lie rail a factory on Sph ring st ree t Wiaukegan. loi! Sa irduiy evenlinit forl tulubla, Colo . wih bis sin, Mallrtin, cýho came hein a few days ag) ta take his fat-ber West -u Gb hiii whee ssii! regide lode.fuiteis 'Plie eider Jacobson lias con.iucteul a plaîiing miii at Grayelake for niant xegrs. YORK HOUSE Mra. T. C i îi1 j isveîtîug at 1me J. G. Nelsoo's asud calling on aId irieiide. The social at WILb. Wiloon's.lwat3 laîgely attend. eatrice l.îîi s cousin, Lillian ironi Lake Forest, is isiiting ber this week. The Ladies@' ui soiety which was ta have been at Niii, J. L. Burris lin Weduesday. Jliiv i7th, waa postpoued on accaunt of(i, eîissutil Thnîsidsy. July 250ii. Mr. an.d Mr, L.awrence Miller and Mim Manu&. iurîi v rohm Chicago, and A. P. Weil. andl faînîly speýnt Sunday at 0. W. Wells'. TASTES BULLY THAT'S WMAT TIIEY AIL SAY ONLY thi liîîoest, ripest natiral fruits-. ONLY the n, liest, cheshestet ii ONLY the best of everytlîing coin- biiîed witb dlean, saiitary .lispîeîlscny aud *exeellaiiî servi.. AT () VR SOD)A FOUNTAIN OAUR SODIlA DRINKS ARE MiAD)E RIGIIT "THE REXALL STORE" Druce DrugCo. Grayelae, Il-linois DR. L. Ml. COIJISON VETERINIAMAN Offire at Gardinier Hotel Phone 53R GRAYSLAKE ILLINOIS ARE YOU SICK? For Poison Blood th1fes h Blood, Cleanscs the Uiver. -.Clearthe 5ki, Strengthens the Nerves, V Increas th aeîe . ForCaterrh, Scrofu le, Scrofulou Humors, Ulcers, lVm ensd Pimples on thie Face, Constipation, Headache, Pis idt Buc< k, end aIl Blood diseuses from-any cause. I~iI For Chilis & Foer Of alidscentifie Chili, Maladeiansd Ague pures' "CHII.LAXP luth. wortd's grut- est. Absolutely sure, sale end harmiesa ta thi persan-taking it, yet so extremely fatal to the malaia germ -dthluinmalt cases it drives the poison eOndmrly out Of h systeoe in 3 deys. A Mild Family Laxative The New Discovery «For RHEUMATI SM andi GOUT, deep- »ated eand apprenyhopelossms, any J, iquarter af the Globe. Maicaant ta take Do'tW" w t iisWIhompounde, cure-alleansd liniments 'Cure Tour Kid..ys oKidney, Bladder and Urinary isss.,, e«lob , il neilected, atten leeds to Bright's Mosse. KIDNEY FLUSH lua sale, apeédy anddsaadsfactary remedy for long standing IUDNEY -trouble, possessing a wanderfut antiseptic power Jageutwaa'AnneaC u an ,I La ma susaLi- I Tmr uO rr ANS)îuMA&i o wus ~1W --'~~" ~5, SELECTS OWN PALL=BEARERS ALDERMAN JOHNSON OF PkîHe WOOD PICKED MEN WHOM HE WANTED TO OFFICIATE. PICKED OUT SIX OTHERS TO SERVE IN CASE FIRST SIX WERE NOT ABLE TO. It developa that Alderniiir Christ Johnson of 1-ighwood who dnd thei lut- ter liait off lest week, hsd ticked aut al his paît-bearera anme 11111e lime lie foie bis death. lt la saad ha realized Ihat ha cootd net lîveansd se picked out some of hie .personal fîleuds ta hase bis romains ta the grave. For tear that some af these men mlght not he able ta serve when tha cIme came ha aise appoluted six substitutease~ that tbera mght ha nu question about the matter. Mi. Johnson bad lved lu Hlghwuod itteen yeara and waa ieipected hy al. At the eletIon test Sprng ha was re- elected te the position off alderman, but bis lit healtb made It Impossible te serv e at a singta meeting sînce that time. The flag on thse city hatltle at hatf-masi and the city caunnit bas sent a baideome ftoral piece. The funerat will he beld Toesday morniug. Mr. Johuson was a mamber of the Miasaus, Woodmeu, Odd Fellows aud Eagles sud It is betieved tbat a large ojîmber off the memhers off ibese eiders will tomn out. Tralned te Use Both Monde. l'ho chîldien ut Japan are tald as aidexters. osing both bands squaiiy wlI Picturesque Manchunli. Wbeat cames into the miliei&Anle the rivera and raflways of Machna"À from aimost Incredibie distancies. the wInter, when the rough. ungrdW roads are frozen bard andl smooth. tbr. natives haul wheat for 200 miles, la sanie cases by meaus of a heavy, tw@ wheeled caît drawn by four to sitt mules. Long traina of the» cduS> traveling togeclier foi protection Mià comipaîîion'shlp at nigbt. can 4 "Ms on the main hîgliways aU wlnter aU aie thA most pîcturesque feStiU Manchurian life STEER STRAIHT ta toWm. Laycock & Co. Il YOD have auto neei, repairing or otberwi. I. dlaim ta know oui business snd to st. tend ta lt-s cdaim made good by svui7 rjob ieaving oui bands. Even If pon don't need oui servic-es today. drop la anybow. Weicîîme! .0 Wm. Laycock Co. Agents For MOILINE MOTOR ARS., 3Libertyvle, 111. PHONES-Reiidsncs 126L Sb"p 4336 Real Estate -- Insurance -«- Investments Bargain for $1800. 00 1"ranie dîwelflng, two blocks froua ________________ Mlaaîkevavenue, gaood location Several choice Rcsidences, modern in every respect 50 OR 60 ACRE FARM WANTED J. E. MEREDITHI & CO. ROOM 3 SC1IANCK BLOCK 1