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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Jul 1912, p. 5

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LAME COUNTY INDEPENDENT. FRFT)AY. JULY P), 191,). fro col i BUTTER, BUTTER. Who has the butter? if cou ore Iooklng for Butter made rm the. cîsanes t and punîst crearn-Butter Ihat has s golden olar, an a qumsite flasor and creamery tast. <len TRIGGS'S GROCERY icertainly thé place ta find tl. For r@liable Groceries at asonabbe prîces, caîl on us. J. ELI TRIGOCS 1PHIONE 25-3 ~W E want ta oel your attention to the fact that we ar t. headquarters for Everything for Men. WVe aim to carry a fulli une of Gent's Furnishinga. and at this time off er you a f ull line of HOT WEATHER goods at prices that are right considering the QUALITY of the goods we are offering.1e We guarntee you satisfaction or refund your money. We have eniployed an experienced taior and solicit any cleaning, spotting,' pressing' or repairing you may have ta do, we guaranteejlyou perfect satisfaction no matter] how difficultIIiITe work. JB, Morse & Co, =PH0 N E 14 - Libertyvillk, - - - lhinois. I amt v. 'clî8m'lanrk Pro.. al f il,', fîullusi,îîg us hiî, ILIBERTYVILLE BRIEFSI - auisr' ftomabil: Pé.er. of Pramr iew ', Heiîr_ [i ~ ~ N LOA AOIERSONAL MENTION FOR THE WEEK l'illatiim ai i mrié.'iirliai Og in m Them' Frdilioj il.' are.j To nsure publication in the 1Indep:n- !Aity.'l'army train Zîmma Cii 'i.orl sit> iielm dr.'ul uamin h dent, copy mustthbein the office no lat, uit>' Tum.iia>'. i4î.rt>'. ile, mîmrmfilli.% mli than Tuesday of each week. Adver- Mlîse Edna Barbour s;" -'oi>'i y1rama kinig feir voile a'ekifpas tiser, especially, are asiked tota tke witlî Irîods la Chicaga. let mliti miltiié i ,iîg n particulîr notice to this effect. Le.'B. Aines Lai vurcha'.e'î i iel. country Irimia% *iîiioriiti 1it y-__________________________hl"tee *hie resîdence on Fir.-i t .. tme dîmwniiimr hraiiî Humer Hendee ftram Antiofu i vi . 5f r. and hMr@. C. W. $tout ar 'n',I.-severée asmin ran>' itii-r imemitmng . ailîlfia Mrs. F. Laecker andil- ,, c iîe ont>'. 1vrainimIbaril fi. frteads Lere.frontiiîslwaukee. Ituoodîna tif fmIuwërnént' ai' MI'lliLrllo alatmne, mPlient Sun elseamere. ibertvlle smit daya witb relativts jure.Ni.adlr.aiabne i TLe t' . 1'willmeetwitl Sie p.Sunday wlth Mr. and 5frs %\ moti r of it a in taermvuthe' Th . ýT.V wl me wt l. ytle samd lamily boe. fm'aîare i ttoiama ésle Daniel Le@, Timeeda>', Jnly 23. NisIr. Paul MacOaffid left Tiî,iiliiîî lin edesdafJthe 11,as ( Mr. and Mre.lIra Newsom vieited civet- iig for Oittawa, Kanss, to i m.il lier rauaî dy, Jî. cuy 10,athei dunday a itL relatives at Warreatiin. pareats and other relatives thér,' tecogurt t We ll., or d thi Atty BH illt ad r. . L Ti lii Mie Florence Blerman of ii lto, Grace Evelyn Weeks of [iil left Wedaesmay for a business trip tui sîîeit a tew dayso o lait Wr-kiiîiii lier Ly the [tev. Edward N. Cant Iowa. parente, Mr. and Mins. Win.i lliim'. ofthe Fir@t M. E. rhnrcb of Jamne Forbrich of Chicago, vai bers %Ir@. Henry William@isanmd i1ldren Thme marriage, whlle knowi Saturday and Sanda>' wltb bie aepbew, leare nei week for bouton ami othen mediate familles cf the yai C. A. Forbrtch. easîera points for an extendrîl visit. came. ai a surprime ta Mi@ses Ida Bello Rone and Lilian Lane George Chard returneil vo Iii.iiiioenéla gro>om je the son of M.r. and1 of Walwor-tb, Wia. are iaêtlng Mie AstnSanday auter a Iww '.'.e. i< t Weil@ af this place and ins Orace Bond boe. ait the home o! bis oncle, Frarik N iliboe baviag @petis i entire C. F. Ba)leo returned ho Chicago Mon- A publie phane and boat ha.. Lien la- vlclnity. Ttie bride le the C dyalter a weeko' visit with Mr. and atie nteL"Irgti, h tireMr@.MM Stone af i mcbmaî Mr@s [Ray L. Habtuard. t eoeae yteCiai ,ehn althougb flot a reuidlent ber@ ta e oeraed y te Cîcai 'elîhime rlends, made dnrlng ber vîsI Thme Tinta Chapter ai the Westminister Company hm.r. sunt, ains. E. F. Swan. We Guild will give a lawn teite neit Tueeday r.Leaet nofN evening, Jnîy 23, asthe park. Look for ti. Lo§onth e t a tCllmark.lie.'.1congratu ation@ and Lest wlo poiteli. le visltlng ber aunt, lire. M. Brown on 1% Tbe Epworth League will bave an le ber way home. Announcenei -- -il . .. .,-na- IfSUO5 flfA. I Fridi cordi Ml hami Asi sellin AI e, cash engli M ro. Hari )Ai wMe grap Bai Lam coni Ail 9 witl NV Frai T HE lady who ha, a Kîtchen Cabinet wilI sas. sa aufficient num- o ber of trips <o the pantry to equal a long daily walk in the open ail air. which would do her more good. 1I r The Oaimond Kitchen Cabinet is the most convînient and great- ail est labor saving device for the home <hat you could purchase. a eii fact which every houasewife who has on*, wilI admit, a f We have a variety of styles. and would be glad to show them ta you. TREPTOW & TAYLOR L 1 B E R T Y VI1 L L E t- I NEVER COULD WRITE I AN AD. THAT WOULD LOOK WELL IN THIS SPACE AND SAY What I Want Yoti, 1 know IF YOU WILL COME IN WE CAN TELL YOU 0F Something That WiII Be Interesting THAT WE CANNOT ADVERTISE E. A. BISIIOP, mgr. Libertuville Lumber Companyj lv evening. Jul>' 2l. Th publicj The party who loft bis bat ai îlei town The Libertyville Assembly lally lnvited. bail] Bavrda>' alght ma> rý,. mur the Snaw Bail party itt <ei same b>' ealltng on the village îmars4hal reception ait the town ball nez le. Msaad Leigbtoa returaed Tuesday and paying for thI. a d. evenlng, July 20. There wili nGary. Indiana, wboesite Las Leevfao alt n ol o lang MiseHaitie Oltto who ret-arned William E. Doecker, with liîî trother afso al ndajl> a lwltb ber. Theodore and wle from Niîri lî Chicago, &Il who attend. t'aie la@ ml1amreturuimliing my bonse, 1 art, epeni Sanda>' wltb their Kmuter. Mrs. dancing frm8 Pe p. .) ip. i . m i 'Idfurîmtare whici ,, tîll in('harles Parker at Vola.dacnreeta tamfp condition, for lese tiran hall çmrice, for oeadbigyu rnt a uyluIqaire foîr particalars ai obrt Bond, acçmpaniib l 'bms a plesant and enjoyabl FAIR S'cmIaE. p43- 1 cousin, MismHelen Bnlkley. leIt 'ricday O'Coinor'o artcbistra. J. la"s frmmnt %Iiiwaake@, chietfuir a weeke@ visit wltb relaui., -iun New PRmmF. WIL J. A.s'ro-4, teer mua tLe S'outh Bide Flushing York and other enatera citle.. Dancing. Inel, visîted a few days lait week it Mrsý E. MrDonald anîl Str.. John hmre af C. W. Stoat. Barbonnwerelnitlatedintuitl,-frateriaity BOARD DECIDES ON se Irens Lawrrace, wbum la emplayed of True Kindned In Chicagr Frida>'. CLEANING K.W. Carroll & Sonsol'o. aortb store There le a movement on tout i) rganize pendinig lier vacation wl<L Mr. and a Iodge ln Libertyville. Village Councilmnen Diacui tE M. leALaa as Metropolîs aad Condactor John Elli-s ai ibm' St. Paul, Conditions. Pas& Ordin risharg, Illinois. waie throva tram a fniegbt cr Monda>y gulating Peddlers and T ise Eva DaBoi le opending a twa nigbt wben a grab iron Lrmikm.in tLe local 4e' vacation tramt ber duttlesaisteno. yards. lie wai talien to fr. Taylor'@ Tite sillage board at ii mE ber ai the Lake Coant>' Nationat office wbere be w&o attenrdeil and îstey day evening dWucnsid att ikm vliîlag Mis (race D-roker ai ber sent t a sChicago baspital. matter of clesning up th ne e L,&ciwer, ig.getting nid o! a aumber ai t est amcaten.Wis.Tneday eveaing the tollomsing part>' manare piles aad outhoases e Presîmyterian Ladies Aid saciety litft for Mon tana, an a humiue.s« trip Paul town district. 1bold tseir annual picole pat tLe A. MacOoffin. Ed. Buttenfleld, E. L. [)avis, 01 latte sereral camplaîntf y tarm on Thurnsday. Jul>' 25. A W. E. Davis. Aloi Boehm, Myrtle Lame Iodged with officiaIs and tbf 'cyace will leave thmechuneh at 10.30 accoampaatsd the, party ta loin ber pmar- as awLale agreed that saine wisbing transportation eommoaleate enta wbo are nov ta Monitana, Le done ta improve he sani 1 Miss Jenniv Kera. Tbe Cih.aen'i Band wili givc a ires' openirons hence s§tepe ail1 Le, ta iH. Wînale returaed ta, Lis home St air concert ta the park noct Tuceda>' to compel owners of the of àklmîrt, lad ., Nonday' morniag alter evening, JuIy 23. Evr'rlimdy a'cl'uune. offenses, ta "elean up" atc imt tute b omne uit E. A. Blshop on 'out-of-îowa t'lsiîoN -ci.mualls' loilted. board wiIl take formai aci iXht ioort. His daughten. MieMary JAIIE8 Si si c îm.%%1, to tarce tbem tu do go. ise. wili train for ant indeinihe Ism-i'umm The board meetingaias it. Dlan Bei nick Tuesdav bronght to outot allait, various matteni illiani Warren retnrned Taesday ta office titres aprige uof a'. lianecarrante am importance cau*iag memberi hmome ai San Benito. Texai, alter a we bave ever sein, izimman out doors. pino and con until alter 11 o'( ,r vsit aitb relatives and triendo Tite bosties were fleuri>' vient double b>' Two Ordînances Psý e.Mrvsh arren, aho recentl>' ander- the weight ai the fruit a'hich le of Two ratLer Important ta,%r uere'c,v.ul operahion i a emsnkfible@use aod cathfiunuhbLears an wcrepaised. l)nepentainine cago havlimtal. ivili remirn ndellaltely unusual aumber ot the iiey red trait, changes the rates ln son isit triendsv Miss Flora Stapleý. tt'y Paul Mac Lasikers. w ho peddle an the 'linkud'e Milling rampany întend to Gulfn's ofieretuiiF',' hmmada>' eveang rovers theater, etc. ia che oa large nuînher oft girls vo work at tram ber vacation vfmeît St tieuver and teoriacgan o ir ln Lîberty ieya d e r irmsCn raog OSp.riogs Suie rcturned vis theShore (las Company nighte t, in Lbertvile an thesuroundnîmn O@huin.' avenue and other ntry. Anygirîwaatiog v mrk. abere Norîhwestern anoif ii .avoded tbeîng l a )i wages are gau.rant.'ed on a cileman the w'reck whlub mmii ureu on the W. C. B.mains. The full ordinanues tiory mhonul aimpl>' at tli tir i. & Q. wbicb sire badiimiuimuered hakiag on pair@e i'm".iiesIssue. ilircnie for tLe Lenefit if St. Joseph'm ber retum rip. rch witl Le given St the fair gruid Misoeiace Crokm'r, i.. hu for the pamit Obituary. Thnrsday. July 2h ýRavmeandgamnee jour years haul Leco m îîmî,imyed a;. mashir f[titurt William (Irummitl L e teaturceé,mmt irmeda ' %fmmr çcich ah the Wm. Wairoiîlid rimie">and Menct oniîthe lc mîl ave>' tari north zs will Le awardedml iri r.i imner NMarket bers, tua.. re-'. id lier poiition i lie, îouî leceinber thet L c ererdi in uic afterourmandl and loft Tuesula>'forli-r borne at I an mFiglitcsa limudred, ltfty.four, i uîang. Adisimon Ire. lancitîg )Oceaiter, Wiscuosin. hM i.' lvamellé Carlson bis hmu mnMilwaakeeaveni rsan. Yuîu are lnvtml huai been sagagem tu) Ii L te vacaacy tîi,,tcntm, olneteabuadretý janaed b>' MIs i%@(ker ýrcsgnatimn. Oin November the tbmrtetl LIFE INSURA.NCE 1 Noa to the Cetostulii.> aur turnîture buomirrul iglîtyoune hi a tbring. reevly aone>' in a msoment, aimîl gmm ,.ami irlefie. New~'. Carrm' E. Nlcrrick ofthis pîat just ai tbat montent when if la most 1tfuraitare made andm repirsmasue satîs nlon îhrei sans were Lorn: il, an weîcoe. I actoril>' doute.Auîtu 1lolpevng aie0anSd mmii itBmufthis iy. an. iely and welcome. neatl>' dons an rcms'iIalmic terme. Time o yat aaa t ibertyvîlle l'abinet 5. mrks, HaiÂsi f 3 îu.t imda Q 'BoysE, phane 64V mutîl aswill quoie 's'. tireiiiceptionm1iix E EU y ou prîtes. p-43-1ioiin Saskatchewan Provlame. ) A1~ Epicapa Seriscehaviiilziiavm'd tImer.' wit5 hi A B 0 R fN Eicoa SrîseMaroh iîmneteen uad n Serice ttire. Episcimjal rharrL even>' tire Ie F client in Lake DistrictManager Sanda>' ai talloas i'lîmtrm'bservices St Mar'îltcofCio.. ean, owing t 10:30 P. ni. and Sunday vchool at 11.30. and rupumhebadulte ai phy 1Colon>' Lite lasurance Compansy AIl are cordtallyv ihted hum attend. sald fls' prolmcrty timene. refui OfficIn laes Office Bey. J. J. Steffens, lttmr. place an A nIl - lîsides lims N% fe and vans. i Misvm'r.Sirs. E. Lt. h'elis, lk and titres iimi's, mif tivplac bis Ims. S4ASSURES A Tire mimeraI services werv $ 1 Q Q H A P PY aftenîiaon. Jul>' the twelitb,f OLD AGE sideuue if hîs sister. the Bei. OLD ÂGE ander Imf tLe Firet Presbyteri - offi -lahirg, witb hurlaiInathe LD ,Nai Iake.mide erney AND 0 aCard a! Thanka $1.00 A WEEIK VW p také thim means ai exP, N invere tîcnkm to thuefriends ýYOU CAN DO IT IN A SAVINOS ACCOUNT WITH znaoifesued during the ilînesé ai [etîmmîiGr.mmiti. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Te NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICETh NE ND Tba scribere and la the Dont modlum In Lake ooulnty. i hît it. wa. lot .0 ;art 'd o!the .r. but 1,0 rqj îrt,l a- r 1la.- .ai- il frou, ibis oi'.a, Kamne îmîtrriage of ity to Mmi Lhmoud, III., iwell, pastmJr fthat Pl&(m@. m to the in. nung couple, many. The M r. E. H. Wel known B lle in tbls datighter af md, Ii., and re bai many te with ber otter hearty R U Aware That U R Allowing A great opportîcnity to pas e. ery day titat you do not visit our banký Succecss h'nd friends always follow a bank account. We can prove this to you if you will give us a chance. ILake County National Bank Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits $"8,00.00 There'.Money in The Earth l.~de .good muisd miba tber. ces .be n'r-or sal er loia prpesie.vothe v er- feriag5sbte a rnve.<evu. W. are lin<bthe.mmet te b"7, B to get aequoaated wlth. NUF CED. Up TOWN X. R. Schnaebele & Co. isanitary Rea Estate, Mortgage Loans and ance Re- GENERAL INSURANCE h .ters u [Luce Building PHIONE 18 LibertYVile,% eeting Idn tlengtb the e town by bîectionableI E. H. eORLETT G. X. FREDERICLI Corlett & Fredericks DEALERS IN Fancy Meats and Groceriei% Phone 30 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS 3t and Y. The ) North yMaiA peilOfeig eets gai e pca féig )ar on For Hot Weather Wear ahiumr Men's BalIbriggan Underw ear. these are "seconds" Lierty. but only slight imperfections cause them to be ity-âttt, lied at marke'd less than 50c, ail sizes at, per garment, 38c. ýre' Jly Boysp Blue hmba Waists, ih or dark color, 1ghteen very well made for 2.7c rried tii ro tbis Chlîldreiis ltîmîîmîers, nmade of Miue îîainbray and trirnmed rreîî W. with tui key remI, ail b izes at 25c. )ber El. Boys P'lay Siuit... 'l'wo-liece suit@ tmnde of Brown Khabj . sperît cloth, long trouver.., îecial att . ada, he mînly in Ladies U'nion eiLîitm, riLlîm.d, maile tunbrella style, finisbed ie en. witlm tut clîoit lace each '38c. ity. lu hcalth, "h.iiiiit Mu'mh" t'nioimeitt, the cooleeit a.nd moet oomfort- hn, Le tale itting un(ilerw car mîade. l'tire white bleaohed and nicely ta this firnished eatlmh 5e. lephews mnourn W. W. CARROALI & SONS CO. F rîday TWO STORMS the re- Alz AILeM clîuîulî BI>' lot i INSURE ÂGÂINST FIRE ng Our DI ONE 0F THE XKOST RELIABLE PIRE regh- INSUIR&NCE COXPANIES IN EXISTENCE npfttlmv death THE -NEW HAMPSHIRE.. Charles D. Proctor, Agenit ie bub. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. *4eea à t- m -MMUBMM%

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