LAX~ oetr~~r~ flI~DEP~NDENT, A. R AtrEIELS & OMP ANY ini te + ola BALM + lu-eBldg. -1t PÔR SALE-Bouse atnd twîî lots o + Fourth êt. near Broad way. on acount + FOR RENT 0 lIlmis will sell resnable. F. H. .+.+. . r. .+..+.++.+ OLtioTzti, Lbertyville. FOR-1 RENT-6 roons brkk cottage an fOR SALE-Houes, barn and b&rber ýSehool tret; Igai atd electrie lighito. Inofalf Day. tiret case buinesesIto. Pleety of large sud emtal fruit, good. Weill sater large rsteru. Cash ar terme. a. P. PuUaEttOW, Ieerfieid, Ill. r-43-t FOR SALE-At Appîs>' fat, sound beai>' mare, barnne:Uagon. 1>48-2 FOR SALE-New, modern, up-to-date I.xoim houes, large lot, lu Ravine Siope- suùbdivieicon, Rockefeller, 111. A bargain. 8. L. Tan-r, IRockefeller. 0-854t FOR SALE-Lake county larme, land lu Montana, Taxai and FlortSa. Dinsasu & AcertI. c-41-tf FOR SALE-New modem, up-to-date savon roocu houes, lot 50x278. on1 Uincoln Ave. WiII Oeil on e@»y terme. Irauire otf iza. S. Basin, Llert ville, « FOR SALE-8 raom houes and lot ail modem lnprovements, lot 100z150, ou Mlwaukee avenue soutb of Elctric depot. Iluaire ai R. E. Osuaursa, -Lletyvile. ce41-tf -àALE Lots In Osborne sub- division on Xiwauke. avenue outh ut the Eloetriru deliot.Water andSéSwer mains lidt. It E. Osiwtruru, Li,ertyville. c-4l-tl FOR SALE Hurmna for ail purpose; aIbo tutu second baud buggies audalne harmes.LAiii'c ti'. uui, Librtvlille, FOR SALE-3-year-oid cot orr ill i esde for an aiderhrft suritalr for the lver>'. Suarire Li r o.iLbrtyville, c t2 tf FOR SALE-I teau of wîrk borses ceap; 1 t!yenr .id e ot, I tram roi borme.. ieti;aI.alen ene vi-rul aud baruae; sue e.-ind ranS gs Sirs Lavasu-, Libetyville. Ii.i e.i.t FOR SALE ATA SACRIFICE-Il ronin bouse, aimait ns%, lot SOzi. ;goad location, mut b,- solS an onc-e. Price j Prolessionai Cards j DR. o. F BJrrERRIELD VETERINARY SURGEON. &ssUs.ANT STATEC VBTBEIIABIAI. Llbsrtyvllle. linots. DR. A. FL CHURCHILL physician end Surgeonu 011i-re l ive r à keC A l -« fi iR ies Iteur8to 0 A M.1t,, t.8P. Id speclal Vtutn e £'. N owa d Tiroir GLA;SSES PROPERLY FITTED Lîhertyville. -Ilinois DR. C, R. GALLOWAY, olTrit TMIR ESLOIZLL'B natU te R-. *ouzo-itram 1 ta 8 andI 6 to 8 p. as. Làbertyville. Ilinute. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY -4.T[LAW. Lierlyvlla. Illinois DR. GOLDING DENTIST Hojure tO 12 a.m-1 taS5 P.m. S J. Eh Tu-lus Building w ith Dr J. t. Ta>'lor-Plione 19 ies. Phone 1092 r tiberyville. llinole DR. E. H. SMITH. DENTIST. c AiE LAKI COUtNTY NATIONAL BANI. 7 ous-8 tc 12 a. m. and 1 ta B P. M. DAILY. tlbertyvillîsIlitois DR, 1. L TAYLOR. OrFICE aVE19 J. ELI. TItIGG8 B LDO. nouu:-T to 10a. m. 2to 4and St.k iesieue b 'n Braadway. opposte Park L.iortyvie. uinold. DR. E. V. SMITHI - GENERAL PRACTICE Bonrs..5 to 10 a. M. 2te iand 7tto M Pu u Ofm ce ovea r > uriture Steve. SPECIAL ATTENTION TU THE EYiu r LIBERTY VILLE. ILLINOIS MARTIN C. DeCKER Wti-e Opp. i8tt St. Etectriri Station Office Phoane 848 Ra. Pitons 1360HB 0.'ITH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING, dbist attention palS toa arabnglog sSdaoton salei sud hst resultu ln hanS.i fp sans. - iknde i horsa, wagons anS Itarnm fo1r saItor exehanelit au tins.. - HîtY SINE' - VVFY9N Ë ,IL FOR RENT-Iline offies lu the lcanck building.Ses theni. c-23-tt EuzsuuE:ns SHANÇK. FOR RENT-Rlouse on Schaol treet inquireol PAUL MàtOuîFFii, LibertyvBlle, + LOST and POUND + LOST-Red and whte yearling buill Not.lty @AuMGAminAs, LibertyvilBe, Il. P43-1 LOST-Betwesn Carroll'@ north stars and green hanse a chalu. The fuSder pleede eturn ta INDEpEtcOEST Office. p-43-1 LOST-La@t Suuday anroite tram Lîbertyvîlle to Fox L-ake au the Warrenton turapîke, about lire mille tramt Librtyville. brawu alligator natcheI. LIberal raward will heire tn tinrturu ot sante ta NuaCAcn.a HTL Lbertyv Il@,.111, c-44-1 + WANTED + GIRLS WANTE-Ta pack MacaronI. iaaod sagee guaranteed. Stad>' work. Pîsseant surroundinge Appi> TirE ForuisMiLIrr Cunr.s-'~,Lib>ertYVille, =7=0T1-71 rt oygeucral lionsswork. ini1uire as the Lake canuty National Bank. c-ltf WANTED-Plsbwastîer aý tire %'W ahles hatel. Good wagee pahul c-37-0t +MIBCELLANEOUS+ 1++4 ........... +++ nFira ini-unanra.hanse rentlng, conlle dtiaus, boans uegatiat-il <y lI(N sii.i -JULY là, 191-2. MeMORIAL TO SAS PRO . M IL >ILL AI LARES f Ral Estte ransersl INSTEAD OF TAKING COTTAGES LakvCtuuity Ttle&TruutCo. FORMER WAUKEGAN'SCHOOL SU- AT RESORTS, MANY STAN' BUT &iitra,-lî ou Title Ti tl.meGiu. an te PERINTENDENT TO BE HON- A VERY SHORT TIME. %arn<nirIitle Bidz ut.keai.II 1tii e.1 iirij r ORE BYFORER UPIS. AUTOMOBILES AL&O ARE BLAM 1Juil1 9, 1912 AtIatlies- Peter anS ED-LAKE GO'JNTY DOING 5ie 'o Lea M. .'ucAtee, lot t blockt EASTERN ARTIST PROMISES TO BETTER TO-AN MANY. 4, Xrîghhes additij, ,Libertyvjile. Q. MAKE BUST FOR SMALL SUM C. $1. AND MOVEMENT 1S STARTEO Proprietors of many of tlini uimr W. I.,XWilsoni and aile ta A.,B. - resorte Lu tire ' g olu uf la.te ac{aiugiey, lot t, liltulerts s ubdIvi- A Frauk H. Hall Meurorlal argen- mosnty,deciare M the icuuluu tiIs Iin, HiKhland Park. W. 1). $3.500. Izatian bas heen fbruieS,lire abject ye-ar lsa a SIgppoltmttinflýaîreuve Kemnedt and alfe ta J.. beug ta place a hast af tIra late XXiat lsce tofe thte rasoru-. uuîLatte NM. CuSaIry, nîne acrn-slu sourl-uteat, Professor Hall iu tire Arara public ibrar>'. Far four yeare '.Mr. Hait sas saper inteudeut of Waukegau scitoolesud attracted mors attention tirte local ecirools thau anyhbanS tire sciroali ever baS, Iu tact, Mrr. Hall, as an eau cator. wseknowu tbroughout tIre counntry',bancs Wankegan la Interest- ed Inuthie ptan for a memoilteta ic memor>', aven tirongi erected In hie native cIl>'. Aurora. " lu fach. go0ilu terested le Waukegan that ut mnay bce deelded to asie Waukegan people ta Join lu erectias the memans!l, contri- butions might hae scured bere, If aS- deS ta those ebtained ln Aurore. giv- Ing a more valuahie and targer mema- rial. A iahler soicitlng aid trom fteuSe anS old pupila iras bensentsaut u'inl Aurore reaSlng. "A'Franke Hall NMamariai arganiza- tion' bas blanaformeS fi>' orne of hi-i former tadeuho and close frieude. for nire parpaca ai placlng a bronze iuîst ut Mr. Hall iu the îuir hi4 iWrr luultdîng an Aurot a. I.iis liome cîty. il ls tirouglît Ilît ail aofiis former suadeurs inlu cIr siools of Aurara anS Sagar Gror amiS crase shu uere hic more Immediate assioclateuu s-lIt uant ta siarein tlua ittuug rîbutetri thîe memnor> of a greai and guoil man s liane getulis for irrîfulues iras bruadened theu- lues af 50 main> trou sands. -Throagh flue kund offices af Frank A. Vandertlu ip fSes Yark iIrmserl une of 'Mr. liallie uoy N lr. Evanquz a famour sctuilîiia ai Nes- York,. bac agrerd ta make tire luet for liu whiî i lebut a email 1pa1r ofiis cure- tomarv fer ad Mr.r Vanderlip anS A KT ;.ï c4 . tf -a!euî Ses 'uor fu-leudu, bave gr-erd- __________________________to a t oue-hlaIta filsure Tliece P. Ovshbe. Tt. 261 LZ R ohtTel. 58g Iefemoar others 1,ave uometiig ike $1uuo ta leraiued blui eupecriphlourr for Orabbe & Laughery 'n wetl EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEERS "The rommitersilI not aliempt Live Stock and Farrm Sales ta cagesr lire anoiut of yaao uifiu- a Specialty. sr nptionii. <iher lîsu ta env tirat FOR REFERENCE COME OUT ANI EAR US mau% ere contributing iuom $100 ta e1a0ci and a tew s- nblir as $25. Tire inney ma e lenlt direcita Jo- se Pt IL-i reeman of Anrrocu.II , presi- P O tiLT Rocganlraai. fir a hmnit ils-Ile for- sardeS ha %Ic. Vauderlip, file treas- anrr Rome Comb Rhode Island Relis FRs ALE-8tite rni tact rare ireedituîmîgaatsimaIe rî.. ofi rI.r QtiALITY AT RIOHT PRICKm4 S. C. Kimbail Indien Runner Duck tge9 c ci White African Ginea Eggg, soc " 15 MRS. L. V. LUSK, Phonte Round Lake 12-J-2 F. BAIRSTOW MANlUFACTURqER OF Marbie and Granite Monumenis Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence solicited 116 Genesee St Waukegan Adjudication Notice. Puieic eI ereraby Smen ttat the Sut, iu-cOreAulrcluîtratuur outheicEstate ut Henry Fruersirn. uteeaud. erl attend the> Conntti Ci'uuc itlLake Ceiity t e ternithareoftoInit ueulee autieCoucflo iuse Ile aweane. ini î,aîu (iiîtv ouitir Bref MoidaY 01ut tetmber «er, 1912,irlien and rhere al ru9yonsiea-ng clarece aiisi raid Etale ara notfleaS sud rva cXiesed tI limeneut tirenaine tos aId Court for t.tzWARIm .1 WF.ttEOI'F Admiltrator ut Reltate of Hcrv Friieretelu. tuecaurut Waukegan. Jull . t1912.u Adjudication Notice. f Public Notice rIs eets Smen liat lie Suit seritrer Executu-lu uuthelm- atitt'îîand Testa- ment ni Jîîiîî ittru.deccaned. evinl attlendte ttuuntv Court of Lakye outy. st a terni thaent tai e toldep au thseConurt Houesalu Wsnkegau. lu RaSidC ountn,on lisetirt bods, et 1esplesnbee nert. 1912. hurtrn sd âesissilu peinstavgains &gaisesnât sasî easae notUleS aar requestd to rsent tIre sanie lu oeldOe or tue itdication. à -.2NIE PEASS, Executrix Lâst WIII and Testement et John Sauter. deceased. WueeJli 1. 112 C-1.8 XNlv Vauderlip voudras for tire chilI ai the scirîptot anSduse mati expect a real wirk af ar, wich ir vlIperpeci- ate tire mrnort oi he muas-e lourd aud fie au inspliration to future gree rations. (SIgneS> Jli H. FREEMAN. - XILLIAXI lGEORGE. NiX. HARRISý '-ELIZABETH PETTY SNOWV "EMMA STOLP HOPKINS. "MARCLu( I. DICKISON. N. ALICE BURTON. "MYRON J. TARBLE.-, AsJIit eS ifficait tW obtain aIl tirs naines of throse wiro botS Mr. Halls mamor>'inu bîgir eshasi and wbo s-aiSli e glaStia ocotrîflute ho go utartir> a causa, contributions frot ail Interesed perrons. siretier tirer bave raceived a ltter or not. nuire bcmosl glaS!>' accepteS aud can lie sent ta Prof. J. H. Freeman. 265 Fox utraet, Aurore, lit.- BROTHER OF MRS. GEO. KIRK DIED IN CHICAGO HOSPITAL James Adamo, aged 76 years, a pin, neer resiSerît o ai Wckeau, SîrdTae day manning fa a Ciricago hosplta] iotlowIng a elckuec aofInuit eshort du nation. Thte Sec-aased s-as a brother aifTîhî George Kinlu, ot 424 Watev street.'Wh- is ans ai tis cfty'a nioft irigilrlsv perteS anS fleloved residunsut. Miany»yescs ago Jamers Adlamsa is Wankegaîî torChibcago whnreire 900 bacamne linapar-t u-uer of ane af Chi cago's laccesl caurrnîluclon houas- Wita iis brother, Naîý a paft uer. ire iad succeissfîully upc-rateS tutl business for- tire- part ftiteii5'ark T(he twa brotilere s mad a specilt of eggs anSdhbutter. James Adares leavra ta mont-n hi demie.his balayeS s-ic,-, une Sangh ter, Airs. Walter- Klmiark anS brotn Newtona, aIltil of Chcago anS om ater, îrmu. George KIrk ai Wanke gan. Tire non-e of James Adamas deat comas as a ýsurprisqe ta bts tmany liti long frieude fa Waukc-garianS vicin it>'. James Adamns Jr., ai Wautcegan, aepirew, boIdsa ereepatuairle peetuti sltb tire coarnîssqlon bouse ltu Cili go. Theimneret annourncent s--U s peaurIp tire nextt uas of the SU3e - e- tse u- ra cuty te saiS te be true' of ;,ril raI aonp-fournir Section 32,shietle tus- v a even>' varation retreat li y'lierotana - shipuW. tD. $10000. tryu h nettled poUical condliionsi are Jîrty 10, 1912-P. Il. Kelly t,, G. B. brIS reeposultle for thre sliri;l, l'ai Kelly, 160 acres lu sections , aud 8, tage av-neri, ltu deoltArad. are bard Newport township. Q.c.. er bt than hoftlkeepers for Ithe ton-A. M. Andesonauta \V.Xi.Ernet, lot Sancv tbiIs sn. fa thst if .ny va- Oan ug take. W. D. il. ration le ta le takoeu,at al. t ls ta ha George Ceveland anS wite ta J.W af short duration aud ln convience, Hart, pa.rtIots 1 anS 2, hock 1, Smtuhn famillie whIn lpat ysars hair.u-et- additlon tai Round take. WN. 1D. il. keen collagee for two or' liir-innioiths, Jaunes Martin anSds-ie tan J. M. are. tile year contenting thc'mîelves Cudahy, 15 acres lu eotl-east orie- ,ltb a s-eek or two near the hotele. four seotion 31, Sields towshiip. W. Blames thes Automobitles. D. 117.00. oua leaSIng rams-rt marler hfîfamas J. '1t. Cu(kibty abS sifs Wo Arthur automobiles for. oondflons e rxitIiig Meker, 6.I8 acres lu sot-eset oue- un lire cottage ooloalee. foDurnir section 31, Shields townshilp. "The reasonl, I thinie," cald W. D. 110. tirt It ta ely thte cottage reertrer Niele Jasesheon $i PF C. Wltbur s-fiaÉSues ual corne. AIl 1nu- futesLumnter campany, omtir -ast part lot are Sofu.g a good busînes-. -nS fbl 16, block 7, Grn>laka. X. D. 11,000ý transIraIs au-e nuanerois. ITfave fIg- E. W. Erfi andS utufW NaircA. red t ont tirst man>' îu-..luliwflo ibliard, nantir 33 teet lot 6, block lot-merle wara lu the' iabit ouf rat nli' 1 7,Smif& Aiîam's urirhgulcitln o 1 a rolage et tire renotrtsfut- - e sua W %aukegan. W. D. $2000. son Saotrot (do no nos- beenrof itirelr Lets N. XcAhe anS hinband tW L uuîmfomablee Tis>' soîuld ru lur i-nI [B. Amas. lot 8, blocrk 4, Wrigt's ad- belied tIS asn tas euy aoe r-i For! drtion, lirerfvvtlla. W. BT)-.00 flue rpason tire>' mtr frai, o-e m-e- July 11, 1912-F. hý Boiiclorille anul sorti ta anotirer anS sI ta -.cuplacer iîfe ta J. S. utua - îulrr saitir-coneau but a tes-days. Tirera te a ,uuui eul' ourth section 2, XXaruonda ftan-n@ of ttie rognad ln moatl-cu anS r irît. W. B $1. 'hey 1f1;e tire Ides ef vIeii ru -ni- A. L.Erîcieson. t ' Wruprr ,;pen,-Ier, ter aiplaces Sunçug a S rrr',--r in nantir ana half loit'f. llu-k I«t, iligli- steax! ou t-uaylug ntane re-u t Namu, amiS Park. \V,1D,81.250, of dîme îeople palroufu i - fIr le P IfJoirnson uîanmd r 0 au-I fiance tirase places dii r o iger Paîulkner. lots 13, 14, anît1, ,(au- lue tIhe cottage as-fers do r iýiou noue uufsudliviion nrar 7ioa ti ti- W. sllbipulthwconditions mutai, .efor'DlW $2,500.c lire ficter, lutn uMa t ptire i rîcoflel1 Jaly 12, 1931 Oliver loolu anSd wie who uant ta cent cotta.ges -, ,- - to W. A.Gtrer, pari lat 12, White- At tliaI. Il la said tlaicf.- ,asfe ood cîirdriilaa In section 18, Avon countty t'esot are notuT- i su townsip*WX. B. $500.) ruîcir as sonne ofthe nc noril - rorte. 1Ella t' Walshiraud luisharud curuBrIS- And file reeson for thiis 1,1 ruXVti gel A. Haran anS son, lot 32, blockt a penlerai tende-ucy tlif 5 iitaciii4, TBote subidivision, LakteEusest.XV. ulownhite leugtir airecreati - -ru r-fde B. $400. hundreda i; fCheIrIcag o ci-* rho IfnIElesairefi RhlhOrto ri i'd Maishur, a cther years bava gonra l0il, lattes 0f tract of lauS lu soutir-asat ona-fourtir wu"asn or Mihcirgan fc-ua montir secton 35, CuIata owshipul. W. B. or two, do nal thitkChtIrI i s-atltIr$1.450. s-hIle tW fallos- thire tuaIl IfrI r ai Faocea E. Wilkinsou andsI iruad haunte If hhey <an roai n ont a ta Mary J. Chirstian, i5 acres on sec- weak or so. Thonse pople are croma-lIOn 21, Avon tDwnalip. W. D. $1. lue ho tire resorte In LaInecortni anS J. W. Walenter and s-lie taRoasa- tirry are iravtng a -goad fime. too.le Waienter, lot 14, bloek 11, Wariea- Eau Hgirlands, North C(hicega. W.D MARRIAGE LICENSE $500. Jul>' 13, 1912.-R. P.tiavîSson anut ,Antlionv J. Jobnsoîî f hiuago ... 1wie la H. P. Ilavidson, lots 27 anS Gertrude A'ose, Gunîee------------2j 28. blocke 4, Higiland Park. Q. C. D. Stanley C. Jackson. Pt Sliecldn.n .23>I Busz Elizabethr Tatt"u. azue .ý ..X1 . H. Johnscon eunds-ie ta H. F. llant-y R. KrookcrN. \lulaukee-..21 Darros-. tots 1 aud 2, block 1, Wreuu'e %liortha lpker. sane.,î .... .201 addition ta Highlaned Park. W. D). $10. Alfred Hausen, Ra( rin- --....... f E. H-. tlarnetanSdsIfsta H. A. XVnItred Radmond, eiîîe -......I Seller>', part lot 30, Rattula. W. B. George Miratuer, cituago----------.24$1 Miaule Escn, sautne---------------31 Harrit S.1 Hale and itusireud ta taois W. Burgess, Latte Bluff . -.. JBerndt Freirerg. part lot 159. Raulula. Martira E. Kimrtuano. usome -........ $3. Christ Paterson, Rau-iner------------21 July 15, 1912-Wilielm tKuntte atîd Esther Tonmeaud, sanie----------.21 walito ho reden.rk Netzel. 78 acces lu John Horenbarger, If ghland Park. .63 s ec tion 5, tlierfîulLle. W. B.$Il,- Katherine Joues, sarie----------...i45 .0. Walter J. Johnson, Nes- Orleans, Ecîdricir NeIzel ta \X'llirlm Kulue, La .............. 28 lot t, Helmhoaltz suhsilvIsion, Waake lIna A- Beoker, (I fi--go -.....20 gan W- . B$3,800. Hart-vHansne uu,îîsa------------0 A T. 01cmsuad wnue l PaIrs (bar- Hea Faube. sanie--------------..21 1<er, coîti part lot 26, Whihewood Joseaphn Stalugirml'Milwauke -..24au bdiîion lu Avou tos-nship. W. B. Emma Otson, sinîe---------------9$300, Adaipit Harnuag. i tucago -.....26 S. tisas anSdn-ie la Henry GolI BliconMcta aiue--------1 , 8tlots lu HiIIe addition to Wau- Nîls Mansn, Craflou, M., ........-27 couda Lake Park. Q. C. $200. 1Mart.ta Wilher, suui .----.....2î Harry D. Folleli. Cicago ..:-..21 Ru-li M. Pearsonu. saille- --.....21 Jas Harding, Lakle Forest-....29 Clara Brenner, cuire--------------29 Johln Stnezkas, rite- - --......28 Ras3e Kulc4ainaret----------------18 George F'orIroa, 'iuliuukec ........-- Lonlea '1evulgr, K-nouba---------- 22 Edward ikler, ....... kee 22 Evangeline W3ufîîur ion saine -....1 10 lots lu BIlls additionî ta IXaacou- Sa tAIre Park. Q. C. $125. J. F. Pllliaut aud wig ta Belle E. Pllliant, lot soirit- aiof ahington street, nsar rlty lirelîs, XVikegan. XV D.B $1. MRS. H. A. SPAULDING OFFERS FOR SALE THE HUGE BRICK STACK AT THE CORNERS. LICE.cNSE rua sED IN '"'I"'G iru 1hl.A. SpauaîiSrg, lu thir PN 10- Anithony J. .Jonirî. u,, ti ..r...-?1 Certude Vse, .. S.uday advrllses for sala tire brick lu et ariuiVae lu, 0thirfug chiirîev ai thie olS SpauldingB Wn brick yard aI Spairîdlags Corners. hi- George Iý.. Hgi.. MXtoin. Miii, nrd Thischlaîney-, tira ast place aifstock Falot Kidue>' ii1 fuir kiutaovavni e.bladder tuouf le le iyP:-1t1fil fur hec rîrusand 515 prevaurs ta iis de- mi t vcase nuo fir mu li-r i qale Fuuletrnise, s-as neîalned b>' Ars. Spaîrldlug is Kidne>' Pille furrin -iruilil effac." TIe) s-lieu sireroIS tire land ou s-t<ici i r.aue a sale amuIid -bhlle edie tufr stands ta Ithr Union cereeter', thie plan >'kîdnat trroiule'and rfeuriatlinm. Con- ia'ttn anni o taSke I tain ni arn nîfîul drugu Forrmala bylu>' dl e t u'vnsonl ndke Dysai tg. it usg a sort aofreemontal ta tire Spaîrîd- ____s_____ng farnilo- whli tanoryears was oneîr c b- t____________________ he- prornîirul tfarnillas lu tiraI locahilî, IOT W iras-oever. 1he- cemater>' pralte solS tire Iand la tira rausoleura peopule. liralatter Sasîred tIhlîmue>'nerniat ed anS, as SIre. Spaaldiag irasketîtý l'hosnarship oiflire brick she buh rr tld ta rereove tire chImnes> at once. Iou NP- N .1 Ilimus,n siier liann of tÇod. yle.W n 'avil , a-liaS a vert severe 'shtavikouitkiduaiIvtîfuhle suifthe pains lu lis klute'mesud hauk s-ere errîile. tI gîut a hu<tlo utFolet Kidua>' Pille truiturtedrugrgîts aud tirs>' anlirelti r.lirved me, 1 laaemare beuafltttranu tis-retia sue aIrrmedielue. Fon sale by aIl Drnggiots. i 1 Park avenus tyjin Milwtaukeeavas-nae s-est ta Stewart avenue aud atr Fourth stu-et, aIl ln tira village ot Liberty villa. WitiEàs, petitione bavaeliecu pre- sautaS ta tirs village board uftitre village uot tibertyvilie, euul i>'the oa s ocr fu fine ]and ralîreeting mare than <ue-haIt rot the trou taga f aichcbimile <r fraction thereot au cachaif the tolluiaitug nimedi Ch ai1me ra. C a r ar e alfe c a r o WHY NOT BUY A lOn e-Piece Silo: 0 Any size desired, &et up complote, -. above:!foundation,« and use the new 0 o ;mpî-oved idoori frame that is flot an iinfringement on the Harder patent. IT WILL PAYhYOU TO FIGURE WITH * iHomeLumber Co. Libertyville, Ili. IAdditiona Libertyvile Nw Mîr. adMrm. lr,,ii -ke., t %I r. an i treete, t,,-wît:Osborne avenue irgut M Ire Limons,,att.i, idi-i , , îs, diîîg of Nlîwaukve avenue to the aisnt end o, Mi.ýltez dwrd. Uýflar. Meiitiil 0sborne avenue. South stre-et [roms Mise dward I I arn l< Ni .11waukev avenue ti, the essi eud of etWucaîWIea niî t o oth srrt, Prairie avenue ftmOs- this tuk.hrne avnuî'to the southt end of Prairie )n Monda>' Dymond à <.ctin aed lunti. Souîth Park avenue trom Miaîk- avenue West tu Stewart deal rvhereby Frederi, k \itzel of IX nukt, a' i-il,. fnul Fourtb street, petitiong gan, became the om iir ut tic ,'1w ti, illingIlard tu Vrant to tbe N*rth Kunke tarin of 77,1 acres nortl%,w,.t of 8Sliiu'ms Oi I 0iiaBIy thre right ta lay, Litbertyvill. The consîderation ýhitianta () iP"eansd repair a ga» 'main on eau l, î,f said etreete as aforeigald, included tarm cropesud imlliiieutm wan tliere,,!. e 1 1,50o. mir. Kunke anid lanî,yl Bii j- it m-iai rilthe Board of Trustes, resîde in thrrir reardence on Park avi-nue ofthtle vllage 1, Libsrryville, Suant>' a1 Lera. *Lakp and State ,f Ililinois SE u'. ir1. That permission aend J. H. Swan andtatuily and Geo. Wrght antborty leau lihe arne are liereby are on thoir vacation at Lake tieneva. granted to the North $Dore fiae According to frinudo of Mr. Swan lie Company, a corporation organizad andI ,ezrstiîunifdr andt by virtue ofthei law» cauglit a fourteen pound Musky whiceh of tbe Staie uof ll!iuois,, itâ suc-cesisors andI he sent down for thym to fast on. Thea siguei, tu construct. rnatntain andI pnrtv wettru the Wrght auto. C. A. opeprate a hue ut gas mains in eaid village, for the distribution of gag for heating, McCartliv of Chirago. h' taklrig Mr- lighttng, power and sucb other purposes 8wans8 place aat the Loveil drng store as auch Kas rnay Dow or herestr ho <'.îîîe li i8 away. applicable, to and for. iu aud along the following namsed streetp, ail lu said, A Libertyville man on FridBy evening village of Llbertyvlle: Oseborne avenue' ltst week taak thrce friands for an auto tram Miulwaukee avenue tu tue eset end ride so Oak wood stock tarin near Prairie of sald street, South etreet tram Mil-. View Reurnig hmetbeyroudedwaukes avenue ta the east end of salît Vis. Rturln bonetley annedetreet, Prairie avenue frour Osborne the trai t IaIt lia>' rallier tast and didiavenue to the south snd of eaiS ereet. natti e hormes sd buggy iu time ta Southt Park avenue tram Milwauke avaiS hltting t. The buggy was aveu etuW Stewart avenue andI oinaslied badlv sud the Libertyville man Fourtet, the sutire langth ai saud otreet. muade aà settlenieut for - cacuordiug tuo Subjeci, Hoirever, To ail the terme, reporte. Later worul iamie via phione condition@ and provision@ set forth iu a that $25 additronal %vas iieeild because certain ordinauce af the vilfl 01o the mroohad o4t n ey in he Lberyville, entitied Otrdinsnçe Grant- Urn boes aS ueSan ~.'iiidisai-id nig Rigbte and Privrîrges ta the Nortb aud varions uther pliui ni-ragreShore Omas Company." tiasssd aut served ta score the N itm-rout o iii teappriived Jul>' 7, A. D. 190r4, wtuict autoret and bis trieîiui %v bo, at tiret 1'couditrins and pravisioins areansd shall regarded tue accident as une of îîîliereb3 tue cunsideved tu lie a part oi th!& ordiraur,.as tully anS tu the @ame cunsequsuce. Nroue uuly inenibere utf the ex teut as if tliey acre set forth lu tht. part>' know lust how riucli it tol taurinec square thiug and tîrey woiu t tell. i roviuiau* 1-owever, That the rIxbte berebi>' onta rred shall terminate at the BandTresurr GvesReprt sanie tinre as the rigbts granted lu @nid Ban TrasrerGivs epot vüdinaue of Jut>' 7, 1904. Proviiiad, Futrher. Tbat saiS grantee Meirribers ofttirs. Citizeus' Baud hae shah), witbin îhirty days tram the b.en asîrd several tirnes b>' interectedl passage ut thîs ordinauce, accePt the' tri-nde as ta the inaucial standing of manie iii w ritnug and upîîn ther tailure' tihe band whicb for the past wou andsi) tti do, this ordinauce shall be andI become abqolu tel>' nul ud void anS of oîîe-bail years bas b»erri as lullunis. nu furie and affect. Thie irest year tha eulwnusesfuthie Sgu-ria'. 2. Thbis ardinae e@hlal take directrir wacs uaid k>' subscriptlon, the effeet and binluftrcesranm and ater ita otîier runnîîîg euieue was paiS troin passage and appravai anS accaptaue as abave provided. the earuinge of the baud. PasseS. July 15, . .B.1912. The seeoînd year iine.laIt of the Aîipra'rd, Jul>' 15, A. D. 1912. etipeuc ut tbe director was liaiS b>' Publlied, Jut>' 19, A. 1). 1912. suberîptorianîttue alace taIS nt H. P. Srru'.ÂEIiELE, Preardent. ot the earonnes. uring tbls tiare the E. i. CORLETT, Village Cierk. average expene of 'raintenance bas beern___________ over $50 per montb. Ordinance No. 226. Il was estiniated ah the tiue ounrl preesut directar, lf r. Camp-, usaesescurad Au ordiriauca amsndtng au ardinance thjat there were sufficient tunds an baud passeS as8 ardinauce Ne. 8 on Aug. 4. 158,M, rsgulatiug nawkers, peddiers and and in the treasur>', being moue>' set tirsatrical and ather exhibitions, show. amide train thopracredsat the tair Sauces aniS amusements. given lest year, ta rtalu the directar Be It ardained b>'te preoideut en&-. untl te cmin far a whch noterboard ai trustmes, ofthe village of' nîrile8o acumtug tai e hl.h naiierLibertyvtlle. setir u daceswrîld ie eld H , That an ordinaure pae5 as No. 8 aver, allier matters later bave de.'elaped reglatlng liawkers, peddlere and, anS a urteunderstanding regardiug the theatrical &ud atherisbowe and amuse-:, hireinK ut the tuwu hall for the alicve mente lis aud Is hsreby anuended hi utriking out section 3 of ssld ordinance' date. and inserting in lieu thersaf a section a. It bas lieen uggested tiy nan>'ot tIre flulaws: True Bine trieud@eofthte baud that an SECeTION 3. The licenes on ail peddiers. opnair Sauce platturin -)USOfee b show@, theatrical sud or ex shibitios open"hall ha as faîlows: Foot peddlers 01 constructed and dance@ given duriug tis psr day., peddiere with ans borses $3 per, n'aItar. This is bsiug couildered aud day, peddiers witb twr, horse $4 pur uo doubt will lie dune. day, uramatic show@ nuder canvae $4 lu eubnitting the abovc. the menilere per day, $20 paer weak: dramatie shows' lu bail $3 per day, *15 per wesk; ctrcon, wisli to tbank the public for lita pat3t undar canvams $5 per day $25 per week; bnpl. sut show or exhibition ta advertiae or F. S. Ki RN,, Srcy. anS Treas, oeil patent medirlue or auy kîntI of ierclaudise $5 per day, $25 per wesk; ad vertising liy itribntiug circulaun, Ordinance No. 226 eamiles or any advrrtleiuag matter $2.- An ardinance grsutiug ta the North per dey, $10 per week; 8100 psea r. Shore Ou@s Company, il,@ saccemisansd Ail etty Ileensea Dot euumevated by- assigzne, tbe right ta lay, niaintain, ordinance @halil h fixed b>' the village, uperate anS repair a Kas main on Pse. Ji 92 Osbarue avenue tram Milwaukee avenus Pappro, uy 15 1912. ta he setsudat clirueavnue; au Publishad, iuly 19, 1912. Southr treatt ramn Milwaukee avenue tau.P îI>EBLPaiet the muet anS ut Sautb etreet; an Prairie R PttteetEEPeidet avenhue froni Osbarne avenue ta the AtE. .CUE-T ilaeCe imu a nd of Prairieave, o ouh E.E. OLET Vlag le M!ý