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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Jul 1912, p. 10

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Doblit rôItba ur Great Liquida- IU I~1 tonSae ~eIns tèmïiÜrow at 8 'cfo&. One Of Most Important ei Gsw(reat BardIâIn Snaps In ' Ever Taekn by Supervisors inQ a.ConneU Le clusing Care in Future llandliutg __Some E xcepttonal BargaiàsIi Suit s at of Sale of Such Lands-Was EffortSauiRmeCue 99, 1.5 1 9 Made to "Put One Over" the Board Out Propety Lon,. p. by DÉam mlng the River to MaÏke the Lake High? Board Finds That TNWmN "MI Il'NA, MINE It Owns Much Land In Lakes.- Phone 1352-M F. C. Seidél (ft'Ce'e RU& et Water Into Evans Mine No. 2 ~aeaDeàhmnte Mnea 119 Genesee st "The Mlous* of ]Setter Clothes' Laka OouistyaBoard of Supervisera ieumed more about the courstyle 4» Font fr@m Daylight suacp lande Wedneed&Y, July â4th, when they met et Fox Lake, then they and They Porlsh.1 hava ever known before._ And, they learned aome surprising thînge, thinga t _of___ value and Importance to the county nt large. The meeting caiied et Fox Lake for the purpose et loeking it-e t-he swamp land situation and aimost ail the WMkbt1yg, July 2.-t-n a stlsc ~ 'If oup rvi re were present. l etdW rots and heavy Graine t-hrough.O H N IE k. as~~~it teesvten parad is svaee .. N LÀ E f fif lu j*flt Lk cunyowart tetloeadso ara f wmplnd e Tost euek&enpersns'i eSttppod end Whlpped by Band CR T OUT FLIRTING lnfrdrovnod and property damage viiillW L mome, than thbe average officiei han knowledge of, Il located in Grant and Fox fntuaherd f lusns H I , of Elalîteon Mon. W TIP O EGR S lisadFox river. voilier and car¶led avay about- haitilI SIfJ~ lN 4 2.L Tt, whie for flfty leursaeuch swamp land bas been sold by the. county Evans village, ieavleg many famillesNwLine o fDatla osi fer $125 an acre, in future ilkely flot one inlh cf the land wll bo eold for cii>' nt eely fatheriesa but bomelesa astletMcn ,- dof GRS UTN 8E OTH S.Thot.In thie swamp land are two Isand worth thouesede cf dollars, ag, M 9 p. mn. a burates gdxm et- La-Aiar.WETN I4N SA MS ro~ ing eight aend fivo acre. moach;, now clalnied by squatt-ers, but county ment- No. 2 mines ofthtle 1rick Coke U. U t ~ ~ 1' ___ BEEN PLACED ON ;T. 4. Thot a dosigned effort wu made by peope deslring te get awamp land 'Ira, About 100 mon vero caugbt- le £111u14 ÀS BIEN N * oa n ilwlilppe< et- Davson -' frcm the county te prevent the supervisons seeing the land by dammnig up t-he t-be flood, but ail esceved but three. .Ana lh yegtenpoiotjRFR T A IHR U river t Mcl4enry, whleh le the ceuse cf t-he three-feot raie in the lakes In-, lIn nyetta count-y are pariyzed and me. basoieti by W. S. Dosier, clerk of serd of Tt belng due te the heavy reine. ~jf in-< ~*Fxtheo T@=M einiit-y siperir court, le aX 6. Board of one mmnd te have a complets survey made cf the swamp ladced c munctle.o uos mps- reai iiVOvo rougmul inFox Lake negiofl O>'the peint of dmet-b ln a maron ht.~*VUOMNMSN ALC end 'know whore they're ut," regarding thie ft-discueaed motter-. Tt vasreported et t-be Greenaburg Uituguaai Amocjnt of yvu...ich ain t suad thechaucsam t- t Db<t TRAL AT NIGH-T AND 'SPOON' Relilng the Importance cf thlie Henry couety men bave bemen peyng offices ef t-be Fick Comnpany tbat aadbe rad ilbv fc a FOR A FEW HOURS. metngo teconnty board t-o eonsid- taxes on themn, each man trytes te get forelgn miner vas drovned et Lynn Have Caused-D[ocks are Swept Away charge et morutier. The girl ha nmade er wbat bas been a rnoetd question bis check te tha county treasurer tiret. weho e as swept inte Dunlep creek, s t-otmittmn ala o lIsera thbe supervisera for years, but The treasurer aiways thus rtureis the IL ragiez torrent tram the mounltain and Boat I-buses are Carried off. abch.veaseiaad, strippot of ber alot-- bu nyer een onétnt-e In de- one te t-be man who came In aection. Tain. n n opae yabg hebnh&b"npae nfit vhlch a esnve oten UN ad ehmn ope I t . , nlie OfliciaIs af the rellroada et Union- i 5tehtItSo oir lah. i;g it-h the girls uf theCilcago Tele- xau epeset aiedthe uper- nd lt-aitlman ne ope tb t ntete tove andi Greensburg asaert t-at vben piSerisiDiqpat-ds <Th, .- Ht inlch igher than It has been ln tort-y bysie4m»say t-bat the girl han bae itphone rompatny. It les a biavy ban. laipenan acemanid thasupr-gettit. -e -h prper-y bu nit-ertransportation and vire communies- Foi Lake, Ill., Juiy 2-Net ln tort- y ears, accordeg t- olod resideats. lâtarally flared alilà vicrale her ivetigtin Wdns- aste at. Oe t te ensnanetien are restored t-reughout t-be coi- yeere bas t-bevat-er in t-bts section Nesons reeort-. built-about a bonse ofDca wlpd eb .~ a -eons t-ins. Nomost ne nr el da4 aand learned many Important la Watts. But, Obairinan Edverds and t-y inlelikeiy t-be list of desd viii e eeho bbiss t-no l. eat- oa-,ner Ssotyn.e ureudeda udb airuinmeN lngrndi tbln inleconnectien vit-b svarp t-ers lesst that tbese men and n n Te ead.Kw~séhelv, aiti il a n ioosmite tth land&. body aise bas eny daim. even a squat-- Thirteen men lest their livea vrheit bouses are fesatine, piere are Inuadat- by vater. Th@ lawn Ie vbiciv there «eimgtd T o i lv. me up te leaseo nas<îîllnp eschobupermit-t-ad te hiei Teoecnusoettceporter's tar' daim te tbie laed. They insist Evans mine No. 2 et tbe Superbe Co d e e r oee wt ae eeCeaI lwr es t. ak niebu owude oIadprswe ohnsoe h Iet mini la that the sale et svamp land tbe courts viii prove bat- Lake Carin- Comnpany et Evan Station, six miles trefu dalvsvhc sdWceee ibtbe ete vtrbefter mvn h p ar m.ti andealer t"eteryi.' n e ivii c uh pei ln Lake county bas practicaiiy endeti. ty owns tbem cnd tbet t-be county coin frei Unient-eve, vas tiooded. The1 rue te t-be laie, are under a lake et Boat bouses wblch usuaiiy aîîvdsuenm. etb ot miata e - rîl fsytstiewuhde or, enar:vater an-d reoet oweere are terrihiy bota te enter eassly, ar-e raed out1 » t-Ped oneaet thein beid a e l oif It leald ln future, It viii brins Oust Siiybody vbe treirpesses. Most dlmmnar:e t et c, s 16r. Dernier could mt-r .blprie. hechacesareitvîl eftheberd esie gle ebad ed Anirty Vaipe, John Roace, Michael anee>ed and put te great- expnse by e tht-e ater nd cannet- ha ued. In whe t.e t-ia me." lat-aad. vit-h a dat- t movemento lt lie oiti but- viii be beit for tedtr igteau ftbe unylimMoeburg. Andy Boliock, Michael Wtetber It la due te t-be damming bav9 entereti, are closete t-be roef ué-8«mi tiat be wbl>med the girl. ne ton and thbe Ilirtatiouonea ilii ueB people ot Lae ceunty on t-be assump- vit-b reference te these lands andet-'Pella, rank Layeff, John Kuhizena, et Fox River, et- MoHenry, as basa been et t-besaisit buildings. fl40di late Boaehi& s00, vlie t-le cold, officiai tenea et the chief tien that, If it le gond enougb tor er evamp lande. Âudy Dolisaki and Russelil Gardiner. othesuto Inveet- le. Tt la goed enougb The general feeling le t-at t-be Whee t-be vaters frei t-be leaking t-be report, le erder te 'fool" t-be ou MenyTboat- bonnea have been car- r61o tea libber up. Prominest operat-ar. vho viii aay yards et vis- for the cennty tW hoii. Ceunty sbouid erder a survey at once Cool SpnIng reservoir ceame rusbleg pervIsors, lnvest-lgstlng t-be swamp ried avway. Meny plans bave been leaug a» -oB up t-be girlsg cage dem tW hlm t-bat be' viii do wiht-a The~serd et t dnne ae, lter <'veiing Vit-be land, ibat ouater pro- dovii the minitaln aidae ixt-y-foiirlande, or viiether it- la due tW t-lia didhred te big staies drniiIntO 5amoly - reoeula it la Oort-od reebr The board mati friands forndbau The educat-lon ofct-be girl eiong non- tndon the directien ot Superviser Wlli ceediegeseuid be start-ed ln case t-be men vere le t-be mine. The vator beavOr raine, leafDot- inove for certain, t-le muck. W ele VierafIi enlis sfore ter Teeiiainoftegr ,ogn 9tratt-oftof Grant. a memben eftht-e ceunty Io rigt and t-at abstracts tW vas seen going le t-be main aofTeriahv ensc htms Th aeIoehg htilasn-kde« m eteyugwm& fitn iesae pcentemroo trip ail sucb lande as t-be county avec. t-he mine by William Genare, th i p eopie attribut-e it t-btat cause. terfered vit-h t-be resert business Be _______et t-bte cempaey, vbere act- girl new avmp lande committee, teni boss; Soiemon Wilson, a machinist-,________ aboat the t-vo lakaa t-o vîew svamp sheuld be ebt-ined even it It cesite and Joea Frdyce, vho vere ontailde a-Piers Carried Awsy. cause ef t-be diffleulty o et gttng W intaught- a number et set pbreses le lai"a. swcomeldrabie, but al. considerabie mn thse mine. They rusbed le t-he mine Thoy 5evail Piereoealt-be laie are gev- beets. Swamp lande wbieh bave been THE MARKCETS use le ber von on the wiietltxoaril bigli valer. The vat-er la t-ree foat- The price vbich t-be count-y bas soid tha mine vas beng flooded. The been laid te enable people te get te inundet-ed. Hegg--oeipls 17000. Quotstion- conversation wtat-ev-r<)t-ier than it-e abov, normal, hence many istret-ches tbis lend ton, $1.25. le ridiculous and tvelve vba perisbed vere 4,000 test- tbeir oaSts. Many bave been swept- Water Over thbe Resti. rangert et $7.80qT97lt heavy butcbera. se-t phrases le mailing vire (oni of saaap land could not- be seen hy t-ebuais et sale dates tram itt->-beckInlet-be mine le wbettu iskeeve away, oae men bavlng rebuiît- bis piers In meny plaea about- Foaiet-be $7908.05 light but-chfs, $7.4007.40 ee< t-ions. ths bond--ble vas vbat many whe years ega wben sales cere iret made as t-be "Suiep'and t-be word ettber tour t-mes. No pier stands eut- ot the vater bas erept ontt- ven t-be riad hoavy packieg. and $7.1007.65 goi te wtb hbu helndwsbdthtilbyte ont.Th rieai ixd ai lled te reacb them or t-bey ditinet-welt-er as usuel. The poesiblities et ce peo pie bave te drive t-rugi s choice pige. Tire nos rulesýanaccu lirtinîg ari ho htide. Iht- tme my bae semed eao- e e te r rshd igtbemiewaiking amound t-be laké, shere at-be fontot- et ter. ThPisIee cliy true C*t-tif-RocelPte 12000. Quotattosie i lt-nirtng t-al bave werbeti veedere Wes Dam locked. aitle, but nov, It- ls tound, rnany acres vtbsc ac -ruhtb anwyresort- reglon are vrntoved unies$ ana ceai t-be Ire bouse et- Fox leke. Se,- rangodat 4t 9 1009.50 prime steors, illt-s aed inte tlie Bas' in ad titi'gt vith suh forc throuh the ain wa a te ake it n swimwalk Pan. 1 ral86rd7es08.00cacholcewaW bpt m.760800 cbecf tei-aie ieniroveal tcerovi cfen t-oethe rerce. And, t-is gave rise t-o the rumer et vluable land. classeed as saenth -at a baie seventy-ive feet- le diame- e ae.-l vinaîpa. ~ hi~vr carridaay u-Ceva. $6.40@6.90 selected feedars,__________ wblch eprecti e th-e lake t-bt some- lanid, bas been sold at t-bat- figure. ter vas carved eut-..Tbé Watar lId tbree fetIM BI onu they bave been repairad. 84.6006.25 tairtW good stocker,88.26 body wtt-h uit-errmotivas, betise. This svamp land, le meet cases, la Tie vives and t-be famillesoetht-e @8.76 gond tW choica vej aleveo& CuionsResuit of l£ade Bit-e, crtyblocked t-ha river et- McHenry partiaily cevered i vt-h vt-er et- bigb m.eonplutbr-ha mie gat-borati al t-he mcin.ne bods wbIcb duec-tt- coendue unltil Soop-ReceiPts 20,000, Qutatione As t-be ecuit et an adder bit-e, r. am i cys prevlonsty la erdar t-bat- tidO. white, et-ct-er turnes, teems m ay ee il ndpIckIng o-ut-plaoc uIiiuýl11. nd1-4viih ae p trneiet 700.6 bieto rm ety.tb.ri tth ad faCr tet-en voulti bc bel In le belakes drive an Il and acres et sioîîgb bey t veoi, t-enes and everyt-bing t-bat-'Sonce. 1Tr14 tex apprare-l an oilnibdal $.000.60 zo Wtechime. cO (les)heb tena ofJ.aWCar- adt-bis bide much ot t-be swamp landi andIrce parking hay 1>7 ebtain aie on cut ar.t-ia -e.nt -eE ace. ht-bis yershw bu-$40 t arnlsr, $4.7605.00 gaod t-a choico bas becoma rarkedIlue an eddeRr. This vould ceuse t-be supterviserr@vbe t-L And, the laie lehie up t-base mmre mavad w- et-lers,.183.7604.15 fair tW gond evea The. PhYsicien vbo loi ettendiez lbe asgt nttik ad e elv tehg pae ndmlig ogsreels The ruhbish hîndereti thaminore@Ilcaver t-be bonded I ndebt-edeester . case etet -at- thaskie and evoilen migt-ne- tin brdt- blive -b hgh laesani mltezlon e-rt-hesvo vere ruein tW t-be<ataide for usre ~~ta pay t-be Interest thereon and ti lm1 Crearnery, par lb., 26c; pinta.fliesb mar t-he bite are lita a place et evaunp land di net- amount- temuch af goed landiwhere peope o rigineiiy safet-y. Tbe men vere compelle te j j,4jsId t-bat-tha levy wIll t-te less t-ban 28c; extra irats, 2414ce; tirets, Mc;:bat-ber. pigmant-ed exactty t-be Rnme as a-- nd that- t-lera vase't- mucb of it (lie- awned swamp land. À % CT ade t-raugh vat-er uv te their necks. hait etft-is emouet. dainles, extra. 24c; irets, 22c; pacing an aider. t-bW e viftakorigu caseTtwh tetseilngty carshe ago t-bisa idroud te res o rig rue- cause mu v as blddeuhy weer). FtY asag hs samp land Offclaieof t-be mine say t--fi: ii attlalct olnbeatbte-b tc 21.nn en tb a u-tldgoe If tbl.e la aundte-ohtbe aset-al vas et nevalue bence $125 vas s lity tdeys tere t-bhet-er can hoet-yt gvat-vsoer$.0le.v PUr. t-he dam vas biocket for t-is purpose, gond price; ot-bor farming landInlet-bat- g<tt- u Ote -eMine, se t-bt- t-be IGHWOOD 019FICIALS WI'T-INGLV ut-tb is bodas i bener <,un y e, Por lis,.12: hîoaSwYeref t-be chances are an Investigation vilii' iclity vas seld for $10 an acre thon boie can be reaebed. DRAPE DE K 0F RECENTLV teb, ovw 1c;rosee %;dui ite ajnevs hvn t-1 beodrE e edse -e1 hr very mine le tha district- vas DECEASED ALDERMAN. atit-be cit-y leue, nov le the maet- pi-astdpawh se vas anti It la report-ad t-bat- t-ree perous conditlinInle t-s bitony. 1e es.9.nvbr-dytestog-npve t-The report-t-bat- such a course bai! cenidereti et little value et- ail. Thus, _______________ East Buffalo Live Stock, ber mot-ber toittbe girl t-a lat grandpa beufelwe.casdcawdhaiee tie t-be land vlebs nraei mon ver.dravnetInle lAent- mine __________Dun4ieg & Stevens, Lîve Stock Corm- show t-hem t-oblnseit Mai-brie vas ciÎ,eent- loemongct-e!cosoîerarbwete -tivalu în e bain e sampNo. 1, a alfmile frein t-be flo-<e mission Xerchazta. Eaut-Buffaâpb N. Y.. unilllng t-e de t-bis bcause eh.e bieeta it esueril leew ti trilice ra tI uethed ut- pmine., Tice ebava e e ne traine le COITY IN FINE CONDITION Dental, Training. quete as folieve. Cattle-Recelpte vebedtto do t-be exhihitle. Thon an Th spevior er gve mchte reen aittontYth opr nt- etee ncartservicfer leerai@heund-__________Fiteen yeara train nov If 1have 6 cars: mai-kat- st-ieg. 1Hog-Re- dea struck ber. "Mare, grandpa," ebc InoratonbyCliairman Et-vardo, srsn't-it-. -SPECIAL ASESSMENT BONDS aey teet-filoet-fer aeybody tW font cet-pt-s10 cars; market- at-i-eg; acli aiti, banding bhlm a t-yayt a t-ino ce Rinomt-b(itee niM.-a--n r, Akdbymahe -i îe -evt-b Ishail bîrea acertain Ch-inonse bel gardes $860. Sheep--Recelpt-s 6 cans ca: eh. i,--,s"how yoarelf my donyir RALPh hltendn ad M. SratonAskd hw mch f tls andtheFOR 1913 AND 1014 TAKEN t-o do tha tqeiieg," a New York sae& markteteady: aprîng lai-nu, 88.00; shw yursolf my bloc'ks.- Andthotbu gwsiiP landi cammilt-elememberis.. cont-y aves, oeasupervîsoessaid *16 VESSEL AGROUND UP Dy THER CITY. insu sai4. 'Ho yul be v-ove up t-lin Yearltlngs 96.00b6.54);wetera, 8800 ah veut through t-be collection- Tbey bave studied thesit-uationnandi bundrede open bundrede, yen, thoun._________ I p&w hlm t-be ct-ler tialidown ln 05 26; 8ee, 8.5004.25, Caiveu, 8500 Judie understand Il t-iîroughiy. Each le vends ot acres." LA@ Seve-. id rT-eue on Board ChinatovuL. goe vaspnlaiig D5 eut 010.25. -. '- ewe u eemnt Positive le ht-v hliet tht ib count-y At- t-e rat-e t-be eouncy bas seidth -is Fraight-er Nue, Milwouko The cît-y couneil et Hlzhwoed et- et a boardi vit-h 19» lngera. The Dege eubtDteIed sbOuld cesse sale oet aml, and, u Ilîaed ~-bs ,t t - ~ tb-bal en lIven ttrtt-y t1glit-Inte boles TeUbÀ M5Cf.bride locha se Modeet anti demura bold it for future ,me 1, the cent-y bas urcst tmr etma kvb a the ROt- ITvanhea, Wi., zuly 4-- edut-thoir meeting Tuesday nigit-, pessed ln the bdard. and'lit- tock a goed des] "mv <ui oit BaùkroiLs pet de Monk et- a lm8t-bhat- St- l9 lard tWans- And n n eit î-tott -erniwi i5-(tf(-F'f- olasprea' tg b 4aýr Osdenaburg vent- ahoro roelu-ese edleafrtb c trntbt e -e udouchTP" President of tbs fleur ti'ue POCt beat Ofbaving beod t-be affair ha feunti amng t-bhesîs dolr Prho" uihti&a.otgOlt- Northi Point-,161 8Wralt ft h e -b ate Alderman Chrîs "'Thot-là a tnny gaine fer hlm te liaad t-eyvat-oredtthe tock.'-Jiidge. vilsan iron ba&-Atohleon Globe lia s be tecîtmiydas on-mlsSr- tiiwueplay,'1 sailli te a vhite is lo________ Th ebotc Tw Iln e . m ittees bave bartit-a vîit-lt-be piace liahefrelght-er la evned by tho Rut--J« ee ek-btci-owi da vs thie quart-or. The Isad@ on it-wtie it-dpastpilt- arli sale, ted, ln t-beanti, t-be landi Transit Cempany ed cannesas ltt-nly draped fer tha cecasien. At- "tmst' sclit lie. That la net a t-o alnts n l,,'î u1-i st-îk osI to t-be oueit-y lemany cases becvy carge et freigit-. The Mllau' t-be saiemeeting theviov prasent-- gaiq. The be oy.l soiWa, c adei I bave iib6eaubultant IM. 1Ilititde. oldbi40aff$0sae hu.tbehulitesa»viiis oew bas gensto t-bhe ed a ltter Ile vb le eexpressetiber t-iat. Hi@ felks have odeai. i -u C d O i 5h.s C u aredt-uie am ebetatleffi lnd oolslinesm et .eîîîng for $1.26 an acre sce-nec -afrlste.approclatien for t-ele adtnes O en nde about Ihat-, adL.ie lias oom- -1 hold fappret.by t-be cit-y officiels anti aise by t-be mthoede arly Wte, trenglltei lii ingera ai.el acrmla desptce a the tevefrti, soliî paetTu tri e htvay i Cia " hami - la h eod sto Poliow-ng t-ie trip abot the laieatt-ar JohnsKunde of bis iocailt-y, a diffarenlit ocf vhlcb ber buebaeeti tsu hmtbtwjrTýC vho really owes t-bain Ilti get-îcraly t- r -e ~ -l bvthb~~mmrbecebse tharo tfiey pull t-ot-h vit-h t-lé thé boorrt-ho count-'trt-lt-letbeve bsecman h eytkwc Cnup ot enamrte.figera. Re elli net-Pulltt -bt bie toitt-bt th. otat-y ac -ltle -n act et Ira e- Ie lt-mt-s ole-, -ha tin cd Wb frquetlyneea phel- Theclty dn vs me-moet -e eIlger har, bl tho t-fiit aid5'...v 'w1P - 1

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