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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Jul 1912, p. 4

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~tÂi:COUNTY INDEPIEKDENTI >1 BISUIOP R>W I DPS [ on dsac u _ lf 1id Way te 'sutpty wat# SOC1ALIII usw-- oseoc age. waby gint ta Office Telepliofe No. 1 City Editora Residence Telethhone No. 145-L. - UGI% AR&'tilVULOPING IN SUCM AVERAGE FARMERS WIFE TAE L pumplng the'vater and brlu LietvieEcaî'MONTANA PRELATE URGES ALL QUANTITIES EXPERTS FEAR MANY NKEEbLUOS e+111 FV- S lt 11 by the. peilfuli. And, as tasi et cl.~ P-l~Ifn fi LutrlCviie, II -DANAQ TO ORN.ERYVRYAR, IflS 8MID. the COpe, the vaste vater aul ha aitt.sýtfl- tL.wty4l, l.,eS &1oud tlas Mai] Malter STAMP OUT ALLEGED EVIL 'DMQT R. ho carred eut by the paitult*o - IISC-pE^' tO.-MRA ONPYý^E tooIk just that on. item of the INIS_ "M-ERI- FAIRMON-SKPOULD C-PNTE AMRAN FROIL FRATSte-cryn hhlaptun INSISTS "MATEutep MLp TnC MON-Applicaton. -FARMSRE FORMMIS tEe w erng th lme put eold lasu.4 weekivAeliialitsMaeKowlOApato. STER- DESTROVO LQVE OF iiIN ETDCMUIISAPPAREN-! NEGLEOT. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.60 PER VEAR STR16CTLY IN ADVANCE COUNTrRY, HOME AND CHURCM .1 TO BAVE BUMPER CROP.bot ih - i -Prof. E. L. iMorgan vwu tii.star "Anid tie figures viiicb the.tf -A wrnlng te workingnien and talior Accrdlng te State EutomeOlst of the Fermnera Dey puogran et taie's ife gave me showec tuat "nions egaluat'permîItting soclism to Forbest. tiich ucibugs came tiirou8b tIAcolfl chautauqua at plainflelci, III., vas iieqtired ta va.lk fire, W. J. SMITH ................... . ..................... ... ...... ........ Edtor 1 get a foothold among inein was tonmnea 1 the winter *Itiiout serious damage recentty. The speaker la tram itie everY tuOntli, tbinir Ofcf, ItY Ux I. 0. SMITH................................. ....... ........ ........ .. Manager j isterday by the5ig1it Ret. John P. land are now developing ln sucli quaIi agMeculturmi departmeote ni n- a yens-, tu falsb vater atone' RAY . UBAD ......... ........ .......... ............ .............. .. Cty Edtor Cril, D.- 1) bishop ofthté dlocese MîieSin the grain and grass filtds of vriyo iSsnadgtofsrewiht obrwr ihu a RAVo .HUBR tHelena. Mont, He gave tua aad- many cosîntlinlulilnois, especlally in vesty cfWaostndsoiat ofanm w lh tedo er or i theutrat monition blefore leavlng Chicago for the southerubal f fthe mate, as te do fw tecletgoc omnsnedu aste of strength ln pum FRI[)A', JULY 't, 1912 the Weet. serious barm ta adjacettfields of corn ul ecelda lent ot cfmmensman cadog u. aer u Pteased aetheii.entlusiasttc manner untess vet vither pre'.fls. &in teda. e o o ntu lane exrtin te welkin ug t ln which the lish-America"l repre- Mev They Work. W~hite au advocate of large crolepu asmil~e year. Bo 1 uggeste While the recent raim may have been a bad thing for Beutiflg the large traternal orgeniza- . About April 2fthi the tbuga leftt In- andi b, satd point blank that any ber busliand that there wua a ton took Up h& plea against socialifli ter quartera andi scattered on thee vlng far-mer who wasn1't raisîig 100 bushels wane store ln the. village vhe esta, etc., it surely wuaagood thing for the pastures and made athte openlng of tiie Anitent te the crops avidlable. They laid tbeir of cor-n to the acre sitoulci stop off coulci get a fies stnk and the i othr higa hxh e . ras.or-decHrla us tatth conof the jeggs lu the. fait vies', aud lu tuis b- tihe wayslde and tae stock ot lm- ppapi! lutu, biskltclien ate veryi 'I lshp eclre tht teacIonof state tiiero are two genteratlons drmIngself andi findt eut wtiat vwa rong tle ,penudîturo In th,,end tha An advertiser advertises in Waukregan as foilows: organisations în hegnning a war ul)en the year; the. eus of the tirat of whlieb iLli himself or the soli for tiiere vas vas nov paying lu the vear an "'For Sale: A baby carrnage, also a pair of Colle dogs." soclalîsia should ble folIos-ad by ail are il in the sprlng and ibose for lea OXsamewsbet-e the&t mold tue of the, vater carrying business o Cathollc organizatlons ln the luteneat the second ln mîd&ummer. The tiret atopped i rgbt avray, lie alto blileves woen lek*eu. 'Wonder if there la any particuauz connection. ot religion, the. home. and the future generatlon liva minyinît u matI grali that li la blhi tre te conserve tie cf iieUnîeciStaes.by pretenence a luvieat, and the sec- tarin vorkers, especlaît! tbe 'voen Aurora heath ofâcers have miade a formai nuis that Speakmng as eue lu close toucht-bvhoud generation lives rnalnly in cern. On the farna. ruodnta must taie at iest one bath a week. In WaDike- the talior situation amous the minera Wltii the approacli of winter tbey e'nbene ta the oeeaon's varlty tu mmmany people taire baths two or three turnes a day. 'of Montana and as as hip lie cou- leave tiie cropsanad fInd protectioni tha work ot the meuntfolks," be saici; M~ORAL: Don't movo to Aurora. demned soclalisin as au enemy of tbe ln clumpa of grassa an under leaves "but the women do the saine thints omlcatly unsounci. and lis pretenses Time to Protect uorfl Crop. ater vesr-, vithout any varlatIon or Farmor women taire many miles of neediess steps aysarTestett t fasiunvbfascp.Âd bsluvy7eprcn an expert who lnvostlgatod. Ail of us do the saine thing, Warnu of Faite Protenses. The sbuat i f h o arallo fnie havecahépoelAnthin cf 7 a rt t enned ar but, w, should not forget that "achturne -wotaire a itO We "The churcli would verts the labor- net vet reached the a luged stage, luasytuins is garnereci fromeinlieives aiebepig o dveopou phsiue W kln l goafor lng man efthue taise pretenses cf no ripe for cooperatîve action eon the and dauglters eftith arn.L" ar elig odeeopor hsiu. f tiglaecali . .She vould aMain restate the part cf the fermera iu îufested cein- "Thaeremto Snev he nea W h qvorybody. Btter a littie too much th" Ûflt enougb.. od doctrine et the depeudence of men mulUtes tu ave the cern aud ether vorkters oethie taim, la ou.etof the eh al§- uen one anotiier, et their tuequalittes cropa tiiet are not yet maturad. Most important fonctiOns ofthMe day! "Another fatality at.Foz Lake'"'ShoUld b"'umcient to reduced tu, harmony by mutuel co-ei fe h leigu ui iotteec rf Mra ua lqei d John W . wrnboys who go swiilng flot to ventureout far alono. eretlon, ot loIr equality of nature, i- bug vil hothelig ofte ea theec atoPfi. depnlaan et ineu eb-' Xo moter how good a swlmnmr on. May , l, lan nover cor- shoud bae on foanici affection'eyon foot tn search of0fotodi:and It la aiaion. Tepitta e -'"therho wvi«M m s beslfd bae o orathc eyroas me i îs tiasthat they may lie destrOYede n t'~eoue tuait tir ovo cepat- aud glves wu th»zd wmthCrarn asCbristinthe san n.i bd o il n vaut numuers by stopping and k111 ment ot the tarin lu equippeci vitAl Iug thein on the border-s oetttefieId ail tihe at e nd most modern lahor- go Mt o.0 -ar 1 Flrst t fail.soclaltea ls econami- wbîcb tbey are trylng toleRbve. if saving devtees Intnhesmarkuet," seici :oo tt o.BX tcatly unsound. It destroys- tbe rîght thîs la dons by entîre ceunmunitles &ct- the seker, 'but they cant afford ita o from his notorlous career tiio hier of 1"Si- ef prîvete evuership, or. ai toast, lim n oehro raragdpaIsIa e &onto' 3' «Vn E E IS i uaaJL den will flot b. coverod withfloerai tributea from lsfoth coîng ud terd, such asthe cincli bug population may ho e ns- deviensfertonhe boune. I hecaei.i foo cltbig ad helerandifdut-et as greatty to tessen the danger cOnvIned or o!cnsenvaulsin l the J~pcounty labor unions beforo bis romains are takeii tOo uli transter- to the community oretnurtai.cr.Ifbyaepe-tcenasuetth rngecs ý ,ý4cVfroin Lake Villa. MO unaie, U&&6ireJohn MitChell the tate the owuersblp of land, capl- fmut! tecore fe are ar-lelic lenday au fth ettcrins? led uOW fl rnangin fit 04 or mon who have WOMRD FOR labor unionism, tai and! att the Instruments of p o eî 1 a t sapefrnt ri n o fi liOtedyad1wninaarr, E W S o MM» OMinto l -ora--" Wth heloe ndtdie ntand distribution. 1-fot adt ne ild fcrwobail ailt Me patent arnemnsHar "WhodoelIo se thausuit th- îbeyMa edsryda hyolctebfononheatund1al -mt . ..lde s., v. IA udmaetelfeo h a orouts rw y pyn henteeta hum that t wanted to mako an ln- _______ mak ce tf.et helabr-wtb a dîtutet! tobacce preparatiois Ing mats unhearabte and detr-ive hlm vestlgatiieu and tbat bis vIte coutil That Lake Villa oa of 31, who Saturday m,.rried ofbwat jnstly tetongs te hlm' Who wbi cii yul kilt i the bugs If touche"sep e et witb ne InJar>. le the cor-n plant. By bLlP IUO IS- ear.oid realdent, insista that she la marrying kim would wer-k in tbe fied, in th fac- SFn i sl.ed ber ti miate a rtun ib r themin. f bs ur-tu cau-ibis means the firut aud ver-t inJurY of the numbor o! tirnesdu-ute V61 LOVE-and naturally ho ays the sanie thing. tory u ecern crops may be preveuted! but- n h ot'ta Iswhere aod ie teInventihe t 0Çjtec-pvîIh ulcete alton1day and veetas lemnbta ho ought ta know *bat true love fis, for tItis is his luh ere oufl cte Inventve tstale co ilb ujcelt r ett h elfrWt î *ttornpt at matrlmony. An row, she'a a brave girl If une were net permtted ti c amunjsd more general injury as the buga ah.entt b etfrvtr 4wiee haven't seen her, she a to b. adxn.red for lier! laie capital antd makiî poute'wchbees-lafrmaatgai osana. A.nd, the bridegroom, he's certainiy not of ctîaft er ai, ta storai tabor. lay eggs there for-the second sonea-t nèrvOus kind or hoe wouidn't, at 7 ",eO making his aud ever>- laborer whe saves bts caru- tint lugsanad invests tilicu la acapitallst. Tetlnhhgmtiîe ta liesouti.hbeetoe, at, anr touaveraLe rate o! 100 to 1, and hItslT -I. ~~~~~~~~~the taborer ail possibility oft becoming seityiuotn nuec-r- LZARNING TO TRAVEL. s apit Ittat.uld take frotu bim tten rtcitrei uuewetsdA A~f5 one. Fe wof uo really know how, where and when te o! ldiilrY nul cse to revoIs-e est possible number. ýWLIt la reaily a flne art lu its highest developmeut, lni the hîve. EfetveMtodo 0rae f S m all R t in thse days when a thousand agenoies contribute to uestrnys Love of Ceunir-y. The bt-st single methai etfiilting "Scatia i upatîotc.lu itu ~the bugs at hrrert tîme la te lav' s u ,comfort and safety of those Who would go a-van- "caii auptite faist dsryalconstitutai civil autboriu~tîlne of unusuati>' beas>' roadoît, auewn toth Sanar 01copay s oa-S avin g. epfimemxmso h cmotal-rve re lIitaieguaranteèt! by îman0II No. 7. ,lua property preparet! strip exet o mc;an ontwor.Sight-seeing bu e I ItiatIvesh u'Iulnatsaromttuile borderoet ue ne tstet! field tendancy té benumb the appreciative faculties and to deaceutus doctrine ef ebsolute eua o heat oria rt>' oft, haglira fra,âIothé nel-vea. Therefore there ujil homany times 10. Its treaisonena outbursusetflunu- in bI ti owo bio -wepgeoreut o gadeur viltai tef1M you wlth the dIgiitien against the peveru loiget! post botes 30 feet spart lu wbich tha Do yjou rememiber poor Willkins Ai thMat o ld b y orm.Exris y pvesofdiln the constitution and lu the judîci- bugs tua>' lictrappeti. The bungry ave s hud eyus xecs orpo so i-an',lits attacs a aginsu leaders ln ct-vnd destier-ateamuectt, flutituathein- Mary? trneffeci it was this: Jncone. «iunaion. Beware of the condition of the. voman Who il 'lite, are aviilt-tcas et lus anar-chistit- selves unable te crocs ibis roati ail dmisirod that the two "prettiest" things sahe had ever seen aimsandturposes. Wiub ut love of tiume ud iraeposbt-k as n rtvi)otonet-ire olasndiet.v wur the Venus di Mio and Niagara FaUs. country' voulti cesse te mouse the Ps- quautitîes and cher-e tbay may bé But incomne a hundred dollars, Out '.I ou worry, yu evymn ill bè haîf gone at the tr-itlsm o! tite pstrnet.- ledfotineo ur prn star . sieial httuk hud1g sry bt "Sociatism la un-Ant-ca ansd in n lile trutu tnae ortle b>! onlngu iv etrsltiiey tsei nevitbie hat runis shuld g aatay-bt - lithiet-tcaration of Inde- Into est-b hoea. Otten the bugs dia they corne back gi. ris ilbemsea uoteeppoencwt! ezfoftnt uyýnickel one way or the other. oa make an ane ther trains. Boata are late in reachi.ug the dock-but thsl ail mets are treatail equat, bit al-«In the botes witbeut thîs troattuett. to= béats are usually late iu reaching the dock. Its al a 50 that they are endos-et!b>' their traordina1gy power of the regular saving part of the. gane. Bo dont expeet tao much; and donlt Creator- vill ceriîn lualienabto_______________ vory. ,-~ -1 1 1 arIMtsanuong uvhlbare lite. liberty,. money carinot be appreaiated qril Mou ___________and__-the Inîrsuit fbapiluss. The psfi eape o ae n u absotute or- ultra-equalit>. wbicb se-,psf exml.ou aedn Pt THE GOOD ROADB MOVEMENT. ali ekinpaeote qaiytrcprc twudb 21.2é The Illinois State Convention of the National Good of opportunluy vouit! usurote>' ib î- he e etwud6 21.2t Roads association apin calis the publie attention ta the cru> te malte thc hast o! the God-glv- and that accotant woutd 6e rolling uP country's great ne- in this direction. -Tii. good roads an towors of eau Indviduat. 'hai jE "i - ---' as Euîogizes Retlion sand Horne. M ou Cari do, tits withaickel a dey, movemenIt gradually gainine wiuespreaau recognition siirto ail, sacialIsa a outti take rawe ndm one of the great national questions of the. day, but the pub- fr-cm the labortng man the thîngi lbec cents a dey, or a doflaraweadi lic interest is net as great as it would ho if the importance necis mot- religion ant oe utthe habit of sa0i00g acqu*ired. whidi is wcH of the matter and the possible benefits frotni good roads valnu dt the frîners n icnIol lé construictionl were given deeper consideratioii. pafr ftescaltpar-t>.o! ever Iearned in school. A batik account Amant-a declars 'Religion la s private Good roads is one of the greatet national iisds to- ater' anti that 'trcliarn basneub- The art of in a good relib ompany. Will keep twt day, and is one which has long been ueglected. The bacir- lug ta do wth au>' religion.' The dec- bons cf the nation's prosperity is its agriculture, and the irte -s nortcî fr i e aking waàtçhes- hr o r oe hudgudewu baeta rcddaotthonow-ts B.ba achigai4sedl 'ý»rketing of its agriculturai products is In a 1i,« dog-.etha pra-edo et aotio stav-arhnt&W tsd udent on good roads. The fariner is afie dect lylia diu;y eseFvts. .for ysar. Wattes«bavmOrs raîne THE I ET AC éoy ther class indirectly by the charactor of the "Thauks e ho tetiit!the soclaistes dtil pver. elmkigO-s rtation facilities offered for these prducta. The bave net succeeded inl deceivini att And ti OIt tev are gsttiii* cheaper pe-onn a most important office as feeders ta the. Iaboring men. Tic>. tnieci te Itduce alithewhlle-wlilch le railler treUge - briningther feigt t thei ad dlivnin itthe VWestern Fader-sien a! Minera to Ilj'on veuito letearu ]net bow brigig tei frigt t tem nddelveingitaffiiate wi the Industriel Wer-kers et far thé watt-h mtihfg art b-adt.- Snters. ~~~~the Worîti. a puret>' sociatlstti organi. vanc.tis teI the place t3 came te. AngOthrB soesC nB te s -> 1~8con our roads is greater than that îon ourzatlou but theminera ai Butte vte yj y t eut beaPthrBu0es1C oBet Slgr'n4.,yot t4e expenditure for the development of each thein devo.aivttctcen .store. -to Your Michigan MutuaiLI do Wuoc m Good transportation is the basis of natur- Our watt-b stock centaine ALj - a d.vome and should be given much attention i KNSA00M T GAS haeh rt !wihmk. a iob& M. Knsa uyI.4ebat de-, And we wilingly place aur lIme et ............... ... Le Power egular &icawbers economic sum- a hundred dollars a yeai-. fe cents, resait happiness. Igo a hundred dollars and impossible to nianq that a ig difference. But the ex- is of ang small amourit of do a folte figuring. Sup- taway live cents a dey ai igour credit ini teri gears p i e a snowball. And if vitat couald you do with ten mrie thoan moneg, would 6e irth more thon ail qoa have iand a fle insiararce porucq ie ire burninq on the itearth in goa have no business te. 'T IS NOW r Afford to Wait. Write Jtfe Agent To-Dag ,T IS NOWU! - ýours trtuly DISTurITM»m4GmR Sfer anmitdCeit a nïmetof$78 ta [nbtufl ethe. tii.kiteben.ik nd t4 .force PnIIP; ilîxng s= 1 -outa feet hlm fliurtiveIY 0,teà elutMilflg et bspurs. strtngs and ,a ta hmMIhtg and hawng that h. coudfl't . Ou affrd the. npense; but wben the. fi- 0 a- 'ire. ver gien that the, outfit COuld 1the jb. lnstalied for 81,- the slnk vent ln id te vltbout »ZY argument. "1Cen sny of 7Von Imagine any faria- fermer who WOtld cOngiier for a tshe inmiet aa*t s aepens. of $200 mile% or $300 that vould bave titaset! Ixý mlle t>les cf vaiking durlng Ithe Year* 1 t1, 0f course not. But h. qften lots hl& t inac vite vak the slty M les bcause b. ,men- doeen't realize what be la dei, be- nmpng cause ho dfesn't have t. do It hm- et th e neit .' nec- prof. Mlorgan oatieci the fariner ed te who robsetth, soitof its fertilty andi bard- leeves It linPOv6r5hOd a thief; thA' ore lie vo rt lUin f a thi. for hl ie l water wantouly taicen for hiassîlf ulat 0o0d mch as given tO a eh pecpi and ho be- hanlie leves that tht. lind of crml.ality nd tear vwills-u lie pnlaed by 3ev. the on his aine az any other kind of tbievlIig la ~EGER -e and Paints iandie the. fattious Masury Paints ane longor, look@ beet longet is best general ervice he place to order your Binding die--ail grade@ the p1atoe to by aU l kids of rdware-the prices are right. tyvïlle, Illinois

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