and the price or this grain, hma been raised considerabiy because of tis fart. It was rioiceable Sunday laat that many farmers had big gangs at work bringing lntriirir iray which had been cnt Satnrday or even Sunday morri imrg. Tirey seemed unwitting ta bs any time hence tire Sairbatir waa flot observed. PROSPECT GOO FOR GATS STATE SCORES IN GRACE TRIAL 1Wornn' "Alibi Lattera" Are Barred GENERAL AVERAGE 40 TO T65ý by Court ln Atlanta, Ga., Case. MUSHELS Pili RACRE-WHAT Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 1.-Tire prosecu- SOME FARMERS SAY. ion scored a point lntritie tria! of Mrs. IDalsy Grace, accused of having at- tempted to kiltiber buairand, SIgerie Reports tram varioris parts of Lake (Grâce, whri tire court refused tu fper- and Mci-enry county show trat tire mit Introduction of certain "'alibi lt-t croiralntr bis section of tire statu arc tors" wriiit ra 00fbeen aubmitted in te vey bst cnditon hat hyto thre proeecution. tri~~~~~~~~~ tievr ra odtO ia by I orie of tiese tettera, supposod 10 bave been ID for years. Farmera Inter- have been wrtten on ihe nigbt nf thre iewed iry tire Independerit bave ireen day Mrs. Gracs etf Atanta for New- weit pteased regarding tire pros- na. Ga.. was onie phrase: "Afien 1 peçt4 on bieir farine prd ait foet left yon t tire train." Tire tate te gretly encours.ged aven tire outiot., Attempting to show. It Io said. tbat General raine have arrived at op- Mrs. Grace wrote this lmter to ber- Portne ime Io&idtheýroingself. pot daled il andI igned ber hue- pontns imesto id ire ~~o 1ngband's Dame to Il: and bildmaliedlit crolu &Uai tle a dry speU of lever- herserf ta Nerrian, te estairliair an ' a dL75'.,duration did est ltb aided alIbL tire samu grain ln muaturtDg and rip- ening virile lt did Dt uraterial dam- MILWAUKEE MAN ARRESTED age ta tire eonn crop. The Ot Crop Good. Thought to Be Impicaled In KIIIIng A large number of tirreabera tari- 1 Of Chicago Saloon Mari. ed "ocn tire season's mun yesterday Milwaukese, Wia., Aug. 1-Fred Wan- Ai Yet ittie or none of tire small quiet, eigirleen ycars old, was arreat- grain n tithil ctnity han been tirresir- cd by Miwaukee detectivea tri con- qe. but for the neit urontr. tire f arm- nection vitir tire titing of George sa v-01ire kept busy puttiriz on the 3ilnterirnger. a saloon keeper at 5100 souaîing tftales in tie sural grain Northr Clark sfreet. Ciicago, Sundayý hsieiLte st in Iis vciiiîy are ex-. nigirt. 'e*oaaY god nd bupercro la Tire police expect to, make ariotier oxpéeWta. As yet. fer have thresred asiocite of Won anst. e ea UWir grailn, but rien interviewed to- ascaso aqit day, soYons> stated tiat Iirey believed _ teibm pas vorld average frour fonîy If thst Liberlyvilie trotting tract to stxty busliela per acre. A ferwi i have another novely added t0 ils Yeans ago, îeveral reported as Iigir exceptlng a circus and now cornes thec avarages ait îeventy-live and igity lite rany spectacutan performance; on busei to an acre, but tbits yieîd wasGcoiony of fee-thinkers; ln Waukegan % aecured onty on amati patchea, wrîre tire. ground vas exceptiona.Iîy icir. now corne. the possibiiity of a cirrust The .rainla ah uo of a good qualty to the north of ius, with circussea btoi asti JUi as large a yleld la expected then rIght here ln Waukegan and wi thli 7.61 as tire. years &go vireitLake county relu have enough arnusemt M xeietly largt crop rai ban- vésted.1 ý: _-idUe »ýà* Raied.The Women'a Federation mernbe Uttl what s risei lnthec -help Waukegan. On the Foufrtir of July Litie iret l rt5~ tr tie CuD>es. of the ceiebration. AndI, nore1hi ON SEASON'S I(UN TO EiET IN CROPS FARMERS PUTTING ON FINISHING TOUCHES IN HARVEST 0F SMALL GRAIN. try surrountng bhila Citl. A targe' -" --,-, . . amombetaeh Wit*z .whet Ai. lii- countened, we find them stiti ready to dig i and hoip raio tho doirt. Who nois wÎc lf'illeè'biyj":é bLri -Wnt.n asys Wautegan women Aren't inlerested and layai? ~be a rapid procea., l in that the, demand mlght be suppild. SENS NEW LOCA* 119N FOR BRANCO1 TIRE MANUFACTORY NORTHWE&TERN RAISING TRACK THROUOH WAUKEGAN TEN INCHES TO CUT OOWN HILL AT GRAYSLAKE SIG MILK BOTTLING WORKS WILL ENTER UPON NEW INDUSTRY THERE THIS WEEK. WILL NEED MORE HELP THE COMPANY INTENDS LATER TO MANUFACTURE ALL THE CAN8 THEY USE. flefore lire end of tire present week it ta expected that tire eanning of conrtensed mitk witt ire staried at tihe new mitk botting factory at ilriys- take. Tire maehineny bas ireen iD the factory, but was flot set rip untit ne- ceritty, viren it was ihirogit it was urne th~lie romintry to prnepare for tire big cuir tiat Is expected tis Fait, on soon atter the tiret of October. Up te thre prescrit time tire condensed produet iras been prut In barrels and eBhmpped te flurtington, wirere It iq carncd. Wiren tire canntng witt be begun It wttt mnean work for severat more peo- pie. Thre machine used to itl and R eai 'the cana witt turn outf iity-etgirt caris ier minute, tht. ta four times more te thre minute thari are turned out at tire Burttngtori plant and two tess than aithtie aIrer factory latritie western part of irta atate. Ilf bus gatt cari be matrrtained for an bour It: witt mean 360 ceatIn an bour. Later on, It ta bbc Intention of tire i.l reaiiy soid to Ringiings, Lake counly along list. Il ha& had about everything circus. On tire norlh we have Zion and the west, aI Wauconda, ta the Beihart we have the cavorting of politictaris and to the aouthwest. Thus, with circusses the west of us, with circusses now and th the prospective circus at Liberlyvilte, ent In the future. -+ - »rs are 10 ire praised for their efforts 10 lwe find thern working hard for the suc- at ilt i ail over and a big loss wa eri-J Wlret-No. 2 ted, 8.OI1:N. 1 3 ed, 9gc081.01%: NQ. 2 bar'wiiÎ, 494%@96%e; No. 3 bard wltetr. 1140, i94c: No. 1 northsrn îpring 81,050 1.07: Mqo. 2 nortirero spring. 11.030 1.08, Corni-N. 2, 74@74%sc; No. 2 wbIte. 75'/g@76c; No. 2 yettow, 740 74%c. Oats-No. 2 whrite, 46c; No. 8 white, 39%c; standard, 39@43c. Cubagle Live Stock. Hoge-Receipta 25,000. Quotatlons rangés] at 17.800.00 heavy butcheMs 88.Oê@S.Ili light butchevus $7.3601,40 ireavy packing, and $7.3008.00 good to choice pige. Cattle-itecepts 17,000. Quotations rangod ut $9.40@9.7à prime steers, 87.0008.10 choice to prime fed bief cors. J6.40@7.20 seiected feeders, $5.250.06 fair to good stockera, $9.75 010-00 gow ol t coice vogi caives. Sbeep-Recelpts 35,000. Quotatiomie raags ut $7.1607.75 choice tb prime Iambe, $5.0006-75 good to ciroice yegrlitgs, 14.7505.00 goodi to choice wethers, $3.75C4.25 fain ta good ewoa. New Potîtees. Early Ohio, 75@78c pcr bu; Illinis, 85072c. Buotter. Creamer, per tr.2e rna 28c; extra firses 24%c; firats, 24c: dainies, extra, 24c; Orats, 22c; pactinu etock. 24)c. Fiait Buffalo Liv. Stock. Dsrnng & Stevens', Live Stor-k Corm- mission Mercbsats Eat Buffalo. N. Y., quote as fotiowsa:Ctlte-Recelit 5ce;l0marktlsteady. Hogsa-Re. cepe1 ars; markt etrong: heavy, 8.76; Tankers. $8.85(«8,90; îrige,. $950 0.75, Sheep-Recelpts 2 cars; mar- ket slow; aprtng lamirs, 17.50ü7,76; 'yearlngs, 86.00660; wetirers, $5.00 0S50; ewes, $3.75U4.50. Caivea, 85.00 @10.76. Ru;ént Griffith frainsCiricago toda y rOlectared tiraI he hasi been given posi- tive assurance ttmat tire Dame of Bryari U. 8. TIRE COMPANY SEEKING Ai LOCATION FOR BIG FACTORY DRINGS TRACKS TO PLATFORM NEAR CHICAGO. _______ BY CHANGE THE WHEELS OF CARS WILL. PASO ALONG EVEN Thie officiais of rire Wankngan anid WITH STATION WALKS. otiien nearby iridrttriat associations bave been atkter o nako a propos!- lion wbicir nil openrrtire way for ne- Tire raistng of the Nortirresterri gotiatiorra for tire1possble tocaton of tracts tirrougir Warîkegan fnom a a great Indrtrrtryr inre ci'ty. Tire ta-roirit ln lire nantir yards ftatihe turr at the ccmtery mearis more than Is duBtry la a i:g jplant of thre United geerattv conrîhendr'd iy persoa States Ttre crurrî,rnY. Tire corrpany wiro bave seenmenmcant wrn at tire iras been senkirrg a location frir thre local station. big plant for severat menthersand iras Recentiy wonk ras startnd 1a naisel neot been surressfur i nindlng a lo- tire tracks tirrougirtire station tro cation rirolty arited ta tts needs. Tire tiches. Part of tire work Dean tire campU a onscre of fie greateat Cam- depot was compieted at tirat grde panesi connected wlt ttie automobile aird tire men were gettIng ready ta tridrstry and it Is dectaresi that tire continue tierî work furbrnaiongtr men belrind tire tndustny might look route. Then came an orden "to with favor on a prnopositin fiomiithre wrn; pans are changed taoran the incal association. At tire present lime tracts ten inches. tire conupany ta considering sites for Mates It Even Wlh Watt. tire factory suggested iy organizations Tire raistng of tire tracks ten tInches ln hicgo nd etritbutIl e sidmeans tirat tire tracts, wben up tûa tiraitirhe officiait are not satiefied witirhirat grade, wtil he almoat everi with eitirnof th ire eis. tire piatform on elttier aide of the Tire company Is arixiona f0 have tire tracks. Thins will ho quite a changeý Plant located close ta tire large sirip- nt lae station, ta bave tie cars rnn pirig points cf tire Mtddle West anid if along even vAitir oie's teet as ire, desines as reli ta be tri ctose Icucir stands on thre plaifonm. wtth tire great. automobile concerna of Tire tact that, oni tire ast aide cf lie country. The riew plant te he tire Iracta, for sonth going trains, enected witir bave an anuruai output of tire stop from tire cernent watt t'O 750,000 tires. makiDe lb one of tire tire fIrat step of tire car, ta nov very targeet factories eofie tind lntritie itgi, mates tire posstilitioa of iigir- wrnd. Tire company wontd demand a Btepping" ralther unpteasant. Witir very large tract o? lanid for tire lacs-ltire stop now la iigir as it is. Wtth tion of tire ptant anid lb wanld demand thc Increaseofo ten rinches. people wtt! as welt as srttcitg faclities andI a bave ta carry %mail stops withtitieur chance ta gelhilgir grade tairor. or became expert jumpens. Posstbiy Tire courpany would employ lntirtie tire campany vlil! compeil eachb altes tegiborood of 1,500 menirththtie maritf0 hostie Out witb an extra step opeDtng of tire pairt and lb la prob- toaire mmmd by passengens. able that It woutd employ a mocir Tier ating o ftiro tracta ton iricheaý tanger number of men laten, means the cutttng down of tirebill Tire proposition ta purnty a apecota- ieading ta tire cemtery. a grade whrichr tire anesaS fan as Waukegan is con- eacir year iras graduaily heen iowcred. cermrsd, but It la d,-ecared lirat Borne lb used 10 ire sncb a bitllbirat trains of tire officiais of tire company have coold harely mate lb if toaded irnavily. tootnd ritir favor on a location l n.Tire ton Inchr raise o? tire tracts wIî! cf thc amalier cuses about ChIrcago. lesser tire drag matenially. tertieectos fthre whel* Mats. Adgrens 1.I. Wright, % New 'k)l I -tieater,PIMndial, 0Ohio. Up-litJ STATE BOAq Q DUCTS JNSPIJQN 0f ALL DAIRIES UTrder the direction of the state board of healththr ie asmog! InspecU4or or s taie dalines liq now beiug marde, D>r. C. H. Crawford, chiet Insirector, helîg tI charge of the foitowirig as- sistants: John IL. Preston, Pekin; (;. Wl Eldridge, Richrmond; W. E. Pea- body, flecatun; P. S. Monier, scales Mound: S. E. Lebarior and C. G. Date- mani 0f Metropolla. This Inspection Incîrides only dalines wiricb îuppiy milli for famlty con- somption and for boteta. and don. flot tietlude tirose fnrnisiring milk to, crpamerles, It 19 e8timated tiraritI wtt! ire lte iris Fait before tihe final tIspections are concluded. Wtthin a radius of fifty mites of Chicago, otate board co-operates wilb tihe bloardt of he-ltiof that rify. Rigid Inspection are made of at I dairy farms, anid wiienever tt is fonind tirat mitk ta betng aold under condt- tdons ln vtiation of the. rutes 0f the board of heatth, thre dairtes witt ire comPetted to close dowri. untit siit lime as asatitactony changes are madte in existing conditions. I Cut Out Uhihk Coupon NtIon'-- -- S0S3545 Coupons of Conisecutive Dateim < c >: wilI enttitie you k> one of the NATIONAL VACUUM GLEANERS 1 advertised in previons issule@ OUR LAST CAL TO YOU WL, WILL CLOSE THE , BOOKS THIS MONTH We Positively Guarantee Your 1Investment!! e Tire Meredithr Florer andI Vegtaile ConanY laeaoe f tire moet profitable Compsatesln nontirerr Iltlinois, and Itila aprodect a? Late <ounty. Tbey did nt coure te lâbertyvflle asking for a lange bonus as se manyl do but vent te work juat as any ironeet Courpany shoutd anid showed tire people rirat they coriîd do and organized an a profit siring hasts anrd etnctod tireir officenrs. Tirebornes of thes efficera are bero and flot lni Chicago onrsaure obirndistant place and mon siecte4 by tire stock- boîter, direct. Thrs directors fan fie presorit yean consista of J. E. Meredithr, tire promoter arid generat maniager and viro la a reaident at Libcrbyvttle and manager for tire C. M. & St. Paul R. R. for UbertyvIlle; R. P. fichaaehete, a retired farmen and financier, eàse tirs present mayon a? Ubentyvilte: Mn. Wi. Nerton a etired mencirant of Rtockefeller and capitaitt; U R. Ciansen, SupI. o? tire C. M. & St. Paul P,.IL, veit known bath on tire main ins andI Janesvflte divisions. W. B. Canr, threfIftir director, ta too vet! known to neesi an Introduction as ire ta tire poputar conducbor of one of tirs Lbertyviiie trains on the ASt. Paul R. R. Ail tire diroctora except Mn. Clausen i Ubertyviie anrd viat tire plant daiiy and keejr a ratchfui eye aven eveny dtail th ie vont. tirs assuning tire best resuits and tire Ieasb expetise. The personattty of tire diroctors ta above reproacir andtheir person- attty o? the stock iroldere la thre béat and constas tincticatty of alltheir buiness uren oILibertyvie, very litIle of tirs stock being lietd oubsids of Ubertyvilte. Tirs campany la rapttattznd for15.000.00 cansisting of 3.500 airies t $10 per ari- and ta sold at par ($10.0(p) an terms to suit tire purciraser. prravtdrng birey ans easoriabte. sacir hane drawiug 7 per cent lubeneet tramn date of deposit of muoey anid due on tire finit day of Majrcir acir SPrn At tire sain. ime tire dividend wiii ire declarsd and payable on or iefore the tiret day of Niay. A few o? thre reasons wby yon ghontdownu stock ln thirt company are: flecause tire stock ta nan-assessable wben futty ;îatd andI drave 7 per cent irterest frour date Of deposit to day of witirnawai egarde.. o? di tderrd. Beaunse It le one o? tire few campantes seling stock for Greerihouze pnnposes as Ib ta too valuahie andI pays Ire pramotcn btter to irrow moncy at 7 or 8 per cent thar itl dose at carpitatize, but we capttalized an tire Uroory Utiri in union tirese ras tnongtti, anrd we bave round t so hy tire aurount of businesvo have donc tis year arid again lb mates il à profit sirantng eompany. Becauso Tirs stocktrotden ls imited ta 1110 siares, thurs garanter' in tirai Dno one person cari get coninot of tire stock andI Freeze" ont tire auge oarnr, wrira r onty own one, tva or thrce saaea. Recause Tire comt>any iras assebti propenty ta rover ait ibti- deirtedrise and dos nat have ta "rwaton" Ita stock to ralse maol' to de- fray !tg expeisos. Because Tire board o? directora cari rot place any liabitittes on tie company vitirout tire consent of tire stock-bottIers, beyarid tire assets of tire Company. Recause tire manager cariant obtigate ttre stock hottIers without tire consent o? tire dinectors. BecausP Any stactiroider Cari drar bit or hcr moriey out at aril time wlhittrest at 7 per cent fraur date of deposit ta date of ntthdran- ai by givtng tirs dinectons due notice ln vniting. Thons are many otirer reaions mist as good but bîme and spoce wil riot ]et us enter them In detait. Ws are tecated witin iftl' feet of tire otd dep)ot at Liberty-vil anai have tire best siipptng faculttes ln tire coutntry, iravirig bro ratiroada aand fr0 express comparues ritir trains ainitit every boom. We are now offeririg thlastock at par. $10.00, ta tire rage oarnrs of Ubertyvi!tc. Interest bogining tire day o! depoett at 7 pen csnt. Why place yaur savings la a banc ast 3 per cent rwhen l'on can got 7 per cent? Dont lou n irr bat tirat bank viii put iat nre money out aI 6 per cent anid aven mare? Tny 10 barrow sou. money frour hiat aame batik and ho canvinced. Tait. 5, 10 or 15 ahane. intIis gold maine and ire convincod. Yau cari drarwont thîs monny amy IUle niti tirs 7 fier cent Interest Il iras earned, and if it remains one yearor more l'au viii also get yonr prrtion o? tire dividerid. which wrut ho tnir roprorton to tic numbor of ahares yo hotd. let Ilb ie one or one irundre.d Wn exlemid a peronalIinvitation to youairand alil rarr frîriri toi vi-it thre plarit and vcnify eveny statement we hrave made hefore invebtlgating We are non addtng 40,400 s9quare fout of giasa teoaur plant and wqrti îîrrmpltbeil wtli give n. 83.000 square foot uder giase, vbich ir ii ;îrodlrce $1.00 a foot wittin thre next yoan and tire oýpense of maitra.imig ta eBttmated at 50 censtien square foot,. bases i vantous otirer raya, Ir cents a font, tirno teavtng a net of 40 per cent on about $3,350 tlbe dtvided betreen 2500 shares, tins gvirig a d1idend of 13%~ per cent in addition te tire 7 per cent intereât on a tofai cf 20 per cent on tire tivealment. The hanter wil i îe ority 3 per cent on yorrr deposits and reaUze that 20 per cent on your money. Figure it 0fr younseif. No business cari sxixt on iesa irari 20 per cent. If if dosa net mate tirat it wtt! close ifs docra. Ask your mercbamrt or any busine5ss nan and ire convincorl, Sircrbiur the6e figure. aird If hei r honeat ire witi tell you tirat they are correct. It ta true that ne bave cpLpitalited for $35,000.00 but $10.000.00 vas Irtacesi ln tire treaaxrry for- eseratecy anid t.arit workirg and does rnot draw Inteneat or dtvtdend and cari oniy ire used wirer urgentty noeded and if iras f0 iere eplaced ont of tire wrkrIng fond as ýoon as Paisible. tIntire fonegoirig vo bave tried te mate aur proposition as plain as possible. a-rrrmising tire probable question and answertng tire same and agala un conclrrsin, witl exterid a cordialIinvitation ta ait (and especialty lirose vira wi'rirIta Sud a profitable place te tInveat carntigs wrree biey poitively carineflotose) te visit orir plant and brng yonr note book vitir you fit of questIous andi if we caunit ariawen thein sattsfactortty, vo viii not ast you ftrInveat one dollar. . Tinsfi;no) get ricir qulck aceer, but lb tsau anioirest Iivestent. on buainiess priciptes, hy business peuple. We do nt sel! you stock for 75 cents on tire dollar andI promise te pal' yen hact 110 cents on tire dollar at soure future ttme, but we astliit at face vaine, $10.00 per ahane and promise to redecin it at any time vibir 30 davz' notice at par vaine. ($1.0.00 tagebirenr itir niateven ltb ias eanned oven tire 7 per cent Inteneat. Meredith Flower and Vegetable Comp.any See W. C. Sanborn-"Buay Bill Is One of Our Stocliholders. But Do It NOW! J. E. MEREDITH.- Preaident nul go irfore tire Bull SMonge conven- d!onaua a candidate for vice presi- dent. q Mon- --i '77