Pan' Uoe §UARD IS CLUBBED; PRISONERS ESCAPE; SENSATION AT FORT TWO SOLIERS MAKE ESCAPE AF. TER CLIJBBINO GUARD U.NCON- SCIOUS WITM OWN GUN. NORTH SHIORE 13 EXCITED' MOST SENSATIONAL ESCAPE VET RECORDED AT 114IE POST - COUNTRY SEING SCOURED. Two federal prisoners escaped front lite private range at Fort Siteridaný laie wednesd5y. Juiy 31,, affer knock. Ing titir guard, Abert Pson, sens,- legs with te butt et a rifle. The ea- cape in thte second wifhin two moats fron thle range at the fort, il recalis the sensatiotal esacape Jane 13 of te four prisoners vito vere assisted la thier break for lberty by a womaa driver et a motor car. Thé escapeti prsoners are William R. Breanl. Company A, of te TweniY- SeventhIt nfantrY. anti Richtard L111Y, compait! E of te Fourfh tnfantry. Breanit was iteing heiti for a generai court martal. bis offense being a seri- probsbiy il woîîld have led lu a PeaiteDtiir! conviction. liiy ras a gmeerter, but liaitigiven imnIsei)u volunfariiy andi but for is breakinx prisonl quarantine ite migitt bave es- capeti a severe sentenlce. MR. AND MRS. GRACE Wife NCW on Trial for At- tempted Murder of Mtaband.J StEATORS AFFM MONROE DOCTRINE Lodgo Resolution Unanlmously. ' eperted by Committes. MASOALENA'SAY TUECMUE- eong DC«larsilon Mode Agalmet Ac> qukition by Rival Power of lHar- bor or Territory ln the Hemsphere. Waitington. Ang. 1. - The senate foreign relations coiamittee adopted wtitout dissent Senalor Lotiges recont- mendation tat the Unitedi Statez re. ailrm thte Monroe doctrine lni terms clea r tai ail the world anti adopted a resolution ta express disappraval of lte purcitase uf any possible naval basses on thte American continents by sny forelgn power. A firm stalenient by the tlnlted States la asketi as a resultlof thte rag- tiena bay Incident, wiiere lit Wa showntlit a aJaîsnese syndicale bs. been ncgoiiating for 4,000,000 are aiong te westtcoast of L.ower Cali- forna in ta ielco. A specilicommit- tee comîtosetiofut e.nalors I.odge. Rot. Suthterland,. Hitchtcock and Rayacr re- poriedt hat il hati founti no e% Idence that .iapan or any -iter foreign na lion was beitint tee.venient to se- quire thte landi asout Magdialena bay, whlch te UitiedtiRates.consitiers te tnost sdvantageunsly locateti naval base on the Pacifier. oast, becanse of l ilsrelation 10 lite western terminuis of thc Panama canal. iu F.wmz>Â J7 2 i1 I ýI] Oniy one Sentry on Guard. a::::: u: ::: : Seutaor Iotge reporled te resalla y lion lublie enafe siotrly afier tat Tbeitwo prisotiers weri sigDed, ta ON THE DIAMOND FIELD oymt niatInstni a e work duty under guard of One sentY.ferreti. The resopulion ras as fol- Titey wre aailonsd on te private ,ê ~Iowa: raIngs. Thte escape occurreti a littho NATIONAL LEAGUE. -ResoIvpti 'ritl. riten a! taritor arter 4 ooci. riten other oltiers or otter place on te American con- rare af drill on anoter part of thte W. L. Pct- W. L. Pcf. tînents IFi su situatedt iat tec occupa- y.y * 672 76Ca...~ > lintereof for nasal or mlitar punr reserve h. . - 4 62.6Sti. L..41 5 427pae ihtr.tonheonmnr- Bresuit sutidenly rîîsieti tPon te pille. 37s 8 .4 Brook 35:.13 372 ponssomthe Itreatenolite unitpic guard front beind. rile LlllY,was ai- pbIîî .4., 43 .ii11Boas, 2 66 27.' tis ie o rîetcflt at tracting bis attention fronthlie front. At New on.Ri H. a1 States coîlti nil sec stboîtl grave rTe prisoner kaocketi te senry t CIncinnati . . . 00 O iinI--O6 ocfn t ,l eposeïsion ut sud. iar- Mhe grounti anti siezeti bis rifle. Wit rYrk. 10 2hùOhti.a-7 10 i bor or altpr tptace. be itetiv v silra- tbis furnoti mb a club he beat te Fromme and Nlcl.eaa. iMoore, Clark ion or assoitilo wiîch tas sut b a tomigi obos t head until bhewuAi e 2eers anti Wilson. WK relation lua siotier 9ocrt eua fisti ont li.Te tan;0 ners bissa A FrookIya 20101 R. HaAttipricarn s lu gise taI giergn ant men, unconaclous..Tue24010a013-1il14422praetical 1tisserf nI arol fîîr national lied fom th rang. Broklyn... 030000001 - 4 9 2 proe. Thte guard waa diucovereti a fer Letiielt anti Archer, Allen, Curtis. vrbss minutes lit.. H.erwu c&rriodte fte Kneszer aud Milller. lft orthpitai, ritere bis injuries rare At Piiladeliuhia--R H.E dreuo& l. a tboaght hgMay be ouf_. L Louis .... 2 10 10 00 00--4 il 11 F N Phlaelbl . 0ô0 001 1 00 0- 2 N IT IN F N CASE fustiman,~w a fratturesti ktill An int Steele and Wlago. Moore and Kil- modiate ~ehct as itegue andth ie po-lifer. " " sttions of the nortit shore fowns Second gane- Rli. H. E. Attorney, Dtective and Girl Wrr a4k0e lookahforlbheaieat. St. Louis ... O 0 0 O O O O0 -0 21 As fait as te pursuind; soltiers Piiladelpitia . . 00 1 2 1 h 1 1 x-6 14 0 HeId by Grand Jury. woulti arrive at a cross roati, several Geyer and Bresnaban; lrennan antid___ raniti b, detacitetifrontte main par o .. OO(00001001 742ITtre91 Crq Copccy ni ly nt mta giar. olowig 15 iBoas . .00000000000i0N22-6 12 3 One Perjury in Aliena- cavalrY imen came te Infantrymei, O'Toale. Robinaon, l'amnila andi ion suit. sonne marcbiug on te double quick, Kelley HÜes. anti Raridea Nineteen ____ Bone In automobilesalaga. Owing ta leagt aioftiret Cordon Around Feslng Men gante second aas nul Playeti.Ciîcago, Aug. 1i - Attorntey Danlel -Otiters itatily itoartied trains on Ilonabue. Isaac Stiefel. private deteC- telMilwaukee electnic ine se lit AMERiCAN LEAGUE. tise, anti Aileen elipner, a witness ID a very shoarltnte a cordon ras W. L.Pet. .. L. Pet.laInte $25.000 allenation suit brougitt estaitlisited for nlles aroundth te scene 17 B61oc.a. 4 0 9 against Clarence S. Funk by Mrs. John o1ft scp ah...60 70 619 CerC 4All60 490 C. Henning, were lntilcted by te 1Thotiet taItte prisouers looklPbil,..5 41 57.'tN, Y. Al1 61 337 grand Jury for allegeti conspiracy. tbotr guards rifle anti amanunifion wasCl ... - -48 4f' )IlSit I.._29 66 305 Miess ieppner aise ras lndlcled on aumgitlaintimaIs litaIttey proposeti At Chicago--R. H. E. a second charge of perîury. te gtI before titey were again taken e York ... O 0I0 M 2 1 4 0O(1-12 15 4 Sieisattabetslleiase Chîcaga ... t O i 10110t - 3 10 8 ]y in thte Futnk case la addition ta captives. Ford anti Swceney. ('icolle. Kuba. taling part In te prellminary plot Pelers anti llayer. witit Attorney lionabue anti Detective At Detroli R. H. 9. Stiefel laetiefate te cbaracter of Washington . .0ýI0fi01 00 0-i 8 i icu.k. 'TAVRN LSO A PWNSOP toIat ... 110 IIO2 O x-4 8 6 A great tisaI af surprise ras caused TAVER ALSO & PAW SHOI Cahition ant i Ansmitit. Lake and iy lte fallure of te grand juy t Establishment In th City i London, At ^t. LOUIs- R. H. M te suit against Funk. If was de £sigiand, la in Enjoym.nt of Boston ... 01 000300n- 4 8 0 claredth iat tite absence of iiennings Unique PrIviloge. St. Louis ... O0010000001 3 namne front an Indicîtent was an lu. Iledient anti Carigan; Adamis and i dcaîlan taiteliai Iurneti tate's evi- Atltme.banareti London (Eng) cty Snell. dence and itad agreedtela apear as a tavern. the Caslie, aI lb. corner af At Phii.jatelpitia--rituesa in te crîmînal trial againil Cowcross treet. faclng Farrington jCieývelanti 'hiiadeiphita-Gatnte past- is attorney andthie atitens under le- streef, cajasfte unique dstincdtion ýpaneti accoutit grand rircuuit mccl. dictntn. of!bieng aise a f uly licenseti pledgeo____ ahop. Over th door In theo bar, riticit AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. gices acceta te thes lantlordsa prIvato ___________________ room, andt hrown bInto olti relief ity W. 1, Pct. W .L. Pef. CI4ANCERY NOTICE. te officiai document tehint if, te Miýnas..69 39 039 Mill. ..47 60 439 Stiate of Illinois, Cauuty of LakeO815. histsnire A-spioee symibore s dis- 1oi. . .. 68 40 6,10 St C .4AR62 436 Circuit Court a! Lake CountY, Oct- cerille.An on my ier nea-Taledo ..(U 10F27 L.ouls. .Al 66 383 aber Ternt. A. D. 1012. tiste a boan upoa is perFonal beloag- E c . . 5ý17À.419 la d. .40 72 307 Bertha F. Hogel. vs. William A. Ha- Ings witbout heingtîntier te aCces. At ?Mlneaploia-Tloi, 0; Minas. 'gel, la Chiancery No. 5842. SainfaCt, sity 0f iraI calîag for refraitîent. spolia, . 1-Se onti gamne-Tuledo, 2;- Formerly te bouse itad s special inneapolis. 1)ory affitiavit tha lthe tiefetidantlWil- iietige caunter reseniling thte modern AI bottIsilic --Iansas li1ty, : liant A. Hogel. la not a resident oifte "lotie anti Jng"ieçatneat, but this Louisville, 4- Stale of Illinois, go ltaI praceas can- ta na langer la ecience. At Indianapols-St. Patul, ; indilan ual be serceti upon bit,itavlng beau Tiis strange cuniinabion of biaspolia. 7. filed ila bie office of te Clerk o! saiti usas dates fronm thc reiga af George AI Colinîhu, I 'utîaitkpe, 2; Colm-. Court, Noice ta therefore itereity giv. IV., Wito, afler atteîudlng a rock flgitIbus te tesid! William A. Hogel, de- lit Hockley-la te-1lole, applieti1 lt lafdlord o!fte lastIs for a lemporay fendant, as afaresaii, taI te aboya »Coranmdation on te secrity of! is et ae opanatbrtfr l Vech and cbaia. IlY royal bisrNntta aamcBill o iiopaItt fi-erlortfile Suv des Inter te Inveutedthat bli A àWashington man calied ti pa e i fCmllfl at or, à* boeiaco riti thee nlgt o!fa..- eiarmlng but itomeir roman, ritait lied te Cancery aide ftereof andt lt a iauaMOZOY On Pletigea, anti frot fnt long before itsd ber portrait peint- sommons tersapon issueti out of sait I afIf iowu tthIe insent à eti The arflst itati dons i work rell. Court against te aavsnained de- 4 , frncna asbenanua. t a frIendly point o! iew, andthel.fsndntl, returnable on te iraI day >-F*o ethe Cailla. Tiis itostel. lady ras cornespondingly rleaiet. of te fermi of tite Circuit Court oi tubainilosilona. or trices iy ite ras net, itareven, Bo bllnd as net Lake couaf y. te be itelti et te Coturt Yime 1 àtahi*s»Vél... lases litIte portrait ras. as one luelaWnea l ad Lk __________ lgit say, a trille 'idealizeti." lueIWakg i sldL e Aus sie eziibiteti i to10 er caller abs couaty, oit teFiNrslMonday of Octr vanisatId: Wiat do yenu lilnk o! if! Han. aber, A. D. 1912, as la by lar requlreti, Whobe .kilts of the fartars, wri t lts artiat ratiter fiattered m@i?" anti riicit suit jeaaI hI pending. dom. met posebua s omis loUve In anti i 'Te vîlatar ooked ai the piclurs, LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, <nly subsista on rapins, bon inisitet thon 51 uhe lady, anti with an sloquent Clerk. bis dkmnr o! Mllik a" ho*fi5 * igit ausrereti: "Ai, my dear lady. Waukegan, Illinois, Auguit lot, A. D. bas lit p!plalntsd by a bçu*, "AlU ber coulti a paloter ait In your com.19. t he patnien, prtncnMd gj MM PanY anti Dot flatter your'192 et the cartlt mar Dow at dow a et e- Hydckr & Parmalee,,Complais- - - *ud the INDEPENDENT wkiy t SÛRl Cuttin Prices and, Reducg Stocki Prior to Mah ng Alterations We Must Quickly Close Out Our Entire Stock! of Children's Apparel Before inany weeks we're going to show voit an ideal1 elild- î'en's departiiient-one whieh Nvill bw a worthy eredit to the towii. It is to be splendidfly itted up and wviloep the spave fonnîerl1Y îîsed l)V the FI rilitui'C Iepaî'tineît. * W(' lP(>5( seti> openlthis iîîew l)epartîllnt %vith ii eîtirely * l~ew' Stock of î'liillrcri 's apîpalreI and for that ~esî are now î,îak- iIig sevtre prive redîîetioris ii(i<Q 'îii1>Itteo lo ' se ouit 0111, prsn ile~. WOMEN'S UNION SUITS C dqoaliri gauze, sleeveîeas, ont brella paints. lac~e triai- meci,21-15c Q WOMENS HOSE - Iilack anti tati Ctoloi. ligitt weught, rilýllîct, gootldeticlitiablt, quat- lly. t; %a t,..,, lr - ...u c Wash Goods Cut Holly Batistes I'inei< (tiily iil in a hlaîdsoîîîe Seleî'tii 4)ffloraitl Ot terns, 'vol t sallY uaY 12,c. for' this grade, specially pivjed at, a fic yard ........................72c DRESS GINGHAMS-2?7-incit fast ciii or trets giîghaîîs in a stîtcndld as- sorîmetit of îplaids, checkst ant i sripes, usuai jmice 12%, .this sale,..9+c APRON GINGHAM- A standard quality of atîroît gingitan in taple lightI atîdi ark bine iiîecks. ex- c'ellent lie grade. t. yarî l imit. jper 5+ $1.48-Smart styles for girls ni)tot 14 years of age, prettily matie of fine quai- lty linon, percale anti giigtnt. vatîtes ta $2.6,. yorcioice 14 ai ' .f .ý.. . . .1 4 81.98-Ail of aur finest dresses are Includeti ln titis selectian. mani' citarming etyles matie o! thte fineait gitigitami anti titre lineri s altiete10 at -- ... 1.98 Dresses Priced for a Clea rance Ail-Ovýer Embroidery and Voile Dresses-We iV e l , ' v* y<ll i <li ehloiev of aîî v îirexs Ieriîoîîi-'IVI sell- iiir tt t7AN) uîî 'l.H> for uîîlv $4 iii There are itr iir I re tt> moti lI ti seetfront,' ineit uof axiih tre ilArti in glv trtmnied with ta<,e or cia liroier> coollo1w tiet'k st> le'.. mtuir ihoire ...> . .. 4 9 WASH DRESSES $1.29- Nirctv amade of fig- iired J am ns. gingiatns andi er,,les. effeet- il>1 t runniedi wiih lai,..a id e ti ,rol ien sit table for ai reCi or tioilhe sîii-, alines toi $31ii .29 WASH DRESSES $1.98 t)atntv lawii. ginL ham a id1 îliilon ressc trniii iiet in ut an y at r itvî iiiinii(rs e t h lae «tilj ( îilr liry, ass ti r, tiolii oèII. A romtil'te clearance ofounr enrtre sqoek of $5.0 lbincasmorts andi toatil rie suitua are tniatier. liteNorolk ntte of a iae qtitiiy ol hewas sIien ira ah Co"a ti madie lit the auto styte, cholce..2 9 Dainty White ChidsRsmper Walsts at 98C Suis at 45c brac<-a a lange notn lier of dainly styles iti bot lingeries anti voiles,;teir regtttar prîtes were $1 54) anti$dli choitc.9 8C <onfortalile p l a y stliII5 ou caa daotte te chil i n. Matie a! gooti uualile litule nitevil anti pîlwiei te 50c kiati priî t'i 45 $2.95 for Any $3.50 or $4 Red Cross Low Shoe This is ain îfl'tfvnof moe thaîî ordiiîarv iiîportaiîi-îaîîd shiiîîld iîtel'rîst almost every %vi ouaniniiiWautkegan. We are îîit hoic(kig a sinlge pair in rvjeil, but g vi îîvo vour îîîrestîiioed u-hîîîî g« lli pîair inî the hîîîîsî-. llîî'aie (ords 1 i uin tlac adI)I 11(1lH ~ ___ st * les and lstrti-uh hlîlus; patent, gill îîetal adfi i i kî. 2 95 leathers, îîiost i %,sîîail sizes, $3.,_0)uîand 4.00 valties îti a îîJ CHILORENS PUMPS--ta Iwosirailiatît I_*olonIal atyles. ali t iisodate utotels. patenit. gun-metl anti tan bcathers, values tu $2.001. Sizes 11% fa 2 at $1.29. Szes 9 tao ft il aI $1.10. Sizes 52Ilu 82 at .. 8 PedC-MsSqgê I MEN'S SHOES AND OXFORDS-A rliedr ait e lot of meuis shoes anti oxfords, enibrac- îîîg a large varlety of desiralile alyles In gîta melal andi tan leathers, foot - 2*95 wear formerly soid ti a$3.50, pair . CO Corne and Get One These Splendid $20.00 Suits Now Selling for $13.95 Yolitîl he a lîîîglîtY hapy il iiiif x iprofit hY tlis f i tfr.ol will not oîîh et a sii.t tof ut and î exce\llenit stYleibut sua i 1111111 of iîioiiey ini the tîrtiisa<tioii. It's alîsoltiîtely iiil'e552'y tii eiiîri<liîl>l*v i(t<111 st e ore we start alterationis, and that is w liY we have put the knife so deepiy These are high elass garitielîts iii every detail; they have thc '4m1 ltthtiioring, the shlie i taiinig qualities anîd tle u llabillt.y A big st lectioîi of iiobby pattertis to Q1 9 i hoose friun ù ail desirabic inaterial. Every suit a _CF 0.()0(X0) alue, chîoî e . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . Sois Wash Suits Titese splendid wooi suifs are matie just as carefuily as the higit priced mensB gartWefs. They're tailoret of lte most fasitionabie anti durable ma- terlais and corne in sizes from 7 to 17 y ears, $3,50 andi $4.00 valnes 24 98c- These are daialy s4tyles iade of gingliais antitawtis anti prettily trimaîi. inctîtteti are ities ti)i iii$1.79, ages 4 ta 11,ltearancre trive - .. . -98 Savings on Under- wear and Hosiery Women's Vests---Made of fine iiîr- eprized ail u î, taj î'il ti-kanhlîl a-li Isoleq, tili kiîl dIlhit seîl lot 7 121 iî1, sual-e j................ 7 BOYS' POROSKNIT - Shirts anti tirawers8. plain white, short teeves, kuc e icthl, 25c cales ai, a U garniehit ý..... ... 19 C i