;UST 2, 1912. BUTTERs BUTTER. WVho h sbas hohutcW If u m o.lmg for Butter made from th. cleanoii. *ed peratenm-Ssatter thtIs à agolden color, an eaqulltu f**ve and cv.emery tets. thon TRIGGS'S GROCERY la cortaînly the place Io frnd il. For rellable Grocorlas et rea.onable pri ces, colt on us. J. ELI TRIGOAS PItONE 25-3 ilL Reduction Sale On summer underwear, Oxfords, Straw lis. Must seil ta niake room for our Fail and Winter stock that will b. in soon.' We have got a dandy line of summer weight dresa trousers at f rom $3.00 ta $5.00. Blue-Serge akeleton coata for warm weather. A fulll Une of sof t bosoni negligee shirts both with and without collars attached, fine for this warm weather A fullilUne of necictias always on hand ulso tic claspa and pins, sof t collars and linen collars always in stock. If roati lnkins of taRing a vacation trip, or jist a trip, yau aeght ta have ane aofaur Suit cases or Tmevlne Saa. tIsa isleil You bavat one armady. If Yen bave't bees te inspect Our gOOde., cone in, if you have been cone ln agan. EVILRYTIING FOR MENl. J, B, Morse &Co, ýPH ONE 14 Libertyville, M- * linois. THEf BElTER THE MIRROR The Better the Refloction and the More Perfect The Toilet SHOW us th. ladryvisa do.. net eppreciate a gond Nirror. The. irr on oui Dre«s«-,, Dressing Table.s.and Chiffonier., have .11 baus.ubj.cted to severe tois as we have insapct.d en cardulir ourselvea, and yut they rom"eiauniavokn. Comme and bR" s sin.em W. kno yeu avil b. pl.ased viti tihe reflecUen, a we1sa. wth tise dalaty articles nifisarnture oi b they aze a put [TREPTOW & TAYLOR1 LISE R T YVI1L LE I NEYER COULD WRITE AN AD. THAT WOULD L00K WELI. IN THIS SPACE AND SAY What I Want You to Know IF YOU WILL COME IN WE CAN TELL. YOU 0F Somethiwg lat «WiiI De Interesting THAT WE PfNý OT AOVERTISE Libertgvige Lurnbçr Company c", m,4, g N0 7slwuo ubbCtIoe s ii ldeOfi A P U~Oaqtuner. Plana. Md dMt.aopynuit ho ln theo«" neaslater u __________________________TIssa TuayOf e«Ch W«*. Advy. quartes a U.zM k, Iî=4- Uos, oePeciay. or*akud to taire t.su E V . D. Proctor and lit. ,OartIetiIas OtIgote thls efYoot. and lm e UWOY utu spent sunday at lowI flavi" a* Mu sd took la tb. lait paMrosusa1e à@UnThomas. orchestra Dr. E. a. Smith wau la Cbicaga Wed, Abo as tbl4tv e couple attend.d th@ nov bail Verty eit he town hall @atur.. MSlerloq noCaleeTomulrepor edy rio$*. giv bY the LibertyvIll r~cverag roua uve, Iliai.. Amsmbly. A meit enjuîyable tIme va. Mr. and liro, 0. A. Nevom spent lied. enuday vIls frieude lu Evauston. Je@. Waodman of Waukogan, tran.- iafted bueinse.lu our ly Tneeday. Oeo. W. schIUng &Bd amlly @peut Suaday wlth relative. la Waukegau. Chari«e Forbrich Ie speadinga aweek vith relatives et Antiocb sud Channej Lake. Dr. J. L. Taylor returas the Iset of this week Irora a several deys trip to Dumont, Mina. Mise Florence Berîsan le ependiug a couple of weeks with relative@ aud friende et Elgin. -Elh Sodferbnrizli Wit Thurmday for Dcatur, III., wbere le espectée to wî,rk until septeraher. George Ilatiau of tue I hilago Record- llerald use satîniFN" svisitir bere Tueeday alîeruîuîuv. Dr. anidlirs. 1E. A, Crancentirtained John Smi asud Frank Collins )f Chicagoî. 1,5r Suudav. Frank Wil.on sud Mnise .fvsutte Robaxuýe @peut Sunday with MIr. %V.licou m brother et Nim îaukeeý lIre . F.Il. 3nitli of (Iicagui. perît lInt Priday %vtb lier son,.Dr E. V. Srnixthansd faviily bhere. The Ladies' il iofthe NI. E. burcb wi me-t!wliii M ns leo, Eutoiiiw.x t Tueoday afternoîmn, Aum (;. E. E. Ellswortb enitertalued his brother, Albert Ellsworth,. Jr., of E,,auaba, Nfichi lait Friday. Mise Marie ltven returaed lait week from a assit s ititMr, sued irs. Clarence Flagg aud family at Milwaukee. Mise Bleruxce Johuaton of Rogers Park. Ill., viited Saturdav sud Sunday with ber cousin, Mies Edua Cae'. bers. To close out the remainder of thelr porch furniture The Ray Furniture & Paint staors ofer a discount oI 20%. Mir. Bart Wincei sud daughter of Cravfordeville, Ind., are spendiug the vweek wltb lMr. sud lira, 0. A. Neviora. Misse. Macge Bennett, Peàrl Jerred and Blanche Ely vlslted over Sunday vitb M"s Bennetta parent.s t Barring- ton. Tom Cols sud bis sieter Maizon, of Chicago, @peut the latter part of last week sud the llret oftIbie vitis friends bers. Friday a deal wse made whereby Erneet MeDonald acquired of Austin and Coiby the W. J. Mundre property on First street. Owen Woolrldge lfttat wrek for a point lu Arkansas where hehae accepted a poeîxon. lire. Woolridge will folow lu a ywee or su. Mir. sud lire. Carl Fîck sud chldrsu of Waukegsu, vislted ovin Suuday witb Mir. Fick'e mother, lire SB. M. FicI, uorth o? tus City. Ex-Senator A. N. Tiffany, Soîmrvisor E. L. Silmons, Editor A. Bl. Johi3eon sud W. H. Tiffany of Anitiocb, were visîtore lu our cty Taeedsay. %Ir. sud Mrs. C. A. lfeewick sud sou Richard sud Mise@liaude Whitney ejoyed su auto trip to Janeeville, Wiî., Suuday, returniug Tueeduy. H. A. Boyes resigned bis position with the Palace livery the finIt of the week sud bas accepted a positionu with the Ideai Laandr ofthis place. W. C. Triggs retstmaed Moaday evening from a week's oatiug at Minoqus and Oear lake., Wieconsin. B e report. a âine tIrean sd esys for ayone euîohing dshlug no htter placeecau ha found. While thers hi etopped witb J. T. Grundy, foraierly of thîs place. LIFE INSURANCE ht affords thse convunience of a savlug institution sz a protection tisat smulngs cannot ive. S P- NBOuRs District Manager Old Colony Life Ineessence Conpaay Officeln Ohs Oflie lire. FrAnie.Cohby (A W, W. Carrol & Sous Co.. la bavlng a two weelm vac-ation, liiev.k af wlblvhRh@, vltb ber daughter Margaret. îî epending IQ Chcago. Mmre J. L. Taylor aud children and Mis. Blanche Trlgge ar e nîoyini a ton day auto trip through W'ieonqiu. Tbey1 ilîl visît Gmnn Dansd îther places of1 interest.1 Mr. end lire. Max Kolii..r lvt Suiiday ulghbt ou their bouei ii ii t rp tu D)euver, Colo., sud therr laes uof inteneet. lhey exper ,t i "'. about tvwo weeke. Msr.ud lire. Cr an sd blidren retuned tai their hou 'usilavl. %Ire. Cbriety ha. hein makineiiztii exteýnded visit With relativtîR ii.frà. adsa t I)eîloî,nesq, Iowa. Mise Bs lsaI ltterfl- e1p1 îga tîvo seeke' vacation fi-ri' -r dîîtî.mas stenographer ut Selhi' i.sbcb hh il l i 8ened vltli lîî i id frieude lu Cl icago and Milsîauk-. M r, aud Mrs.*.F. G 1i, i,l enter. tained lirs. Clevelaul sx.Fred [Dewey aud son Aleu b-,i saif wife of Lagrange, endlMr.. osuad sou Joseph olfl'hicago, oN .r o.l lMlsi Pearl itorfunîil i in.as ben 8peuding surne time iw r Mîeî < race bliade of ibis city, uit I.'ts k Lfor lber borne ut Sylvau Groî hîî.v.Miii Siade accuuipauued lier ui \ixsVii. Mtiss Bertha &asou tii :iii. ilmoudays aîoruxng to bar dutiùs - il-Ilitîg Jerk ror the Sullilvan lii'i Iipauy iu CbIýago after a twa)S k vacation epeut utber borne ber, 'I u t Ievils LaRe, Wie. The antual picule g i eni' v t.joseeph,@ Catholile curcb et tht, fairgrounada let week Thareday vas a suýcese ln every way. TIhe da" heiug ideai, immense crowd. attsuded aud in the evenluig the dance Wae Weil pstroxiized wbic!b alded aiaterially in maklag the allait the succeoa l va.. Mesdames J. B. Morse, 0d. A. Fredericks, J. R. Dellemaler aud R. L. Rubbard enîoyed a trip acros Lake Michigan toi SouthbHaven, Tiietday mornlng, retturalng Wedaeiday ulgbt. The trip eaa made an the steamer City of South Revu ansd a muet pleasant tirne in reported, the we-atber being Ideal.. Mr., and Mrs. Win. Laycock aud Mr. and li, W. 0. Wells and littie son returned Thursday from a six days outiug, et Third lake. Mfr. Wells in having a lvo weeki vacation frora is dutie. wlth Marbhaîl Field & Co., the balance of whicb lie aud bia famly will $ened witb W. %. Wel sud fauîily ut Elgin. Special vaudeville acte have been &secrad for the Lyri.' theatre on neit tfonday. TupsJay aud Wednesday nights lu additiomn tii the regular pro. gramt of moviiîg hîlturie. Great cari hb eintakex inii îlectiug thene speelal attractions sud île public is aisured notbinqg tu off eud îleniuet refiued tastes wil ha preseuted. lu counectiouxî ailh the article lait veek on the taiiilîuw Manufacturng Comupany of liliortyiville, tIse lNiP f)lfTerred lu eu%ýing tbiecoumncertei largest of tbree in tbe wonld wbich maRe. wool diiters. The fact le, aoeording to the officiaI., tie le thse ou conceru lu tbe worldt whlch make tbis kind bf duetere, wblch It in ceen maRes It a distinctive company. la the'ehow windows of tbe F. B. Lovaîl Co. drug nsore mer haBi sen two large photographe of cutrent evente of Ual. sud other countrie on.isnlaeacb window, with a deicriDtion of the sene boseath the pictune. Theesplraograpbe arn aitonce botb iitereeting and Instruc. tive sud yonaebould mairelit a point to stop and look at them wben passlng along the Street. 'lbey change weekly, ehebweek showing @ents of national latereet and importance. Episcopal Services Services at the Eplecopal churtb every 1Bunday solIo we: Chureb ssrvice st 10:80 a. ai. aud Snnday mhool at 11:80. Ail are cordially lnvited tu attend. 1ev. 1. J. Stîttene, Rector. *1 M8 THE NEXT BEST INfLUENCE TO HIS MOTHER. '~~HIM START 1IT YOUNG AND KEEP IT GROWING WITH OUJR SAvD< DEPAItTMEN THÉ FIRT NATIONAL BANK faiutaDm sW* AWAIfT TYLO1'S RUJl TRUBTELS 0F M. E. CItURIt HAVE SION90 PAPERS-NEW. *ILOCK TO RIBE ON SITE Te lait signature of the trutm..of theiletlodist cbncreb nafemOe..rfor Un traailsrsa of tii. chercaispropsrty .4ja. enlàtote Un lrINDBLsngav Offl WsU te-" Tmuay and the .lgad diii vluuby tUn valuabli corner passi.. mb tbiih" oif Dr. J.L. Taylor la noie la Une b»& of Pastor W. L. Wbîpple. He le awalt&ag the retors of Dr Taylor frein lilnae.ta lu order ta tuara the deed over te hlm. Thi conslderatton was $7,50(). The P-1opntY front. 70 f..t by 125 fret deep. Il th Ilm, appears a formai notice fren Dr. Taylor lu vhlchh. ea.ks for bide for the, church building and sheds, bide to ha ln ut noon Anguit l5th, buildings te ha reenoved by dept. l5th. Plans of osw building The. INDEPENDENT l0 la position to @&y tbat a modern store office building will ha erected on the lot now accupied by the cbureh although plans for the @truc. tare have flot set been drawn. However, alicllations for offices bave aiready been made to lM. Taylor by perlons de- slriug locatijonc in the new building. It iâ under»tood tlîat @teps will be taken ut once to get the ulans comîîleted for the businece blon sud that everythingilear- rangea to proceed s itb construction as soon as the plans are accelfted. The Methîdîms .hast, arrange(l wîth the Epîeop)alîsne tu use the IUnion cburech as a place of svorship djuriug t.he interisu betweea the surrenderîug of the old propert3 on .August 17th and the cornpletion of the. new ehurcb wbieh will lie erect.gg u t' hurch street. Plans bave hein subrîjittcd for the new edlte but noue bave yet bls.eu Ccepîed. It ha@ becîîmî quste n ot ireahie ot laie that autoits sud suotorüyclIiete bave, in Strict disîbedîcace to the law, been lu the habit iA rubuinàg their maîchineou tic treeteioi our village alter dark lxiproperly lighted. It le tbe duty of the village riaribal t i exforee the law aud ti ise to isuf,mrn tlîîe ot ismiliar witb the, requirebuents of the law iu this matter that it le eoecifllally required that drivers display Sat leat two front lighte sud oui rear fiieht wbîa machine le uthe Street, ohedieuce, to tuis law wili avoid prosecution by the suthori tire. Dr. RanI C. Dysuond laavea the latter Part of thie or the fore part of nert viii for Windom, Milun., where he i vi open su Oeteotîathlc office. Dr. Dysond le a Lîhertyville boy sud a graduate tram the. stilI College oi Oîteopsthy at DesMoine., Iowa, laet Janary alter completing a tbrse year course. Durlng the a tiethixmonthe oai tua ear he remalned at the collage and taught, and was urged to continue the vonk, but conclnded l vould ha more heuoiclell ta, tu hlm to open su office and practice tIsan ta remain 15cr. and teach. He bas ma-y friend, ber. vbo extend ta hlm their biarty wiebe. for succse lu his noiv fied. Two girls and a Man bad a narrow escape fom drowaing in Lake mîchI. gan Bunaay nîglit viien tileir ow boast wa. itruck hy thei squail wblch swept thse eautiteriy portion of the laite. i aie Min la titi lauacb Little Fort reacued thi party. 'Tise next tinte.1I go auto tMat laRe t vili tummblak la tie race," 5id Cone girl via vas taken Into tli launcit. The row boat was flrf ilid wth water wtîîn tIhe iaîîach smived ou tise scene. Jones--O'Neil Nuptial. The marriagi of Ray.vW. Joues and Ethel Graci ONéil tooR place stthie home o? the biride'@ eleter. Mire. G. E. Hawkins at 9 ocloci Moadav evsufing, July 291, 1912. To fie traiîîs of the Bridai cborne playid by Eldon Clake, the contractiug partie@ touR their places aud were made one by 1ev. Wblppli. The bride wurs a white erabroldiry dres sud carried roses sud waaattîuded by lire. Edua Clarke, who wore white serge sud carried tîluk roses. Thse groom was atteudid hy hie fnlead, Mrt. Hartrau. Mn. ad ire. Joues lef t Tueedsy alter- noon for Arcadia, Michigan.,viiere tlsey wiii toslde'for the rest o!fie suairuer. Presbyterian Services 10:810 s. m.-Momnin)g worship. Sub. jeci: "The Open Wlndow." 11:45, a. m.-Sunday ichool. 7:30 fp. n.-Eveulog vnrship). Sulilent, "Esau, the Profane Maen." Wedaeeday 7:310 p. m. Payer meeting, C. K. Alexander. Minimter Notice of Receiving Bide Written bide for ailofuthle building@ un the Methrdiet church property aithte corner of Milwaukee avenue sud School streilt la tie village o! Libeetyvîlle, Illinoi, vîhi ha recelve.d by tii nadir. iiguîd up ta August 15, 1912 aI noua. Buildings to ha neuxoved iruai pruperîy by Septerahar 15, 1012. Work cari commence Auguet 16. 1912. Furtiier pîrticulans tfninabed ou requit. c-45-2 J. b.T,,YLO Premlara liste for tii 1912 Lake Couuty Fair are out. Auyone vlshing a copr raay aitain the same by caling sI the secretary'e office luthIxD lueara. 1)04T building and maklag sUir wadte Wil i he You Prestige A bank amaont will give yon a prestige you nover have enjoyed before. Why not start one today? You mill be surprised how big a dollar will grow wheu you fasten the intereet to it whlch our bank pays. Lake CountyNational Bank Capital Surplus and Undivided Profite, $88,00.0 'i LOOKING FOR A SNAP-., ln rSealta? a berne? a fans.? a store? au officu? Weou, ye- don't bave to set off thse mea ta o e visaI au eu i. W eau show you just exactly what Feuoua ed git 'he l God's ovu country, et p4«m.u 'h.t ,oe ilihave ta usés. yeun microscope on. NUF CED. A. R. Schnaebele & Co. Real Estate, Mortgag. Loess and GENERAL INSURANCE ue Building PHONE u Ubatlal. Corlett & Frédericks DEALERS IN Fancy Meats and Groceries 1Phono 30 LIBERTYVILLE, niLU leml Specially Reduced Price on fine wash goods Angust 1, we will offer all remining pieces of Egyptian Tissue Giughams for quhck' clearance at 19 cents per yard This is, without doubt, the most satisfactory Suta- mer 5drsss fabric on the market. The colore bave, stood the most severe tests, the cloth io as noar *b' oolutely fast color as it is possible to mk. a wasW goodis. The Tissues are light ini welght, heuée ooW1 and comfortable but wonderfally strong and àUnli other ginghams, they do not shrink lu wagignq. We have stili a very pretty asaortme t oft Qum goodis in patterns suitable for bath "«$is'and chuîdretî's wear. They are 28 inches wlde.- The lîrice hais always, been 25 cents a yard Special1 uow at both of our stores .. 19, VCtL W.W. CA LSONS CO.I For Pire and Life Insur o EE Charles.1D. Proctor, AGENT FOR New tianipshre fire Insurance I Michigan Muta Ipfe Insuraiçe YOURRflV'.qRA NIC flflfl L H. CORLETT Q A.