LAKE OINYINEEDNT.- vTN WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN sVOL.,XX. NO. 46. PA TLO IRBERTYVIIE, IL.,lF'RtDAY, \t(;IIST 16,191-2. IGHT PAGES $1.50 PER YEkR IN AI)VAflGU A £OrUll lmetofrsk JASSERTS THE DEÀD 1d:aptlOdtiar a ROCKFORD IS T'O poe li p r. Artteachaonc e M~ D PO IESÛ H D Ameeting of the commission to ioved ones are na tin heaven. but do pte pikpocketrefert., akndahance FO lUI FR . eî e ceserpnienîay îî A, J~9 O Dfot orbearts thrillI With Jov ernEwthtepikokesatcad aeB169 R(.OMAY t b. alid wtbi a ew ay. A Cbs* E D AI)£ tatour ioved onceawho h eil cid LthelPLTIhsetOcontinuetocorne bere. CTSIIEN ~ ter t"i.comsmission willinlsP e M MfltheDIRunconverted, are sot ln formntand ASLM IIPMN OTO TR(EN R Sl) C% À T LNH R Erock cruabing works an s k n NtoT ER O L that thee time lsaonng when bey 0F INS3AN~E SL M SHP ENOT- TREON ESOà At IVL II UI3JI~analyste of the rock used for ruadt wili have an OPPOrtuflitY to know of _______ and fertilizer portione«. thse love of aur deuil beavenly Father Vote West of Chiîcago Shows Sym- 'ho se loved the world that hie gaveEIM PECNToI8ATYN pathetlc Waikout Unpopulor. CONTRACTORS LATEL-Y SI# AL.. ST INORSE NTBGGY AS ututNet Sufficient. LOCAL BIBLE STUDENT TAKES bis only begottea son that whohoeverý OTENPR FSAE ENTN AYHU9 OutputF OFE-R1AUE WITMANVTEMOU MAD I FROT 0 CAR iSU WIM STTMET M be Illeveth on ite. should fut terisb OTENPR FSTATE; Brainerd. M Ina., Aug. 15. - An au- THROUGHOUT CITY. NIVA. GROUNDS The. output of çrUhed rock at pres- DV LOCAL PASTOR. 1bthv everastîng fle." ioh t316) ALTON TOO FAR SUT. tioritative statement was iestied bere ont lefnt nearly up to the. demand. but he sioyo lrpKardlag thse secret vote laiton by The rock in gîven free te commuai- il testimonY !the l rd sa. re,7)'1the Federation of Federations of Pail- LOCATED AT NoRir CmiuCo ie wblch wlsli tause IL la road bulild GVE CITR A aigws icsml.(a REASONS ARE EXPUAINED way Shop Employes ofthe roadi vest PEOPLE SLEEPING OtJW I! îng. the communlty payiag for th Ic E CIPUEA PROOF' Ail who are laterested ln the study ofCicg.____wllb n trk iiauling. 4f Godes word are cordially invited called la sympathy vlh the Harriman POLICE THINIC POSSIBLY IT WAS Mr. Tice declares liat before tiie ASSERTS THAT SIBLE PROVES ta meet wlth ,the clase or lBible sintu lMOEiON ne emploves. naw out on strîke. OESIRE FOR ARck4iTECTruRM.% THEK WORK 0F SOMK ON£ report and bill are prepared for suis- *HAT DEAO WIL NOT WAICEN dents ai K. of P. Hall every Sunday WOULD COST McMOEONY Thi.vte for s gensral strikeofte EAT AD ALHATS SEEKING 1.00V RIDE.- eso otenatgnriasml UNI EURCiN t 3 P. m. Tble clase in undemonna* TO TRANSPORT PATIENTS TO FdrOfn !Fcc'ainsv 10Lby EUYD VLOAL PEOPLE. the whle suject t bar madeviiicd and no collection la takea. Ail are SOUTHERN PART 0F STATE. 451 votes. Forty per ceat of the F1E iLOA.ROLE have been covered by thse Investiga- "Thé euils do net aecend to Heaven weacme.onappILatio En. .mmesdl oe lr bouts the police of Waukegan Lions of the commission. -Neithr do they descend Into Hell; ___Nome__ lamngtatonprceto!a.pplTicationST.N apetrscaI ha iis i sud e V.City betweea n wWInclusi- It leint probable that thse use o! no one wil be resurrected until theCamiita 8 e en fte If gO OSESOE Crtrow a ead for pore lab (hicg n Uvuc7alb rsntao nler-sswl b s-il. iit.iinwane are located ln northera Illinois Rosi Estate Mani Reports Thieves erected on houe" la Waukegafl. Thui iD. 0adMlakeo h rsnlao nteraewi oa-Judgment Dey; there sen lits fteril:grwn eadfrpchst4 hres_ aCd esiTday ecved. tihe grave and deud wili lie ln bliseful an sd that it le a useless expenditure Hasve Escuped With ifesidence. le scarcety a bouse viiere tihe qM*- for tii. borneie ue vo drove __________ sieep untl swskened by God." Chicagoai ug 4ins of asoney te transp)ort Insane casesbr fte!ilyaeDtdbtb ~ayvlh ahose ns bugybelogThe foregolng are s few of tihe un- Wheat -NO. 2 red. $1 0tI0?.e .No. froin this sec-tion ta Aton, 1in te lb, IinaoiNinAg 5 nthe building of ait addItionoil goeuls las Lo Dan Fox o? McKnley avenue. a ttiift ade by a Wmuke- 3 red. ii6cOi 8.03: No. 2br itreght-room bouse was relîorted atolen o h nagmn fhoenvl usuel eta'"Menté m 2 hard winter, Bsouthern part of the state, ther, la by Frank N. Edmond@, a promînntorteelgmn fth@co a At midnigbtthle bre. waafouns ied BibiIsulntin Suswer te the. i'49cNo3badS!r.2@t5 io a g posn OA TEl mornnIbesudn.c N.3bad e aon. roEdm ous@ e fia lotseepnoce r io toàbthn ot an orth'l a TEeEFEEND M tement of a local miiiiter who de- 941/,2c; No. 1 nortbern sprinç, $î 000 coiisiderable talk that possibly thi eal estaotedel. lb. olic arevondrlngviioiie ~ FR TU WOO MEN iarc tha Wahifltoui Lin@IuicadilOt N1.0n5:beNno. 2 no.rthecrn tle la bis ectin oftis ataej wthlnlle aibisO secttionreaa.' sihe n. o li th oieaewndrn hte t O H W O I N other deuid hercs are in Meeven. 1 Cc N.2 6c,'oaie ntier Waukegan leaderibip, viii corn- Yerlcrday ho vent to the lotad '"I couls keep tbree men buoy ~ va arel e. ! ober u blb cn crptra qostOfS remde7îg-76.No.* 2 eilow. 7,4<0 7e'stothe. cthebouse was goae. every stick o! It nov until snow diles la building 6si Ilas a mce robber cae t gbten- IIJa3J ciptureasserotions aic re Octdeo. 2 bitew, ý,c.s # iead tep oso tesae z.Laliterbib ii oieprhs.Tcgleyo bii P,...Ctf IV 1A I 32%e; standard, 33c. board o! administration from locatinghaefudntrcorhe&lnrsi ed aMd left the, horie ln North Chica- DIUUSE B LHADS mde ln th following communicationi PoeLs ~ Ibv ondn rc ? h tln re- iches ahdoubler ofchesiafi.l go. or viether fILwac the. vorkof __________ te the SUN: ChisRecaLivStck2.00 utaosthse new million-and a huit @allar any. dence. comehla ambdoue. ou v iIbo Sud mone 'joy rider" vho slmply vanted JD£MLJDLAY OFR ITOR 0F uc neroSUd n teauyrsnged at 18.2008.46 beasy hutchers.lnetAen'V TIEPSBL maywlhoptntisolad a r" eNothChcao.t 8.5e.6 lgh bteerg,$770î790 Local advocateo of tbe îîew asylum ""SRK OSB e rsmanth w iii Pall Ibi« alané The. robb.ry ook place at 9:15 WITH SUPERINTENDENT o!thiserîpture and behievlng that e ieavy parliOns. and $.1 0sttitir9sow20Chicg RiIay ot.a Air lui-ng ta have sleepingqaer o' l c . i a d f a f v m n t s l .P O T T E R O N V O T E . s h o u d h a v e e v e r y > d o c tr in e b y t h b . no i e p ig e . a e a0 e r s ta t h e S p ri n g.Cic g o Flw a W r k r s A s a l m i ioclo ie ofer. w minu ntcscase. _________ llgt o! Gode word. 'Tby word Isa Catle--R.<tepts 20.000. Quotations itiat lb. nortbern section o? lie state creuse of Emolument. a living room as vel à& a dlniàgr tlt"oobc7ali ppolviicee tIi.0l.4 rm ser.rctie aohraslmt cr o -- wok o h cs.onitheIiporcli.- * The. hors.eiad icea ticd on Marion Chicago.4.Aug. 17-17. 1 for ayoutrîkerTise potci10.once0.4u0ldrimd a uge- treet la front of lb. carnival gouaidla TTcepropocedreferendum vote on Ipermit me tlirouiti the rolumas o! $.70775choef" taprime fêd ief s qinesanoe vBile allo. are11 foteCbic goAsued by uCal eifora tieTce revione nvcon t ha $4.6005.40 fair te goosiduxe i.1.25 tise large niîmber of paticnts ta cote railvay men. Tic day-shift trainmen ouri porc la oi. otilag. Wh4~m and hcd dsappearesi comptely ILtis te Modern Woodmcn of America ratei your vluabie paper ta cait attention cae 640.oceeidfees ontKanyonee avlng been coca acar lacreace von discusses ilnfoiaially by B>ta astatemena e @oe fou 9 76 g£odta choce v fsimedae Divi. ,a-asion3m eni d ardautiorieerL. Tbungaliabitih e aiu*wiib hlm. Judge M. J. Clear 0f Otlena a.nd stat.local pastors, liat 'out dead frieitds. Sbee-lteceipts 25.000 Qîîotal.eli.fornn o8tlfrtcisn sdi-vt.Tcngi s e ae rnt b oirul l4~ Tii. local tlccL nc 01m nt sumnoe upetntndenî t e aîsn ,adrnged at î68Si'725choir. eh ietaî primeas oksfi-adlapaal Coumunlcalon iithchepolice of al Itisige CeaJT in one of the leades io!other hbescof fa. hare ooIci-airbrs, $5000650 goou ¶0cboicc dt oovrrnig as I h lgnddthc compieaeee n notlesi sece fora goola pls iu'- aoril sbirCiiogcLe nsand & acomplt. the "insurgents" visa are fligtitng Lhe thebattlements o! Heavcn, on tisayearlings, $4.25é4.50 gond ta ecice tate hospitai. TecmaiBbv e ed ieefrago bst.* 46 ShpaualImosbeo eeedi.ested lu tise combaL belveen rîglit ansi New Potatoe. Fromn an economical point of view once a strike willlb.c clled. shady andi accuslble. prs.ctIslly lnhioeaile forreferenum. ' ariy Obto. 7807ic PVer bu Ilînois, Lie ciivo0ates tfian Ibis section oUf SS A BB G u.u-t-aeto~$ the robber te ibave .scaped basih b.Mn. Potter Mil et.Vy pf vrong. .iaaj RAliestate aimSilI0 îe useles ex- ' dvia pét N"ohi îcago. The po- omsInw Icb la 14 !c lanet the. paston mitaken 6E" th18Ij' tck e ate co! monettr anuesporex>-NmeMiifiFthrWoHoIp-lhanye1bau, diescript ion got ieio.ansi ceet e asio'nsuorg et"o!the orde. u ; la r icdeagl ve tle Eat Bufflo; jN. Y., Aig. 14. IPe't from ise nomicrerectionto ho H piti Tiisi w briaupeope t lie ermaonofbth gihe hrandctettadlonsura'g e»ofte tJ Thepresent ime' Tise Apostle Paul telle DunnIng & Stevens, LI% .Stock ('<- tients othnortn sctic &5y- - ltTtele biLeseole hoaciieeui ~~~~~~c~~~~n bug l dnllaluvul aestainvasn oe sl aagi 0 turti10a(lods word and ve tnd quo. ai follove: ('attîr ileceipta u ol clcae ntenrh Thn erolieas.ciavay. cla Ie tlewotharcasebthe boara, tTee dead knov ot andththeg.à cars: mai-ket slow Fiogs-RecipU No stepe bave been made .aa 7.1 Force Antar, surrivor o! lie Titanic impressloa olten c. hy Ci. o icay tsa if ILvaeocateseitenbadetatple rnsu c adtin, for there le no vork nor devîce non 16 cars, market eteady. besvy. 38.5 o restrain tise state board o! adi- disasher. lanvlihber huebansi. tbe oq a bot, stuRfY. conSu lag o~ loyddng"lia vocrn lokliesuere nent o ublic rutoknovledge nor vlsdom la tise grave @8.75; Yorkcrc,.90SC t 85. pIgsa. minlstratioa of plslng tise aaylum la Iate Colonel John Jacobs Aster, ]et 'rih. porcmb bilt bas' anmlwntaking a big chasnce as w io rselîtiserîthou gos." Eccle 95-~10$8.7508-85. Sheep- Reepipîs rý cars. Aton, althougis there 1s ronalderable is lf atAnl aebrh aasn tognv htit omr ~ Il vouisi havebieon ratier dîffiCuiLtta The board arganîzed %unme ime go "Hie breath goetis forth, lhe returnetiimarket slov; spring Iambte. $6.U00 talk regardiag fÉiat the counnUes ln JohenearrivAai-a e alier. roners retrat l o akmol "leinisboyt the bora. bappendesi 0end i scussei vitis Headi Consul TaI- ta hie earlis. in- tiat very day bis 6.7à; yearlings, 37 20i 870. s ethers. Itii.nortis get together andi John J abbcomeAstoa dircta ber. The ers buttirentaloe porhesdrmi e 1W' hol l IeposcOelmiOIf ihati dbeen bot the plans for takIng the. vote. Any tlsouglts perisis." (Pa. 1464) (Note $350005.2fi:eves. $4 00<04.50. Cati-rn, tsrsae ordt ro eabslet b fl bof e sàdeto o r t a ,0we mab ut erapoesdami majbt rei-bandei. Mcaus. tic oui- metosiadoptesi muet met il tc tatbtouita e isi."e de1itheOOSI - at o a reg a r 10plan t asy- Inv.i iestte NO of lh . i. Paifr le esn c, u ma vas fout! t Nortis Cbilcaso laapproval or lhe state commissioon te prise aot the Lord, neither an>' thati um.nrueannureagard tuasa is- uilin istigothe api taaw s e e m a h a t I t c o uld a rd ly h a # @ b e e n b . le g a l. g oado-v a into sile n c e."e in g .le 1 7) th e q u lalteT heitisis H u m at.eo u tra n celin,__ _ g oodo nv is cisilv ae."isaard15p7).s.ct1: b T h veagcl s h a t o t is u b cu s e14 u i d gla a th obe s il l a i ot a .4 caae o joy iding asuoeone voulsi Pelitione arc being Illed wlvîtislieWiserc Lien are our belovesi deal? ti. seacs MUnion h,,bard p sutero amoilclose 0aOic caitigm b oclose h t a ecessatse itjoffr nthouli have carei 1te kes scb a chance for licasiofficcre aoftise order aklg tiat Tise Bible speaks o! tisem as bctng .d.anestichty because b.hi.hlO"se 10 'rea cmele nlssipf ue sa short ride. On the otiien baud, tsheeedmleciei u adteale acrs.1C.11)Ptriou"lned upetr into ibesioa wse domUJL Ieestrt beuaclse a docetrina kL may bave bc"ees leork ofa 5Pia- bac been agreesi upon for te le ccl says 'for asince h. fatbiersfe fon,"asPuc,'epelDOi0tbloyudearaeiua cue ede!libumueifra ticl oke. iiee s n cue 0 i inTise state commisio lo a Il . l îp (net iace they vent 1a Sicav- bc al!itrehearsiag 'RIed Rlding IAE eleclose t1the e aiti. In short, hoing raom. This may ho enclossi l perpetraîor of lie deesi, lb, stand tiiel under lise lav it bas a en)iail things continue as thet vcrp Head' fon a ciisematograpis show, nut iaA E UIA CE .Cloàe ta the hea-hb G K. Coesaig1e vafomin ls eaier. -ngeik rigil te contral tise date o! tise elect- jfirn tise heginnbng o! the ci-ction'." hbtle vas cnt short. 15coet h at.G -Cetr Arn otie pi-bentiaesi y Ion. ansithe date muat ho set f at (2 Pet. 3-4. . - - WOIJLD STOP TUIER tont nte oc.eoDoe yt ensAM AIUdICV~I nagisabeesi to ensile both ides ta Our Lord said o! Lazarrls. "tgo beaitub ad freab ensuaste a l b ~~uwi~~ ABL urrand othfully landia tbeaue e ddne ndrtN EW (R WTII tC mesoe aiAtterbery lis no LUTIERANS WILL usulyo-eodsoi. TO CâNV-IPT LADAUl Mi. Talbot ansitihead offirers arc ho explainesilsttaarria TihEe s> a is ics niI h aibi lccoming la of lie porch bà ~iiII~I~Isaisita bave favoreti bolding thee dec- (John 11:11:14) ansi se reaL lin Arts MÀ E "" ES ayabout it there votild not liean. A T EIR N brougbtlin porb furiiture. Ansidi IN ~ " L .tiens nome lime this monli. but this 7:60 huw "Blephen fetI aslee"' tuther one ln the cit>', He even has SII B UT ON there Io munb of.eclally dutW IN IS AILO LL .vtdo heg-tPas. 13:13. il speaks o!"thse leep o! oon efu staiqirgfj!Ura L chfrStrad ter s avven ti old tile nithtntdeath,." ad Dan. 12.2 telts us biaI AND) S1RUBS J8w% iE en ounselArth eur !Croa O I oc urluro nifxer Ienugi ionlm vo uid beasvthfor"an ijrI wudbP uk- O IIIaM Aeporcb furniturlb muet stand à edcaina cmalascbasle i- îley "sleep ln tise dîst of tise eartb; vstse tvol ..osile 1t aas aoddelSoAvaINDdLea. l iq dl d ail turMfqSSs an orsi nance vidais would Preveat be of gooti materti a s vorkmaqpblp r PROVES, WARDEN MURPM'S sion ha% e t beca lutormed as yct to duel again.' (Eccle 3:20). If Our END$ 0F BRANCHES*SoiiwtNGîicircises fraimshoving ln tise rbly. TECUC OFRNE AUG. a asadteotortetS SUGGESTIONS. of etis for gtasfiintame et o direct t evn lzru RENAYIN TENDE A nlaMy opinion, a cirrus Is as bail, UST 27-29, IN ELGIN, TO, o!peilon fi-a referendum bave surcby muet have been tisere, for heoAL mRN TM. a a cyclone ansi it leaves lbe cityMAKAT.ETR LFIG T been suimitleti. vas deati four daye. Disi aur Lord ___________n-Juel about lieseamne condition as MR AME RA LGI CHEAPER BY CONTRACT fit19 nat llkely that the electlon vilI gay, 'Lazarus. dom.etiow-n front heas-- TlEaRteSr wcof a>' dns.'m gWAS cr hoe ielti until lntise FlPoab ne; lake off your golden crovn." Oh,15 HARO ONTH itO e l" o fatteyvulid. bm againet cii'.l la Filposlhl inno, h eONt hetm, h rae'Well, for lise sake o! my chilsirca DISTRICT HEAD PARTY'S FOEPO P NE a'n d s a li t . ' b . a r u s c m e f o r t h . ' in .> PROBEN A S . .CHE PLNSAR,3:44. Lazarus neyer told si 55Y OKOD USRMNl FJust about tvl c obyesr," Commis- eei .made an the otiSe PROSE S OMES E FORE EIGKT HOUR LAW thisng about heaven. He blid neyer OPINION THAT GROWTMS MAVY siner. Orvigs spke up, tise discussion Elgin, Auig. 12-Aaîîoîîncenîcnt vasringvspepoo .ma F RP S OFIEbeen tier. ce a0lepn, 0ia D DAMAGE TO THE TREES. baving arî@en vben ait tise commis- made thus morning that tise annueal day mornlng vien it aIsitia FINA REPRT I GIVN. F R PO T OFICEeleep o!fileatis. Ha vas deati. Oui- sioners ver. present. nortisni-nliinois pastoral coa!crence<wîo iascns iq~ L-ord saisi. "tise bour la camiaî vien of th b. beli sere uOt7ho 29, rh Wtise fîgitla bcurea eVsWluO Spnlugsteld, Ill., Aug. 13.- Fb. gond Te Seato eserCa asetmbisiotsalae nthlirgavsebîlbei uue oytti ea bs trnlaedo!tehevngtwa Ltlnrn brcs a iic-oFilt Fielcao i commission o! tise thonty sevanlamsiggestionraassmorelorblese ouat oretCo yesiderable3discussion1o! tiseeldgise Alavii 27ona 29.aj e in liieffl Vi ruad comisionet te jrty8evnthposloffice appr-opriation bllI but matie bis voica and corne foi-ti," (Jito. 5, a greaer nev grovIS among Irees 'bugtsionthatsmorefor as 5eofersoliey drbedsusono h ih h Igt nbsfto%%pgw geueral asemily la trylitgta learn several ameadmenla. iL la belcired 28:29). Tbey are comling foi-lb for the SUant brulis, accorduiig t10 l i s concet ei t i sIfat as in ao p r a! gissociasI epete.Iecu eteilnesi0tO tm hollva. viihor'or not lie bibi lie farly- isavever tiat tic bause' vîlI concur pu-pose Of tornent. Wliy siae isHer. a Rockforsi nureîryman, lian ircusses anti faits te sec îav tbsey Tiere are 150 Lutheran cisurcises laArthbur,Commision«r IDv* A -auburt tisec cityaprTiseionyornbantiaComen- tisew nortbernrainltneens districturansie Iiey AlecayBeuantenin-L.lJ.BeTuogomn, J. yaMq» paseaboli nclsie prvison or blI s aendti.doasi. bots of tise Just andtihle un- Nwgoth rmtsee ! mîssioner Dîver siîsinet enter labtceyaveunitesi la a figlit against ticSteeloMayor Bk o Lue, .M4p r Ac 2:1.) Te cipumlicusinbu eeedteapreiaegrowtb o! socialisas. itrews, City oeior oet he u@#* tise efiloya@ t prison labor an tise Among other hhinge tise elgit hour jusI" Ad2:5..Tserpîiebranches oua>'be seen on Il s.lides, icsin u emt oapelt ..Wila .Kiai hts et an .Sueohy dm.,o!~ hilbs»l. Represetalive Home!' Tlc lav for postal emPloyoS ls provideti. tells us biat Davidi "vas a mtan aftor Oit same treee thcy are as muci asatise sailles o! vit. e.WlimCKanIethehdlWieT.Sbps iyfqiotofto et Greenaview, chairman o! tiecnom' ln addition parcele pont vwas decîdesi (ods avisheart." Suroly If g<ati peo- tocL long ansi are eaeily distîngulais- l xlligbsoiIn ommso the district ant Inlia reoea t stt- 1 Sun; John l'oven. Dr. ftley. rAW. mission, vko l in lte Cty consultiitg upon ansi tic majorlty o! people bho- g obevavse ieyslsi ea d tramntise rest o! the grovtis hy I xliigbsoiin oms villa stâte lilaa officiais, toi o! ]leva tiat Lie later viii vork out vcry viti muet bave vent chere, but Peler thebirigtcr sisatie a!colortng. Ail soe tebr ebre ittea1 et i hrceieiscale 5Bc.LisyR umemy n obvartg. thh#luquiry tuaI la being made on thuesuccessfnully. u hl"a-ilbsfo f tise voods andi groves pn.snt an' erage circus aiwas's brînge an obj'ect- opposes ta tise teaciingis o! Cbiîtian- 1 OjSla UM te ha" e ~a UIM els u ht"ai a e e as.-0 onable close o? people, sucis as pick- Ity a fas o! lie Bible anti a monace fligh ait .tdaY aitesoou ansi foaM " parltilsi-Ibas, o!flise objee Reparte are net very cmplete antioensiesito heavon" (At. 3:34). tapeligorandce of tise Hesot':cb ofhe eariny Sont-- gS The. memberi o!tih. commission Pos5tmaser Watrous la uabl,10ta t Oie Lr ys~~~ eratier tison tise vintil up of pnckeba, iurgiarsanthug inmbe t e liinat ii~ztO.H u- itlt ahn okdl o 1 wli ----biat perlait. Only on traes lat have yi> ansi keepe th. police an the qui linedth te stand o! the Evangeical shape. la allghting, bovevef. the heli m eti g t obl l ri on e. ju t h. l e assage o! t e b ivi l O r a renti s p t e veat ( o n 3: 3 v vnol ls. tmmheanv le ls iebuarth m-eriii ue ton a d î s b s v s t ra o f n i t ceuli ansi beant vbat W erd n M ur affe t hie local am ce but îlI b aile "vîlI rans m tit as fr m tis pove beeIdaea eaili morn vayea tiersrtow lasaintithebiertareraariy attac eti Ouiathe a qan estionutoan an vasok cubasein Chicaott.d jair