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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Aug 1912, p. 12

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DEIJICÀTE NEWPORT CIIURCU ON SUNDAY WILL BE ASIISTEO UV MANV HIGH DIGNITARIES F THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. FINE PROGRAM IS PREPARED PAT-HER POLEV, THE PASTOR, 18 BEING GIVEN CREDIT FOR THE UNUSUAL PROSPERITV.1 St. Ptrick's churcli, thé newlyF eréctes! Catholir churcli at NéwPOrt, le ta lie dédlcated on Sunday. Auguvt 25, liy Hie Grace Archbisbap James Edward Qulgley of Chicago. Thé des!-& lcatory service wiii start at 10 oclock. The Arclihba le hble assisled by( @everal mémbers of thé clergy ans!a other digitarlea of thé arclidiocesé off Chicago. Aien thé dedication, solemn nhigh 1 me-n, Crat Pontifice, cii li e Ob- seéra d. Thé deacons of thettbrons wilii u the Very Reverénd M. J. Fitz- smans, V. G. of Holy Namé Cathes! rai of Chicago; thé Very Révérend D.i i, Reardtin, p R.. afSt. Ellzabétb'a ehurch, (Chicago. Thc officrs ofitleé Mass cii lie th,, v'ery Heu éretis!Dr. Purcel. président of the Cat hedrah Collegé, ebo cl lic celebrant. aeisted bY two clasemtés of thé astor as Deacon and Suli De- con. Thé master o! cerOmOnlOs wclî lié thé ReveréflalDr. tDonne o! thé Cethedrai collège. The Chantera viii hé Reverens! Dr. Hohan, Chancellor o! thé Arcbdioeésé and Révrend S. M. Onien ai thé Holy Nate cathedral. Theré le everY Indication that thé dedic&tory service will lie one of thé Most impressive éver bld ln tIis part or théestaté and certain I is that more dîgntarlés of thé Roaen Cath- ellecbcurcli neyer befare gethered in Lakte county for a sîmilar service- Fathey j. B. Fole@y lo thé pastor o! thé churcli and to hlm, ln a véry large méazure, la due thé prosperity that nov crowns the littIé e-riei. Wheé hé took charge o! thé p-aih tva yeers ago it bas! beau depreciating constaiitW ~Hé t once st Out ta re- vive Intereat ens!suoceedes! vandér- fully se that nov thé pe-nsh propérty il, vai'tbthauulde vbére it fonmély vas corth but bundreda o! dollars. -hé nev church and thé other chuircli prprty brings thé présent vauation up to $20000 and thé cbnurch cest thé gretér pFrt ai thus amount. Whle thé nev churcht vasstili ln course o! building thé aId churclt ceught ire one nlght and burnéd te thé ground. tberéby destroying ane of thé odest 4std mnt historie land- marks lu thé county. This mae It rathér difîcult ta bhl services but tbey veré not diseontfxuéd. At thé prsent Urne thé lterior déc- oratians o! thé church are fit quite complté, thé stations a! thé cross, ___________________ -I LLJNDAIL FILES SUIT FOR DIVORCE Otto Lundahl,' a well knoln reel- dent of Wiaukegan bas brought Suit in the Circuit court for a divorce front his wife, Anna B.- Lundahî. Lundahi charges désertion. Luadabl alta that lie le gîven the custody of bis % year old son, Erne8t, Mr.Lundabl, lie charges, leit bie bouse and board five years ago. He f4rther allegea she is flot a fit wonian to have the euatody of any child and that her morale are flot the beat. The suit was filed today by bis ak. 3torneys, Messrs Heydecker and Par- mnalee. EDITOR GOES AFMU Péare Anrther Atinck fron Mayor ct East St. Louis. 11I. Ealtst.St louis. Ill_, Aug. 21 -Alex. ander Fiangan, atorney, pditor. and former iiy trt-asîtrer. fearlng MaYon Chare@ 1. tLambert wcliimaté antoier attaclu ou bina, bas been ridlég toend frot his office lu i automobile ac- eorupanled tty a liadyguard and carry- lug à double-barreied shatgun. Fleinnigan. lu hjs pap)er. le atte-ck- lés. 'Le Lambert administration. Tbe traiiie tarted whlen, as be wss step- plég ont of is automobile, Lambert rlled ian il liai, and, a tb an oaib, nl psl Fannigan's oat frann lis barIL t.'t.nnîgaîî rîîvhîuiliiîto blé oie, ne iîîriîing club a Ashu clv.but Lambert bA dgave lito the ;tiv bail. THE MARKETS Chicago Cash Grain Quotations. Chicago, Aug. 21. Wbea-No. 2 red, $1.051401- 06; No. 3 red, 96cCi $.03; No. 2 bard Wlu-. ter. 94%@96c; Na. 3 bard winter. 93%C@95c: No. 1 notheru sprlng, 98e @$1.09; No. 2 northern aprtng. 96c@U $103. Corn-No. 2, 794600; No. £ white, $804Ca,1.ýc; No. 2 yllow, 80@813%~c. OaseNo. 2 white. 33%0 341c; No. 2 chuté. 32t/.C«33%c; stan- dard, 33%c. Chicago Lîve tock Hoga-Receltut 28,000. Quotetions raugedai et$s.36@9.55 'eavy butchérs. $9.60@8.65 llght butchere. $7.950825 heavy packing, and $6.65àS.00 good tu chaice pige. Cattle-Recelpts 14,000, Qutan re-ngéd at $9.8001050 prime teers. $S.75@7.76 choic* ta primé ted ba cavel, $67607.40 selectéd feeders, 15.0006.60 far tu good stockera. $925 09.75 good ta choicé veal calvés. Sheep-Récélpte 25,000. Quotationa rangés! at $f.LO@ 7.00 choicé ta prima rlambe,. $4.17:i 25 voit ta choic& yearlings, $4.00@4.50 good tù, chice vetitérs, $3.5003.75 fair te gond écée. Butter. Crearnéry, per lb.. 24c; prînta. 28c; extra firts. 23%c; llrst.a, 23c, de-trIés. extra. 23c; fireta, 22c; packlng stock 20C. A Turkéya. lver lb.. 12c: chick.na.I )favIs.e 13c; roosters, 9c; sprlngs.j - 16e; dacks, 14e; geée. ,9012C. Il NePotatoes. lt Illieol, 60063c per bu; Mnnuesota, 63 066C. te East Buffalo Live Stock. KEat Baffe-la, N. Y., Aug. 21. e, Dutisins & Steveus. Live Stoçk Com- chicli aresionn importeal, bEug ou. f'alo f... whih ae bingImprte, bingonquota as folioca: Cattle-Receipts théir ce-y frorn Europé. The al l e-lui- 15 cars; manket duli. Hog--Recelpta Juge, hicli grece thé e-alsaof thé 20 cars; umarket lber; enavy, $870 structure are ater Brother At- 08.p; yorkérs. $8 7ý5ç8.90; pige, bénise. Thé chachital! la of $8.4o@1.50. Shcép-Receipta 5 cars; Gothlc architecture and s!aee-vry lin- market trong; spnlng Iambe. 17.00@ posing structuré. Thé neye andJ ce-l 17.26; Yearlings, $5OthtlP550; céthérs, -- - - . - .- 5vtiît5.15i; Owe, $3.6004.26. WQ ouy so that thé entire effect la one 0îoOO.0 rnast piéaaing te thé éyé. It la proie abllé that me-ny Catholice !rom e-l APPEALED TO IIOTEL CLERK parts o! the county clii attend thé dedlcatory service. Fair Ouest Appîlas! for Objact Not Ue Foiioeing thé service vhicb cil lié titi ly Supplild by Hostoîrlea. rathen long, thé ladies o! thé chureb but 8h. Got It. ilii serve a mont aumptuous course T .aaceea oe lr e dîner u té hllo! hé hurh. muet have an aven témpar. Théra la no man undan thé sun cho lias io Have Evar Soma Ocupa.lon. mach te tri bis témpér aise- butai "Rut women-bé théy of chat aarth- clark. Thé nlght clrk of a certain ly rank théy rnay. hocéver gifted vlth Baltmore hotal la a young me-n vîit Intelect an gaulas, or andowed vlth the mont pollahéal mannérs. He la sefai beaut-have alvaîs toma lit,- epctL-iy polt. te thé ladies, but e- tié hendlcork ree-dy te dIII thé ttay fac avenînga ago hé uaarry lait bis ge-p o! every vacant tnonent.'-He-v- aquilUbriurnchan a prtty guetRaikeal thorua, la "The Marbie Faun." hlm te loin han an sierra cdock. ____________Il_ mntstgel up very éarly totarrov e-~' Ernornng," sali the far guéaI; cen't PAPERS ARE UNDER you ban'me anu eans u clock-one A N W R LENOW, that 1 ce-n dépend on?" A NE RUL "Ivii have îu cleliai atany hour - ~Yoeuh," répzIld thé clark. ",That van't do. Tou might forget Thé postal illiipasséd by théien.It sud beasde, Ihava no vetch. and aie recéntiy trikés t faIte nespa tIf c ake up duriug the night 1I Uke per circulation and secret oaersbip ta knov thé tinte.", on mortgaegéésot néaspapers. 1h aise Thé clark auggaatad that theevau atrikés et advertlséniénts uttiér théeataiephone ln thé roont. but tut gulse o! nes itemts. w oulal nt do, go hé callas! the hous&' hé le-e r4quires every pubicîîatiuon kééper, cho loaeud the tain guli » to Ilé net later than April 1 and Ocia- alart dock ber 1 each yeer e- soru ste-tent glvlng thé ne-me eni postofficé addresv Canny Mr. Mon. of tée édîtare. publiehers, business A tan a not uecescartYlInsane hé- causé ho vears en outrageons tia. l managersae-éd ovuers. and stockiold- tiglit te a prsent fronte- rich aut- eif, honihoisiérs, martge-gees and otaIn wlécblc casa hé ln very much the ai' aecurty boidéra. aid ta pubtish a reverse at insane. copy of thé staetmént lu thé second______ Imm oe f thé nespaper, magazine or POsaibl*e as for Hlm. other publication. printés! udt &(ter "Profeser, 1 knov nty boy la rethar the ilig OftheetatilLnt.lov, but in the tva yee-ns that yoa thé Ilag f th stetentnt.bave be-s! charge of bis odacation ha Te Se1-9 by asisudmant ta the muet haev.devolopeda -teniencyini bill als» réo»ate réquir. Il publil. »»mdirection r other. Wbt occu. staýtio mark ail edtorl anad oti- paton do ion u geat s e-à possible or' readlng- matter vhlch la pald for outlet for bis energies. ncb s th.î sa 'adva saé'O adyt.," provid. ani" 'WaI, air, 1 thlnk h. la &a. mg a psIn o" uèthviolt. mraly àflaifor taklng, mvlg Pl CAPITALIStS SESK FOR SUMNER ilOESI FOUR MUNDRED ACRES,0F LAKE1 COUNTV PURCHASED RECENT. j LV BV CHICAGOANS. AL NEAR LIBERTY VILLE JOHN GRIFFITHS 0F LAK<E FOR- EST AND PAUL MACGUFFIN ENGINEER BIG DEALS. Deal@ in RorUI Estate. William Miller huesosld hi* 1413/ acre farm ta Paul MacGuffin; John Paterson selie a 250 acre fsrm to Albert KIICltman, of Lbertyville; Charles Treptow selle a 130 acre farm ta John Griffith of Lake Forst. The thréé tarme noted above have béen liought by.land agents for Chii- cago capitaliste. Who propose to eret Summér homes In the respective sites. The MIller and Peterson farme ad- join. Théy are ituated on théeet aide of Milwaukeé avenue, south af L.ibertyville. The ffrepiow farm lvs directiy opposite the Mller fart, The purchase of thesé three large farme liy Chicago capitalleta for Sum- mer homes, provegé conciusiveiy that tAé trént af fashian le extending Into the nartlicrn section of Lake caunty, Siuated ta tbe south or thesé farme are located the palatia residence of J. Ogden Armour, Samuel Insuli and L. Swift. M ilwaukee avenue in ten years." sayo a weil known Lake Forest real estate agent, "wil lie the faihionable drive of America. There ln selda)n a day goés by but what we get queries an land on this road. 1 could oeili3e. 000 acres af land on thus avenue ta- morrow if 1 couild purchas il eat à riglit price. Tbe farmérs realise that thé blg caiptalivîs want this propérty for S8ummer bomnes and tbéy are holding out for mammath prices," hé continu- Thé thréé farts purcbased by Mac- Guffin and Grffitbs weré purchaaed for thé Sommer bornés o! tbrée ot (h cagos s eaîthet business men. nouaseaaUl Etîquette of Lova. Béfore Rouseau, lovéeva a htghli réfluéd form of social Intercourse. a species a! galitntry conducted vitl self-réstrs.int, andl ail thé !ormeltléa O! spécial etîqutté; aiy extre-vagancy. whethér lu feeling. tu speech, Or ln action, vas baniabed. But chén Saint- preux. oppresseil by his hlgh-tritng paâaiona», ce-me ta thé rock et Mellhlat to pour forth in, solitude the 110" Of bis sentimental teana, ail thé vlttY r.. finéméitao! élghtéenth century gaI- iaetry, ton good or for evil. cars final- ly scept ave-y; éztravagancy vas frea to leiy davisthé lac in love. It vas Rouaseau vba enabléal Mirabeau, tn bis OLrt iettér to Julie De-uvéra (vhom ho had neyer seen>. ta déclara, "I, alzo, a-m e-lover, have amptied thé cup af senalbility te, thé dréga, and coulal gîtée-a thousani lîves for chat I love." It vas Rousseau cho laid dovn a nec tiquette ot lové viîcli véni petti poet and novélet sOUR adhérés t.- Atlaatic Moahly. Publie chools. Iu autiqulty thé massés o! the paoý pie gre up lu ignorance O! thingi litérari. Public education-ithé édaca tion that exiats for thé mannes o! thé peapl-begai, practically, clth John Calvn@ rule in Genéva. front ch time papular éducatIon be-i ste-dili gaInai grouni. Thé fre echool sys lem bas! Its beglnnlng Is Gréat Brut e-lu, ebout thé yaar 1780, vith Robert Ra1k.,ae-tsi bIs Saey school moves meut. Il vas not untîl 1860, hacévet, that thé free public uchoa begant get ltsel!f Ormly rooted lu the British talés. In this country front the start thé Idéeao! unîvérual éducation vas champianai by *Jefferson aid other leaders antong us, and thé Idéeas neyer ceases! ta lande-mental vîtb uns. a slataly nécessarn ta the prévention o! thé lberty on vhlcb the goverisment le launded. QAit TO B3E PLIEN., TIFIJI THIS YEAR' Quail bunting lo going to be good thîs ffll antd Winter, according ta Pei- nous who watcb eucli thinge. They state that there are numeraus coveys where a fév years ago th- ere re but1 few or y ons at al and the CvéYs sa aruSé are)argé. The yaungters are already quite gond sizéd and there lis no prababity of their bing klled by raja or tortu beforé saoctin1ý time corne. In -the ,large grain fields In the norther»? and western parts of the aaeit ln.a,ap. t, hat tere.re mnyn SOLDIIRS STARTS AT fiRAYSLAKE TODAY LARGE DELEGATION FROM WAUl KEGAN TO ATTEND CAMP» PIRE THERE TONIGMT. ELECI OFFICERS,TOMORROIW AFFAIR PROMISES TO BE ONE 0F THE MOST SUCESSFUL EV- WÂUKEGAN LOOALS Carl W. Sayler wai a busînesa viol- tar. ln Chicago today. The Misses Ray of Mchigan are guesta of Mrs. Blddle of Gurnee. Commis3sioner Orvis went to Chica- go today ta attend thé bail game of the Cubgiantis. -W. K. Maxwell, state agent of thé Hanover Insurance company, apent the day wlth Attorney Alec Beaubien. Twenty-flve are taking the county teachers pxamination ln thé clty. niîey liegan ypitcîday and wiill is CHI LLY WEÀT1IER KILLS TURKUYS; -PRICÈ TO'SOÀR LOCAL BUTCI4ERt PREDICT A 40 CENT QUOTATION SV NEXT TI4ANKSGIVING DAY. 5,000 REPORTEO PERISMED 325 BIRDS OUT 0F 400 OIE IN ONE FLOCK ON ONE FARM ALONE saeiineae ntmraela ER HELD IN COU NTV. I N LKECOUTV mor prairie cickens than are usual- ONY ]y' seen and boutera are laoking for- %I_________Nra. TPeter Ovérton, 70 ycraid o wards ta nmrn good sport ai 80on ai Antiocl wlio Passffed awaY le u tbe huntlng tenson opens. Thé annual eoldierr ana sailors' ré- da> wvas buricd Yester.lay ait Slon Thoiteands of young turkéys, néarly Yongaqirel ae umrosin union openéd at Grayslaké taday and ilhî ürmébéry. thé t-étire supply for Tbanksgiviné Yugsctins arew-an nflxo l odea and i rletmas have perlabed In rie- those etm o! the country wh'ere ther nlxo l odere Albert lianen of Chicago who owf5ns t, raly, cold and inclément weath- theré le aufficient tîmbér to encourage and salaors front ail parts of theue -a three flat buîilding lé the Orvis suie e- n'I Ie viciéity of WaitkeKan.. tbem tn meke their bofles. wblé On ty. As usual, Waulegaé post sent a' division li1 Waukégan was here on a every aide cante reports that the fields large délégation wbo wcul remain ta- buîsiness trip today. Perdict 0 -et Pric. are filed i wth young rabbiltetOnt ar day and Up to tamarrow niglit chen Pré,idit»ion tat PIMe would soar now aimait large enough tu be-g. On tbe reuntion eloses. Mn. (i. t'FluFIer and son Rlaymondlaîrîîtîéeesan ildrci thé wbale hunters are feeling goodl Thé maJoniy of the aId vtérans hae gane to Ilenton Ilarbor' ie., " 40 Petits a Pound by Fa'll cas mae over the prospects of smre flne shoot- tjij not arrive until thile nfternioén. A VhIrehy ciii spend a weelc or tén titis manî by fariners e-éd choIe. #ig when thé séaion cornes to shoot. tee of thent arrived b In rayslake thîs days with friénds and relativea. a ___________ mornlng, but thene cas not a véry rep- 1 Ire. Il. Patter of aurnée bas ré-1 On one farr n lv Lke cotiîny, whère réslentative showlng until noon whéeu turnêd froint larrngton where abe 10f) ofthie hinds cere rained last year, I~PU~IItliey beganriftunit miathe encrm3e su;ent a te cli p c iii ber daugh- le.H litait -,iiénty-flîe haýve iIrîel Imn.Ther,- are niany oi theni dia ten.T. I olhl lw shayale wilntarrive untill its veiénIlt' here- UMBER NAMED ~~~~ chen thlic ii t o ,iilie hlIs dThe! W. 1P.Larie-n. Watiiisgan iglitlîoiiîe hisidsa otr té i, NU B R A4E afternaii w aqi vîtnlarge] v iv iîceîînîi kep-r. lias jîst r-iri Im11retînîî at ads-oitt,. nias it ltii- startlinjo ig acqîiainiednil li i ilssviig aoi tfiten ila>s' ilacatiar. swu n 8 0l ciîileat tir:te lEfforts-i1»,yfartinera lu IN IDC 1E tSIintes. SMll.,i ~.iii For he ani-fie tiiigit her viIl)i- Iiik tir.i; îniti for l'au have en I N I Tl e a g o o d c p g r n t oi t o e ftli e h é rs' 1 F r edîé riik F in e r a n di W iltn ed lia .11 1 S i t y o f t h e b ird d u r i u P etit Soven Indictments Returned jgn lures thai alwas e iale the éoi hifetnc ront a îéuîîîîing Ir Ilt. lii gbsdrvnth rC 5 et la the velerans la the siarlibeteyre ic akT rpr1 %eyler potind. A ten 1;stiîd tiîrkey titis Rosenthal Murder Case. c»ou f aId lsar ttiesý They ncee iîîeasflét timé. yettr ai-Hî,rabably cost $4.- tiré of liparingîf ipise stane, aithîîugliî Charle Ni. Werîîîîlias suîtlio0Enîî]itn.rl ah Sot soute of them have bien hotu severai Shiltz bis sixteen awl o ne if ai-rn, rnerist b hr iRanO JUalRm cSUSMaILS IEIiJ tnme.Teewi t, i eea i ariae otfrîrniryci ortapI the a if Thé hsîsines sevsion iakcs islane ia. Attorttey (',lire Edysarils. Canm Sahe fpa. Aleged Pynisftter ontrroe ivaritit' at whlch tin t lite o the Cunmen, Provea ta Be the Star icérs for tee étsiié ycar jwi, le Bre Wiliaiît Fariner anîl daîgtiher Wltneee--Holdinge of the New etécted. Titi-rel aiftbe day ahli be, %iies Fivntiî- is-î "iîca yests-rda.y York Police Lieutenant. ié t aargîa îatatvlubfrNcVrli City chéré thpy ciii has been arraéged. liCéd a féw days wltlî relatives e-éd Thélocal lPost caries! lard tli f rleéds Nev Tonk, Aug. t -A llanket lu-1 Yéar'-taaiîrP.g thé nettélan ta Watttse- dlctVient charginit étunder itu the finît gan, lut now taI llias rone t1aiPWséhcdeînytiatr dégrecas réhurnés! hy thé grand jury Crayslake, ibey ane réadI, tattrn ont r n H.%eiefeIllu ,\a eainai Policé eleutenanto Chartes etrmasse atîd lep toaisae the afaîr ga tottiglit for thec (anadian norit Bteker and four dthé n ei cnnection a ble succees. weet sucré tbey ciii »pend! a fe with thé murdérof H-ermnte- Rosen- days. thaL. Thomé indictéd besidés Beker are: 'Lefty LýouIs, "Whitéy' tLewis, tlaytoé Rîtt ans!1).P.lutnan, cierli "Dago Frank" and "Gyp, the Bîood" Destraying Weeds in Ponde. o! théeiboard! o! ru ev, éré amaég Jack Sullîvan, a !nlend o! Beckér Coppr suiphaté le oftén tisés! fttée local bail fans cha eitnessed thé and Williàm She-pira, chauffeur of tht d=ary1ng thé acut-Ilke veeda lis cotest îîtceen thé Cube and (iants automobile chicli thé maniérera ponds. But precauUaons muet hé ta- uséd, also cène lnclude4À,n thé blanktet keu, for unless thé nlght proportion of liin(Chicago today. iuiletmeut, meking sevén lu ail chsng- snîphete ls uses! amy f8mb hich me-y Ntrs .a4iCrenleé, frmenly et. éd vlth iraI dégréé mander. Ailaeré hatuthé pond wdli hé Injuréal. The îae smilena h ensae under an-est vlth thé exceptionof a!proportioni a! coppér saîphaeaused In poe smlie ttelnsoe 'Letty louis" aund "Gyp. thée Blood" thé ponds atîKe0eriens la one part lias acctid a position lnColao.o Sam S9teppa. théeîileged paymas. ta traM 760,000 to 1,000,000 parts cg hIe clii téav for thé West on or ter of thé gunknen. vas thé star cil, c-ter'. Buiphate o! capper ln a put. about Stuhénter lt. néas héforé thé grantd jury. verixéal atate la placédInl a paroins be-g Schépps hla uiéged ta have tald andldre-ggéd through thé etér until George llitrivsn, lac crli anti Whitman hé cas ilth Potice Ilcuhén- digsolved. Thé vatér ln St. Jeunes 'asL . O rorkcay aéré amaég the Waa- sut Charles Beker et théehirme chén Park, London, It miglit hé méntloned, keganites lé attendae-u t ttîe aid soi. itosentital cas hélng shot icideath, bas for tva Sommers béén kept fyté diers ands salions réunion ati(iraysiake and atereard acter as mne8sesger ionftram se=m by thia method-I..andan Wedneeday. A lange dlégation clii Becker wen the latter wautéd ta ildL attend thé camp-ire thiseévéning. COtrnicatée ith "Baid tacI.'Rose. _________________________________ cho vas lu hýMisg lu thé home o! He-nry Pollockt, a sportinit preo ter. Dà .affàea l iI IONVE I r isda W. I Stetbokr wr ate ofide Farewell IDAY IWasihlagfea I tell about Becker.stock detsivg 71e W aukgaa 1 O LT A transactions. icheppe le eoxpested taý prove thé lté's strahtgt-st cîtte whn the, cage@a ere brougbt ta triai. THE O0RIENT AND OCCIDENT GO Amon bak acourts n Ilekers ne-me énougli has beén foundint bring PERILS 0F UTHE PN..NS UN CRI1 huaé total deposîtis lu batiks up ta FR$60,-AY 615. Beker, Il In saii. bankéd ail u s En D Y >this rnoney withln tén tantité an aun EE A~E aannual se-iany o! $2.250. %. Thé lédîctinente could baie liéen a returnéd et en If Scbeppesvd Zs-Ilz n bai not appéaréd. Thüir îvstlmotty bcllétltéd tihe casés The grand jury y cas go Piesed wcltts carli tîtithe a, tcventy tbrteemembére sigoîusiy Sp t. plîatîdeithé aunotncemeit taI thé ot voté had bIeér n antltéas. el Thé net étayé of the grand jury ,r i i l intaIndlst tan îof teiitsstaff te for alieged oîipressiou taltd!petiuny. i rt ,b la * MARRIAGE LICENSE& * Henry F. Smilth, Paîrny;a. Win.s-.72 Adie Coltan, se-me-------------..62 Gt,eoe panr,îm Milwa.ukee ...281 t Lumlnous Matal Dlacovared. U'rg ---UVF 1 For génerationa thé Pée-itts or Mine- Hanson, sae-ma-------------25 0Clornwall havé he-biai dovn a legeni William S. Wylé, Milvwaukee...42 lte-t e-t ulght thare me-y hé@senan sMe-y harbuick, Milvwaukee...25 @fe-intly lumittous mataI lnsàng thé Lyle UÀteilér. Round La-ke.... 2 trocks hrought f rom tha minas of thé Gertrudée.&Turner. McHaury... 2 >county. A British acl4entist bas provei àthat this etony la b! no cmuas basei George Donibroavl4, Evanston ... .21 Ou Imagination. A sPecimen o! thé Olive Fitzaimmons, Evanston-...21 minéral autuni.é,wvici la also found in.M as inaoi ...3 tu waias, vas sent 80 hlm tra0Port Wm. M. KausaMie-p........325 gai bécause of its shIangn chare-cla Ia aeu em------ 2 tHe fOnis that il cloaely reeembles s- John. Brattnstéen, Chicago ....39 -tificle-lly prepaered malte 0l uranum.ii Sens Costénasu, Chica-go ..-..25 »ans! that bte laminosity la du ta q» Elmil P. Rusch, Chicago---------..27 tauwsoa rs!o-actilvity. Thé Bight s-IU sheds la stronger than that of nitrae-tllan Haight seBa@-----------...29 of uranium, Upon parting clth its va. J. Harry Fénnéy, Raciné--------..24 'r 'eraifcrystaillzatioa hé matai lo«MIAlgente- Sylvie- (orlén, Racine., ...24 u uiat Baruey F. Nenéns, Milwvaukéee ... 24 __________ -Cilla M. hinner, sae-ma------------22 àLABORERS WANTED-Cail e-t office Wm. S. Hoyt, CIle-go .......... 40 à of North Chisqao La-ndain-aocietiaa OrsceJi. Klvey, Hlghland Pa-rk .... 36 'yNorth Chicago, Ii., opposi~te Northr-nkAloetWdvrh à-awstern déliaI. ckly i V ankA. i8e-rt, Wast. . . . 23 kneli o the lad !ashuîined Thanksgie. ling and Chiristma.s iinéers. ]t-ef and! îsrk base [ttarély hléd titsir own. T1w enhîre bito! vAetal- biés, utontea and fri il iil b igher titis Failthtait eer, PLAYGROUND mS STILI POPULAR Thé poisitarityo! thé public play- groîti contliuee. Front sevellty live tua a undres clilldreu eliens!asote of tieir piayiîaurs tiiere ee-nh day. Thé ne% Letter iadden generouisy givén liy the -lks lelarovvig a grêat sac- cees. Tliis îîece of aîîiaratits togeth- er wlth the one farmcrly 1purclîe-eed huit unit aiyîfds nîtitit amusentent but gîveq thec cltdrén, yaîtng and! nid. very beneiclal gymnastît esernîsésý Thé money klédiv doîîated by Mr. Geîorge Sellela Ii eiég exitended for a fielawé va tuf, ahicli laexeîctéd ta arrive lat a tee(laye. Othèr sétaildonationîs arc béitté uel ta keépti ilture,etc., lnarder. CONTRIIOUTED. voe 6t ) HAND IN HAND E.NTAL SPLENDORS AND SAIIARA'U SAND mm RECALLED A GRAND MILITAJ1 TOURJIAMENT IBY TUECAVARYOF ALL NATIONS THM CONQUFST 0F A CONINENT 1 laiaaaIlth Long3 ALL ON R@DC grs-b-sua. o=sa Olathe ewuTLaal Mmmmosw WESTERN WUS AVLOUS PEUFORIIO AMIMAI.S à DisdaéltaOtiswallhmm TUE PERILS 0F PIONEERINS Ati P-= Çj~at be Plaie uit*5" TGEdeOmiHilRI1=S 0W TuE"ÀO;.'w RaéFa"" .Huim am -d DAW muis..hmasesQuasIset i WaSMM acu Ta fiaI! Prim -Ail Seita Polaitram Ses jai ltby f : GrdtdCh" u(inludies sdsîu.oe>,8550 O SLe . The Down.To"wo Ticket Offico, la ails Bras. Jewelry Store, 112 Genisee Stre«s Ils - 1 - .»Ir -Iqqmmmmmwý

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