LAKfCOINTt Y bM)pem«fNN1 Office Telejîhone No. i.Cty Editora Residence Teliphone No. 14&-L. I lýl.hrtvi nue t'.haDgi Mi Entems' un t Il , -i ati t tertyvilleIl. , " s trvond tiia@s Mailliatter TI -6 1.%,Irtisnjz ate Mad Knon onAppldabotod Issud ~.'e I îi.rtsîn Rats Mde now onAppiealoodilii SUBSCRIPTION Pr'CE, $!.,0 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE laitu thle .Edtor .anager C ty Editor FRII)AY, ALTGUST 28. I1I:'2 Chicagos water carnival carne near teing a fa, lure from the presence of too much water overhead. The water certainly there ail right if the peo- ple were flot. The owners of the big new auto truckis for pubic use have heeni qulck to put thern Into extra use as passenger carriers iglts and hoiîdays. thus maklng niany an extra penny. tion EUcHaORs SAY VOUNOBTER 4AD THREATENED OROWNING HIMSELF MN THE LAKE bhat littît' John Srakacs. Jr., 8 yetl' son of John Srakacs, Sr.. of Pîca- ly court. detiherately Ileaped lnthe ce Sunday afiernoon ln the rosar of Belectric ligbt plant wtb the' inten- i of comnnnttlng suicide, soi thal bel mlgbt join hia mother ln heasien, la the beilef of ijeigibors of the' Srakaca famil3î to wboffi the' lad ls said to bave threateued many limes that he ocoulil takite bsown ife. Acrording te their stateînents, the' tittie fetiow ojeciared. îeaîy timnes: "Borne day I'm going te drown mystif ln the' laite so that 1 can die and-go whee my rnamme ls -my steprnother is nt gond to me and smometimes th. does not gicue me enougli to est. 1 ike my pape, but i want te go to my mam- ma who aîways was gond to me." Josepb Sateneh,. a section forernan for tbe Elginu, Joliet and Easternt Rail Chicago usuaily calis on Lakie county t0 hnlp rer out wilh big things.1 rondl hrre. in cont'rsatlon wilba a Sun Th. Fort Sheridan soldiers w.ere big features of the militai-y tournamnent therc1 repiorter. de, lared that mantitr ies, tht' 1ltte Srateacs boy bail apent the' en lst tessfn. This sommner the' naval school boys are a big card. tire dal iii bis home, 001 returning + --- -_ te bis omit, home iiutil lie koca that * fume ladies have cctrpl3ined that a certain feir etectrîc car conductors his father had retuined front work. have an uriplessant habit of sticking tranofers into their mouthe at tîmnes to tie saîii it îiabia llfes hr bad tirn the iCi maLe the stilteltfliuoteri in hold thena convenicnt!y. IlOsnt a very fics or sanîtary thîng to do and suint' people object to scceptîne. translers that have been treated that way. 1h, ,r(it~is îîit th lii oini t liatilbe hoci eîinmittt'd su!liîle. (jr. Salt'îi-i,-ý,six hat tht e I o*rueai Georg'e lankins Mail Carriers Mayj a lbrde e% otoaoflm Dies Penniless Be Given Rause riuie, ma, eh id n fi FORMER CHIEF 0F FRATERNITY RURAL CARRIERS MAY RECEIVE iili Io tea dus. ictitino amati 'hi iiirnsiliho e ,avitsm'as hus itiîî GAINED FÀME BY LOSING MINIMUM SALARY 0F $1,000yOIl forn fobef omnit I îilnand did coi hiaie $50,000 ON ONE CARO. A VEAR HEREAFTER. sce, uIltliîiie Il) deve t ber step. 'Cege Haukitis la dead. Tht' ex- SOME CARRIERS, IT HAS BEEN c1:l Y" ' arci emastt i S gamhler, wuo 0ocr bei $150,000il on the' SHOWN ARE COVERING OVER Ile, boy ocasofe neglecrt. , tnrn of a tard and llst R scîthout the' 24 MILES EACH DAY. The'ut' lit tailer- Mr. SaI4e, a, 'Il.krofai.eaih wo î eIt i w as :lxa >s geed 1toc le oungster Liii ~iIke ork brut hlinmaa one tinte ias etiimated t $4,.tiloît, i-iter las tfor the' rural mail car. biy ina from hoeiu crossled the' greai iicîie Siuay at ier,, îu tht' objfîýeî of a îîbienombptore tt racrinetuetin Ve the home o! ai'rieîîd in ('birage. Han ' 1ir Sae ear n llt the father saa theriDtîre deud 001v of rfi.tu as, w eil ktiewn Ini s'îktiaame s etacin meaoc, tht' irirreâse iso afe itLdbenrmp tie aent bis Sommer-a aithte late s iniiiib ch ililLt' aiardeel îo each o! to bis hoe he tel tu the' foor In a àî *uila counly and ira-s cuetI nonun to these îiîblii- urri sts amount t ilsad faint and a phyalcia ad te bc al lîie gambiers who have malt' their loiIlter refit etf iheir ilesent salary. Tht'e siinumoned. Xfr-Salenrit sas on-e of tht' tr't kWi~nl the' western part of the' coiiotY measure jires Ides for a minimnum oarv iteLk le h tl tW the past feir years. fis friendiliwage et $1,05l~i a year alad a maximtum ite arrise teht'l afe thttl *Mro ounteil by the thousands in this Of $1,2010. scI' ,mae hinofodolers "d McHenry counities. Ht' sas 67 Tht' Senale commilîre te whic.h tht" e th tra gedy. He It waa wbo dia. yoq.* oil t tt' imeo! is eat. lroposed cîrastre waa refrrrt bas cas ored tht' body Itost'ing near a huIt- Net go m5.ny years ago he coul aiready recommenlel tht' salairy o!fea n harelyt' wo teet o! water a bue- b ave signeil a ciecnbsix figures lIthe nrurat carriers shal be lorreasel tes telokcio h opst UCt h once spet$500,000 on tt and there le lttie loubt hut that itide o! tht' hulkbeutl areio! a fiât buildinag lu Cfieago. a iili e grantel by tht' Senale. There At the' iuiuest bald l3Imday night hXtle dîed pîractlcaly penuilesu. ia fi posslbiity that an esen greater In tht' Conradl &i-Hart mdertakt.g 1F Orne of the Most spectacular char. Inci'tase a il he aitoired to tht' canroulatejr.eundavrito seters In tht' history of Chicago, Han. riers irbo are daily"ooeerng a route accidentail eath. Thet' tinmtn to XI"tests. one' of tht' otd school n1 o! more than 24 mlles. the etffe'<t chat tie boy in ail probabul, sj"~biers. In tht' day irben Mite Nie, Anotier malter of Iliterest to tht' ItY took bis own Illfe. was flot pre. -Doald. 'Parson" Davies aud othere Postal eMpioyes lo tht' dliscussion Dow sented. Tht"litti. PlaYmat.e Of the' w.r. ln their prime, Hankns was a golng on ln the' upper bouse regard.bytl hi cryealgio'tt sje ot f over-lord of the' gawblinitira- ing irbether or not these employes Ilttie victitn ail leapedlulto the laite »igty, a king of the' roulette irbeel shall have the' rigit tco organiseï Tiere wbere a rallier dee'p Pool exîsteil and &M gamle@ o! chance. seema tuo hageneral feeling that chelhowthe'y coul fautreach hlm lu intme -,- . .A .--.--_ tn puit hlm out. Than îiu'.laed hat ,The Lakte (ounty Tuberculosis tustt' tt. Will have a concert sud dance Iy.n at tht' armory, Oct. lot, tînderi ithe direction o! tht' Troubadores1 ?Amueement Company.. Prom 8:15 ter. mill 0e a concert, at 9:30 a dAance at souci tht' Troahadore Con- cert sonane>. ilti furnisi tht' muit. Thse entertatument le o! a ver>. bigh dasa order and should atract tht' xi- tgoution andl supptort o! al] Tht' inst. tttions ta luespectal need of beup Ibis Fuit , 0tiat ont'caai, be belilng a gooil cause aud ai teule lreiure gel- lias thir mont"s wmettbilaentertalti ment FILE INFORMATIONS AIAINSI 8 COUNTY MEN CHARO DYU STATES ATTORNEVy WITH SELLING LIQUOR WITH. te have their own organizatîon, but af- filiation witb tht' Anerican Poilera. tien of tahor, wmin moul maet tent suhJrct 10 strike dut>. at tht' cati of the' national orgWIztion, wmlii fot be alloweit. Il is consllert'd federal et- tlc»es hase ample Protection ln thelr rigit te sppi" vte ('ongresa for a ne. dress ef giesances. WILL SET ASIDE FIRE PREVENTION DAY ANNIVERSARY 0F CHICAGO CON. FLAGRATION TO BE OBSERVý ED QUITE GENERALLY. STATE CITY AND SCHOOL AUTH. ORITUES TO JOIN IN THE EDUCATIONAL PLAN. OUTA UCESE1IFîre iieveutien Is.>' oas observedla hiy thiriren Wuestern states Oct. 4 iast - BONDFIXE AT ffl;SHERFF ut'yar. tht' aonivensary et tht' (hicagot BONDFUXO AT.30; SHRIF ustire hu.uîg celecteit as bath alipropni. BUSV TODAY SERVING 1sesdcn n.nt h'1trs x THE CAIABES.bited sol the' resuis effectel mere se satîstacters that Il ia expecteil tiet U.pon tIformatuitn Pied ln île l'ouu observcance' this year miii be pracî. t>. court Satuîuiv bu )VStatfes Attiruy au0 uîtîianuînous. Tht' thicago anse. Daily. ispisue'. î 'e issuel forercguit.clatin et comerce lualairai>.att Lýaie counîr îî ii n .a charge et setII-mort on tils luans. laglilquer suitlo :* iai 'cisc' l'heur Ab arnultiofethiis Innovation lust i, bonds oere lotI i. $31),) eacb b>. leur tht' 'aii -Ciit sitatea ohst'rv. Coantnc udge Piri, Aro ida itti cd Aîuîîl îý. tue fouiersary e! tht'il lte cpiases. Sherift i.ieeL sa -JleI lS.taFraui aco ire as thein fireplreven- - Stonce ta serse lici. thon dai, ndIanunmber ef tates ln.1 informations an c111vie ziiiuCt (lietenduilteolbsiruiui iotb late. Tht'>. e-1 ~tolowin, men: tarI ti.-Ari ldaie as tht' mont useful *et Bbets>. Gras& Lake. fur ia Strigi hexu-p, nuile the'OOt. Neu §Miaes. Petite Lakte. il rrlaie cornues ai tht'prop* tin o t1 £gs Hermaes, Bluff Laite. rosu lie inreeu e!firoperty ow,îers9 a o«r 4g5 Shoiten, GrasesLakte. ilV t i iniii, anî sd puting thoîrà ASEWWolf, Fox Lakte. Plies miîdhiatlng aîiiisatus bu conli-4 Câol CatsKaplan. Laits Villa. ttincfo i etl weather.1 J.hM sape.' 'ft' l iiiii(t.on ptic nd sl du.'1 G0eorge Gebei'. lai 010, 5'ic'Iu eicnated thet ire pre- Complat. tat bln.d pige were bt' i'îieiu at uobservance, bas te0 op1 tng operated lIn the' laie resort egian iihe leatter suth gosernera. tosurance1 bave been made frequontly of ]ate (eernnib.slers, titrenashat. andl op- aud Siatea Attorney. Dady itaeteneil erlntendenta o! instructIgpU o! the vani. ta secure Information. Thte" men eURStdates. logeuher wsith the. state Ire mi h. given s triai ln tie seart-u- prevention associations Fsou tht' leail. titre andl accoring 10 reports anotit- tng comamercial boduesnand l iifolloir or bitcciof Informations naming otier itis miih an, actuve rarnîaign of pub. [Mq »qlJhOma essors tt'eperis lu tht' coun icit>. afler tht' gosernors have lasosi be lifholIed mithîn a feu' lays. heIr proclamations. lie> bail gone 10 the iste upon the' in- sitation of tht' frakace boy. Tht' tra% ail> le ont' of the' aaddeet tie city bas bail ln a long tîme. Arrested for Misuse of. Mails MAN WHO CONDUCTIED NEWSPA- PER CONTEST IIERE TAKEN DY FEDERAL OliFICERS.. GOVERNMENT ÇLAIMS HE FAILED TO MAKE GOOD ON PRîZES OFFERED IN A CONTEST. Accerdlng to a dlepslrb frein To- ledo, 0., W. E. Aahley. who ciro 3rars ago conducted a popolar voting cou- test on a local paper, ia lu rather serl- eous trouble, hanlng been arrestel on a charge of misuse of tht' mails. tht' charge biîng made hy federat authori- ties. lb ls caarged epecitlcaiiy that be faliel to ntske good on prizes o!- feredIn luthe' contest. The listîatch dose ot go into de. talle, but Il Io inferrod that tht' gov- erument iîi eeitu prove chat sinp- ty hecause he ili not maite gooil on tht' content chalt ht' songhc to avoîl distributing the prizes. Ashley wili be rememberel by iua- dreds iu tht' city teecause of bis piesa- lng peraonality andl because he made It hbis business t0 beroine acquainteil *ýtith ail the' contestants and thelr frienils. 1 The dui spatcb folos- - Toledo, O., Aug. 19.-W. E. Ash. iey, of Fond du Lac, Wle., iras errent- ed at Fremont todas b>. Postoffice In- 7sîîectors Cari Egge aud <George Ciase of Fargo. N. [D., sud brougbc ber. for arraignment 'on tht' charge of faling te maite gQç on prizes offerei luina neirepaper circulation content It* Far. go, after sendtng tht' lapers tirougit tht' matils. He pteaded ual gulty ito- fore tht' Unitedl States commiesioner bort' andl iras bell In bail of $1,000 pý ending is removai co tht' lurtsdlct- ton of tie United States court ait Par- vgo. This officers Waldltai M. rH. ,Hatchersud A. M. Baker, allegeil se. àcomplice. of Aailey, are uniler arrest lu Pargo. T 124arwnof making watches 1369 butnmarcîtiniralurad sieadily for years. Watcbes lia emuora braine and okilii putînco thbeir nîak:Dngto day than ever. And Rstill tues are' i'ttfinà cheaper ait thewhillo-whieti is natiier strange. Il cou %vouid like te irurn just how fair the waîch niuskîos art lias adt- UNIVERSITY OF W18CONSIN UN. STRUCTOR TEL.LS 0F SUBSTI. TUTUS FOR MEAT MUEU. CUlEESE ALSo CONTAINS CONSUD. ERABLY MORE- NUTRIMENT; EGGS ALSO RECOMMENDEO. "Tiers are many good substitutes formeat tiat can be used now thst meat prices bave gone suo igb," said Mliss Vathemîne Donovan. assistant ln the' honme economîcu departmient of tte 'University o01iMaconsin. fland ties e sutbstitut«a are aoc oniy cheap- or. but more healtbf ut durlng tie Sont mer tinte, as meat ta toc, beavy a 41et for bot weatier. 'Cheese la a slendid substitute, as it contains so high a percentage of protein-the substance whicb gives strength te the syâtem. l(tieneecon- vanced. itis letht' pla"conneflt t tains even a higher per cent of pro- If you Wish toui it iîî,hw cheaP tein thon beef-25.9t per cent, as comn à,al vicrellabte siah 1) su b le5,d paelwt21 ercn. esds visit this store.1paelwt213prcn.Bids Olur ,eatcb stock î'iiitains ALcheese la not heating anîd ieat le. tbct the artofiwititi iiaiiing bas îo (hbeesge sou ffle Is an especially nutrl- oSfer. itle dtsb. Souifles maY lie made' ln Andt we wiliigiy laîr iur tunîe lot the' saine way frolui saiiaon and corn. yî.ur disposati. E at present are net expelve and make anl excellent sutsttute for A . H U S S nia.Tir r ay ways of 0i't'- îîaring t e n" nerather artistie JEWELER dîsh le calicil cermiceili t'ggs' Staie sa white lottce front milk, fleur andt Lsbertyvifle, Illinois a,, lte botter: rut uip the osIjites oet liîai-liciledl cggsil in e pieceu and' _________ntix s.tbth te siii'ePour tlii,,ocer RE~EIVER ~MITStoast. Then put tht' voilis of thi' h:id. RECEIER SUNITShourd eggs tbrouuuh i strainer and "PET"i ORDINANCEI ilrnkle tht' top of t he- toist, ibmn u.aiilsh sîlth parole -v btk'ileau n esaer<I i HELO MEETITfG BEHINO CLOSEDi roei ae an theirsha' vhige DOORS WUTM COUNCIL AND hieind valhu a-idîlet rstilnepro- KP U REPORTERS. he n ritoîbio uh' ie KEPT Oui'trio, are god fur people la the Sum. THEN REPUSED TO LEAVEsCOthev art' fot iiating. THE REUSID T LEVE OlPý -'rem'Bui>'c. made xli fi corn,, peas. HERE, OECLINING TO INTRUST bi.aîs and ithîir vegetales, are fleurl fi' TO COMMISSION. ishing suhatiîiits's for meat- Maiironil and cheese Is a nutritive dlsh. asn lsj lteîsiver W 0. mnliii- ii f l tilit' 'hi mai aronia itti t oîiaoo5 N ut i are eago & Milwakf .e Electric t-ailro-dt'i utrtiouii. t00. brouglit bis "Pet' raîlread orîliflni t.ê .raî ast ldgolu ,,, tVaîokean Wedi,,triuîîu îtrii Ili Five8toingnds, auid submitted il to the couni-il 0,:Èitioleqfor meat in tht'Stimuler. their apys'oc l. As %louai, he gave or i Wben tht' cold weaiher cames tl wtll uer,, ibat reporters nhiould tNe rxuiiuîl he mort' difficult, as meats are heal. 'cd frein tht' meeting andli ibmto makelnfod.iwerth srb fos natteis doubtt suet'lie aa ire tht' n od. oeete rrh od menitiers of the' commiîsion to e ieci are ilio saluafile ln that res pect. andl itteruiti. "botting thero ii)i se that1 many aipttizing dishes ian he made tirse coulît fot gise out any i atortioit-from tbem.' t,, e as te what rouk place t'emeet- ing. Mn. SAoîtson nmy cousder iisa ýLaites big weekly-INrYEPE.NDENT.1 gond palir.' but the peopile of tht' re) Independent aul-reai by .5100. arr beginoing ta ironler wbat indi For reaultn use our celumne. mach secrt'cy. They> are wondering if be os trying te "put somethinc t'Y. er" ail - %ay hat it' is faling tie wrong course te Inspire thetn. Tht' thing that Stsnds cel promlnently tiowever, ls that fi le strange that the couricil shoebUi fait ln se readiy wlch hlmý Prom on. member o! the rouncil who disliked te have lhe eleclrIn road receiver place a gag lu bie mouci, I; ts tt'anned chat no îtefinlt.e action iras decîdel opon yesterday. Johnson de- rîbud e l eavt' a copy of tht' ordînance ln Wautegan for the' commiseboners altbough ho iras requesteil ta do so aol sald he did nt purpobe te bave tht' ordinance icitei over and discuse- ed until lie bai gotten the' fort bho destredlti te be in wht'n le presenta ht te tht' ieopleý Ont' of thet Iings taiten up iras the' questIon as te ahether ch. loep shali extend up North avenue te Green. wood avenue, or simpi>. te Gien Fiers avenue and tibm weat te connect witi the' main lot'. Tht' route of tht' lne tiat wili extend up Belvidere street ocas also discuigsed. It la iaud that 1n tht' formntht' re. ueiser piroposes te bave fit iren pre- sentird te tht' people for a vote thai it leaairnost sure te h. rtjectt'd COMMISSuONER ORVUS SAYS CHU- CAGO US USING LIME UN TREAT. ING CITY WATER THERE. According te Commtsslnner Omvis, tie cit>. e! Chicago spurroil on by tht' excellent resuIts chat have falloir' eil tht' use of hypochlortte of lme lu Wautegan. le nsing the lime treat- ment et severai of tht' cribe inChi- cago and ta serionety consteidEfg the proposition o! lnstallng IL for the eu-t tire auppi>. of clty water. Ho qaysl the' typhoid foyer opiemic ln Chtcago Je hecornbng se serions that the heatt lathrities are becoming genulnt'ly alarmed. Mr. Orvis consilers Waitlttgatton@ of the ploneer clles on the north short' ln the ose of thte lime troat' ment. At theo present time te PIU le belng used ItuMIlwauktee andl ftw Chicago le coqml*.vbnsit vary son. oiualy. Laite ?oet le ning the b>.' pochtortle of bilaitu addition te a DI;' ter wnleh vu l1taiied reoentl>.. Tii. sttemnent maUe la a tocal L- POr chat Wauk«aa fae. another Seri- ouas pIdemit of typhoid lever t. d&. nIed b>. i j,'sa.tht 1 thore av .4m ferer lt- -6 u 'W e stance on. ofti lug but eprlng w~r au, b drank wiel vate f U coutl not b, blane ~~ raft sA1ntM $YA"N ASSISTANT CHIEF or POLICE SUMO UP SITUATION WMUCU. EXISTS HKRE NOW. GENURAL FELT CONORESSMAN FOOS,.HOULO USE INFLUENCE ALONG THIS LUNE. The' need of a lîfe savlng station in Waukegan ts becomlng mors appar. eut evemy day and according to aaeist- ant chief of police Thomas Tyrrell there ls no valid resson why one shouilflot be establlsbed hors. ,s'The nearet lit. aigsain are at Kenotha and Kvanston." lie said, -and they are se far sway thal lai CSaO U tO bc theh$gi* 71 the. condittion ,xiétrnat Pra's.i ht inle n appropriation for lt$. avlng purpo.;es and each tîme a boat le needed for tht. purpose It ls neces- ary for me to request one' of th. local lishermen tu take me outInb bis boat. Thts coste hlm money but ho gets nothlng in roturE. '1hen. too. If we bad a ]Ife-saving station here It would be possible to arrive on the scene of accidents mach sooner and ln many cas lîves mlght be saved. This pie. on the Part of the assist- ant chief of police expresses a plea that lis belng made hy scores of peo- pie in the city. The. tragedy of Mon- day la which three @Mali boy@ are supposed to bave pertabed In a canvas canoe. was the' lucentàve for the' agi- eitler of them l avallabie hers, Thetto. tonnage of the W'aukegan harbor in It la pointed out that rnany Urnes a much larger than Itlei at Kenosha and life ,iavlng station there wouid have anyway the distance between the two b".n thé means of »avlng lives art. Points ln too far. Wauikegan la about that the' maintenance of such a mIa. ('entralliy located between the two lion would not be large. 'aukegan, Places aud la the togicat place for an It Iii ctaimed, Is enti-tled to such a additlonai station. station and that Ir bas flot received -There sa scarcPIY a day or week (De betore. la due to a iack of etnergy Piasges but that a tife saving station t the Pîart of those representing the bers woaid prove it& value. If t diestrict. They declare that It hn up bail hostn a station hem 3londay 1ît to ('ongrememnri"oss to secure suci would have been conuparatlveiy easy a station bers If it la possible. THE WELD thîaï. eld the iiilis i ed attelntinof femie t e ýail over rtue 'tirlîl WIenI l'îtshubrg IPVi rît tiii, am first îîrîuel arnd cI ft-i l ia s i e jsilli e, t*i dto Iller1. î'tail i rnat 'nms vert' tests, to break, ter, iitt it a,., rt, ýr *. r t t i* avd t tili retaitiîs tts ulibein,îisî n rtatioui b> gîving absolitici satisfa(,itîuut, the hibitîtretds f tii,. n(id f 1'jt4 burg i'îrfectt îi ,ers-thome wlîo kîî n whîi i itend that iiloti ing un trii buit emuocre t. jî.rfec t.fenit i er Ivie tha,, ttewîid ON lIANDT> II .Vîiiî' For sale by H. B. EGER Libertyville, Illinois J M ment Insurance An assesament compamy usually succeeda 'for a time. because the cost of in- surang its members is lees at first than it wiII be later on. Hence it cars offer insurance temporarily at rates corresponding with the termn rates crtarged by regular companies. But the man who meure* in an asseesment concern in the belief that he le getting permanent protection for wife and chikiren le likely 10 be clisa- pointed; for [if he lives long enough] he will discover that what he has mistaken for p e rmanient insurance usually turne out 10 be an indefinite kind of term inaurance. No insurance organization can last unless prerniums are sufficient 10 provide both for deathe that corne soon and for those that will corne later on. The fallacy in Assessment inscrance i. that adequate provisions are made for the present butnot for the future. With an assessment cornpany, one of three thinge te inevitable: (1) the cuato- mer will be called upon. later on, to pay increased assesarnents, or (2) the cornpany muet ecale down its obligations and pay bt-neficiaries less than il has contracted to pay (thus turning what has appeared 10 be cheap into expensive insurance). or (3) the company wtili after a while, go by the board. If a mani wants to gamble, he should gaxnble ti stockcs, or cotton, or pork. He should neyer stake the future happiness and comiort of hie loved ones by investing in doubtful life ineurance. The object of life insurance ise 10 meure-to protect. Insurance that ineures i. the only kind worth buying. itt insurance is dear even at bargain-counter prices. Shaky or indefin- W. J. ÇMITH F. G. SMITH RAY L. HUBBARD Insure in the Old Michiga.n Mutual Life Insurance Company. Âny other business can better af- ford to wait. The Time to Act is Now. Yours truly, JOHN HODGE DISTRCT MANAGER ~,s'4o~ ti vi el h G e J& 4w-Y 4.7 IW 4b...P 4b...p M,