LAME COUNTY INDEPENDgNT, FRIDAY. AUG-UST 231912. ________________________________________________________ w -a' BUTTER, BUTTER. Who ha#te butter? if you are Ioeking for Butter made from the cleaneat and purest cream-Butter that has a golden color. an exquisite flavor and creamery faste. then TRIGGS'S GROCERY ta certalnly the place to find tl For reliable Groceries et reasonable prires, cli on us. J. ELI TRIQGS PHONE 25-3 Great Reduction on Men's Oxfords $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 WH=LETHIEY LAST GO AT $1. 00 per pair Corne early anld get your Choice Everything for Men J, B, Morse & Co, PHONE 14ý Libertyville, .- - I llinois. THE BACKWOODS F ROM which emanate the valuable woods used in the manufacture of fine Furnture. In spite of this wealth of material BÂCKWOODS HOMES ARE SELDOM FURNISHED IN UP-TO-DATE STYLE Would you be Satisfied? De NEVER COULD WRITE AN AD, THAT WOULD LOOK WELL IN THIS SPACE AND SAY Vhat I Want You [o Know IF YOU WILL COME IN WE CAN TELL YOU 0F Something Trhat WiIl Be Interesting THAT WE CANNOT ADVERTISE EL A. BISIIOP, Mgr. LibertyjvilIe Lumber Company *mo'î putit off. 1 ________________________________________________Ofd Colony Lîfe Di Fron the Chicago Re-t iIBERTYV ILLE B R IEF S lue&Saturday w:Qclithe ____________________________________________________ of Uhîcaen., ettenided the- il <ueal Nttrtlntrn lait nigittJ LOCAL AND PERSON.AL MENTION FRnîpany icon n connecîton W _______________________________________________________ I uliitir ency raiy, Hi fotrticte prt-sident of tiien ture publication in thse Indepen- DIr. L. El. Golding Mt Tusdity nIoon tlits oastmaster and laillsv opy muet he in the office no later for the Judith Basin, Monitana, tO Preeldent H, iG. Austin at i.aday of each week. Adver- enp@riOtend the herv.tlng (dti"111l' ire of the- tntdit-ailppe eapecially. are asked Io lake acre croit of wirtter wheat. Ilt-tie agencv tfore. ar nticeta his ffec. ect It to yleld about I rrh five For thes llrsst tilt-euda s, dehoiet ti fet uehele ta the acre. oesciel effort lit pIrodur lioni The Llbertyville Auemih et il,tnnr-ie a Itoîorutfi'resîdeut tAnti WIt. J. ATîtTît, MasIter ot confetti party et the tom. in l g,1 atUr- Clenieus11en ofR.,l itkiord, a ni nigbt, Ang. 24. A joli~ti tinte number of appliîatnnîn f tadeline Bubbard je vîsiting rt-la- and nienty of confetti. Ilnai ilu- preeentei hiin woth $*1-Clu ad frit-ndm ln Wenkea. itructîIon from S ta t) i , i-,cual busines Thet- trilI C.B Shierman of Fretieriek'sHall, dancing reoreption tronm fiu) 12 ('lite content were A.C. Hîrmt rof a, aled oi) nid frientslis-hIrt-last anti bring your triends )V. CG Saubtirnot Lîb erIît,i At the- tînuss essîi n i lin Friday, Augnet 1, , r* Ithe- a uestion lbox wadtot.e W. F.Ziegler tof Atrih.sitiarrlagetif %lies Martia Il tlt.belnig enswered b3 lzreëitde ig titis mwetk wiîttMIr@. IL tdaugliter of Mtr. and Mrm. l i ettlts, . jAIittmqnoît, the-nagelle M.tii Nlr Nellia Hansen. Itrna- ta try Tîidey the- oîgaîttzattou Ht-ltn Joh ienson tIfAustin, 111 . t le- il iitt nifeir. floteven tti- I 'dn i. rolits clu ii l lt ic ,lit -nlI leted. r Stinday with àMiesIreni- Law- hîîtîtg itignizant tif ttn tIîl________ -ee. yming touple are makingiv niut .rty who lost a lady'sI ot a u Edgt-water. [ Additioai Libertl ifotrrat lin hfit cis1ng attut-the, lalph P. (lby oft tittiitt i .FIl- i i 'gt es tk fatily mintirenl ti, JarIIs ýAisncitltî,s a tcbec-k . ti,, i t 1-, inrgt t.x l.t i dia tand eisîtt-d wtt h ret-it'%iieî .m,~t ItlI It t of a (efai m i, rmi\,C. t.r-rrt-lutfi et-sLaki tii Tueday. lI to tal and fonrts-Iir - trrituI cti, e ali Mrs. ltiarli(41aizterîire Il- tiiuîttii uat-Co)unt onIrn t1" ,., ît itrslinun lieltilm liitrry y, Aîgust,t Silrîtinglitrite lJutte 1,-lt.Titnit-mtiîal I 1ariuel tii l'ritni-lttt~hurd l~gg Titi-Hrîînc Luttifier 1, i it , ,d tînt- fluit guti- tCtii- mt ilinulate, r-iitît !a 1n11 of ait llai., ltt amo last Tinuritlav 1lis ' i,-t ural Extîenî r i- t It nitiif t V 1- H ii 1 o il am M riA l lr- , l mT'rdili t ic I tîerîy ot if 's lis iIlh ar i in i oit lit-r t tigit-t- Inliit%, 'tr, I lare nnrnît- etenln~ (tnt ii tîi, rilit hws thet- utt t l,-,a r-svit. ii r IlrliItr ,ndaitti imr rt1-la.jTunei gIrains lIcbrowsrnit--. u- -..tnrtii- i lititretîn-Ve -Il tilit 1eir yartle t, tt M -I tis, .t1elt rtl-t T mil] ai ct wit 7 NIri, i, r cent inrileini whi!.. ifli- r nor,, d itil Mtu ida'V tl reirîtntî. * « t" Ii t i n 25 lis-rt-ent, P;litlitr in Viauke-gain. ruriIil îtfi,î- Irt-et-it airiet-prie.l- rus almis itiIr1 t ýýýrîtuin 'tir undtNf r, Il Et . ît dt Iniet N r t-ni li] anni iian rt-turît . i !; per rctnt fat and Il 7 1-r ,(t isiieîl Surudua i liai,. blini nibr, thIcu mentls ,f t> l , 1,-a v il ittitt I rIItatire-twii-etc tt\îtar v Public anti ma y Il, n t i' t , rDaînielLiee ta atIAhit k l'alla, %Vit rnjtu ie-Tht-y titi,- ati r'rlîudstfIisgue i t t .1it Vilînatn t(%% irtiti andi lltiie ii t~it tu ititî-t ti--r lb-tr I'ai' andI place yitnt, n- r tîn- tisitd /nnît titv .I a s leritl, ay ilit t aîndi Oit-dvrFit tbýIl i tireitis ail] gîtue îlemgoing 1-t h1,! 2 tut til tuttIui i-iotri-unI id Mn- ltuy L, Huihritrl t ________ S'trie. agi-ut lI r 'e -le Fut-giObituary. Titi-Ladies tAin sit-t vIl 4 i t-lt roi ng a tit-l tutrit-i Flumtt H.Pegs.lona-wue n tr:rt liaift",t-ran -iirIi uill iii ea 'n a lit n1 il'e supeinitagin Vls, mn- Daylin n St-pt. 16, le-tr,7 I n ,ilta ciii iaturdai.' vtîg !4in, tht- Alict-Homte huspital if i . iFtri-st ltay Furnntur- -ittiroe. tire en Ht-atmle Jrrelurted Tîîiiday Autt 13, 1912. egeti i Ilniî t înnîntf- Itl ri. tî-n Moîntunaafler ni ttre- aitd 2M du3s Met-, iS. liIropmrietresé Ogia ith ret-i hrt- nd frit-nde ftY bis uleath nîLamti iittni--trtetireebutel niieta- M tnt 1utsl fr-ltîl ntrai t n - t %Irt- tullua îng a lotntgand liainfu ni tIrs. Sues WArnght ri-turned P-l()wt- ai wa.s almaun- ir at-coIn rcancer. Internient et tali aysni-ning front Ellenae .i.plisb that wlîiih nîthers i. t( t dotîbituary next wtt-k sinn wis-iiavisgil with '%Ir atîd H ad alîawurld (Ii rt fo-r- i 'i'iiutg , lho bail wirked frînni rus tr tacout, and Tuesdev niglit alîrîtftlt autbhetinte of lthe sarlnkli.n ICali- of tht- young peoprle'm 8t i. Gtiazert bas lusi relurned lutna lisfei a distane-fitîîîeuîy fet-stWatrkegan Lutiteran riture ont an expendssi otor trip but uvercaruee ha injuries inlthe Sanie regniar brusiness mneeting at hth- New England gtaît-. and Rosa hospitsl. J. tIl. Carwao on Milwaukee in tanadia.The Juif et Laket- tXrest nas but %is@Mr n ahy Hetrd Charni andi littie grand fit teen test, the result iieing a brokt-u Mses Mary and eKaitrer er of Austin. III., spent sert-rai neck andi death tbtres daya laler. sIr. neet in outwssk i -a nt week visiting ut tht-homne ot Pegelow's brother Berînan waeu n lthe Mary is snîuying a two e lier, Frank Nicesbtiehr@. scefiold et the tinte if tht- accident but front ber duties as Mling tes Combe and fantlly tif Chicago, recived merelîr a alnght bruise tin the lubsîdon sehbool, 1 tt-r Sunday nigbt et tho, homîeet-aria resuit ofthtie fait. .Butler in Ibis city enroute by Ths accident oci-urr- t I10:00iti cluet Tussday morning worki o %llweukes and -NMonontinee, In the inornlng and Illeuleretion totksxravating for the niew twu Place et 8:00 o'cloc in th- sveining et store building ta be bulil or iiter I(Mrdntor@t and ehildren of the Ale Hume bisnitnîl, Dîr. Dean Lt-wis BuIler lot 'on Milwauksee gan, visilsd Snndey witbht-ir pu- affichating aesioed by lIr. Parmienter of norti t the Bulklsy block. r. and tIrs. 1'. B. Bronwn in ti Lake Foes înd ]r. tlalluwa- ot sdoi te grotînd will bi- ns gater iene wiîî rt-main titis Lîbertyvilîs. Tw i nurses wt-re tn maisons by Seturday. Tht-i altendene andtilliitIBsiebauds cou](] be 3M z 401test. do was dont- forfinîtotut le died ti i________ rii ibers tif Ei r--lt-tntr tamni)3N7, 11:20 Tuesdey mtiininnlg Ht- watco- are lurited tr irîtlLake Ville selonsup luaiiniittrir our urs ut tint- NOTICE t Tue-tdeyAug. -27 at 2 1 i.,ti me he d isiAs I amn goîng ln lest-e., uy train, take ttli'. 9 (et l -l-ntrie Ht- wu@ a lut-uit-r Ioltse ýlînîirru rusaif estllb lokeflllî-r taVusdmen oif Ameri t tI r tinite--it ears weaa-ing. JOHN KELLS, ïd tIns. (randy attended titi-aud only titre- rtîntrl iat-r drorjp.d nrnnt bianquel t i(ir&rcake Sattirday tiltaccount rtf tht- îr-innrates ltat î il] ti speul ctil tsInudàà iviit ltse taiksplace lthe lîr-at trini xt lanuary. part-uts, Mlr. and ltr. N. Hé matie ail pt5itarattous for fls raytra o ier u aIt apIlace- - fanerai. selet-'ing Ili. flntarirutiterm aild ___tein e tet cousins asm ntilt, aren 1-fi)i:() a. ni u-triizgW, arr Haut-rit. Wliottr rtint- lutt Titi-inqucet te> it 'n lîeenay uae- n Titi-Hartlnî1nilftt nse bas niait- lier honmne a lb lier solirltt r. Mes, S. lWtri tN- Donon hy Cîtrîmrueritiiîtr. verdicnt rtf 1il4.-, a. inSunIlus m I '. tiseatduetliiinjurr rt-i -id iiinielail 7:31) î. tii -Eeening mitrel otel, left Wednesday inrrlier itini front a ecaflîîid uas i.-îueiienl V alltiug bh' titi-Spirit." tFou du Lac, Wii. Tirs uusral cas unl arge it t udt-r. C.rtîsdy K.11 iilexand unare BuIler ut Austin, Miiii.- s taker Ray ani allt-r etîshort serumunFit 1 .Aîati rtitre- st-tm with lit-r oncle, tti- houeby Pastrn IerwIýr tisre etîtrs elis and tamily. A ns-plis-, Win. wsre laid et resti n tIl i,%ernun ct-mttry fLsftuy. Miun., wtaIt-ni a raller tollowing ab ef tnt-t t-Ci tut lite laly t-Ils bomenisatt e--stchurch. i. W. Burris tif PlatleiîlleWis elouves to unourît liis untiîuely deiaît 8 been engaged sprincipal ut a uidow, onedaugitter, a mother andI i scitool for ltsecomng ysar. tour brotbers lt-t-ii-- tauy, utiter lu tîîwu Setnrdev ant Iolerelatives and frît-nis. e t tht- Ns-asetle hotel. r Hanstîn.alto wte esrtously Carti of Thanks ut lins local grave] pit lesât Wae aisi t luttni mur bsartfslit tîteke in re;iorted imnProving vsry ta the nteny Irtendb ie(îni uigihbors telo ~> and it teili lie morns tes eLtfore kintily alssisted us ilurnîna tht- tiatit antid t able- tuilt-ave tht- itupital. huril f ot ar blît-il" huisbaud anti w-Il hea ebaud concert un tht- brother, also litueh Der n h sday nigit. Aug. 27th, i8 ut-lo-k iaétor for hua@niîilittric tords out sin-ra tefreishnten3ts til lishesered. patity, ton th-entaind Ineautiful floral VWhich We Appe y teîcore. ottertuge and tu (lir Littertyvilie andI WITH CITIi7tNs RANI). HaitlItay friends cho rendermti soti BÂKERY DELI( _______________________kInly iy nIlamble at-sistance. FE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U H.UA C RontsH.P ,.tmt-MîiHRttgî , Sure to Pleasi 1 1LI] "Fixed for lue"l is very good. "Fixed for death"l is much botter. District Manage Old Colony Li. lesurece Co.spSwy Office le une Office (Se Muroes & Uni ad in this issue, Ils GIREAT. r iItNEta fLt 5H For Ki ut-y and filatiden )ioeseses. Episcopal Services Sund y andw iucl s-vcse 10-.80 ni. and Sunday sechool et 11:310. Ail are ondially InvItetI to attend. Be.-J. steffens, Rctor. Make your money work You Nork liard fi r yotmî- ilouCvy. Now miake y our iîoîity wot-k for \'ill. You think this uan't bt-s dot- If you are from Missouri, coîîi- iiianîd we will show noii that lt cati. If vonî are from Illitiois, coni, ia il aîî t-- foîr yoîriself. Lake County National Bank Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits. $88,000.00 IIERE*S YOLiR CHANCE Il yjou are Iooking for a home of gour own Il .jou desire to own renumerative Real Estate. One of these cottages sold Iast week. The other one, just as big a bargain, is waiting for yjou. ,aeyS E. MEREDITII & CO. t Ie Paul [l aI -,).: ROOM 3 SCHANCK BLOCK A thl, Ne- 'y In ' rnîsng llitss trirm i EF H. CORLETT Q. A. PREDERICKS Corlett & Fredericks DEALERS IN Fancy Meats and <iroceries Phone 30 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS te S tiI Some Interesting Orocery Items and "he ~ iinweotnnh aifnad economical, i5 n the. handy size eau 1i1- lb for ......25c White Bear r jve, 1lbcaiteat ail33 T l ICL reaiu Powder, tmalls e elîctous tee creanu or t.>el~o puddings with little work, ail flavors, jîkg... 10c ast Y ct ClubIALAD) Dressing, voU know this tires- Yact Cusiug, àt îoesln't get ratîeid 2 oizr-s . 1,25C t. M~rasciino iiERiilES, t'unîtaubranl, i h Maraschno newail glapss sai-kage at ....25C r Ch -C o BISMARK Brand, quart Maliot jar of Chow-Chow thtse nisustarlipickles . ... .....25c THII(NMeated, niedjuso ijuerue l20 ounce Oliesjars for,................................ .25C I Olives WE -SELI TH1E FAMOUS Wilson 's Poundi Cake and Brunswick Butter Cookieo l Aiw ays fret-h ('r)LI) MEi>AL FLOUR HOLLAND BUTTER W. W. CARROLL & SONS CO. 4triueryiD partient South store CACIESI 1.mmu,, U1Uf-A1,J1UNS, UOORIES Fresh Every Day PIES. CAKES, DOUGMNIJTS Baked THE SÂNITÂRY WAY my Hotel hasa-n n ,r!-.emd.1- led and 1 can handîs a greet many more people as a consequence, dur- lng Fair Week LOCATEO NEAR OLO DEPOT Mrs. C. Spring' For Fire and Lie Insurance SEE Charles D. Proctor, AGENT FOR 4 New Hlampshire Fire Insurance Comnpaniy Michigan Mutual Lite Insurance Company UBERTYVILLE, ILL. Tlhe INDEPENDENT $1.50,tue year. I 'i TREPTOW & TAYLOR veoh a tpping1 injured __ - + 1 """ -th 1 1 -- 1