I1KE4OUNTY IINDEPENDENT, FIDAY, A - VST 23, 1912. r WrnUONE RECMjV9 FOR LESS THAN * FOR BALE +. FOR -RZNT + Fél* SALE-Two ful l blod Jer»ey FOR RENT--Cottaue ont Lake 5lreslt, coira. [rquire of Wé. 1R. EnE, Liberty- Inquire of Ilas. E. 9. WignUEN. i 4$tf ~~ FOR RENT-Fine offe". ili t1je szhtick -O SL-Une lcCormjiek corn bnder b Smig le thein. la good condition and on@ Oliver culti- .8t KLZdEHCAN. vator nearIy new. The"e are both FRRN-o. nSbo te- bainins. 8 J. CMOPLY. Rocefeier. Poe27(1.4. le481 [nqulre of PAUL IÂCOuvrzai, Libertyville, iii. '-11-tf FÉR 1n era-nu,rr rt .g Uf.USS. .L., ta .1. ..,iu- gond a" new. Inîjuire At this offic. FOR RENT- Four rooma with tige of -47-tt the. ffth, bameient. etc ;wth modern FOR SALE-Bicycle in goo-d order, rvmnt.8 .C nty j4(14 amliatlze, tires almost new. Iqiea tua office............... FOR SALE-N6ew, modern. up-to)-dt. 4 WÂinTED+ 7-roin hou.. large lut.in Ravine diope . . . . . . +.++.+ onbdiviticu, ?tocLelIer, 111. A bargain. 8. L. Tgipp, Rockefeller. c--t WANTE-Pouition on tarin an work- I ng manager, practical fariner; Engiih FOR ALE-ake onot lare, lnd au married. No childien. Have Borne FORSAE-ak cont tri., an Blt willoif neeu . . EL.clpot tu Montana, Tei&@ sud Foida.& PFbC5.P-48-1 FOR ALE-ew oder, u-to-ateWANTEO-To para.. 15 to 25 acres, FOy»RoSLbnnwoe,,ot-to-at. witb or wtbout building@, near Liberty-, mv..raot bni., lt Si 28.un. ville- aleu, 100 tu, 200 acre. with bnild- Lin.coln Ave. Wil eil on easy terins, Iloge' on DePlaiueo river nortb of laqaire of Ou).,S. lLi,.L bertyvil ei~î.. Addresis Joux GuiIIFTI inI. î-3 Lake Porept, Ili. r4 r -OR AL -44 room o ns. and lot ail A T - nex rtp u ry m n fI r ilmprovernente. lot îoo0î:,.7A.on u Wa4. Poresttain Aems Y .Nvv rNiat Il'ôaukee asvenuie c (Aiitii I Is-rlc titaT otiles. t-Pt 1 de ç tt Itîiinlre "f-t Il I. i N rîaîs Lii-ty til le. t.4-il J WANTIED-o 1,biri lueot- ui cPoo] FOR SALE- lor ii>irmîîe- ubu iI~.Iecem îtiandtm Iiir. "I divislison uirIwtikep ave-nue .aitl t o h sesIiin1--a it il' the Etc-sure depo,i%t Yatr îaîîîl s.e er e4 tuanelid.lit1-».Ohe,)iN .45 t%-il WA-N T'o t-ade first cls prt ____________________________aIle po.tlti-n bouge for tarin animait, FOR SALE-H--ce-sfIr al purIns..; I hrst-s or -ows. Ott & Ott, Watike- alie two osu-nittilian rîti .gesanti uine Kan, III wkIy 41 ten..Làit'e Lia iiý , 1Ilirvvcille,*~~ 'OR SALE-I tisîn of. wiick hiî,ices LOST and FOUND + -hI-atul1 Ilyear ulti cotl. t; i-tani iiîadj nores.. iheap, a feu sets -.,îtilaîitt .I .+.+ . + .+.+.++.+.+. iiamnn-e.;smeoteciind hanti rige t0SmTi t- (ile-dollar ce-te-uît tor 1 penny. , ar-tik Liv îu- Libe.rty ai lie- IN -iitf I ut aire-w w Ciaîter olit R- ei r - Xiestiî. lcthiL. A IsiTtî iiCt FOR SALE-fli bi iiir-ei ci fa iiis iii R , e-e l- -i'4X 1 Ritchland N-otilySrth biik,,ta At elegent chiai t,.h e ii- actiet t', get a+ + n ++ + larmn at rea.eatIa,lepe. issA cal,- issamt'ý..... ment t or thiveiie-tsir. rite-rue tfor[,+ MISCE][LLA4NEOUS + 1 an t»me.JoNU ' .Bi 'l". Lidgavwooti, N. D.lu-46 .... :1.... 1NOT.C..tItiani itutu-r huis dîst i i Fir. I nsuncr ,- ioura- re-tiitrg, rîtlIeu nît t- i -ai'i fitii i,' b', i r t-t ; , i-4it i-'t tiona, ban ne pg.tiaats.d iîy V L i, à,ini b haaül 5 itueit miiife-p4e 1 -----------MARTIN C. DECKER j nPréfessonal Cards j .,, C'R, O. F. BUTThRFIELD, i. fiii-e 45 Be-e. li-[-ii VETERINAIIY SURGEON. NOItT!t CHICAGOI. IIli saaiITNT STATIR VETEaIlcARIAM. Llhertyvtlie. lIllnois.. DR. A H. CHURCHILL Pheysicien and Surgeon Office -,erl- r& B-11î- 11-Rcut Sor Hqiteb t. 0 A M i t, 3.,, t-PI gpIirSI 51etitiit unEst-. Est NSuce-andîThrtSeti GLASSES PROPERLV FITTED Libertyville. - - - . Illinois DR1 C. IR, GALLOWAY, OrT1ttE OVEs LOVELLO nUG @ TORE, *Ocas-mem 1 to 3 anti 6 tu 8 P. M PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY 'uT LAW. 1 lterty'rlIe, Ilîltst pao le88 D)R. GOLDING DENTIST Hour8tuc S112 a.m.-1 tb & pi. J. Eli Tntg. Building aithi lIc J. C. Taylor Plione l19 lies. Phone 10392 libtrtvvhlle, liiuots DR. E. H. SMITH, D2EN TIST. avzn LAIKL i-OtNTY NATIONAL BANI. 008-d t-k 12 a. mn. aud 1 touf5 p. m. à)MLY. DR, 1. L TAYLOR. OrFIttE OVES J. EL. TWIttiii jM.0 nouxg-7 lu 10 a. m. 2 to 4 qnd 6 t,- 8 P. iM. &Wedence inu Broadway. opposite Park Llo"cye-tl lintois. PU Lc AUCTIONEERING -Is.t atentIou patti tu arraingzint sacinslsantiht-t esuts in hantil- Ail kintis uit lîmrsu-, wagons anti harness for taI or nuahange t ail tintes. HENRY SINE Phom... 148 nr 48 ZION CITY, ULi P Oe-ibbe, Tel. 26l.L2 9. Lugheiy. rel. 5 SGrabbe & LaughMr - EXPERIENCED AIJCTIONEERS Liv. Stock and Farm Sales à , spqciaity. ~ ~ ~~uNce~oeou-r AND NEAR US DR. IL V. SMITH GENERAL PRACTICE ,o eet., t0 a.te to 4 -d -,t,e p 01n', -, eRt., uniuestore SPf.CIAI. A rfl«ENTIi)N iTt' THEiIE LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINIOIS CH-ANCERV NOTICE. Sh.te ot Illinois, f'uuînty of! take, et (iricumu i Oui-i of Cak,- oiln, oct. o-ber Tetno, A 1). 11 s%]t ull F, R oiton. %us Katuacîne A. uxert ont, %XVlIitmîm A. Kectoot. Chicago i 'tie andti iuit Cuutnpana'. a corpora. t ion, as Ti-litet- anti the uuîknown own- t-c or oi utss, lt-gai boîtier oi- hoider Of tht- note fo tietnty three hîrudceu (2300u) dollars, matie hi Katharine A. Kf..t o -edUU Sitt n 5 ii uitiÀ , uatu Pure M iIk Law Ee r !even th Annuai HURT IN AUJTO ACCIDENT jTýi XLIf. ER:SONS % M A tierTu o peisOns I ii , indcrsigfled. k tank Erhart. guardiano Absetraectoe e ofuTe & ilm u.,-an tid from death tOuri daýigir ,hribîntii. EdIwar,l lIiîber ati iElizabeth obir MANV FARMERS IN T'HIS VICINSTY MatinaleTempl ldg. Wauke-zaîi, 1w INTERESTING TO WATCH GRAND. automohîîe In v Iiii..,rAiîng îlltîurs, niltmaire application to the AFFECTED; SHIP DAILY TO Lortus J G<,t i i FATH ERS AND GRAND MOTH- I was strilck and l iuo. i-eil, .-qt I'î,îîF ty Courti Lakre Country, in the CHCG -DAES Auguet 14, 1912.-ThOnias llîîulv and ERS AT THE REUNION. loind train on thi( Iiiwai-o &_on ~ IIlinoiý, at areaztîar teri ther.. 'INSPECT E ' AND 'PASTEURIZED' aIf. to j. P. Schneider. lot, - ' to 21, -ýkee Electric Iunie r i iiîi,ooIl dC l, ilt,,lie he-1 at the Court flouseelun hti MIK ONLV TO BE PERMIT-. fBlock 8, Deerfield Park. %V, 1. $1 WAUIKEGAN ATTORNEY REELECT- JAlmette. Uity tif %Waui&,gaLu in muid Lake Conty. TED TO ISE SOLO THERE ILena C. Patterbon and ii tiic to ED PRESIDENT 0F SOCIETY rJ-XJiîete liaiit3nM(;roitr al, oui.flceîrt )i tue fSetîîida terotA.for F. B. Whitney, lot 6, block C, aid & AT ITS 11TH MEETING.a The pure mlIk ordinance rerently Georges add, atkegan, W. il.$1 _and_ ro it er rtet l ie coiil ,rjaIl ,',]Pr i add-iii idourt dir0ec at. passed by the Chcago city couricîl Auguat Swarat a nd aile o Anna The IeNenth adonai 1reiiiion orthe t tue ryfetIytiecolsonad igt,11tmîti G antiattereetofaid la ot Interest, eapecIally to farmere of Teasmann, eaat 33 teet of the ,cteui 22Browe et b(oul mas belli on i lurnda, , and tiodi-. bHiesneasohe ani[te ulti t itie dnIt.telwen f @ted Lake county. wbo sultply acIhrown ao 7 lok5,MK9* \a y i, on,er %fisa, aul il trowna coisidrabl disanceandietlesati tat il ini t t out- abie amontof the talitk sbpped to kegari. W D., $1400. There aas a very large atteulance o!nfrtiiutso ht aeLn r a e ati saeiIlios-t-i tbat city. Betmey J. Knighte. et al to '.1 tlhias oltiand Young ai hlaîs. \\heîî w say VhftercI nsthefacendhe rai-k The Noth eu-t (qiarter uf the eî,uth It provides for two gradee of milk Dîrst, east go feet south 6 i-o,4 lots 61 an enjovatile tite. was liad Pt ei ftteroleiof tas th ontir traee 1that may lbe aold in Chicago. Every anti 62 Corye add, Watike.u.rIi, \V. D., 'teans a1 feeble exlofressîoasihrtrina, 1wt iluartert ir -etii i tisen-ri ne, in botUle muet be marked plainly "lu- $2,7011. actually took place. Allerth11" -ePaut.T. .i1 it of ir utth Rn' ei.Whrai h s nbe10 lEs lte Tîîrd Priacipal Aenidian. spectedi or "pasteurlzed," ta show Aîzg. Il.-Anna M. Gracî l ahis. dinner teas serveti and eueryiiudy at-ll r \ce adh a nbet otiii ot ce;am ienrh to whlch grade it belongs. batdtu 10Mary A. Gallagher, soleil 27filied with good things, ailIe ute the î ar be-anse of a ilump on etangrtv ai-Ie, u te urter. Inspecteti mlk may be produi-ed feet lot 11, block 18, Orig ual to%,n entereti info the futi] ejoynîent ut the t1îu-rtetak es ureriiti-eîil te ure ofu section twenty-oune, în TîIwnsllipfuirty-, anly It dainies inapected by the heallb of Waukegafl. W. D. $4,15 p rograin, ahi-h wat- ecy Inîformuai, h tfour Noirth, o Range ten l'aot 01 the dePartment and receling a depart- T. W. Smith and wite lu S. i ýSl ep as amusîng fer see mothers, tiautili- CHANCERY NOTICE Third Principal lieridian, rcuit.aining ment permit subjeet to the condition lots 149 and 150, 19haw"s il dii lea ters anti grand chiltiren ail engagetl Saei iîiu- îuivî u,,lryars it i oîhws 1ime in connection with the dalry ahalbe $200. -in e o prt hai adeceryand itri-uit Couîrt oiL akae i îunty, 1kîoberofth rh-e qaerfScin rePorted ai once. i. S. Woolfolk and wlte tIio P. cn teotifsioeidacs iTrni . 1) Ititwenty-one, iu Township anti Range Permt. ouilbe lssued oxly ta daîr- Jutipon, rots 9, *'B", 1 and "2 S-îe a,,Iteth e - oldbousThed munelit aafom i' ui e~e, e11.l-.nrthtadt .quarte otb hallofte South 10 teet), Lake Forest . O coo os.Th mui as Eumuea h'A n. Ciam ad PH Feddelec. les to whl.ch department Inapectors $30000. furnished by what they calthe "olti Ani IVe-weîzec. E-IadH. I'ohle.n qurtereept onre rte oo th-enîot gîve ascores of 65 or merte pointa out of Kazmiez Sowini land omîle 10 3. fidlers William Weîa-, of Kenosha, EAnue Fdll Fca EdtsSImaion,,,retr eol>. luonec oumite (1 a psil 100 an uimn and meth. P. Smulski, lots 1 and 2, bIlok 40, lnanad Josie Dietmever sud Jobn Strocî,eler TownsianRng lrâd;aatth ossiblee euneXa.hurit Park, North(Chicago. Q.nî:etî0 [dwfards. Rce-il iiritt , Anna Burritt, nrAsi niRneaoeat;ae h heePoints caver the coutil-C$1.o!Waukegan. 'It mas Itee ta to Fri lîri-lît Belle Burrî', ts Line- atu h ot-atqatro tion, healti, comfort, Îeedlng sud wa C. .Wiean t$1,Fn!Tut e h lt oas ttgadfahr noroin u'rt uath hall fthes q tbatuarter eto i terlng of the- cows, the conditron C .Wieadwf oFrtTut6eteodaboas h rn ahr laJlir rt o. J-I50.ivleter temuhwm ure fScinSx r~~~~~~ su ad Savinge bank. Lot 5, liiik 22. and tbe grandi moMlerm or tue Young rtcHceriat.J,î. rt.iat teen lu Township forty-four North ot lb ikrou tbeadutensils, igladPark, Q. C. $IchîrBoIheahul tilpulng the, rn %ine tma.,(letRange Te-n Fast of thie Third Principal and the methoti of bandilnog the cows Aug. 16-W. J. XWallae toi, iery gt antiâtîc lue. ,Eas ineSeac. idrSe rMeran: Ithe inteet of t-aidiainoré lu sud the milk troinslits irst production sait] real ce-tati-- îieiitg an undîvidetieod 10 tastoîn- ndItstrnsartsîon Fielid and wlfe. tract ot land ul lb hofi C. T. HeYdei-ter Isas relecte Ili-resi- -1Pain.-. ticiense-il. sud 'iau.nîla n îu tier andIradioinlng:lotsIrasudansportatitn. dent of the ausocianion anti th- ain î erii antderst-d v the ANmeetlattit tt -e i itudvddu Betore mue 30. 1913, the producecsanda bin os9and1,-o 9 h l fo ertn neetdi h ýpt1I il)tfthcelianudve utr mustfIle certitleates sbowln hLak-te Bluff. W. D. $1,000. executiat- commltiee, cunsîstînt- Of ht.,t 'attFSîrlitetall) d or te eupîîort andieducaion of cowshav bee inpectr] y a oin Alfred Hill and wtte to T S icîtty, Emma A. Hesulecker. l}iiJdp iieL ttan- .the Weat :f roie of îe-t part o th, sadmincore, anti toc the purpos. of lîttet vteinria ad re re t a at une-haIt lot 6, blocski i imoor etrantiEudgar Ames o ere renameti Sit-et urerIîu ,rl l tht-§tng surti outhIe proceedo of esîd .tuberccois and te eton dsddition, igh~land Park . $.î e1e)ergaesah1 tnelkcenter ot the- Chiagoi ani! lcHeuirî,rod saileas shah oti be iomdiately required esses. Rules are OterrInefoeti is ecntugtt-oleo e i)bc lxntt aletdI)ail in Section 5, Townshiip 4:1 li-gih Support anti eduration. in otier ment nd mehpre s ribtisfor eiiîi- T. S-Duffy and wile tu A mr.d I11111 uicb oece Nancy Ela (001v Richard- Northî Range 10 Raettir he :îi-d P 1'. SI r fohewi ivmin h meorn sud metehodlf oas11a haskî11frxitheson) ut Antioch. t-ho taîîghî th e seitool Also chat part ut the East -, )r is and Ias scrît.addition, fflghlanti Park . 1V ) tt, lun185:1, SMr. toderik A. Ame li 17 links itil [,ot 2 ufthé North tiest tiateti, August Ilth, A. 1). 1912. Xilk protiuî'ed lu conformlty oîth tantht lu luiS aud lion. Charles X'.hît I, îarter of S-ctlimn 16, Toîwnshli4:1 North Frank lurhart. (luardian ut Edlxard ,stanitards slightîy lower than Ihese, ue h aOli ,«.Tee eeRne 0 Iofte3d1' % ubrier aud Elizabeth Bubiner, minore. front dairnes scorlng at lt-ast 55 points f.L mt n iet l jIemn tespeet ihle and ourder les trlngent regulat ions lot 2. Saith re-subtila ,.. :,, k au tes îetiît icluiiing Ni ra Siuthecly tiifth,- iiighýay(knîiwn as tIe4- mutb tserie.Frest. Deed $10.w Bonner,,Sics. lMamie Brune, %iiss Fuir' Clîiagu anti Slclenry lîîîlî,unîn muet e pateurzed. len-e Detniyec anti the rreseut teacb. iS ',rtli ae.ttrl tdirectiotn tlîciitgl i ti CHANCERY NOTICE -The- t-ti-lency of tht- pasteuiir lot4Sih -utilini, ,aI,t.e tr. Miss Siarjorie Bapsile u aîe ii i,,l(tifiteSîrhes îire ltt tilnl, tnt tCk e nust be aliproveci ant Inlucase of tira mt' esbi;j,,, .;a. o fteNcrhe@ ure tt fIlniCut fLk e Fore-t. Deed $10. tan. hnehtla- lLi ttt otî.at CrutCutu aeCiny coe Vite this question lele pt tb arbitraTadtâ ati o ftr oiia@ ici or 1Lk ony coe I iu4'etwt-en the owinec or otîerstuî C.1,Smith ant i afe tii It 1 i liiil hedeih i-t utof I!, us b, oint oqVai-tee l uu4i,,iil ahiireaid, wlîch ies Ternu. A i1).1912, .ýi h eatnn.lot 3, Smths reshilvli.iî For-nî'lool tht-.-iîn sonfilfty ycarSs ounti,-ris iaitiili lit-veti'.ug IBertha F. Hugel, ce.Aillitant A. Hogel. Fn' Deeti $10. ago. i Oust',on 'Margaret Stiukneot-) erelîouîîtlat liait ()t malCi i uiiai'ryS.5e2Stsat Al mlk comîngto Ct (hicago nîust BICSml atILot t1I Snlll11, in iiritinSiluîantiu Ohsriitcla cnaien No.ta iiu o ieatldst ha ht ie,-dai Wlla Le, keit ai a temperature ai lt-ast a .L asan It ri intle h lrsta (iln fOa (iO sewupeiga ontu atb eîrdt ila iow as ctie ereadalrJn .0 h Pmys esiaiaiii- cttrîark, AntireatBei-berger, lbitesurî ueii at Lî wl-te satîl Il h Hogl, te not a reitient ut the Staste o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .i , lgee ni te ue1 eed $ 1nherne lîerbergec, Elinger 'May A. wayisitere-ete the-staî.rat unîot tlliîuîc liiblat prucees cannut b. ~1 ai t emrîerture nat hît-her Ble.ePemee)adt.f or's Martin lie Tamiple aî .~ olr lttvcanltali,'uIoii iJ.,-ii,-i-liitheateiyaling lard ligitserveîi pon inirî, Illugbt-en led in Oan 191de Ï,res oeor ar Si-bit-klot 4, ,1b1ck),1, 1 i ,IdiiPark et, auil ofX'autegali. Xudriasr oteu-Ws"Y 2, cutiso; tht-uc,-Norlii eatterly ut thet-ice ut the- Cie-ek out aiti Court, I)rcIdli-uiig insPe.-ied mlkis raîsedtiea bî., tilgbland Parka .. l$1 rmaie b5 C.T. leydect.er anti 1ltige ilit anls tu saiti ruai tuth. Nol-th Notlice- tethecetore îere-by gîven to ah, 7i Xaximiibautecial ennunis tor bLigie F1ischier andi iii .îu. to H. Xhltiey anti t-eeshort, hutit clu"i-i une ut saiti Lut 1 andt tîince %Alet to tht- said % l iamn A. Hige-l. declcdaut, as ('T.cati tict, at-st l1,Oif-oI i. rth one.ed rman> lleasant remîînlscences of r lace ut iîegînnîng. ait-o exieptttug tîtat ai-eeati. thiat tiie abusenarneà Coin- 'ý- ihe r il a , t m e-th r gone tiao - 1, se ti n 6sW .p a rt io f lo t 2 tiëruibe t as co ntuericing a it p la n ta t he reto o re - di u l e- hr B ill o f No nut. falitt- ta eet. he rqulre'~ .Tht- tay off the-aunlîsl reutiotin as a poiînt shere saiîl iighiaay idtinter- (uniplaiit uuat-aid coiurt, on tht-Cbatcery miuso!on- tt utselaugradeswolîl ' '.aunouini-etias being tht- thirti Thiic' ettiiytt Nrhat Suî i.-ra îiete tantithat a souirionsthnete- i)"iiLef ci al I Cicgo os 23 1anti 34, hic l;uk. 1- N*ni nua:dayIn Aluglirt. olilcht nas ueixdtnitiiung ti.rîîugh the. ceutec if saîtiSection ripoun iesuietintut os atiCourt againat i'go. W. . $ 1.niOtiori of Atitret- l'ecîecger, nonm,îlee- il; tht-n e (utit,-aseterclyalouit-sait rondi the aliore nusuel ielendant, returnable GRINO 80,000 BUSHELS A DAY AuIg.17.-Philip C and 'it.ife îeased, a st-ar aio, anti is the day 1 ids ci> the t'ente-r ofthte Iree-kthette uonthe- firet day ou the terrauofthetir,('cuit - - luArton Dudek, .1"..'I;, Ilu ý85, îîîîotî ohich the- ct-iiilon il hleileiîl siiutlt-a eterir alurictireti-e-tr-cful aiCoudt ut Lake- cîînty to b ht-Id dat the lli (oî u Pcouiis lietinlnt- colo \ onih Chicag.to. n t*ituire. Thet-relînion la no t (crni- cee-k tiiteeiir-i-terfhle- ohft-aid Sectioîn 'ourt Houe-ni Waulegau ir, sauiLaie 1jil an î grrnîtitit- liiioxnnîatt-ly hi,. Estate of Fr-ancis liltu , ,,. oie brîed anulti entr bis bt-en. totuhie rnîî,'o andt tt- Northltutir.- place tifi legin- ouunty. un the Ficet Xonday ut (h'-tobem, viiui bîtalîcls of corn a day. Il, new to Otto Tnt-bwasser 'i ilois 41 and lt-nrs ofthteîu hool andilteacbeî s. but tting, uisoi t-ieptinuw tiîarpart i'onseyed A. 1).1912,'as te by law rquired anti jritat AcoIsulerîunnig to frollcalîs- J242, Lakt- Foretai1) ds $ui,u'. S t? is tire desîre Ibat ail shall gitint-,toi nie %Aaikegait. ltiekftil andl Elgu whiet-Iuit i-i stîi l-rtiing. rI n ho e, i 5 tnitii e-t btri curngîng Tra(itîîtuuiliai . iîylie-eilriu )(et uciJly lEiI JBII'W ci!lu anti aira it-itsfui.TIiepliant iAugust 13, t'i'- . I oninlicye 1LWS0 BtC%>Y ut Edgeiaaîer, I ,., ha. b:tcii reop),i- n s wlfe to L.aui G ut i iitlot ,, ua1 rte n- uîilsioîlta iti21h1.a ii llil iii ' tCek ,d. riiadi due ini\, îî siiu-nt madîe ,Atteritige Facua a - Fort-a X eî \V ct-Dî-,ds, page 1;3, ait siiuiatteîli iiLake AtîiI-g l Iliniu, Augu-it lt, A. I). andiiî "ian . i, I olit, ilt-il cturitung i D. $ 1. C Iuit' LV, iîis i (1icîti-r ,No- 7iSI I t1h2. i ,îîîd lu nis iiiiih(, tra il iare tai or- j FIrst M.E. i il, ) JuL. I Taîyloi-r O ro U~~t Tt-cliilat a a ,i l itrt- cn iteil Hed 'e SiPi.X iîuciiaie,. Iomnîlaiat's îbiî', alIcrdiigti uffiialis,'scept toc, lots 11, 12 anti) . Si t 1.O hthmelM n r e e i ut h fice I-fi ii(theCeck Iifsaiti Courct, Siiiu-inirs 't' t tut lue ILg ýiýoff i orofor cari5 de- addition, Lii ci '1 1t.e,,, S is 5tiece-lîîîe -th i ti toithe .sali 1 j, el ý, As hiIi* as 7l! teits a husaloi-eanîîbatik !î1,tîloutitirîuTaOfîHospial Diesland u-ikStoretantiea ldt-tuerrneassluuINDEPEN- liii ru-if'îiî ii i ait u i~iui (yii, iinn, lots I;aildI ut-t-i liBas ilIý tioit ti,-I,-suit taîîiî 1lîtiii. t i-, DENT than atîy other weekiy 0 Iati, to so- ure (i unifor lîi-sltit nîceile titon, Cake Fuir, 1 .lils $4 -Il; POLICE REFUSE NURSE'S RE- tofiiuiri- dIintiler lil[ îîlI'iîiililalintrai r ofi lieli pants. It lia s iii-,ntinct-sacy J. J. Page andti(i,, 'tytYPlîibonî QU EST TO TAK E PATIENT TO Couîrt, , uilthe 'i iatî i-eiui tlu-nudîi" ______ t0 imptîîunArgtentinîe cornt îe-sut e oflot 29, as 5011 il iuu.-u ilut 3, lu îoî kr COUNTY INSTITUTtON. tliatasiionstiii-r,llîii ii out tht scu i liof corntfilithe- lresent î3, Drt-yei-s aiui IiNorthî luisil uratlittsalierîîîlîe markett. As soiurilas lils yeai's croit)i-sto. Q. C.$i F SYS HSBNDS EAH t-,rtiu the tonîîtii~ - ,k l egilns I ioioule iii tîîî'aî conditions J. J. Page andii, .il,îîToul, Jazouai A'VAStCeUtErniVoP REeARA. r li Ci A st ,lat, A rsilictioiu intihe tarift ski. lot 31 atîîl u iont-haift Ion1.j ------- unt li-u ti ie-t il-tuber t6. 1911, payable to tht- lrtier oui orji wouiiile utfiretbient-flton block 13, t)re,,ie- il, lii alun. North TINFRHSRMVL1Nak-îi t aî ik îiii.i u !tleueitsiîdh-tl-ue thetit Corn Proluicts Rehnini- u omnuai. Chicago. Q. . ,F I 8dl I ).(,oA l 92 l t-l) 00e il) i t-si-ifter' Os dite wlth N x u re 'iieu o oi r- P . o goIl, m iie t .taiiraiiilat iFo. uko, dieu X iîî l i îi'u-iilig. imerest at six (6) pe cent, per ihuît s preferret i is lIi , t-declarici-ilit S. Foirest, lot 1 i-) Mi 0 iont ery teC iaoP5ulnch sia, a1 annu, paablesemiannullyevi-September al rt-e raie of Sler c"nt resubdivlstou, 1Bilc. id Park. %V. I g IneadWlssicCok oeucetihy tain (2), mt-i-est noies fi a rt-ar TlamnutesîtbeI n sut.ilîlau11w ý.0iîniiii;i.uTaoylorî s' tId ii.' A'akhean liîn ut Xigi- INa- I esven date tIierewitli. for shxty-ninre tJonl. at uîîî oiirst o LIna ie ftehsi ce11 (69) dolars eactt, tayable- nu Aprl 1)C, Bauteo. teatting u'untrav'iur fii t inlSl ttu î lio o usso ue iiîiaucetl'îoî11 ut iifît) r-ilit-g Cout.u Cantoan, 111 , iîs etyville, lots il, 12 aud i3, hloch ln j tl. t h ti i,~ 'iiai-O ,lI<rie lil'l (e OiisA ltiii'i iî,,îît, - I nanîîîîg îîî 1 it.i î, e rco i l -d tu tic i.lituui 1. 6 anti Oi-toler 6, 191t2, r110 tat-5, uw Wi -ti i uof i-e r,- anti aiii tiii 1Stoss'el's 1s * il , ii i I À bei ty a (ut,1- - Raidi principal aud Interuet iotes be-ast-of iikuinî- troi ulle Hie liîaî'k paineîl Deeti $7,00 cu___________\\liuhe__ic an-- lot- seitureti hy a trust doedett-ven anti ho waetulîitî sl he. b ite ,5a.i-ntio i r.uI R.Xlie . il-îuîî i___________________ date tliert-witb, exeuuteti hy saiti Kath. ani tiZ7r juetî '1 îtiout.nd Fui ewym1nnae M.Will otX'uîîuî i, iii , i ain tO , iuIancereotni.li I Cti ct artue A. Kertool, anti William A. Ker. fele t uuiiulittter. % Xli-lieand ti tengrtb i ton's subdIN u iiii IluDeep , 1.4u WXX. atintand-i aire'is ond ti'r-I1h lae fot, ht-r hushauti, to Chicago TItI, ste-oed tInu.îîuî i ai-k anti I sie-t, aell.iD.i$375.l o i-u>iiiuie hiii anti Trust Company, a corporation, as 1 arn nota'ail -ser amy troublé-îanti glatiPtint11 a$175WH N 'Irustet-, recortitsiintht- RecorderasIt u recorutitil Fol-ey Kldiuev PuIs .ý'Tcy Aug,. Fciuiii \îl tand avîtePtetliaWeW Y N tht-tpii i - or sal y ahi l)cuîg-ts 8 __ to E iy pefuio,ýI 2 otbe s ra'intisliai1(ii la I-k lle hosi- a Office o! Lake ('ounti', lîlînoîs, o -o Eml t -cioli -, î h uty2.nl i w- fr nr tlut ile. le ea! Uctoher 9, 1911, a& Documrnut No. dlimiotis Il,î - î,gbî atnd accocrit- o Ad-eadecs became home-ownenn as hp W.D$,1 13.82 I Bo 17 fMotggsaa matter ot course-for they GET IN- 0. F. Ptl-tcs.ii u i uî li0f , idrich the ns luihiiiiigi.,nu Iroi oP i bat-e 449, hon('haucecy No. 5834. TERESTED IN THE PROPERTY .\etzei lot Il. li ' Iuid& 1Georgu os i ul lolie atets i) Tht- requlalt- affidavit bavînt- bteu PROPOSITIONS IN TIISCITY, sud addiîtion 1 in uiti' \ V. D.I. stcld-i. oi. ioiu- liut i Ilît-t ln the office of the lrîtik ut saldti uey LEARN thinge aabt t state. Fan___mi_1111____In_____fls____%.;Iltiehopia Couîrt, Notice be thecetore tereby v iv. Frank 3ui unît i s ife 10 At , u' lI s ,i ui,' 110-i 15 t-ru~Î. t t-sRatvenetaniu .., Stoerp et ai. luit i-h . 1 rîan a00cmc o .1lulu-cite inlulho ennoa'theefendsnts, tha tht-aoeil plarku Vernoniîuî it WuX. tl. $950. ioi X leuu5 ule iesui i Any size de knamneti cmlans hnat thetooe iei abu ue', 0i itt- jC.A. , ei,Ifur 111 ,' whauil îaîub fiii CmliathrtorBld1Pease, lois,'-, i , .1 I Il tase'dsiiubdi' iue u îli 'îuabove[foundai fils Bihll ot Complaint Ini salti Court, MANUFACTUREP OF vision. tllg!iiuuuiuî Q, Il $1.i Wife Accuses Hospital Nurses. un U tOt tlancery ide thereof, and 1.1. M. B ciioi zi i ilutile- tu N. K. th trs. I i !i ', ld thei oas u iiii i i Io ftltat a surrmions thereupon tssued ont R o. , lui, ol ""Pot-ils et -ls% of sali Court agaluet the ahove nameti r leand Go udivRt-t-et-, . .Dý , "0. - bu, he ' itc uu, it 0f telîg takeut tc mi ifigmn tie!endlau-itd,returnable un tht- first IG.umeF. s L ynchuso and' ; if, e l t o.ChasO. 'hie lied ant i ý1 fil n a wi-. ,lail nrngm day of the terimof tht- Circuit Court M n m nsVan euson,- lu io n othot bu îhi, ilis.ocr-,l,ratoi y tu b luit 0 o! Lake Couty, to be bt-Id a et h n h iil eti hî Lrtyvhît e in i Iiotht-e0 Il ostiltal. Court 1flouse It Wankegan lu salitd , .D $,0.The nu-bt suîîuucîn,ninîrof iL-lo 0 I hL A Lake County, un the- lulcatMoutiay Cemetery Work of Ever)'î, X]i.l4.9u)iii il1 o ht-ui ali.iabout the inatt r, ,YO or (etober, A. D. 1912, as la hy Iaw ' aidiul ti'a l l e'.."buittIdi iniu 0t requtred anti whuich suit la stîlî ptn-tii-Description i HtiIIL.Atm telus uit thfiltcs sare. Supei Intt-1 mng. denictieNtce l-t t'u lse as,calleti up ai hiusus LEWIS O,.I3ROCKAVAY, ell t- "i,- .,ie tutt-li th tcd enc ndI Hoh oldnt kl ur-tie of tic, -iS - t i l t- s ht- ali t -nc- ml aau i- a ît in taki i Ctr, orrespondence 4olicited sr*t -o uH o mei L u Ois-iTasiti bu lecs frptllajn wa.uaegan, Illinois, Juty 271h, A. D. to Se Ssudun aithte- cour Boule-in Wsuket i 0 lhatiUrtk hengts lcars i '.t he îîî U ,ue ittt of (tidy nI tiSee- i-ittenldtni'ii orul for it.' he atis- 1932. ~~ne-t 1912, hen aselhetct rie enehvi Çtarîes G Little antd George W. 1 e e eeSeif.laded iet iluie d ,n-seti îo petsent tnt- ameto saliheurt ro, (Jordon, Compaitants' Solitor. sludcation. ttlCA.W5EEcte Laesb-wetyIDPNE1T UH E @ *O O 'wky 4h W'aukegan Watcttit. il.. Anut . 1912. t-ltý a'....- )T BUY A ece S\Ilo esired, set up complète, ation,' and use the new0 orl'frame that is mot an 0 on the Harder patent. 0 U TO FIGURE WITH imber Co.L vinle, Ili. I Il 1