LAKE COIJNTY INIJEPENDENT, "VOLT. X-NO. 48. WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN-1 - A on T Al-%VATW. PART TWO. LIBERTYVIILE, ILL., FRU)AY, AUGUST 23, 1912. COURSE 0F STUDY IN 111111- SCIIOOL liAS BEEN REVOLUTIONIZED BY THE BOARD- 0F EDUCATION Instead of Entlrely Elective Course of Study the Board Decides to Make Certain Studies Re. quired-&ction Foliows Suggestions'- Made by Principal W. C. Knoelk The il-..r en nirnhol course of have one unit. AIl tire reat of iis was iiurKtarlzéd îy rolbers viro car-' stud; ig w ire cornpleteiy revolution- tudies are t1lire lcie ried off 1tot valîîed 51altlroxlmateiy ized as a resuit of tire action taken by 1Languaj;e sad vocationai vulîjects tire board of education Tuersday nligiri viii récéive strict recognition"%Mr. *1er. folioving suggestions liraI bave beenl Knoeik deciared teday. "I changing Wb.-rî tire crk, Mn. Fred Truiry, madie by W. C,. Knoolir, tiré nèv prin- rire course or stuiiy trum an eleclive oererttire store at î:i15 Iis mrnring crai o e ir igir aciool. Tire systete one te 0oee viricir makés certain lire dlscovered tire glasset a réar iin-t of giving tire studenta an entirely lec- sîrdies required. wé did net do Iis ice coursve of study vasa abandonéd fer tire majoriry of pupils as tirey ai- dov laying sirattered upon lire loor. and ln ils place a course vhich makes v ayis have selected tudies viricir ve The alorin door t lire entrancé to certain branchres et tudy reniuirèd Inov make reqîired. but il vas vitir rire rear Liat ben torn fremi is fat- vas adnpted. an ,ýalm to ,reaching tire fév vire bave coings by a "Jimmny". Tirs plan of rèquiring iteei units in0i ai fsipn hog Ilialr and otirer articles vere feund er îiirty tvo crédita wiii ire cond nned. 1 higir acirool in tire èasiest posible man. urirn thr- fleor. Furtber investigation 0f tires Ibère mustlire Ibrea units nrta edcie omk h iîy lbr clrks and Mr. (Gray revealet in Englisir. In matirmelîscalisel,- change. Tire course as nov arranged. ene, wirici ncldes itory and ual ýwe considerN ery flexble. rire lbaset appreximateiy twn doen urai science, Ibère mnuSI ire tbreéun0itL -NWe decidéd nul 10 make language Stetarrirbasts and a suit case valued in one of tire branchres, Ivo in anotirer la required study. but for studenla at $it. and oen thnelre rmaining study, Tirelvire întend 10 take up a professional Thoîras Tyrrel. assistant ciief of atudènts may bave thrrée units ln alyl caer ater leaving scireai we sirali polir.', sas summ~onerit trofné ese thèse branches, but ire muItirecommend tiraItbéhy tailé up a study polie, am smmoed t th stoe.bavé aI leasI two colts in matiréiat-J Ili dis' etered tirat tire reirbers hadj ics. 1n tieremainiog aniject ire must i (oUud nPOTo ruade thiree aLemptâ la gain sotranos te tiré building. FinI tirsy Jirnriéd a siruttere. frein off a vindov ai tirs souri wet corner oethtirébuilding. Tiréy round a large iraI case backed nir aginat Ibis vindow. Tbey then Jirnrnld a Slerme deer but wcre lrarnpeedted h ér wlork tire by a numirer of steel bars. Tier orera finaily ge.ined enîrancé by breaking tiré glass vindev 1n thre nortir veet corner ofthtie building. Thrormas MeCann. saloonkéeper. says hé héard lire crash vièn lire iroken glass fei te tire ground. iHe cdaims thins ecurred aI 12:17 a. M. Am ernpty match box bearlng thé naine of a Wauikegan hioatéimy, la tiré oniy ilue tire aulirritles bavé dlacev- ered. 'Ratirer singulan,"sid M. Gray, that thé titefIvas oct disceverediry the policéeviro are suppeséd ta try tire doors ln thé alisys. Tiré firat re- port tire police réceived of tieré oi- irmy sas virèn Mr. 'rruby called Mr. Tyrrèll on tire telephene." Tire nigîrt policé officers vili hé raiièd ripon thre carpet tonigit virén ,Assitant 'iie(Tyrreil viii delne te eacir remirer iis respective duties, ELBERT IIUBBARD TAES A SLA14 AT WILBUR 6i. VOLIVA C( ALEX CRAMMbOND TO ýSJERiDAN ROAD ASSUME DUTIES 0F SEALEROF WEIOiITS WILL DEVOTE NOT LESS THAN TWO DAVD TO THIS WORK EACH MONTH, 'TIS SAID lIAS 2ND SMAÀLL BUILDINGi BOOM BOTM WALTER SPOOR AND FA. THER. MARVIN SPOOR ARE ERECTING NEW HOMES. WILL p 1ASS ORDINANCEIDR. BOUTON WILL BUILO ORDINANCE PRINTED ExC-LUSiVE-1 LV BV SUN TO SE PASSED AT NEXT MEETING. 1 PALATIAL RESIDENCES HAVE BEEN COMPLETED FOR MESSRS LVON AND MEAD. it le Commnissiotier Cari Atterierys Sheridan road is bat nov en>OY- pan to assige tire duties of ciîY sealer ing its second building boom vitin ot veigirîs and measures to Inspedtor a smnallnjrbace uftitme and it Promises Alex Crainionti. be even greater Iran tire boom et a "I agre iti tire Sun thal an in.- tev years ago, wben tire Rogers, l- spector of véights and measurés Ilu sciruler and otirer résidences iwere -- - ý . v-d 1,,.1r, irlt onu tiraIbeulevard. tiraI Iis vork can ire carried on iry the commisision vitiroul additionai ex- pen.»e. Inspector CammOnd can and viii spend Ivo or lbree days eacir mentir carrying on tire dulies ofthIisý office. "-Persenaily 1 believe tiraI ail geodéý sireuld ire seid by veigirt sud net b, ineasure,' aaid Cocmlissioller Alter- OMMENTS IN PLAIN LANGUAGE ber>.. ON VOLIVA'D SIG POSTER "Thre enactmént ef a iav QI! 1his WHICH WAD DENT HlM. kind vouid inconvenience lire merch- anIs or thé cit>. for a short timé, but persenailly 1 feél that tire Plan venid méat vitb tiré apprevai et tiere rsi. IAKES POINTEO STATEMENTS dents aI large," ire centlnuéd. ________________Thére la ne question but tiraI War kegan viii nov havé a cit>. setier. IAVD IF VOLIVA MAS THE POWER Repeatedi>. ln thé past fév yéars thé TME GUTTERS 0F ZION WOULD valos névepapens o! Waukegan irave FLOW WITM BLOOO. vager! campaigna fer a cil>. sealr ad nov t-hé commissioners réglize thé benéfts te hé derived by one andit&IL. Eiirert Hubirard, édtcr oethlie Pbil John Maynand, desk sergeant aI thé liaine" and thé "Fra" and vire finI police station viii bavé chargéetftte came lto preminence tirrengirtiré cty caies. vnlîlug ofet iimnortai, "A Message inspecter Crammcnd liras dévoted te Garcia" in a lettér teAterne>. a fév heurs te tis work recéraîl> and William Fabry o! Zon City, commentaeire orrnd an ie vagon vîthout a pair upen rire mammetir poster viricir Ve- er scaies. Thé men o thé vagon lita recenily Issuei, a complote tét wr eln c yges ahrta o! vhlch appeared ln tié Sun. His by veigirî. remanks vilir regard le Mr. Voiva are -usetrCamn a aebv ver>. uncomuîimentary. Tir ettIt er .trspcto thramcont rasofmae àin- viricir ie maiied Mr. Fabry. réada asanltienethcuIr.flIs- folicys: pectirrg harns thiat bhneécevavhici frshWaukegan'astallit snibiy. 5ev- "Augusî 5, 1912. énal banns e eécndérné<iby tirén-, "D ean M . Fa im y:- ap étor and n év cernent s hed havé , copy ot thé Voliva potr. IsetrCamn eura"h "Tirs whole thing, at finat l gaimos, Isrcc rmôntrqie 'f armer furnisbing mur teu local deal. appeareIliké a joke. Mern one rense rs to ereet concrete vatering trougme it irovever, ire discovers tiré patbétic for tmir cattié , snd concret# cooleis -. (Cotinued ou Paie Two) for the .11k. à. Recentiy tire fine homes et M. E Mead and W. . Lyorn vere comPleted and occupled aud nov it leseen thut other nev irunes are under course o! construction. Dr, Bouton has started hie fine nov home, just south et Judge D. L. Jones' home, near Rldglsfld L. Joes' home, sear Ridgeladn avenue; Marvin Spoor's fine nov home se undér way, just south et thé Tewé' fiat building, at Grand ave- nue; Dr. W. H. Wattérson lai. 5most ready toe tart his résidence 1 wtich wiii go Up onl north Sheri- dan road. Ground la breken and vork véli Bîarted on tire home et Water Spoor viricir la le rise on lie Tobey. lot, Jmetý strt1_, 1Cen>. avenue aod adjacent te tie Conol.senécé. The Marvin Spoor Home. Tire Mart in Spoor résidence lanria- Ing on the site ofthtiré ld Bankér ihome almoat acrose frein lie G. R. Lyon résidence. il in ho cent aient $10.000 sud tire vork la In charge o! Cen- tractor Campieli. This résidence viii havé tén rooma. Thé erémetfWalter Spoor viricir ls being ut on tie eid Toery lot is te coat about $6000 and Contracter Campireil aiso has tris job In bande. It viii havé éigitrerusm. Tiré Dr. Bouton homé ls 10 COt about $6000 ieSand thé vorlçilaireing doné b>. Contracter Bunnistrom. Itlal to havé aine mrnemaand itvii ie onte ut lias pretty places aOU ttie drive. JNNUAL INSTIT UTE FASIIION ABLE ROAD flOUSE 0F TEACIIERS 10 OPEN NEXT M4ONDAY WILL SE MELD IN THE CENTRAL SCMOOL AND LARGE ATTEN- DANCE 18 EXPECTED. FINE PROGRAN ARRANGED ABLE INSTRUCTORS SECURED -SOM E NEW FEATURES TO BIE PRESIENT THIS YR. GRAY DAT STORE ROBBED 9EMPTY MATCH BOX CLUE THE GRAY MAT STORE ENTEREDI Dy THIEVES WMO CARRY OFF $100 WORTM 0F LOOT POLICE ON THE CARPET TMEFT NOT DISCOVERED UV PO- LICE WHO WERE SUP9OS- ED TO COVER ALLEVS. Between miduiglt and daybreak Wednesday morning t he T. E. Grayl lr a str n ot Gnw OR WEALTIIY CLUB HOU SE~ PLANNED BY MEN SEEKINfU TO BUY THE DURKIN FARM[ M1rs. Mary Dùrkin of North Sheridan Road Has Practically Ciosed a Deal For the Sale of Mer 86 Acre Farm to, Wealthy Chicago Parties Who Announce Intentions. if coutempiated plans culminate, a hotuse sinilar tentire one at Hait Day fi e new c lub bouse or tasirionairie known as thre Piuk Poodle. Tire oh- road bouse wili ire iocated just nortir ject voulu ire ta caler prlncipaliy ta of Waukegon un Shreridan road. For tire veaitby autoists vho wouid pase ire istr few weeks wealtiry ('iicago on tireir way to points nortir and men baye been negotiatîrîz viti Mrs. seutir liecause Waukegan la lecat- Miary J. Durltin. viro owns a fine resi- ed aimost mIdwaýi ietween Chicago lence and fanm about two miles norlir and Milwaukee it la figured tirat a bal of tire city, for tire purcirase of tire, ter site for aucir a bouse couid net piace. ire secured. These negotiations bave progressed On tire otirer band, remarks have ta sncb an extent tirat tire prospective been madie iricir leads a thie bellef buyers have prrticalty agreed btirte tirat tire place vouid hé a club tor price asked by Mrs. Durklin and il is wealtby Chicagoans vire vould find il expected tirat tire deal will be closed very convenient ta meter back and witbmn a day or two. forth ltatireir work. One cf tire Ci- Tirese men bave net declared tireir1 cago men In inspécting tire grounds exact Intentions vitir regard tathepeintedeout one plece et land wviie bouse but made remarks whicir leada ire deciaréd coulit ie convsrted imb ta tire conclugion tirat tirey intend te tennis court in case tiré deai vent erect a fine bouse on the tract of tirrougir. eighty-six acres In csetire deal lis Tire question o! intozicating liquors cloaed. Certain remarks tiraI thiey iappened teaire rentioned sand hé said Intend te open a fasirionahie read (ConUzaued on Page Tvo) EXTRADITION FOR ADMIRAL ANDREWS LOUIS F.' DE RYDER EXPECTED TODAY REVIEWS SEAMEN ' AT NAAL STATION SHEIFFGREN GTS ORDTHECHIEF 0F BUREAU OF NAVIGA. PPERS REN TH WAVD THE ON - AVS.LOCAL-STATI. N FROM SPRINGFIELD. AN EXTENSIVE VIDIT. TO TAKE HIM AT ONCE BATTALION HAU RETURNED OFFICERS WILL REMOVE HlM TO THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY SHEBOVGAN WHERE ME 15 MEN RETURN FROM CHICAGO ACCUSED 0F CRIME. -TO BE TRANSFERRED. scirol carées.Louis F. Deilyder, vire vas arrest- [ The battalion et appreniesaér Takén as a vhete il appéars tirat ed lu Waukegau a fév dat s ago by1 frem tire '. S. natal traiigstio eti vili having seécured $7,000 freinaa Sireboygan man tirrougir a confidiencel game, lu ail probaiiiy viii ire akený te Sbeboygan Ioday virere ire viii bel romtreiled te stand triai. Sireriff Green received vord eariy tuis morning tiraI ettradition paliers vere on tire vay heme from Springfield sud probably vouid arrive seme lime Ibis atternoon. Wireu DeRyder firt vas arrested hé Informed Sireriff Green tirat be vii- ingiy vonld returu 10 Sireboygan and stand triai. Tire neal day, however, ire seemeri bo have thougirt better et tire malter and deciared tiraIire veuid fight extradition. The author- sary papers te remuve hlm frete liii-1 noism lir te state et Wisconmsinlandq hravé ireen succestul. Deilyder, appamently, ls prepared te, put up a irard figirî. He iras aecured (Continriéd on Page Tvow WAS DESIGNER,-.- eleven days ai t15e vatér carnivai ln Chiciago. Tire battalion vas on dutY day and nigirt vitir drills ashore anmd afloal unnitil 10ocloci aI nlgirt. Thon- sds et people vitnesséd tiré drills on Michigan broulevard eacir morning aand evening. They vers reviévéd by tir mayer ot Chicago, viro vas de- ilitd wvIti theilr appearance, partliu- Ilarly vilhtirteir singing of 'Tire Star Spangled Ba»nner," and "TiréRéd, White snd Bine." Thé apprenilces have engaged ln boat drills and cul- ter races every day and von séverai of tire conteste, Tiré conduct ofthlie irttalion vasl ýameug tiré 1101m-nduring te levéiél days' encamp.eént, sud lie aulionitiés éxpressed their admiration ef thé bearing and moeifuttiréSé YOtlfl Upen tiréir returo te thé naval sta-1 tien Tueda>. mernlng tirey veré ré- vieved b>. Admirai Andrews, chiét o! thé bureau et navigation. GOES TO SLEFJ' ON RÀILROAD TRACI; IS KILLED BY TRAIN FRED NORTMUP 0F ANTIOCM IN- STANTLV KILLED DV TRAiN TUESDAY MORNINO. HE HAD HEEN DRINKING GENERALLY REPORTEO MHE WA 1NTOXICATED WMEN MF STARTEO FOR HOME. Whén Pred Nortirup, 40 years oit. a tarin irs*d émployed on the O=a Armstrong farrn near Airtiocir, start ed home from tirat village aI a lats bour Monday nigirt. ho cirojethé rail. rcad traclis and sitting dowo on thre rals about a mile trorn Antiocr. vunt te a@leep. A fast freigirt train Camn along a litIle vilé iater and grog"t iris body ino a puip. Tire coreoe Inquest viii ire reid sonne tirné to&~. Northap iad livet S~ Aatl* for a numbrrof years and vas woni known ln tirat vicinity. He hait varý. éd on tire Armnstrong fartanme lite lime. On Monday night ire iad &petit «m- 1siderarie limé ln tire village of Auti- ci and 3ccording to reports liaditI. blbéd considérable liquor »dait&o«» are efthtie opinion that ire vas lattoid- cated vién ire started for home. Tire complets tact* bave net y7t iréen léarned sand viii not ihe untn l.i ter tiré coroner's inquéet At tha etime il te expected that ail the détaIU viii corne out, aithougir it in pohutile that tire crév of tie reiégbt trandg4 nt sestire man at thé Urne héovau $truck. Accord iag 10 ail évidence. irowév*. ire vas not valking on thse traci a tiré turn e hé asbit andit sther hai at dcwn on tiré tracks to reuI or b"i tailen asieép. Tiré rajority fayort»r latter tiréory as tirey gay that Ifi e hast bééh avake anadtln posseesolcm or iris tacuitiéestirat ire oulit have herni tire approaching train. Northup,.&p. ParentiY, neyer mev w wat gtrumi hlm. DE RYDER TAKEN TO SHEBOYGAN The requiERtion for I»nis P. DeRy- der arrived tris aflernoon andi the. local cast againat thé alieget criwi- nal vas diarissed and ire vas rotura- éd te Shèioygan, Wln., vîthrocems fnem tiers. Tiré @tory of Ibis %>- péars lu anetirer colurno CHICAOO CTOR DROPPDD DEAD IN BUSS NEARAÀNTIOCBII DR. GEO. H. VAUNCELL JOF CHI- CAGO, DIES ON TRIP FftM LAKE MARIE TO ANTIOCK. AN 1INFLUENTIAL MU DR. VAUNCELL WAS RECOONMZO AS ONE 0F MOST INFLUER& TIAL PROFESSIONAI. MKIN Tiré plan et baving a day nursery. LIKEWISE PAINTER TIen Cutter%; Twe Motoriroats. Dr ereHVuceifCleg Ten cutters land tv0 inoterboals D.Gog .Vanelo hcg establibhed lu tire cityl>.isbing dis- - frein tire station wéré sent îy vatér droppeit deait from a seat la a bue 2ssed and freni tire favorable ceom- Nrs. Eterltt Billard of Hzighliand 10 Chi-ago 10 assiat in tiré vater virile ireing itiven froni iies eumer- ment tiraI bas ireen made il 5ééOiS Park iras desigrmed and palnted tire évents. home at LAeé Marie. Ili, te thé Chi- -ery possible liraI sncb an Institutien posters fer lire iibustratéd talk on lire This excursion o! tiré ialtalion from cago. Milwaukee & Bt. Paul depot at wiii ire launcbed eeIn lire vér>.néar Durbar lu ire given oéxt Tnésday éve tiré training station served as an ex- Antiocir. Monda>. eveing. ftr.Thé pan etfiraving such a ning b r.R ert B. Gregory. aI relient advertlsement fer tiré navY. But 30 seconds before Dr. Vaunceli Institution opened on tiréSentir Sidé tire Moraine aI Highland Park fer tiré owlng te thé splendid appéaranos sand fe 10 lthe floor o! thé bus ho hait vas dlscussed a fév mentis age and irénefit et Arden Shrore encampinént. conduct o! théeirattalion durimig ils reén conversbng vitir otirr uss- ai thiat lime il seemed tiraItiréePlan Tire posters are t0 hé aoid at anc-ion stay ln Chricago. géra in tire lbus, DéSIr, ccordiflg 10 sureiy voubd culminats but sînce lirat thé événing ofthtiré nténtainmérit. Tiré iattalion o! 350 men viii leavé a pont mortéin. vas due to eurat f51- limé sud up te véry récenli> il iras Mrs. Aexander Carquetilie vîilsell thé station tiré latter part ef this véék ure. not bée discused le An>. exlént. Oriental neckliacas ea hle enlertain- ton lie Esat, vienstre>. vii ire hotMn- Dr. Vauncéli vas one o! the 1mut Tirese who are ln favor o! thé plan ment. téréd ltutiré battliésiip Wyoming. Thé prorinent and lnduuéntiai pbis&011. and ireétc see il reabized.sasy tiraI Tiré vening ot tire aff air viii hé Wyoming ls one o! tiré nalion's iarg- and surgeOos inChicsago. 1H.o 0 S, tbère la a gréat oéed o! a day nursery mre yanme fdne ate s a esl.alresme oee dM" ln Waukegan at thé présent tme nd M.é > rmé fdnérpriàetvrvsée lnésmé on tLk Mrs. Gregory viii ho ameng thiosé en- Tirére leq stldom a day passés but and mad spéntl the day vitb iW tiré> tinkIl it vcd prove onéeofthle trann tteMrieadw -wa eea o r ettotel> TebYwBtkntk montpoplarInsituion th. a colirave vitir ber as ber griesta Mn. and cal station fror tiré recruiting office, cage for huril. Dr. VU2089NO hé otrénet hore. Ms. A, C. Bartisît o! Lake Genéva. At présent tiéré are more nment tiré1's néar tiré home tira1381'; Ithé e rt Placé tiré>.Bay tirat tire and ladMr. and Mme. Byron L Smithr of local station Iran st lin>.olier train- properl>. o! Fred ÂMes, -" (tnuto me L.akoForest. tns station iu the ulw e< taite 01o!Wauke<au. - r4u Thre annuai ceuntY institute of Lake county teachers wUI oPen iext Mon- Iay in thre Centrai scireol builing and wili continue for a week. It 1ruinfies1 t0 bce eue of tire mont aili ostil Iu. r rîltutes tirat ever ban beeri leld here. Tire Instructors tis year are esin-ciai. ly strung. D). C. Ridgley of tire illooîîîiingten, (111.) Normal schrol) of thre derrartment of geograpiry wiii give Instruction ln tire teaching of geographv, agricul- ture and aritirrnette. The- subjects of geograptry and agriculturf will ire madie especisiiy applicable tu iLake county. This viii, greatly assist thre teachers of the county ini teacilng these two subjects. Mies Ethel Brown, formerly of the Southr scirool ln Waukegan, but wiro nov resides ln Chicago, vi]l give In- struction in the primary work. Three perieds daiiy viii ire devuted 10 tis Instruction. A poton ofthtie work wvi ire a demonstraîlon bi (tans work witi cilidren. Tis will ire an en- tireiy new departure as ln thre past tire time ait Institutes iras ireen sa iimited tirat thére iras nut been suf- flicient lime tu give pravu i-ai démon- strations. Il la sxpectéd tirat iy giv- ing demonstralIen vitir a i-tassof ci- dren Miss Brown viii ire better aile to give ber Instructions. \llss Bro Io récognIzed as an etceptionaiiy sireng tacirer and ln att probability viii enter a normai sciroot as Instruct- or tis yèar. Thre music work viii ire lncharge of %fisCora Gascili of tire Southr Mii- yankee schroils. tMiuss askiillai.a teacier of several years experience and ira made a very enviable recrd. One period daiiy yullire devoted te généerai music and one period te prirnary rnethods ut teacing music. C. A. Faust et Ciigo wiii give in- struction in muscular mevement pen- manirip as eppoeed te fingér move. ment,.lHe viti demonstrate to teaci- ers hew muci bélIer It le te, teacir tis Éystern 1 cilidren eariy ln their v structivéeue sud il lo éxpeotedthtia practlcaliy évent teacher In Tak e ceunI>. viii bé lu attendanee. DAY NURSERY IS BEING AûITATED BY MANY PEOPLE SAY THEY HOPE TO AROUSE .PUFFICIENT INTEREST TO MAKE IT POSSIBLE. BOON FOR POOR MOTHERS MANV ADVANTAGES 0F PLAN ARE POINTED OUT BV THOSE WORKING FOR IT. v % e It d 1- 1. it .1 d -l e ci n -U'w -1 ir f FOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN AI)VA14UJU. m