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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Aug 1912, p. 12

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r W-9 --"*;- ANNUÂL FAIR XTWEKWILL BE ÀlECORD BREAKER - "ST ANNUAL FAIR OF LAKtE CO -ACRICULTURAL BOARD TO ILCIPSE ALL OF THE PAST. RIOSOANIZATION 0F THE 8OARDO PtOMISES MUCM ON THE WAV O F AMUSEMENT FOR ALL. Ibo 69th annuai fair of te Lake Obue yAgriculture! board viii be ýield aept, 3 4. 5 and 6 et LibertY-, ghmue the re*rsanizatloi of the .bowi'nme of Lake counlys Most Oultli business andi profession a! *U11O11Rbave been appoited to office 1au t*9 fair of t912 promifssOn0eclileel e e far i u the m ate of liii- 1»--sads of dollars In cash Prizesi -sili e awarded. hasesl on the quaflDt -varety of products sbown in tUsa Olicers and Superntendents. paoN MacOuffin, president. Xannan Bock. flraI vice preident.. .W. B. Smth, second vice presldent. ay1 Hubbard. secretary. F. Wrght. treasurer. Directors. ~W. p. Clov. F a Balteraft il! ,tmVickery. John Austin and James- Superntender&I. "00-ftmand mules. F. Gabbe and T. *0815 -est L Davis. *1.Fred Boya». U0IeL T. Brant. - .4bAjrilur*1 andi dairy produt, R- ts ?IL NK. Msxham. [ t e. C. J. Kir. mcala wýukgs. D ies and ehi ia Ç. A. Bulkley. .Jessie Thomas. ed fruits, Jessie Thomus. IL Bollinger. ManiufactureOs, Miss Clama ýtai nesdlework, Mr&. R. W. foka. R. . pMoter. =p bbstorji" isaS.A. Bush. )117 s . ,.PBush. - wSt, Im s.LA. Bush. 'anal<ir bock vas Pruted i Waskeasa Dly $13N. Tb@ ithe laroest Maimnt comple Wiws&e it tounsJts cr 74 p««e WB5 evor evet, evey san Ma"Pr,-eos. SOk hm ttbaes lesm ousu t of - c ffl etlaa thel b.eithm vpouelm ait Ë Im YWOM a v r out nom V" e - ea-ak = M ou iba*t oe sa" ek laie a batfu rbmitTot M i bs bistcle at the gir ~bave prpe lao f oouew. Qatfté etlmjudos. - .wato alaeson e et a talaivbM abotk Im h*4 s«u w a 111la Valis cwobmt. es M.la bise au"cCa me s.. "Ibm eraiapve et a M Whvb he bfiearamear 'ebibisa vbàt b.e Mi gwntive pover f et bdale.» M. lo rd.» adsa oub. e.a l. m lat power vbleb mables a Ple oavert a goal's talilatoaa sheoli He? ptas a dlaccuatlon O<tlustauea *b u lamasnsome cas e keil * 79»SM« tmmmisbs t girl IM gand iOpera, spaum se Uon a pOtw thle perfomanceMai M Ulme br home tu a taxiab ~ho Mis.ber good nighî? An vb4 Wo vwuprasat rovi L1* Ot lik @abs o «. ~11 WILUAM ALLEN WITE Announca. Third Party' ARESitiORPHINEFIEKO Famnous Philadeiphia Doctor la Captured in Oshkosh, Wis. Fdrmer Prosperous Physician. Ruinesi by Habit, Acçused cf Stsal- In ultesse. Milwaukee, Wls.. Aug. 2.-Dis. cbnrged from tbe northeru bospital1 for the Insane about four weeks sUn as cred of tbe habit of, nsing mor- phine. Dr. J. F. Arnoldi, formery a fa- mous Pbliadelphia doctor. vbo vas r.- cently srrested lu Ml-aukee on a charge o forgery. was again arrestesi tu Oeiikosb lest SaturdaY os a charge of a4eelng a suilcase. Ails, Arnolda arret is condtË>n became sncb thatIl Was feRed hat h. wonîsi colapse. Arnolds sis that ho vas aicted lu the use of morphine, wblch ruinei bis practice Lu Phîladelphia aud Ih&t thougb he vas at te nortiterU boaPi- tsi for elgt voeks and vas discharg- .d as curesi. the habit awon came back to hlm. Hie reared that if bo e ee flot roleased from Jeu be vwoulsi go In- une.. . ArnolOd niesi thal be sale lbe SUIt. case or mree that h. bail sny knowi- esige of bavlng dose anYlbing of the sort Wben parlisîîy convincei tsi he realIy sud attempt the theft. b. realized, that lho basibeen d.rangad tenspotrily andi became despbondent. He wos allovesi lu go tlu the home of a distant relativI. Invenstionu eosigste Amerlo. "in usAdoiphus of suaden. vhs,.. religa began la 1611, la cr"ede hi bém witvlh lhe Invention of Oued suMauti .iç is csrtnldge, buflle &iýd eharmaver. united lu a paie casa. I vas nôt. bovever,anutil 185 tibatti* fral auccodsul*metaitecart- rIda, as pat.nsd-by as Amrlua. PRESIDENT C0OMES TO OlI Due la Columibus Tomorrosa Mornlns fer Campelga Speech. Beveriy, Mass.. Aug. 28-Presldent T aft.in i;àsosmmer realdence at Parramatta for is vacation. H. a0(> tored trou Boston lu Beieriy. Mir. TaftIlst no ime lu getting out on the golf lnks o the MyopIs club and lu the sfternoon he 100k an automo- ble ride wilh %lirs. Taft along the .orth shore' The preidenta plans fer a quiet vacation were broken lno by a flytng trip lu Columebus 0., wbere ho viii teks Part lu lh. centea.nsalceslebna- tion ans i viiialgo visil lbe Ohio sai tain. Mr. Taft left Boston at 10 Ibis mornng and la due la reacb Colu- bus eariy Thuraday morning. He vilI be thse principal guesaIai a banquet Si the Soutiternu bal Ion Thuraa .veanig, &ier vblcb be yl Ingve for lieverly, arrllug Saturdsy moming., CLARIK MAKES GAVEL RECORD 1 WA or bar.-Llpplncote'a. speker Wear@ Mois in Top of Dsek in National moule. 4801P te Maki Worid Battu Washington, Ana. 28.-tepair umai. la as la h. vorid tlu liv. &fier szamining the furnîlure o! tb. bouse, ma iiioinicu; Il is esY in soIli- digcoresi that Speaker Clark, suring' 740 lIns a flsrounr own; but the the lait nine monîha. basi usai hlm te ho havo la the miOsI ot gavel vlîh euch effect Ibal virtually 1111110wtl perfect sYset- the entire top of the desk vat MMU "eceo solitude- vrecked. ~I5oui.On. entre section ba bien poubd- es avay, leaving a large bois. Ac- ZeTeo dn odmmer_ _ s, oeaker «ahacl employix *w b . m. iMte iledasrohe vats on br near o. kimas.cwuskiagli s *ed. L ty tet ad adlysuadebslut aly be puleOLAO. te A I 'As. 8. -TheKaiser, vite 15,et eelin ». j .u l alow.si 10 leave hbai .Ho SNob yl lsaib . »*OIh@naani 8cm MEXICO P~OSSIBLE; IS AUCHi NIEDED Conditions in Southern Part 0f i Republlc Are Horrible. SOVEUIMEUT SENMS IMPOTENT Zapata anid M iBncia lHave Galned I.plir Hand-BL.cirlce, Mutila- tionasend Torturce Are Common. Washlugtun. Aug. 2.-Reports f rom senuît Mexico. Ho alarming as 10 nMJ.e the danger ot Arerican Intervention lu that country grealer t han ever be- fors, have be recel ed Iln Wabhlng- lon. go osons bas the situation ap- Pearçd tu Presisicct Taft thaLt in dia. cuemomi wltb mer-bhera ot tihe cabinet au, others roceutly he has expressesi tIi. gravest lears of Ille r.eceaaltY for far more drastie action on the part of tbe Ujnited States tban bas y et be taken in bleico. Zapata In the. Ssddle. Il in atatesi that whle th. opera-' lions of General Orozco and bis meu ln nocàçrn lilexlco near tue United States border are exasperaling to a degre. aud inJurions tu Amorican iin- toreats, the mont serions phase o! thse situation liein the conditionh exlat- las iu soulusan Mexico. la lb. soulb- eru stafes Zapata-1-9 lb. rpeognized robot leader. Hia banda bave beea oporating contlnually for maliy menthes and Lsave su got lb. uppel baU in the southeru sates thM thIe autbority of lb. federal govreml ent ezeercisesi but fllfully and bas almost disap- pearsi. Rohber, and pllaging are ceint on cosstantiy in the southern states v!lb PraeallY nutbiug ies 10putal astop te Wl Cruelties of the moa« fienduab na- ture are belng practicesi by lh. out- laws andi lb. governivent forces alike. The mont horrible tales are belng tlls uf butcheries, mutilations ansi tu'- lures, few of vblcb. are reacbing the gemi public either ln Mexico or the Unitedi States. iMe entre southeru haïf 0f Mexfco, it la et.sted, la falilng tuto . a lte of chaos andi anarcby far *orse Iban anytbing tbat bas occurresi ln lb. nortiierupart of thc republlc. Ilexloan Goveroment Ulemed. Tii. blame for the situation chielly ln laid et lte door o! the Mezican gmvsrment. fSins cf omission iupon the part of the Madero administration are saisi 10 be th.ebhef oase 0f lh. defferation of the autboiîty of lhe natieua govermcent. Afler n.ariy t'vo urs 0 ofturmoîl, lb. Mexican of- feciais are saisi lu ha abuvlng a coîsi- mess andi ladîfference in the situation ln vi4ich 18e goverument le placesi wbleb bas proiresi sockiug ansi anaz- Ing tu aIl IAmnerieans. officials andi pri- vote attisons alfke. Tberollcy o!flte I<adero goyernment iu the soutb 0f Moes ,la declaresi 10 be neither ase greslve nrCenergetic. leansi Noyer Smoked *çfore. DDvllle. lit., Ana. 28.-itenry Har- bll hcelebratesi bisti 11h birtbday aaiivwsaay hyearing lu imoite. He vas bora 9f 1806 ansi bas Uvedlin Ibis country ail o!fhuaitlf. 1 Woman BDessus!f4eLog. Delvidee, Mi. u 8.-r.Min- ait Star, Oruingor. p"e"Mont or tbe LiutesFederatico 0<Wonmn's Clubs, Ltrippesi over a stool and broke on. of Fin" ifor Killing *slky Hors. meut Plaski. lM., Aug 28.-C. MI jouie. an imeront steeplejaek, svas 0iflned $H le- bittint in the heas, i. ii a bammer and killlng a halky hors. Abject Cemmlssîon Form. Centralla. lM.,.Ana. 28-la an elec- tion bers tihe cotamissiofs foru of goy- aerumetit proposition veas eeted by aa majority of 466 votes. il Marchanots tu Hcld Up Price. IE. DAI SeomrarOf 1Demlorftlc Na- tionat CommiÜii à sBi;sy Pmis. AERIAL ]EXHIBITION- AND wA ER rCAANIVAL' FOX LAKE ILLINOIS. SON THE DIAMOND FIELD Admission PI a. e e NATIONAL LEAGUE. W. L Pet. %V L. Pc1. NY. ...81 35619 (in. ...5663 411 Ch!.... 76 111-650W6. L. -,2M 441 pitta. . . ." 49 5865 ri,. .43 75 3165 Phil. ...b.5768 496 boa. . 35 82 299 At Pitlsburg- R. H IL Bouton...300100000-4 7 3 Pittshurg ... 0 00 5 0 21 lx-9 14 2 Diekson. Tyler andi Gowdy; Cauinits and Glbson.. .4t Chcago- R. H. I. Brookyn..000000000-" 6 I Chicago ... 020002x-6 13 0 Ylngling &" B rWin, CheneY a"s Archer. At Cincnnti- R. H. M. New York ....00000000-" 1 3 Cincintiati.... 10100000x-2 8 1 matbewson, Cransisil and Wilson; Fromme and MetLean. At St. Loui- , R. H. I. Philadielphie ..202O10200ý-';10 O St. loui&..002100020-5 S 3 Nelson, heaton and Kililfer; Griner. Steele. Burke a"s Wingo. AMERICAN LEAGUE. W. i.Pot.. W. L. Pet, Boa.8..2 37 M' ~Dert. . ..66 67 45 Wash. . .75 47 ffl Ce'e. .52 68 433 FI. 46 6 .Y. ..43 75 365 Ch.. 058 St L. .. 39 S2 322 At New Yuo- R. M. IL Clevelandi ....i10002 0 0 1--4 10 : Nev York ..0 t143- 13 3 Bankelte. Kabler.ansi Adams; M&- ConnelA and Sw4,Wao. - Secod game-> -."' lR.w I Clevelandi,.... 060001i2-4 S8 I Nev York . .. . BO~Ox6il 0 Stsene. .icel.Be .ctas 'Neill; Devis asimd Be'r.,-7 At Phiiadelphta- . ILR.H. I. Detrot.... OlS0001Oi#-Z 7 s Phlisilphla - .4e1000000K-4 7 3 Mdultin and Stanage; Crabb and ~Thomas. At Washnton- I.L.E St. Loul ..000230202-9 17 1 Washington . .000000003-4 8 4 Banmgardnei- aud Knltchsll; Cash- ion, Shear and Henry. AItlitatoit 4 R. H. IL Chiîcago ..101105000000-1 il 4 Boston .-04'100200090-8 13 I C-tte, Walsh andi Scbalk; Beiteut, Hall ansi Carrigan-CaIIed la tWveltlb ifsnlng account dhrniema AMRC Nj àl0 4 At Miwaukee'4o, S, Mlian kee, 1..M At Kansas City-Ceoiumhu&. 0; Kan sas Cily, i. At Minneeî,olls 1.oulsvilS, 14; min- neapolis. G. AI St. Paul -- ludiamapolis, 9; St. Paul, 3. Muet Firet Puas Ordeaf. la Central Africa lhue la a tIDe th"t oniy betova the . flega. 0 * Deatu, >.. na. 8. er.a.a .-m a ransarao t.. - the city bave agreesi Dot tlu holsi (ail vhea ho bas clîmbesidcvi na Pnectp- ,eftIUOO saa on traw brts. itous DU Lmuse lmupatant peli. Clba wom»n De a aacoijMtu Me- &%*Mpr Acct.sspotan viafmriy tbat 00e 0314 sd Ibat lauLoaUs lta an msay Sooiel8 ouasuo bave tlasa ousela lu sadi asa muas 09 ioomlsa proficieut luasoMe Ub w parlo r tiW by vw"cb 0 asIsu tala MoM " "ay. Il do mes. lUcuab tbaI a magicisuvithoust COUeau««va toPO pull cma aPreiimld t 1do tue bis massis, voliD e faai é& d lain uprpemi - q - I >1 kuJ lioveli-e gaver 1mm55 10 9" thon.. Powell- -No, be la Oifté f lb. bld vho la alvays a faverite befora lue volea are cosl. Danger Pointai Oi. Dr. marcus lBerg. ce s«934 Io crel fl iai vlbsaylug to ga ient vho rnmd ical books diga tu laode to prescribe for hiuseit. -8e care.- fui,, yfriend. Soma, ffue day yeUai dis of a uispriut" Cat OUI <Fhir Couponw Coupons of Conoutive Date@ will entitie you b oie of the *ATIOLAUIUOEAEI a.dvetiud lfi peviou a se AL wIAL Exhikiio and Waterw caria FOX LAKE, ILL. 2ito ir2 d&iJy in fits Curtiss typ-q hydro-aeroplane Dont fail te see it Hydro-Aeropl&flevs. Speed' Boats, 20-mile Race Swimming Races and High Divîi Kotor Boat Races Aquaplane Exhibit. TwQnty44ve vaiuable Prizes and Cups Parade ofD oratcd Noo r .aau,ý lia -MYý ,;l 1

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