LAKE COUNTY INDEVENI)14NT, Y1£RWÂY, A U(fl4 T 30, 1912. I 'n ILAI! fiYi~ NtO Q LA1111111111114 LAS PLAN 0F PATENT ON WIRE MACINE 'SCEIS AR PROPOSED RISE IN <onttaud Tm PageOne,) UTUAL CO C cO. « (, fntinuei rm Page One) 1OPPOSED TO PAYINGi out for Zion Cty wbere they Intended had avlng a flange arroi'gel at tire Spamng thIb m gt. inu outer aide of tb. recv-a, "t une end £&eE wlh boy arrCONbis wf blRkattbercof, a latepi'ot>ed fiDONtAN INS RANC u~s F ~ eh îrreriin a opclalU R Uai the other,end tiiereof arnd having O Ei N I S R N ______________ on bis ahoulder. Provisions for thre îRe free end srraged to engage tire ________ day are soued at ach place where l#aid flange, saId plate being provided bemy stop for the night, thes" bing 00 IUETA NT1 A with a wlre efglalg jîw, a wre en-RPRE HA ATOA McNarrUgtiSNDWR O S EFGUEmd I MS Ygaglng lever pivataiiy mointe<i on thstEPOSTIED +MASTARISEN ONAL iANUAOT~SS SEN WOD O ii a tun pt], Eacir night THEY CAN PURCHASE COAL paesd oSUg Thte a n IETHA& ARSRESUIN80 20 PERt CENT ADVANCE ON OR tbey opread their blanketa oni AtheAPR RpEatwren agulg w15n therarr an, îl by tireSU 819ORE SPEMN grouad and Vith the stars for a eau- A HAE AE ieegaigcap(arejb h opy, uend the Righi. ____ tier lever.________ Tiy are livng an the very plain-IoD AT CARS RtED MUCH LEATHER bre5krpancTalrE ur"a'a cior evao- MAY CALI MEETING SOON INFLUENCED BY DAT ____________ told mlk, sugar, culteand sat. The- SAVED BY PULMOTOR coffee l8 boiled over a ire whirch fit USALFAT W II ATED ftiH MNGE DECEASNO NOtakes but a few minutes to tart. Tire QIE POAL, HWVR, Eleutrielon In Mine. Apparent y Oesd NSA AT HC TED USIE OFK#1958 INCRELASINC~, ae I w tIsa nces fi% ' s t LCA POPE IL WTC * LEO MRS. DONEGAN-S DEATH VALUS RSE APIL p ilthealb ûe as the"boyshave travel ELINS PLAN CLO8ELV. 1 AI OBECUE VALUS RIIIERAPOLY lisanog the beach tire greater part Of HribrIl u 8 -1 corigt etis hr acn ____________ the distance. They carry àa fryirig as____. Har bFos- ,Au 8.~Accrlgt eot.trr sc pan n which they cook thelr pain- ter, ambitaat electrician oathtie Saline, siderabte factiaa feeling amnong tire Autoiobîlew. nat content wlîh en- cakex. Tbey gay filaluthere h-rt kind of Beraise of the îreaieu{ iigh price (ounty CO&l ompsaryu mine No. 3.inmabera of the Cthiolle %'oiien' SI creaching upon thre domain of theelsport. of coaI and hicause local dcialeca, aits foiund lylng acrass a lie etectrie Ikague anthte laIesi' iatiralle Belle- bornee. wfll.un Sept. t, have another Tirere are seventeen meribers In sert that the prire ai sortr stiii fur wlre iîy mInera belaw. %Oient asuiiiî'itioli. two irrinrarice or- sin toi anaver for. the McKinley Hikers dcur and fi waa tirer skvward hy witr flime, mrinng Aîuarenily ie vwatt deadl. A puimo- ders to wlîlcli 'tire late Nirs. Phiili The price of &bae@ ln golng u» snd ouly rftenttly tirai a club bonne was the prive for fuel irgirer tran it lias for rias sent down an(] aflîr aefW Donegan ielanged, lire qurestion eat the automiobile ia blauusd by marn. secureri. Tire iboys py dues and malle ijeen in mnany years, there Io ronid- or'Wark be vas reh <i lssue belng a-s tu whether or not thre facturera mas deniers as belng thb. h a practice to taie frequent long erable1 taik aor the part of man) Wauý insuratnce mshahire pald over la her principal cause of the Inireasn lt[h e hes. Before leving arthis tnp tegair peuplé la forin a Mularal l1____husband. PlililDonegan wiro la the priOc of leatirer. ach boy was gîvein C, aiti whch ta £unifiait), silar îa tire anelibati lv berretiirary. t la undersloos) tiai lire ThosWho have been aecustomed tc mesi iis exp(s-nsee. O pitu tire tinte iiîg plauried t'y residents or i-lUtin, Somnethlng Cruel About it. dlaims are oîîiy paid upon tire recoin- paying 15 a pair for timr fait fotvear itmeiboys reaclred Waukegan [hei-r ta Ir tiraI clî,thlire iople have been Benevolent Party - -Don't yot muenfdatioii of tire iwo orders and that vU ie bemaomplled ta add anther dol. tai expiense biat been but $460. Ar slrurred ta action i, tire lroosilng of thînk llng la a very cruel spor?- ihere lg couaiderabie question as ta la ta thefir airas allowanco iis year rives) ati lllwaukee tiey expert to tire inice of ros i 54 cents a ton sud Angler-"Cruelt Weil. I1airoulds) mi whethrer or îlot ire recammendatioul or bie content wlth an Inferlor grade return ta Chcago by boat.* Elgîntes have declared that trey wl lys mt bhe hree dasand ni shall ir enrtbInta thre lsat camps et ut footwear. Not oniy daes thm raise Tkîmy are very sainsrista have, oth- not stand for tire exorbitant prive Thetr rea affect ahaes of tire $6 varlety butI er hlkIng clubs formed and have made pliniof farmntg5anmuil5ai olom bilad bite. liemu nearly vaten tEIr y th rerte aton a said, hamn ihoes of ail gradms and prices. a rerirmeitiratil ncase any Waîrkegan palry tiere hansireen discîused at con- griats and minusthby trIa visapa. laith higi achol faya islrt arr aclub elderribie lerigth and a meeting if my pot-kulfe in tire river, ans) themdeveloperl suih Xins lonegann deatb, Incrasue te Be 20 Per Cent. of1lim. haracter. <liai uni-y irnirîu rngeiîterested in tie- nuîîiha- iic un han lairena911 tir s kin off the ovac-rag Tiette u b "A 20 per cent raise luntîice on nlcate vWt'r lerufrs-il Fo, ,2440 lîtid lied hooiliat the- lmter cri l is bacir ot my necL" JFaim-r Gilriat %ira. Donegans fu- ail siues on or before Rept. ]," lu tir dnavnuciago. cîses) tbaougirîy._________nerai eaihi ie made poirited Stale- waTt] whicrle anrfacturrrs are mesend'i terebt tîrere ls vo kverutirai Mci1 nients itîr regard ta tire womni'g lug out1 ta whlaetianssd retaieru.Real Zoaaî"î t, lm bmuvedtuat ai -ast îone iihui Nothnf ui to Do!death irtiiwhilr tire hunband 'as in a midiridred t a ot i d ttwo irirrdren ul tLe woîrid iei- The conditions of conirueut are ai- drswn firi, l aaîd to bs ole of the Autos Need Much Leather. WbtO madrceial, Un- raenerhel fvrirarrpn uses.Wm bave biut ta 1toit tronges t arguments advsancedi by tile -Threeare tmahvry ialn, for tlii r e Willlamn. "A misdirected ZSwiirlr aîld err:rble thi-ru(i gi-i i onl ailIe, endure awhile, beleve alwaya.rrerlin of tire îvijor4frs who are lnereanes) price <il eiather. burt thélt.Elrei - namalWhw nbsut coat. f i auiriri ie run i nl"i' <"[ans) neyer tomn bacir Stivrs. oppiut paylig tire cm. poprlrlrty orfire automobaile l ne h ouae la burnlng. li so detî,rmlned ta (i,îîratiîe biaisîTire ioîirarny %ouild h lasiglae(]that Mrîr. Donegan car- tire principal causes,- anc dealr e.o keOP the flamea tram Ieiafaunes) ie able tu jîircratii- i ia]iniiiwhoies-ale rred $1,04)(1 irreurauce lu eseir of tire Mlares. "Tire average man dosa fot thai ho kick@ ismdag for wagfing fils rjuantities anrd tireu, afier payirr tire nocieties. l'rder ordlnary circuinn kusow mvw many ardes of leatirer are ti5i* uaigit expense or dîliveI-ry and hland Boy Killes) Playing Bear. stances tiis wouid go in tire iusbaud. ieain red today lu the mpîufacture llug would lie ablie ta veli ta niembien, Dreabar, Mina., Aué.. 2ý laYluf The matter iras caneil quite en l- of automobiles.Tire greA( «Iirouble la aihi ards. thtie net cost. savlug tirem conuIder, bear lu thi grandmothers yard, Dot- sue, Il seema .and Il la irard ta say tir te unsfor lcabrer Are Increaw- To evt oess Paa prfealotablet-on evri-v ton.l aid iore, ages) six yearns, 'as ehot t hut how filwill enld. lat &l and tire Riippivof tire ras '*T eoeoee oapoeso Whetirer tire Interest lu Waukegau uctBkrae a-iv ui. Tire faction wiro are in favor of pay- mgtmiatlumdecreaus. Tire large One troir nloye, ta adore aa oweot lneut-h a rumliany yll iii- l Io pRe pr aeae wle osn rangea of tie West are îeliugi eut up young %rvanaswth ihm hopte thnt your point of caliing a me-etirig ad irs durî ans) died tva ibourg later Tire boys irîg tire daima assert tirat there la Oto omal lfarmaad tire avuer lu nos'love vîfI lant for @ver. sud tu lie srig ls feiillîtiitly reminînta be Hepn arbas h-n piayig w1' a MI 1OguîIalilDouregaîr did not die as tireresultiof raising cereais insu-adl of sbeep sud Yonginlu phIti. la ail tire bappîneas a but flucre are soute enthiuiasis hi-ce afternoon vitirut ri-alhiîîî ILut it asirer owu art and tirat urder tire cir- caIe, mortel con ask."-The Gulity Man. , yaira gay tiraItir-ibhave huiles of do- loinde). ruutarices tirey do ual sec- iras thmy- Alntepplto rtewrdI tuis. au avais) paymeut of tire daim, row- lAIsea tirgrondimurelofie ars lb 1sain Cpps.Waukegan tpeopli-, an a rîrte. bave Wireloas ta AlasaOpen*. ieverlire1 may dislike lire fact of l'Iris val-n acir year This laq truc flot auiy nt gane tir min anontiec c.a ive ViiieJo, Cal - Aug. 2x lietitret di- Ing lire money over totheiruabaiS lu tireUites) States. but ail aver thre In Rebelllon. hor-lng blis)itu Ithétir few InstauresWr tyo lelebnfcay worîs). Every varlety of teatirer lmsIn- Moter-"Wbere are you gains. t1 tî unhn entie a eci communicaticiî .'- i thlie 1 lii uai that ual etire agrentestry i c r e a r i g l u p r i e s , a d I t î r l l , t i i y a i b o y s ? " W l l lt-e. r t h ei b D r i tn - o n -e d l o n t î c e u Irtt l m p s a i - M a r e I s l a r d r a s ' > 3 5.o ý i - " w o u l d a vi-i e n 1 tt p î e t r continue la do so-,cOal, ou mmhiWevut folin iit no iltio vîllI bs-trken ti-ce 1) -nipleted PYII)ilUýfl aicëi-.sstatîion iulaebInrid op gte 1 ttlairg tire idapaeed fuelrroutil ft iraslu Alaaska ha» berri va aLI<lied.Tire a probant&gaante art beeni <ei l o io bworm. aoît flrElgin. aî,eraîoa c ratî en r rctire dowv thib oya' crochet ans) faucydîiri f.tiJiils uoy Why It Han Lusted. wvan roam te use tieb alaitecoas a-distanceIofi.;; hav lino bi s'as reorsau, ao d gle a ba OW'* Bl0.New Patent of Merit i Ricir Mans Sont Kilied. beeri hers for food,"a"id the s'omaf amBond .000 e as beagond aaÀilABail)vuiir couaiating af acr-dj Iterationalals.aVi mi, Arrs. 28.aIetihs kltohnmudoor. to tb. UmmV-l su oo asno' ai ee foudluVelue of Lettuco. 0oleras aIohe)seLcce- tl> . riBackiiius a of ELs'arii "Ame yonalwaya ont of 'orkr Papt kv Prof. Flindere Pmts. Il 1 Lettuce hbas à soothing effect 0On tho trtcaily nmomies) Ole carre ,, oe achas .niljoniIri sfa:i uranufactur- 'Ye'M,"replIe e im Itlumiant. Il afflmed Ibat Ibmhe aUn 15h» nover dur, Doivas 4" te Odllsut for sutterm iec aue aale)b ie 5 înbnrî a nttîygoeisa ar ns'alcysa 11 the 4000 )years sînce Il vas riO lis g ato a ams. - kei y iner i l a ase irMai r ;isintily i est 1 akr boia esm an. cy t »" i bss snt ta a l*uiidiy. Wshato i in a 'lwc iiera iritylk ]oUmsau- y eau b Ômarmeetilu Sire 32x3 29x3f,, 30x3l/. 31 x31/ 32x.i1 30x4 31 x4 32x4 33x 4 34 x4 35x4 3(;x4 34x4l' 35x41 -'» 3 6x 41- 3 7 x4' 35x5 36x5 a7x5 Imm"ga $9.25 1000 10.75 14.25 14.75 15.30 15.75 17.25 18.75 21.25 22.25 22.40 23.90 24.00 24.90 25.90 '10.75 2.W0 3:3.90 39.150 1 $10.00 $ 8.40 10.75 9.00 9.75 16.30 17.25 18.75 23.00 24.75 25.90 26.00 21.60 27.90 %11.75 34.75 35.'75 42.50 43.5 12.50 13.50 14.50 18.50 igr» 20t2à eo S4AO Clucler "Odue 4gml ixes .76 p Uios28sp..d Auto Tire 8*1 Câli i attéttio ttettb d. wg md£ ud mt. tdknmtm-"qo E S- -*EDf I- M~%E General Subscription Book of the Meredith Flower and Vegetable Company's j stock has been closed, ami the company extend many thanks for the supportte public has extended, especially the wage earners, who have taken advantage c the opportunity oftered- by the company, whereby theycould buy shares at par, $10 each, and get 7 %c interest. There wcre a few shares subscribed that for 'various --reasons have not been taken, and any onC wishing to invest may do so by calllng at the office of the Company i Libertyvifle, or at their lent on the* Fair (Iround. Acordial invitation is cxtended to ail while at the Fair to visit the Meredith .FlQwer 4iVegetake. 0eo J. E. MqEREDITML President Greenhouses on First Street, near the old depot 2.ý5 ?.40 3.60 1.70 3.7-5 4.00 4le5 4.90 5.0 5k10 zï7 lio0 2l.90i 2.95 à.20' 340j e-75 a,90 4.005 4 J- -