- i '~' r ~ I,4 Ci A Ruthless Slaughter of 2~__ Prîces- for a Quick and Complete -Clearance Thursday, Aug. 29 and-Contfinuing to Saturday T RIS sale represerts our final. effort at stock reducing, in which we are endeavoring to accomplish a complete "round-up," a final gathering together of ail summer Unes of merchandise for the purpôse of a, quick and absolute clearance. In this final clearance effort we have completely failed to recognize former selling prices and cost of mc.rchandise, but cut and slashcd prices to such Insignifi- cant figures that stocks will be disposed of ini short trne. Trimmed Hfais at $100 You rnay aeyu pick of sny trinuned bat in dtock and pay us the lnw sum of $1.00. There are stili muny Vretty styles to be found in the collection. 10 Choice . -. .................... ...10 Tabl Advantage of. these Offers in 'Wash Goods O)rgandies 5c-Pretty designsini fine sîteer F r o n e h organdies, pink, bine, lavender and black, the 10e quality at,5 Iyard ...........5 Prench Ginghamsl 5le -An elegaîît assort- ment of p)atterns in Frencli giingliariis,-tis- sues and voiles, comi inonly sold at 25e, thiA sale, per 5 y ard......1 C LAWNS AND BATISTES 8/2c-30-lnch sheer laws and datnty colored batite, lu the 1Le-t patternesd color-uge, 16e qualities at. c ORE8S GINOHAMS 8/2c- BORDERED VOILES 261- 20,000 yards of dress glug- White grounds with desigus h..s 1. checks, stripes and in piuk. blue sud laveuder, plaids; for cblîdrens school -hanàdsome border effets. dresses, 12%c grade..8+iC 40fabcat wide, splendld/140C st ad...........yard .........26c LINETTES lic-A soft tand slky quallty, beautîful fi orand con entonat desigu. lt attractive bor- der effec7, a materal usually sellig for 29. 9 thîs sale, yard ... . . . . . . . ..: ý 19 MADRAS WAISTINGS 19- REMNANTS 17V/2c A dealr- liighly mercerlzed madras able selection ot remufants lu waistIngs lu rystal brocaded ec.flueqainyadfiusi5etts efet,2equality 1cmaerias at sd1-- sl, yard .............1 C r............rd..c MIen's Furnlîshm3igs ]Reduced bIen's Dreas Shirts Men's Underwear 33c 77c--Plaited and nieg- -Fine rnesh shirts ligee stylesin madiras addawrwhite o and pe .effes al $.00 tan, garments that valtes, otirregfflarly bring 50c, elo îîe r ...77c sale33 WORK SHIRTS chambra>, ishaki settes. rlic values at ............ 37c hIcs aud suie- 37c MENS TROUSERS 11.10- L.alest trlped materials, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 i values t ........... ..1 Outisi Flainels A large assortinent of Fail patterns in stripes, checks and plaids,lightand dark colors, 10e grade at, yard 3C_ Remuants at 734c A large table of rem- nants i i c1 u d ig gingliains, la w ni s, percales, silkolines, flannelettes, creton- nes, mus lins, etc., values to 15e at, yard 7'4c leiznanto Bt 14c Voiles, 1 iune t tes, 1Fr en v h gi lîghaîns, poplins, long-cloth, pongeeis, etc. ,a splen- did collection of remnants, values to 25e at. yard --14'c- IFinal Round-mUp of Apparel Dresses at $1.00 Dresses et $1.98 Nrnfol Sias 5$L98 Womîen's and Miss- A charrning sclec- Natural and white es' summer dîresses,1 tion of wash dress- pre ijuen -Norfolk mnade iun many effec- es, inade of lingerie. siîits, sîîîartly tail- tive styles of good ali-over eînhroidery ored of excellent quality ginghams, and pure white lin- qualities, they reg- lawns and percales, en, ail newv styles, ularly sold up to values to $5.00 at values to $7.00 at $8.00, sale price -1_I m 1 0_1 O R - .9 Wash Skirts and Separate Coats-À liot -Romper Suil ernbracing many styles and AÔ. ibjdren, ma materials, your choice ....... 7.. c oînronly Sc Whlite Serge Coats-Slightly soiled, OOr8t Coveý wvell made, garments formerly il covers, triini selling up to $10.00, sale price. 1.198 erbroidery, Long Klmona-Made in the 'Empire ShOrt KimoI style of a splendid quality laWIn9c 75e is theiri $1.00 garments at............. thsals Auto Coats $2.98 Women 's pure lin- en auto coats, in nattîral color, made in the rnost fashion- able mariner, values to $7.00, sale price L-2.98 WaIts at 69C Fine white lingerie waists, tucked and daintily trixmned - saith fine lace, reg- dlarly retail for $1.50 sale prîe 69c jta-The ideal play suit for ade of blue cheviot, ýold for 50e, sale price 6.17 ers-Dainty nainsook corset riined wvith lace and ,19e sellers, for .... o ona-Made of figured lawn, regular price, 39dC )ec'ial. .............01 Petticuiats $1.69 Beautiful pure silk petticoats, nmade o! a splendid quality of peau - de - cygne, corne in Ah colors and black, sale price - 1.69 SERGE SKiRTBI-Wblte wool serge skirts. trimmed' CHILDREN'8 .WHITE DRESSESé-DaiutY tuced witb black buttons sud pocket, very nobby ne and lace trimmed styles, including values 4o styles. sale prIce..................... $&7 3.00, round-up prîce............. .......98 IC14ILDREN'S COLORED flRESBES-Nlcely made of WASH PETTICOATS-Made of good quallty fait color giughames ad percales, values to seersucker glughsiu, sale prîce ................1.00 ooatsl1.20; values ta $300 ati...........19 SILK REMNANTS 16/o-Included are remnats off l SILK REMNANTS Sfi-lu ntbla COUUtlU M O5118- mnullas, seco sis, china llit, tssa h,. etc ., iL tung , po gees, surrah sls, im ou s ilk s 5 values ta -60c t, yard ....................... 161c1 and scarfings, values to 76c st, yard...... 35 Musli a i t7,1c 40-inch iuîîbletciîed muslin, a firm dur- able weave, free f romn starch,for sheets anîd pillow c as;e m, 12 Se quaI ity at, yard 7ki --- A good- dependable quality A.i a p r o i gighaîîî, stple blue checks in light and dark colorp, priced fur thig sale at, yard ___53 AUl Summer Footwear is Rouaded-Up for a Cerance Pumpe $1.79- Broken fnes of oîîr regular $2.530 andl $3.00 sellers, a Nvide variety of the latest styles in ail desirable leathers, R u d - u . 1 . 7 9 $1.48-We 've round- ed-up several lïîîcs of Wonîcîî 's low siioe wh)ieh forîîîerly sold at $2.50 anîd now tffer thein ut, pair $1.48. Lace anîd strap style" in mostly smiall sizes, Round-up 14 price, pair...1'4 MEN'S OXFORDS-M5fl's low shoem ave met witb a decided reduction la prie for a liarance. This lot embraces a large varey or modela ln lace and but- ton styles, patent, gu-meta] an Rssia 27 tan leathers. $3.60 values at, pair ......2 7 and gun-metal leathers.,1h411 toes sud heels, guarsteed molid tbronghout. ies 9 10 12%, at $1.69, ie, . o6a ......179 CHILDRENIS PUMPS--P&t- eut, gun metal sud tau leath- ers, two trap sud fancy strap. ail ,nodlsh styles, val- ues upt)a 1 2.00 ai, Rd pair, $1.19, 98e sud ..89 $l.48-Two strup pompeanad Colonlais lu patent, gunxutal a" tani« ethers. absoutely sond thwamgh*NIL f- 1rl molid ai $2.00, sale 14 prief, pair......1ï INFANTS' SLIPPERS-Pat- eut and white cauvas two- strap sllppers. good flexible leather soles. witb or with- outhelseies2 ta 6'59 pair 69c sud ......59 Underwear '&Iffos1eTR~ esuced 70-Made fram fiue qualjty cf yaru.sleeveless, taped neck sud armholes, 12%c values at ............. RoySl SHIRTS AND DRAW- ERS - Genulue Porosinit, ispleudld 25ec garmfeutS L on sale et ........... 16C Ple gaue with ribbed tops. conme lu blck aud tan, tat dye. excellent 19e clic leat, par. ...... I BOYS, BALURICOAN-Shlrte sd drawers, uicely mie sud finished, the 265e kiud, IL sale price, garaiet.... 19C LACES 20-A large lot of odde and euds marked for a qulck snd final clearance; 14cluded are vals and torchonS., Insertions and edgings, values to 10e at, yard .......... 2 MA ond wlt dos J'I pol gs WaukegalI's Buit and E1ggot tOrO Prices Hfeavily Cut in - Dsement ASON FRUIT JARS SULKEY&-104nch rab- WASI4 TrUbS - Small ne qusrt sise, complt ber tIre wheeit ficalY f&ais ie, bIiîly saI- th rubbers, panutd ' spscilly vanimed. sale m i4u8.... 'rc prié4d ........... L price ........... 25c ELL GASES-Wth GO4ARTB.-Foldlsg g- BUSIIEL BASKETS AiLLY ti oLSers-Wltorcart, maple baci ndsud t al llshd tn cver, 6or eat, 10-lnch rlbber tire SUt ae u, ounce mîes, per Udide *,..»le ne- price ............SFlc MRON KETTLES-JTrhe "New Ide&" eftUneled Iron iettle. unequalled for preserving purpoMe. Poeur-quart .le........29c large ie, revermibiS plI- lows. in a variety cf at- tractive colore. rogular ptlce $498, sale 4 d prle....... 11-aY brase, hatend ta 64 lnches. fsacy inoba, eacih. ... ac Drastic Price Reduction on. Nen's Suits for the "Round-Up" We've sunk the kîîîfe de414 it o ît<the î îue of ev cry man' sunxmer suit-in stocIk. We've reduced prices to al.most one haif. One -of our grcatest suit values are these $19-.50 and $15.00 garments îîow on sale at $8 75 7 They are ail fazhionable new niodels, inade of tru'st:ç_ worthy materials in popular shadings. Ail sizes,. m V4ý