ldr.. 8. Smih aof(Chicago. lea pendfng a lewdays wtb ber une, Cari ev Aibet Scverna ofPlkueyvilie, I Bl.a. 5 viiing relativie.and friand. heretor a 'y epends UnoU &Acomuple surprise vwu glven l oam,00 <S~fO. Shwermaaon Suudar 0#0013g et aout 5~bu.bdds, aud vleh ber "A M.rryXama" Tha ard sustaids *v-71geputla and r"Cita- r bI:. 45wd1c .su t a 'laIe oui the haeteem L-Iila ifrden apMut Sadaj ai is a Wtu uarv.d A#aoamea - -Md cken..homne la Anlloch. AUl MdI. Ur. and Mmu. ý J. Urbd.entock, MDr. Wr. Newton lait lat Fridlda fo d lt MudN Gu(o. Umbd.utocL and Da Ulm , an. o uaue. Oi. _____________________Cois Suail cllad ai the.home of Baril la« ma fýrWsyymvng lu bonor af bis OscarPennY oi ChlSoc vWfalMeeitur.t vam brihdey. day and Sunday wtb S. J. Cropler. pu Ki Min . aie Jacobeon cslled at ber Baie Sean »d liauly i betyvilla, bt w ~ ~ , >~ leur.. UMaLaonSciimacber Satuidai put gSu4ay vlhhMn.mary n. < tar agitatinooua lme.BderOr"en. ho wus. Ot dUr. and Mis. W. Baileimidt, tha latte" iu baadaulrflrllavi~o tsl h e i .Crt of thlb. e lefocunry Clama PolI.. vsahed weuh ras. h1i.t Sud' VIII> Nia. u. Kul &fur tive boe. lisi. vek. Mmu.J. L. Irvm sing Samvdedy.es 1IOÀM k Nie. .n Gouy. b a. licou araae III lxepomul o thegain lb.Vamond Orcia p&y lie Lakea BeriI> bil e lb.f5 et Tiar.e. l'h. lava fualalvea iy tlebda$lC ça msaflg iICatUhoden ciiurc I ~~ure cm lare ropI. cosmos b. *à Wbus 15 la "a.teld me taW" le »d aom eSleot. Mi.Bardeasud ma gtairtuu 10.. S'aidasitarsuetavml in ~.luPeuaivauw - .haiaal igv.u under 'tbe cga is.thlbladima 01 tb. B.ptulm eeaMn. C. L PFr11'.lava lent I' «Meveing va.very lar*ely * and udprovedad sgadaoe »biaceWhy asuftd IsllabmtOul0 tuara. Thé kitchan orchatra 'f ola muiefor the once"asnd i Wa.Icudirapplsuled. Doa'5 mima lh. aid oealler' pleube be SCêrçntolarvllbai&oU tmmvillpis &AWLobaZurich boeanuzi Suday. lb,,, and Mm. Bail!Frank> sud son a rp oi ,Sgo I - dudy V&W&t a mal. a businsstrip ta m"Tusedar. 1"" ýom t10)Dr. sud NMr..Frank BIen su Mp oud baby boy rcenll. lPeçS Gim, L lé mGory. Gearge »usd Fred Biao made a triptla bW*Wgboringvillagesaluti Monday lu k% ui's aaopoaling bisefor lhe 'J.. L rimasud a lnumier of P"ulai d'O" Wa s ouple ai trip. ersmon W»vaWrGU iti al Mal sud a M»ar oob Ibis vak. ; W. C. Blckumas vill give biu tiret Wàmlbb tommer a bil. pavilon nehl padar nghsL. **hW Pieula svitiug a lev dojs ýbaWiwl lu anokM». " ~ eiVMii ecalieeastar Labor day iolu 1m»s.Bana boln sud in. N. etp <i ancnda a ansubemar. Ni.ed Mm.DPsu Stiofi ai at, Wlî4 viell vili Mns. Smutlh'aparenté MM aa vio, retulug tborne Sanday. miln Mmn. Gis.. . ndeva MuMaI Tusaar rom Bugle iver vis., Wh. they have beau camping a nq , .veka. ryG. Elllm nlaisIlut veal for-sa OMWO$4P hhigh Nerakas »d Wmita Whou e b. iiivl rlaives lait W- aft- i Quto a ew fia. be.alteude ha an-1 nal mission feilval of Ibe Luthara Sonne froin han deiverd iii. .ft.ruccn Mima L. D. Sebvennisu rtauenal 1 Chimoa Snday mternoon a"lr ope"l le« a veak'. vaction boe. Ull ber par- enta and manda. Mr. sud Mn. T. Calice sud ia. Rau. nattaane vwmting ralalva. tu Barlng. tona. mm ia. Nolmecubha.for ber gaa.lm'ai sut»Mn.mBateau af Arizons. Mn.. lkuo iofavavva*wod. lumcu "' Alngc "gr gU, ru. Gec. Pat and chlrsu i 39cgo Md GUY Taylor. Mr. sud Mns. Cha. milh ai DiaPlaina. vmr callera n au bsiue rlaliva. overi ienday. Mr. sud Mma.Mm o paul Soedast athe 1)14 Sellier' picolc e aicuaberg. Dr. sud DUn. Delluber, (nDalla su.1 1h) cfJerson Park. van vialtor a vith tb. lattai'% mothar boeurueul ly. Mns. Ssowod sud chlidien ai DaIroli, wIh. aaviellag ber parente, Mr.ude :Ma. »th Jaais iluon at priset. P. A. Dathar sud fainlly ara vilg Mr$. Mihber'a paret@ lu MIun.alab. Pan!0. Peltan relamnel Iranhie Europe» trip reculy. Murania aArlisigon Helghln. Wad. uadauleriou,4 m~ 21, st foui ='OiWc ,Mma= yM y ,Paddock aecoud laagbteroaiMr. sud lMra.B. C.Paddock, sud Mr. Milton Poaket Daulala. lu tie Praubytarlan barcb. Fliovlng 'the ceremona sracplion van glven by lie brida'e parente sud mauy gond viaba. ee given lb. youug ceoupla for theur MeI togaliar lu Portland, Origon. Third Annual M. W. A. Pienlc The. camp -ai the Modern Voadmen of Late Forest, viii Rivea hbir third au- Bugl pielel d d»Scese Farvell Field, Lake fanal, ou LaborNkymiSept, . 2ble. giuuiug at o»a o'elock Tbare viii b. raceasu ain a for prim of ail kinda ln tb. aharmou, lucuding bicycle rwma sMd b&mael playlng betvaeeuClega anBd ]*AeFana tas. Mie0ormmsaeaOrcuatra viiiplay AiU the Sllerooan d oecng; laude ler. vil b coth if~mpe playen sund Rigi. land danar. reviibe pienty tu utl ad drink an tb. groundeand every- body viii have s good lime. The dliugn taut will b. ln charge tfel. B.N. A. Aduilooa to the. groanda 25 cont. Chldren under 16 free. Ever7bodi lu.n vited sud velcoma. Prrnbytelau servies 10:80 a. M.-Uornnq orsblp. Sub- lad. .Au Labior baffl." 11:45sen.--Suday a-boi- 7:S0a.uL9. .-EveDlDgworablp. SubjscI, Waduady 7e) p. m. Prayer maatng. C. K. Algiendar. Miniater ~2 Ny i m 0luaider, boally oui empl0lum t e*> rul tbw.. an lpS a D..dam» iôarnsa.durlus lb.' bar ieoU>Uaud IbemuSo «erlficy.,, MWs. &.mVedusuo, Thunday sud _______________ surd&y d afOu, sund yards@ViiIla KILLPOISLiuBT"vLt L uums RCO. For Bd Blod.Roms LiCUMUR Co. 5. L. Tripp, R. F. Rouas. living E. Payna, ~II Praidait.Vice Présaldant. Cashiar. THE CIrIZENS9 BAINII ROCKEU'LLER, ILL ' Igetal Sav inge-Banks furnlrnhed PMoe,0 Deporitors' 3 per cen t. interest paid on savinge andi certficat«5 A Checking Account will put you W fao expenU and is a convemient, time-saving and buoineen 11k. mnode of payi.ng accounts or purohasing gooda by maL. PARTNERS AND DIRECTORS: ...Tripp. R. F. Rous. Irving E. Payne. H. I.Mille.-. J. L. Taylor. J. S. Grldloey. RedllaebaIl sd w% ani lookiord. aua updbg tee ksaitItheJ. H. Aynalay hom.. .George lIces sud famly ai Chicaga. in.t Sudoy vili Mr. sud Mm.J. R. Mr. sud Mns. J. J. lodgaru aof asha. Win.. am vuliug a% the hom a1 NMa Mary Swan. Tige...Sm.1h of Roîud Laboe, la opeudiug th. vuek vth ber adoter, DMm. govard Tarpng of Park 1115.i, ha. beau visising vlth hie oma, Bu"]al sud Paul Rouaa-. lIai sauday marulug Ber. Cri viiil sp.ok au "Peler Raiunu." Hl@ eveunn ouahiacll ib. "Tb@ Dcci."1 Mrm F. C. Shaddl eertahu ber couaina, Mm. Biih sud Mi@ma IsmIg01 Batavia, for lha vaek aud. Irim Boum". lat luit W«duaday for sti tnpougi lie PaoU& .Shu«ence la la gona atl ici a foriugit. Prof. B. A. Mdnnaon ai tha Waukegsn Business Cou.6. va. lu cova TueedaY lu the. ltorua0 e i*ialtuibon. DM.sud Mn. Frank Jullan rtaud Thaneda 10 tiei bornalu SI. Loula sitar a short vW ivtb e. sud Dr.. Carr. On Tbarsday oi lhe faim &H buinesa paces lu lova viii clame ab ton a. M. la givo everybady a chauce tome ses iiboa pay hall. Fiayd Ayuel.y lia.r«eaigual bnPOal. lion villi the Boa lin. and vili leave tblaveek for lgblad Park viera ha lia ecurul eupaumenl. The prograni st tbe ciarci Suuday oveaing vae very veli rendael sud greati .unjoyed. Il la plaumn ol1gVe achar eas oon a. it cas b. armned. M. sud MUn. . L. Trlpp returnad 1fei Friday Iran>a tva manthe tour o tie vomi, vlatiug difleeul pointa aoflareel lu 011dMexico, Caliohnila, Clrsda, Kansasansd lova. Tuesdas T. J. IdcBrde complatad lis motcion of s vira fene. on lin, ida. oi lhe e-iacl granuda. 1% le s. ver laaty pleca of vork sud greshly Improvea lie appearsceof the propsrty. Base Bal XI took uesnly ail ai the uina inniage Sunday te daeviwetber or ual ve voald bate te cik up saohai gae ou lie viong aide of lb. record, but lb. blîting of lhe haone leain ven balancd lbiu eran aufgeloealy ta vin b 8 ta 6. Tb@i." LobeVlwa bai a ailSIm ansd th. gamee.vaninteretlna dspit. lie looooaf..ai sme af h. playaaid Dorui pIcela viale againahold- tug lb. opposon te four ilg.a. md Destie,, i he MVAS amot lhe oua thbu oaf t h. ladies. but brt.r Jce. vho ordlaartly ploa ai short. la his aisuni for au extra tilraiDasge Vataandachded te, lake a ohèmuon &uothar oi the launlirfIambe fCgured tiai if oaa va. a vinuerthe otbar va. vorth IVANHOR Mia RtBa wthe Rilb uée% af mi"a Ada Kuebker 1lat veak. Dr. bamberin auiariaiuad Mr. snd Mme MarinuDcker sud cbldren, of North Chicago Sslordai. Ocliaol viii open Sept. 2ad. snd b. lu aession tire. days, ciaing Tbur.day, and Frida for the. Fair. Papileare urg.'d 10 h. provided villi lb. necemnrY lait books. James VauPlew of Cicago, snd Prof. John VaPlew of Beloit. vielled thir1 paenta Saturday aud Suada. Dru. John Luebbe. vio a a.erioualy Ijured by a feul, about four veeke ago. and via has been Iluthe Waukegau boa- pltal, va. rema'ed ta the borne of ber daugliter Mrm Frad Luelikaran FrIda. Emuia:and Ethel Titus of Liberyvilie, vlited frieuda la thi, place sud vicnlty lent week. 'Quit. a number irom bhor att.,nded lh. sodiera'i.renniou at rayslake Tburaday The. program vwas unnunigood. Mie. Heueryralihe eutertaitiedfrieudu fromn St. Loufsansd Highlaud Park, Saturdeand sud ay. 1Mr. sud Mr@. Beuiery Buebker, Allen and Porter Dusl of Grajaaea sud Mies, Gertrude Dusi of Chicaga, epeut Suuaday st thé Wui. Kueliker borne. Iudepeudeutat a-rosi b 25000. Perte'ae eponalbiity Appaoxliateiy $100,000.00.J Iif Day's Snoitary Barber Shop rirst Cimge. AbolutelgU p-to date. Give us a trial end be conwimced. Chlldrens Ilair-Cutting a Speduitg haitf D099 11.1 ha ta Il înly mli Dorfiar'. rqndmI De?'. othar tg th"lum Sellrai aven a hsppm. Neît 1 hacm a raubar i qundu 7 I. e ÂQUNT Missolë timer sud déaervdil !Ï bda bsd day ae eamd i M ycUioaihat h b oka his, Mlla Bsicuida' &Pd punctared a borravUdofla Sondey aflailic qulug ýcmfor tlb.fgarnésud ovIesbw tbull Vaukagafor bil go break ail the apaad lava am asee a" toumIais 10 gé dMk ea, cu DotualWonder 11> lluneiorvu. He va.o ie Suder mda p lb. fae ut l*"u rom a, b"h aiiay r.grd 'asblly ndgbi bave apeait ha amiMea vork. vsim tahebavi bitter of lbe od Irs. su ative factorinlu 1h bu itm Kaucaba did Ummi kick- Mdcjrebdon Ibsu aillb. teus "i year conibla, bul ut dld uqt dehriMWIyZro abllliy. A Pl1ty oartsi ha the h&ru am aker apparsuilihsd eutbb a fous arnud ciI4IMs Inug l theapuctatoru but It se lbislfont vannai ou lb. ad daolae maumai. budsMy va plartha crack Pirsima mas aud ou Monday lb. boya xp vtilbthé Vaukegaa tasaiet kk., Ibis ou Thurudai atlamuacu I& Highlsd Park vi Rutelunha u yoU an Ilbideu faIo 0b. a -baay va.k. Wel liee'à boplua. Sa' acci. 0. lugecf.......... ....... h>12 51 0 Davis. s................... 41 812 0 J. Dorber. p .............. 4 0 O 1 i ............i1l 04 0 1. King,in.........4 2 1 2 8 G. Knim. 1b.............. i8i 2 Id i 1 Rouss. i ................ 2 i a i i Seller. If ................... 8 1 I i 0 O Total........ .....8 12M Ii5 AB 1H H P A Ef Bollislar. rt .............. 4 i i Sub"nasb.............l . 1 0i 0 Blunlger.21.......h1 0O82 18i Isnuamller, m-.............4 1 1 1 5 0 .If 1 10 i0 Boyle....................i 0 i 1 1 a Total ................64 24 Il1 Am... ........... 2 0 040 0 02 X-a7 Keonaa...... 2 0 2 1e 10 0-7 Tva ban. Ie%$ aH. 4690é, Lifftr.; euscifibits kilms, Roua.. Hopi; atrankout by PoriRer 4, by Aniar- son 1; lae. on balla0offAnderson 1. 011 Dorfiai 4; iit i ypîehai all, Ven- uulier, Bole; tolan base, 0. King, Sciier, L. King, loua., Rollintar. Paunumlllar 2; doulel plays. Klug ta Knlgga, Bninger tla Hopi. Notes Davis va. braugit la from rigit la labo Joe'u place et uhort sud played a a Wel geme. "*Cap" BKing cavered bis uenni amounl of rad flb.thelire. Sodâansd aroau maond sud short, Dot ai the. Ar& ruae wriacored vhlh tva out su you as v. dan't cars mach uben ve gel thein. Barry Boa.. got liedlotoltue Rame0 snd camse scm ias.vusa Mmetva bgger in hor caotanddovili anlfy a ubi. o play. cep King plblng sailinmdrive Veli, folk@ goi aur Volces tunal up Mc h huay veekansd comae ouI sud I-belp the boys &long. Miès Josophin. oodamm laelb.e aot of m iBlt Ai lb. àABOcollage et ~kf~Sua'ev.uiùg serice tli rut oi lpeber. NIaLEP. pbaba suad obidrn $peut Istud&y y smdoa.rlieChicago vith !g.d ?pnoms a al sMllY. Ummuar of Lib.rtvil., vaathe wsak snI ud eScf Mm ru.alphbuKncker- bocker. Mr. sud Dr..I. A. Robhnu leneultime outi vak lu Lmi. uem lieEit pi wmtt. . uthé. vm mad geat of Mm. L. P. Todd. NIaaaM ilgametVedder snd Suie ramnare» vslwfg rilasaetWoskéhs vimomn. Dbae d. agMansd Voodman apea Suuisp vh DKr. sud Mma.B. IU. Eakfu lu vimm.h Tb Diurne Illisuasd Graua schliean- teitalsa ixtIset of hir Manda at s mma.A.C. Strjad Ch»» 01a Ga view, vu gnwamie l b.boni, o! J. I. Valu t u thel vio. Mr. snd Mma. V. BertSw nasd chil* me su éi md Mme. boN gaAd amm sud danashi m R umbt hea h. omma 01 Ni. snd Mm ia. lur Saaday. Mma Océucadar of Wyoming. viaital wlh bar "llr Mr%. John Mai.durlng the viol.1 Mr. msudMDma of Chicago, apaul the ve and elti Dr. sud IMm, A. J. DaIchalI, Or. Mr. sud Un. Valkîver.womgantaet the. Daly home sandep - tMimes cf Chicago, vu the gant a MiUm Oaiowsy Sundzy. Mi)1a»l£sàPailla 0f Daaven. Vin.. la the garniof Mr. sud Mns. C. W. Pallia. Mie.Auntesuad dubtar. Mia. Pyl., visitaI vllh Chicago reaisnSanday. The direcloof aihlb.Duerfild Public uchaci vlaii 10 annaunce liaI achool viii open Taeadal, Sept. 3. UminaRBth Beltbelt euters"led bai friande at a part Tuaaday uigbi lu houai of Mia. Jean MeComba et Mer- quelte, Micbigan. Mr@. Fied Meyer sud cou D.lbert le11 for Oabko.b Wedneaday. M isa Fiaucea Blademelsâl gavea papil. ieclai tithe borna foru.m A. agffle au Friday atterneon. Altbaugli e nambai oi ber clmamr out of lowu. su laIoeeat. ing progreai of tauly number@ va. give and enlaiatleaily ruelved by the. audience vblcb umemed *,bout 7forly people. Cordial invitation& wvan «eziaded tic Mima Biedoetadt by thé umoheraof lb. papila afferlug the nueof thalr boum r ahuiflar obamons. Mim Biederelahl lielievea thet lu comlng lu contact vlth .ach aIber lu thie manne, lbe aludanla vii ualonu recel"a f ai entiuam sud lie balter flt.d for futaie vork but vill recelve th. benafil of public appearane. Sia deaires la tisu k lia parent@ for the bearty co.opoi. atfou #bat bas huen givea ber aud vinbe. la annoance 1h51 aie la ready for tbe coming aasaon. LAMD'S CORNERS The. Warren C.rnelary soclely meeta vili Mr& SBade Voi. on Tu..day, Sept. Brd. lir. sud Dr.. Plillip B rend, Jr., $peut lbe past va.k as Roland Blook'@. A large numbai book lu the. Wld Weit shov ls aukmgas Mcday. àiunx OM siokwb a. bean u l.t *~Mn1totiUaT*. Pai, mina., la vwlang nlti la u imvlcliiy. 1Mhe Maudé Carpantar aof orida, cal!. ed on rallaa. altweek. 1I ROUND LK I I I Heniy lIaison andlemulyirousCblcsga, A DÂNGEROUS MOTÂKM.l Lbertyvile MatItems Shald Nol Neglact Kldney Waaknase ln Children Dany cbiidreu bave vsak kldn.ya. Au earuyvaraiugi le bed.va4tlug. Olten foloval by backacie, beadacie, 'TP e&eenegloc tilhes ruls To blame the child for 11,0 vu dlatree. BSe la check lie caas.. Bave lbe chiul ron> langerons kilney Poana Kidney Pilla are especiail for veab kiles.. Lîbartyvilia parents knovthoi votil Mnr. Wegener, Orciail sud Bacou'o Ste.,1LIbertyvillo, Ili., mye: "Doeaa Kldney Pilla are upeudil and l le a planeur ta ricommeul lion>. Oie mu ciidran bal a bal feelg lu the back sud mile@. The idues ver. the canae.oaIL11.Doan'u Bidney Pilla made a complet. and permanent cam." Forsen byal halea. Prie. 50 enta Vooler-dilbaunCa. Buffalo. Nov York s ole agente for thi l'uted BIAIS.. Bemember the nae-Dos'-and Isaeno allier. 48-2 CRI L LAX For U'ilin sud Fever. Ânctlan sale noticns publinhod lu tha ffdepaudant vil raai fer more i.sad.re Mmla su cer papelnu lb. -, -11 -,We bais thé trolaluu; 7M v tabuaine. lie lattipr I1a uk sauday atuac ilud voulng va. lie laing ci1l. liausifor lie Caubolle churci.i. 515h' fbehmtg auesauilau apita ai bal veaihr darlng tbe trot four laya Theeucnagtion vwn, la tiu s h00.vbocoributal no f raly lovard saine. Mavlng pictarea evemv Veduesde sud uauday eveaing nt tbe opera bouse. 1 Lsvrence.Amanu vsa gaeah et Jo. Arnn*o sSuucly. Mra. Milchael Laby la alovi inproviug alter su allack ai malria. Min. Sliaup f rom Waningtau. D. C'., arrived hemm Friday evenlng wbene aie viii apend a few moutha vitli ber deugliter. lira.Geo. CobleDtz. Katle Frost sud Tlle çagaer iran> Vola, ver. guoestoah WiII fluionse eceutly. ereral front ber. attended the Buffalo Bll eircua luWaukegau IMondey evsuimig. idn. tiiesieki returned iront Chicago ganday eveulng afier apendlng a few daya wltii relative. tie.. Ed Rende, vma aChcago vieitai Mdonday sud Tuelay. Dr. C. B. Elsvorth,. leta. 16 Baldwin SI., Rochester, X. Y., ans Foie y Kldney Pilla gaveeun lrmodiate reliei and uîrangtieuel iim vaudorialîr. q' bave benbotiaied vlth vak kîdneya sud bladder trouble sud aufierel MUa ea Foie Klduey Pilla gaie me lm edate reilet sud tiengtbeneltme vaenfal. t1rnleasel ta racoia- mcml ber aie." F or aie by ail Next WeekWs Fair I1 >,obabU tak.uvu end gow faodlg wag [rom home for oas or momeduqu ooog. Make gourmimd set" whlleV"Ore Pmi bg psftdug oumrvimais poperelae ia is mmee Soie Depomt Box .18Mr mr 'r Pr"o Vomit. TWee tq wiI b e trokmfOre, theft « aod cdeuoleua. We wille s tro aa. mto1Pu Me Morlit dog aid " e. mmd tp have go. coli and se uo. TUE FmW NAlUNt aL B OF IUMI iU Meus Dcci to the Poat Office AnIncomparable Lightý, A Helper that neyer Tires Art each avallable at' the touch ci a but.top -When your homq in equippe for ELECTRIC -SERVICE It is luxurious in everything but cost We wire houeff at cost ~24 montha to pay The expensge of wiriig Io low PUBLIC SERVICE CO. of Northern flhnois The Device That has Saved Thousands Of Steps QDid you ever wstch à busy housewife in the pr formance of her daily duties and marvel at the many sahithetock fe te vsuîoua articles ase uredl And YO eWonder why everytlsing needful mighit not Qbe place8 together. a * alef or instant usne without the Dnecesîy of sa tlat huriying hmr and there? TIse Kitclsei Cabinet w is te answer to your un- apoken query and it came in response ta the dernand for conservation of enegy in thse kitchen-the venitable *mainaprimg of thse home. With ît thse houaewife han Owithin easy reacis everything se neeëla 10 cook, bako or dean and aUin mthse space ordinarily occupied by a table. We carry a line of tise mont widely uaed kitchen Ocabinets. thse Hoosier and tise Cardinal and thse uni- versai demand for these two makes annply proves their Worth. Each one is made cf eeasoned wood, ski!- fully buit and so constructed that everything in just Owhere ait s mont 'eaaily , accest)ible. Nor han beauty been sacrificed ta utility and the womnap who owns onie takes as mucis pride in lier Iroosier or Cardinal as se dae in bier piano. It in much more easy te show you this than to tell Ilit and that is why we want you te cal1 and let us prove that these cabinets are savers of both tine and energy. The Ray Furniture and LiBEnt Store ai, LAVY Il 1 . im K-W a