,Monet TMIEVt AT <IALF D)AY BOM@e tirn e nsy nlgbt thielvea an- ter.d be barni oHery Sheelr B wsathi tarinst a at Day. and ealia ,alaable trinolbone, B barnes. ad alight .prlng wagon. Poiiet 'and d.paty oberifi were Inn- rndetly affleSd apon discovery of lb. thoit msrly Wsdaied.y mornlog. but np ta Urne of golag ta pies. no cIa, bau been obtaiaed. GufNla L. W. Bracbsr saw th Cub-Glaat baili game lait Thuraday.9 Tbree men ve. lad, off eI the lBOW- rnanrianionilaîaidi nghîon acouaI Gien ad Herry Kelly of MiChora, and Mis Poss Duilamof Obaron, Wls., vieil ed t Dr. Youg's lait wsk. Aàaner iroinshe attended th. r*-1 union at rayle lu at wsek, Ro tuder parcba.ed a nov hors lae week. Mis. C. W. Chandler tarted for the uailulat atrdai vberes ea vlU spsad the vit. . clord Crttiendeii i ofseell, va a Gneis elsIor lest Thurudai. ithur 5»d W lonnred Bovard rtton- od baime roa CWeao UOordS] alght. Mise vlyn Baaford rturaed tramn Gl@ecS Tbunday. Mri. and Mn- GuY RaY o! *'aukegmm., iflultd relatives hare Sondai. Mies Blanche Critteaden ieturned tram han vretern trip lait Tbonaday. ffBchoal egias@ September 9. the new room vitil not l4e rompitedforn esveral veeke. liro. C. W. Chandler of unae, s vil] knnwn sud vyen popinfai vannj socili crcles le! I ova satundai mora- lng an an extended sud delighttol trip on land. lake aud river and pvs.iblY ocesa. Bbc vent on the onaso'clack train ta Chicaqa. tram trie ¶gonat DBaIaO. IN. Y., tben tu owso&ry train. tbes by tambost ta Quses vlwth an aie ho la captaIn O a hOt tb&t nons botàesa Buffalo aud Qs S b@8h.viii viel the Thoueauds lanlde,, <han sltar1 a thns. hack ta Motuai la visîr an sanal taler la New York Cty. Sb@hayaOro ta §Uroeaps s 1111. Iter vIb anoiben une@ W ho le captsin aofananese liner tb«t rusi ram Nv York to Lverpool. boglng ta regain a botter deree aI heeltb. ULi. Chandler bai not seanboy oft theg relative. for thlrtyflve iern aud va imsaie vbat a joYful isuinitl viii ha as thare are namerona couiue besds. other aoi-es and sonta.-11h. @hnecti %0 Ibo gone &Haiînter and mai ho longer. fier mmmy frisade wleb ber bon voyage wtb a 1i ll.IOO Ensilage Cutters Riv. Ali Thain o Canton, II., filed tb. pulpt Bodai. Mm. Elza "Rof o!Texs,letItfor ber home Tae.dav baulae "at a ev veeke wth ber rnother sud siters. Lira. George 1Orrty sud daugblar Loufes of Vîrgfil, Il., are vlslllng rela- tlvee and trads la <is vicinhîy. MilasPaie Dasoa totI Thorada to ep.ad a rnai witb ber doter la lova. l r. and M . J. C. Deninan and aono of WU.$se, L, areesi.dluth Ie veek wlth tha toraier'. brut er, C .E . Denam. averai Itrou <bilclnty vere royally sntertalaed hi <b. Royal Neghbbrs of là*@ Yi" aToua"ai. Mne. D. T. Kaox, use Donner and daaghler, Belon ot NOrtb Dakota, arrivsd Mondai tu aeuDd Some lime with ber brotbes and %dter. Tins Xmleonary tes a as vsiattended W.dneey sud a tbanka ollertng o $55 vas reosved. Many lîom tbie vlcixilîy attended tb. show la Waukegan Monday. Paul Unifia @pont Sunday wlth ble parente. Wohegan. I Mr. and Lre, W. 6. Thom vsiled ri. Thoma parenteaInl bertyvllie recently.V B. Phllw of Wilwankow, avent Ban- Mns. W. G. Waddell etertained ber mater. Mis. B. Young. o1 Berbron Ibia week.V Ama and Foren Dietmeyer of Wau- 1 kegan, are vlsttng relatives.. Be. J. B. Foiey ba@ goue ta Indiana ta attend the rtreat. Mii. GOnce Brand of Waukegao. le ueaudng a few days bers. Mlimanad bn siver of Itasial, are viitiug ln Wadawcrtli. Sieverai tram liera attended the Wiid Wet Show et waukeg<an. Anale Lx o Waakegan. spet a lew dey.@lier@a reuatlY. A iau. rowd rom diflerent parte of the country attended the dedîcation of the O.W Cathoile cborch Sunday and la apila of the extreme bat tbp dey waa enjoyed. mie Nelile Wsfrb is ependinir bar vaea- tion et Ja. e.lcana'@.. A. M. Jaones ai <ha e 0Pharmacy, Chieo, Cal., whoboha handled Foley& o. 'e mbdias foc mmmy yen"s, as "I coasîder that Foleye Haney sud"lTar Compound bas no equal and la the ane cougb medicine I rau rscanamed Bas contalniniun ranarcotie orniotier harmli pr ttla' The genulue lu a yllav p.rne'Fan sala by ail Drgglt. Gasoline Engines Give us a Cail SCH ANCK Rose Stop! Look! Listen! And at Gurnee too We have a quantity of f ire sale goods we are almost giving away and we are also selling Oroceries, Meats, etc., cheaper than other stores. AT THE NEW STORE C. H. BARNSTABLE Guree, IMinois LÂ~ OOU~Y È»DENT, euf IDoingsand Sayinge o-Q9ýysake Ir. J. DrucEdior 4 Orders Token for Job WOrk Av ortioIng flatea On Application Among thon,@ who moto red ta Elgin Bondai ver. lMt. snd lire. F. D. Baller- sbah asd amlly. Wm. Pester end lamtlly and lir. Kahn and Mises Blancs Hoogton. Wallace Stralt le et a Chicago hospîtai wb.n ha i. recelvlng medîcai trealment. Jeu Langabaugb and latali sud ir. and Lire. John Loiigabaozbh motored ta Zion Cty aud Lake Bluff Sudai. Eail Tbomson sud larn liitak s trip along the aorth shore aud othar pointe uanday. beau @pouding the past veek wltb H. Coombe and iamlly, raturned ta thir borne ln Oak Park this evetL Lire. Wiener ot Lbertyvllle, bai laaead ber bore nemd la rovng tu lhe home o! ber danghter, Mn. R. W. Churchill vhere eh. viii luve. The Eashanadel Ca. tsrt'el emminf coin this vssk Mandai. Mr.nu4liMre. Heury Kusbken sud@Ona Vant, Parler Duel and Tate Allen @Pont Bndai at lvanhoe. Milas KatharIne Taylor, vina bai beaul sensdlag the sommer lu Alabama is visitlng trienda bers. Skie aves the sud of tbe evekiltu tb Latin and Engili la sochaul lu V iscoasîn. Litsud Lits. Millier etertained et a formel reception ai tbjr borna Mnday eveanfg. 1. A. Fanion ad wile tnangacted buel- fiese at Libatyvilie Mioday. Ed Waill,,în sd wile of Evanetoli, ara @pouding a ew day. bers wtb the forme@patenate. .Tho@. Ieade sud vite and eIoter,.Jsasle of Chicagon, visited rlative@e la rySke and vieînlty lait veek. Win. Strsng aud farily of Wauksèrai, voesgereteaif eo. Strang and lamli Sondai. Tam Straig @peutoesvarai daye allaiot ve.k itb bis bohr ereand family and a.tt,,nded th orU.Og Tha Boostere dance vas a bg suSffee lait Thursday evaulng aven 100 ticket@ verse iddmad everyhody bad a grandi Lrne. C. Allen made a buiness triptW Lake Villa Mauday. Caîro Allen ie atteading the soldier' mmd osilar.' reonian a% Keuoba. Mri. adMm. Lie Covsn of Havae- wood, are visiting their oncle and sont, Wayne Harvey and vite. Miss Glertrude [Duellàje batsviaiiag ber brGtbar, Porter beui. day and BqjjiWlth ber imother, tire. o. P. Barron. Les Sîrang and vite oi Anti ,xb, eet Banday viti thde former e larentos Henry Luebksr, Porter )uni and elster rnored 10 Waarkegaa nemtstiturday. Clament Whllmoie tranca td tlUeles in Wmukegan Taudaî. ai Laottas spsnh Snnduav mrd mou- day ut Vlparleu, ladianînà ]dise Doris Drago returnnul Londay trom a tv:) weske vieil il,\ alparaIsa, Clament Whitnoie resig.ned Iris posi- lion ut th Lottue bakry Mondai evanlng, alter apouding a tew weeks witishi brother and sister et Hancock, Wl,., ha vili tartInl e. i t the Norlbvenlers Unversity. Dr. John Tarner and ne if,' and the latter'@ moliner lited at th, home of th. ducors porenta, Mr. nand tI rs. 30e Turner lait v..k. Màies Ok et CI<lcga, us spendlng a lsw dais wllb Orlando llnnîk and famlly near Boni"a. Lir. p.nd lre. Henry Kui,ker enter- talued ttiends tram Waakegau Taeday eveuiflg. tMr. and Lir». D. G. Wbuit. and fsiiy vers gueseat tbe ly var, beach botel at Channel Laits fast ttit' Biehop Tol l il ondut n.'i..series ot the tMiesion oeil BandaY -cing at 745. Everyone cordiallin ni o-i. Mies Elizabeth Kuebken I I n reno-, fil apendiag a lau dais et ber brother. Henry Kuebket's. The bungalow of Dr. K rueetîart'e on Gages Lake i.rapidlî progneeing. lch ihras, are dolag tha work fin s hutz and son bave urbhased a tye pameseg Overiand oI agent John Whbbnrn. The car i. taul'e deljvsred titis veet. Tlmmery Bnoe. o!f(Oakl'ark, and two of thaîr boy triends are ampinlg ou Gray@ laite tIbevesk. bail t thedntathsre 1id go onlply ha t dh air'.d henut ue - hUd ome Lir. Frank Davis, neb' was badly hart la an aomoîile acident vhile1 improved. Remamber va are- agents Ior Dr. Robrt'sley aol. The te-zai Stores. ISsutE Dat'. Co., Uraylate ad Round Lake. GA ,G'7- - ORT HL Mn. snd Lir. Chas. (tourier aifeauke- Joe aud Frantkitau..r if tiauconda, gan. apent Suaday vitb Chai. Snydar vlited thein onclet% Dutzler and ianiiî and family. Suaday. tIr. and Mrns. Seat sud tva dauabler Lrs. Berte-rt Davis atîd Lice. lil are epending a iew days in Nsw York. Amana, wbohlane l1een quite sîct are an Lire Amas and Dnais sent a part ai the gain. lait week wjtb relativee et Taylior Grave Mmr. Fannuie T,,e.rc c vjeitung t and %% admwoctb. George Benvell - Lias Ilarnie Allen etata,'d tu bar Lrs. Brt Siitîutlinudl itttle daugliter @ehool a ont un Springfield,tiase., this speat a ew daye ai lait veet nuitbl veek. relatives ini the- cntrai part oI the @tate. tir. Pratt bas@rooved ta lus. beautifil MLr. and Mre. . ,ctiVaî<of Wauke-gao, ne-w cottage- on the lake. vlited teletîn esn iiitlî vicinty ove-n Sonday. MLiesse Annie- and Neilie tileason of Mn. and LireI-awie Pringle and Mis Rosecrans. acre vj,îtore eithte Amas Betha Wlson oI Chicago, vî-ntud at home Sondai. George lzenw,! .'s-iîîday. tint te-se er for the coming near, lites George lietilandimiamily ffltectaiaad HâsAsan, ije ttending the IIntitate ah cousins troîui Buffalo s ew daym tbiei Waukegan this veet. veek. MIsses Margaret and Nan l'ufiy speut Misse(traie lIa îoaan, wbo -bas týee Frîday with Chicago frjenîls viitiag relatînes in Chicago etnroied Thea. Durst and tamil.v of Waakegan, home Saturday ckn-iuîg. m-lle-d o ien e resu Ly fono ise iRuth , înieî eviiting caie bliseràs Ue-i, Clevland atnd tic. Neil Lim. A. Jt. ,w an d Mmc . L\. u-. are in nîrtbern WVimeonsinion tuejocmes. epeat MLiday m iii(iîiago. Herbert Mogg aifCChicagon. 5euttS~uB- There w as a la,%n soicial et the hje day a itb hie mather. ai Mrnaid tre enrge Ialton, lhis- Mic. iv auj Lire§ peachauo f Wau- day afteruiiiau,,ilc cing foc the bneelit kegan ep eut Tursday et tbc Snydsr 01 the tain tM I.L îiirnb. hume. MtemEditl, tarhy ofni Wlîot, vtn,ted tire %anZaunît and ejter Mariotn Edic >irieuds lier( eturned haine Modai ra, a viit witb Lic. anditir' Callnway' vinîn lane friands ut Oak Plart. basa livnig ii tl,,inanne-on the old Mir-e lam havi m". ailiu the bouse on the Mese. till Daicie anud fatili of W au- Tacker teri liegan, and Rtoy Lake- and vile- of Rocke- feler, bn been camtping in Wrght'e Everytie i- iii itî'îi tn attend tue Wood@. Sandsv sciai unt the Fort Hill îbuneb MissRut Strm o Chcago wa asvery Sundayi elto nnat 2 p. nu. visitor at the James home re-ety Lise tGertrude MLin tae peudin Ah anaienwiro r liet tted atbs Wtld Lake. njhbr ~ a~ OR. RBR' [ I West show at Wnuksgen Lionday. HICKORY Mrc. and Mcc David Palian visited Wednesdlay and Tbursday witb Chas. Taylor et lienos. Lillian Hanidiey of thîcago, le; viitiag <is week et thîn homes o! H. A. TillaI- ion sud tIrs. Jennis Pickles. Born ta Mr. and Lin@. Frank Kennedy, Auguet 26, a son. Lon Hill and iamily ai Ward's Can- nera eps-ft Sunday ut . L. Hallenàbeck'a. Fred Burge anld femiiyv er. fallets at <ha A. L. Savege home Sonday. Dr. Gardiner, vite and daogbter of Chicago, vilted the latter part of the reek ut (6. A. Edward'. À erenit vait le belug pot la front a! the choie-b. John EVaaBi5Dd fally Of BaeIn Caled on Molnds at thse Cornera Bondai abtter. 19 now used by ail the lead- dairys in Lake County as well as ail Counties-You are flot getting tile best resuits if you are flot using it-For sale by The Rexai Store Druce Drug Co. TWO STOME Grayalake, - Round Lake DR. L. M. COULSON VETERINARIAN Office at Gardinier Hotel Phono 53R GRAYSLAKE ILLINOIS r>AV. AITTT30.ti1912. TAYLOR GROVE Mir. aud Mn@. Chas. Major retarned %0 tbir borne la LaFrgeW j. alter ependlag a week witb relatives lione. MNri. Kate Braver le viaiiing with re- latives berm. Jas Eletcher le enjoylng a two v eeke' vacation trom his mailjroate sud lea ow avay onjîls wedding trip. Lire. Nelie MeNamara aof(irayeilake, epeat Sunday bers. Mire., Archie Webb, visited bers laot we.k. Mnu. Sbesansd Lre. T. 1).Sewell sPeut Tueeday bere. Lice NMaade Hawkine sdpent Saturday wlth S. Have. A namber tram bere t',ok a trip ta Zion Baturday evening. Mins Blanche Edd, laetatendiag Insu.- tut@. la Waukegan thie week. 1fbere vaë a speciai meeting et Rose- crans Sanday. Mr. LcKay wili preach at 10:30 every Sufida! rorniu. Raymnond tiehorne le qulte itiu Mr. aud Lir$. B. Crawford are soon ta leave tor Canada ta vnit the lormar em parents. John Greeli epent Sanday bers. D. M. Young bai boagbt the leLaaay latin and vili soon put ap a new boue and barn. Nelle Welcb of Waukegaa, ks speadlag bar vacation bats. Lin. John Oeling epent lait week at Lire. Sivers. W&rd Starr returned tu Waukeffan tbis week ater ependlag the somr bers. Site@ Raie lËdty @peut SandaY in Wau- kegan. WARRENT'ON John Licana le On theiek ickjt. lire. john sheridan bas returaed tram Hall Day whera oh@ha ai been pendiag the pait tbrft montbe- Mir,. R4n and deagbter are vjiting vrlth ber eletar, Lire. Clement Hamel. Lute Ruassîl a1 Waukegaa. vas a cajl- RUSSELL The Ladies' Aid society met with Lirs Joe Lierville on Wedneeday aiternoon. Lire. L. M. Bonner visited friendo lui (Gurnee on Monday. Alice, Siver ic e1ining part of the week at Wadeworth. Mldred Siver is spending the week ln Keaasba. B. Young and iamily oi Bebrorn 'alled on frleads Sunday. Myrtia Cornie ud lier friends. Iluth White of Kenoeha. epent Thursday atternonn a# ber home. .%r@. P. W. Watterson and daugbters returned ta) their borne ln lOak Park lamt Wedaday. Tba many friende ot Henry flundereon were sorry to Lear ha does flot iaprove ai rapidiy ai wao boped for. Wili Melville and Mrn.sd Mmr. Wells Hendereon waat to Chicago lait Satur- day igbt to se. their brother, Henry Cunderson. Satu-day aad Sund&Y a& Trevor with Mir. and Lire. eo. ttiggins. The Chas famiiy satertaioed rlendiq fram Lake Foreset Suday. A flamber tro m bar@ attended the wIld we.t show la Waukegan on Monday. %Ir. and Mmr. Will Mel ville and Mr@. liundereon were ln Chicago WdneeUy. 8ebcooi open@ Sept. 9th wlth IiesVers Lisical as teachar. R. 0. Marrie and tamily @peut Sonday at Jobn Bonner'. t Nîlihurn. Milnte Reeve@ entertaiaed ber Sonday eebool cli@@Saturday alterboon. mm. Will Siver entertalnad Mn. John Gelling of Waukegan lset weak. 1Miss Charlotte Sver of Russell vie- lited Chicago friends the heginalng of the week. , %r. Tom NcÇovern, hesd chaffeur for J. R. Thotapson of Chicago, ls iii iting bis farta ln iRussell and malulag somne ne-w luProvemeats. 1Are. John Geling of Waakegan vis- lited wlth Mrs. George Sîver of Rae- sali for a few days this week. EZTSECFANS ari tu is viiatY Ones iaY let 'ek P. J. Hast sud vite have retunned la Henary Beckman vas a Wreckegsn Clevlaad, Obia. b&Vla epea their vaca- viitar Tharedai. tdon et the Nartbrope borne. Wm. Rayer ietbrasbing la Ibis viinity Bîacha Oliver le a Chicago viitai ~~~~this wes hi ek. Mr. aid Lra. Spencer Crawford are ne. ________________ joieing aover an elght pound daugbter Ha lever and asthme maire Auguat a bora Angosi 20. MOo iintensea sfferlag ta mani MiseLewis boas rturned t akgn people. Foleî'e Honsi sud Tan Can- RiphCavadsdvle bv aet fond givee prompt eas anid relitf and Caap a o rvdia Lr. rwft' suoohngad haaling tu the iallaued membranes. Wm. . ieretbev, N. parents Searapont, Me.. asys: "A lev dase@ ai Tu. Edvsrds bai tmeu on the slck t'oley'e Hailsiand Tar Compond lot the peet veat:. nelleved me ofaI s vere attacnk 01 asthme__________ and lushan e battis caueed a campiete cure. Refuse subetitutes. For sale by 666 aIl Dnngglos. For ltbeumatiom and Gout. YORK HOffl Ouar district auperiitend@nt vas neé S u d a y ,sterc o n s d p e c h d d eicellant sermon hie teIt being "W Second lle." E Bacon'. raotbor liai beau tay witb bit., the pat veat. MmreEgbert'a sjster. LMr. A.(0. N@ecos rsturned ta ber nome la Dodgevili.. WI. Mir. and Lir. Jobn Banner of Muibaxa caiied on cousinseat George Lov'e laiS Wednasday. A brmther-jn-iaw aofLit. and mms, Broeksomi. af Chicago. calied on t<bu i Suaday. Nir, and Mma. William Johnson M& ' lamiiy of Chicago, @peuit Soaday vrth. I. iturrje. Mir@. Anna Adams of Laomi. lad,. who, bas ieea vietiag Mr. and, Mnr. G. W. WelL,,bas ceturned homne. Mis.e.e \argaret "Lawremteanad Dus. tinca Low ;euat a few days la Lais Foreet visîtiag relatives.I Ira Baldridge and Lit Hamilton vl e1 ad la Kenomba Bandai. Mmr- Andrew Biekmasansd danghter vie jied at Ira Hold ridge'e Sunday. Omar Carmeui bas purcbaoed a n»W Franci. Curtis and wifs ooflDenver, caiied St J. 0. Nelonsioon day otf55 weet. Lit. and Lir. John Low span u adi 1j- wltb relatives. Lire. Loy basc met 1».,' Iorned lrom Scotiand. LA" VILLA lire. A. Rose bai retorned trou Michigan. Eva Sorsason le vorklag at AtiIoch. Everett and Herbert Nelaon la rate au Impravermnt on thal, boues by building a new cernent pGrch. waller Atweiliand wits were baus.f gallemn st Round Lake Tuesday. CharleseEamue va.be victim o! a~ surprIse parti lais Buaday evenhng, the occasiona belng bis birthday. MisesPearl aad Dorothosa LCiks and brotben, Vincent and Nela Oison made a trip tu Lake Villa lait BatardSWt la un automoble. Lir. Sert (id.er le entsntaininq beW sat, Lits. t'Rata aiKenoobàýa, aève' daya.lec Ur. n.md lits. Frank GgoW aDè daugbtes, Mirdn a dGen.vle6w - sa son Milles.vers Bandai svenlng e.Ue5 at Lake Villa. Hofgb Mucann violted hmie a linMs., Bor G&g«en at Thumsds. Weil WeterA Have your 'seU drillod or a,*- arnined by mon who kuo*,",b how AUSHERMAN & DOLAM1 7 ALL WORK GUARANTEIS Adda.s RL H. D011111114ioUCite Ut ARE YOU SICK? For Poison Blood Puniies eh." !ood, Ceaxsa ho Liver, <h Lidu S uogi e <oNerves, Sooflga seo&imifflHumera, Ulcers, Hummansd 'ples on thie Fao' Consti - , Headache, "aid lth. BoIt, and sil Djo==iaase Emy.cqgse Fo Cil& &lever 0f aim e CiiMalaria andi Ague pure, "C &el t eworld's great- est Aboluolysure, usan d hamiets o hi potea*ki4 syet 50 extremely fatal te the malais'ge hein mot csskdrives <lie poison entirely oqtof <ha systeca li3 deys. -A Mild Family Laxative ebi The New Discovry MI For RHEUMATISM anid GOUT, deep- ssated md apparentl hopoloscases. any F~ m mgo n oditioxi. Vusd by Specialists in j vu.y quarter of <ho Globe. Plasinant to talto Dou't wm u . withcompounds, ogre-alla and liniments h1~II~ Cre our Kidneys EIPO~ Ldxey, Bladder and Urinarv Diseuses, E ~ W" ifoh neglected, ohloalda <o Bright's W Dissae. KIDNEY FLUSH in a saio, spcedy, and uatisfmctory reoeedy for long standing KIDNBY trouble. possesuing a woxiderf n antiseptie power YEl SimtiS. X 1s= - 1 C" un-O AM M M O u FALL MACLIINERY John Deere, Low Down and 2Oth Century Manure Spreaders Deere and Janesville Plows Deering and Milwaukee Corn Harvesters "j Doon. 1 1 I 1 L Igi ýj