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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Aug 1912, p. 7

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NONE REOESVEO EA FOR LES8 TIIAN ~~~2 OINTS fi, +4++++*+.4. . . . .. ORRENTnne M. inltbe shuc ~, OR $ALE *building. b B- Aue BIca'c Pr BALE-À noeud veil bred da0 Illa, v udrivin ment 4 y--roid.BC- Iqur o PO U-5 Ibr tu OI1 rd. W.LrmaAcEs DesISed, III. Plouc 217W. FRIN -1111r>M .ibUe0 F00 SALI-Dujodre BSeptIb et D.ap-46- 1r - _A - 1 -4t -- M . Lz~L musvnt=,o. eoalI) 0, 190* SALI-Rube ired Ue!sgle bu', go" s cvw. Inquirn t thusoffihe.. &.47t! :Oft SALI-Nov, modem npto.dat 7-om houas lav lot, intu Sipet oubdivlalon a, Î@6ls, IIi.Abe À n S.. L Tmapp, RSWbpllsr. e8 ForSLELa. ouéy.as, msba ln soctna, 1««as&bd IMofid Dyùonin & Aueri. 645-t! FOR SALE-Nov modm Uêo.dats atm roc. bouse, lot 6x7.o Lie" I.Ave. WIII mliaon essy emas. luqulîsof Goi. . BSo, Lbetyule, IL , FOR SALE-S room hans. sd lot ail Mo-4am inuprovernculs, lot lOOxiS0OUIo maiu"ks avenue sens cof Emseule dspoi. lqulre of R. E. Qaon, Ubwtyille.c-45-tf_ IOAL-Ioslu oos us --- lo- - n---------- ave ue-e-- t---- 902 SALI-flores. ior aIl purpes0a alosetIveosecond baud buggiesand soMe bonass. LaDisse LÂvasiy, Llbcitvlis *U. "-2. Filtu suranc, houas renting. coIce tiong, lnnegotticated by Ds MoxNO& 4 us*w. c45-t t 4.44.4. . . . . . . . . . +. FOR RENT ...4 ....+.+.... 9019 RENT-furiage oua "ke strfl. Inqulre ot 5lms E. 0. wâuurEin r-4tl Prolessional Cards DL O. F. DITTERFIELD. VETER114ART SUIIOBON. AsTApS? sTATz TUTEsisAsIA. UhonIvtil. Mlinois. DR. 1. L. TAYLOR, d"1 VL, oEsJ. CgA. T5.!Q4@5 LLU. moca:-7 to 10 a. m. 2 lten sd a k oeailsuas -m Broadway. opposite Park LlAcertFvlis. cinois. DR, C. R. GALLOWAY, o0.s ovau LVBLL5 osue «o»s. nausu-from 1 te 8 sud 0 10 8 p. lm LIbertyvIlle.Illinois. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Liberlynlue, Illinois pfsosa sa MARTIN C. DECKER j' ,iice Opp. 1lOu etSm. Ehseniatimn Dfim phone 84"4 le. Phona 186081 N02ITH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS DE GOLDING DENTIST fleura & to12.u.-i to & p.m. J. RiItTnlgg.Building vlth Dr. J. L. Taylor-Phono 19 au.. Phono 1092 UbortyvlEm. ulnoto 1~'~ i i o o 'o o o o j I WANTD-4 or 4 morna for lgbt houas. ic.plmg, tnrnishedor 2 roonia wtth b.6as. Ilaqairestai Iis Office. c-49-tt WANI<TD-To bul go" econd band rom blaSer. Bée or aUres. O. * Pauaso,. Libertyville. Phonue 26911. WANTO-Tc perchas 15 to 25 acre.5 viii orvtiiout boIldIgtmar Liberty- ville; &We 100 tsi 200 acres vita boild- loge on DesPlain.,river north of L"e oraet 1. "8.-42 WANTED-To bIIToy»ueor vo poli table, houcbOa salas sas cairs sd shovwcesm. isquine ibt Ibis odes. e-45tl WANTD-To trade fin t clam port- 511e voultry bouse for larm anmas, hanses or cova. Ott & Ott. Wake- gan, I, wly4 .............. + LOOT and FOU" D+ .............. LOST OR STOLEN-From the alec- trie station at Rockeler, a No. 2. FoidIng Brovni. IKoda, Aug. 23. at 3:25 p. m. Return t10-Bon Ton' 209 Washington Street. wsuiegau Ill., andi recelve revard. il For resuits. use our columne. DR, E FL SMITH. DEtNTIST. 3vEZ LA& OuT, NATIONAL BÂA.. ou-8 tc ! a. m. sud 1 to 5 p. t. ÜAILY. Ulberyvlle tlltg-. DR. A. H. CHURCHILL Physiciso snd Surgeon inSe osr -e, 1cher& Boi,,-geStore H.-i o etIAMId tcn1& 7 L.n8P MId Smnoc.al ate»tinn o tEm ,Er.lN-e .4,nlThroSs GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Lbertyville. - . - Ilinois DR. r- . V.smsIT GENERAL PRACTICE 4»ur 8lt 10 a. M. 2toandmi7 ttc Vim Offce oves Key lun*,,ure Store. SPXCIAL ATTENTI1<- TO THEK TE LIBERTFYVILLE. ILLINOIS F. Geste.. Tel. 26l.U2 R. Laughey. Tel. 5 Orabbe & LaughMr EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Uive Stock and Farm Sales a Specialty. POFtN!tINCE cNIouTA»N SAR us PUBLIC AUCTIONEERJNG CIoeset attention peld toa rrainging auctiondsale sd bet reute lu baudl Ing saMe. Ail Indeof herses. vagons and bhr=e for msl or exehsange nt ail limes. HENRY SMR Phomms 148 or 48 ZION CITYfIL WHY NOT BUY ý One-Piece Silo Any size deaired, &et up complete, above foundaticn, andi use the new improveti door frame that is flot an Tro 0. À. At the. annual Soidiens' aud Salora' Reuniloq aI Grayelake lat veek Wed- flesday sud Thueday 1the foliowiiiw poom vas peuned by Adoipb Chard of Chicago, fonmerly of this couuty. Out From theBruoke of Satille It givestoume great plesure Toise wlh you ber@ toiiay; 1 wiliitry tu entertalu you lu ml ovu original way. 1 am out nucb of a speaker. Tl'bu vfthme Iou viii agres; Se IIaec loour kind Iindulgenee, wbilà 1 ascite some lunes forti".. 1 viie"Io<v 7novwoSme Versos Abouissm vteras Een e IDe. Who touit liedcar oid Glory lu slgbtcshadres i lxty-tvo. Ont fromt1bén amoke et batlle Thee grand ciii mcon os -camne, Who codured tiaI civil conuiles- Tii.y bava g&1nds inort aintoe. Thoy lougil liat aur fiag rna.yfonreer Wavo 'cr tiealandi ot tue brave, And echain et bondage dis! s.ver Frois evrone bed s aslave. Thouàsedtell11lu Uic hattuco, By avord, by #bot sud by sboli; sutül es. srvlvore did nos taller, But fltoagbvertblrcomrMufoif]. Tearsbava pasd ince s c11grand 015 bol Marches! bonne lrmiaI &tavtul ira, Wcicotaed by bouts wltla @houte of loy, Whllc the bande playcd mouale gay. Mouy a vetersu bon pumasse ay; Tbey amr sing oee by one, To hear LWe great Commander say, *Bcst thon frm von vweldouc". YODnWho longbî tviii Grantasd Loan, Or marchsd wlhhermsa otbe sea, The people et our glertous landi P" bornage nov tu tise. Home cf1 the bol§ ofth lsd1 brigade@ Ha"e gathoeen bere once more, To grasp meh eter 11 tise banni And lu of day. ot ygre. 1 viii eMy nov lu conclusion, No vriter vils iserien Hai ever paisi juettrIi bute To thoe Grand Army men, i deditelithe@e Unes i peu To men vis e vet to war. Ansi came out so viclunlous. Known sethe (. . AR. A tlAînîn Obituary. Atha Jane lilacitier vas boru Joue 24,.8 iLne th e ,n of.1York, Meia. qDENT, , AUOUST 30, 1912. 7 M elttsTeses- VW E~ NET IN I ors nage Classification Notice. Ru «M rUUes 0HSBAND'S FIIIENDS M D ou are H eretfed That the il%.a.s.a.pinid uy 9;u. M IEN F NED Drainage Commigsiomers ot Union e uui ill11e a IuS A O N, Drainage District Number One, of the cA btraete ofTi . Ttp u &të MRS. WREN BiSHOP SOND FOUR WERE FINEO $75; ON'E WAS TovYIs of West Deerfleid, Lake Coun-. NlgueTm l e JIJ UckeaiN? 1. B NB GH T OCFIYS.FINED $50 ON EACH 0F THE tY lilinois, and Northfleid, Cook LojeJ.NGH FRFRSC.THREE COUNTS. CounLy, Illinois, have beretofore by August 20-C. IL Werme and wife -..NDSCNDTO RGR- resolu tion duly made and euteresf la to E. H. Schultz, part south-eaeî one- HSAO ODTO EAD THREE CASES CONTINUED; ONE their records, extended th1e boundar. fourtb, soulli-ceet uefourtb section ED AS CRITICAL; FRIENOS AT MAN ENTERS PLEA 0F NOT 1 les uf saîd District, se as to Include III, Newport township. W. D. $3,000. HIS BEDSIDE. GUILTY TO CHARGES. 'hoe folowing lands, to-vit: W. H. Rysu sMd vite te %Margaret Vwn egac oalwohv The East Forty (40) acres of the H. Ryan, lot '20. Weste-naddition te aowing vtoens ofance 10alvo have Four Fox Lake residents pliead i flOu South Three-Eigbts of the North BKut Lake 1.-rspeceW. ~ D. b41.ben o srle rnee ty a charge of sellling liquor v ithout a Quarter and th1e South Twenty (20) Aue 21.los9 d1. M Biks o . Da. bera. Wrend orsvcsbop .nd de.red.:îliense at their rfeorts Saîurday -()-- Iacres of the East hait of the BOUMh Grftbioa ad 0.blk , ak Ms.Wrn leopan snig and vere fiued 75. East Quarter and th>e Nortb West land subdvision, Waukegan. %V. D. ef Waukegan Friday nlght for their On ld gkeprwsfe $0Qai othNrhEt tLtr $500. ~~~~~home lu Ssii Francisco. ebidpt eprvsfed$0Qatro11eNrbFitQatr $.A60v0 mJ,10~. i apr SIuoe Mr. Blsiiop was taken 111 s few ou eacb of Ibree Ceents. Tbree cases ut the South. West Quarter of 4sctIo lo.2 . ndesaosirh*t0F lot 23, iwotasc eba rene il ere contlnued until the October teru Nineteen i(19); aioail of îhe Uout block 61, snd iots Il and 22. block 54,uf appreclatlon tu al hie frIends whor the County court, hall of Section Tventy-Nind (29). North Chicaol. DOM 11110. betrlended hlm ln time of need. For The men whe vere fines vers: vblch lies West ofth11e road knowis. ., . B Haper t C.A. ewembJrInstance, b. gave one man a &et ot ROBERT SCLTER-Plead guiity to and descrlbed on th1e rap of the Vil. lot 25tu 9. lSkU, ort Che 014l books. Mr@. Bishop dlaims (the charge of elling liquor vithout a lage of Deerfleld, Lake County, le. lots 2510 . blck fNorh books w>< er. flot ber bushandi aprop- license. FIned $75. noie, nasLincoln Av enue; aise aIl. ef Aug. 22.-MiunM eS.Fttjer snd hus- ertj' aud that she vill regain possea- EUGENE HEItMAN-Fined $75 on a the lande lu the South haIt of Sec-. band to Hermann Paesler, traet of sion of them If ghe bai tu hrlng suit similar charge. tion Thlrty (30), except the West ]and tu section 19, Shields township. in the courts&etfLI.&k couuty. L.EONARD SHOBBENi-Fined $75 for hall et the North West Quarter of the. W. D. $1. Wren Blshops condition la regard- selling liquor without a liceuse. South West Quarter tbereof and es- F. H. T. Potter snd vite to G. W. IE OF-as otne. ctteSuhWstQatro h Manierre, lots t S . l, 1, . 1 t '16* 1ed nascritical by bis Intlmate frienda NRA'WL-aecnlud eP b ot etQatrc b 18< and part lot 2, WInthrop Hlarbor. lia Waukegan. It la doubîful vbether CHARLES KAPLAN-Case continued! South West Quarter Ibereci; ai.> th. Deed. $1. ho viii bave the use cf bis ,lmbs GEORGEl KAPLAN - Plead not Fait Three-tourths of Section Tblrty-. Aue. 23,-l"naik ,euu 1W W. 6. ags.nhu. e may regain sumfcient gilitY; case continued t0 the Octo- on. (31); aise, ail lande In Section. Weatlake. 1o , bioeb. Jobannetta ad. strongtb 10 Ba&vel about a liltie vitb ber terral. Tblrty-tvO (32)>; alsou the West hall of dition aud lot 129 Coun. t çeks sub. thbe use of crutcea, but bis trlends do~ JOHN SEGERS-Flued $50 on eacb ofthtei South East Quarter ofthtei Southu division, villae of Antioch Doeds. not belleve liaI ihe vIlI ever le5ve bis tbree counts. Wesî Quarter snd tb. Northh W.. $2. h-i.- Quarter ot lb. South West Quarter L. B. Grae . sd vile te Frank Klein Duruug ber stay in the city lIra. Il la understood that several more and (the West bal et the North Euat part lot 49. Coupty clrk. subdivision BhSMip vilted ber huabandes bedolde informatJins cases vili 11e fI% Quarter ofthte South West Quarter village ot Antioci. W. D. $5l. on froquent occasions. Mer son Bob- againat resort keepers at Fox Lake by and th1e West Tsrenty-Five (25) acres W. B. Walratb and vite [o Enge. by aCcompanled lie Inth 1e tamily lb. states attorney. o!01 te South hall f f te North Woat brett Amundsen, lot 272. Shawa e uh. -home on «Chb VIGIL. Each year the county procures eue Quarter of Section Thirty-Three Ï93). division in section 35, West Antlocb jaci rnelbsbe mpoep0o votoa larsrmmenetaIIlin Tovnship Forty-Three (43), .tovusbip. W. D.or $100.sad olar frm enofNorth, Range Twelve (12) FBart et thé township. . D. $100.take care oftheb old man. Bitbop la ttf s type. Itlas estimated tbat tbere T'r rnia eijn uLk W. B. Walrath and wviete,1 Ger- iosing strengtb dally and personaliy, are fuily $100 hlnd plg keoijers in Cont lîlinois. (rude Amuundsen, lot 271, Shaw's eub. ho does not entertalu great hopes for th1e FOX Lake district. division lu section 36, West Antloch Immediate reoveryr Aise the North bal et Section Five township. W. D. $100. -My days are uumb>ered," lie tbld (5) and 1the North bal of the North J. B. Speldel aàd vile t10 L.. W. on, lnleud. CHANCERY NOTICE East Quarter sud the. Northhal et St tet taho, I cao11estaed, Itoe olof the South EIast Quarter of the North Speldel. lot 336, («ept south i fl ihp tcnb ruthtulîy sae, tt mo linois, (Jounty o Lake, @@. at Quarter .cl Section Six (6), both anduortb 56 lest), Laie Forest- W. bias squandered more montellu Wau- Circuit Court of Lake Cçuuty, t)ctober lu Township Fortytvo (42) Noti, D. $7000. kegan tban any two 0111cr cîtizens. At Term, A. D. 1912. Range Tvelve (12) Eust of th1e Thirs! Deiiab Kepuer and Leonard Schae oue lime hie veaîîb vas counted ln Emma M. Young vs. Fred P. Feddeler. Principal Meridian Iu Cook CountY. heu. 1 acre ln senîbveet one-lourtb six figures. Auguet Pohiman, Edward B. Feddeier. IlUInoîs. section 27, West Autiocb township. TodaY be boldo tille te a large tract Annie Wewetuer, Editb Pohlu.au htte-ometoeso dDs W. D. $12.5. of ]and sud ovus tour or Èive bouses Eleaànor E. Feddeler, France@ Marion Ta b cmisoesc adDs Joseph Hinha sud vite o \W. A. iu Ibis city. Edwardâ, Reed Burntt, Auna Burritt, trict have made a clasasification of &ai_ Taylor. lot 11, Cedar park lun SeÇtIODn Fre Burritt, Bn-îe Burrltt, Flor,a Lines 1the lansudabove descnlhed vhlcbh a"* 34, East Antiocb township. \VD. pIlnr Ella jooitu FE'rett Juelyn, Svivester 001 heen heretotore clazsified for the 1250. CELEDRAIC TIR MPratHerbert Pratt, Joo5fratt, Did purpose of speciai assessmelits fer W. A. Taylor 10 J. J IlM'ainon, lot ODEN îNuîuRnSnR v n, WD twrChse twrbenefits ln consequeuce cf 1the oSk Il. Cedar park lu section :Uii.- l 5UUI'AaîîEl3RI An.WîneSe 1,hetrSa&rdoue sud proposed b 11e doue ilu! tIoh twusip.W. . "uuknown hein or deviseeee of Seth District and ssld Commisioners vWil .Aug. 24.-.Martin Tbelen lu J. F.MS FAIRSA E ONTY , ue ecae,'sd k own o sud raud Schmacer. so îh ~ AND HUSBAND, CELEBRATE of or pensons lntersaed in1the %.eut haIf me uta111dyc etnbr and ranis Shumche, soth ne.A. D. 1912. aI lhe heur of 2 o'clock ,hait lot 7, Smitbe RSeornd itinu EVENT AT I3URANO. ul Lot1 ofth11e North-vcet quater sud P. . t1he WilImot n-5,,,M Ttus ID county, Obiie 41e removedtoi Damond Round Lake. W. . $375. Lakte. Ili.. and resided until @hoe ao Laura H. Howard, et ai, to J. B. marrieS lieceber 18,1858, 10 Jonathan 3fileY), lot 105 Ravinia. W.I). $2 400. lonovr. Tise vedded couple locatad lu L. A. Pease ansi vile îo E S. Ring- Fncebold, New Jersey, visere Mn.r. berg, lOt17, Peas's subtdivision of Conoven dWSleonveuber 4, 1866. To Hlgbwood. W. D. $700. thie happy union werebourn twachildren, Atiguat 26.-Jane Kirk et ai to J. Mary and Frank C. Mary dieni lu Maris W. JaciavaY and vile, soînîh hait cf 18614, aud Franki8î a resietuof lot 18 block 1, Kirk sud l'oseuIs add, Eranston, Ili. Wauiegan. W. D., $26m inthefalioillT3Mrn.C.t vermarried A. C. Thempson aud site [o R. O. John Biscier, w bu diesi Oct. 22, 1902. Samuelson. lot 10. tlionk -.7, Highland Tise deceased vas a meusIen of the Pak, W. D., $2.200. lleèond Preabyerlon churcb of Evanston, Mary Whitman to Alice Miason, loi III. ai the lime ai ber death sud wai a 13, block 134 Noth Chic-ago, W. D., anemiser oftIhe i'resbytersan cburrh ai' $10. Laie Fnnetvisile reiding tisere. Chas. Gatley sud aile bo D. R. Nc Services ere belS in lise Preehyterisu Leunan, 461 acres lu the narlb haIt of rhumes Lais Forest, TuecdaY afternoon section 17, Shields toiship, W. D, aI 2:30 o'ioci sud 1the uotal Laid lu $10. et% lualise cemetery isy tise Laite Sisore. S, C. Siemp aniS site 10 C. J. Thon- Be-ide the immediate tamiiY msuy senansd wlte, lots 14, anid 15J, Shaw's0 friende mourn tise ies f ber beautitul euh, In section n, Avon t ownship, W. Ilite sud cisanauten. D., 8250. . lies. Blaciler bad enfiered mucb for C. J. Thorsen sud vote 10 A. C. Gra- solse tîme fon. dispee of a cancenous velle, lot 149, Shaw'e euh lu section 18, nature aniS velcouxed th1e day of her Aven township, W. D., $125. for uelb rlae foe W. L. Sticiels sud wlle lie J. J. vWho. Cho u)dijlisevIe . bY,&s rnt rs t grand> 4 ite, North 110ftest of lot God 7rblocku8 Grayelake, WV. D., $1.400. Ava, feon h eascu. &bt Om IlofnaboIe. Maimo PefTailta sud vite te Whres the risera of riienasre StuC o'er th$ Fredi. Johnson, lots 14 andi 15. block briacht plain.3Cu And tbs.noOotiut Ifbm ryeternall i . 2 , lugs & Ca.s add. Wsukegan, Wh he csaints of S "«In as eharm., een, W. D. $360. TMei slour and brethiees.transiorted ta freet;MARRIAGE LICENGES. vhtls th ammienes of raptre uneatialelroll. And the se[le nf the Lord la the leautot 1e sou]. Robert Kreb, Laie Forest ...26 1 would not 5valwa,. 1 tek sot ta Bis, Where store &fier stomrift.sedark üuer the cai: A fev tril morunues that dawnn ounus ere Are euough lor lIt R es f [ ui]enugh for lils heer. i oW elnt Me l&way%; nelcoe the toonb Sinc es eus bath laietleme.1Idremi> 00: lie 9100. Them swseet Se My rettili Beetond mec rise. To hall Bien10tin t'ip ne.rendiug tue skies..' tudependent adseread by 25,000. Lakes big veekly-INDEPLI2S.E\T. f. BAU RSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F infrinsement on the Harder patent aIMarbIe and Granitel 1, IT WILL PAYiYOU TO FIGURE WITH Home Lmber Co. Libertyville, Ile i o Monumenis Cemetery Work of Ever3' Description Correspondence Sollcited 116 Genesee St Wlukeffl Emiy Hopp, same ............. 20. Joe Difedi, city................38 Joste Calanla, same............. 18 J. Harn Teuney, Racine.... 24 Algenla S. Coriew, saine..........324 Emil P. Rusch, Chicago.......... 27 llIsu HalgisI, came .............291 Louis Sediacker, '.%Illiage ........... 21 Alpha Heucing, Nilwaukee ...19 Marris Holstrom, Chicago ... . 23 Anna Borden. Chicago ........... 19 Nîchlar Samniel iux, Higlgsand Pari............... -.........25 Augueta Josep)hine 'Fanbaud, came Frank Hurley, Mlwaukee ....22 Clara Graves, Mlloaukee.......... 22 William Snîîcdii:g. Racine...22j Bese ttîiniuk, Union Crove ....19 William J1. Talbot. Chicango......40 Etta C. Ross. Chi.-sgo ............. 23 Silvano R. Pala lous. Chicago...134 Gussie Kreer. Chicago ...........1 . Chanles F. 'nasron, Enston...24 Estelia Il. Clark, Chicago........ ?0 "The Progressive" Party lm 111e Individutal, nnnuor womau, who nieceFoiey Kidn'y Pîllie iorbaciaclîs. rbeumatièm, wesk bark and otiser kuduey snd bladnlerirreguiaritien. Foiey Klduey Pillm are heaiing, @treugthpedpg. tonie aund quivk te produce beneflii recuits. Cotain roehanmIoul drugp. Never oodinlubl. Peit up lu Ueo sizeeé lu sealesi belt. Tise genulue In a . rliow pàckage, For sale by ail1 -Mrâ.Sarah-4gAhagaii Frazier vho was horu ln Lake county snd ber hus. baud last eveujng ceiehnated their golden wedding anuiversary at Du. rand, Ill., as deecribed lun1the tuliow. ing dispatcb trom Ibat city: Durand, Ill., Aug. 26.- -Nlr. sur Mtre. George Alonzo Fritz celebratesi the golden annlvensary of their marriage asgsted hy relatives and trieuds at tinein home ln thie village iast night. Golden wedding aunivensarles are notable lu Ibemselves but t11e tact tbat the principals ln thîs eveut are natives ofIlilinois maies it ail the more 80. Mn. Fritz vas bort oun1the eld homestead here sud vbere his tather lived fromt 1938 until bis desth Several Yeaseago. Hia vite of a haIt entury vas Sarah AbiglillFrazier and ehle vas bora 1n Laie county. Thne murriage 0f the native Illt- nolane occurred on the bomstead larme bore lu 1962, Rev. 'Hodges Officiatlng. Nueos Ellen Fritz sud Heu- ry Fritz. sîster sud brother ot !.Ir. Fritz, are the surviving vltues. Mir. Fritz la a vetersu of the Civil war, havlng served lires years Ln 1the confliit. He took part lun1the bat. lies o! Perryvîlle sud Stone River sud lu other engagements. ou hie returu from t11e Iront he purcbased the lsrm on vhlch the home vas made uutil seven Years ago. Pirst af ail, 1the best mate. *ljs are used-ycu can s. 1the formula an every label-YOU 3CNOW WHAT YOU ARE BUlt. ING--there le nothung te bide. e 1le made witb 1the cotr«d amueS of eac/à ingredieest. The matenlals arn mlxed by ma- chînery, insuring proper * consist- en.y' sund perfect bleuding witb Pure linseed o te li fe f e p int. Constant Inspection Imeures 1gb- est quality aniS absolute unionxnity. Come ins anS looiaven aur Dow colon suggestions. W. F. LEMKE, Disusons!Lake lh, West 3 rosia of that part of 1the Soutis-veo quarter lying north ofth11e conter of tise Chicago aud NieHenni road (ce calien)Hin ll Section 5, Tovnship 43 North Range 10 Eait ofth11e lrd P. M.. Aiea chat port of 1the East 70 rode sud 617 linksof Lot 2 efthtie ionlh-weet quarter o!S-ection 61, Township 43 North Range 10 Easlof th1e Srd P. M., vhIch lie Southeriy of thse higbvay (tuovu a« the Chicago and Mciieury Raad) nunuiug i.. a Nortis.nseeierly direction thnougb eaud loi; alec Lot 1 of tise North-eait quarter sud tbal pont of Lot 2 of the Nortis-eat quarter o1 Section 01 aforesoud, vhicb lie@ Boutheriy oftRaid bigisvay. exceptiug liscret nom tbat part of sîsi Lot 1 de- ecrlbed as coamenig t a peint on the Nontisfine nofeaid Lot 1 CherescalS high- voY intersecdle 1te ame sud nunulng Ihence douth-eaateni.y along m.. i1gh.i vay 25 roda; thence North-eaiterly ai igisî angle. te eald rond 10 lie Nanthis in, ot au Lot 1 and 1heure West to the1e place ol bealnuing, a1.0 exeeptiug tisat1 port of lot 2 deotrlbed as commenclng ati a point whcre said hlgbvay la inter-i sected by tl"North and Soutlino m ra-t ninn lLrough lthe conter of soiS Section fi; theace Soutb-eaiterly &long sl d rosi 14 rode te, the cent,, of the eeos; thmSnc South.wcsteriy aiong tbcccnter of ald1 creek tu 1the conter liue et eald Section sud 1heure Nati te 1t1e place af boginu ning, also ezceptlng thot part couvoyed. to the Waukegan. Rockford sud Elgis Traction Compay, by Deed recordeS Jsiy 22,.1911,sai Doc. 1366610 lu Book 182 et l)ecds, page 68, 011 situat@d lu Lake CountYIlilinois" lu Cbancery, No. 58426. The requlatte affidavit honing been filaS lu the office ot th. Clenk aiflaid court, Notice la therelore hereby g1 yen to the a@Md abevenusuesi sud unknown deandants tiat the ahane named Coruplainanl here (tone led beribillI ot Cimpiaint lunsaiS Court, on lise Clîanery eie@lisereot. sud Ihat a sumnons theneupon imseS ont of @a&id Court acainnet thse above named de- fendants, returnalie on tise iret day of tise terne ifinhe iCircuit Court ofTLaite Gounty. tlw hfield ut ftle Court 1flouse in Waukegn n nu sid Lake Counly, on tise l'irst linnlis i itd l.ner,.A. 1). 1912, as s by lnws requîîrfd. and wiîicb suit ies till LEWI'n'S 1,niBu)i0KWAY' île-ni. W iuk,rgan. illioiri, Aole 12, A..1Il lin i ulnnf e-4-4 R4 W CHURiCHIiLL. Atorney Adjudication Notice. pu t, ile \nîtWlo n' i. Seri cîfintaIthe bSnn su Oer 15Ex-niar nof tir inst Winl medTestameînt 0,' i,)rnne H ilinisner. incea"efl. viii attend the o nioy utnil fLake Conont, St s ternethererni ,, t on-hlule, et the iCourt BHnns in Wauheg.u,. in .&W Cou'aitY.on the irst IMoiday ont Ortoben n-at. I1552. n n sd isiero mi ersoins barbu Claies aganuot s1514estAWate aenotified ùsun, reqnoeted lu Ireseot the sanie te pld Cnnrt Ion miiudîcation. LtnNIOE A.WI 9N11SI. )xeenoin r Waaeesmn. fii.. Anirust 9. 1912. ce à-. i More and btter neye l in DEPeFIN DENT thon suî other weekly. salit District, ta bear any objection 11151 may ba made ta 1the cîsasiftcallOsa of lande mode as atoresad. vhen and! vhere you caz appeer sud maie ob- jection If you se, d.esre. Daled Ibis 17111 day of Auguat. A. 1). 1912. THOMAS CAROLAN. GEORGE GUTZLFIR, RICHARD D. SUPPL Commlasldoneria. Atteet: Fred H. Meyn.n, Cieni. MarnIAs0. Decker. Attorney tac Commissioners. C-48-4 Ag23-30 9epS TO ALL PERSONS WBOM IT MAY CONCERN;- Public notic is hereby given tuS$ then udersîgned, Frank Enhort. guandiaset ES yard Dohner and Ellasoetb Dobor. minore, yull maie application Iote County Court of Lake Coutty, lua tih Stote of!Illinois, a81a nogular ten.thiee- oftu1 be bolS at the Court 1Hous la i. Cty ot Waukeasuin Wal Lie Cnty, on Uic Firet Mondai atofdpteaust À A. ç 1912, (heing thé asend day tbeneoffi>tor o an order sud doctes cf saWsiCoontdiesel.. loag hlm aen uh (ardian tes.onan 0# the right, titicsud Interuof is" minore, lu sud lt hetellovlng dentriho "ea estât@, aituatesi la Ihm County cf Lake sud State of Illinois, to-vli- ThaYorthh sat quarter of lhe mcmli vait quarter etfsection tvsnty-oms, la Tovnship forty.teur North, of Rang. ton, Raul of theThird PrincipallMrIlles. contining forty acres; aise the sortib- vest quarter efthlb. sutis-vest qua'tst ol sction Ivenly-ane,laTovashilsposs, tour North. o Range ton Eust of Il*, Thîrd Principal Mdendias, caatalotMl torty acres; al theb, onh-vost qu4r.v efth tonortb.veîquarter aofseetica tventy-one, in Tovnship sud DaUg -ore.aid. aIso 1he soutbh hallof 9. north-east quarter of the scntb-vsol quarter lexcept one acre osnlth o"l side Ibereof), lu Section aixîean (14). Ta wnebip aud Range aforesalsi; also t"i nortis bal of 1the sutb.eaat quarter cf tise soulh-west quarter ot Section Six- teen In Tovncbip lorty.taur Norths of Rtange Ten Dust of tise Tbind Prninal Lieridan; (1the Internt cf saind minoîre is said meal etate boiug an undîn dcii inn' tblnîySfth sacis ot an unînlîn Inni u- hall) fan tise support unidcduiia, ,niA eaid minore nssd fo.îr t,- of Inveâtiug sucb ot t1w fn. .noi @ale ssial not li' e . lnieni,înîns ior aucis suppori sOu , in i IL, ntiew' real estinte (ront nu,tl.roýI n-n.I'v- 5110F ub saine. Daîrd, u' ni[ 1, i n1) l tt llunnrîisn îîî,nieln ' inrminons. n 41, Ad readens becOme bouse-ovE» a malter of course-for lie>' TERESTED IN THE p PROPOSITIONS 1 tbey LX*RN hhipl .00- -.00.0 Il --------------- 1 ---------- p 1

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