'c NIIDS PARK MER ON-LY LAKE FRONT PARK. UNEEDA PARK, PROVES TOO SNIALL1 Wsnksgon, with lis beautiful ra. vîmé nea, ýreod lande, ils h i dis "-brestgs jof Mother Nature" as one wrtor,,bM termed Its ma"i roundi billocha. ia, wfthout Question, the montt beantul City iu the sBute la! lii-z Tht. reputation was barn, flot made.j Lo reM., sot fot on its fertiem mat, Waukegan waa the id"s] pot for the 'cty beautiful Waukeg tu. habitants bave done but little te main tila tbis bora rmptatln.4 It la true that a Uv yuZaaO, the Xirk esta±e deeda land tu the c"t 1»r the pork. fT@land bus beeau1044 fer pr% upnm by the City 001-. 9 Uattleor nothini ba bain dca.tu1 ImprOva the lad. The beoutifUl Park-i *M abave beau gpadai. a oatain bas beinautalled.Chap smat& bAve beau iae thoe for the convenience of a few, but itilI voudara coli 10 ao- Complished in lte linfio!imPrave- Waakegau ilas wo Idtb r t*a. Powell park, on Park avenue and Uned«MPark t the lake front. Powell park l.atutai un lb. bluff of the big ravine that interseets the etty.fit ta an Idesà spot ou , awrta Blet. lu act, maxy a romance that terminated ln a bappy marriaga, bas foun Its birth in Ibis wood land. Uneeda park-"you nead a par- eidentiy th man namad tht. tract of land vas a tranger, ellke b. vould bave nild "vo ueed a park" Il mattera Uttie whether b. Vas a stiaer or a pioneer resideut cf the City, he apoke tbe truth. Waukegan needa a park. It needa Mnyte purchasa park property. It needa p*Ilic eptrttaImenti b tep to'ard an contribute real money tovaris a Park fund. À ak ftnd bas beau createi. Ths aÏd monuts to approxlmataiy $8,. Uf tan timea tht. amount bai been «omibe. a park commission couId SPUlabas park preprty ln the doelu. towb dIstrict TIM rhelivrd UL.upton property et tkg liai of North Genesea streot le àob*ed upon by vosthy Chicago s Oylesders as on. or the mot beau. tM. Na aca l the tate. Ths proper- y. a*"Oneh Il la net advertiaed on tie «Je market. could b. purchasl. A ter a ctpar.throCiy uaI . et Chef o aefybar.th ne f ty. an .5 Usoti lua im. but the day vbea an «mcmobtana par% e! au wMommMe nthgecdnc U Wb";Vieeaugetor uo Vitbont, Tbe MW@ itsele.vithout doubt, vas the M» ial$r iSale site that couliaccomo- 400. Waakegane lb ltnsMsd ils »«CU malbàoa 44aYa ofetoud Joiity. *WSnksa a"iaPark preporty. st anlsa mv Uut Gameastrea »0« t seapuror vater. It n«"d un" of !paved rosds, It nOfdaUme eegbm oweIl useaILct I»W a nmim pouot 'ut ft madeaNprdo àp limisai Park la vtboot lg*Usu i BinoWt pular Park lu Waukegan.It ia etlmatad that fuliy a0 peuplf&W quant tii.s pot eou gunda,., eue d&Y & Sun reporter couted657 peuple Mt Uneeda park. At Powell park the islting condition fil quit$ diffaret. Thils park la fraquentai axciWaveit byty Iose vho live lu the neighbox, bood, KIrk parle la te home of te saol chlidren. 'Teboys sud girl. lai, lai, t. thîs Place of ]and. IB ail e. are a fealure et amusement tera eacit dlay. It wVulinul hea abai lin te Plant a few stade Ire. on titi site. Thomas Tyrrell, the assistant police chIet. owna a large tract o! land ai. joIing ltlrk iark. lie la villing lu »Il titis tand to the Ity. Onu couli MMexpect \tr. Tyrreht to give Ibis ProPert)' to the <'11v.lie couli flot t&.f ordl make sucit a 119 donation. 0M 11h. ls wllilng toBseli the tract et OMpnieu fA, I more tul'ilh' sirlted men ef h ..11llér type a h' W aukegan ie ln at a ous. Building. jeuIand screwdriverB are the ~* tOkgbquiid SluXu-o-date houa. '~ IUU. Tis 1*10.1developmnent ta '<' - 1100l111lit CrAft caMOEs, as mliglt b. IIIIIIIIIIICU& tlthe imi taiates, 8ays XàbM t-i-t& Bileciset courete eIMenî an au sIaoccratfflbtheSe- air i pttlru. wvIati O airi pats-P Mate lraUb *0lite eis. Wian readi t-o Il-sectça. m -lplus ame passa lltiugi lb. canter of tflcula in4 lie viole boltei l ttar over a VOoSinftra. The *wo f bidtlng or dloinatlng a bousege wcentructes la Mtid tebe simple tu thb#@goms TYWREU - AURÉM ZRAY BSURGLAR[ U&ER MUÂT CLEAVRR TO PUY UP WINDOW; UFATCBt BOX FUR- NlS4ID THE CLUL r«MEBo DAb BSIRNSUMPLOYED AT BOSTO N ouSe OR six DAYS-WILL CONFEBUC An amply match box, vitb h.ei. acrtptios "Boston House" inscrtbei eeeoa, furnisaied heclos vh tuar lu dintea ouest et the lue bars- jar vito letai the T. IL Gray Rat smore o. Soutb Ganaaeetrest Wad- asaiay ntght. The match box vas fourni t the rer oth %Ibtora Wednoeday'moratn hi Pfed Troby, a clek. bq s-rrend- oed bis liaitla Asistant Ch e t Po lie Timas Tyrreil. UpaS inusutiatl lte poilioschiai fOUIE. liaI aol od man mio~ s a ilsh-uabo e t the popUlarboa. tg" bidimoiqaraitrou bis woek about mhlgbt Tuasdaî. 'Rosa'. ionr muet cleavar, Massa jue; ru Son. chboppbd a lot of vood," sai the duak dIiplee ofW*llon. when ho réturnai tu hi. wvrabout 2 'ciock lu the mornlng, This inenmt vasrelatai 10 Meusr. 1'yrrell sud Attrbri hy FrankL No- hm.nD of t h proprieton of th. ree- Whou the nagro returua to hiea vork Wednesday nlgbt at 7 o'ciock he wus placeS under arait by te police chiefs. A traveling bag coutaiulng fourteau Steteou bats vas fonS In the coal bin ett h, Boston Houa., where l bai beau secrtei beneatit some gumnn tecks. Mr. Tyrrel) believea te negro bai Intendei to nlake a gel-a-vay Wei- aeaiay niglit. Itla iD seged ha bai used the meat loaver as a jimie lu opening the ibmrm door and lu forcing the saab of tha 'Wndowa. Tii. bot viliibc beid a i tae police station as rience, unias@.&tae negro igns a confaeson today. Fnank Nolan ofthIe Boston House itai lite negro as a disi-vasher six days âge. The man vas o member of lbe ulgitî siift. Tita nigitl valtt old lMr. Tyrreli heha baigiven tae box O! ýmatchea 1tute negro about Ive h oura befora bu vandorai trom bis vorlk. He gives bis naine as william col. ]linssud daims Chicago as hie borna. He is 27 îear ohd. M S.POWE LM OE duS AT LAm FoRL¶ RETIJANEO TO DEPOT TMERE A SMORT 'rIME APTER SBUT FAILED TO FINO TMIM. MUSBANODEDOLARES TMERE 1S NO SUSPICION PICKPOCKET TOOK MANDBAG. A diamoni neOCklace, MenYainou miaceilaaaom'valuables lotoling $2000 VMrelut1by'Mns. Charles L .Powell, SM3 Dmeel boulevard, Chicago. lu lie Lekt Parait stalles. etthle ltortheg Ne~ Ulm kwredi tva s m iil Mms Powell offured a liburai te- vrani today for Ibeir reluru. The ai" tkei Vins lu a vari-colored bead bond bag, vbiâcb wvansuitilaom 0f1 tb Powell. tamiiy. iae. Pevol arivai at the ILkel'or- est staton aller dark. lime wvacrry. in&, she suas, an umbrelleansd lt.e bondbag. Tan minute, mter boardlng te train aie discovoredai 1he i.boni bag vas mienn& Bit. sud bar buahani relurnai ta, lske Foreat, but ne truc, of lte b«a conta b. founi. The police vare no- t110.5 but a imaîll'ai' b.artug ueilh- er Mn. Povelisa narne or aidreassVas lnserted lu the papens. DIdn't Wish tbMaIs. à "Fusa". 1 Wban aaked wity ha bai refusai ta sreveal bis name In connaclion vith the tb1s99of ltae javela and money. tMr, Powell raid thte malter vas o!fernail taccount uni bu vlahed "no fuis stir' red up about lt." Mlrs.Powell ia vell known inlthe South Bide social circles. lINr. Powell Is an attorney In the Amarican Trust building. "Do you lhink lte bandbag was stol- en or taken trom Mrs. Powell hy emm aPlekiîccket?" Mir. Powell was asked. 1To tItis question, ha repliai. -No, 1 do net. Miy vife laid the iuaY On a seat and simpi>' targuIta ake 1t aioug a'ieu rite leit. I expeçt souteorne to reluru il soan." Ast C eu nWhwe ACanusotiott v4intorbasmontai 10a Matcn mu viaela ad .quilmped IL wtth bandvitiWcm anba ioceai bolS th. aokir natwoaMnv v heatia are ual reboe fte r nistiiI.ý 1 NEW u*I FWIC WARUKCQAN POSTOFFI#CIAND MUNDREDSOS 0FOTUIR$ IN U. S. TO CLiOSIE 'SUNOAY SPICIAI., DUVRY. MAIL OILY TO ait tEUS;SUREz TO CAUSE. CONFUSION. Her«ettmdcian eider smiod Mondai hi lie Poms, ieDepartiat Do liail vlI bue livrs i ouBldaiS 51 mai ot tb imliaIor second claea OMM et u lie Ulltea tm»e. Nsly Qveu7 Importent clii la Iba otri t. affectai hi ibe rnains. whicb rigo lt. affect immedl ru net Menetr. apdi ldeliverimaiviii ha alOW. ai leeo m broug on MI 1 Sis0!0tb veeitý but wtk l is es exoiqleal patboicu i Ibe,mutir lîole&i No mat *SUi le plaoei la pvaIslok botte. w p!g vtO OuiMY leevtim buinems bouse or hotel tem roIl loir Mailexempt iunc tbo'ftsk The nmuafl crier comase stho re- siIt et on. Provision o! ltte now postai appropriation liii se PM"e hiConà- gre. snd sIgneS lroady.bi Prasient Teit, lu saveral cilas brartha Uni- tei ies. incliiug Wauegan. lte Postaater Generi itbu permalted eof- fiees te the Paet te close o. Suniays ehere public sentiment Agreed t. It. l'hep rasant ruIlttg, iteover, t. a gen- orai ou* sud coMpela hi lav 101 ail] offices aImaituclose&, Local Office Cloam. Il vas s aaeuago last April that te waukagan mail carrirea circulaI- id a petition for ignaon --',Intbat tae local office b. cloue Suniais. but explalina that tboie vbo really nue- 55 mail on u ndtais couli mecure lt by renllng a lock box. Thera vare 2,006 signatures on ltis pelition and au a resuit te local office vws cloue on Bunday. The sigulug ai tha petition vas mereiy an accomodation t. the carrier sud tha average person vito needed mail ouniiuniays vas wllling to hile a lock box if ltVenul give th. poal- office employas a litle more Soniay holiday. NoV, hoVever, tha nav ruiug ehi- minatea thock boxes aveu, sud titus makes il mbsolutaly impossible 10 me- cure lanythine but fpa#a l ~ivery mail ou Bunday. Baverai localhui- nas aud hôtl meu, logether viti t l- ara aver the country, are expected 10 mn asprotauttth1 b ev elav. The Specill elîvery. "There la nothing va an do," Poat- master W#4rous nid todai. -The lay bas been passt" sud allve cou- do a t laobey IL 1 viii ni. bhovver, tbot If suyoue expecta a certain place of matil ou uniay and reali boa t. bave Il, that ha may basve le cents aith lepustoffIca on saturiay to pay for a specis deliveri atainp sud wbaen lie letter comas lu 1h.e er wlll bave il deliverod lrniaditely.- At lia preient rime lte local office0 haniles fru. 3,500 10 4.00 speelal Se Ylvryttais yearly sud l la expectai that sastie rasait o! th. nov w lim tai thus number viii bu lnessai 10 1 0,-, M0 a year, as mani people vbo realiya Idgaemail on Suadai viii 10 obllqeb te I» ta e sj». epoice 24 o48bte. e veIt eap Wbeà e i fie asuttae À ya mgo lie stup carrier a01 ganersi de- liivsrywindeusws van ecaoibut lie lobby vas loft open. Wbeantie »nov 1ev goes lto tafct, nm sundai. event lte lobyh viii buloebed,1 SEAbM NDWS AT WILLIAM PAUL CAREYV. 0f Wl CHUTER, ILL, wGUID AilN>S NUONT, AUQUOT M0 Boy SIJFPIRRO PROM ASn=*$ IN 900F 019 MIS MOUTM AT STATION ONE MONTH. The funeral of tha loto William Pauml Carey, apprentie soaran of the 1U. a. naval station. vai bh daI le 'clock titis mornlug. Carey dieS et m uitt Augnst 201h. 0f biood.çoisong, This la the frsI Sealt by biooi-poiaoinz sinonelte station vas openei. 1.Tan dais afler h. enlialai lu the service, b. vas takan I1l. Il vsu ten touni ha vas aufertng tram an ab- scau on te ruooflte moth. Il la assumedailtI b. puas tram Ibis ab- scosa brougbl onu load-polsontlng tram viiiha îldeS. 'Te remains Vere accordai te usu- ai mliilry honore. Caplain. F'uilam attondlug lte tuneral services. Imtuedialalteflr te funaral aarv' 1ce th. remaIns vera placai ou board a Chicagoansd Milvaukae train. rTe rernailue vIlI ha trvarded frout Ci. cago b wincbester, Ill., for huril. LTe bui'sparents attended tae tuner- tah aI the station oud accompDanied lte bhody té ble former borne. Cris LUGHT IN AïcTr .pi NTAININO 06 AT SHWMONDAY N IBM?. PEAUD' IO PUT ;Hat& DOWN uN JAMSUT -itRNeS ANS KAOUMAN ARRESTELD A & m7r vggave lie nand tI rdI- vWan Miel. «tchiec a sudvie 1 ha vas te yeat. li, vae rrao hi lie 1WIbeodmpolice ModW lit ille W 15WI5lu lie etovlessVin tha Wed Vesi gbov on Marlon uethl pIck tleiot et Henry Bokeir. meultias ie a of Dames* BioAgr q< eisanHo vm s 0v' @àa piqibwuay haarin baSe o-t Xie - MiSlu4aI Taylor Ibis eru bel Àw lm :e vscourinnedKL U1 roep$by? Attorney wiu0. M1i' s0e.Uvbai tae. hl. two UIii lie damblers tb tb. show adI Ilv»i Vitie be.a akug i. vag Ibrouut1 th. jm aller the performance Vie over litIà*. pot aamon uwavlagbig %iIitba0oktrou bi. pOCkot. 'He dan' .4 amit oya lits childrea for tsar1 tbey veau b. traupied uponsudM @% viit bell aralu usn e vsw«unablei te grappe ielti thea siickngsred1 1h10!, He knev liat If ha made ani com- motion lb. mam vould moke, gooi bis escap e rotedlngtat ho bai net detactai lt.einsuln lte saho tomee« part vay aUnsd took a good 100k1 at hlm se Ibat ho vouli racognizs hlm If he sbould ueo hlm again. Haehn mde bis vay througb lte ct'ovd as fait as possible sud vahing sorosth. atreet placai bistwIo chu-. dren ln his automobile. Ha thon la- catei Assistmnt Chief T"1rransd Po- liceman BonssHicksansd raluralug la- cated Klein la the outsklrts ot the crovi. Declaring that il vas the man vita baipicked his pocket be aaked ltaI ho ho placei under arreat. He iuclared tat Klein bai a patIner but that tbe latter ancceodod lu mak- lug bis escape. Wban Kieins POck. eta were saached the purese cold not h. founi. tMr. Broecker Ibinku 1ha1 Klin turned il over to lte msha thinkswvas bis partIner. TOrta vie $5 la the pu». Shariff G oebas pîctura lu i rogues'galaery 'hholsig a man auavoring lClaiu'a description Vito ia vantai lu Chîcago au a similor charge. Anothe. Gamne TrIi. Anolter Wauýegan man vas almoatý made the victlm of an o15 circus gai.. Hl. en terai ltae"big top" vitit four $1 tickets. 'rTe usher 100k hlm lu ana aide vitara Il vouli have beau rather diffieuît for hlm ta, se.. Ha inquired of the usher if itvenuldb. possible for hlm, 10 gel baller seat.rTe ush. er replled thal ha enul do se If titi man gave hlm 26 cents aiditinial for «BCh ticket. Il se boppeued 'bal lie vIctm bai notiig smaller thon a $5 'bihlu inbis pocket. Ho inrrandm-ed Ibis to the usber vho snid ho veudgel the tick ets sud raluru vlth b ltschange. Heo bai no Intention cf returnig ud mai i a 40 se, -sa1<e apailm e ieoe Atterbani of lte pollea departuent bai a suat uasrhy aui nv liaeviole lroegins. lie Selmedeyehîvet to tho ieai usher uanS ïisdiho tr. ttu mth $6 to lia vietin. This. te iltsiaber retassd to dmo. btAtar i tito $n itm e ëet lhe éadîna mas luront orthle ltoen llui" .é> situation. lts latir repfl ied ia ushaer bae ndiscbargeinluMIL- 1'ïtuke. and Ibat h. ouid et ho ree- #nlble for siytig h. iiM Mr. At- ltoner, bovever, b a aen th. pro. otUtion t. bearu tou lte basiusher liaI the othot' usher ba bae work- itmg ail tae evening. -HOe vAspompeli ed ta-admnit IbIs lu front cl bis auper- lot, but even ten lte mon l'efua.d lu raturn lte $5 until Aterber.7,statted to gel assistance, lhreaeanngt toar- rail ail O!ftem. The $5 vas forth. coming Ibenk, but tb.e fficiai declared the head usiter vouli bave te pay IL Credil 10 Pali"e go far ase kuovu, ltes.'are .onli attempta mad, 10 robthtitipublic, ltat oecurred Mandai and thia naturally refiecte mucit credit le lb. police de- pertient viticit handW lte 0Situation In a masterly manner, wltbouI ltme nocesslty af pnttlng ou extra men. 'rta city vas patrolidlsu onfficient mau- uer sud tae rohhere, pilng cf peck- ets, bol-upi, shorl-cbunfIua etc., that Usualli accenipaulea a 'largo show of this kini vota quit. iseklmi. Te huais of t.epolice departmeut stationed mati vb.re tbey tbomirh lte>' vuli do thte m9st ailansd lte Maoitesapeali for îteselvss, police- moet eeoan lte h jo* groftnda ail day and Ibis doniti:i rIue mauy ttemptaeaItiet titor. vIse vauld bave hoolt 40&1 't WORK US PfQORtSSNG UN FrINI SMAPE AND éR DR IE WALLIi AR5 gNow EUECTED. ALL iWH'lOWAI'CIIEO PWoORIEff 0lf tNët OK A* MORE* YNAI DSLISITED. Theo pum "w v musel.uu 1hà1 la be t rotoilla taé UPaMUd coet- »ese Sainale b oeut iaiavme la fiaC narg ooPm»ltiMnsd aeooeilu o10 J 4. Tmust, vb*$ l ar<tiOoth Ib *«5,14 vii h eaetO94 ti4ieof 99W veeko, la ail protmbtilp A tl 1 stuwture sd te-tt e onlubelo ea- uï pwis tvlh aulpossible apéeO, , Aresii thef*ur aie valla ha" 1 ban completsud thia vath of pu)- tib o. theoot, 10 Is $taud au.o a Evrotla dm0ioe5rmae toi 0ioaSr.b sMd fow S Milt«te *in le mo a eliv.0 orWciwoi tu te SbesboIluq Thit vasamaraoo.struated et e-MoAte bbe» vitici Vesmaufacuturai o« lhbaeu Theni.»isf lte hab.maie re4 ide-oga Tiare are te b. two hanrsd elgit 1 crypte or compuatuants la lie mauso- Seum aid oe bave ail hein oSn- alructaii. hala do meba poartng tb. ooncrsto lt.esat forsum, Tbéeo am ve ftU tomporesets, tba'e wltb elgil crypte ami twe vllh four crypte. "Tite Waukega amoenm viiihb Ilily par cent botter totaebaorne conalructed et Anrora," '-Mr. Tannant dedanrs. "Thbe erypts are iigu' aid the vhoi. buildiug la being bul ton balleran sutronger Unes. The Sioor t. composaiedftIwalve taches of r.- iuforcod coucrete sud tht. yull b. coverad ititilt. The some malertal will eover the roof. . "Insteaiofthavlng white Windows as aI lb. Aurora musoiaum, art glas will bu usai oxclusitvly. 'Te doons VIli b. of Plate gias a nd VIIl bu pro- teclai by bronze grattuge. We have apared no axpeuse t. maka the bulld.1 iatg tba trongeel sud hast ltaI buman bauds con conatruct." The building la nlnelty eat long and thltty'alx ft vide. As oua entera th. door thare la a famliy compart- meut aet ebor aide. rTe otiter tamily' compartiments are piacai et 1h. hast points of vantaga. The long rows of etypta atretci ont, tour tiens hîgit tb. rlght sud to the let. 'As yet but lte body vomI bas been oompet.d, but thea Vkoitutpiacing marbie fronts avar lb. crypteansd over the sntire aide valîs vilI be startai v"ab~sortly. Titis greatly ados 1telthe beauty of taeatructure. Il b an beeu aimont daflultolr iecided that thora vill b. ne extension 10 rIte prevent building. U at onyUirma 1 ter Il bas beain completei, then tai anaeisity fot more crypts an ent,7. bi uew building vIli be cOiusrci. Practlcally ail ofthe .cocret. bEoka nocessary hava been canstructei sud the sheds lu uhicit ltemeblocks ver.l driet. hi men etfive steain are b.- ing tru Soya. la tha mausoieumt aIAurore a pet- mmnpIaitar vas Insloll.d but tii plan tu te be absuioned lu lb. Wau- koua hlin aUI intoad a tempe- cli n th ie mausoileunilu the ccnutwy propet. a temporary vaut has beu erseclan sd vIlI b. useS ex. cluilvely by lie peuple who bnry tbeir demi l te ocemeterluotaad cf lu thé. .Bunàreis otpeople, bave bhaueont to wu" thle von on ltaheuldli sud &il are deUigiteS itithlie ides. The plan ot maing everytiing Pair- feotlliamuaon. appeaume evavrion Tha biggest argument advanced hi lhe huiliers otflte mausaleuni le Ihol fr0. Ba sentimental point of viev l la much botter 10 place a body ln ana ot the crypt1. tha arne as if il ver, baing placeSl lu another rout thon il i. t. placelil lu tixe ground. JAMES O0. MEYWORTM US PUSMING A PLAN TI-AT WILL PURIFY DRUNKING WATER. James O. lHaîvorlt a!f Lake Forait one of lte mail energetic of lte Northt Store colon', lbas"tackled lte gigan- tic problem ef pure vater ani sewer- ega diaposal and if haouI>'y bas op- position anougb, bide lair to put ltrougit a relief plan. 'Te roai struit- beay before lb. place la a triumph of lb. landacape gardnars. rTe bome la ou lte usrrow llharidan rosi Viture Il dipe davu hîIlou an old lime ravine stope.. Nearly ai vater irinkars viat Mr. Heywortt luck lu claritylng lteé "big pond.' An Irishman ln Lake l'or- est alffare a frlend a drink of Il aI lte lime ltae avtul fiait odor ivant îit Il. Edealug bIs friand hesîtate ltahebast .nid: "You aboubi net look wIth eus- pician on Loka Michligan valet." 110, 1 tiougit t Il as nome yen vas leeing your pet flsb lu," vas thte ta OOVEIANM34T RAffl > 111X Kat JAQÇÏ17VAS . D RAt4K ON SOi* I I #IOONotOUt,~ NOTHNMGHAà 111N I49ARD OPF MOTNR O t fIo*; -MW WAO la the vOr7 aboDit adeo!r ie i waaspte air, Mn. MUT j.bât, Weiebftm0eauie. vuarecevai tu iiomai' ni'Ujshmm e btai Teas4q hi Pot.aborC. G.Wa-meUa sa *.sil t romi Tb* . 4300R -Who, reogia tbe 11i1,8»ilsSet. im b thli l. proubotie BoJ. I ,X l. Mlii 8850Ulm me fr «*Moat TW.dire. p Auna ýTos sMW Misa Upua t "W err&Saomet*0b.il vian "di l FrtokTb@ oDerrare n amlie. 8"me: chabali% Arthur Bray sud rai VDIOT.-lle DUO vile lbat»" ate SIasIa it h omgMWo bMMas.ws alvoto stateitai0"1*a, an for the Irai Usante -méuer. rutl es. beretm 64" eau&,aal lie0 ?hMEu-e Mstt& nlary Ost. lainen t.Pu. Tus 7Ot*m»-H.t r«ont eu tet. tbgre inansuaiumttlso mm* et 11* Plf w«U vi nove buoa ta 1«317 »W tu lai.rea.led.Te ho tabomulmmUal4. Bk proutotaite, the hblgbut rad* vbare SIXN-M Wovd lm**ave bs ork a asho'y or 11.300 la 1d yoarls s ve' lat appauat caua Wà8der qair4wsapécilSet oth*liPoatofflo off t t. ullr job. Vswtmmt sud follove excellent The boy wuas staàn a sta u a,. ewvvlee 1 Judgo PorMoa sd sOU jurr.s 1if in addition 10 Ibis sunoucament eeock, Mo&. morellE. The Mx 1uroeoý Poutiater Watroas wus oliieS that ver. Dr. A. NILUrna, EL .BU=.s ail allnca om orcarriers sud lerka Soba Lysci. Thomas J.iroiner. c. Vacations have beau aue Up. UP te Na 'Iter au mi IS Trio.mo Vase ibthpasa tigte saurai local >car- adjudsai Immane nd vos orderai tiers mai eleikq hav a toknheur V& omuill.d t.the ominaneasyUma ctons. but tbelr pay vas reaisivol gin. troem the procoeof thlIe office upon Thre para ago Sept.,3U, Goge lte underataadiug that CoWeaiaaura- vua djndg au nsne by & jury lu the ly vauli pas. the appropriation 1bill. «Me Cout sud vas sat OnMil,.RHo Wllh regard te tha adai appropria, Vas hald a patient at th. afflum for lion wblch viii mai. il possible 10 a time sud vas Ihen libéersi. put on su aiditional carrier heand Siace Iben h.abhm lived vitit bis thuga show the offce t. arIenSfte parents on Lowe avenue, lu ber con- dellvery t. certain sections etfthe. dty versation viti thIe jury.,lira, Jabai. veber ibis doos not axial now bMr. made tht. assertion,."-My sou la net Watrous bat as yet recelvd n an- craui-he ta Dot Insane. He nets nouncamout but eelfts ta heur tram strangoly sud i blle. bis mind It vary sliortly. could bu strangthenei matally If He bas alo anot hoard anytbing viitth.ovas sent bIb te sYlum for Ireat- regard te the alght hour working law ment." for postal employas. There havebeeu NIra. Jahnk.. thinki bar son v as lm- aevarai stateinenla offtead from viii- ProvudIn lucondition vitan ho vas 11h- onus soure, sa ojusl what tbf. law era ted tram the institution ttrai ysr la, but nu officiaiIinformation bas bean Ugo recelvai. CELERATE S iRTDAT AT EGAISTERUOSIAL MR&. MALLON WHO MAS SEEILL THERE FOUR VEARS, MAD IATMDAV .ARTY. DESPUTE MER LONG ILLNES S$HE TAllEOS T PMULOSOPHIiCALLY ANDOtyitu NO? COMPLAiN. lira. Mallon, who for four y..,. ba been 111inlubei mt the Jano e iahter1 baspital, as the remilt of breakini bar hlp, celebralai ber Und hirlt- day anniveriary llrlday. flghty-lwo carnations ver. placai about the room as decorallons sud a tev et ber fianods attendeS a liftle luncheon vbicb vos arrangeS for ber. 'TeInjuryty 10ber blp navet vilI bina, itlei sai, becanse o! ber advanc- ad %go, anS for Ibis re«&on#Ilasprob- aleat Ai wili le oblflaite ta- 'a la'a6"e Mu l"x aie he b"Va&' M snmstu0taka maltera phlosephical- 17» sudns.cemplolus eofbe« lot. Tié nuse.mramore -than kîni le "ýormaml"Ilon as lbey cahi ber. sud de everythileg lutheïr power in maie th. lm sspliasallifor bot. Deepité, the lact lime bangs beavily an ber bands at Urne. ome dois ah it. vitokea onevam an sd slely toor it iuto bite jual 10 kaP ep brl! emgioyed. At ohar rimes' sh* vill crochet somo o ýrticle sud vben Itlel BliahW il iirip ttIlbont asenar oyer Meatu 'Titis slight diversion 8«r4 vos te makelte Urne Pau a litti, baller. Althougb hhuaenbeside a vinicu tirs. Malion deelates that abe nover look& out as thora ta nothing ontaide site viabea t.see. Sha 100k cousid- arable luterest lu ber IltIle blrthday Party Iodai. MRS iDOLECOM OIES lira. Dorolby Dyiple Bgddlecorn wIte of Roaiey ddlecmom f 21gb- t.anth and Viclarla streets. occnrred l"rlday aflernoon ai 4 o'cback, death being a resuit of kidnay trouble, fol- loving a rather llngering IlîleasaMca. idilacam vas 8 years od. lira. ihdlecoin vas hotu In Kaunas, ni., bt l id lived. in Wankega. for twenty yeans. Il la belleved thal the tuneral yil b. bolS ou Mondai alter- noun. Site vaa paet noble grand of tite itbekali loiga and vws Weil lika by ail vito 10ev ber, Rer ieath li a keen sitock tu but many friands. Soutethîng vtih i on NBID, but vhti y&do denot i..i ahl. 10 huy "nov:' nmai ho aivertiffl any daY nov le tta YIl SALUlMu. AIED RISINNTSIJCRWI HENRY MOUTON. ASO WseVEARtS, DItO AT MUE ON LAKCE FOR. EST SUNDAY PgVaNiNO. RRMAINS TO DE LAID AT REST IN CEMETERY IN WINONA. MINN, mis FORMER MUE Henry Horion. a= esteomei and r.- speo0ted reaident of Lake 1Forest, III., died Sundsy ntghl, Aug. 25, at the age o1 elgbtY-nune yesrs. He Is aurvived bY hilr belived vite aid ouadaugblar. Mns. J. P. Wadswortb of Waukegan. He vas boni lu Orange Ceunty, N. Y.. October 7, 1823, snd at the age of 10 yeara removed wtth his parnts te Cajuga coutî vbeore b. vas Married JulY 1. 1852 In Mia. Lucluda Sbeor. He then remoyed to Blnghampton, -N. 'Y., snd la lm883 1a inaa. biln, la 1865 bo remaved ta Lie forait ani r-ed at hi.sitresent homo. aithough fer saine îesrehbuocoaplel the lurn »i purbkffllà - am 8 to h q i ShieL bita. horIon diai Nov@Mber 18, 1865. MW Mr. Horion vas riai asSa Marcb 10. 187, teMim inriai- ta Bheer. Witb auciaslmea to b. WOiaeaiettof coatimwonslabor, ai. tbeug hobe sed as love ci&rk lu 1888II, ho ba baen une o! lba mogt viielyr ai mn la inte communlty. tyntil a recet occident ho kept a liv. IY intteresi lu 1h. afiaira of tbe vorld;- a fine exampia et aa.uemIi ina sound hod$. Au lumata 0f bis homo for -1sny yeas b bin is alitst-in. lsv, Mns. Matilda (Sheer) Akers, vii- ow et Abra$i Akora. rs the Beet That monley 0" Buy ' On' examinmusrcu, ma Uutubasd nomete tui evedu wsy bu wemtut reafrctuisa fretft t Phart. va Sind qonuutim ad makae us oera fr.mnas le nt eaeb paruelasiCM. LoisJ.Yeomau Ne ws of Wi m H ti ýid di