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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Aug 1912, p. 9

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LAKE COUNTY, IND..EPENDENT- WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN -- ~mYfExxmflAITI:'a *1!7ý" iTaU'DVR'17 AX? VJATII UL VAfL . V 'L fIA 4 PART TWO. FOUR Boy IIERS MRS.SWANSBROUGHICOAL PRICE WILL MILK PRICE NOT 1 PASSED TIIROUIJ II EI ADVANCE ANOTIIER TO BE BOOSTED BY BERE LAST NIQiITMar Wllam).daugote o te10t CENTS SEPT. 1. LOCAL PRODUCERS Joseph U Wllilams, formerly a resil dent d promîflent attorney of Wau-_______ kegan, who dled at the home of ber CHICAGO HIaS SCHOOL LADS ON son, 8dward W. Swanbrougli, ln Den- ACCORDING iTO COAL DEALERS CHICAGO DEALERS WILL BE COM- HIKE TO M LWAUKEE REGiS ver, Colo., Monday, Aug. 2611. Fu- THIS WILL BE THE LAST AD. PELLED TOPAV 19BCENTS TEREO AT SUN OFFICE. neraI Wednesday, Aug. 2ith. Iemains VANCE 0F THE YEAR. MORE PER 100 L S. tu ha cremated. Edward Swanhroughi has the agen.'y- for a large automobile rompafly liu ENJOY SELVES IMMENSELY Denver. He spent his boyhood days MORE THAN LAST YEAR NOT EFFECTIVE IN CITY a IPSENGe AEI EASY MAN. AT'I'C fl GENERAL SHORTMiE 0F COAL IN A PROMINENT LOCAL DEALER MERHOE O ET OTHER JJ flj IJ ENTIRE COUNTRY PROBAB- 1 TELLS WHY IT WILL NOT CLUBS ORGANIZEO. LV WILL BE FELT HERE. CAUSE BOOST HERE. Fou bys stdetaaitheMclneyWIRES IN DOWN: On Septem,.r I s the ue. fal Ti'îî produer 111triaiili II cnt atoTTeheia bet ar ls.' Oi woluers h fuii sI. li Poubo.shol li 'blo s e MKnery Onde 0f anthracite wll b.'Increasieil 1 fur the (Chicagto î,r.îhave of the "Ilc.Kinley 1Hîkers' (Club" Pge T WN DISTRIC otiylces f1 naf r aJIpod he o nsae p i l',ctsi a ed through Waukegan lot Ttieday cs!rontbs, but thof10 e ntsrcaesfet-fiiv pon ocs.thebe 'at a e euit atternoon ouonthelr Wke frein Chicago ealmonths, but 1wlathe Inerpae e- t fstiîv ced that. As a iii ulti il) Miwaukee, stopplng only long ï ot ilb h at h rc eý,l eivdta ierti iiel euough ta reglter t The Sun off Ice. ATTE MPT TO BE MADE TO 43FAU.- malniug statiîîîar, aller that lime. 'that city wll be raisn'd Tîi- hitTle Ilw strtd o TFY HE OW-19WNBUII. At the présent time thie prlî e of resi-, ven by th-- irîlîcers for Thy trtd nther Jauni Mondayl TIFYtToitOand ressort11 me niisd expect t10 reach their NESS DISTRICT HURE. egg andt range -ou! la $7.40 a t ad1 h.' Increase are 15t a i,t from ' ut oai lo selling for $811G. The prie-e: 1~ 2 per cet mi- liatibydd Utintîa Wenesay ngbtor orn __________ will bring the prier"of tihe former Up tuai labor ila higher andîltia thte new t"e Thursday. 10 $8 a ndi the latter 10 $8.25. This la I Chcago milk ôrdifliiiî- aIil]icrease ?hey r1 egited ai follo W%:ECHNS LANH D 2.',cents a ton more thon was cliarg- expess CaNoa Fo, 1yearmahid y'raIte50wlm.The l'ecently passed niîlk ordilnance Car Nglr.16yermold. 'nlie whole country lo short of bard requirea that mlilk tii h.' ilslrlbited Sam Wlnograd. 16 years old. coal oser 12,000,00 tons and it la in ('hîcago muet comteci-Ho-r fromt tub-1 Heraheil Fox, 17 yemrs old. SUGGESTED THAT ELECTRIC estiînated that dealers will go loto erculin teated ruais or iitt lrst bie1 The. boys explalued tuat they be- COMPANY FOLLOW PLAN 0F 1the Wlnter with a shortage of freina îasteunized. long i theii Hiker' club and aisert TELEPHONE COMPANY. ,000,000 to107000000 Ions A promînent mîlli diali.irn Wauke- that ville they expert to derive much Th, situation in Waukegan 18a 5010e- gan wben questioned sitii, regard to pleaure froon their jauni, that their wbat different tban It la ln moat rit- the mattler today, d.- tare.! that hie prinipal object lu maigthe long Business ne ltuow on li les. Tbe local dealers makie no plan coîîld not sec 110w tifaise in îice hike lakta shore e osIntedfr trîct have started a new movemnent t lay nitbig suppliles of roal, but te- would affect Waukegan, entlae aa c llenl organlaluz 10 secure bic removal or lioles frutt cure îî frot local coal docks, as fast 'You se1the proîIiîi r> ao supply isimilar.lub., TheIr journey la beng Oeee u ahuton streets and as aIl la nccesgary. Tbus. wben tbe oside yvr an sae u they wll deand hataleetrnagy îe u bra l l aIthe ('hicago market aor,.riot furnlsblng byvr aysae o they wl eadta I eresplygveothra tddlsus wîîh mllk." 1e salit "f course, If have exPe'lanced n fatigue Nwat llght and telephone wIres lie Pli-ed WIVIIter, Ill affects ail alîke. In the Waukegan vera tu lisse an ordinance ever. They deplor. the fact that they ufider ground. malority no other citien tbe indvidual simlar tu 1the one eiai ted in(Chilcago coud mot have brought a movlug pic- Ornemental poste for the lightîng of dealers lai intbelr own supiply. it probably would hae the effect of turC5cm.This condition of affaira ber.' nat- causîng local prodac.-Ts Io gise Ibeir tuemachine tu photograph moinso the down-town district may bc erect- iraI!,mksI ahe îfcl osy os11 uecli etwîbmn the interestiug slgti they have vit- ainiadhr ifcl osy atetbruintswihmn n.aedabus111eway.The Public Service company of just bow large the solyhe ely yes 1 may say nearis aitlnof111cm are tarting tram te corner of State Nortiieru illnols owns ail poles on lnsand whetber or not It wlll lie sul- fIgtlng agaînat and the. malter ot and Madiou treeta. Chic&go. Mon- Genesge sîreet ai the present lime. ficlent tu last lbrougbout the Wlnter' da mornlng ai 70 o'clocî tia.y Ax- IlIbi company cracîsa ornamental Because tb.' coai bots were go laste pastourizing la now requlred. rivilli att ort Sherida a 8:20 'clock ples for street llghllng. it vould bl reacbing local docks tibs year, boy. "If the farmers wer, compcllad to Ilsaim he ?EiEK Tbey tipeut the aizt a i mater for them ta Place evar, itlaI bellevedl the supply te ni-tii' idopt t1e tuhenculîn test aund furnih *I* sts. out g ont Tuwyanl ies ncodis.eyimtd milk only trou cows wieh have pais- ,oln vledl aeFrit ai A large number ozre Aceording tu coai lealers Ibere ae _ tets__dteoldalr h 10~~~~~~~~ g- cdo nostie u k eete nth e, c reulnow have nîachiie!'y for pa- 10oAiSk oth4:4 'jredyn aftLe no belng eocdl he = e itrjet many pcope lntbe elty who are not teurtilg wouid of nee.sslty have te, gala21 rabo t :5lug a Ther S set by the telephone and electrir llght taklng any chance and they are laying lncrease the prîce If tliîy ver. com- atu Mu rgi8erD9 t Te uu stcoxupenles. A 'Sun reporter counted in their supply of coal ai 1the pi'eseIi l lu Instaîl exîieneive machinery. - 1seven poles ai the corner of Gr'and lime. aun thi.tuan malter ho wFreat 'I expert tu sec the 7 cent per <oatlnued on Page seven) ave1nue and tyile street Monday. A 1the scarcity may lia 0ext Wlnter, tbey quart price neniaiji until October lai _______________ beautîful 515111 for a cty of 1the sîze wlll bave a auffîclent supply. wlxen the price ini ail rsbabillty wilI 0of Waukcgan. (1)i(?). lie raised tu S cents, the pnîce usuel- sw yars ago tb.' Chicago Tele- ycbargad during the Wlnter montba, phoh comanyplavil il teirwir, "len there la a shorlage of milk. INST1TUTE ONE nGnsp tet asi thi vre. AIIJ(L IATION 0f This shortage aiî.ay tabeginfllng tc street and Marlon street ln conduits. be feit and oîîr plant 110w la receiving M blshv enIftt Intervals Ec 1601 gallons legs dalyas w.' d l PIOMISINQ hUCIJ fa few lIuIHred feeîta allow for W C RD A PN three veeksagoSoi tiîe of 1the amali- repire RD 14 Y O EN r dealers are îiîrîiîg to us for mîllu Il hnabeen suggaaled that 11e Pub- ssl ~d apparently 1h0 abatage lo grow- IN 600D) RESULII t,> of h tllic cman nd XN~Y JAIL jJJIJ a nthe act th t fic ed hs e a a lglon. Madiîson and Water streets ln Summer hase gisen an unusuallî NEVER MAS THERE IEEN SUCCSES conduIts.OR lreaoui o il ndnw h INTRRESTi MANIFESTED IN Ornamentai l tscould b.e rected CAE ONGCOK URE OU RT WL slarge'anornng o! ml sud 10Wt AN INSTITUTE MERE. jtu bold the vireg for the Chicago & FO OKCUT IL spl abcnigdpee. - j ~Mlwaukee Electrîr Raillcad com- HAVE EFFECT SEE.________ 1 Party. ____A QI f f"NJi lf'rtbll ATTENDANCE 1S INCREASING IN $PITE 0F WEATHER CONDI. TIONS MANV ATTEND FROM COUNTRY TOWNS. Neyer ln lb. blatary of 1the srbools ai Lake caunty has there beau such luterest manlfesed as ai 1the presant instituts., Neyer have t1e teachep 1 been so prompt lu attendlug 1the verk, County Supenttendeut T. Arthur SimPsan bas a strong corps aI ln-1 atnuctors, via make lhe vonk 50 lu- terestlag that mail of the tachans would prefar ta attend ail the ssin &Il tha Urne. The. von, baver;, l su arnsnged that al11e vont ay 11 taken at different perioda thnaughout the day. The. Iblrd day ai the Institute ho- ga under rathen unfavorable veather conditions, but nevothlse the atten- dine. a greatar than during the put tva daYs. Superntendeut Simpson gives 11e beglnini eachar some gond practical adylce. turlng the. Iast periodluntae ittViomTii. teichen la tld wvit to do md vbat flot tado sud vhat t xpect aud vhat flot Ici expecL. tie fllovlatg teachers naglstancd tiihe Inslut. Wednesday- Jennie H. LUnes, McHny, il. DI-1aI U McTaggert, Foi Lake. Olive B. Nelson, LIbertyville. -llir M. -Mnde, Llbartyvîlle. hnie HallovelI, Waukegan. FlMorance A, Mathowvs, Lake Villa, Addle U.. Taylor, Antiaci. Margaret A. Gilbert, Wadsvanrth, Lara E. Gilbert, Round Lake. Grtrude Sohol%, Prairie Vlew. Anune L. MeCredie. Waukegan. Clara M. Nelson.,Onaylake. Cedelia Z, Geany, Graylake. Coa a8. Wblle, Ravinla. Mlle I. Poole,,Waucopdi N. G. Letsner5 Labo Villa abi Tif». A*tW& MISS CLAR-KE SHOWS ABBREVIATIONS ILLEGAL?ý CLASS IN TOURNEY Excellent gol, Ieatunad by 11e break lug aof1the course record, and cose matche ontitulad bbc play ln Ibm firsl match round for the vomens western golf champioisunip ton the links of 11e Hinadaha Country club1 yesterday. The play damanstarled that Chicago goliens, vbo bava bail 1te hile bu 111cm mdst for a number aI years, vil! hava to put forth themr best te ratain tha much sought crova Iis year. Several ai the Chicago starsllb.thecbampionahip figbts dis- playedt lahe .critîrs 1115.1 hey vera lu i trim for the most grualllng of stnuq- îles ln the coming rounds, vhble the0 visiteasla the1e ilect sixteen ln 1the final round sihoved that thcy vili uat conalder being dnopped vithout a hard fighL MI*s Clark ln Trim. Misa Iuez Clank of Waukegaaa easily put Mr@. H. 8. Van DykeaofilmL Ange- les out of the running ion the cravu vhen sha daleatad the roat pli-ye, 6 aud 5. Miss Clark, vbca la an lu aud ouI player, but viien an hb arneatcin dispose of the best, expectd a far harder struggle tItan vas pub up by Mrs. Van Dyke. Mrs. Van Dyke lu lbe qualîfying nound turned lu a score of 97 fon tha second loy groas prise, but yetarday did not seau ta be able Ici do anything vith the quilily oi golf displayed by ber oppouaent. Miss Clark matie a 60 golng out anti a 48 on the way home, The carda ialov: Out .......6 66 3 54 4 65-43 lu ........eb56 6 3 66 6-48--91 EVANSTON WIL L VOTE ON PROBLEM. THIS 18 CONTENTION 0F SOME CHICAGO LAWVERS AND THEY HAVE APPEALED CASE. If the contentiona of a C'hicago lav-E yen relative ta the wordlng nI court judgementsanaîd dockct orders la up' hald by the Supreme court, tucre vîlI be many bsd udgementa and cnîminat rommilmeuts in Ibis countY as velI as probably every 0111r lu the state. lt vas urged belora Judge Psu lun a habeas corpus case 11181 abbraviaied yards In the judge's ordena vene con-4 lnsry toth1e provision aof1the rousti. tution vbicb says Ibat ail lavsansu court recorda salbal1e vitten lu Eng- Original abbreviatians ai judgas anti clerks wene nol English, accordlng ta this argument aud no anc nul! anti voici. This if csrried la 1the axtreme vould open the prison and jalsa and invalidate mont civil decrea, Lake county ls not as bad as Chi- cago, but there are maay abbrevla- lions 10 1e iound lu the orders here. For instance 1the olloving vas rap. lad lrom 1the court tickclt, Il vas enîered by ona of 1the local judgea and la nbanscteritc 0f ail antries: "Deft. In Cl. On mo, aiftieft. hie pIes oifot gullty la vllbdravn. DoIt, beiug again arraignoti & varnad of 11e conseqîences ofIppIes of gulty by & vilb 1the consent of the States AlIy. Entenss.aples. af gulty ta lhe rharge oI petit larceny, Deft. son- teumad 10 Imprisoumaut In tb. cauuly Jatl for 6 mo. frenm Iis dtbé Ibs 10 pay fine of $100" HURT IFO AT THE City hal? officiaIs stated, yeatentiày WIRE MLL TODAY that tbe report of th. apecial engin. sera netaned by the vabon canittes of th. cty couniîl toa dvi,. lu lb. Axel Frangfurb, 702 Helmhoalz ave- mater of tbe praposoti fitration plant nue, hbibs igbtleg10K iimt rallier vouît bo eaty ln a 10v tida &Udil sevenly aI lb. plant of lb. Ameia la thenafore probable tIbM thi epla 91.01 aid Wlne colpafly tlsimoirning. vilI b. gîven au apportualli tilts CIl Ho vas neitiaedto thelb.ane Mc&alis to vote faon oriinit tlb qtsjjstiauten baspital btbis condition la flot ne. af tii. plant fonrylc ie bhé ,tk "e.ardeti as at ail serions. partmeilantidbis vlp b* p Falaght as employeti a a svltcb. ber ~atimsobus aq#.t1e " aianti ln umipfta arsnod 0f 01 tien bù " .-wa à i bst4 te ud IM.bK I U MLU I uK FAREWELL PARTY BDT IiI O ýDELAY- BUT SLIGiIT 1TA ERSOOHDT FH f BY NEW MAIL LAW BIS LIFE WITII AN j T faia lerntoon ai ber homne, 14 nlý y treet, Missa Hai i RECENTLY ENACTEIDI Nntrtaiedthou 0 r f the Is elboial ARMED INSANE A In cîuefed he uire saIth 5ev ________________ hirch In honor of Miss Edns Dah- ringer. vho leavea Waukegan Ibis LITTLE INCONVENIENCE EXPECT-t we.'k for Chlerol.ee, la., vbarc aine has MARSHAL SNYDER 0F tOI!tRFIILo ED FROM RULE PROHIBITING iaccepted a position ln the public NEARLV STABBED TO DEA7I4 SUNDAY DE LI VER IE S. w<tîo(i.e as ingtrîictor. 'Mia, Dahnlng- N MAKING ARREST. -r u is ell known in Ibis city. F'onr__________ y.-ara sh.' beld a position as teacher intri iiipubluc rchools. lier father, M. STAEMNT Y ITCCO V D Iabnlger, Isle iriutendentt ofASSISTANCE SAVED HIS STTEEN B HTCCOKt\I11i..liingliuît Salt comliany Pant lun____ IMPORTANT MATTER, SUCS,&i THAT FOR HOTELS AND4E - PAPERS, CAN BE SECURED. No s,'Tioîîs effec*t ipion the bandllng of 1 m î:oTtnt mai1il nîlîl er will resuît from the. admnistîration of lbhe new law îîrohb itIi n g Il.. li very of mail on Stiliiliy., Ilolders ofluluwi xsat irst andý second ciass 1 qIoffelutlcs îlIlisave ac-1 resu. 10 11î.m a s îuîîl, aitbough 110 mail delIlel.s will lic maile'bY car- niers o h tle stref-'t or at î'tofc To Be Sorted oc r. MO4TORCYCLE BUG MAY BE BARRE» IN WAUKEGAN AS WELL PARENTS MAY ASK COUNCIL TO~ STOP TANDE M RIDING 0F MOTORCYCLES HERE. MANY ACCIDENTS LATELY 1 Mail for bote! guesti and newgcpa-1 pers 0vwil! be dellv ered 10 then thtrough th11cm lock boxesli)v a simple arrange-r ment of baving tbat mail sorteid on ONE YOUNG LADY FELL FROM AY 111e rallway mail cars tiefone lt relâches MACHI NE TUESDAY NIGHT; ils detstiatin. Fitcb mail will ha e rt PARENTS INDIGNANT. ganded as "transit malIce" and wil!l 11e dlstriiiîtcd lmmedial.'ly îîîîou ils arrIsaI at the offices of destinationtTh orcle ug wIhha (hua prac'ticall) lnsurng a sîieedier Temtrycehg hc ba delivery toe1the addreshcees than here- been barrcd ln many 0f 1the langer tofore bas beeui the case.cities of 1the state andiScUfltry may be Plans were uicrfected by Posîmaster put under the bau fiâ «aukegau, ai f General lHitchcock ai Washington Yes- memnbers aif1the canci are belug B erday for th1e administration of new unged te lack on the nov auto ondi- 3law. tnder th1e pru -eut scbeme thaeace lause of this nature. fmail distribution which will 1e per- t>iýuring 111e past fev veeka the me- rmi4ted wilI require a minimum oIf torcycle "hug" bas become papular ln ySunday wonk. Distribuiîton of otherl Waukegan. At uearly auy heur of email rrecvd on Sîunday vil! 11e made the4 day young women cati ha accu aller mldnlgbt on Sundsy. se thal Iliilg about on the rear seat of the may 11e delivcned by th1e carriers on machines cllnglng 11ke s vine ta the la thei finit tour on Vonday. man mauipulstlng the baniflabare of h the niotorcyce. 1- Stitemeut by SItcheock- Sunday nlght laittae prettleil girl 0 The Posîmasten Ceneral lssucd s lin Gary, [ad., waî p)ainully- burncd 1-Etatemeut explauatory of th1e new 18w Whlle r1ing on the rear wheel of a 0setting at Test ' the rumors that t11e motarcycle. Ber shIlirt c&ugbt gn. ipostal aystem w5 10 1be "ah ut down" ansd hefore tedriver aof1the, machine rou Sundays and assuring the business conld stop.,111e girl vas euvegaped tui ,r - flamai. Her condition le regardad as (Continued on Page Threa) cniticil. 1 Tuesday nîgbt a welI knavu young 1- lady lrom this clty feih front a moton- 3, cycle an West Wasington Street. 811. Lsuffcred body brulses. A loy veeki 0 NO ID C ICÀO ÀN ago a young ladiy suffered paînful lu- y R N E P T N travelling at 15 miles per heur lnu k GR NTED M ENT The chiel of Police of Milwaukee NE bas asked th1e cItY cuuncil of that cIty ~ ta enact a eperlal ordînauce te do Ls ON 'WIMRE MACHIN away wlth tandem riding ofai ory ýe - ces. y The only complainte ragisterad l WILLIAM SAZLETON SAS IlUT WîkgnIu a r.ta oh RECIVD OR TATPAT. of the girls who bava auffered lnjury. RECEIVED WORD THATE 0111cr parents complaîn Ibat 111e me- ENT SS BEN GRNTED torcycle la coming ln for ilssaae of -blamIe for the laIe bouc of the neturu of t11cm dsaghtena. TO SEEK SLAYERS EMBODIES NEW PRINCIPLE Condctor iýss________h1 MOTOR'TRUCKS Coudclos îasalg tnou b is THOSE WHO SAW DEVICE SAY IT W R OTU E City on 11e Milwaukete & Northwest- WILL FIND A MOST E N TU D urn noada hase been qupplled witb cir READV SALE..-- cuhars by the anthoriies o-f New York ena popa h teddIe City, lurnisbing a description of Louis Scîrcus eopley ih have ratedte Rosenberg sand llarry Horowitz, vaut ila .Hzeo lNot bc-tnb-1 ut f ar gt Uhatvte slevlatl cd fanrlb.' murder af Barman Rosen- Wlf S altnoNotChc-tninotefc httesvrl0 thal, 1the New York gambIen. go bas just received word frani Xaab- molor trurks lu the clty vere quite1 Thaelrcuitar't state liaI both meninglon that ha bas been granteil a' pcos y11c bene a are fond of vsaitltîg at sommer resonta pilent on a vire fonce machina. T he hy beau Ihare the ol bv oc vhena the latiing and fishlng la gond.applIcation for the piatent vas fllcd an enormous business, as the treet fi la bellesed tiat they mlght pase lMay 15, 1912. Tbe device la sald 10 car commpny bad made no provision8 throtagh thîs uty on the trains ta 11e embody a prînciple that greatly ln- te caca ion lhe Ipeope )eaving th1e8 natheru resocta The cinchlars also creassIl@ efficîency anul il is prediet- shov sud th""Bidn of tileulvene oh- sata that tie îwo stuipecte mîgbî cd thal the machine vilI Iind ua nOady îîIgdta valk aven tavu.a befudweeteeaelremarket. At the recent c&iIaI held un th t be bnd Mere heneare ange A techuical deacription of 1the do- crovds 'lTh.' tolice of thill city viltI siegonstemtrtuk l keap a good watch durnug the nex vce follo 'sm:gond h0mtr rea îe iev veeka. A vire fonce luuulder lnclîul ng a, hack and fontb sud seemed ta do au pain of longs comliosed of Ivo levefs excellent businesas. By means of th em _________ iîvotally conîtected adjacent 10 Ibeir il vas possible Ici reacb sud lease 1the ouIer endsansd aIre cngagng clampa grounds In much siionler lime and HAVETHEYBEEN carried by the levers sud locateddai people on %Ionday night naturally f~riftf5la. jm--s-apolo ta belveenthIe pivot sud the lu- laoked for 111cm.1 WORI'NIlJIlN C.IY? nuer ends of 111e levers, oue of the _________ clamps belng pivîtally mounted mdi Aug. 28.-re wh 11te lever îîpon whicb Il la mounl.d T E S iWIG I Racine., i u. 8-r hte belng 1rovided ai the outar aide wllbT RESh04IG I slave agente fro111Chicago or other a stop i anaged in11e palh oh' tbe MID L 0F S R E cilles operating nRcTe local pivaled clama Ifor malntailog 1the M D L FS R E police are iuclined ta thhlukIbat such saine ln alinemenl vitb auc11 lever ___ persoashave been tiers. LasI yack a dunlng the stretching openatian.1 man called ai sevenal North Side ne- A vire fonce buildar lucluding a Realdents aof1the South Side are ideuls and made an effort inadil pair of longs composedl of tva levens considenably lnterestcd lu the fart various articles. Whcu au opportun- pivotally connectcd adjacent ta Iheir Ibaltvaw or thre. Irces bave takesa lty offened 1e paintcd out the advan- outer ends, and vine cugaglng clamps root lun1the brick pavement ln front tage, ta youîîg girls 11181 vere aval!- carried by 1the levers ai pointas1e-!,of 1the Sherman bouse an South Gene- able lu Chicago. I naneInstance haie teen 1the pivot andtein louer endas ec Streansd have allaineti a belgbt made an effort 10 gel au appointment and each compnlslng ralatively fixed 1of several luchas. to t-ka a pretly girl. daugblar of a muner and outer jave, and a lever pis- Il la polntcdl ouI Ibat in raie soins. prominault business man ta attend a oted lun11e space betveen th1e said tblng la 'uat dune pretîy scon abouit Iheater vItbhlm, go (bal ha mlght lavsanatd baving a vin. engaglmtg head apaning the. bridge or building a nov lalk aven the quîestion oi ber accoml- anranged ta ce-art vîtb lîher jaw. one 11tii. heIreas vwill b. large enaugh paoylng ini la Chcago. Efforta la A vine fence builder Includlng a to foinmlbe nuclaus of a nice ittbe locale auy ai these ecoundrels bave pair oi longs composaid of tva lavers park ln 1the conter oa heb. aeet. Ftor a up 10 date lailed. pivoally conuacleti adjacent to thair yean pst thora has beau, noltng tan outer enîds, and vina angaging clampa disturh them sud they have talon cannled by the lovera at pointa hbeant and are damag thein bealta O GOSO O * *tween the phvot sud thair Innen edsmake s gond sbovlug. 00000and cat-h compising relatively fixed 1 * O muer sud oulen javaspacedl spart and * MARRIAGE LICENSES. provided vih Invîrdby projertiug fin. *gens hcated aI opposite idas of the Edwand Klein, rhanged vltb bavhng ci.mp. aod a vIra auigaging laver plv- picked th1e parlot af Henry llraecker BS 0 0 00 0,00O Sotally mounted lu the Bîmaeelveteen aI iihecIrrus grounds Monday nlght Charles Kole, Mlvaukee........ the Jas and arranged ta ca-set vlIh vas gîveta a trial befora Police M agis- Clar Rosnhan, ame ...A. Ine lance blidar lncludlng a traie Taylor Ibis morning sud vas Bob Joues, Chcago ......... 3 pair of tougs compaseed of levers plv. bound ovor ta lb. grand jury under Violet Wynn, Mle .............. 19 olally routtectedl togather, ana nf lbe bond aI $600(. Ho did ual enter s pies lavers being provideti vlhh a recuis Bis attorney ta W. 1 F. Weoiss !ii ,tiwaa'd enoy Newton, Rockefeller 23 149MB 1111 1 OthCuseZsUu...18 (OOluOtin$« 0# rý #*vu) City, - - ..4e AFTER SAND TO SANCk 'FIGIIT, LUNATIC WAS PLACEO IN R ESTRA INT. When J. W. Snyder, manalhal U»,lb village of l)eerflld. attemptédte t shachle an Insane mani Is o#u- 11e had 10 put up thse flght of big if to gave lilmacf front being stablt.<o But for th1e tlmely arrivai osi tb accu. or Chnîstiau Peterson, a uwner. and tva Italan acluhi Snyder would bave been stablÉ tfa death. Tueaday night about 8:30 an ]y man spplied for a naiglit'a ble-1 aI the Peterson fart. He w». that 11e cuId sleep ln ti.heu MI would refrain front smoking aftt»' retlred. He agreed ta carry oItM restriction. About 6 o'clock tIbs mornln ugI walked mb the Peenso asked Ihat hb1e alvt a W fast wlth the family . neoUew psy for the. meal, He vau aIllié, 0 Durlng1the mal the telepbmos ll "For G-eake, don't tell t M bore; they'r. laoklug aIl Oi country for me.t broire j t cd t11e jail lave lest la lhe down lie aherlff-aud the jaîl ai lEscaaba, MIM!f" the strangen vhen th* Ipbo» 4 sweon.He vais taauu the tabie-naPklu aver bis-~pE Whm lho b"iti faiset tenson aiked l beave 1k>. houa.. ne sud sa soon as lb. doo h Mn. Peteyaon callet i up dar and note5 tenson hum the manih. (Contiave ugio OR VIS WAS IS TO SIEiN RF PETITION TOOI< PETITION C. W. TONNh4hW I& CIRCULATINO AND .r88 ï~ IT "BOTTLEO IGRNQUIST MEANS BUSIS ASSERTS ME Wl L liANT AI FIRS8T THINO I lN Tmr moNS ING TO CANVAS8 CIY. Charles Torquint, the Wus streel cloting marchent yW Tuesday declarodti Uat ho vo culsta a patitian anklng hfur a B or teMayor sudfour coul slanted out (bis afternoan ta o o signens. As ho laft the atenognaphors fpê star getlng th1e potitton val happened ta meel Commlurlomu.*, Orvia vii asaked hlm If h pet ition. When lnformed tual Auch case ho askad thal 1aehb. aigu Il, saylng t bev aigu bis ovudelivstt * bobag given tho .mo, name "Jnhnny Bttlice, hsnded It hi-cl, Mn. Toruqulat matie a 1ev wblch vould ual soSd Uf0ol u and thon add.d the. lamtiIb c Mn. Touaqulat aerted t1ll Ibïë' non Iat ho Int«endate MM I 50 final thhlg taormo o'm tu 10 t signers anti vil, a .= tuà1 uue min vaise and vîlI lSa k M tie Street t aisgnu t etid CLOSE CAIL FROM BLEEDING TO DEAUýff Strîcîcu with a hemorrhége a0* knase aI 2 o'clock Wadnesday Mrs. Gicassin Stafford. of i3n.4ý nue. lost fîily one plut of biffl fore lthe arrisai aSthe bbrei family doctor. r it vas 3 o'clockW tnoon before the 0101V - sîopped. Mrs. itaftirfs' though nul rogtefl r the famlly doetbo..,W 1.lten andti ZI jmjïb Jk J6 WW f LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., 191-2. el ýýi ci c ti am il ti 7 T J51q*±IT rAt*Eb "fi.au rhit irAu JuN

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