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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Sep 1912, p. 11

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if&UCONDÂ 4iIIL IS $OUQIIT BY POLICE WAS VISITINO IN CHICAGO AT TINS SHE MVSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED. SEEN -A WOMAN COMPANION GIRL WAS HEADSTRONG, IT lB fAIO AND ORESSED IN A VERY FLASHY MANN SA. A cty cide siearcli of Chiîcago for 16 Year-otd Mary Youtng, or Weîîeýo,îdal vas begun today by tthe thicago po- lce. E~fforts were made also to tracel "tgPmA 14T 1ra. Bertba Doppler Baur, w] of Jacob Baur, who dled July 19,. lng an estate of alutost $2000,000 ai preaent the most popular womet Lake county. with chartty seekers, cording to potofftce department6 titles. Durlng the few weeI<5si ber busband«s death ber mail grown to Immense proportionsa. huaband was prealdent of the Se& liglit Oao cornpany and presiden treasurer of tbe Llquid Carboni pany. The wdow relains an se Interest ln bot companlea. TheE horne la t Hghland Park. RIOT ENDS CLAMSAKE. (Contlnued From Pa<e One.) drew uip t the station, there Iwaa a large crowd iof meni and wol Mms. Marte Conroy, wtht whom ahe on the grounuds. waa seon jut hore ahte dsappeared Thie exeîrsloîists cottecteti lnf fron ber home, 319 Norh Ilomen ave-.of! the farînliotse anîd te dîsqtrîi nue, Chitcago. ortif îl lothes t*gaii I'rOgrfýss Whoen tsteen the girl ttraeted lOw Sudieily, white the farinei attention hecati" se saed rogue to ioemb fers orfils famitîr cre si leghtei the color of ber cheeks. vore gliiig tu get te garmenîs tlu a vide band of bliîtet red rîblion owners. somte one shouted. for a headdress, and jauntlly display- "Alil aboard; lest caIl for thie ed a weddlng ring. Thîs waa In, train 10 <hicaego- atrong contrite 10elthe simple rataient i LOot the. armhouse. shte wore wtîen alue left her motiers. nstantly thore am-as rono_ý borne. rush fur thse fsrînhüqîae Itoors "Mary comptalnelj that ve vouldnt windows gave wey before thée t let ber have a 'gond lImne'" Raaid JO, The frmer and bis helpers feli mine Younîg. a ater 19 years Oîd. overvhelmed. Thse crowd nul '*My staiter Alîe andI let her corne îoured lto the bouse hn e deuge ta Chiucago to lve witb tîs and dldi't lteralîy Iooted IL. (oata and unr apit her te wark, vhensh Ie wanted te tas vere grabhcd egrdlevs 0of oi leave Waîîeondaý We dtd everyth1ng slîîp. Every germent vas takeî we coîîid for lier, but she lnolstedl thet ionly e few people gol lhetr sue shoiitd go out atone and retiimfl lothlng. wlien %he vanted to.__________ My sister Alice vas go grleved ft lo.G.RetonadMr.Lo Rit da'Ibtiegvhe teauvîl havethdou.Menday for Les Angeles, ('aI.,t 1 dn'(bélev sie wll av th cor-tend the national encarPnt 01t age te tell motlier about Mar, Mary GAI in yoi u tl be sent berk te Wauionda just G .I.lo.iynl ieC «u goon as se ls fouod.' ielegate at large fromt Illinoisa, travel on a spectat train ultI Detert ives guI trace of a man, Raid rornrander.inchief, while In LOU te lie the buabaiid oqMrs. <oîîroy. but Lglee tbeï vilI be lu thse comme he eluded them efler he vas repiorted' ln chiefs psrty. lu lie aorktng litia patingarderin' tt ___________ Austin.Samuel1 Inautt, president o! Cotmmoînwealth Fdîson companYi Evanston and the north shore Srot-j One Of Lake cotinty's vealthlest his soctety ceîetraled l abor day at dents waa a Waukegan buisiness Ravînla Park by a picole vith lltgh- tor Sunday. M4r. Inaull rame ho land ganes. lite @vents begen at 101 ftls motor yacht. Olana. lie o'cloeiln the morning. In thse ven j he trip from Wsukegen o bis1 lng there wan a performance of thel sOuth Of lbertyvllte. by et' grand opere compeny. ile. SSPECIAL PAIR IDITION AIO on~gOT1 Q etti ek iaigThe Lake ou'y In'î~depena J ' I4 1I L RESIDENT 0F THE eav- 0 pecli AILY ED0:TIUi ON at QP O .H IE U .COUNTY IS DEAD ü, la 0 the County Fair. If you are 0 PROFe. aHAINES hav ouUO n lu, 0 a subscriber to the weekty Q FERS BREAKDOWN g, c-0 alie t ponttehav-or ROBT. MDOUGAL DIED AT HIS stat- 0 agent give Yeu a copy Of the a HOME IN MIliLBURN MON- aine 4b Spécil Dellîy EditioN, teolie Private adaiCe frorn Southern Cati DYNON T6 .N bm (» had ait the grounds at 4:45 0 forTila tw The SUD, Say'3 liai t oufesatir Thse 10 ach day of the f air. 0 water Haines, a former Miaukegan1 ýa.rn. 0 0 reident, la serietsuly IiIlther- and _s IE ER IC 8 tand 00000 000 0000 In asanitartum neer Los Arigees b, IE. EE SIC 8 rom- _________________ ng treateil for a nervaus brekdown. Stive Prof. Hainesa one 9X the Most no. Baur fW~LT TAVC lIRs,& tleî t nte~nr DECEASED WAS BROTHER OF MRS Baur tell hernlats . lie é6unr - Y andthe HT ALRO OT- MENI1 TU EL 1> worX of anailyslng partions of the bu-. ATETYOR0 OT- misi b~y a .tet eîdnre f ot UTICA ST, WAUKEGAN ~~ TOOLS' aonIng Ilimyoterlotnadeaths. ____________ falîs to hlm. He la one of temn obr llicgl inerrgdn ih, u[:ui C bilîliant. men lu the world in, hiJpro. obae, it elî, ad on ofrtheident L-.IILE 3 VIEi ife..ion and i bs reportpelill leu i wîîî owlakeeotmno Nothen1111. 0tl lie geneinlly regretted. nios, dled et bis homte in Millburn, at ______________ 'ocloek Miiiday evefllng. WORK RESUMED ON THE Y. M. C. front A. AND THE NEW CENTRAL *u.k4ê~M,. MeDougal nan beesi a reident )ution PIRE STATION. >1!IilIW 0f Lakte county sînce '52, wheia ho EU~P 1 took ni) bis residence I aecut strur- O T WHEN ORSES Vlia. later lie rnîived t 10 Lk M ERA S ON IIAND Iln tblis farin land waBs oud. Il@ liv- AN AWA SUNDAV ~d ,itqt latter place eîghteen years. ilatr R I A tND Yýw ewe ycars ago lhe moved front Loon STEEL FOR BUILDINGS WILL AR -____ -____IL.ake to jiItbumu, wbere be made hie RIVE IN THtIS CITY THIS 1T"o aomen werss monre resn ne.'hornie wth lits three stters, Misses ertet WEEK, SAYS PENCE. nirely Injîîred white :150 toi: wereill.ete, Emma and MaranMDougal. sand îkiijinitg iiii latte M. Taylor og 319; North l'tte ipart. Woko teîîereinof iliii. tî pace on Belvidere srroet, near . streset Wetîkpgen, andî an uncte of L. WOr onthe4'oidrciin %rAiiser avenue about -.i:Wi)'itock baî'k new Young Menaj ('hrtutiaU As*<iîii,î* y vnn. onP SaqaW. Lewts, the weIl known Waukegan Utaid tienbuildn d thie oe Ceiitr*l ire Fort Sheridan soldier, %hu est drv- Jwlr ;e and station building was resîued at ingte teain o! bornes aiii_'icy__ The funerel service wilîlie b~eld at mbrel. ocîtik this niomtng. wy a rrsegpna arn the famiy reaîdence tn Miitburn, on easyr.vas erreate auteino a aarrant lock- n ami own plefI Igu at. i of the1 isoàend ,tbey ,h the1 )s An- ander tthe r, and ýt rest- sa visi iere In made borné, itomno- Ttîroîîgh a nisuiderstaiiitig, vomis 'as tiot resiiriedlon the addition tu hie NrAlister sî huai until noua. It Is expeî'ted that toth contracta vîlI bp rushed to conffîetlon. The ire miatoît ubuld be comtleted by "iovemrnt isti ontrertor Pence exl pects tii have the Y. Mi.. A. conîPlet- ed lty lip enîber 251WM The stoel for both buildings bas been atîipuîed f rom the foîîndry anht wilI eaeh Weiikegan IbIs veek. O)ne shîprnent of steel for the ire station reached Watikegan Moitdey afternoon. TAelie rmen ceme put lu aork on the lre station building ibis morning. Ftfteen men arcetnw aortilrg on tthe Y. M. C A. building. Crafion i'amerin Mtofhie W W. pearce draîg store suent Monday vtth relatives and frienda In Kenosha. vnornouoît by D. NI. Coîtr,(ii, onu uer otfle wai 66i Uru otd. thie lorses and surrey. Iilwiiaring ailtLake place in Poiiî' (o îrt Ititi evcîîtng et 7 odcbock. Publie c Sioole. The vomen who eR re injured In anttquity the masses of thse De* 'sere: pi gew up un Ignorance of tiinga '1115 ANANDA BBCICJIfl, i'iý.ago- 1trazy. Publice ductlon-the etinca rendered Otconsacious, briiý-id, eut Moan tisat exiate for tire masses Of thse poge-bema. piactically, vitIL Johsn aînd armtcied. Cadvlenarodei n Qeneva, from wbIisb 'IlISit MATILDA WAILENTF.R> North tirne popular education bail steadlly ('itcego-Bflaised a.nd s ratched. gained ground. Tise frenaiscool sys' The tiser memnbers of tic party tom bIs is bening in Great Bit, aere William Beckcer, Bon of Mrs. a&ID. about the year 1780, vils Robert Btecker, artd GecYge Walent,,r, brother Ralksn and bIs Simday achool mo,. oif Ntiss Walenter. ment. tl vas flt nntial 1860, however, that the f ree public achoola began ta Mira. Becker vas unconsijous when set itacîf flrmîy rooted In the Britishs pteked tp and the White & Tobin an laIes. In Iis country from t.hesetari buance look ber 10 hie Walenter the Idea of untversel educetion val home. .iise Wlenter un.aflot no se- chemploned by Jefferson and otiser verely injured. Staeuk i e li leaders among us, and tise Idea ban wtling ta pay for the (lainages to the neyer ceaaed to hae fundamental wîtis caragecouto he anî"vu He (1, un, an absolutely neceasary ta tise nies thet reclless dmtvirig îaueed the peeto <teibryo hcsts runavey. governuent la foumded. loger J éShsa& Suensuru ta ÇROWN CU'NCORD CLARENDO( JANSSEN PIANO PLAYERS Melville Clark B. Scherpe R. S. Howard Co. Crown Combinola Marquette Players Largesi Stsok la Lake Oomaty for jpur Slutlo Prieu Lowest Full lne of Victor end Edison Machines and Records 2P1i N. Gene"ie Street ýWAIJKEGAN, ILL. h are 1 puler. rauida from cattu "d n in Vert- 01a Mietnt pu a ftu~3rd aisavin tise wivule lquteitothe gapulat interest vhici thse movtng pctese excite. Engiand, Japan. Turkey. Mei- io. India, Australie.anad tise tel&"@ of thse à«au aibave thée amm *tory ho tell; Wher.ver thse cinematograOs gaen st «& au instant eni eutailled velcome. i.,, . 54 .ra CL OSEDI - - -.5- T E General Subscription Book of the Meredith Flower and Vegetale Company's stock has been closed, and the company extend many thanks for the support the public has extended, especially the wage earners, who have taken advantage of the opportunity offered by the company, whereby theycould buy shares at par, $10 each. and get 7 % ihtresi. There wore a few shares subscribed that for varlous qreasons have not been taken, and any one wishing to invest may do so by calling at'the office of the Company in Libertyville, or at their lent on the fair (Irunde A cordial Invitation is extended to alI while at the Fair to visit the Meredith Flower Ô& J. E. MEREDITH, President 6reeehouses on First Street, near the old deot a ~s ,e* f Aldon, Bidinger & Co. PIANOS SHONINGER SCHERPE- GOETZMAN R. S. HOWARD Terme 8utisfaitem Net m Ub minae ft vatao& e yrowed Io le fartotu that là* boomet An go, MW*I a pu'eaeI sai ses& Vegetable Co 3 qýj .0%0%0%àm N .. .. t 1 -

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