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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Sep 1912, p. 9

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- IAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XX.-NO. 48. PART TWO. LJBERTYVILLE, IILU, FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 6, 1912. POUR PAGES $1.50 PEIR YEAR IN ÂI>VA~eZ AVIATOR SAVED BY FAST MOTORBOAT AT FOX LAKE SATURDAY *OTH RACING WHEN AEROPLANE TOOK SUODEN PLUNGE IN- TO FOX LAKE. RESCUE WAS SENSATIONAL ONLY COOL HEADED EFFORT OF MOTORSOAT MAN SAVED TIRE AVIATOR. Thoumands ofrlirions vilsessed a tbnilisg fait of an aviatar and as tbrlllng a reffi-ie at Fox Lake Solur- day afttrsoon at the vîter carnival whibici as iteld it the lake laI <Week. W. H. McQustion. iho Chicago avit- tan, who vas booked ta make figts over the water in is bydroplane, wva 1 naoIng vîlli Oscar Johinson, the latter belng In is ipeedy molorboat, Mmadam Sfherry Tbey vire well down the late and the race was most exctlng. The bydroplane vas ahove tle vater1 and mnaklng gond lime, a IlUtle In te lead of Jobnian'avoter craft. Ail of a suddén au tle cruvd uhicli vatched the tbrIlllng suce, civ the bydroplane careen ta ane ide and dash into tle water carrying McQuestlan vltb it utider te vater. Johnson la the Rescue. Johinson aau te plane fali ad ho dii flot loge an instantà lime ta luna is bot ln the direction uitono is comnpetitar feiliand uberi le coul se in hlm sruggling In tho uater. It dld fiai taise the speedy motos' bot long ta resc b McQuestian's aide and ho was pulled lta the bot, luit in lte nick off ime ta save hlm trom hing drawn under the water in bis vrect- 5<. Tbey thon tied a nope ta the moto? boat and the itydroplane wus pulled asbore vitere It vas looked at by tbousande vba hastened tb go to the Point wbere It was taken ta clore. MeQue«tion vas flot hurt serioueiy, althaugh bis escape fram desth vas very close. The carnîvai proved a big succeci, bundrede attendIng fram Alil sections of the county. The vitale afaîr showed tht te men of F1ox Lake are huestlers and the succese a! their carnîvai vîlI do mucli towards advertiming the reiort district. DIES 0f APOPLEXY WUILE ON A VISIT TO FRJENDS IIERE tdi8 ANNA STROMBERG, WHO SUFFEREO SYROKE WHILE SITTING ON PORCH, DIES. BEAUH GCCURED UN HOSPITAL GENERAL BELIEF 18 THE OPPAES- $IVE HEAT SUPERINDUCED * THE STROKE. Misa Anna Stromberg, 50 yearî aId. died ln the Jane McAllter hospilal ln Wmukegan Saturday fternoon, chortly &fier 4 o'clock of apoplexy, beiieved ta have been iuperlnduced ta a great exten1 by the oppresive heat. This la the fint fatality that con lte trced aimet drectly ta the beat that Waukegan lias bad titis year. Mies Sînomherg, for lte lait ton Syears. lias been employed sa a bouse- keoper ln the home of Azel Johinson of Moîrose avenue ln Chicago. A week &go selii e eta Waukogan ta spend a week wvith the famiiy of Mn. and Mrs: Charles Pearson of 1203 LAnox avenue, Waukegan. Apparontiy ceewaî ln tbe bosî of health and on Satorday afternoon nov- 'or fit btter ln lies' lfe, barring the tact that the oppressive buat made her fil lgbtly nncomfortahîe. bahrtiy boforo 2 ocîock Mm. Poar. amoop ta the homeo0f i noigit- <Coaliauci on Pàe Tvo.) VOCATIONAL EDUCATION NEED SIIOWN AND LABOR EXTOLLED IN SPLENDD SPEECHES DERE SUNDAY W5 C. Kneelk ' New Mead of Higb School De- llvered Splendid Talk at Baptlst Church; "In- dustrial Progress" ToId by Rev. McGlnnis While Diver Lauds Union Labor. Union labor vas extolled and the greal neceilty of vocatlî>nal educat- ion vas ohown ai tle lrst Baptiet dhurcI un Sunday evenlng ln tliree splendid addresses. Tlie hIrt ubjet vas discussed ln i masterly vîy by Rev. George McOinnJis and Commis- sionen Clarence Diuer, the latter hy William C. Knoelt, nov head of thel Wsutogan Township Hîgli ichool. Their cuhlects wvon -Vocatons] Education." William C, Knoelk. '* Lasîor Problem," Cammslaner Di ver. "Industrial Pragres,' 1ev. George McGinnis. "Industiall Pragrese." Y1he foregalng subject in a fev vprds as diecuesed by Rev. MieGînnis vanas a.folous: "As te sprit of Clirist premeatea aur deveiaplng civillzatîan vagie vîli le halher and houri ehortor. Tlie im- provomint tbat bas camne ta libor con ditians le Imgely due ta the Influence of the Carpente' Son of Nazareth. -Hic teaching of tle dignlty of man ESCAPED LUNATIC M*EN TO ASYLUM IN STRAIGHITBJACIET lias helpod te break the chais', o! la. bar and cravn itli lionor. 'The day le comîsg vies the gold- on nule vîli became the vorkîsg rule heveen capital and labor, and vhen the borny band of labor vili clamp the surt tbaid or capital and each wyul say TIlat man te anasthe vorld 'er' shaîl brothers ho for athat'" "Vacationai Educion." Nir. Ksaelk'i addresvas a master- y one. Hie remîrks ln brIe! mre as follavi: "Just 700 yoans &ga a ltIle Frenchi Peaant lad. named Steplien, led frti a hait af boys and girls, 50.000 ln ail, to reover the Holy Land. The fate of the ifoar lttIe crusaders la 1ao veil knovs ta need auglit but a moný lion of the rnults. Many dled o! starvatlon and dîsease on the roads te Italy. Same wvee iIpvrecked and others vere trecherausly sldinlto slavery. (3nly a fev returned ta thelr homnes. "Taday there Io a mighty rmy. hun drede times larger, that la mîrching 11 (Continued on Page Tva.) 1 JOHN 6. BOESS 0f MAE BLUFF, BOARD ýRE VIE VI EMBER IES' PETER OLSEN, ARRESTED ATj DEERFIELD, TRREATENED TO KILL COUNTY JUOGE Strapped lunaa traîglit.jacket, uith twa deputy wardene contantly on1 guard, Peter Oison, eecaped lunatie. vs.. placed on bard a "gS0" traink Sunday nîglit and taken back ta the2 Michigan State Hlospital for thie In- sane, t Newberry, MIic.1 Wauld Murder Judge. Olsen, it develalis, had taken ani aath ta murder the judgee uha paased1 the sentence which sent hlm te, thet asylum. When Oison tot Waukogan1 Sunday nîglit. lhe vaed lie vauld, yet1 kHli the deputy wardens vbho came1 bers ta accompany hlm on i returni ta tbe asyinm. Arruffl at Duerfleld. 1 As vag exclusively announced hyi The Sun, Oison vas arrested by Mar- shal J. W. Snyder, who was nearly itabod te death ln mklng the ai'- reît. OIson was arrested at the Chisl- tian Peterson farta near Doerfield. Asked for Lodglng. Tuesday evenlng, lat OIson, applied for a nlgbt's iodglng at the Peterson tarme. Hie request vas granted opon condition that he refrain from smok- ing tu the harn. Wednosdmy lnarning, durlnq te breakfast liaur, ulien the tlephone bell ln the Peterion home rang, 01- son, (who bad asked for and hein giv- en hie breakfast), jumped ta-ia ftes and excitedly shouted, "For G- sak.. don't tell themIn 'm here; tbey have heein unting me for weeks-they mur derod my wlfe-and nov they vint ta murder me-lywsa arrosted but escap- id hy lifting the jali upon my aboul. drs-I murdered the Wherlff. For G- sake don't tell tem I'm bre!" Mr. Peterion, however, notided Maraalai nyder thal a suppoe luna- tic had sought refuge ln bi* home. Whou Snydr reacbcd tbe Peterson -home, Oieon, vas abarpealng a bunt- (Cetiauie cenPage Two) BARELV HAD CHANCE TO QUAI IFY ON BOARD 0F REVIEW WHEN TAKEN SICK. LABOR DAY WAS OBSERVED IN A FITTIN4i MANNUR CELE13RATIONS RELO IN WAUKE- GIAN AND IN NORT'H C HICAGO ON MONDAY. RAIN CAUSED A DAMPER DESPITE TRIS FACT, HOWEVER, THOUSANDS TURNEO OUT AND PAID THEIR ROM AGE. Lahor tbrev care an d otl! routine ta te tour vinds NMonday. once a year working men and vorklng vomen bave rmieday com- pletely ta themuelves andINlonday vas l.Abor day. Liban Sunday mas obser4ý ed ln msny of the churches on Sepît. 1. The tailsomo pomp and 1>arade thatl manked Labor Day celebratlons1 In forner yeari vas abandoned yester- day. Instesi. lte pnrîîowadopted vas ta gve oaci vorker the fuilest need off recreation and ffleasure. Banks and store generally îhraugb- out the city were closed. The grocery stores vere open for a few houri ln the morslng. Only lilited oleratlans were attempted by the I1051 office; whlle ail other public offices suspend- ed vork the samo as an Sunday. Itundredi attended sonne of the masy picnlcs given by unions and oih- or organizatians. A monitor dimonstration and plcnicl wltb tva speakers, vas te]d at Elec- tric park under tbe auspxices af the Carpenters ' Union. Vistors from ail parte o! nartheruilîlinoig vere in il- tendance. At Electrie Park. The speaking prograni 100k place[ early in te iflonnoon ai Electrle park, John -Metz off Chicago vas ta have been the speaker of the day, but vas 111 and unable ta ho bere. O.E. Wood-- rbury' ai Chicago, member of the Usi- trict Council. came in bIs place ad proved an able and very pleasingý speaker. It vas regret ted by ail that the an caused hlm ta stop early in bic talk. Mayor lildinger gave an ad- ireas lnvhlch lie extolled thte vîrtues of union lîar. Bath speakers vere introducedi by W. . amson, a ment- ber of tlie receptos commttee. Mr. Woodbury vas met at the train by Mayor Bidinger and Mr. Samson aud vws given an automobile ridé about lte cîty. The Inclément veather caused the races and games to te pastponed. The bail game, however, drev a goad (Ca.I.inued on Page Tua) JohneG.uff.ss, formreny may rof 1A NDREW- COOKE Lake cuunty bard of rus iew, diei ii i home ln Lake Bluff Manday, Sept. 2nd, tram heart trouble. He vas 53 yearî aId and vas bora ln Phîladeiphia, ln 1859. He vont la Chicago ln 1889 &as the Western rep- resontative ofaf, merclaisle hanse. Ualil six years aga ho sorvod at a traveling mas ton the Easterun .m- pisil. He removed ta Lake Bluff ail liaI lime. 111 healtit laving compeiIed hlm la leave hie work. Ho vii, elect- ed mayor ot Lake Bluff ln 1906 and 1908, serving tva lermi, vben ln 1910 111 heallb again causei hlm lu aban-9 don bis poitical cire.. He m'as appoîntea a inember o!fIthe bourd off revlev six monthe aga. M. Boesa di sot do muai vanh on te board, ln tact, ho vas taken elcis just afler te bard vas gtting woil un- don vay. Accordingly, heho liy quallfied for titi position of boulor wtîcit Counly Judge Persoa bai glv- en hlm. Phis latIhe finit tîme a membon o! the bard o! reviev o! Lake couaîy hie died, uhile servîng iuring h. short ternm cflits uorh. PTeo tl.r monibers are:- Chairman Clarke ofo Highland Park, uni Frank Wbltman of Graylahe. CIAIM D)AY IN COUNTY COURT Tuesday vas "dlaim day" ln îhe County court. Claims tht vene fie ovin a yean go ver.dilspcced of ta- day. Judge Persans demmnded taI ail lalms be setlî on tIs da" or be dropped. Il vas esîlmilci that many score of caus ver, mcted ta. ASSUMES HEAD 0fJ BliG BON DING BOUSE, WAUKEGAN MAN LEAVES MARRISt TRUST & SAVINGS BANK TO HEAD NEW-OLD CO. 15 BIG BOOST FOR H-IM POSITION 0F IMPORTANCE AND MEANS ST EP AREAD FOR SON 0F ATTORNEY. 1 Tite tollovlng advetinement ln a1 Chicago piper today hla ofinterefit lnu Wuukegas, as Mr. Cooke, the son o! Atlornoy Homer Cooke, 18-veli hnovn1 la the city where ho vas re.ned: "W. lake pleasure lu announc- Ing the association viti us as September 1, 1912, o! Mn. Andrev Coake, formerly vire presidenl cf the Harris Trust uni Savingi bauk, Chilcago. "The business whlI be carried os by Cooki, HoIt & Company, wich itvlIcontinue b deui lu ln- vostuent securlîles, at the same îddress ln enlarged quirtens, vitb a cash capital off $500,000. H. P. Holtz & Company, Municipal and Corporation Bondi, 39 South La Salle Street, Chicago." Mr. Cooke, hn his position o! vice presîdent o! the Harr-is Trust com- pany,,liad one of te iggoot jobs off uny Waukegan man. Nov l seomi, h. lias been given i furtenboost uni becomes a memiter off a bi l inm In tact, assumes tbe active heai ai; one of te citys oldest eompanios of lbe indi4a Chicago. POE RESPIRATOR, RIVAL> TO PULMOTOR DE VICE, TO BEBOUGIIT BY FOWLER IS RELIBLEREPORT IIERE Sun Learns on Splendid Authority That Deal Is Ail But Closed-M r. Fowler When Questloned Decllned to Conflrm or Deny Report, There. by Practically Confirming it. Frank T. Fowler, former editor of tii un end ane lime owner of lte Na.^h Shore Dairy and Ice Cream Co., and who still owns à viluable stock farm juut west af Wsukegan, accord- ing ta persistent rumors thâtt nid hein, hîs taken options an the patents taken out by Prof. Po af Kentucrcy an hle mechînîcîl esplnîtar, a dîvice quit. sîmilan tota h.Pulmotan used hy the Commonwealth-Edison conipsny, but cailmed ta ho fir superorIln mànfP ways. It le reported thîl Mn. Fowler wulli close the dcii for the purcllise autrigist of the piant rlghts wthln the next few days. Mfr. Fovler was located late lait ove- ning and vas queetlaned wîit regard ta the trutit of the reports. He de- clined toalafirm or deny the reports and by bIs very failure ta) taise the latter course, practIcatly conllrmed temn. "le Il true that you have taken op- tions on Prof. Poo's patents." lie vas aikod by a Sun Reporter. "I causalt anrea t tIis time," he replied. "la a demi for te purchase of theso FUNERAL 0F MR. 1 BAIRSTOW IIELD MONDAY AFTERNOON HUNDREDS 0F FRIENOS 0F LATE BUSINESS MAN PAV RESPECTS AT C HRIST CHURCH. patents pending,- he vafo asked. "My reply nkist he the same as t0 the firsI question," lie said. "I may lie able t o makre a statement shortly." Mr. Fowler's retIcence -ta discuss lte motter and hîs unwlllngnesî 1tu state that lie la flot conslderlng the purchase of the platents, trengthens the reports that such Isl the case. The Poe Mechanical Resprator, lUke the Pulmotor, Io used for resuscltatlng people overcome by gus or ailier polo- onous odors and for revivng drown- lng victime. The principles of the two are qulte similar. the hlageat dlf- ference belng that whlle it la noces- à-ary ta carry cherged tanks of oxygon with the Pulmator, the Poe Mechanl* cal itospirator manufactures kae own oxygen on the @pot. it le thîs one feature wblch, itlal claimod. make it a much more valu. able device than the puimotor. Often it la not practicabie for sevoral tanks of the oxygen ta lie carrled witit the pulmeor and as a reauIt the eUPplY Imay be exbansted 1beforo the deslred <CoanUmei (saPais ?vo) SMALL, BOY REAL IJERO; AY PAY WIT B IIS LIFE H-IGRWOOD BOY BAVES COUSIN FROM TAXICAB; 18 STRUCK 13Y MACHINE RIMSEI.F. FLORAL TRI BUTES BEAUTI FUL 1 ACCIDENT WAS IN CHICAGOI BISI-OP W. E. TOLL ASSISTED AT JOHN MONDINI RAS SEVERAL SERVICE-WAS CLOSE FR1 END RIBS BROKEN; DRIVER 0F 0F THE DECEDENT. MACHINE ARRESTED. Plie fuseraI of te late Fred BaIn- Nlne-year-old John Mondial, of stov vas held Monday aI 2:30 fronm iIglvaod, vas Injurei perllapi fatal- tbe Eplacopal church vhere. for mafly1 ly ln Chicago Monday afternocan in years, lie servî,d as vestryman. and! regcuing hise epsisn, Norma Castamini, junior -wrden of lte churcli. The' 8 yoanis idtroint beltsg rua over Sy churci vas filled vîit frîendi of the 1a taxlcab at West Madison street and late promînosi business man and lie Firth avenue, service assumed an unusual amaunt The Highvooi loy viestruck hy F a! iterest because o! the prenonce the umachine and several nie vwero of Bhlop W. E. Taîl, former rectar o!f facîured. He le aito beîieved ta thie chorcit and nov a suffragan bist- bave iustained InternalIinjuries. op of tle Chicago diacese. Bisop The police o! 1he Central police sta- Toîl asslsted by Rev, Mn, Shoeo of Ra- lion 100k hMm la the Iroquais liospilai.R cine, the prbst who la In charge of Mondîi and tic cousin vene crois- thie local parlîl durlng 1ev, Lav's inS Firth avenue abead o!flte boyis absence, parents. 're it..111e girl stepped hmck-C The frant of Ilie churcli vie a bo-w- vintavand 1he curli vhen cie eau or o!f foyers and pieces vhlcli friendi lte automobile approuching and tien asd laiges ta vhîch the decedent le- ran forvard. Hon cousin Ieaped la longei liad sent, Seldous have pretlior n ld and shaved ber ont cf the floral arrangements been sees In 1h. palli af the machine, but vas unable city ai a fuseraI, fev limes have tliey ta get out o! titi vîy himmil!. à been more la number, lHenry Kvlov, the avner and driverc The choir sang tva hymne during o! the machine, vas arrested and la-1 thie service, whîcli, hy the presence o!knt h Cnrlsaio.H a BIeliop Pol, vas a mout Impressîvo km adth Centaultal.H a one, It vas apparentîy a supreme ef- cheg ed lasacndtin ae fort for te bishop ta afficiate at the gPlied s inieilds conitIon s re- fuserai of his former vestryman. gard e s rîte iil vîlerited ay Natunally il vas sa for Blshop TPol isy bofhe hoii. ia o per andita duning bis mlnistry In Waukegan. liaimother, hall esldenti of Higlucai, so clisser fnlend tban Mr. Barstov. r the esd.Teylt ih ho had no harder vonker In the churci r i e Wo udymis for T hlt icg ta Ihan the man vbose obeequeles lie vod lSunday marnng !relivcand ta vas hlipng ta celgirate, pn abrdyvil eatvm 1 Seldom tas a mas died In Wauke- fionde.4 gas who belutiged ta ou many lodgos as Mn. Balrtav, honce seldom have a many represonîatives of laiges been TRADES MIS AUTO seen in a local churcli as aIttis tu- FOR A BIG FARM seraI. Mn, Barîtov and lisi vile h&ve many relatives bIb Is section, espedially near Evanston, liesce the William C. Parkernand vU e tura. Immedîate maurneni numberod a id laI aiglit froni a trip titraugl Io. great many. va, Minueeot, North Daksota and Plie palibearers vote l close Saskatchewsan, Canada, 'bey matde 1friendi o! Mr. Bairstov, as foloe: t.etrip ta tmiii la Mn, Pinter'. au- J. W. Barweil, C. J. Jones, Williamn tamabile. Mn, Par'ker' raffbd;hh1".is i- f Ralovell, M. H. Hussey, Bilas Bnig- chine la a Canadian rca aiteit 0 aner hain, T. ,Ma rrisfrS10jogts,-- FALLS 30 FEET T HIS DEATII AT II IIOUSE; LONG LAIE JOE MILECHAN, CRICAGOIAN, MEETS DEATH IN LAKi COU NTY, MISSED STEM. SHERIFF SCENTS MURDER ARRESTS MILECtIAN'8 PARTNUR% OTTO OLSON; INQUEIIT 801V ES MYSTERY. Joe Mlechan, a resident of Chicigo mot death ail Round ILako Sway sear mldnigbt. ulien ho.MI.11 trObs run-way in telKnickerbocker 10. bouse, and bad bi@ huad crusicInt a pulp on an Immense cake etlo- fully ttirty foot hlow ltee tiig There vai nuo ye vitnesss telt» summoned. And Sheri GrianaMt accident. Mlecliuanmd a conmpal1on umea flahlng from a piatform nIte le. bouse. The platfarmi exteaded Mut over the lakteand vas fully tI11711 foot above the surface of te WSSU Aflen three attompte ta lightI bb pl Mloechan doclaini Sii ite&l= or enterlng Ilie tee bous. ukase b. would lio shlotered front the vthlIa vas blowing serais the lakte He vas vslking on s rua-way wbiB lie missod his footing and wua 1050 pitated tlirougl midair ta bis doS*%. Hie head vas cruéhed ta a Puti ocia cake of ici. On hands and knees MllOcbm*U companian warkod hie uay alag te6 tramway until ho wu i dritly above Mlecitan. Thon ho rotrmaccMU l tae and vent doua Iloto lte4-P6 Miiocitmn uacoldWun9 Ion rcached lte scene, 2'iveo oter mon, aIl tramp,, StIto sauglit shllor ln lhe tee boutol bAs tenod ta the acose, ad aaaid IWO wark of cirryiag th. dcii " a *M tbe bed of Ici, A hotol keeper at Rouna»kSV« summoucd. Asad 8herif Groom &M tua deputiet flcttWnakega at o dlock for Round Lako. A man nanici Otto 015cM VUa M4 restod by Sherif (GrenaUamiviat9. ken to finayalake whuwe Wbqv tbrown loto theoei i l t the 711112» tule. Oison had becs use1..MtM tram-way a fe ftestfront th* a@" of the accident titre. ulatus ti»e Mlechan fell 10 i doalli. Ml1O@Ss- companion tld th.e u l a i (Continuci on Pagi Twi RIOT ENDS APIA LON§ LAIE SUnDAt FIVE HUNDRED GIJISTOitPMUNI- CIPAL CL RK 0F CHDCAQO ENGAGED IN F1OIIT. RAISED FAUMERS lMUE CLAIMEO NIE WAS TOC Î51.0 I GiviNO OUT cRiECKRD 0I.OTN ES WHEN TRAIN CAM, An annual clasaksiim eBumpa itl Long Laise by houer IL. bt, inhk of lte Mualcpel cccim ma Lorimor henclin. roke 1W la a niaI. 4 The guests, &bout 1.000 517S 0d8 a a finc tOme until &bout a balboum bofone te lent train stai'ted for bre Thon about 500 cf ltentlilWiIIy téie lte clote.off aCb ath cbacl. Fîght Over CoeiMo The.rnu vas du. ta te fia? tbi lb. Concession for checklint Lb ing cf lte .xcuranists bai Ne. en te, a fermen living ClOs e b 11 picalo grond. rTe day Vus 15* ultes lthe guegtg arrivedin thle MU %ag %5itinearly evcnYffbCh~ob* every superfiotls germOnt. CORtI6 oncoils, cloake, and -nbrêlu Vz faruhouse.' 5,000 POLICE AND DEPUTY SHER. LAKE B3LUFF MANS SUCCUII41S TO IFFS 0F MICRIGAN OROAN. HEART FAILURE AT RIS IZED IN POSSE. ROME THERE MONDAY MADE THREATS TO KILI FORMER LAKE BLUFF MAYOR

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