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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Sep 1912, p. 1

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LAKE E YID I: WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. 20.--NO0. 5 1. TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1:3, 1912. OETEGT $1 -50 PER YEAR iN ADVANCE ANNUAL FAIR SUCCESS; BIG FFL ECE COUN100 T SATIE FAIR Iom AT LEASTY THIS 118 THE REPORT FORMER SUPERVISOR MILLER OF CROWD ATTE DS T URSD Y; EOFC E REFNRTOTOLIBERTO SPINGE T.TKE IT PAY 0FO A TI E .SEDSTUNT WILL DO MUCH TOWARDS MEN "T1OBRK. ADVERTISING LAKE COUNTY iretyil, l. Spt 4-Wtba Te egtalean fui ehi is l a 4 year old son of Loyal, wbih - PTOMAINE POISONING AFFECTSI AS FARMING PLACE. MRS. RISINGER, WIFE OR PROMI- . ietvl,11.Sp.4-Wiha Tevgeal-n ritehbti al a niember of the Genes tablebal That "loan sharks" haie again ta. RONDOUT FAMILY-DOCTORNETD TSTFLSRO clear sky and every promise possible anusually large this year and ls re- few seasons ago, andtacts like the ken a firm hold la Fort Sheridantand HAlARà M1AVN Lake Conito hvNadspaEaNOT DAT ROUNDALAKE.R ofgood weather for today, the 59th ceiving more thanlits chare of atten. making of a good trotter.0 Summe r, ueettlàg r t oldierteeprt e s IESAitat airt baed isp ingfTieldUN LKE Annual County Fair opened today, the tion. Some of the articles on exhibit tes: 30Lacunorttr_ uhtreacm he soere. sT e poret nexstamonithItwlbe he Srfirttim attendance being very good for the are much larger than usual. The ab. Purse $30; Lae cony tat r eoba c h aea e rThetol drietsemot.Irwl e h irtt firait day. The fair formally openmed sience of pumpkins this year has been EaJhnr ................222 hu.man parasites from the fort and at DOCTOR'S A R RYA L SAY ES in ° ' sto ' "t"'"""°" WOr N WALKSTO DEAT yesterday, but the day was given ta remarked by many. I et ..... . 3 3 3 the time seemed to be ucsfl u of the fiel rdct ftis county 91 N W LST DkT placing exhibits, etc, and the atten- The rest room is proving very popu- BowB elle . ..... ....... . 4 4 apparently beypary g th i froahv blne o e r dance was nothing. Tody, hoever, àr and mmay ar taking advantage of TPurs 00, 25,rotter .- focupnareon. Gi nfal U ESSAaALEAS FEC-sti s duve e re S upl tesr WE. HCG OA AO E early ln the morning, farmers and the opportunity offered to rest alter PMreos, ...0...............~ 1 1 1 During the long time that th sl- ED-EA TGD AT TH FE M.tinll e fereyvillerhoisrtakingCHKARL OY EN TCAOLEN city folk began appeaéring in the vil- a trip among the varions buldIng ana tCount-s 2 2 2 diers didT notMilgetoftheir salary froml theIn lage and wended their way to the exhibitc. Irish Ladt.......... ... ... . 4 3 3: governiment the loan absarkis are said DUBY HOME. the necessary steps to have sulch anLFENTH LA . fair grounds to takre the annual hol- Midway la Larger. SteadfastL .. ........... 3 bt ave got in their best work. The exhibit there. IENTH LA . day Te idwy n argT ndappret- Time-2:24% ;2:5-.225 dslers simply had to have money Mir. Miller states that he la trying day. he MdwayisWirgerDnd aparet- .lock. with which to purchamisethe many lit. Fair officials feit more than pleased ly much cleaner than usual this year. ,he W s By rce re a dash of tie luxuries they crved and they were Too weak te arise from their chairs to get together a collection of every r.H.RRsngroChcoae wih heprspct o ody he teyThsfar Iteuhsaitenimpossible to live.eights f a mile and another at a willing to agraistopay the exorbitant Dr. Galloway, of tMIr yvilletheound kind of produce which grows froi28, was drowned in Round Lake at S ea h leur sky, the crowds coming, find any questionable shows. There mUe.,.la the Ibhort race Benny Y. jhatk of Interest charged by t he loan eght persons ehome o Saunte Dub the ground, Including gralns, grasses,o'ocSudyenngwlehrh- etccelsfrythefing poins teua.recordarefmanyrnew sow tsy earafwathe Maer inn1:0,lwthaSaue Th. pa o omteteIa o n Rondout, all suffering from an at- vegetables, fruits, etc., In fact, every. - band struggled in six feet of water, seotnd Mnajerhr d,-y Pmio l w.as .»thlaas t o d"ma e th e lon ortack of ptomainepisoning thing, he says, excepting weedis-and t nyu ltabvbeasl Track Je Fine. rhowa which appeaer there every year Sylvia won the mile dash in 1:53, ed they would get thir pay at the Had the doctor delayed lifteen min. he won't takle any of these, although crDo r ep u aeyaloke The track tis morning la in splen- are back again this year. betng Buttons one city block, with, end of that time and they would be ute" in answering the call there la there are many varieties in the corun- hlmself aflat, ountil help arrived and did! shape, ln fact, weather conditions One concession that la creatIng Seattle, the other starter, on the hori-j enabled to repay the borrowed money. no question but hat two memhers o ty- ecedhm and the attention given It has made, considerable amusement Is the "Hit monle purple rim when the wire was Te government dhe ev ppr a e cumed.Mr.hMillerlltetogeteranexhibit . Th ifesnmeoe e.ubn' It better than it han been ln many1 the Mule Maud" $tount. When one hite Waukegan Brewery Won, rate of interest hept getting bigger. Those affected were: of products from the souithwestern eayes, both callIng for help following years. This assures good racing and, Maud Ln the propier $Pot with B basge The Waukegan Brewery base ball When the soldiers Aaiy did get their MR. AND MRS. SAMUEL DUBY, and parto h onyatteLk onyth petn ftei ot r.R, as theIlineup of horses lsanuexcep-lball her heele kick out and the throw- team defeated Grayslake Wednesday money they found inn aany Instance@ two sons. f adhe will takethis sLay to ingter, accoing othe sband,.had40 5 to 1 and the game was Interesiting, that they were obligd to pay back f N R.CR IK andSri n cwl ot hsdslyt oeacrigt h lb ,be tionally promising one this year, lov-ier la given a prise.dsieteoesddsoe tamotmr o neetta hyhd bor . ADauhtr. CR KadSrngfeld and will gather other pro stoodup in the boat when It upadt, eraof he por ar epecingsom FrnkWerden of Iowa. the Ossified looked like a shat-out for the Grays- rowed ln the Brut placei. Thus, while M R. PATRIC K PENDEGRASS, adutfrmalptsothcunyo throwing them binto six feet of water record smashing tunts during the Man= sanother new attraction. Wer- lakes team for a thame, but they man. the soldiers receved more money farni hand. he may have a comprehensive display about 200 yards from shore. meet. den declares that he was a normal aged to bring one man home. The than they had haud for @omne time, it HdBgDne.o aecut rdcs er RnhnhadRene' Whn hefar peedtoa bt t enopteth geof25whn c to-Grayslake pitcher played au excellent di donot leave them very much after "WeBigDin d i Lake onypout.Gog eea eadRtnel Whcen e airqoeln te toy ofa m pedothe age isofdyhnh so-game but he lacked support. The they hadpidilthe usurjous rates Peineons bodies formed from the ere go ng toa avert se L ek' cries for help and, jumping tinto a boat onc bcae uiqe n he isor o pe gowngandhi bdybegan toe akgassoedunfiesae hare ytesak.animal tissues durIng putrefication is county," said %Ir. 'Miller, "and I would :rushed to the sene, saving him just middle we.tern farmn producre exposl- hardenm. At the pressent timte his body playing a good al] around gaime. This left the soldiers In almost as gven as the cause of the sickness of like any person who has anythingashwsgondwnfrtehr tions. The gret big yellow "pie fruit" appears to be aimont as hard as atone The exhibits of horses, cattle, sheep bad a condition as before and many thre.Duyh ad nvteeMrpade.r which they believe would show up well tim ead rigoing him sfel the d wil t e tdhea re. nsaeas able'ldand he says he expects the time is not Peand bogs lhIs raff declnabe the the had unmtif heirrwn payday.Fick to eat dinner at their home. A ln the exhibit to confer with me that weathe and eavy rins hvemae fr distant when he will be nothing best the association has lever badl. The in this way, they have t heir salaries sumptious repast hadlbeena prepared I may. call for It and get It in the col. Th woa hddsperdan th copofpupin afalue but a lump of stone. The metamnor- fruit and vegetable display is excel- mortgaged before they are received and all mte heartily. After the meal, lection. We are doing tiseto adver-. "Hommes" As Favorites. phasis has causedl him ta loge much lent, althoughb th]s Years corn Is notand It Io a physical impossibility fori the children complained of a sick-head tise the county and 1 believe it will be wile a search was kept up all Sunday SIr h upkn antbeupeto herstandard because of the late- thlem to get even. ache. In a few minutes the liteamgt o tn ,nIght, her body not being recovered Sicete umknscant e-of the tusle of all his body. Ds it ienn.Fac wret. neo1terasn1hyi hsbengr'shaddope oon i e a n unilbou 10o'clckihismor.ng hibited tunless sghipped in from other A n rvlsaogtemidway hth "eandwoku fLaelont wm nof htltehess h a sbthnabshebecame deathly 11llnatlheristomnach., MranMr.Rsgehdarid counities, the Lake county folk are go- finds all the paddle wheel game that fis d splayed In quantitieo- . the soldiers for some reason or other herlofsthan lvefaminuese rm - POUCE SEARCH' at Rou nd Lakes. tungr d e vegt er earakethehore rci s e'eaare seen at faire of this kind, the cane Mh mda cording t CO ofeOet aedtareveai tei ient h.and were seriously Ill. One of their lO tR ET irsedsna ihnec hywt ailb eehrd lasbv e ndi doll rack, the candy booths and games." but there are the customary medicine" and allow lt to go at that nme ucddi ecigtetl- o eyfmla ihbas ec wbetrn ereemer ed. lwysvie be the hundred and one devices con- count fair amusements. They are deeply ln debt and many of Phone stand and he summoned Dr.WAKGNMDTH SC EOFheacdncmebauefthr strng eaure a1Liertlvle. .cive t searae ne roeh!tmn. omelHnde oWAnioc, hoNs hemarDwilinHtEpa hgh ats oOGaloayhroeLiertvile.ANTHE DRaNrHOSE inaactynothefssetswitou enen The live stock and poultry displaysy-Attrny Paul B3acGuiin, presi, over 80) years old. was at the grounds i1nteresit, simply to get a little spend- The children were lying upon the NTE RIGM SE naitytshfgeswthuedll are exceptionally fine this year. tn act ey. ton h smkn brIght and early Wednesay it being 1inpr moneirwhen they neýed it the floor of the Duby home and the two STEALING SATURDAY. gering themselves. It le said that seldom have they- diledidn ftIfar sya is5t nl visit to the Lakej mont. men and both women were too weak SePfs isBa every effort to see that gambling county fair. He talked with pride of! toa&riese from thefir chairs at the tablePEOPLEINoCOUTY BELEVEBOR upsowll eol gnral aeames are nipped In the bud and any his record of never mnissing a fair when the physician reached the Mrsj. Risinger, according to the rM Efuch pleased with the serving of din lttempt to start them will bie causPe since they were started in Waukegan LAKE COUTYl YOUNGi home. GANIZED BAND 1S AT WORK Part from Round Lake, ad stood upe ner by the Epworth Leagve of thetadaue flftv-nine yeatre since and plans at- The phystlean ls inclined to blam IN THE VICINITY. I h ot lnigt hf et M. E. church, who will have care fenouh to revoke permit fromd thue tending ahdyti ea E OSRNFEL h snn eahaceswhchwre wen the wet, nnetsietcausid thediin rom.Th clarr th e v IoatorB to be ejected fo te Twelve Thousand in Attendance served as a desert.tOtheraemers hntewlh noead an th;inn oo.Th "la, ho.le- grounds. Eight thousand rpeopfle had paid ad- o erv famil ae ther mat . LATER: The horse and saddle the boat to tip, throwing both int*- somne fod and the manner of servIngý n mission to the fair grouinds at 12 NINE LAKE COUNTY BOYS TO 1BEofteaml aethma. were recovered this morning whe h ae n asn h ott appeals to evecrybiody. . hn Cmay a ooh oclok. It w'as estimated that therel SENT AS DELEGATES BY meerla o tq1uestion but that thre Mrs. Toulouse of the West $ide found 1sBnk. Screams for ald did not bring It May oresanCtte.terhiagolelnwiepone tcompa att dnaulÄtwel h an popeCOUNTY SUPT. have died hadl the doctor delayed his a horse wandering the street andMtied in time to save the woman whose The exhibit of horpes and cattle ls has erectdaeninwchae Society Leaders Peet trip to the Duby home. it up in her yard, notifying the police'clothes drew hier down, but Mr. Rosse- the largest ln the history of the fair phone booth has been installed. ln The attendance of the north shorei BOYS WILL RECEIVE INSTRUCT- The three women and three chII- who went after the animal. The be- han's prompt work resulted ln Rising- association. It ls so large In fact this one may call long distance for social set, who came to sep that IONS IN CATTLE JUDGING dren are still confined to their beds, ,cf la that boy* stole the animal and er being rescued, that all of the stalls have been fllled the regular rates and a free serv Ice their entries Of blooded cattle and AND CORN RAISING. |but their condition ls no longer re-ý later abandoned ItI. andftha benneesar taprvie a nyplceIn Lbertyville has been1 stock were properly. listed, gave the garded as crItical. branddit s en nsa rytoprviet ny ptla rnsofth air.day an air of distinc tion. -- Wuean was the scene of a rath- SUICIDE BY DROWNING. somewadditheonal exhitIbs Tendes ta ll e dpatrsaof th aliJohn ,Rnl.,Thompson.Chbairman andhe The Boys' State Fair school will be GAVE ADDRESS AS KENOSHA -_ er daringhorse stealing on Saturdayl Caroline Karlovsky, 23 years oId yeralaa plnidon. eigbyfe cncsio on the part of the tee-hrse committee, were on hand look. held ln Springfield, Ill., on the fair EFR OLC EHR ngtweahosblnlgtard1dughtro onKrIvosky of 2U4 yh e sttatspendid onebeing by far chonecs ony lsmuch appreciaed-Iln,8over the stock and appraising its grounds, during the week of October BIGMD HR. Inrwolvsna rs ae a South Springfield avenue, a building tef.Fr tttaevha bent e earrte phoe wopan tncsar auevalue. Today was "Hlorse Show Day" .Moethn af ueateenedsolnfrm nfrnto tecourt contractor, committed suicide Sunday thefai. FrNte pstTew earPthnbythoeoho indit ecesarbtousewatthefai. 4h o 2th. nte tt l -(Iwa ape to thisabot years house. The police have made every by drowning herself in the lakes about poultry exibits at the annual fairb the telephones. M.Topo rvd hth1Eeycunyl h tt s rv hrf re adtodpte.A e ffort to locate the animal, but their a mile southt of Highland Park. thisy ave e mproveadth neasine steud in hortovisitthecatl ieg ed th o sTent delega utescto the bert W. Fine] who conducts a farm'effrt have been unavalling. Shortly after 10 O'clock in the morn- thisyearla he bst eer-Ltbertyville, Aug. 5.--The second etable and poultry exhibit and casual-sho.Th eeae ms eudr west of York House church was the' The horse was a Western pony, Ing theh The hoige and sheep exhibit Is aI' day of the annul county fair opened ly revealed a new way to grow pump. the 'age of 21 years and over the age One who made the complaint. Mo9501g1 young women, who wsa mont up to what It han been ln past auspiciously and at an early hour the kins'.o,5 n uthaemd. rdt M.FnItl h seifti onweighIng about 90paond. The dress-maker left her home. Threes yer nd ls an excellent ne. crowds thronged the gates with ha "Give them plenty of milk," said able showIng during the past school fing that a demented woman had pase- brand of a former owner appears upon houre later a man and woman sitting yearsa M 1B Exhibitors promise of breaking recordsfeth Mr. Thompson. "Pumpkins like milk year. The management of the school ed the night ln his chicken coop and his side.| Finer, who la well known 'on the bluff near the lakte sa.w-a vous- linycf single day at all local farm. B as well as habies and they thrive on It was at that timea roaming about in hierre, hadl ridden the pony Into Wau-! an watk calmly out Jin the lakes Th ooin sapata i tatofthsendonsclday it esandlàgrow bigger than they would oth. Will furnih gtes f n aplcth is fields and orchards. He asked1 kegan and tied himato a railing i noeo h i xibit fc harnWensaytee eeerwise "sep Tedlgae unihterthat ashe be apprehended,. He said ln At frnt they thought ashe was clad Celom e st thbi xhorsnto. J. K.oe ,0 adamisos(h ot Amogthonswho hibited ad own bedding and pay their own car, he had failed te get anywhere nris ron ftecorlos. hnh n a bathing suit, but later when they edang roretoarm finti ibit of evne eorded oneopffein athe e mdoherses toay were Granger Far- far.hradoolio diehrfrmtertrndte hmasot ieltrsaw her go down and fail to comle up Deein, ropieor a in e mangeen isenouage d i t- well, John R. Thompson, Joseph Me- place. he found that he wasngoe. He looked the man ran down the bluff and told Berkshire bogs. lieft that all previous record@ n a dl atrsn au&Inul .C The boys receive instructlons ln Sheriff Green with deputies Elvin about to make sure that he had nott Knollwood Dairy Farm of Lake Fo, tendance myb boe'Meir, J. K. Deering, William Dee, Joy catle Judging, corn ralatan, corn judg- Griffin and Charles Thayer at once md itaeaotth lc ewo men who were bathing that a wom est GanerPlrwltproriitr. The speed program today contained Morton and others. Joy Morton, Iitlislungetc. enlttred an automobile and drove t aea seaotteplc lean had tbeendrowned. The bathers e raner, FarilltokProrieor. b-enough entries to make somne hot said will have a horse in the running Cut ' ' ntnet fShol the place where Finel had said the hitched the horms. But without effect- went insearch of the body and itwas Th Lbetyile tok ar o LNracing mure. The races Wednesday races 1tday. ConySprnedn fShosTwMan was wandering about. He then reported the matter to the recovered by them, artyville. vers rather uninteresting becue TomsWlo'sehbt fhre Arthur Simpson, T. M. Clarke, presi- I"t was not difficult to locate her authorities. D3ecause it did not seem Netrth ae n ausrcul joseph Medill Patterson ha, erect- theywee wonnonetwlo enoug arv ttheic fi r yesterdy.Booded dento theaLake counity bard of su- and she did not put u h e htayoewudhv a the braanniahe h thrnobitser eda neexiitofhoss n at•Today's program was sure to be differ-hvl enoneetbro ple nte rhr n was ado to teal the horse in such a public maker's rs c The Hawthorne Farm of Liberty- ent, of the Lake Couinty Farmers' Instt- carrYing a dead chicken lnnlher hand. placethrplsehee tarstinl.e vill hasa ân diplay Rac ReultsWednsday Hoer Hndn er it o, ye tut, have selected the following well It was difficult to get lher to enter the to belief the horse had become untied DahDet et SaulInsuillhas entered some The track ls ln exceptionally fine ingd, as te Laer Couelnofpren known Lake couinty boys as delegates machine without taking the dead chick adhdsroldaa.Thyfrl eathre was no apatt r aplendid Suffolk Punch horses brought icondition. ÇGeorge Vogel of Sln forty-sreven years, declared the vege- and alternate delegates:e loth inge nd.hrlwsbba ly epe ted Sund ay rnngtohea frmtha son for herdeath, theappbelifnsthat hers from Europe. Two of them that ,gond. sarera le ever s lr ehbi hebsth Regular Delegates. disheveled. What 'few clothes mihe 1 he hadl strayed to sanie Point In air the heat of Suinday affectedt!her mind. never had a bridle placed on themt un- The trotting races Wednesday were Austin Clements, father o la John Pitus, Hlighland Park. . did have on hung about her very near the City. for the Jury held that she commJtts til Tuesday were harnessed ad a special for Lake county horses and Clements of the Chicago Bo rarof Thral Lren Atic. ldY. Fromt her condition it selem-. ksite their concluisions along this siide while temporarily Insgne, driven to the fair grounds. They a 2:25 class. In the former event Trade created a dIversion ln the after- AtraeDeeae.aou _o othae, e en y nd in ete tre erhfrte Inteasneo ooe alr passed allthe automobiles on the way- John G., an ancientlOk ng nagrv- noon when he drove an ox to harness F aisO'CnnorDerlede. botng sothightin chikentcoop or i oreothe sastr!sumtonait hadte puntyeaoroneofCon edTabothr. The exhibit 1s an excellent one. small pb s onsa venerable resident tieaon h rc Warren Edwards, Antioch. the fields, which ever she foun the Iwen sto)len. The polie of every city' lulests today. At the Highland Park Several Waukegan Exhibitors. of Wauikegan, was ln front all the way CHEF IS OBY EAT ATT E FAIR. Leland Ferry, Blenton township. Most conveniet.aoghenrhhrefm(higotinusheeredtwsCalsDn in2:8%245 243. e fnse Garland Stewart, Antioch.Ie alna o abling nature w iho hadl dived and located the body, ln a trip through the main exhibi-, with an ease that betokened reserve The heat at the fair grounds was• and it wlas hard to make any sense ofr il auke a alal the cities and atrtesrnerwohdse h tion hall shows that there are many speqd had the field contained anythIng very oppressive. The thermometer Dwight Dolp, Fremont. it. 'She told the sherifT her. namie was town1s in the cOunltY were warnied to aertesanrwhbilete Waukegan exhibitors there. The Fui- of his class. registered 94 in the sadate at 3 o'clock. Herbert Hlarrower, Warren. "Mrs. Fluk" and that she lived on hop a okutfrhehseadhewomnalk clly lin the lak-, iad Fle ae n :5 ro. One man, ant assistant chef in the din~ Raymond Cook, Wauconda Pleasant streettin Kenosha.nMr. Greeninformed hiam o h curne ton %Iiusic company is one of the firât Fv asi :5To. Ing hall iwas overcomne by the heat. He H d is*makng aret n effort tofi rn if uhamani\who hadstolen himIn lathis wayThmasChistanon aithed .I that one sees. Charles Kennedy 19 The 2:2.r trot brought Out a wellidropped in an exhausted condition to An, effort w il homade to have both Ivomn imissiangeffromtaKnosf uha.A re a sThthrown out over the en- thD0.InI1 there with his complete apparatusa for, matchied, field of five and although the finoor of the dIning roomn while ab, the reguilar and alternative delegates' thepsntimshisocdupntreisitbttwantpoutve e woman's pocket nas f i .if, ,'lr. Ross won In straight heats the sisting: in prepari ng tmeats for dinner- admItted to the state school, the couqntylimjail. a of da i tresulstsit u r a o routl and a eturn ticket (on thce! tro grinding glasses. 1othiers were after him all the time. Hie was carried out into the air and a from Highland Park oran-son Sh The North Shore Gasa company has in1 the second heat Irish Lad led un- physician was suimmoned. For a few -l-lTe apparent thleft of this horse and evidntlyighand purch Sh-. e in placed une of its gas stoves and an ltil wihnafwyrso he wie intsitwsfardtath old DICKER FOR BEIDLER PLACE. HONOR FOX LAKE POSTMASTER , he mysterious maniner ln which hetedgn lih . ýtito.when.a rush by Mr.!Ross sent-him dýie eor h arrivai of the.doctor. tnng toa n arc lght n exibiton. o a reak.Iris Lad beig doble e gae hisnameas A E.CcIntre. --- bs1drppedfromsigh add empasus er mnd a iln ng e pak Sh

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