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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Sep 1912, p. 11

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Nlgh C.o m le Praced EINE Olkes etaINàWktsy e PMIwshlg Club Lumbla h lu tme W440s iprilsubjet f the OY. Cblca., oSt. 2.-Only hi riSses. ltu t d'OjnuI90lle the lt arn, whffi à îüt s,4bf gaemeanred hy stemdq17hh< octsg cr item Wklstlfaâ sed xn « o "Iepfq90uS sn eration reduce t O 'Wt insl8a. idemhers o lfo w tl w tagilP lub deddd u~tei Vul louncion la tiiAe oftmbbtl "a"es for tii mo lpe f- ouIh ae fa lb« lie bllii ave ont ter là* Wl 48 vt~sthe 'mait monest for î»Wlt s â~ t Ha9ruve Poro101lem Rsplwinte tu pskbIbl l Alare Cilag auS u i 90d 4 tormirly v0fe umeql *'Iowa. Their lacludod themeelvu 6Ornai lit lanY farmner huis i e bi tur5d to $18 etty hicausi ilR 9" ~more»Y ofr Isonvonk. *nscprocty iiieta,»da e it* ment ta Ameom mmfa ws-u a b. ed etri r« rdeiulatt" A"&u farm productu vouifi *t fburt *0 Aikuisan fermer, lt 'bas said, a"d vouagreatlyrele,. te bigi co« Of llvlaghi , lmwanmglocal musleds- 1ariqm in lava n»ver bave ien MO"<I tIhe VgclProettY «bu*- bon. ýý dWilliam 8. tbOsir. poUiana bgae inaglned tiat tirs' have frlaStiuidfarmiq into lliiiW by theur talâ t rfris trui.Ioalivt wntorlty tbat Amqm'tan tarmers ets MmaI Gsi ould Dam hi afictifi a vilt U b a trietade mwsemit. Tif kpov thii casat h*#pale iti the Opatd fer faim Rilubi. 11m1«7vo1l velcosa. the. ad4ssoaf ailCanae m tiwvis r A^qeIgfld. F ilomeivevire arralgn& id. ln 'vith the fanmer ha,.,sen ~Prnial 0utaora ta eaIllions ilc ieb S "liot. UV. Tut elurvaaceand dggtreIn.ta psrfe u their dutia witi tus liant possble cxrttle, have addid dollars ta tue mmtily ar)Ocer bili. il vanid THE WEATHE* lintsai-Palisalccliii todaLY, te- gmsew taI, moderato nîsterly v inde hoeotbevaiall. IlIsoI-air today and probeblY ta- earrov; Î94rtiviterly vinfis b.1 ioming varlmé. joer MciMug-Cloudy and coler ttomtrewOi t fir; brlsk vael vanE a ultng. Wlaca*51-PmOhSbly fair toflay aud tomoftiw, modiiatey vusgtiriy vinfis boecoing variable. Tiis fiKITS Ctimae. ocash ld oi lem ChU... uopa#. N., a rad. 110900; N. Shrd rhhter, 87 #90e. r No. S mM *Inter- 9209U< lie. Vaeslierc sitUa.$20950; No. i hot M prtag 00#23e. Coi-No. S. 14974%C; 1No. 2 Iite, 7484074%c; r No. 2 ylWl, 7407 cOlx-?i. 2 white, 8037t; No. 8 irte, 8%0 84c; tasdarl.$lfSUl<si. çNiero uVde ok. rag"e $.@18.80 lm" iiflers, *.esoligit iuUbhie14-2008,40 ~é btaviWklgad56,f 50ý1.4ê M" dtO ebolie Pl.- Ct*leixtn 16,50. Qualiosa ft-aI 5t 1.85011.oo prime teers 0.o.15 chico ta prims fed bei é~ovm.tJ4507Ats o<d Médeu. Ubs~-leatptn<4.00. uotationg tusDMWd ut $.167.10 choice. l Prime $4.m t *4 1l 9 0d ootitachie@l ieai*1. ~IçO5O mod ta ciôlte ,.owg;tjpsj ~fj~gooed ea TU p - Aeheicens lol.;lac; r9t" 0toc upriali, 14c; duels, 14 t U~ ic. 26é; . del? stc,22c. VIsuonl, îîuraerbg, mici ue ,605; NiuPe0tc 5905e. flpA teys~lec o Quote ae tollovs: Cattli-Rccei» a n atftu-nô. ff«WR-Ie pt *4'i d oed" -idsSï«0OUR F": BI, seball Came Io s. Yod la New Sk City .nd Bosto nUutil Al A.Finhnh.d. N«v York, Sept. 20-Tii opona Som oUet.ti vrida bas"Ii erles viii e kila ln thus city on Tuesdar. ML 4. 'lie garnis wM lflternate bc- tveec bore suda btoeione garni la mee cty, usd1ti te 'sertis ln con- fiuded. The. Boston club wili contrai thé mie, of tickets in that city. MMh la à vctery for Buaz Joinson. Tie tans of a coin decidai vilci Ctyivus te get the oSla assai AÀ sMd ltons, wvit sffl iu1t ixed ths opeint "ealé 1%t I1116M Oct. S. The. Boston etOl pefifvd tioudei. Olet. 7. The umpirie selectifi vér: lM&s tions! hague, Kemajit Rier; Amer tom leasue, OL.ouiid md vans. . ntheeivînt of rdla It va&&d eddusItiihevistlag teain uhetd, rimsais la tara until the gain.la plaied. Presiduat Herrmaa of the National comkktee. ho ras spakisman fer the. cOftrees. added that "evry if- fort Wouid h. made to priviui tickets trusfalltag inte thi bauds ai ORDERS INAT CARS filN Duluth Judge anda Bown Mandamus in triks Case. Duluth, M Inn., Sept. 26.-Under an order of the district court the. Duluth Street Rainai company muet renoms fuil and adequate strict cst servie Judge Homer B. Dbel! fIe la sdeccl ian ln th.etys mandamus esu! agatut tic ralnay ta force a risuisi tion af the old service, sncb as vss ofered prior ta the d'oke. Jufige Dibîli boldh tiat. coder tir franciseiunder nbich, the strieSrail wmy i apiratiiig. It la oàlligd t10 maln tain a sufficlent snd 5coper iervics ASEALL =SCORES MATIOM4L LEAGUIL I W.L.ýPet. W.L. Pet 9, N. Y. ..97 44 689 Pilla. . .67 74 471 0 Chicago 87 64 817 lit. L. ..6 86 40 0 Ptt&...87 66 609 B'klyn ..64 88 281 .....72 72 500 Boston .46 97 321 b. At Pttsburg- R. H. 2 9 8t. Louis ....O00000000 3 1. Pittaburg ... 10001010-3 91 0 (lotir and Wlugo; OToole ani Siman. le At Nw York-Boston, rein. a At Brooklyn-Ptladelpbla, ramn. ,l AMERICAN LEAGUE. .- W. L. Pct. W. LPol B. 3ostox 10q 45 690 Clive. . .69 76 47 i. Wa. . .87 59 600 Detrait .68 77 46 .%iea. ..86 59 590 St. L. M 5 95 34 hilcaga 7l 74 490 N. Y. . ..49 96594 r. At Boston- R. H. l! Lg New York... 000000000-" 2 Boston ...40000200-6 6 Schultz and Wlliams; Wood an i. tdy. At. St. Louis- R. H. 1 Chicago..000120000-S7 D. St. Louis ... 00109031*--0 12 r, WlIlte and cahk;- Baumgsxdut h n sAf Ctsin. tu Second (lame- R.u1. 9 (liue .......00000000-O1 le ft.Louis.... 32403-le 14 <~lf~darknmns. CSlcot ,bougle 4*u, rqUs and Kuhn; Wiuluua a X Al ,XII Mexicit Ërnttdentt s FIghtIa wlth His Back te the Wall. RO!I.I EFI LOYAL FONE Offft 3f Pardon te, th. Followesaof Orozco Foilows cuit on con. grfse for N4ew CredIt ofMillio.. Our 20 y vaUi- inIo, You get t peerenage pu. y6S) Interest _____ vSPECIAI Meixico City. Sept. 26.-A fnwmate- we*t, at Whi ment tuobohain pesos ln northeru Moi- fOuIl.1. W ~ Ico ras madie whn Presldent ?.adero. anti bis cabinet oinstructidth te min-J weléfits foirI Iter of nar tao fer amnesty 1tatie follavers of PasCual Orozco, the rebel Iguppffll leader. Stringent measures sncb as the ogtv. :rnmcut's recînt suspnsion of cou- Phone 133:30M stilutional guarsntîis anti the e ecu-1 tion of fumerons rebeié falledt tahave 119 os St. the dcterrent effect expected by the, governhnent. The revolutlon in thi nrti. rilci two montbeaugo vas cou-__________________ fiued prlnclpallî ta thi tate of Chi- huahuaba pteadtu taSonore, Caa- huila andi other states.7 I rThe gaverunment le couvinciti of the < truti oi reports tint <ion. Higinlo Agullar of the regular ,arm?, wno Xi- cently dlsappiarid from the capital. la J JT et tii beati of a large body of rebeisr opirtint on tie bounuary betweenIO Pueblo and O(axaca. UMasisiAu for Wàr Pund .": Preasdent %ladero bas sont tW cou- Are hic thtaPo gross a message reqnesiing au ap- retD ekb" leI Po- propriation of 20.00.000 pesoi, or the ot Gutbwr MOmes. autiorlzadton of a boan fer ibat ausount, to be used inluconductlng te cnmpalgn against the rebels. Tt la bo- appropriation or autiorine tiec ban. O lu is message President Madero said tiere was on hant on June 3, Inclufi. ing 20000,000 pesos borfoveti. 51,000,- Deîs0"Ian sJtenclid la Continene of1 r M0 pesos. The 20,000,00 borrovit Acting Secrgtary of tNavy snd bo Rait, already had bien spent, andi Prîsident on Tftln ilkevise a considerable Part of the peiqNrh remalnlng 21.0S0,000, making Il noces-SpdigNth gary tlat elther sanptotrlation or a"ou aicaît b. provîdifi for. Fedorala Drive Out Indisaa. Nev York, Sept. 25.-A force of 71.6 Aller a short figit nîti a squad of murines viii hi, gent ta Santon Do.1 tndtane a Huasapan, niar Oaxaca. mîngo tu proteci lb. cuatoinhiues. (lin. Rivera, commander of tie ted- ture. oral fortes, reportifi tie bodiez of President Taullbail a conferect on1 tlrty-tve Indiana vire found on tie board bils ril. eCar tdeal on is feldi. 0"a. Rivera giveshile ownuIons nsyfTOm n VlilAht»a4 qtgNeYorit% OS t*o Mided. Ti Indiana wvin viti BiekmaliWhi8lll»p, assistantj driven hum the tovn. secretary of the nsVfY a ieiciMr. *Arib?,d t O<bde Agii5, Capt. l'at snprOveil Ski pU t fsendlng en Eacbi&do udselen of bis tiirty armia dt5ciimenî 1*10 t,- ntD. sOMIdtrvire kille by rebels. On Ulugo to privent in4 w-~e iti ,. rttcig of tie ners aS Cuernavacu.the cutami recelvî?ship. bichi bus I'SenorlI*S Rfla Moneudi. n acue» 55bien sdimnistered for tue Tant siveral "* .sw<tiel,1t of ESeoie'com- Jean iby tic Unîited atea.1 mttîd suteig« MarineFrom MfutleStatimns. Itebeis began an attacIt on thelit. Te manies viii . trawn frnm -I ri ie tonu of Tlanglstengo, thlrty miles Atiantic cosslt stations. and wlii sali r- sOutbnîst of 14feiico My8. Reidenta frétât Pildel#lofiâ n tactransport t of the towu are usslaing tic smal raIrie on ltuu*d"a. rbe dettOb- litfeerai garrison lu the dotonse., meut WITT ho ln commanti of Colonel J'. iJ-. moïsue, . S. m. C. ALAINA VULCANO ACTIVE Tienbubas he& snouldprlng riva- ltOfiWYlovement ln the Islandi for Lava Pourlng Forth From $Boin Vents more m la - ea s lugttmrol as *ln Mount Wrangel. the American custom bouliez. -etle VahTic gmhct Wbeeiing, vhiei ias Seatie Wah.,Sept' 26-Mount blIn stalOdlnilutic Wpst Indes for *Wrangtl. lhe mnt nldcly known of, Rome montia, lias beretofor. lbeen h tie smoking vocanois o! Alaska' sut6ilnt ta prateet the customn bouses * &gain ie lu eruption, according ta ,-oad. oed Inthle Cout tnwns. Reeetiy. *vice rom Valdez. Lieutenant Pro@- iovever. édis: revolutîonary acflt.' il $er' of th@ signal corps, via returned ban bienS librelaung andthe lbItener Tt tu Vales, reports that Hounnicugton, bolnez on tic mountulnouo > Wrungel la tirOVJng out large border betvcen Haytî and Saabo La volumes of smobte and lava. DOMiNgo bave bien threatenod. In lutead of anecrcuter. tiene are novr addfln ta tie rcvoiutionary actlvlty le dt lent sevea vente, bi muid. and tmré li bilahen mure or leu u- 1. ii the &Id of fild giasuca lava can gl dflnghe boi trder between Bste m. ho sien ssing from the. opeuinga uiOMlsmUDast Haytl, and about a yen and Obvias dovu tcrnesetii glsclsft. age nverul Anierican cuntoma of- Pronia'Kotsina IIl iq reported tiat the ls"i#w virllet i n a clash vti tii s alpfunrous fumes are bu strong tiat qbg,, prospectors vorklng uuar notan Border Dispute Another Compliatuk glacier bave bien drlteh ont. Tiae iu a border dispute blvemn _________ 11fk sud Santo Dimingo, *vIleS il. 1FORCE GIRL TO DRINK ACIO misa teudedto bpromnote conffiine of - - ouqtlawrY lu theIsland. Tii poltIsa Unitpllnsd Attacit Follows Recelpt 1111111 culmînateti eariy in Auguet la t. of Threateniiig Lîtter. Oh iMaSEinaîton of Prietlt oante s-- 0f l&Yti. About a year ugo tie prend- W, Steubé1viiie, O. Sept. 2-uident of Santo Dominge vas aise 10. Uie W...A if tee,. vears aid, wno ed :2 9. 2 e a t. r. 19 15 lu 2. 4 a id L 1 I or S i '4 I. livret ut thc home of SaInuci POmmer, 0f Wkoelng insicttoS, W. Va., vas belzed bhr unldentl$ed U"» nemt ber ums ud anticit ile potedu van da& iulOliftred. liii ia expeCtei b dis. S parnier reeently bud recelvid anonymous jettera linîateulngil Ite if h id tiinot lii". tie cauilfY. NO reason fon tie attaci lias bien dis- KANSAS FAMILY MURDE9RED fil g in Fathir Und Dagâtufle g6ct Futslly Wound Mothen. Wellington, Kan., Sept. le.-Tho' rdore %McKnebly, a car nepulneu'.and ils dsukbter. Oretta. vire founfid dafi "d ?druin. MeKnelly prakabiy tlIyý tujur in taetlai0c1Ime autikivîs -cf Wulilanowiltiir tbey recently bai uiovitifor tic daugitcr's healtu. 1Ail tirce hati bien siot andi tutï aku1¶i cruieti. Roiieny in béiuivefi th liave lien th io ftlei. Kilt for USn,*0. Vienine, fil., Sept. 28.-J. Ild*trd LWalUhMlr vuarrestfifat M eM tIlt*1 e« liS, ciatgefi vili th*mUflwe, i isfslien.in.lav. Daiel C. Rehurtumu RJaq o ,dy vus dincoirerodàtb ise bi a bunlig ban K lP SPAIN IS PRIMITIVE siNty -Iw Cent of Mer Terfihry ie Uttinly Unculivated. Madidt Sept. 25.-As ttse risult of as Investigation orderecd by Klî&g AI fonso. tie mînlter oh intertor reports tuai 60 per cent o! the tant lu Spain1 l tWeultltaLted anti 38 per Cwüt id5 ~leuy vIliont Irrigaion. lie reprt shows tiat 4,500 vilages1 are niaient roatis or raliroatis, $0,000 towna andti vllages have Do scei0010 ad ai 1,000000 Ooh Spains i,7,000,000 Ilii ikilltants eau netier reati io r Z ta Se6omd flsrrow TriiÔcl. 21. saefmiXinto, ('aI.. sept. 25.-Act1ng Oovr. Wallsci appointt Judas W. M. Cogjey. of Mutera. te preaieait the seond triai oh Ciarence S. Darov' on a cisange 0ai biery. Tietrialvili 99» la Lois Angeles on Oct. 21. George Henry Nevoomb oI Lake F'orent hb amlied a letir te cashý- fla¶s for tie legliatinre ln t'lits 4Ws ýt u sklng them niaS lie.> yldo la lie mater oh dlsposung of maewage àiang lie nnti shorn eut sot elç 110;.-. cears experlence add system of. buying gives us a big ad- stom-e fai of the latcst and newest styles of the season. the fuit benefit: In both pytra* 5elkcton. We ask your urely en menit. Wc know we deserve fL We know lt's to tai weiI es ours. , FOR THIS WEEK-Cooprr Cloucd Crotch Union Under. »Seste Prices. We can aind deo ffer you a $1.50) (arment fe offer 'ou a $5.00 ail.woôt Union Suit in llgbt r heavy hIcier Suits ap d Ove rcoats on display this week $15 to $25. FOC $éie F I e ->i f ~OOIVETMOT HURT Iust Emspes InjurymWon 0k. lahom*'Grafidstand Falls. Pistfonm Cr&ah., te Ground Perillng Mony Afft tii ipisch et Tuisa, Okîn.1 Refugots Are In.mexican City mnIeud Iv Lbel& - ,! Tulsa, OkIa.. Sept. 25.-Sovierai mona '"uwy oure vers borne down lu lie collaqs. of the granttand froin, vtteh Tiiotare s C Cj ,Roosevelt spoke bore, andtheSi.candi- OM0O6 lYHUONBII TL dati ialself narrovly eacapcd. No one a vsilnred sertoasy. Mn. iRoosevelt riaciedTi'uisa eariy and' fanuifi a large cronfi altîng Insurgent Chiot le Salid te Mn bleu. Hi vent te the platorm of Akundant PunIs 1te Curry la is car to speak ' but van 10111tuaS ftuvuIutlow-Por Uunltad maotiir crovt baal aathoted la thé pouBli quare. Hi .ieouldo*dis vy tlirongb tie tirong to the gru«- utând. Ti2re b. talked firteen min. uteà andi bat msS steppai tram the Ei Pano, Tex., Sept. 2.-PIV@e bus. standt ta return tafils car vhou the dred rnuis under Gin. Rojas sre Us. structure gave vmy. A flom e mn, sslgtctw tPas.Cl mnt cf tiim army vétenans. via vire ui. hre tioe r une;vril iutdl on tie stand ver. throvn tethetuax»f lun croled -inh Cil arounti. hbaiti Oum s arato? ai * Mr. Roosevelt rau iack tosust the palgu of ItaOt u tlia te. men Who lhaîuflien. Hi min tuatIfe ibas dimundul tue sufteude, of no on, hati been huttMd bald thi Pearson,wvici ln défonded ity 400 ci'ontiback nItb a vave ofis baud. fetinals. lI! ialahrinit." hi abouto. Tiere At iast ripants e o wumovug ilp was intense oXcitemenl. but b. qulete ortn'5ta attack ansti lmlahlna i" the cranti. glarSai. ______________ any Ameuloan vomen are ta pet son. iavlug tuken refuge th5eetiSai. ONIIAI lunthe. rébelgveulfintS m r Leosne leCLSp EALTO'liý TU.lE G ng Oroc a B~pt-üt t 1 À prolol b i ent diun lu DECIORO TUESUAY TBNT COLONY Wit.L NOT JOIN IN THIS VEAR. TO BE REILD NEW YEARS EVE DECISION MADE TO MAllE TH-E PRICE 09 TICKET$S$5 PER COUPLE TH#$S SEASON. Thi annual Cbarity bail ibis win- ter vili be knoN.n as tie IHospital Ciarity bail. Il viii be for the beniflt of tie Me- Aliter hospital oaly. At a meeting of tic hospital enter- talument conittee iuid Tuesday ut Un. Fr. C. Kulght'a. ciairman oh tii committee, It vas decidedti 1 bave the bail for tic hospltai benuilioalne tis yîar Insteati of includlng tie tubercu- lai coiony. New Viar'a Eve. Il vas decided iuse to boit It ln the Parisi Hanse on New Yearua 81ve, pravlding tie hall 18 obtalnubio aad thaitithemuic tey niai, la also openi on tiat date. Prite le To Se $5. Anotiîr Imprtant matter decîflet wus tiat tic price ttus season wil hi Si a couple Instead t 3aà us at yéar. 'ROBBER& WRECNA BANK fleoldints of TowA Awbh#<eAiky last and Thieves Flic Wltheul Plundar. Sterin. iM., sept. 25.-Bank nob> beon vreckid the sahe lu lhe Stats BnonfaIHOOPPle, COMPltllY nreck- lag tie Iront oh tic hank. Tii explosion andi siue auvoiteu. deUts of lhe *Ity andt tirobbers voe [torceti ta hfec vithout any pinnilin. vetlgatluig the Mlélea outvq rohnuer Ooie.nhor Gsites'ss, f Cb iuaiua u"te, ad tour othits tellit«f at bearinis bore Chti(ronce hsb a dIefi mri tians$3.000,00Mizicanm mosey. BoUlon Pail teciarés tue toinblm5n ladice« theimnila bave lie0M Patay 0f mont oetue piaule a1 buabnu. Raiiis May Crase mb tcrt*a, Wusiblntn. ept. 25.-Gin. Bluevif reports tiat thei nbels are tinieaten' Ing th cras lhe Areriean Ift ii iti the Bosque-Bontia section ôf rtias. Mio« Camiron viliiprivanât l*i trou croslute bAntîniea t*Wtury andi ratdlng. Cen. Orozco, vith 1,00, men, le la lie vtcinlty et tie Gin. Trevînos rinci nI Labadila. 110 miles ioutivest of Del Rio. 'rnoapn hare bien rushedte behilm off If b. ai- lempta ta crose Itta mevicin toei tory. WIili lv. ta Col i '.îy. Piano, Ill., Sept. 26.-Cildrmo a Niciolas Men, of Bristol. aibeget lt f aller iSa l>uomi affectiti iy atudÏing Havies tiucilngs anti ln- tauds tu sIve ail. bis nîsiti to lie oci bAt Zian (Ciht. Hi has aiready dtipood o oh x,OOWthe &aliote. acte o Pore Mrquette. Bloomlagton, Ill., sept. le.-X. H. Carnait!, former supelliteutient of the. Chicago & Allan 'ralinoat, io a bie'n nnet uperluendiat ci Irans pouiatqu of ti@ Pire Marnuette, et. tfitive Oct. 1. Poison Serrîes K1<111Boy. Joliet,.Ill.. Sept. 26-Josepi Boasei, seven-year-old son af Mn. andi Mmi D. Dorzsci. of Limont.ar lite, l deati as tue resuli et eallng poison hernies. viiici ie mlstook for vltd grapes. 011 of Muaurd lu Eyte. Schaeffer lu uit ou charge af Pttisg oil af mustartilatae lie ssof Paul Bennett, a ssiali Poter. vile et- temping ta rab tam of a quarte. OPermsr Klet In Ruslmwa'. Sterling. Ill.. Sept. 1SO.-Ciarlus ]Bien. hfory yoars oit, as vqdbi fermer, vas kiled iben t I" ii van driving hîcamne frigteniti ad ran sas. Edeu's nici v.a ifen. ,REQUEST MA* SÇN TAKEN UP W I'TI4ST WAIIE MOUSE NO! TS PMIK RIDGE RECEMIN ftJmf4NsAV ILK MtOffl T*,O UN*WL w stt~n-.i si' oo Recoilver ' bsso f theeloctrie ralbnoao ornpany statedto tahe BSut yetedaî tha( tie, Company le no* takina up viii tue sMat* vurebousi sad Main oMtulonern tie metat *f belus grantefi Permission to ripat Genosue treet bridge so tiat cari May travoil i9as st, qHe Idq ftue ey, bl ad thoit mgl- mor oirsat anoa liemailer adi bei ýlievodthtebild4o e*Wd be hput liet shape for usé iy tie striet carlUno. w0011.Pb*% 16. 31n. Jian.ad tat ko kad bal &0 niqumat *» t ie omWiukisn of- eclain (gir -DiiiAim ta lai pis <croaethe aur*" car Portion las OMMe <o ope.à np aitrame f5. Isus. He Odt atlmate vih!e courseétthe cosw lan vMi urm a oséél ý ciii * u 18- "s t~e1 am.;.biten iHthé laI.t qoaion 6*b»11.. e tmbbiosta n #Mr,. iibiuilgefor striai Caruse. ToO rivil Wsm"ilngtob Street. Mir Johnson sali til au. ltiubi koped ta do idIote colf véatbopuMeu Ivas ta put la the it gpiletf rait ich, tii cowunr agrefflq. Jj lame norne lime &go, on the Wàsblug- ùmas s.4%o a,4vert. u makiug ut necoisary ta raise tiec e ksanti Put tuaI strtn apoissai!. uiape. WOULD PtE LEA9ER lIES tormanyi E.rivoy teaLId., Barqu Von qheae4uu, NEmaeSuç sy ffldniroliir, Oernan, . Sot 1.- laron Maoil M&recbxlln mpwer- gitsîn, siiccoson ta Bumarek as the 4stfflg ma"eta a;? led qut- 46alî. '. én irâs appointed Arn- laispiot taa làAdMtya~d is &Ilenut l vue JfiJu4as ongslitp tavari tue rervai or frictionand asi- laUIrMU for L fan athp i tirt- $Boa , th&peMi of the voié ne.i tares iàîsev.sly eers ail Slua 1SU4 hi écarni pruis ian ilster àt sai andi linge yeans later tue Sm. pe&ror a in iion iasaar. ~unin. Tolic nliamé f l ermas pmIsmcr aI Wý si0isi CM&. Ion bonSaff. nid ee»tWu âth thel Sial t t 0 5%OUbm stdeot 01 ~dorbM taaL udon. tinmn =iel O«piiifle.d h Wte bave X c i w u te UBiÀ so . gqiak U ai 30iWcents Cod> dige ha wi er bas amltv. beatu ti <aspi iodav e Cliagifeotls. Iiioia but&Il resiilbemati that ie from 1 to e taI Ponsa pteas twgurae, wut 9atillhhr 1 ;cmwnettui 4 t THAWIT IS TOSELL IT. IT- PAYS TO TRADE AiT1THIS STORE

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