0 A Thomnas of Wauwatoosa, Wtt.. weIC z a Waukegan busineus visitor te- tJ/j 5 tU'JU ~Wfd ~ ~ R. B. onnully, state or@ tnapector, apeut thé day vîtt ist famtly on TUïe DO-rERmiNED'TO RIS ..- Sheridan road. 3t»*fflNO0F POLITICAL MA- The tudenta at the. local hlgh kèi,40NC*g AND S08S98. tchadl are eonslderlng ta bold a straw ~ ballot on thteélecton of Preident fM j» tAA# SpMU e rs. William D. Whyte and itug- J~ICOA~ AUYSP6C ESter Dorethy Marie apent the day lu I OIuIa*o. hwce. péole esr eese VI1L r ib.'woa W4ý- »t um fom thengo amd but ào-conntede wlth tht 4~agb ~4u~rmed tt-*ute.la »M tesy weth* .sturnp 'i4h. e.w Proureamlve parti. 1 «MaI betul~tg hig MeLeon btwm*u$d over ~S 5 Plf~tdwut tét re- !I bt thMeWa.'trtp.9bbaec ff tdo gben th« *ère ptica -cls qIpumh b tt htloes me - init ftleë en b ~kb~l.h. etevn ta has -7e..ia h.ttmhal 17 PESUC §L fUM&t ta b e Laot. aud ut as ntor unk b» M»r pu~artes ip t'bLt wDuefl p- mud mm ovembetimbi u Mest or Saab bu got 'b U tubnom Mu?- la Thts tvenlng a, the home of Ma and Mns. Fred Churchill dm N. UW street, the Order of EastoMElt tar liii s1v. tht firet card party of a.dtrtt -Mn.-dr-oth vill entéttalrtt.3A, dîts' Aid Socety of the Germa Re- formil chpcb tomorroL .*ft.rpfll at bier home on North St. Jaubes strttt. Mr. and Mas. Itoy Newtqu «f Rock- efeller spent the day St the. hoie 0f Mr. mat Mr. E. . . eydoer ce N. Counitytre&t A number cf local people viii At- tend tht regular weekly roller skat- ing Party et the Na a Itattot Dril hg l t veing. Thte Oolw crole of thieiret Mtb odift thutlà *iplemteitly tentet- td lait et9ilfg st the bone oft MImé Nellie Maétkty on Second'tret Tht members cf- the chorus lni th. Mik art mie eSqe tel eb. Premst ai rebalttt t 7 o'lack la tht e nI- peretflttmple thto çdaite j. n. ltaiazadt r 0f Mt ar ae- nue lett lait. eveljlt. fýor rOas. wtes -hê-vtWll--make t-fus - H. i$ tamntly vWm l in m ithe aprlu. Tbt fuaieral et the tut. ive sieuthz old chili of Mr. ad Mm. -P baBua foWsi maheld thM gterneou trronttht (lilmore borne on North avenu, le- termeat lu Otkviood ceintei-y. Arthur Lanyca bat sold i ts bome st the corner of Maclnatavenue and lltcktry treet adbus îuoved loto the Lanyon hamtttetd on N. Shor- dan road. Tht tuttrtainmtflt and dance htld et thte oi, lait avNmtug , rt4 benett et tbht lent eolOgy prOw à very .euWrtainbe aCmqIr and wtt at- taedl y a good sleed audience. ,Tomorrow aiterucon at 2:30 o'clock la the G. A. R. hall Mr. lAroy Moore ogihe lnIty Socety ot Chkiago Ivin dpUves aieture and the publie la Kirk Porter. ann f air. tnd Mrm. Jiî ýx. jptter .09 WAàtV, atme<, îEa l* àdega tomorrow for Ana Arbor, Xich., vhetsI'e Ut vll reaullne 1s et%*« eat bMtchîma enhemity. Tht lather Ltgat of the Svedjth Luthersa church helti a very enjoy- iblt eveningIstaittgt ln tht church latIOri. Petresb»«peta vert uervbd by Jlels Agnes Johnson. M ru. H. W. Dahrtager of N. Genese1 àtt «undervent au eperution aIt te licAlitter ,hlimitai b(odW &nraltn< aad ber condition lau omnwhat iq- prtn'éd today. 'The itev. Johnt Herbert Edwardik for stvtntttai years rector ot tht Ollerch of Our Bayior, EMpùa ebvreh, Chicago, lM,. undty morntti Mi'sgned hbisputorate tuer, te bW: OOM t4 bheU of the Cburclh or the Unr lol rit tute, re Sott ?vo distitaet MM'&d bd th tere' tt i elet yetetrday lftbitubn W" a hait hour tntti-val betweep thoen], Borne vlndov vert broken and bous- ta rocked alghtly. The Wa&W«aa towm.hip htgb sehool football to*o i viiPlay Kaao. "ha ut Ill4ttile ýsh aBut eteuY.: M»e atet qtId -et Att.ey 404 lire.. ClatieC. llivard.t Wààt urieS eU Oakwaod cemtîtry at 9 o'clock Wol- nseay niorutng. Tht Joiiti omgnrgali VIIOb- sere the featti of HIlall tabha and sebauail Aerettk wles«Ro. Tht Temt et thet la ta hetsfd Out. 4. OLMU ryvnuemubée p es Min ps eieAnd, Miag Anuna Beaattà ~, miivhe lit ItUanreturneti to Weukegsn twludatom * a dfito b. l», ýhb $*M a Color-ada vhere thi agent Mthec-690> I elcome. Punik Bros. 8usd my le tht largest grever of s»W mer vitli relative& aud friatnds. Thar am wert. * ýW live.ou North avenue. ~ e .eaêe t,~ Irectors et tht Public Service.,oru- hm iebd@ te. pay ofi Nortbern IIlInolhave d4twlaru tauoati »Ud br- thte tht regularly uuart<rly .divàepàig . 14 per cent ýon the, »"eu« pt"b nad 1 per cent on thet con e tork btpaabe Nov. i. Books cloie Oct. a ba, Slisuryandi Benny. ai the piane nfto!ihnots also RaeCne pîyhouge hy Mttt an d aé of the-sub- ally made théir Inistin.iti Iti 0018191006 Mise Salisbury, *houe lelm1lu Wahaé .~a muesei-kegfn as hm iiay admirera lth iaeinêj "àfo 2e of vhom preseuti br wttba' l uo f tht heautiful hoquet luit nlght. Ul<*om 150.00 to The Waukegan Tent. No. 51. K. 0. T. M. have invitai! the memhers cf lI- tai iives û li a 1u tu Man pta Stitnln ithe G. A. R. hall. rh qo& o4mise.tu e uaviaer enahil *0 ,program aving bea al-taego j egp ttun t" tarda wtll be a featur-. Ritreub- I th fia. Saasa' taBtiS teta IrilIbe terveti. Wl1U * tt trly histttl of $bd Doweiliand vtth a r"d exumi.At O CL JOJ ~ re~ aiaui~iiu e IBateu for Admission to the td~~AtcG ~N~Dhti~be ar ncdà iefcofBOoh e o a o.o ! ~ ~ iiN ______________ b. Ilatons, thtc 4id~i4tethé six district iertnda ttb for. the Xlietodlut mlnhstry todey, te- conferece, took up the mater of tiie MITI400ISTS' A T FEEifIE O5g t 414 B01,0C0ItiPRINCIPAL KNOELLK, MAICES *KT Hlofl STA fln Okgo, -*oMtte ýoù conference . éatnkèoduoa tfl.t býv PULPIT; ANTIOCH CAN6DIDATI, meutORttllàce not Oniy the devil sud Ql~lpfeIYr t hbwer. al- RERT W#TN 0A50ERY. ___________ .10t18 *Wlbut tobueco fi oom> nets toNy>At- b. inade gt tou aAl4ýr a wl. u d hUroe iLbes*on T usendagyea TRLN ISOEV# HOU> EXAMINATIONS TODAY -6B~*1thtm0denlals, h mh o mut b. und fuoklmoi.AI, * i4xcltloub esay eni, L n gwýu 4y0topfti A. %. *TIWI0OF LAKE COUNTV Rover rua hitO debt or aflov bis wU. I This tnchwod «Ueo regts1laOlRt,ý 4 15 0N54&OIOATE on oR- t do so.<entraihietm, doctrinft aMd tiNti- tT Ih4îVO DINAIuON WEDNESDAY. « "oI>' TttI. Inv.sltlted. cal Ilteature. TI4EN CI.AIM WAIKE*AN AS ____________ et the 0" aiuoence la t"cng ase ~ <i n~Tm4i out,MtISm #Atm- In~f~n th6 b bject o! *ged.ia lutlons .ahiQt*kqt up,»tbe«trai tESil- _______ To beCOMe a Mthodiat minitter to- Provetwt thi deciaration of the. ex- i#ters vto are obargeti vlth irregu- day reqilrai aot o!sf-deatal And taBM11ing omitttee: la;~lv Qefld<t ena >espUcul ton- italie .& uIIUW of girlsftou Son mtrtte~ pet~nd pot u gorm 0No anddate for i9rdtnation wtll dE a, tiitT4 ljt!r)L,. . ty4 oPalhoritlest thVAs vt bue. ta the danm f or joh eieptid If bis family htutoey lu Bows, a member ef the omue.tut uaouest BottDMoW flu bc oed. Tbére mut laid he thought there vente b. no oedp 0"l M à.n Wesley. taunde r orthe church. '4eno nMrds, 8gambiers or thieves snob triaje a&thtutu ecafrtiMt. Wakegau holp~ea, tW avoid psyiug tut. Thb, tac t IvatbrougbtoMt Yet*r- upen hi* fanitly ti-te.- ." 4StEvd cf .Afttoch,. lÙ, a $t tt q Ui5ýtgliP jO du.nwhea t>6. annE alamusof o!tht *Tht conf"tèhctwhlch fi the $ev- canildate fèr ortuion. 1ne tats. Piuotpi k" cwr dat tha r Fm* utt Steet4Wfree opedèd ut 111- enty-tblrd a rutI one, opeued yeter-, ed the conference i'uesay.are 5v. or six Iuou-r.eldents or Wau- On. young gsti.tht ddtaiuh «, wealthy tarir, tu tccpftd 4 Pou tdthl;- ".echool but refuiS vos Mhton. UMe eaim $ho ta a ses mint oi the olty, and thtt ber brotlb &wDa property là WWukun. BhOul t he b. coiapeltd to pi tultian? Thot ta the qu«mentto has le pl a phtbàp0f ttut hi ofeuctoahuh*. psaL Bma w- Umii ailté paytng id"im. '174, si te hoeèat t tw lm townahlp îhoiad b. oouipeildta l t#utloî4." sud W. B. aith, preut4es 0f the bhdMf board SU al ~ ts shok Par tltwum ThIt mufles W". pbwlac utbe hagda of thte mahitte - ... t:. t 4 - - - -ni .. t- Il 1%"e ilouse >t Alway6 1GI*es Y dû Bette* Clbtheài LL~to! eclhd more Men tilts Làst SëàsIU fin house hi Woegeon W(i -IVfwcause fbf à20 yer we t#ave delheÏ, 4 e éi<ds. Becîmuse tr2 artI S a STANDARI) Mf*TIf CLOTIIES are knwn to be SfIUL FÔi 24) years we have *en you Ftigh Glass Tatiored Gerad M t are out of ithe Common Muate rei.Gime -S thot havé StVIS; Séi,%oceéand CIa blUNftintb them. h This 19 WHY you 9hôùM o n our 2lst Fallt Upenhi, vf9t ta and Isec lot ytheWfI*wonderftilnew fa11 and wlntè 1MI1 aiting yotW «i&lIIône Iis Ig WIfl'fi*w91PâY Où UIn m'onëèy and SatIMacMn tt, sée whw we offer frm 01,06 o Ip o $25ooI We have hsi hretwe y4es bnu Io twSffl" #e. WE S.A.VE YUMN r& C~4, l'.t .4eiè. t . ecm I - 4. <t, 4-tinc, r Cohie and âe4 iUs. 1 -, 1