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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Oct 1912, p. 4

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COIJNTV City Ediiors5ýqIwdoflOi T.lepbm.ru. 145-U I..i.rtr'vlile ExCLBDIm t4,-..i&t D ,jl tliiryiIe.f., .6a Second Clos. MmII Natter n .... iAdertising Bts.1111s&Knoovia on pllýation. &ÜfflSCRIPTION PRICE, S1.60 PER YEAR 8TRICTLY IN LOVANCE l'Y. S. MITH- à-, 0. SMITH .-...... ........................M anager IRAY L. I4UBBARO ........ ................................. ...... ...... Cty Editor FRIDAY. OCTOBER 4, 1912. Thot Lake Villa township illotte< 1neid a ued of policete cle'ir a peti hma.beauin the sir for né long that the 1 toesgt the blg Sul l Moer into the publc generaily wll ho glad whons!nht'.ihl, We hop* hell cOee but we dolinltely disposed cf. deulit t. Hals gt toc much on hand - + te corne hers. 1.k. Foreit officis tee ,m dter enunto~t stsmp out Il sort* of vice, Iet looks nom, as If w. wll soon add tSiue. ihat la ena cty in the. eounty' anther township te the county, te b. wg" SIOULO BE CLEAN If none, cnewn as Lake Ville, thus lncrsaalng ethu, le. the total number te sîventeen. Thei I. long looked-for recommandation fromn t41<5 Vllatea have bean wonderlng the supervisr.' cemmttes hr-ii benu whit lucarne of Frank T. Fcwler dur.'mada, now itrs up te the board te WWi, thoir récent c6ntet fer the. nov adopt the suggeton-afld then It will tovfiuellp. He wus one of the orîgîna- b. Up te ttheinon te fi.. the details. I#m' and boosters of the plýn et trot, AnyhoW, we'rs gladt' a sottlid one >et,lateip he has remalned quit. pas- way or the other. Th -aGèïfiiam, d.nibdcriti candi- Perhapa thât policeman «who wvos date from thta district, la busy ail the ms laInCempany wth another vom»n time In hlm campaitnand, w helleve, uni -for that reasen was made defen- tIe former superviser chairman viii i*iii16tIe divorce suit, vas carrylng b. liardfrom ini the final count. H4e out an officiai at-he may have hein remlnda us somvlat cf Judge Per- a rrting the woman ln the case. Only'aons, vhen ho wa4icampaigning. The. lie iows and ho wont tell; nt now. Judgs workid quletly aIl the time, nev- 4 erseamd te blusIter, but, whon tIi i Roaevelt 00ES cerne te Wauke- prortîmeu cme,. hi developodà =jthei prorntersocf thi e ing tringth which Mons In the county uh' suel any bhunasbanda te drav a%eptd. rha sieeoré,tebe pur- 111% o rWd te thei srmory. They' il suine a similsu ceunie. ?Iio.e wO dIVO through t*0 0ooUtrydiStricts thus b=omof btous *m fW@1d~s#1e. a eole a yem >&o bs 7AS~.I A - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " Fi ~f N SÇ< ~j- Lieeront. Sept. 26. Lait. Foresmat Iproeint exPerinc- *NOLIII MA CANC l aisthte Most viîe.eeeping cdean up FOmwTEiN 10bluDg $ uilipSli i ils -iftlo,7. The cries j as given te tiei]Aie Forest poli. %* uo aglsb cf C>mha yealas a fiv daim go te reuci-, al vice ~f'ýlsao4sdbis match vitit Billy iframein tiiy 'anti. judgIeg by tb. sue. t"ttet lb.thenaval training h-tion ctcess Ibal bas fe their efforta. igàChicago, velervlghtl chantbe dmj-test andi mcml remote cernera om f tite uavy. The neya vsw arî f titi city vihi fiel te raye or the i kWl 0 Walters as i lay upon a bel »ascbflgbt. ~pisla e .naval taion itospitai, Arrest Tîree for Cosrbllng. Mmiesijag trom an sente allact of Sp-1 Oee et te meut sensatienal epi- .4m.ýitla vih i vh li e baidbei sodes eoriis cioan-np canipaigu csna1 etaiebsu Wenisday aflerncon. then tire vîU teovnu nug me ot lioglt uni Walters bai neu lte cili, oui thie brother of ene of te ..faltcbed te go titteen rounds bitons tLake Foesot aldermen, vert arristiti t'tbé St. Josephi, M., club on Tuesdmy,' on a charge of gBinlîig. They gave1 iiOct 1. Titi men tere te weig tule thir manes as fllcvs: George <t 145 peoodsaai 3 ociock. Pelov-' Douglas, emptoyeti a. a chauffeur for -16 it tila lt w1avs thougitt very Bite.I Wal ter Brevster &"i a brother et IV tlit Walr*rs would bi malcitot for. Alderman Thomas Douglas: Hua .& boeut witir Mornie Boom, tihe Cii- Hanson. employeti au a citeuffeur for Cage velterwelgbt wbc appeareti lu fltaniey Field; Jack KItit, emplcieti -Wilegae ie one of thre boxitng exhil- a i te Ftzgerald Iirry. tIons slugid by te aid Cuits Atittetlc The min vire gvin a itearleg hi- çlub. Engliait gave tbe promptîrs ne fere Justice Curtis anti upon piestilua xesaou for hlm action in canceliingthie guilty te the charge vire givin fiues bout. of $12.50 eacci. *Theicharge wvstitat Titi tact tai Waters.n'as etrczen 'titt vire playleg carda fer meney - vIli appendicîtis wa flot the cause le Guet Jebusona garage. ef te bout berng canceiied hicauqi Drugglet le Arreîted. EBgil a td net heard et Ibis viten b. Dr. Frencit vit conducts a drug teck te deviice action, store in Laite Foesat va% rrstoti on Waterr was stricken mter sue- a charge ot seltIng Ilquer vitheut a denly sud uuion beiug remnoved te lthe prescription. is hearlug Itu te tait. bhospitai declaredth iat lveudbi place ibil. at«eneen.Titi warrant iceSsary for hlm te subreit te an op- vas servoti upen hbite <trt thlng af. *ration. lit vas sai t te'tation ter <inner te<iay. iii ea la parallel thut thiti openation vouiti ie p.rform- le many va. te sliîar cases titat oti nome ime tiis aftemnonn. havi cou. up lu Wautegse. il la aid Titi nature oflitis Illness las ue itaiDr. Preuclitvili figINI ihe mas taI Walters viii tiare le rimais i Tit i plc s "trt taitiey bave anf - ~bai for a moutund lt vilii himonthol iclent evîdec te convict lmn. "efcre bc cao esume active training. BrI rln An.tl ?bier. la an even chance titat bho flOT- Wa lee Jr An (cicyd ie05 ter VIIIb. abi. ta it i oid stride le ucWate rbrabcpou an allai cm ~te tt garn as experieuce -nus Laite )gForervas aion aleiit lu many Instances ihat asuer ~atAemn'oFosu aimargeteil thii Iýati suffereti an operur ion for ap, - lg osel bsp UPOe AR5 unitaiThh.oliceeraanlouetaioy #A OIS a figiter. Titis lte fear Zuns. tbe poine anit'va itiiai gnavlng away aI Waters' vden e rv.tttsieaaguu 'b« bs frandsare ameig t ve cetd lu the pl&su butbisfrinti ar mekin ~Obot vWbll*aud colorai ý mnpipu MtaI i la mitalcen v41 a su mnbPaieviten l", aidin ta Arnetedl. leaumat bai naled off te Jack Badwin, a veit tuevuree dU iintcomment upon dent et Lake. Forel vasuarreteà Ne risîUai tht ttis aflernnon ou a citare of coue* upidhavebaite ho calliii ig a biLnd pig Ih la charget tial j woid large quaitiéts ef ber. Titi ______________ trial wîi tai placi neIt Mnday. cimas.lt ab reau, te. Twc detîntives trou th. Bur» »= Wt- m ebu l*picedagency have beeu vorting tu LW"i a irv t he oi-est for te lent tiree or tour deys - b.m0<o" 4t- 'U vibien asstieg te poice 1 *0 a~ thq dean-uR. Tbay ccuid vork odowtom f gas bgmWlI," p i .u=lr aivantage lu noentanmces *bg oeriletlu tée uWlS9t Silby vere net teowu. esseil e is or ,eIaso . !UfpeUiint ai5-ni8ti by 25.000. ic. Tele:,bonr o. Porte ver. alvays denied mcml ou- pliatically by MIr. George. One of te ressnous vliy tlii vainugdid net tait. place bures u t mMr. George.s meibut alvayis ozpressed oppositiou tu titi mfair. 'Latin MIr. George sete-a a position lu thei Laflie Hctel la Chicago lbut gave ibis nP te acoopt a-better pesi- tion as travelling manager for a ris- tguri teOmnr vblcb buas sbig string cf restaurants luatte soulli mn vest The position la ose carfiiig mucb rasibllty sud Mn.Geocrge airoaiy bu mort Icemade goci. - Re la a Waukeg. youg ma vto, bu5 greva op Iuntte oernmlti. Imm yeas hlismsaurnei titi mansgossult of bi$ mottera rsturcmi on Wasa- igou stroot. After graiualiug trosa thte loria iigit seiool hoimvet te Le- land B"tom di aversti' la caliterm Aitheugh i btd ilIf0Wltes .bit flt" on. eli t e audt,- itla bis intention té Mate Guthrfe. Ols, bisgOlIn eut borne. lncldeetully tiieMakes anobliero- mance that atartet I thlie ii keov Gergesa restaurant la ianca ese te couples uit eac cter vitile lu the retarnt. il vas cnly i'icintly ltaI John Ward, prisent eveer 'f lthé restaurant maried bis becdý vaitnesa. The huai chtef lu the res- taurant a shtort lime bieor. thut mar. niêd the pr-deing head -atreas, and nov Mr. George cosses alont ani Proves Oceluaiveltitat Cepi ban es- balbfleti permanent quartera le Ibis reaturmi. Titis sitounîti t ip te any young veman vWho la matnlmouially Incline&i Apparetl' mi lte, neetite tic la ta get a POsltIon a altresle Ibis nom- &. C. Freetforme, presltieut et the Citicago sMd MUtwant.. Electrie ragmci. vsw u mf 130.0*la thi Uniled ti mte.itrict mort lu Cli- Cage Fnitai' aflennoon hi'îe Ban LUt. Inaurafi c cnpsey cf ilotreal, Que. Titi lurance emcnffy s»« necefty ou itPrornlory noe, pay- able la ttre.monti ad ae hi' Fi-.t tn 1907 for 1175000, vithinteiat a 8 ba reft a y«W. lnipoiiit as-ridby 25.0m0. a SATCII70 t *V S i>toid BU. PT14iI, QIILA- 8. SL8OFWÇO, ýlIN O0F L. N,ý0.fâ. IQ~L CULMIJNATION Ot TWIIO R11- MANG9 TO STAR'? 1*4POPU- LAR L.OCAL.. NSStAURANt Afclrdlng te a imipaicittros Ou- titrie, O1tia.. Lelie N. <omieS, a irai- nte of te W Wkqgaa 111 b ctl ed a preminent - femer Wauikegan enug mn nuryanliof bshie ts,,bas mast hein marie.ll taI City te issi Helen Ellastlt Goodi.e, i l eie nt met vite site vas employed by hlm as a vaiîrias tg bis restaurant. Tési dipe lidcates tiýtt ilvas' another exanpe-,o t e oni as Mtitï: 'The ceunie cf true love bairer titi mun ismootb." but that doipito titis, true love enqueeretail obstacles. Vite Oipato e oib"a GutllrieOkla, sp. s-fpoc te the Bn)-Wben business letnita prevonteti Lelie N. Gorge, a soci«y man of Gutitni.. seing>te Ciican o t mari'? lles Hileu aisboramb @Coti on sipternbir 12, a*.jigiieùiitîse made lmMeditely fer ber te corne te Gutle for tbe cireuoiy. Ilnese taire pestponed lier gelez, but the1 third turne ele arrIveti. Plans ofthte briiegoom frqud testeel te bride anti again- peatpcne lte rire- mony vere averui eely vlien thel bighest speed automobile tai used to distance the consplrators. Tihe aneounceniert cf br. Gerge's marriage viii coen»a a genuine sur- prise 10 is maey friendg lu Wauk.- gan. Soi-ral times rmuer badit tat the couple verw murrieti vbile tbey1 botith i-ci lu Waukegau but tIsa, nle- which W. AsPe.se Sure to Please BEEAD, BUN& ,oOOKIm Presh Xvery Day . piES. CAME, DOIJOMNUTS BM"e THLE &&NIAY WÂY My otel lha* hein "qitiy remodel. iand iC&W haidléà 0t manY mnore peôplaeasec cofimequence. dur' 2S Paîr We . R LOCAT RD NF-AR" OLO ORPOT *~~~B b.ov Wwdm. Ietthle e, tL la f Oié t y Timn. r4T KiI. LAi £*Fgey"' ýaîtotitor people aig- ~ ~ i IIN I$aliéh'in~r iti* fo4 imlnn Valva 'am 4o--, .the lm"4as Alidt a s41=u*obÏ"m e5DI.x l>,tnheriflicle No. 2 vièihtc a t ng 1wWaulponu-people. te ho- < "La, "çý%0 10 -7 lalos4aetly aci-cs titiroaSi*avof ttlesvgWb* anusta e lel~~é trou the ýbfl Plant, Voliva mcd blâ swsrmleg t»w»jed harm aetNta it&inoce, a.don *wée 1101 Uobqeqotlnla 'ber tIblovmrs;jme >at as determinil thict year. Tiir.leibiateiya da4 t-at.at4DPt LtbuI lv* httb thoir eap#Ws *bolicouet for neught. . liai P" oluede eàt iartt ow uvtibst al ecuMix otpeecbly live. Rer Theti ritIsiIntereat smutas te sort eft vlhe titat la beins l&iW condition. or mit!i vin' o*lccl. ave-mqien ftthe luttle tabernacle. bars. Dt* fl «Soleins. The. #»WtVouylîe urowd hau doue Tt vau but a day or two taI n 1Mn, Wi#son axe. rou the raI evrtli*pesbeta rage the lit- alteSsE blInd man worked a steee- tat table at whlcbhbep ton ee ysro* eh tîs buJiMfp aa4 lu tact have doue se fat sine br. cudi seceestell>'ma& osecwaa siatai. on svl* l» i gtvY wvho blcrued lhiIt Ith$ "au Coins te lookt a t geur father's 1 t w sà* Iya fév days âgo Ibaltit1e li*ViO cmhi# trait. ITtVWa 3. PNpituri,' saltite mother. as eito vent .rnplop'ee cd ,tihe Cokplant, durlngMaceze. tie RexaU druggI@.te hoeot et the kitchen. ti m01000- bur. tercited upon thé lit, iiaccvered the fraud. A montnt etlter the boy board a r&.- tlm bnlitilq md witb axes choppedIil -À anDis vi te ail appeacies VaS vlver sitet. He pau lmb the front te th e sod" bilaI as titi mie Mr. M90ckiasie'e rou rnà ddeoovered bil*pither ly- Thoti ,y7 bell day the Votive Poo- Store bY -e mmmli boy. Titi tllev lig. unconaileus lu a pool et blooti. pis pet ban 1d vitb tbe aid cf car- vorelarge bIne pogles mand simulais i ve..s Alam.. pontaiS bhélite building reenstruct- a vTry faiering gait He annucsd ed so tbgat kw»a possible to hbld a that hi vas blini andaketi for »- The boy screamsd and rio te the M»Ua . %ffý tht nght i astace.neigbbors fer belp. bds. Wilson aU Sm iii torn g ithni teg : . ata otsyo h tl ec.sill mlyo, but uncomaiena frein thi Born tie irlnptit niht bte n-tWltioutpiveg l. mtte a i* on f bleed. A bullet woueti vasl ti-Vollvmlbee aan msrchied upen t ed thcugbt Mr IMcbfe trendBl! to fn" a ll e rieitt niti* or ber bond structure ged laid it te the grounti. Jt e bis pcek0t anti handed th. fellov nefar lte temple. Thte vrici vas dlscovered le the a cela. Thon a titcugbt strucit itir. Dr Pttup H. Helme. 342 Wouî noreing vue fellowers ot VotiveI it vas partiy eut of curloslty ant i rnllth sireet, vas summomdnet l wc'nt lhees-.4e.-.liold ,Iheir M@eetng. Wg)rtly. Dffuge he ,w'maboi t. 1q ~me . i ~vet Againtbe. atiecture tas raised. Nov Vitetier rnet the mn use aicurably smluat covne h ain il has. corne te sucil a 'aisthat thte bliÜ& 'that be asitedti e aiebig s. lte tiospndltoai. .fmidte bptet building lu vbclly or î,artilly destrov-1 The-%*éfle hd hein mita this lb.thullel bt d eae te Mn. Wib id esiy ver ngit. ut vey tr0 -aOie tbiii loveraI turnes pparantly bon tÇouii net Ilice titrigitheb.day. 1 look s IrIt vas a casp of seeleg vho te Pronant an â»apanely sigbtleaa vio. the Police tbat ab@ bad n"ver coesad veu tire 0 thte gamle liraI, ion. Mr.'Makndlis expirince ua u Attemptg te destrey thte Utile taber- opticien stood hlm ln sod stoal -' nacle havi bMenmadle for toits. 8ev- thengit, for it Iceit but a giacei rog. en ira ne tvas set on tiue but the bis tralueti vision te e. tht the fiéI timely arrivai of the fire deprtMet 1-cv Va. sitaun. >lHOut eues hure preventitilit trou being destroyei. pid te titi Police Station ant u s loite playaMd tboy are proviug te riIvedthei llev badmaie - o - ment populardesuctive agent atttej OCI10. HOinla sai te hbeve -- i vk'à promt tise. sernapeiople iib bhl@ smooltPU Ail yet ne logol action bas been ta- Titis la ontiy ome examupi et o' ken altiteupit l ismbenu tateti se.-W«»Mkau people bave bie om le ~* irai timis tbha, voiva vas about te by titii erootitfakirs batt ei e I biglan se"tte ag leemeusWonMaiY otier p adopgdatii sud the destrnctl eof bls PrcprtY. Ne jpetim eVaru piehito e hiatiter ia imeuste titgx t thtt e 0îa Boffui b @y>therinbute ltom* citaxl yet ripe ter tlais action. ne that 001Y thb. ieitaam beau Bora, te Mr. anti lra. Fdvsrti lav. J. P. M IE - ay mluenas. à teCntid boy. Mm. 10 iith anghttr ef Mn. andi Mva<OO S5 - eIL 81490u..-r. aiMd 3 1 sft l, nsurance ~ff..& CO. Nwcm mocxx , S LA, IEG, YOU,ý W-ILL EVER DO 4&eesyour opportunity. The lf. imsrance man is ready to take your application for a if. Poli*cy." "I amn not thinkings of dying co do not care to inaure." The. Agents saysi "0f«course you know you isal die Borne day. In fact it wifl b. the. hast hng youlh .ver de.»" "LUFE INSURtANCE or UATH INSURANCE" "If it js if.-insuwaaceyou hal*e , ama mte ii.mak.t for*ny more." "'No" replied the. agent, "I do mot sQel) i nraoçe. 1 quit that Y" a go. What 1 tel is d.ath insurance." And if thik prospec- tive applicant is oeakin corne moaiey and Ias net so ur.d on the. wosld, tii.agent willi get an application. What tii. Agent really sels thouesigh ~neither 1f. insurance nor death hnapralice. He sels INCOME INSURM4C. -That is aul h. bai to oeil If yOn have an incre-if your .haaaà and br*i.. jre mon«y makers, 'and you deir., to have thoir imcpose, cOul mie tg, your fam sal hould you be tukisa way býy d.atb, you should buy all thei lubrace you cmn couvenimniy C~RM.' Ph... 264LI MuQàLD ln à.W 'te- buta I¶el('4iPo mgo W a Wioen eu-, The M-d a bie e Mditl l lalover deh lare « Whop vs 94bîlucadti fou itot oin4Wti hen as oi o on Wtb Ced grotnuuoirl ter se-e te ity a nce &taf is rda ti d frut htermat mcd if l lov viPti Wlon vitevaWsoandcoil Wetluai. he young Thesole o of ae asre aMdo bos*tbois georaua- tio tvrsin"îe milsr ecii. âet failsneeciuti e ly plan ets eg cup BelIlm vJIre narie.is oti amille i1W everdina lb.viid: g traction eompaay bas gee to Pitta- bnrg and Bmltimnore, luU *Ia ParoIsse a nev locomotive andi a large znumber of rais for lb. nov rosi. He ispecta to hi gene sevrml days. um CIARtONI JO H,.N 14ôoD5Q>E DqtlWc A! w vanwia, mm Our VoinmNW.

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