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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Oct 1912, p. 6

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$IGHT F 8TUFED PIGON REthem ras by Uiesavln te"minaI' in HLrSAlCSVLOT in0 ie ti w epe n FRESES IN YRES F OLO f rdepi ieo. wbicb drewlicao! 0 OA' AL UE lteti terabote--lvi RESIDENTS HERE. the birds ta earth wher, grain bad - lr*iter of Watnkoen ver. been aprinkied. A large lnet vas then Termînation of te rcelvercblp or biuWesiitedeati In thefir home at Ant- ibe ail earaîîce '-n ýie w'ndOw Of: th.... over liîem and they irere beat- the Chicago and Mitlwaukee elecrcE0Ôlà, bd.; ,Tpe*ay nlght. lhùIiti Fx eer, 7tore of a tuffed ,en ta death vith clubs. rallroad, vas balted yenterdy a7 Tbe. Yoaiimani, ho iras bu?.d1 Im e'."e in ks 11ýt îias killed' Theýre are tira theories whliih ave etated exciuslvely ln thé Sun lait bO M1~' poured gaaoline onto a I ftar oîý1r- ro La., caused con.j heen ad%>anced Io expiain the disap. night bfr jue flI.Jtglbotet offis la lua beater. The. tam t t~r:<e cir po o o te prtO!pearance of the passenger ilgeon.nî, wheu objections ver. flied- ne ean 'eaoded ln bis band and h. 1la'; c1di mne re;dc-nts of the city. One la Ihat inte migrating the. bird.n to the confirmation of the saie of tbe and lits vif. v er, crematad alive ho. Years agoairbeu there siere fnot were lown te ses and ai, drowned. ilnosecti or0ftiielect croad. suchstrigentgamelaws, Illinois, The othe.r theory la thait thte syatema- Charge. of "team roler mèthods" fcmore tb e lre drmntrahe Mrs. J. Encher, mother of Mr. with irbalsas known as wild pigeons. pigeons te bac iheurt and take nO in the sale" were made by th l)o- lîhlayngnaboptltA- Old ime residenta of Waukegan and care where theý, deposiled thelr eggs, lectors. gala, 104, e thb. POIAt of death b. ei soni 0<îheiirseotgeleraion a ti at l(bey mere dealroyed. Insurgent iondholders threw down vw bdybre aotl.ba u weîl avilI teli you of the great flocka1 There were times whien hasts pling lhe gauntiet and announoed that sîrni- ebhouiders. Ail hope for ber recavory of theaebitide lat were every spring on th l'le hall their decka piled three lrobjeitioswud befilei nextwhaaueen e uap by the otso and tali saugbtered by the thousand.q. or four feet high ithî these dead eeo before Federal Judge Geigrver .unm ed1drs'te ond lioddanly they diaappeared and low igeons. Scores of «aid timers' have %,lien the. malter of confirmation of The. decaaaed er. married lant lu order ta secure an intelligent alopîîed in front or the Ingalls min. the saie of the Wisconsin properties mate r 4line heir n rrome.a aeaa'chof the Anierîcan continent for dow and say that tie igbt o! the pig- came Up.Mr. Butchier received word of the thé prartically extinct passenger pig- eon carnies them back many a-ars Joseph W. Ploaes, attorney, appear- deati of bis ater and lierhubd ean ln the hope that the specles may ________________ b. gvaifromextrmintio, th reed liefore Judge Landis yesterday ln Wednesday afternoon. Witt u 'ane wards ofared by ornititologiata for 1MAS. DUDDLES US beaifo hi. motehls.m ahtngibi edI t jkns orltehdle thé at two sassons aili ugain he of- $12,000. He ses w o o odclaeouting muer ferai this- year. DA's.R, IiiiMOT ErwErep$12000. e alodleared the e-! etunig orn, tram ibis awork tbe For Information of the location of ereale bnioleab d.ex-dad man found bis wife attemPtlng a ustig pir r cion oftiebira SVI HER NEER AS N A. ent of $200,000 ln Wisconsin and that ta cook supper on a beater ln the anyvitere, In North America, when FIN ITY AS FAR AS SItE WAS the atrvai efogl1 ; ii i aten. 8h. ba en tînsuccea .fa*nd iti parent hirds and eggs ori CONCERNED. 1gb n an n Chrgs a tempi b ma'- at "gupooti fire" young undisturbed a total reward ot1-MksSst.gChre oh rcrd a esjpil a 81000 wll be given. At -leae!t t'a") î A. Daddies, nife o! a Norh, lie made slarltling charges agains thie lerosene con and iras Vouring nil socleties base offered rewards cft Chicago carpenler. la bacl< home vii t i.h metobers of the protectîve com- on the fire wbeu It expioded Ib bis $1.500 for on, of the brds, dead or' a stin7,in,- deq oo u cag aiemje f the. electrlc road, vnich la band ines ta îoscnd te ai,,b> ber husbandti lat she ran air«ay headâed iv George M. Reynolds, pres- îilcbeu va.s a mage of dames. The 0. E. Ilodges of Clark tniseraitla Wilh an aflt)y. Ident of tie Continental and Colu<Moames vere beiching froffilita vin- howver, iays stress upon the fact "Thera In no afIBnitY and neyer was; muercial National Bank. tutige Laudls dows of the kitchen a' ten lhe tire de- that lhe possession o! any Iirds,, lth-.: one" \lrs. Daîtdias sai ta the Suun1permltted hlm ta file objections aud partmnent reachad 1he res Idence. er dead or alive. is flt deslred. The today. "My huîzband Juat made titat' the hearing on te malter viii camae Water mas poured jyto th e kitchen effort le diracled seoiely ta sava thbe statemant becauga, ha didnît know up Wednesday imorniug. through the Windows, but boitb bodies fre. vwild pigeons Mr. Clarke la one vbat aise ta Bay. Il la Irua I loft Mr. WNe vill prove liat lhe sale muade. bai been burned 10 a crasp beforae wkI> bas Interested isgeif muc in lu Ddues. .?ut il vas because I conld Io!the Ilîlinois properîles at Wassk.- recovareit b> the ira fIg;tors. tks regard. j fot gel aiong wtbhlm. 1 hava been gan by a decree of Ibis court vas1 The residence vas compielaly guI- Di3ng the. Ivo years liaI lthe marni ta blin fulr eleven yaars andI don. tiirougb a teani-rolier process. 1lad b>' the fire. eaffh bus bean conducled. aeveraî have bad trouble with hlm aIl that conapbnacy t0a uppress compétitive: The funeral of!the dead man andi r@PugIS have be receivad frottadbt-' lime and il la al due ta lbe tact bld., andti hat tbare Bras a genera] bis vif. vas heldai I o'clock Thurs- tsaîlt parts of the country' of tbe liat b. la an od crank and la jealous agreement of the protectIve commit- day afternoon. bitE observatIon. Thons, however, of me. Goodnesa lnows he baifna tee 10 leep bidiers out The mame Bryan Butchar vas marnitla Ulm wilbist Cldeption, have proven ta b. cause for t neyer speak ta a muan un- vawu true of lb. sale of th. Wisconsin EtIna Herberger of Waukegan tva VIFM isî fond&dati or confirmation. les. i la lu a busines ay>. Tien ta properties of tie roait at Racine." years ago. 8h. accornpanlad ber bus- tAil oa. f thse oier specles o! pig. tiink liaI h. <houlti Intimatte, because "This sale vas bons ie and ah- band in AnVgaLaSud. '*fl r dom. Tangible evidenee, il la I %peut a week vitb frIends in Indi- boutel>' an the square," al Attor- 19 o a beaue f8111tisa thi e s.- ana ia1imet. an affitY thOne. It ney' Newman. "Charges 10 ithe con- New York, Sept. 10-Tiiretal gw'5inswSili atm tei ls vflld alat. laU toc terly nilculaus. trar>' are basaI... and a! no cons.- price of anthracite coal for doinestic T» blhW lSietees luches l ln 1i I as In Chicago aIl the. lime wth quene vbatever.Y consumption vas fixedait a$6.50 a ton boir bs'led. vith r raf.t St reads. Ielofthlm Just in lach hlm ________et tihe b.glnning of the vînter Raison ocenful .1tîth"lb. 5oamtnà alesuonanmd you cas.bat b. va. goad Robert Dai>' bas lbat a iriving on Ithe lst of Beptember. t wviii not *1111101Cb. bwvverais malor fmlan d gla ta 10s.me viien 1camse back horse that be bas uaed for no man>' b. raised thia inter. i~éediaiUbge d hy a backs spot tUss rornlag. 1i vil stmaY wvlhh hm veaxa that il bai become aimoolal fheRc.pollgh eae usi n Icmal bhm afe s t as Te evar pcl"mneha- f0 toeet. ha discussing tie leasI until«I can fIni nome gond home keeni>'. er" than ln Wautseg. Tie retail Pamagea-pigons er.for ur hîlienyPrice here aiready la $1I.for range and 1 I5section, deniars tisa Lake'% big vekly--IDEPVEKUNT. egg coal andi 88.25 ftr nul coal. MaiTU ln8 i VNEm$ 58UI.EI oanU T OWýL" " q» e 5 - " - - Mb* % é sm la 0future. Jegouu.*IP A i~yféor tti a sauio; 60 "..-ueJ4'seoï UIlmïMix h Puir esahaqual ~ rtu btlie faed peoduet 1Juat blore <versees '0vo . . Sw t «,gi"âoàNiw.. , neaM4 of lb. noruck tiaited' Nu sfatory ef Part? .Wu Stn City Yisi*..q .t,.ýg* uriag auIs!lis Racine, la te0 limanactured b>'a ete Ia ~~~ td1g" >0bd ~ sJlmqfrLes A*gele Wauisega dturtry. 0v~e.t rfrotUthe en tffill *Qf M.Ora u ipsl ii.ts uaslture l'or the peutI 1ev yerstleechemE- Mineals "en&, 1whu~télbo~îi ~a»ule losa of!the Blalocitord Cal! ài*ù lcosu- er viti tise club Satnrday uh. pas>' have been at vans experiment- Tis a veaseer aet uneo vire e ing almag tuali ne. xecenîly tjb,>'l c. aU the. ntatilon aMi tbe*fore diacoa'ered a formula vhlci, chesuits bc vas theIn guet atairda> vmnu . IiIfy clalm, viii niaise tleb. b. baby's foodiTTis la a veaihi> club lu the norhh- AU O4I, 0 ou the markiet. Western usetropois asud thiit Eation Tii. product te be maoufactured b>' came as a surprims e tO OVA sud - . lthé Waukegsn concern dîffera mater- Buioed a doI ei , ta aed bhlm a cor-. e beO u jam i ialy frosu lha product manufacttred dial receptiolà on hie vliil by Hallck's' and Melline'. jIder Pecisiant vas lu charge of!o.nu e i Insteali of nsin& sagar n hmn isut- the i4naY 1meeting at Ziotliber'- factura of the neir prpiuct, tleB.fan- nacla Sanda>'sud th e atîesdapce vas veli Cal! Meal Faclar>' viii use bon- reP0rted ver>' arge. ey. lipeclal macbluery bas beau de- Ot1o Ciiesky, motorman op tii . Il Cem.tery Work of Every igueit for use In tie mannfacture of M. E. R>'., suferai an operalbon at DescrIption the. new proituct, and, a soon es ibis tae Jane MrAlister hospital %Ionda>'. mactuelnr> bas b.» lnstalled and lb. in vorking order, lh. salesmen af the , Mr. and lin. John Austin hars ens. cfi oII big couceru mill launch a buiness gel- la Montana for lira. AuStInl' bealtb. Cr pnec oiie ling campalgn. Sasuplea o! the ne« prodîsct bave been ahovu to a tev of Ad-reaiers bicorne bceae'wu ea Waultegau'o drugglats and piyaicas. 5a i3aft or bey rr NS Tiie manufacture of Ithe new pro- pnopogMoe%$9. -n< 118 2¶T.a duct meana mach j Waukegan. ilt tey ' LANtlng bt i uuewanketJ yull meam the emplyment of a few aiditionai banda ut lte big plant lnl liis citydl> d ill iraap coniderattbI#lE@eO ê gS S B p advertlsbng for tie c1ty. Juil tal O lie flair rodutscwaili b. calale 001etWIHY NOT BUY A During bils careerjohn W. Barvebi,* presldant o! the Blatchford Cal! MWa company has devoî.d-considerabie o! hls Ibm. and mtady 10 the ps-adar n eP il e S l knovn ai 'baby fod." At on. tlinajI f e - ie e S l il vas reportai hhat h. vas ana of the large stockbloders ln tiie Racine cas ________________________ pany. This report vas deuleit b>'aIl int.eed parties. Whan tie Har- lick's ireI sIartedti l anuatr hbeur celeiirated promect, 1r% arei It la said,.bâti au opporlanit>' 10 enter1 Itb partnersbip vilihahepreident o!i the. concenu The, BarvelI Cal! M.eai faclory - iý the voslia largeat cal! meai factory., Cal! meal la uhipped 10 Canai. and' Anserlcam points trsrthe local plant. A few moutha aMM Mr. Barweil admit- lei thaI plana for an adtidt to'the facai-y ver. b.lng conaideneit. sud il ia expeceffl liaI a plant equalin aiss ln the on. liaI bas been usci b>' lhe compas>' for lb. past ten s-cars vIli b, erectai Sext sprng. Thia company ovns a large tract or land ùean theur preseal factor>' and it la acclzscvedgedailt Itlbaddition viii b. erected 'onlthe eaut aide <of lbe preceul plant.. * Am"Y oze d.efr.d, amtup ommplete% i aboe . amiatlomam use thi e j iuaprov.d doo, fraime that w mot a» imfrimgaud n n .the. Hader patent I T WILL PAY YOU TO FIGURE WITH Home Llumber. Co.1 I Libertyvile a HOME,9 SWEET HOME! No matter 'how cheerless the home mag seem., how lonelg the hours mag pass, how cold and drearçj the winter dags and oiqhts may be, it can ail be turned loto the most pleasant place and time of the year by visiting the Meredith green-houses and selectihig ont of those beautiful-Pelmns or ferns, tagether with two or three Plumoses or Asprengeri and a Maiden=llair Ifern, theg are ail of a beautiful Spring Green. Two or three Vincas or Ivg Vines creepiog over the wall adds to cheerfulness. Those Large, Ilandsome Chrgsanthemums of ail shades wiIl soon smile upon us, watch them, who will be the First to get them? Just take a view of our beautiful fields of Roses; 13,0S0; and then look at 20.000 Carnations that will give us our winter flowers. We have a surprise in store for gou, gou illII find everything here for the most critical buger. 11 Design wvork of aIl kinds to order, both forseesôdaaod.othme purposes. Meredi'th lFlww- Greenhouses on Flrst Steéet, uear the oId depot

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