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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Oct 1912, p. 17

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', FRIDAY. OTOBER 181912. t' ICOMINO Car of choioe York StteAplu Leave your orders now at J» ELI TRICGE PHIONE 25-3 S WI3A TERS Are you a SWIEATER? Sns. people SWE domn nthinsi som. people 5WEA~T doinlam o tLiag, and déere ame son. people tuat dos SWEAT inucli und.rmmy c-cuitm- e But op people wear SWEATERS, do you? If so cma1 inteest you la buying on.? W. have a fin. I of thom n ldsock NOW am W in have more 5» W. have tien yuL mad without coflars, V nec and conbinmtiom, 4Cotton, haif wool andmau wu nealy man shadles and weights, with buttons a without. with a range of pnices frosa $1.00 te $5.1 W. invite you la to see tien. EVERYTII1MG FOR MEN jB, Morse & Co, PHONE l14 Làibertyville, - . . fllhiuo To7stola are Nt Mios mÂDpegaranoem y bedeceptive. Don't lx cgt nappingby"attractive drawings o!fur- niture. Buy with wideO pen eyes. Se the article an md exanine it thoroughly. Whilole igdmgsaedejIal.e, mat. I US I na mauij atu e , a re Uqhia.Lim flpor'tt IYou make sure of ail these ementiala by select- i ng your PuLrniture atter a permonal inspection. jWe affo rd you this advantage. TREPTOW & TAYLC It Don't Make Any Differe nce Wh.t You Want in BUldngMateia You can find it "Satisfactory at th, Libertuvifle Lumber Company PJFlwoe 47--ftes. 72 00w. by Iii.Old0opi I SCIIOOL NOTES LZ ER Y I LE R E P I..las'.waaabsent Friday afternoun on "Teaci Iaccount of ecknesés a 0Marjorle and Maron Taylor went to' highciat vint .OA ND PEII8ONAL MEINTION PO. THE WEEK Chicago Saturday. They vi.lted the Art Instituts and afterward went to ns ________________________________________________ "The Girl eIt the Gate." To insua pubiclton ln the, indepen- Frank 8kinaër le able ta ho out again The. junior ciam. had s test lu Germaincr dentl. copy muet b. in the. office no later ailee a long ulsgs of typhold lever. %ond:y morning. Everjone W@Ca dis Tuesday of ach week. Adver- Mr. and lia. Roy Jnne.o! Arcadia. etudled their Germen mine Friday nlght.ofn Ilsers. eapecilii. are asked t tains Mchgan, -revietng et the home of The, senior elau had the mM tes;ta particular notice ta ttus ellect. B. . Hawkins. due il they knew ai moch as the. junior.. W. hope @o. Becanse it would b. an _______________________ Mie Madge, Donaey of Kankautia, Wis., awful blow to the. senior dlgnlty to h. T I. spending thrmw reka aitbhlier sunt, outdone by mer,. Innior,. S Gso. E. Webb of Antloch, trausacted Mns. Byron Colby. Tcois are trying ta decide on a FU buainess lni our Cty Tuesday. Un.A.B. Cook returêd alt week rig u.eem 10 be having a littis this John L. Boran of Antînci, @peut dun' Thursday t rain ners n ,nti s' viait "rouble about It. aeI " dy witb ye edItar and lamiiy. with relatives at Meriden, N Hi. The new blgh school rectation roomar Mms. Frances Colby @peut Snnday and Mrln r.B .Yon atrandI belngequipped with new blackboarde. cn Monday witb Mm.. Frank (ileiotein ut r. ie .Yug'netle Father Kinsella wai a scbî,ol visitor Austin. rlative, front Ohio, svera; days the one day lent week. what Mrs. John S. Clark of Chicago, latteer ato li a b .r o hs Mr. Weil@s habacli and bas resurned i. vlalting et the homne o! Mr. and Mir@. 1 ek dulle sa as itor. Mir. Peltou verycor tiMr. and Mmn. JoLeph %%«l,,n enter- satistactorily hanndled the job during hlieoi Byron Colby. tie r n m bprlo ia absence. W*The.women of the Episcopal cburcij4 a d M. and M l br.Sert on 0; ao, The senior@ enjoyed a Phy4ie test last ) will bold a bakeny @ale t Mr. Walronds aud r ndl n.Elet\ inof Friday and many learned ho w to eay l > tore nit aturday, Oct. 19tb. Milwaukee. their alphabet@ ai fur as "F." Lak~e W. E. Davis returned front Springfield Mr Henry Elfrng in con, alesd-nx Bt Our student front (lmer. Elizabeth Tuesday where lie hsa bien actîng in the. Jan@ eAlikiter hospitali il Wauke. Cook, wiio drove ln dning the finit oital capaclty et the. Stati Fair. glu, havlns b.d an operation for inonth is Dow living et the home Of!th@e I ppendirti. Lbdiaihe place laet week. Preibyterlan pelnto, Ber. Alexauder. Don't fanget tii. Republfrafl nally ut leThe senior eci.,under lhe inîttuctioil Capital Suir the LLbertyville town hall Frlday nlgbt 'Y<>u hall botter attend to that res"rved of Our principal. has contpletsd the (tonigbir.i Good muni-c sud speakinig. seat beloo. ltu lejts. ciaptereunuder "Matter and Pore.," Mm. arre tiummtt oit uesay ira.AI.Paners "Mi@ H" Paier ..Mechanicu ofLbiquide' and "Mechanlci "U trs.Care hiumnlttfri Tueday lir. A. Paier ma Nis Roe Pnies o Gaie" in Coleians Physîcu. Pran evenlng for a mont'. visit wltb ber son of Mlwalikee. are speuding a week witb Burris make. tie study very inter.stlng. Robert ad wl!. t Tyvan, Ssir., élie. Peter' Mowees and Mrs. John Lnclan Ellawortb !onxnerly a member Canaeda. Dolienmal4r. .., of Cls year'i junior claui la attendlng Mm.WalaceBulieyha@retrne Jon Ct#rwiühav anaucionet ie eoraidhigh sciiool. Ho reans wltb [rom Radin, Wln.., wbere @lie most feart north of Ibis plaie Wednesday. clie. ýA aemesl day. vliltlng ber aiter, lia Oct. 23. Oue the annoanernent litn John debell and famiîly are gains ta me- Wum. KIneela. imall on paue 8. mots 10 Florîda to livs. This will take Eservui sisuan tickets 01.75; sinste The. local furaltunu irmi are donatlng lie eilidren f romn our échool. adision ticket, 50c. Gt a ssson Idmchairs to a b.ouet th, en ertain. Oni o1 lie book cases buhie enreinoved pg ticket RAd ave 75e iseide isserin« a ment *durs@ no eteryone rnay have a froua tb. aiuembly room ta the. oukieIt. godgueat tfor m«ii intertainmment. contfortable esi. Theroie tevilbc ui frnb.mang iaInie..al â»n The public llbrary commttae lait week Workne avare t von Imnrovlug and for thm sehool. Tii. magaes bave ca »IL aded thlrly-flve nese booke ta thelir raodmling the Kphaopal church , i sg bunto arrive and wî hope ta develap high POL already large liet. This brn»i their lilt understood ext"mve Impro,,ement@ areahbiofkeigwl itdash bes oomehi«oerfvebutdedbok@ a c ad tieba.Arailda Brome of aur senior claim la cit tamomhhlg oer ieebuoret haki tob. adethi fUl~attending lb. state normal et DeKalb, we ,0ý The commislbee lm ta be congratulalid From .thii date an the, Satu rday igit Ilii. upon their enccnse as this in an exception.l dance@ et the Lhhetyrville tcîwn hall yl O ccutofti rmlatTe.a and al7 sonod howlng for the Iength of Utis .ho conducled unden new management nuOnsercoua; fthe tlg cbol uls la [a ;.00. b.ellbrary bai bien ln existence, belug and wyul mn lu a etrictîr respectable r5ialied et ichool during the Doon but two'yeare aid. manDer. haur and msofo the bîoys gave a apreait Noit week Wedneeday, Octohen the Mn. and Mme. Ed Harrison. vho have Thtoeiorhe a@rmrai aefnihd elu Cttnis 23rd, Eicelelor camp, R. N. A. will hold lie, reoîding !p theie seodtftosti eadnior orm e la boeeiee.' iclyfni a itchGo Ol !Intruction and Claie John Lester building, mît ci ths ;weî Tho Atnican hiotony ciam g folîow t>over Blankets- Adoption at the tawn hall under the ta Hligiiland Park where Mr. Harrison ing the accountésgiven in the newepapers than ever th direction o! Mira hltrom. Ail the i, employed. concerang the Tnrkiab-Blakan war Knox Blanket@- R. N. A. ramp. in Laks counny were also the presdential campalgus and the tlaniet; Our invited and orer 300gueste are expected A nme ftetriatr u local Burns case. Several of the Seprenie officers are &lsoeu eea oge athender! il,.. ,'iii.&iiiual Mise Boa!, teacher of the third grade New9 eiDected. laëse o!Instruction at til,, uVzaegs stfor Clicago Friday nigit ho apend Resrv yor eaen icetswhle heillodgre bail last week Fridav The net Sutday. la. Betri. ynr eaon icktswhi.. hecam wiill be beld t Anti,,,rhsotme tite Tom Efinger, formerly a mnember of pick ing io good. Spe Decker & Bond. i oy lm 1 s n ttending Lai' Foret , , 111111110 But eightr.en took advanta* ai the uiord has bien rer 4 ire of the Ther.e le one inmtitution ia our city Va Vs ipeia!excrsin ateoffelby 1hesndden deatb ai Kali81,, hum!., to! Mrs. whicli represents 6)CC7 citizen hers.Tii. mianagement of the EvanetoLà Theatre1 Wina. Kelaey, formerly mii thii place. She 1eopl aamakle it a eucefsso a tlilure. Saturday niglît and as a resuit the will ho rementberod bit many of our Tena cn matie it an institution to ol1TI erv ýe Io to b. diseantinued. Thonsidns aignis. n sv~ e ýrouof or one tu Le aiamned of. w laattndedwiîeA~ onto! he bat ;oter, oloi mnh.lev.îIlu!ghieunr public sebool is growîu., rapîdly in ho ttededwiteà» on ofthebeo b,,,t,,,SAlluo oiKý1eydurng issize ad just as rpidly lu repuation. ~ U high clams productions ever itaged. ItlIet illnessf. W aeago i. rgesv eol asta .im Vlnin'ad wimnd p n the grenier part of u podc.d a manner bighypainto Lswskadl mîiinnmtd thoroughly sincere pupils, mIma are' bere IaI J xgngfrontthe geneaalappnîmi eal y PtrPeghod i a oon learn and as fai as iwithin the wthi which tbe announcement oaIù uoinens inclnding t4m building anmd power o! the. board o! education and the pýOprty 011Muýak_ vene veroy possible advantage. But aboard alid i. anston on Satnrday evenings Christ iloyichou o!fluir-ago, formerlv o of 0feduciatio)n and thie teaichers cannot was met by theatre goers, weare Davenpot and u,-misderation was make the sehool a great uccsssUnie» decidedly ah a Io@s t) determine why the $12,000.00an il ts said that the the people ail take a pnlde ln our iiilnght waa not accorded more Scblîtz Brewing 9t'uîmî1anY o! Mlwsaukee, institntion of learning and lend a holp.i Ing band wbeuevenposible. Encourage Obral patronage. About the anîy inanced the deili. %Ir petgei came the boy and girl who ha. a good ideal t asibe solution le that the people duîn't hmnfronttChicago ttîrlve yearî ago laest and a gond purpose. Our sehool Js realv a ant the apportnnity. July and purchase i uf George Boehmt rapidly approaching a poeition aiangit iii.aalon uilîîagmd usIessac-thi best in the t te. flelp tam maie it hinoslode on bdig t b u tsieslutle one o!tht eet. Tue school solieitsyour knowedgeto e th bes Bi@ lutheIntereet. Cone visit and se te w LIFE INSURANCE Cty. Mr. Petges bas made good are doîng. S.curity and utability of a ife ns. nc during bis rcsicienie boe, ani Evelyn Eriksuta a new pupil front compay ilsfoundin lis 1 tends tb retire froi active buainess Chicago entered the seventi grada copaayisfornl ais os-ILn payag life, andt wii for thi, present. malle hi, Tuesday înorning. This is the fine new -honte bers. tahing un it i realdance at hbu room, finisbed with uew deaka and other S EE U S Mtcianin Grae Rod. unîPaents. Mis Delia aoag i. the R N Vergina Collins is a nsw pupil in sizth Serice ettheEpiscopai ciiurtb every The bigla ichool elock has been repaired DititfldMcagrSudy fsoliows: Churchsevcst and now banga lu the nqaa place. OÉd10:0 &tu.and Sunday achool nt 11:30. Many o! the. hlgh @chool peotple an, OllColony Life Injumce Comnpany Al cr ondially invited 10 attend, planning a good time at the auhumn offiuce laces Onk@ci lev. White, ilector- dancing panty ta be given et the town hall. uct. 25th, by the St. Lawrence choir. UMM% The blgh scbool ebowsd ils palitical entiiuaiaim Tuemiday atlarnoon by cat- lng a traw vote fon prealdent and for For rire ana Litée' Insuranlcle governon. Presîdent Ihoselet 44. Taft17. Wilson 8. (dovernor Duun 19, SEE Deneen à6, Funk 12. Charles D, Proctior This wsek and next yl b. busy weeks lu our achool. The pupllsare dotermlnsd AGENTPOR o sncceed in thet entertalument Course ths Jear. Thbey hiave evaryîiiingin Ui New Ha pshr ir.l ma c ompany layon. Enthusalélnt lafine, tihe enter. ~ Ii :~ ompa y taomntsl promise tobhe the vary bout le iia uulL£ IsrneC m a y Te already bave the c-operatian o! mn01the Most influenilal Maips. UBE I* LJZ &L Coe n isud help lail yan eau. This We hav, wilcortalnly i. a grnat treat for al _______________________________________________ cboolesas or yu t15 en-poato We are prepareit to repaIr funnihurs o! ai kinds, maie cew furnturs taorodin _______ and apholâter bbssin and automobils. Jack Sprat would eat no meat, Libertyvlll abinet Warka, H. W.G B ovys.. phoue 176R. G mis wile would cut no more, IfYtu Contemtplat@ haviag a« auction Againe monevai],ordensH.ilJ . s und aet i $20.00 Globe H-ot Blast Given Away REE ON Saturday, Nov. 2nd, 1912, Stove is on exhbitom in Our show Window 'e received a carload of the famous Weld ~oro Stovss il èuaranteed 25 Yoers st I)estructio from Rust or Corrosion I. B. EGCER Libert"M%, n4DI h. economy. That is one of.the firet and tues. It begins with maving nsoney." -A. Lincoln.' you afford ta disregard the example ot of lE CiRLATEST MEN country can ever produce? If you Irise. you wiIl think this over and clude that Abraham Lincoln knew the was talking about. ne in and Deposit With, Us County Natiénal Bank LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. rplus and Undivided Profits, $90,000.00 rnkets, ri b. welcome news te maiiy that, whle and nmy other comimodiuies vil b. or "ii winter, they can still boy bakt âeaply as ever. T4i7 cau fron s m Md bave proven in winters peat that our, kNKET VALUES are the best offered; .a County. i Blankote-5~Zi72, lu pretty gray@ and tag' bed, pair................................................75 @-We've aiWays sold lisew sud they' re -botter iS secan. Sise 60z76, pair ............. *'**" ..... 90C a-70x8O, an extra langt, soft fleecy cotton " Iprice@ on Cheme 1 ....................... $ 1 .3 5 Outing Flannels, Flannelettes, etc. DARROfLL & SONS CO. NORTH STORE PHONE 29 SOUTH STORE PHONE 31 -h. w-

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