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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Oct 1912, p. 4

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT' Office Tel1eî o. 1.CityEdit a sResidence Telephone No. 145-U Lfbertyvllle Excbange Ent.red at flic Post,,ffiçe at Libertyvilie, IJL_,Aâ econd Clasa Mail Matter lesspdWeelv.Adertsming Rates Made Known on Application. SIJBSCRIPTION PRICE. $160 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE W. J. SMITH ..........1................................Edtor F. G . SM ITH ..... . .................. ....>.......... ..... M anager RAY L. HUBBARD ....................................................... . City Editor FRIP)AI, OC'TOBERIl 1.11. If hard coai la to bring $10 a ton, every purchaser will want ta go out and count the pieces whIch may be brought ta his home; and, he'I want to send a boy along behind the wagon to pick up those pieces which happes to drop off the wagon enroute. Theres no telling what funny s tuations may Brise. The new ule of the hospitat association to the effect that doctors who @end patients ta the hoaptal must insure payosent of the bill which may bceIs- curred, is a geod thing for the hospitat lt doesn't affect the doctors much, but. I'ow about the pour, unfotunate patient who poaalbly SHOULD be sent to the hospital ? The chances of hin, or hem getting there are not an good as tormerly. 0f course he cas get the "o. k" of the ccunty doctor if he caes to he cased as a pauper, and, wheeas, possibiy he m'y be reaponaîIbe enough ta meet tht bbiil aftt-m eaving the hospital, his physciaf wiifoi feel like "o. k'ing" is bill. Its a case where tht prospectite p-tient ia made tht ose to face a pos- sible serious situation. The lm uteos fot sound good ta us--we helieve i has good intentions and meant ta protect tht hcspital and tcnded t., taighten oui the county physician matter as regards Cie additional $800 for hospitai atten-1 tion ta tht por as approprated by tht mcent county board session. But, Who latht suffeer? Not tht physicians as a whole in tht county, flot the county docior, foi tht hospitai people-the poor victi'n who, perchante, may bt hors est and trustwomthy. but who tînt stronq tnauqh financtally ta get his famity doc6tom ta agetut stand hacit oT tht bill he may incur at tht hosptal;4he's the one who s affected! This new ule la ont which wiil cause *orne bard thînkisg! Tht wholt situation atrikea us as ose where thinga are geiting ail tan- ged and tiîted as regards caing for the pour, untortusais sicit people et Lake cousiy, with a scrap on ta&ste who a ta get tht most money out of iheir affilictions. ts ,tuotad thai the poor are the oses who muai bc, the means of retrenchment, economizlng, etc. It'a too had tht taperlmentlng and rlgld ruies cannot be appied to those who are beter ahle te stand ihern than the pour! Tht Hospital sheuld be opened ta the poor of the couniy and there shouid nt ber@e much red taps and discussions as ta who i. te pay the bil. Tht buill should end wiii be pald. The county la paying enoughite have the whoe thlng carrled os wthout iis Incessant squabbllng and apparent efforts firat One way and thon another to sidetracit reaponsiblltits. The whole thlnq la geting farcicali DYie *t 'o Pivorce! Divorce!-Twenty-seten caues n¶4n lritcourt. What's the matter wlth Lake Mrh1Limberry of Libertyville hbu six jobs and he thersiore o a novel record in the county. ]Re uhould pass a few around to bis friend-he vouln't mins them. '~Former Supervisor Miller of atiiis year did 'nice tJing for Lake county whon hoe êtoaeh uxhibit to the state fair. It inbound to attract attention te the. coty for the. dsplay is very creditable. Farmers are losing ne Urne these days. Even on Sun- day they were t b. sein at work iu the. fids, the beautiful ,voather meaning much te them in the. matter of getting thor corn down and in, etc. The corn crop seema unusual- Irefie reabouts. About tbree out of five persons seem te think it is Frank T. Fowler, former editor of the Sun who is running forCongress against Mr. Posa. It is "Frank L. Fowler," net "Frank T. Fowler". The formerbas not sought to re- move the impression that it is the former Waukegan man who is in the race hence many continue thinking it is lie who is opposing Foss. The U. S. Senate is making a big fusa trying to find out who contributed te recent presidential caxupaigns. What's the difference who did? Whlen it is definitely de- cided that one bunch donated extensively, then that bunchi will turu around and prove that the investigators likely are in the same boat. It is some joke te think of the notor- ious Senate looking into the matter of campaign contribu- tions! The rew township of Lake Villa has been created. Well, if the nu-mber of people who wanted it were greater than those who opposed, the majority mnust therefore be satisfied. One thing seems possible in the territory and that is that an impetus may b e given to ipo-n certain disgraceful roads which have flot been cared for in the past. Perhaps if these roads had been kept up in the past, th,ý demand for a new township would flot have been so iisis- Reaèl Estate, Insurance Loans & Investmnents J. E. MIEREDITI1 & CO. UtOOM 3 SCUMACK BLOCK lm CIRCUIT COURT gy41!WÔOSPITAL RUL » MISSWl TO OCT. 28, MR&. AIRENS NO. 2 - WITH On* t(bIng seerma quite evident ln CIVIL CASES IN CIRCUIT COURT CI'ILD TESTPY MEFORE THE WLtnkegan: many physîclans in the POSTPONED UNTIL TMAT GRAND JURORS TODAY. communlty are at 'sward's points" DATE-MANY CASES. - wltb Cunty Physîclan A. E. Brown ____ ALEXANDER ROBERTSON FORÉ- and the "stau2 quo' as between the The Octaber terni f the Circuite MAN OF GRAND JURY-RE- ctunty dector and ses eral of them la court opened ait 1.30 p. ni., Monday, VIEW ALLEGEO MURDER. reacbbng a point where it lu aseumlng Hias Honor Judge Charles DonnellY --a rather Interestlngbîut t the sainse îreslding. i Waiîkegan, Ort, i9. - A Chicago tinie saaewhat serions aspect. The petit jury was dlsmlssed untîlm iorntan who dlaims ta b" a sec- And asl One man, a friend 0f the Mtonday, Oct. 28, when the clvil cases ud vile of EdwOrd J. Abrens, cauntY dOctor explained, lie fuit it waa wlll be called for trial. Althougb a. leîd tu the grand jury on a blgamy ail over the fact that Dr. Brown wae maJority of the inembers of the Laite charge, was calied ta testtfy before again tis year gis en tbe Position Ot Cout a sscaIn deciared! the grand Jury ?londaY afternaon. cointy doctor. lie answers It by de- theniselves as favorlng the plan of, .irs. Ahreuis-No. 2-carried a two;clarbng that It woiîld hie the sanie If postîsoning ail civil cases until the year nid chilId into the grand Juriy any other local î.hysieian hadi een regular eceniher terni of the court, a roattm-lien bier naine mas cailed. The gîven the contraet. In short. accard- number of clvil cases wilhe trled tbis bigamy charge was one of the fîrat tng ta his expiaiiatioîî, il s a case Of montb. calledl today. the county doctor agaînst the field, Try Damage Casas. The grand jury was enipanneied at wîth a merry argument pro and con Attorniey Elmer V. Orvîs lnsisted 1:55. Alexander Robertson of Hlgb- as ta who la rlght. that the jury shouid not he dismlssedl land Park, ias niamed as foreman of Status at Hospital. and civil cases potî,oned untîl Deceni- the jury by Judge Charles H. Don-î The exclusive annouincement ln the jber, lnasmuch as there were severai neIiy. SUTN Wednesday to the efteet that the damage suits ta lue trled. The cases R. j. Oadygs tatsment. NIrAlister hospital board had adopted hie mentîoned were ail agaluat the re- Wheîî the grand jury v-as emPan- a new ule ta the effeci that. here- celver of tise Chicago & tillwaukee' neIed Raîuib J. Dady. states attorneY, after al doctors sendîng patientst Electrlc railroad. sald: "Gentiement yaîî bave been Î'- the hospîtai musti natre payment et '"By December the reeive.r mlI vestigating certain aleged crîmlinathe bill that la thus incurred by tic bave basn dîscbarged, and tîten what offenses. You shall say wbo shali ana patient, bas prerlpitated a ratiter ln-i wili baîupen t<to or cases," argtted ,Mr. who shailrut bc lndlcted. There must, teresting stuation in tise cty. Orvis. Thse damagees suits isgatnat thel be ifl lurors, and 12 must vote 111 tav- One'-doctor states that lie doesnt recelver of the eîectrlc i lie caiIcd or ef indictment Lefore a trtie bil 'ausheileve the bospital Pupeole have an , thse at week in Octoher. te retiîrneei 10 the court." intentions of entame ig t. and aildsi Jurera Dismlssed. %iivl (,u(IG.Clenowetli. dent of the tisai Itv-ould lhe impîossible or enifore :F, M. Galant. Itenion. inabie ta mi Iv reîeace Hess, the claim being ing The hasîltai peoplie themselves hîre msen to assist s, ih oni, at tarin. .1tdori('harles l}etnelly. jiidge of are admittedly wei deritigliow i mlii i1 (,îoîirt, '.sid '1.;eîtletsent. i do panioutlin tise loing rin. tic: îî an îu to rctîirn a trîle lIt 'I Serves Notice on Hospial. ixîljeýs ot~ii eet thiat the ichararter Oet Another doctor, il e reperted, lias i. e. idenc islîl wsarranti a COfli le setit a mitien nolifji u oIte lins- lion when the case is calied for trial ital t0 the effeet that he wîshes the if yoîî feel that the evîdexîce sa net aîthoritles there Io unîersland that stronz enouîcl te vwarrant a convie- ha iii Dot bu resiionsillefor bitts tiotu do flot retîîrn a truc bill. t vil!iîneurred hy patientîs whmi he may expect you ta report ln a day orso.** telli b go to th>e hoa;îltal for atten- Man y Cases Pending- tion. It Is sald that others iftend do- There are an unusuaily large num-i lng the sanie tbing. The doctars are hem of cases ta be revIemed by the dolng this ln order that If patients grand jttrors. It la expecied that they are sent tbere-ss mans' must he- il1).K. legera ood, W~est Dee' no one 10 as-sat in the work at1 bas nîne isorses andti isso mii came of, Ilerman Il Itorchardt, t>e-il carpenter, slck child ai home. t .John Efllng. farmer, Antic abIe ta procure men ta assist ini on farm. jChsarles Ibarden, Antioch. miti * years old bis nexi lîirthday; ex hecause ot bIs age, Mortimer Kapisle. Avon; wifE in Chicago hosîtîtal. -rielui;1 lome 1he 691 tri>sed esîcit wil l report Wednesday morning. theY cao flot Iegally he held respons-i Martin Wagner. Fremout. filng si- Slxty-three persoa sbave been s.b- lble for tiiose bis despîte the mie,101%; cannot procure assiwtance. poenaed to testlfy before the grand o fthe hospital. Albert S'derman; hard of hearlng; Jury. The Jorgenson murder case wf could flot hear as well as the court; bervlwd oa. ogesnla Laite Forent Academy defeated '111 em ployed at wlre milii. Judge Don- charged wth havlng murdered hIe pal "aîk- %Ret NvIsin hîgh sehool et nelly thought that If soderman wouid at Fox Lakte, tllinois. Two petty lar- LMe FZrs Saturday by 20 to 0. serve as a Juror and get away front ceny cases were reYvIewed today. Bath he "hum, dang and clang'* of the ma- men ere ron Lak FoentIlLchlnery hls hearing would Improve. CenturesaOn. Juror. Judge Duunelly centured one Jurar Dispiaylng classy forrn In tbe apen who beld up his Ieft band to be sworni gante, PePaul stied 'ta footbill -'ýa- for jury service. "Yan are expected !son wtth a vlctary aver theiesdiers ta hald up your rlght band wben you of Fort Sheridan at DePaul Saturday.! taite an oath in thîs court," aald the Tefnl olvss o8 Judge. __________________ The folowing cages will be revlewed . by the grand jury: A. W Brooka--a§sasult. J. E. Hermes-assault. Richard Cathell-horse stealing LUT Chas. Johnson-laroeny. Arthtsr Barrett-burglàry. James Jettersoit-aaault.Co Albert Stevenon-burglary. Walter Shai-hurglary. _______________________ Sidney BeI-burglary.W H S. Banis-crime againat nature. BÂ R Y DELTCÂCI*S A LIFE DO4UftÂNCE CL Cerf Swan-iarceny. Sure te Please Anthony Zark-larceny. George Zark-larceny.B E DB N1 O KISIRemember, 1 Rem Frank Zark-larceny. Fresh Every Day (Wth Apologies ta, Thomi Peter Staffer-aBsanlt deadly weaî>p IESCAKE, DOGêIN1TS I wet on. IS AED UtNT h ie o htàwoe John Kalasea ski, Henry Werer.k Ba)ed 1Ifilled the application bianlk- and nthov Dads-urglry nd lr- y heurt was tan.,y tlsrsa. amiAnhoy ras-tiglryan lr-THE R.&NITÂRY W'ÂY And whee lha paid tse.. dollar ceny ' ______________With na aiu f éget tonat Zergotas-Iarceny, My otel ha. been entirety remodel. 1 oeuld bae fallen on his neck Sain Har> e1-assauit. led and 1 can handîs s greal many 'hat man in living get. John Honey-assauit. moe peapls as a consequence, dur- i rensember, I remsember K~art AsbJornsen-houlyide. ing Fair Ws.k The tins. now zaeuia remote William Callits-burgiary. LOCATEO NEAR OL) DEPOT The. Exscstive Chef Special. Edwad Kine-arcny.With tsis at and funaeal c, EduardKlle-arcny.Mrs. 0. S iioHe hueuglit fros te HIome (i John Pauseni-î ie abandonment. * r'M 11gb pressure autois, and Otto E. Meyer-iarceuy. Juat wrote up a few millions Fred Vois-larceny' That nons of us couid land. E J. Ahreui, blgamv _________1_________Iremember, 1I rembner Jorgeson-mrder.Hew we urges1 wth ail eue Jorgtîso rnudcrimportance of tIhe divdende- Northwùterr adLl. estps,.They were "profiter thonenI eda0toi i ontheal orhei plat 'c Wsurged foeger rates te torel Nor'aescŽ,n et>For retursas would sure ho.f 1 iiverilty field at Evanston S.tr- And now thse companies admi 1a, h wýas -lie tîrst tim.- that the They're but an everc lue. two north shore institutions me on Ho'.'tis. entsse e fig the. grîdiron ln a decade. H-ley s.aentas utsed o i As tbough sucb thinga were But 1 ans in thse business yet, And count it as a jey Ta note inspreved cendiltions,a i *tarted as.a boy. making watches la enmarching ahead eteadily T[he old M ic jor years. Wateenhave more bruina andakiîllputinto their makngta day St ban ever. progressive, 45- Andstil teV regettIna ceaper &Il hewhle-hichIo rtbe etr'ge If Yots would 1ke to leara just how lS5ulnlg aj.i stanÉ lar the watch makIng art bas ad- STEER STRAIGHT vanced. thia la the place ta came ta. Il you wisb ta find out bow ches a i g poiis to Wmi. Layeock & C'o.il yon have:any a reaiiy reliabie watch tan be sol suto need, rppairing or Otberwise. We visit this store. daim ta knaw aur business and ta at- our watch stock containe ALL Exà.ceptional tend ta t-a Maimt made good by sverY that the prt of wateb makina ban ta job eavlng our band@. Even If rôti offer. h l orp tà ,.,,Pe u, tady,.drap ln n alîîgy wIo1 rpa tt anybow. Welcome! Adw ilnl lc U l your dsposai. Wm. Laycock Co. 1A.HUÈS MOLINE MOTOR CARS I EWELER Libertyvle, IIL LUrtywil. *Ilimi PI4ONES-.R.iam.esIM . Sbep432 ___________ tATI WUIUTU5JO. 00utltrU'8UiW ha, reéelved a recelpt from StaLti X'reasursr IL M. Mitchell fer $40,529.23 for thse ami-annual setilement of thse lnheritance tax. Thse monoy wus sent ta the state tresaurer twa weeks ago, The checkt la one of the largest ever sent ta the State Treasurer froni a oounty oMetcai. Lalce's bbg weekly-INDEPENDENT. rAilu mum5uI t U»eUW5 U« Importance la Wauàkegle 1s iat whes.elnthse omlng plas « o.Charles Mortison, Pm' aident ot thée Globe De- p5rtinent store, are announced. Mr. Morrtson's engagement ta Miss Anna Jatte, 6304) Prairie avenue. Chbago, wae announced today and whlle thse weddlng date la not set, It la stated It wiilb. soan atter the tiret of nazi Yser. muss Rilla MC*Nolty Theatre Wed. A N D Thurs. October 16--i7 Special Attractions in Spotlight IUn addition to ;egular program to loyers of good music, this wuiI be a great treat. Don't miss it by stagia.g at home P'1 1 - -'t ýw 'l 1 ý -1 1

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