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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Oct 1912, p. 4

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119 G.n.se" St F C Sid-o. -j, "b!kW us tla Charge of Case SàpCrisis WIiI Be Rsached S erne Time omorw iITATE HIE TO DYSTER Div sATURGal »swd No Syauýtoms o0# lood Pu ,1 0m"ng Appeer by Thut TIo-P .Ni* RaIcevery la Expected te et Rapd-No Poison round on Asailante Bullets. st~cgo Oco. 1.-Notoutil friday gtbede Itely kuocu chethor * elRoosevelt Io ln soros dap- the cound Inflicted, bY Jolie ~k9,8 bulet i: Milwaukeue Mon. tg uat. This nformation cas fme ram the surgeons ln attend- t0.oeihe colonel t Mercy bospital. le taisd thit ail conditions are lâimbIe ta týe datinuloiled Pa- ,#mIirs recova4y,, ne tir as indications ',Mto 4 elopel thui fer. but it la im- toflblS t this ime to detarmine *beller bleod poisoning cin toiloc. U t» e Ton Home Saturdey. :,lgs biood posoning inter!Tere *M thle course of Clonel Rooaevelt's -" w 6 utl ho-riemo'v- b te- Oyster Bay Baturday. ~tIdew48 settled upon lu i onter- offl- beun)ira. Rooevelt, Dr. Xi*pim. pr. Bevan and the colonl bbisaèf.Ille colonel haz lnisted that ba'40sible to start ati ny ttime, but *B*adaclared ont of the quèttion by ad Mns. Roosevet UBe The colonel bas toit mo e 1a, bull moome" True. Usr ats jnmped ton couat.. ai bt tifwuciant coadared booteek, nstssd of a.but no meat wcul u*tl the expiration ot ptbd. wiiuchiinome >Ofted, cVe bruts« by end o! the frplUo an it le bîelieve jb15grec together cith 1b.o coiuel's demt uader dt and the &""edin& w40* much roeied overý of as teletram frm mil- o"i cha eeminai "Yoilei @fflht bulefr lé t le kipmusiWo revolver dit- * a. videme o poisolnia. Tho pig kcU w ere ieoculatod ptof othIe serapinge are - elshow no ymploma aof èt;dr*Lymof o!Texas, Who tiIth le patienvs preseuce j1iove minutes' Conversation kt.bitta tuat Colonel Roose- ,pae t o e lac llnbtheCm- 1, k mét hIenk o oeels. IU r-ofls 01ifSvMeatli. g * *05 1~r i N t I 44)( 'i The-ReSx Who on Wednesday Won Deciding Oame li World's Serles,_Thereby Annexiig the Woidt Champlonshlp Pen nant for the Season 1912 A1.1LITAIDepartxuent utareta. - lu charge of Mrs, Elbert Beeman, AT Acting Secretary Cook COUntY S. S. ,,~, ~ Zion City, and Rev. C. A. Miller, LAKE COIJNTY SUNDAY OCHOOL ASSOCIATION CONVENTION NEXT WEEK. MANY EMINENT SPEAKERS -MAN' ESSO#ê~ 1BEUSHELO AT AUDITORIUM ON TUES- DAY AND WEDN£8DAY. The Forty.second Annual Conven- tion orf the lIÀe Coanty 8fiuudY fflom Associaton cilI ho beld le iSortI chicago 'ruammay an4 wadue- "y, October 22umil 23. The main sessions wM i la hld et tbe Auditrium, one.block nortb ef tbe Elgbteenth- sîreet alectrict deoa. D"Krtment sessions ciU be held at the, Clapter lBouseDinear cll ha borvod at the Prasbyterlatn church. The muneo! the convention ciU be in charge o! Mr. A. D. McNeil, o! Zian City. Thse Proursn,-Tuasdey Mornina. Tuesday, Oct. 22. CHARNIIP1 'Yàl", RED'SOX Grayalake. Subjects for Discussion: 1. Importance of the 'leen age Biotn An n League Tsam 2. QualificatIons and traiug orf ae ~sv an the toacher. .3. Claseoganisation aed actlv- DEfU1'FI MW YORK SIATS 4. Misofonary Instruction. 5.Graigd Lessous. 6. Carlng for the social lite. Gret ai, le. NMot OooldUMsIt How lead to sed, car$ for the Terth I[:in# W dIMVO* 40Olme religions awsktulug. Thus suâalninge lifter 1:46 ta 3:4i;-Aduit Canference. lu qt<o end. charge of Hugh Carl4 Chicago, and L. J. Yager, Waukegin. Subiects for Discussion: Boton, 0ct. 1.--'oou Red Soi 1. Importance af clam organiza- wou the corgi itesebali champion- lion. ship lu the .000 upbctacular battle ta 2, Hoc Increase claie iuemberiip. the bistoly.1 of ah"e a Psnciy 3. The qualfication an duties of park. defea l*~ Nec Yotk Olants, Ihe iche, clmpios ~,National bagua. in 4. Th cha lu ssolo.the tonUtu n dy a score o! 3 ta 2. 4. Te caàsin esson.Decld.! h1e Tant. 6. The social lite af the Clase. With the score 1 to a lt Ma beglu- 6. A defiite contribution tu mis- ning o! .11. tenth muleS, Jobn Mur atons. ny drove the balli mb tl* luft fiel 7.Temperance and puritY. bleachars for a double sud scored on 8. Coinmuity cark suitable to Maerle's sinigle. Wtb one rue need- adult classes. ed, the lRed Box cime back Slong In 9. ResponsibiUty o! the clam train- the tentb. putti.ng aven lhe rns thst ing Christian leaders. brought lIeus th. corîds lauirels in 10. Methoda and plans far furnihh- baseball. The crocd ruphed on the ileld and Ing persoual evangelism. galbered aroun4, the Red Soi bondh 3: 45-ServIce of Sang-Led by A. D. .cheering the bQmne payere. Scmn r e tdn u Wmarnas cdes t53.- :à-metn rte yrý- McNeil. sud condolence Dourad la upc. Ive Commillea clth Tocnship O- 1 a Roosevet. ram Il parts o! ficers 4: 00-A.ddress, "Parents' Prablen-1 Ivd the"e messega ceMe.SOMe Registration and assigisment of dele- Cm lIhe Suuday Scboal Help Salve b»w 610râlet, than we. gaes.. .Tbemr--Hugt Corp. pe WOf.Do gales. 0 bg 4: 30--Adjourninent. 0 aersons yet acuy pess-O l :0-Devotionai service. TueeaY- Evenine. nigect ympathy AU hope W 11: 2-ddroe-"The Keynote of - 30-SBervice of Praie-Lai by A. D. goePa speedy recovery. This Convetion'-Mr. Hugh Cork McNeiI.1 agiains care roceived trom £m, Geaoral Secretaro! the Illinois 8. t:00-Address--Hugb Cork. William o! Ornacy, Kin S. Associatios. 8 0Macm feig *of ltnid, King Christian o! 11:60-APPOlntinent of cammittees. :0-Âîted of-M r. an Lcene ml., King Alonso O! SpahI, î2:0-Adjournment. 8(louedr Se rariotenawreal ne tant alées o! France, tue eeaScrtyinraiolad 9 Prbc kc d Prince«a af Ger Tuasday Afternoeun. -. .World'a Sunday Scbaol Associa- afd RIes Vicor Emuinnel of - ion. Thi laut message cas crîtten 1:45 ta 3: 45-Department Coferancea . îs-Boeiction. s"au,. chlcl neither Colonel -Eiementary, Sacondary aud Adut Wednesday Mornlng. ivolt non aeyone &bout the boa- 1:45 to : 45-Elementary Conferencom 9: 0Dvtos 'wu able tareaid. ln charge ai'Mns. Trancis D. Ever- o nsa tena' sem.micogratuistions.' cas ett., o! Highland Park, and lira. H. o 5-erc Ipemase Lord Curzon sat tram M. Leyda. Chcago. cont-eance, m owàéps bfflnY edtgt, Baingatone. En£- Opening Exrises for a Prtmiry D)e- 94-eot rmlSaîa Dr. Lymain Ahbott, editor o! the partient. Conducted hy Mis Alice 10: 1 i-Reports a! officers. X~ and Cardinal Gibbons sent Srang, of Gayalake. 10:4-The corl revieed ad Ira- 0ge. chicls pleueai the colonel Dsuso fJnir eigEe- Pravementa suggeated. lY. Dicsina uirOeigEe 11:16s-Conîorenco "Met~ s o! ln- ,CWoonel -<id One Escape. cises. ahrn"LdbHitCok IlColonel lRoosevelt uarrocly Cr9dle RaolSuggestions and Meîbode gathe-lJu" Le bforHuginCarl. r ilarlorl the evenlng -Miss Olive Simpson, North Chi-12:-diumutfrIucen .u ht cas announced by, cage, Mra. John A, Pulman, Chi- Wadnosedoy Aftarneon. Sautlrtes ln Mlwaukee, cage. 1:45-3:30 - Denomlinational conter- t0 Sreaut Schrmder. The Elemetary Standard-MrVs.H. M. aos o! ledRooeol Prty chou Leyda, Presdeflt Chcagoa ded 1:45 tb 3: 30-Methoilt Episcopil trledtaarreal chrank no o uda oo ech . Confernc-Led hy Rov. W. C. ýbi trytug ta gel close Uinu udySbo ecee Barlley, D. , Educational Dlrector t automobile. Graded Lassons lu Smaiisud Large M. E. Board of Suuday 80bools. -~ cboisMrs Carleton M. Va], 1:45 la 3:30-Congregationgtl Con CeusIna May Wed. Hghland Park. H. E. Moore, ) trec-LibyPof . .Wad 1Oct.7.-The supreme field.CogregaeLional TPeo. P.C.i Bom- - àtWutba decided that Annual Promotions - lira. A. W. . C breaia. olgeBrnn b0om fOrsIcouins, ai- rCiao * y «Mute lu Pennt- Brooks, ZIOn City. Misa Jaunie 1:45 ta 3:30-Presbyterian Couference ilg Bgl IScntnicted Welch, Roserraus, %lime mena Roch- -Led by Rev. W. H. Boyle, D. Dý cIcr. emua uriages are -enhaci. Deerflald. 0f Lak<e Forent. iland Wr-Mrs Pred W. Scbîimacb- 1:4r) ta 3:30-Couference a! ail tbe - er. Highland Park, lira. H. E. other denomlnatons-Isd by -Ufgi -Vlru k 40.0ora mb « loore. Deertleld, Cork, Pro!. P. C. Ward and Rov. W. Va.. Oc*Mt 17.-CcoU, e DleofaTocnship lemeuîary Super- H. Wray Boylie, D, D. ot il a-nvj tnkb@1004- ntendents.-Mîes lazel Darby 4:15--Addresg "Aller lhe Convention r> wes rau 0* ocefeler. -W h t'"-H gh Cor. - G00ral Dsecussion of Eiementary 4:30-Close of the Conromîie. - >,.$e. spectator saidressed a-n lsulting r.- mark ta McOGraw and there cas a anx change ai blocs. licOnie cas ou hie iWay 10 thelRed Sox bench ta cangralulate Stahi o: hi& vlctory. The crocd pressed about Matheceon, sud pattai hlm on the bick for his claver box work. World'a seriez accres prior ta lbh decisive game and i wnuing clubs and pitch.;Fs cere: Omct:', it Necw'zorx-Boaton cou 4 tu 3, Wood pitchlng. tI Q . U / 5 Oct. . et Boston-Tic gaine. Mat- heceon nad Bedient Ditcbers. W Ok .10, t Boston-New York cou., S ff3 .LL Maftuard pitchtug. 10i. 11, et New York-Bouton won, 04t. 12. el Boston - Boston won, BLEI BoItent ptchlns. twWifletoTe88 Oct. 14 t New York-New York 1 (pce lpoc 0T.Aa con.. Mirquard on slab. Foilowlng la thi.e *tgt t lagijed ________________ by 1the physiciens tlis .moming &fier STORMIHITS TEXAS COAST @xamlnatien of Colonel fleomeveit: "The. recorde show thst Colonel Strotch 09150 Milse laReported te n k Roelt passoed à very good night In petih of Dsmaging Wlnd. M i iPr*ture and pulse arte nr -- -al; tuat hie hLghe.t pu#se elnse O Dallas, Tex., Oct. 17. - Reports o'cîock laMt nfht was e0.tompsrânr re.,cbed bIre f a severe storm n o the OU aend that hie ple tOoclook tisI _."as citwleen Corpus Christi m0rninq was 74 Pand hIfe température and Brocnsvllle, a slretcb o! *bout908sdrsralt2;thti 1 150 miles. 1L n eprto 0 ht1ý1 The starni soemed ta be carking havlng lese Irritation of hls pleure etraight minid. Eariy reports laid ot frfn te ljurd nb then he di yse- bis damage. tOriY; tht h. di not have ta have 8Msnsnsvllle, Tex., Oct. 17-The 1 an odyfle for the pain. Odnerai cofqt of a several hour' wind sud contditioni excellent. ratau stormn seemis over. Nulna cas "O .t îS.MURPHY, kiîed. Necs la Iacklng tram Point -OR. DEAN SEVAN. *laibel, nearer the gulf then tis tocu. Corpus Christi, Tex., Oct. 17. - Re.- DR. SCURRY L TERRELL." *porta here are that six mlles of the Terminal railway t .Ar>ns Paso le With Mrs. Roosevelt and other dunder cater and likely tu caEh away. uembes o! hie famtly Btaiseside People living aloug the bench have Colonel Roosevelt tÔay passed *maved ta higher graund. Vend va- trubhuicihhepyiin lacity af elxty ta ane hundred miles tconelie res llhluea cysht sa an hour l reported, unofflially. cniee rUa aawyta t _________________ied thein that .ail danger le prac. Horace laman Dies. tlalîy paaed. d Amsterdam, N. Y., Oct. 17-Horice "Unchinged" cas the cord the à,lmen, aged eevaty-tlree. ituacu as doctors et Mercy bospital ued ta, de 'e he father of the piper box inustry. scribe Roolavelta condition. died bore. 'm feeling bally." care the colo. Oraeo.dMer Upetaîrs by Maîr. nel'6 carde 1Inlirs. Roosevolt, hie id Manuno.iI., Oct. 16-Mns. Dalla daughtem. Ethel Rooseveltt sud Mr» on Boureli seeke a divorce tram ber bus. Nieholas Longworth and bis son, id baud, William, alleging that bc Theodore, Jr. n draggad ber upelaîrs by bl1er hair. Dr. Murphy relarded today as the turnlng Point. Unofflially nome ar lCllied by Fail froni Troc. Marcy 11boapîtal staff declared If the ae Murphysbora, Ill.,Ù. c 6.-Gertrude blood-pqlsonigcst eeo id Coleman, eleven. tell forty teat fro. I ouîd aPpar tonigbt, forty-eight a tree lu whicb she was zstberilg bours sitar the shooting. nuta and waBs intlyklI gin .erm nwom a nt thé ae.g.tait dicalon of stythîng eXcopt .th sangineObop"s lu Ibe oxpreemosq the boepttl. Maey Hospital. chicigo, Oct. 1- Colonel Rocovet vcas sI9Iq eosndig. t 4 oclocli tuat tlu <114 nu at etrb bis 10 taae, i pertute.t TI. colonel vace. èd lu i airain 1154 could -pMalng .bui in lb. Corridor .auldue. .Mercy sMoepitsl. OCLt. 11 Roosevelt le fseplng somadly. ne. ~wet t:sep At 3: 16. ate orami"** #ý»fcy Hospital,. Chicago. 40O 41 Colil wRoosolvuel tucm 111 gil a i raidit et 3oeock i tIe ni'W~ 4 lie *am evàr 11k ~ ~ O auam bildoks u o emily to<is f *NM bis !ftorler com* tlOiL4iWng tuerttet tcety-for boudé Ih b . Ino -opsl tgW tmtkno. W6d n l l iobtbIn im. cuit<o Iwws U. Wb"l fflthe a" M14 bke.m au élu and ErmeetBwmmana of H1S1i18 wOmetd aura frut the viafut et atUmros.m vanSton. . Thor con batlh fnd aRII c0etae. Qjaliy and Satifctionj ï ha ükth~ usiness Is bulit on. You arc sure; when you buy an article ln this store that Il: s the best that ca le had for the price. We want and ask your trade. because of the value *e glwe, . Ôur, Kuppenhelmer Overcoats and 13 aIts at $15.00 f6 2OhuI lnte.rest'you. Trhey have style, fitan uliy. We are showlng some very nobby Mats- $2.00O and $3.Oo--STETSO4S-$3.50 and $4.0 * Id on d- ln kt in id ýh, ae ti ti v D ti le I)f le It ht

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